BIR 2015 Paganelli Etal
BIR 2015 Paganelli Etal
BIR 2015 Paganelli Etal
Open Access
© 2015 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2015 REABIC
Rapid Communication
Received: 23 July 2014 / Accepted: 14 November 2014 / Published online: 8 December 2014
This paper reports the first record of the non-indigenous species Gammarus roeselii Gervais, 1835 in the sub-lacustrine Ticino River basin
(Po river floodplain, Northern Italy). Up to now in Italy, this Balkanian amphipod, known as an “exotic species, well established” in
Central Europe, had only been reported in the North-Eastern part of the country (Sile River basin). Gammarus roeselii has a low spreading
potential, so its presence in other parts of Europe can only be explained by human activities. However, the available data suggests that its
presence in the sub-lacustrine Ticino River basin does not currently represent a threat to the population of the native Echinogammarus
stammeri, which is still very healthy in this area.
Key words: crustaceans, non-indigenous species, introduction, Northern Italy, Ticino River basin
D. Paganelli et al.
semi-natural areas such as ponds, oxbow lakes
In total, the estimated macrobenthos community
and small streams, which are often used as fish
density was 1553 ind.m-2. The gammaridean
repopulation areas.
specimens comprised almost 60% of the community
The Gaviola stream, one of the small right-
and the rest of the assemblage was composed of
bank tributaries of the Ticino River, is characterised
Chironomidae (12.3%), Baetis rhodani (Pictet,
by moderate running water and stony substrate,
1843) (11%) and Hydropsyche modesta Navás
and is surrounded by agricultural fields (Figure 1).
1925 (8%). We identified 108 specimens (which
During the biological survey carried out in
correspond to an estimated density of 711 ind.m-2)
June 2014, the water temperature was 21.6°C,
of the indigenous species Echinogammarus
with an oxygen saturation of 79% (dissolved
stammeri (Karaman, 1931) and 33 specimens
oxygen=6.8 mg/L) and a pH of 7.2.
(which correspond to an estimate density of 217
This small river also has a relatively good
ind.m-2) of the non-indigenous species Gammarus
cover of macrophytes such as Myriophyllum
roeselii, with a ratio of 3:1.
spicatum, Potamogeton pectinatus and P. nodosus,
Gammarus roeselii Gervais, 1835 was easily
Elodea nuttalii, Veronica anagallis aquatica,
distinguished from E. stammeri due to the
Sparganium erectus and Callitriche spp.
presence of a strong mid-dorsal process on each
Furthermore, as is the case with all freshwater
of the three metasome segments; the number of
courses in the sub-lacustrine Ticino River basin,
processes varies from three (on the three
at least another two non-indigenous species are
metasome segments) to four, with an extra process
present: the crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard,
on the last mesosome segment. Furthermore, the
1852) (Garzoli et al. 2014) and the mollusc
most characteristic features are found in the
bivalve Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
setation of the antennae and the pereiopods and
(Nicolini and Lodola 2011).
3 rd uropod; both the number and the length of setae
(and spines) increase with age and only become
Materials and methods fully characteristic when the animal is sexually
mature. Urosome segments 1 to 3 are always more
Along a transect of 10 m, we collected three or less elevated and laterally compressed (Karaman
random sub-samples using a hand net (950µ and Pinkster 1977) (Figure 2).
mesh) with a square frame (22×23 cm, which The mean length of G. roeselii collected in the
corresponds to an area of 0.0506 m2). Biological Gaviola stream was 10.64 ± 4.47 mm. The sex
First record of Gammarus roeselii in Ticino River basin
D. Paganelli et al.
survive in dry conditions, it is known that their food preferences, and population genetics
gammarids can survive out of the water for a few of G. roeselii in order to infer important aspects
days. For example, according to Martens and of the invasion process of this species.
Grabow (2008), D. villosus can survive for up to
6 days out of the water. Indeed, Bacela- Acknowledgements
Spychalska et al. (2013) stated that G. roeselii We are grateful to Dr. Fabio Stoch for his help during the
has a greater ability to stay attached to different identification process of the species. We also thank Charlotte
materials (e.g. ropes and neoprene diving suites) Buckmaster for revising the English text and two anonymous
than Gammarus pulex (although less than reviewers for their comments and useful suggestions on the
D. villous) which could favour the colonisation
of new environments.
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