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Environmental friendly methods for the Egyptian coastal protection

Conference Paper · March 2010

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1 author:

Moheb Iskander
National Water Research Center


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Moheb Mina Iskander


The Egyptian coasts suffer from many coastal problems. Many trials have been executed
to overcome these problems and only limited success have been gained. This is due to
executing traditional coastal structures without the execution of complete environmental
impact assessment study to identify the side effects of these structures and their
mitigation measurements. The new concept of coastal protection, building with nature,
overcomes this problem by establishing a new group of environmentally friendly coastal
structures with less side effects, high efficiency and low cost. This paper is an attempt to
apply this new concept in solving coastal problems and protecting the Egyptian coastal

Coastal structures are classified into four groups -- traditional protection, soft protection,
combined protection and low cost structures. The usage and side effects of each group is
briefly discussed. This classification is used to identify the suitable coastal protection
works for the Egyptian coasts depending on the new concept.

Keywords: Egyptian coasts, coastal structures, coastal problems, Environmental

protection works.

1. Introduction:

With the beginning of the last century, the environment awareness is increased and new
concepts as the environment protection and sustainable development have been
established. With this new approach, the concept of coastal protection is changed from
opposing the natural forces to building with nature, (Van Rijn, 2004). In the past, many
trials to oppose the effect of the natural forces required the construction of huge hard
structures such as sea walls, breakwaters, etc with extensive side effects, which may
exceed the initial problems.
Recently, the new concept, which is building with nature, requires the knowledge of the
exact behavior of the coastal zone, and hence addresses the main reasons for the problem
in order to choose its suitable protective structure. This should be followed by the
environmental impact study to know the side effects of this structure and its mitigation

Researcher, Coastal Research Institute, Ph.D. in Coastal Engineering, E-mail: [email protected]

Accordingly, a new group of environmentally friendly coastal structures is established. In
addition, new approaches to deal with the coastal problems appear. Three basic choices
are possible: no action, re-planning the coastal zones and relocating the existing
structures to be far from the sea, and executing positive corrective measures (USACE,

The alternatives for the corrective measures may include structures that may directly
armor the shore, or those that dissipate the wave energy and/or those to retain the shore
slopes against sliding. Each alternative requires an evaluation of the present data from the
site, the planned land uses, money and time available and other effects that may result
from any decision.

Egypt constructed the first coastal structure in the world which is the first harbor of
Alexandria built west of Pharos Island about 1800 B.C., (USACE, 2002). Egypt as one of
the pioneers in coastal protection should start work with these new concepts to protect its
coastal environment and increase its economic values. This environmental approach
requires the cooperation of all the social communities, executive sectors, and educational

The aim of this paper is to discuss the coastal problems on the Egyptian coast; different
types of coastal structures that have been used; highlight on the new approach in coastal
protection and recommend suitable structures compatible with the new concept to solve
the Egyptian coastal problems.

2. Types of Coastal Structures and Their Usage

The coastal protection structures can be classified into four classes: hard structures, soft
structures, combination between both and low cost ones. Hereafter is a brief note about
each class and its subdivisions.

2.1 Traditional coastal structures (Hard Structures):

• Seawalls:
The vertical face of a seawall will create a standing wave which doubles the incident
wave height and cause the concentration of its energy on the area directly in front of the
wall. This concentrated wave energy can rapidly erode the sands in front of the wall and
cause scour that eventually undermining the wall’s foundation creating its overturning
and destruction. The old Mohamed Ali seawall at Abu Quir bay, the old Burg El Burullus
seawall, and the old seawall west of Damietta Nile estuary are some examples of the
usage of this structure in the past to protect the Egyptian coast, figure (1-I). However,
extensive erosion is identified in front of these walls before their modifications to slope
the face which improved the situation.


Mohamed Ali Seawall Rositta Revetment


El Agami Detached Breakwaters El Arish Harbor Breakwater


Ras El Bar Jetty

El Mandara Groins

Figure (1): Some Examples of the Coastal Structures Within the Egyptian Coastal Zone.
Bulkheads are vertical retaining walls used to hold or prevent the soil from sliding
seaward. Bulkheads are often used when deep water must be maintained up to the
shoreline for boating or shipping. Bulkheads are only suitable for low energy protected
sites where large waves are not anticipated.

• Revetments: The most effective type of shore protection structure for a high-energy
site is a sloped stone revetment. A revetment dissipates the energy of breaking waves
without reflecting it. The more irregular surface is the more effective one for dissipating
the energy. This kind of structures is widely used in Egypt in the east and west of Rosetta
estuary, the east side of Burg El Burullus, east of Damietta Nile estuary, and for the
protection of the sea road west of Port-Said, figure (1-II). These structures increase the
erosion rate in front of them and shift the erosion problem to the downdrift areas, so they
are used when no beaches in front of them are required.

• Dikes and Levees:

Dikes are typically earth structures (dams) that keep elevated water levels from flooding
the interior lowlands areas. In open coast areas, dikes that separate low lying areas from
open water are often constructed with a rock slope or similar armor layer on the open
water side to protect the dike from wave action and erosion. The Netherlands dike is a
good example while the modified Abu Quir wall is a good small example in Egypt.

• Breakwaters:
There are two types of breakwaters; the first one is the detached breakwater which is
constructed in the offshore side and parallel to the coastline. It is used to dissipate the
energy of the approaching waves and form a protected shadow zone on its landward side.
This type is widely used in Egypt at northwestern coast as in Marabella and 6th of
October resort village, and Delta coast as in Baltim, Damietta, and El Gamil areas, figure
The second type is the breakwater that is connected to the coast, i.e. it is extending from
the coastline to the offshore direction. This type of structures is used to protect harbors
and navigation channels from wave action to create a calm area for ships and may be for
swimming. In Egypt this type is used in Sidi Kerair port, Sidi Kerair coastal resort, Edku
LNG harbor, El-Arish power plant and El-Arish fishing harbor, figure (1-IV). All of these
structures cause sedimentation and erosion problems in the updrift and downdrift zones
respectively, (CoRI 1998 and Frihy 2001).

• Groins:
Groins are constructed perpendicular to shore and extend, like fingers, through the surf
zone. They are usually in areas that have a reasonable amount of littoral drift. Groins may
be used as single structure or in groups of equal length known as groin fields. They may
be also constructed in segments with gradually decreased length to form groin system.
The main purpose of the groin is to trap the littoral drift or retard its longshore
movement. Sand tends to accumulate on the up drift side of a groin while erosion occurs
on the down drift side. Some examples of using this structure along the Egyptian coast
can be found in: the middle part of Marina El-Alamien center, El Mandara beach,east and
west of Rosetta protection works, east Baltim sea resort, and on the western and eastern
sides of El Arish port, figure (1-V). Typical shoreline changes are observed around these

• Jetties:
Jetties are shore-connected structures generally built on one side or both sides of the
navigation channel perpendicular to the shore and extending into the ocean. Jetties are
used for stabilization of navigation channels at river mouths and tidal inlets. They are
widely used in Egypt on the both sides of the artificial lagoon inlets of El Alamien marina
center, Maadia outlet, Burullus lake outlet, Damietta Nile estuary and El-Bardawil Lake
outlets, figure (1-VI). Sand accumulated on the western side of these jetties and
noticeable erosion found in the eastern sides.

It is clear that the tradition coastal structures, which used along the Egyptian coasts have
bad side effects on the environment and beaches besides its high construction costs. From
this discussion, it is clear that these structures are not suitable in the present time for the
Egyptian coasts and considered as overload on Egypt’s economy.

2.2 Soft protection measures:

• Beach Fills:
Beach nourishment or beach fill project means adding large volumes of the same beach-
quality material from outside sources to restore an eroding beach, figure (2-I). Beach
nourishment projects are designed and engineered to work like natural beaches, allowing
sand to shift continuously in response to changing waves and water levels. Six successful
projects of sand nourishment were executed within Alexandria coast during the period
from 1986 to 1995. Most of these beaches are still acting well.

• Dredging or Sand Bypassing:

It is the hydraulic or mechanical transport of sand, from accretion areas or these silted in
navigation channels to downdrift eroded areas or to the recommended dumping areas,
figure (2-II). Dredging is used to overcome the sedimentation problem in the up drift side
of coastal structures, approach channels, lake entrances, and promontories. Also it can be
used to reach the design depths in harbors and artificial lakes. Some dredging projects are
under executing operation within the Egyptian coast in Edku LNG harbor and its
navigation channel, Rosetta estuary outlet, Damietta harbor navigation channel, and El
Manzala lake outlets.

• Vegetation:
A planting program to establish desired species of vegetation is an inexpensive approach
to stabilize dunes and protect marshes, figure (2-III). Their roots are used to trap sand and
stabilize the beaches. The upland vegetation also improves the beauty of a shoreline,
prevents erosion during heavy rain, reduces the velocity of overland flow, increases the
soils infiltration rate, and provides a habitat for wildlife.
I. Nourishment

II. Dredging

III. Vegetation

IV. Floating Breakwater

V. Submerged Breakwater

VI. Perched Beach VII. Headland

Submerged Tombolo Original

Beach fill Modified
Breakwater Shoreline

Artificial Incident wave
Headland direction

Figure (2): Some Types of Nature Revelation Coastal Structures

The side effects of these methods are nearly negligible and their costs are low compared
with the hard structures.

2.3 Combined protection works:

• Floating Breakwaters:
Floating breakwaters are constructed of buoyant materials such as logs, hollow concrete
boxes and scrap rubber tires, figure (2-IV). Floating breakwaters are generally effective
in sheltered waters where wave periods are less than five seconds. Wave energy is
dissipated as they pass the floating structures.

• Submerged Breakwaters:
Submerged breakwaters are coast-parallel, long or short submerged structures built with
the objective of reducing the wave action on the beach by forcing wave breaking over
them; figure (2-V). Submerged breakwaters have small effect on the coastal environment
and do not spoil the view. They have many types and shapes such as the wide crested
breakwaters, narrow crested breakwaters and reef breakwaters.

• Perched Beaches:
A perched beach combines a low breakwater or sill and a beach fill perched, or elevated,
above the normal level, figure (2-VI). This alternative provides a broad buffer against
wave action while offering a potentially excellent recreational site. Perched beaches can
be provided where offshore slopes are mild enough to permit the use of a sill in shallow
water at a reasonable distance from shore.

• Slope Flattening:
It is executed by using artificial filling together with the revetment in order to provide a
permanent solution for the slope stability problems. On the other hand, it does not protect
against continued wave action because the losses due to wave/current action are still
taking place.

• Headlands:
Artificial headlands are essentially near-shore breakwaters designed so that a tombolo is
formed, thus trapping littoral drift and creating a stable embayed beach, figure (2-VII).
Artificial headlands are recommended for low littoral drift beaches and areas where
downdrift erosion is not considered to be a sensitive issue.

2.4 Low cost coastal structures:

• Hogwire Fencing and Stacked Bags:

Hogwire fencing attached to posts can be used to support sand bags stacked on the
landward side of the fence to form a relatively inexpensive structure, figure (3-I).

• Rubber Tires:
Rubber tires breakwaters consist of a group of piles “wood, iron or concrete piles”
working as axis for the rubber tires. Then the back zone area filled with stones. This
structure can be used as an erosion protection structure in undeveloped areas or to protect
the toe of sandy dunes. Also, the rubber tires can be used as floating breakwaters.

• Longard Tubes:
A Longard tube is a patented, woven, polyethylene tube, filled with sand at installation;
figure (3-II). A Longard tube is easy and quick to fill and placed in its place once the
equipment and materials are existing in the site. The major disadvantage is its
vulnerability to vandalism and damage by waterborne debris or by the hooks of the ships
and boats. These disadvantages can be overcome by using chemical methods to cover the
tubes so that they can resist any damage.

• Gabions:
Gabions are rectangular or cubic baskets or mattresses made of galvanized, and
sometimes PVC coated, steel wire, in a hexagonal mesh filled with stone, figure (3-III).
Gabions are flexible and can maintain their function even if the foundation settles.
Gabions can be used to stabilize slopes.

• Stacked Bags and Mats:

Several manufacturers produce bags and mats in various sizes and fabrics that are
commonly filled with either sand or a lean mixture of concrete for use in revetments,
figure (3-IV). Sand-filled bags are relatively flexible and can be repaired if some of the
original bags are dislodged. In addition, stacked bags are suitable as temporary
emergency protection measures. On the other hand, they are limited to low energy areas,
have a relatively short service life compared to other revetments, and generally have an
unattractive appearance.

3. Egyptian Coastal problems:

Egypt has a long border coast along the Mediterranean and Red Sea. It extends about
1000 km along the Mediterranean Sea and about 2000 km along the Red Sea, Gulf of
Suez and Gulf of Aqaba. These coastal zones have high economic, recreational,
ecological, and aesthetic importance. The Egyptian coastal zone varies totally in their
nature, physical phenomena, and the problems facing them, which can be divided into
two categories: existing problems and expected ones. The Egyptian coast is divided into
four zones, figure (4), according to their nature, coastal problems and the socioeconomic
conditions as follows:

3.1 Existing problems:

3.1.1 The North West Coastal Zone:

This zone is bounded by the Libyan border and Abu Quir headland in the east of
Alexandria with a total length of about 520 km, figure (4-I). The eastern part of this zone,
between Alexandria and El Alamien is presently heavily developed with industrial and
recreational facilities. The western part is less developed, but the development is
progressing fast towards west.

There is no severe natural coastal erosion problem along this coastal zone. However, the
beaches are not suitable for swimming because of the steep slope of their surf zone and
the generation of the rip currents causing several troubles and serious hazards to the

The major erosion and siltation problems along this zone are mainly resulted from human
interventions. Many investigators discussed these coastal problems and concluded that
the insufficient local data and the misunderstanding of marine processes prevailing at the
project sites are the main reasons for the poor design of coastal structures in this region (
Fahmy, 1998, Iskander 2000, Frihy 2001).



Figure (3): Low Cost Coastal Structures: (I) Hogwire fencing and stacked bags, (II)
Longard tubes, (III) Gabions, (IV) Stacked bags revetment, after US Army 2004.
3.1.2 The Nile Delta Coastal Zone:

The Nile Delta coast is located in the middle part of the Mediterranean coast between
Abu-Quir head land in the west and Port-Said in the east with total length of about 240.0
km., figure (4-II). The main coastal problems within this zone are:

1. Erosion problems due to dynamic factors and reduction in sediment supply (Rosetta,
Burullus and Damietta headland, Baltim beach resort, RasEl Bar sea resort, and flooding
of Damietta- Port Said road).

2. Local erosion problems due to protective measures (revetment of Rosetta estuary, sea
wall of Burg El Burullus and recently the basalt flexible revetment, detached breakwaters
of Baltim beach, vertical seawall east of Damietta Nile estuary, and El Gamil

3. Siltation problems in estuaries (Rosetta and Damietta); lake outlets (Idku, Burullus
and Manzala) and drain outlets in the sea (Gamasa and Kitchener).

4. Pollution problems on parts of the Nile Delta coastline, especially in connection with
the coastal lagoons.

These problems have been well documented and thoroughly studied by many
investigators (Fanos et al. 1995, Frihy 2001, Fanos and Iskander 2004).

It is expected that erosion will continue along the most exposed unprotected parts of this
coastline. This is due to the construction of the High Aswan Dam which prevents the
sediments and the flood water from reaching the sea, also due to the combined action of
waves and currents and because of the side effects of the protected areas.

3.1.3 The North Sinai Coastal Zone:

Sinai Coast of Mediterranean Sea extends from Port Said in the west to Rafah in the east
with a total length of about 250 km, figure (4-III). The sandy section of the coastline from
El-Arish eastward suffers from erosion caused by the construction of the El-Arish power
plant breakwaters in 1995 and El-Arish fishing harbor in 1982. All the obstacles east of
El-Arish up to Rafah show a clear net easterly drift (Nir 1982). The coastal problems
along this zone are mainly due to anthropogenic influences and the existing combined
action of waves and currents.

3.1.4 The Red Sea and Gulfs Coastal Zone:

This zone consists of the coastlines along the Gulf of Suez, the Gulf of Aqaba and the
Red Sea with a total length of 2000 km, figure (4-IV). There are huge number of new and
planned tourist development projects along this zone due to its attractive assets, the warm
and stable climate and the coral reefs. The natural configuration of the coral reef profile
shape doesn’t provide a sloping beach suitable for recreation activities. This nature has
Mediterranean Sea D Ras El DSuez
I II III Adabeya D D Ras Suder JORDAN
Rosetta Burullus Ras El Bar Ein SokhnaD Taba D
Alexandria Rafah
El Saloom Port Said El-Arish
El Zafaranah D SINAI
Suez Aqaba
Cairo Suez Ras Mohamed
SINAI Hurghada D
El Fayyom
Safaga D
Bani Suef

Red Sea
El Minya


Asyut Hurghada

Aswan D Ras Banas D

Red Sea
0 50 100 150 200 km Qina

Luxor 150 200 km

0 50 100

Sidi Barany
El Saloom

Marsa Matruh

Ras El Hekma

c 6 of October

El Alamein
d Sidi Kerair D

e Marabella D
f Marina 0 25 50 75 100 km d
g El Hamra gf
Burg El Burullus



Ras El Bar


Abu Quir

Promontory Burullus D
Port Said


Rosetta D DamiettaD

D Manzalla
Damietta Lake D
DELTA Branch
D Idku Lake Rosetta
Maryut 0 20 40 60 km
Lake Branch

Manzalla D Port Said El-Kals Rafah D
Lake D

0 20 40 60 km
D El-Kantarah

Figure (4): General maps of the main four zones along the Mediterranean and
Red Sea of the Egyptian coasts.
forced the developers of the village to carry out many infringements in front of their
villages on the nearshore coastal zone. Accordingly, the small corals and sea grass in the
reef flat and in the nearshore zone have suffered dramatic degradation, or even permanent
destruction that affected the developer’s income as the coastal environment is the main
item in tourist attraction.

The main threat along this zone is the damage of the flora and fauna, whereas coastal
erosion problems are only local and not an important planning aspect along this sector
(CoRI 1994, Moufaddal 2001, Abd El-Mooty and Iskander 2005, Frihy et al. 2006).

3.2 Expected future problems:

Some of the expected future problems can be classified as follows:

3.2.1 Problems Due to the New Developments:

Considerable amount of new developments are expected to be built in lower Nile Delta
coastal zone over the next period due to the construction of the coastal road between El-
Salloum in the west and Rafah in the east. These developments will include urban
expansion, new industries, new crossroads, more reclaimed land, fish and aquaculture
farms, more people, new communities, tourist villages, hotels, hospitals and the
infrastructure for the new communities. Hence, the following problems will be created:

• Increase demand for fresh water: The water needed for industry and new cities are
expected to increase to 11 *109 m3/year by the year 2020. By the same date, the irrigation
of all the reclaimed land would require an extra water of 20*109 m3/year, Sestini 1992. In
the mean time the main source of water available in Egypt is almost constant (55.5*109
m3/year). Kashef 1981 showed that Egypt needs about 50*109 m3/year more than the
available supply to fulfill its required in due time.

• More electricity: is needed for the new industries, new communities, tourist villages
and summer sea resort.
• Pollution: will increase due to the increase of wastes from the industry and

3.2.2 Increase of Population:

Egypt’s population increased from 36 million in 1973 to 66.4 million in 2002 and is
expected to reach 86 million in 2020. The rapid population growth coupled with
ambitious development and industrialization policies have put a heavy pressure on
Egypt’s natural resources in the form of severe air, water, and soil pollution and
degradation of natural resources and food productions. As elaborated in the Country
Environment Analysis (2005).
3.2.3 The Impact of Relative Sea Level Rise:

The Mediterranean shoreline is most vulnerable to climate changes impacts distinguished

by sea level rise due to its relatively low elevation. Even a small rise of 20 to 30 cm, will
require new financial resources to adjust all fixed coastal structures especially those of
present harbors and those built to protect new coastal roads and urban areas. The lagoon
inlets may require additional regulation by sluice systems as well as the internal lagoon
margin dikes and pumping stations would need adjusting.

3.2.4 The Increase Water Withdrawal of the Ground Water:

It will lead to better agriculture production but with the danger of increased salt-water
intrusion. It is well known that ground water in the northern Delta is unsuitable for
irrigation due to the presence of high amounts of soluble salts (Shata and El Fayoumi

3.2.5 Increase of the ship size and draft:

ships sizes are increased rapidly from year to year which make a pressure on the harbors
and navigation channel to adapt with their requirements.

3.2.6 Coastal structures lifetime:

Many coastal structures will pass its lifetime which required disassembling and
constructing an alternative structure. Disassembly processes of many coastal structures
are very difficult and expensive.

4 Proposed Coastal Protection for the Egyptian coasts:

It is hard to find a specific structure suitable for all kinds of coastal problems or preferred
from an environmental standpoint. A special study should be done for each case to find
the environmental characteristic of this area, the hydrodynamic forces within coastal zone
and specify the coastal problems and its main reasons. Then the optimum solution is
recommended depending on how to deal with the problems, the environment impact
assessment, and the mitigation measure.

Depending on the previous studies and the above new classification of the protection
works, some coastal structures are recommended to be coincident with coastal properties
and problems. These structures can be used only as guides when studying a coastal
problem and checking the available alternatives but the detailed studies should be done
for each case individually afterward. The proposed coastal protection for each zone can
be summarized as follow:

4.1 For existing problems:

• The North West Coastal Zone:

There are two main problems within this zone the first one is the erosion and
sedimentation problem due to the anthropogenic factor as in Marina, Sidi Krire village
and Marabella tourist village. This problem can be overcome by using perched beaches.
It is naturally found in Alexandria as coastal ridges and changed the beaches to dynamic
stability behavior, Iskander 2000.

The beaches of the tourist villages within this zone are not suitable for swimming. This
problem can be solved by using submerged and/or floating structures which can create a
suitable area for swimming and partially decrease the wave and current with minor effect
on sediment transport.

• Alexandria Coastal Area:

It requires rebuilding and developing of its beaches after widening the Cornish road. The
suitable solution is creating new beaches using sand nourishment, which was used
previously in six beaches within the city coast during the period from 1986 to 1995,
Iskander 2000.

• The Nile Delta Coastal Zone:

This zone faces many problems. First of all, there is an erosion problem due to the lack in
sediment supply from the River Nile. This problem can be overcome by dividing the
beaches into small cells by using headlands. The suitable cell size can be achieved by
using the numerical and physical models. This solution may have the ability to minimize
the sediment transport outside each cell and stop the retreat of the beaches.

The flood problems of the low land and sabakha can be partially stabilized by using sand
dunes with vegetation to support the outside face.

Siltation problem of the lake entrances, drains and river outlets can be solved by dredging
or by increasing the water velocity across the mouth by using the equilibrium cross
section or by using open cycle pumping system. Constructed jetties with sand bypass
from upstream side to downstream side can also solve this problem.

The pollution problem in the northern lakes can be solved by controlling the pollution
sources or by the increase of circulation system between the lakes and the sea.

• The North Sinai Coastal Zone:

This zone has very active surf zone and any structure within this area can cause extreme
environmental problem. So, it is recommended to avoid executing any structure within
this area. For example to establish cooling system from the sea, it is recommended to
extend the intake pipeline underground to the offshore zone then extend the entrance
upward and protect it by using precast holed concrete caisson. This system is successfully
working in Sahl El-Tina power plant.
• The Red Sea and Gulfs Coastal Zone:

The main problems within this area are the pollution problems due to the industry,
navigation, and tourist activities. The successful coastal structures used in this zone
within the last twenty years are the floating structures and structures on piles which have
the lowest side effect on the environment. (Frihy et. al., 2006; Abd El-Mooty and
Iskander, 2005)

4.2 For expected future problems:

In order to face the requirements of the increase in population, future industrial and/or
agricultural activities should be developed in the coastal zone to create more jobs for the
people. These activities will need more water and electricity resources, which can be
produced by multi purpose nearshore, or deep water structures such as LIMPET (Teresa
Hansen, 2005) and PELAMIS (Parker et. al., 2007). These structures are used to absorb
wave energy and to protect the shores from waves. This obtained energy have been
converted to produce electric power to get more electricity that can used in desalination
of the sea water for domestic purpose. Other new sources for energy such as wind energy
solar energy beside the wave energy should be used.

The wastewater should be also treated biologically before discharge to the sea and/or to
be used in cultivating parks or trees for producing wood.

Also to save irrigation water, new irrigation technologies such as drip and sprinkler
methods should be applied and introduce crops that tolerate high saline water and use less
water can benefit from high temperature.

Develop the technology of cultivating the coral reef artificially in the Red Sea to save the
tourist industry within this area.

5 Conclusion and recommendations:

The Egyptian coastal area is divided into four zones according to the physical nature,
coastal problems and socioeconomic. Monitoring of the coastal projects show that most
of the traditional coastal structures which were used along the Egyptian coasts have
negative side effect on the environment and the beach uses. Also, the construction costs
of these structures are very expensive which means that, they are considered as overload
on our economy.

Depending on working with nature concept, some coastal structures are recommended for
each coastal zone to be coincident with its properties and problems. These structures can
be used only as a guide when studying a coastal problem and checking the available
alternatives. A detailed study should be done for each individual case to find the
environmental characteristic, the hydrodynamic forces and specify the coastal problems
of this area. Then the optimum solution is recommended depending on the methods used
to deal with the problems, the environmental impact assessment and the mitigation
measure. It is important that Egypt has to prepare itself to act with the expected future
problems mentioned above instead of having a sudden shock with their existence.

It is recommended to establish a coastal community formed entirely from all

professionals and specialized persons to get suitable and natural base structures for all
part of the Egyptian coasts.


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