Preview Ansi+Assp+z359.3 2019
Preview Ansi+Assp+z359.3 2019
Preview Ansi+Assp+z359.3 2019
ANSI/ASSP Z359.3-2019
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The information and materials contained in this publication have been developed from sources believed to
be reliable. However, the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) as secretariat of the ANSI
accredited Z359 Committee or individual committee members accept no legal responsibility for the
correctness or completeness of this material or its application to specific factual situations. By publication
of this standard, ASSP or the Z359 Committee does not ensure that adherence to these recommendations
will protect the safety or health of any persons or preserve property.
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ANSI/ASSP Z359.3 – 2019
(This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard Z359.3 - 2019.)
This standard, national in scope, was developed by an Accredited Standards Committee
functioning under the procedures of the American National Standards Institute, with the
American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) as secretariat.
It is intended that every employer whose operations use fall protection equipment within the
scope and purpose of this standard, will utilize equipment meeting the requirements of this
The need for this standards activity grew out of the continuing development of a series of fall
protection-related standards. The focus is to tie the elements of those standards together and
provide the tools with which employers may develop the programs that incorporate those
elements. The Z359 Fall Protection Code brings together the administrative requirements of
those fall protection standards. It should be noted, as in all Z359-series standards, that this
standard applies to occupational activities. It is not intended to apply to sports activities such as
Neither the standards committee, nor the secretariat, states that this standard is perfect or in its
ultimate form. It is recognized that new developments are to be expected, and that revisions of
the standard will be necessary as the state-of-the-art progresses and further experience is
gained. It is felt, however, that uniform guidelines for fall protection programs are very much
needed and that the standard in its present form provides for the minimum criteria necessary to
develop and provide products for the workplace.
The Z359 Committee acknowledges the critical role of design in influencing the use of proper
fall protection equipment. Designs which eliminate fall hazards through the proper application
of the hierarchy of safety controls are the preferred method for fall protection. Design
deficiencies often increase the risk for employees who may be exposed to fall hazards,
examples are: (1) lack of rail systems to prevent falls from machines, equipment and structures;
(2) failure to provide engineered anchorages where use of personal fall arrest systems are
anticipated; (3) no provision for safe access to elevated work areas; (4) installation of machines
or equipment at heights, rather than floor/ground level to preclude access to elevated areas; (5)
failure to plan for the use of travel restriction or work positioning devices. To that end, this
standard is part of a series of standards that also provides guidance for design considerations
for new buildings and facilities.
This standard was originally released in 2007. Since that time, the Z359 series of standards has
expanded and broadened, requiring updates to this standard that were released in 2017. Since
the release of the last standard, some improvements to clarity were required. This revision
makes those improvements and updates this document to incorporate general document
Standard Perspective
This standard is written from an equipment design perspective, with the intention that it will
primarily be used by equipment manufacturers and test labs in the design and testing of
lanyards and positioning lanyards.
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Normative Requirements
This standard uses the single-column format. The normative requirements appear aligned to the
left margin. To meet the requirements of this standard, users must conform to these normative
requirements. These requirements typically use the verb “shall”.
NOTE: The informative or explanatory note in this standard appears indented, in italics, in
a reduced font, in an effort to provide a visual signal to the reader that this is an informative
note, not normative text, and is not to be considered part of the requirements of this
standard; this text is advisory in nature only. The suppliers and users are not required to
conform to the informative note. The informative note is presented in this manner in an
attempt to enhance readability and to provide explanation or guidance to the sections they
Figures provided in the standard are used to show basic concepts of testing, types of products,
examples of labels or other information from the standard. These figures are not to scale. They
are for educational and informational purposes to explain content within a standard.
Suggestions for Improvements
Suggestions for improvements to this standard are welcome. They should be sent to American
Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), 520 N. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068
Attention: Z359 Secretariat.
The Z359 Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this standard. Revisions are made to
the standard periodically (usually five years from the date of the standard) to incorporate
changes that appear necessary or desirable, as demonstrated by experience gained from the
application of the standard. Proposals should be as specific as possible, citing the relevant
section number(s), the proposed wording and the reason for the proposal. Pertinent
documentation would enable the Z359 Committee to process the changes in a timely manner.
Upon a request in writing to the Secretariat, the Z359 Committee will render an interpretation of
any requirement of the standard. The request for interpretation should be clear, citing the
relevant section number(s) and phrased as a request for a clarification of a specific requirement.
Oral interpretations are not provided.
No one but the Z359 Committee (through the Z359 Secretariat) is authorized to provide any
interpretation of this standard.
Neither the Z359 Committee nor the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approves,
certifies, rates or endorses any item, construction, proprietary device or activity.
Committee Meetings
Persons wishing to attend a meeting or join the committee should contact the Secretariat for
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Standard Approval
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Z359 Secretariat.
Approval of the standard does not necessarily imply (nor is it required) that all committee
members voted for its approval. At the time this standard was approved, the Z359 Committee
had the following members:
3M Raymond Mann
American Society of Safety Professionals Jubal Hamernik, Ph.D., P.E.
John Frost, CSP
Bashlin Industries, Inc. Bradley McGill
Caleb Williams
Bayer AG Adam Chapin
Chad McDanel
Boeing Joey Junio, P.E.
Segis Wright
Buckingham Manufacturing Company James Rullo
DeForest Canfield
Certified Access Dave Pasco
ClimbTech Karl Guthrie
Daniel Aleksovski
Elevated Insight & Engineering Ltd. Greg Small, P.Eng., M.Eng.
Elk River, Inc. Mark Conover
Delisa Calhoun
Ellis Fall Safety Solutions, LLC J. Nigel Ellis, Ph.D., P.E., CSP, CPE
John Whitty, P.E.
ExxonMobil Freddie Johnson
Zachary Shanklin
FallTech Zack Winters
Mike Tavis
Flexible Lifeline Systems Michael Bailey, P.E.
John Seto, P.E.
General Motors Company Graham Parr
Ken Mahnick
GME Supply Company Daniel Pobst
Chris Heitkamp
Gorbel Inc. Allen Baughman
Kevin Duhamel
Gravitec Systems, Inc. Kevin Denis
David Lough
High Engineering Corporation William Parsons, P.Eng.
Honeywell Bradley Rohlf
Steven McPherson
Indianapolis Power and Light Company Nick Hutchinson
Michael Wright
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1. Scope, Purpose and Application, Exceptions and Interpretations ..........................................10
1.1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Purpose and Application ................................................................................................. 10
1.3 Exceptions ...................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Interpretations ................................................................................................................. 10
2. Definitions .............................................................................................................................10
3. Design Requirements............................................................................................................11
3.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Component and Element Requirements .......................................................................... 12
3.3 Lanyard and Positioning Lanyard Design Requirements ................................................. 12
3.4 Lanyard and Adjustable Lanyard Performance Requirements ......................................... 16
3.5 Positioning Lanyard and Adjustable Positioning Lanyard Performance Requirements .... 16
4. Performance Requirements (Qualification Testing) ...............................................................16
4.1 Test Equipment and Test Specimens .............................................................................. 16
4.2 Lanyards and Positioning Lanyards Qualification Testing ................................................ 17
5. Marking and Instructions .......................................................................................................24
5.1 General Marking Requirements ....................................................................................... 24
5.2 Specific Marking Requirements ....................................................................................... 24
5.3 Instruction Requirements................................................................................................. 24
6. Inspection, Maintenance and Storage ...................................................................................25
6.1 General Requirements .................................................................................................... 25
7. References ...........................................................................................................................25
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