Ansi-Asse Z117.1-2016

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ANSI/ASSE Z117.1 - 2016

American National Standard

ANSI/ASSE Z117.1 – 2016

Safety Requirements for
Entering Confined Spaces
ANSI/ASSE Z117.1 - 2016

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American Society of
Safety Engineers
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The information and materials contained in this publication have been developed from sources believed
to be reliable. However, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) as secretariat of the ANSI
accredited Z117 Committee or individual committee members accept no legal responsibility for the
correctness or completeness of this material or its application to specific factual situations. By publication
of this standard, ASSE or the Z117 Committee does not ensure that adherence to these
recommendations will protect the safety or health of any persons, or preserve property.
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ANSI/ASSE Z117.1 – 2016

American National Standard

Safety Requirements for

Entering Confined Spaces


American Society of Safety Engineers

520 N. Northwest Highway
Park Ridge, IL 60068

Approved August 4, 2016

Effective January 1, 2017

American National Standards Institute, Inc.

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An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially

American concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is
National intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general
public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect
Standard preclude anyone, whether they have approved the standard or not, from
manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or
procedures not conforming to the standard. American National Standards are
subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.

The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will
in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.
Moreover, no persons shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation
of an American National Standard in the name of the American National
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Published October 2016 by:

American Society of Safety Engineers

520 N. Northwest Highway
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(847) 699-2929 •

Copyright ©2016 by American Society of Safety Engineers

All Rights Reserved.

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Printed in the United States of America

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Foreword (This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard Z117.1 – 2016.)

This standard was developed by an American National Standards Committee, national in scope,
functioning under the procedures of the American National Standards Institute with the American Society
of Safety Engineers (ASSE) as Secretariat. This standard provides minimum requirements to be followed
while entering, working in and exiting confined spaces at ambient atmospheric pressure.

It is intended that the procedures and performance requirements detailed herein will be adopted by every
employer whose operations fall within the scope and purpose of the standard.

Neither the standards committee, nor the secretariat, feel that this standard is perfect or in its ultimate
form. It is recognized that new developments are to be expected, and that revisions of the standard will
be necessary as the art progresses and further experience is gained. It is felt, however, that uniform
requirements are very much needed and that the standard in its present form provides for the minimum
performance requirements necessary in developing and implementing a comprehensive confined space
program for the protection of personnel.

In 1993, OSHA estimated that 238,000 establishments had permit required confined spaces. These
establishments employed approximately 1.6 million workers, including contractors, who entered 4.8
million permit-required confined spaces annually. OSHA further estimated that 63 fatalities and 13,000
lost workdays and non-lost workday cases involving confined spaces entry occurred annually.

OSHA and NIOSH data during the period 1980-1993 indicated atmospheric conditions were the leading
cause of death associated with confined space entry. The data indicated that oxygen deficiency,
hydrogen sulfide, methane, and inert gases ranked as the leading specific atmospheric hazardous
conditions. Engulfment was found to be second in terms of occurrence. Mechanical asphyxiation from
loose materials such as grain, agricultural products, sand, cement and gravel was dominant. Evidence
suggested that the cause of death associated with confined space entry has not changed appreciably
during recent years.

In the revision of the 2009 version of Z117.1, the ASC reviewed recent data and information addressing
confined space incidents. Federal OSHA fatality and catastrophe statistics were collected from their
database using confined space as the search words between years 2002 and 2012. A total of 222 cases
were reviewed and it was determined that over 80% of fatalities were still caused by atmospheric
hazards, and oxygen deficiency was the leading atmospheric hazard.

It should be understood that the fatality cases in this sampling do not represent all U.S. confined space
incidents resulting in fatalities. The mining, agriculture and maritime sectors as well as various states with
their own primary jurisdiction for safety and health enforcement are likely to be the source of many more
cases not discussed within the Foreword of the Z117.1 standard. Upon review of this data, much remains
to be done, particularly in regards to verification of atmospheres for entrants prior to and during confined
space activity.

The Z117 Committee acknowledges the critical role of design in influencing the safe entry and work in
confined spaces. ANSI has an existing standard ANSI/ASSE Z590.3, Prevention through Design, this
standard should be consulted when considering design modifications. The failure to incorporate safety
during the design process and overlooked design deficiencies can often increase the risk for entrants:
examples are (1) means of entry (portals, hatchways, etc.) which are too small, improperly located or that
complicate/inhibit escape; (2) spaces which are convoluted, unnecessarily obstructed or hazardously
configured; (3) internal clearances which are too tight for safe passage; (4) space penetration distances
which are excessive without alternative means of access or escape; (5) absence of appropriate devices
to isolate all energy sources from the space; (6) no provision for vessel mechanisms/devices to prevent
loose materials from bridging, compacting, etc. (7) lack of features that would enhance space ventilation
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effectiveness; (8) structural weaknesses in walls, floors, ceilings, fixed apertures such as ladders,
walkways or pipes containing gases, liquids, or steam, or which increase hazard risk to entrants while
working or coming in contact with stated structures in confined spaces; (9) absence of anchor points for
retrieval devices and (10) locating gauges, floats and shut off valves outside the confined space will
design out the need to possibly enter in the first place.

The standard does not attempt to address these issues. It is believed they are best dealt with by the
purchaser, employer or owner during a project's design, acquisition or construction. However, it is
recommended that designers, manufacturers and users make confined space design issues a priority
when new or modified machinery, equipment, processes or facilities are contemplated.

For existing confined spaces which have recognized design deficiencies, it should be the responsibility of
those authorizing entry to either:

• modify or correct the deficiencies when possible; or

• employ alternate means to accomplish the work without exposing personnel; or

• develop and implement specific safe entry procedures for each confined space; or

• dismantle, open, remove, etc. the equipment/process rather than enter if the risk is deemed

The Z117 Committee solicits public input that may suggest revisions to the standard. Such input should
be sent to the Secretariat, American Society of Safety Engineers, 520 N. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge,
IL 60068.

This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by American National Standards
Committee on Confined Spaces Z117. Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply
that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time of approval, the Z117 Committee had the
following members:

Terry Krug, CIH, CSP, Chair

Timothy Healey, Vice-Chair
Ovidiu Munteanu, Secretary
Timothy R. Fisher, CSP, CHMM, ARM, CPEA, Assistant Secretary
Jennie Dalesandro, Administrative Technical Support

Organization Represented Name of Representative

Aluminum Association Mark Eliopulos

American Association of Occupational Health
Nurses, Inc. Carol A. Santee, RN, COHN-S, CCM
American Industrial Hygiene Association Neil McManus, MS, CIH, ROH, CSP
American Petroleum Institute Scott Wozniak, P.E.
American Society of Safety Engineers Edward V. Grund, CSP, P.E.
American Welding Society Gus Manz
Stephen Hedrick
Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services C. Gary Lopez, CSP
Bret M. Clausen Bret M. Clausen, CIH, CSP, CHMM, ARM
Covestro LLC Terry Ketchum
Draeger Safety Russ Warn
Greg Holland
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Edison Electric Institute Janet Fox

Charles J. Kelly
Ellis Fall Safety Solutions, LLC J. Nigel Ellis, Ph.D., P.E., CSP, CPE
John Whitty, P.E.
Exceptional Occupational Safety & Health Advisors Terry Krug, CIH, CSP
Halcon Resources William A. Walker
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. Timothy Healey
Jerome Kucharski
International Safety Equipment Association Cristine Z. Fargo
Lewellyn Technology Jason Reason
LJB, Inc. Craig J. Galecka, P.E., CSP
Thomas Kramer, P.E., CSP
MRE Consulting Michael R. Roop
McCulley, Eastham & Associates L. Todd Eastham, CSHM, CIHM,
Matt McCulley, ASP
Mine Safety Appliances Company Gustavo Lopez
Marc Harkins
National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Paul H. Moore
National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association Ron McHaney, CSP
Michelle Copeland, CIH
Property Casualty Insurers Association of America Mark Wiggins, CIH, CSP, ARM
Richard Newton, CIH
SAFETRAN, LLC Daniel J. O’Connell, CHMM, CET,
Ana Isabel Garcia, A.Sc., NREMT
Safety Management Inc. Dennis R. Howard
Safety Through Engineering Inc. Mike C. Wright, P.E., CPE, CSP
Mark Williams
San Diego, City of Joe Wong, CSP, COEE
Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association Wilson Frazier, CSP, CUSA
Charles Hineman
United Automobile Workers of America Mike Lee
Sherrod Elledge
U.S. Air Force Safety Center Mark Kantorowicz
Robert Baker
U.S. Department of Labor - OSHA Sherman Williamson
William B. Zettler

OBSERVERS (non-voting organizations):

National Fire Protection Association Guy R. Colonna, P.E.

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Contents SECTION .............................................................................................. PAGE

1. General .............................................................................................. 10
1.1 Scope ........................................................................................ 10
1.2 Exceptions ................................................................................. 10
1.3 Purpose ..................................................................................... 10
1.4 Application ................................................................................. 10
2. Definitions .......................................................................................... 10
3. Identification and Evaluation............................................................... 16
3.1 Confined Space Survey ............................................................. 16
3.2 Hazard Identification .................................................................. 16
3.3 Hazard Evaluation ..................................................................... 17
3.4 Confined Space Classification ................................................... 18
3.5 Hazard Re-Evaluation................................................................ 19
3.6 Written Program ........................................................................ 19
4. Non-Permit Confined Spaces (NPCS) ................................................ 20
4.1 Controls ..................................................................................... 20
4.2 Training ..................................................................................... 21
4.3 Re-Evaluation ............................................................................ 21
4.4 Atmospheric Testing .................................................................. 21
5. Permit Required Confined Spaces (PRCS) ........................................ 21
5.1 Entry Permits ............................................................................. 21
5.2 Permit Implementation ............................................................... 22
5.3 Validity of Permits ...................................................................... 22
5.4 Revoking Permits ...................................................................... 23
6. Atmospheric Testing........................................................................... 23
6.1 General Criteria ......................................................................... 23
6.2 Testing Considerations .............................................................. 26
6.3 Acceptable Limits ...................................................................... 27
7. Entry Team ........................................................................................ 28
7.1 Attendant ................................................................................... 28
7.2 Entrant ....................................................................................... 29
7.3 Attendant(s)/Entrant(s) Communication ..................................... 30
7.4 Entry Supervisor ........................................................................ 30
7.5 Atmospheric Tester ................................................................... 31
8. Isolation and Lockout/Tagout ............................................................. 32
8.1 General...................................................................................... 32
8.2 Isolation ..................................................................................... 32
8.3 Lockout/Tagout .......................................................................... 33
9. Ventilation .......................................................................................... 34
9.1 Requirements ............................................................................ 34
10. Cleaning/Decontamination ................................................................. 35
11. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ................................................ 36
11.1 General...................................................................................... 36
11.2 Selection.................................................................................... 36
11.3 Inspection .................................................................................. 38
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12. Auxiliary Equipment............................................................................ 38

12.1 Entry and Exit ............................................................................ 39
12.2 Retrieval Equipment .................................................................. 39
12.3 Fall Protection............................................................................ 39
12.4 Electrical Equipment .................................................................. 39
13. Safety Signs and Symbols.................................................................. 40
13.1 Identification .............................................................................. 40
14. Emergency Response, Evacuation and Rescue ................................. 40
14.1 Emergency Response Plan ....................................................... 40
14.2 Atmospheric Monitoring ............................................................. 41
14.3 Respiratory Protection Equipment ............................................. 41
14.4 Rescue Equipment Inspection ................................................... 42
15. Training of the Confined Space Entry Team ....................................... 42
15.1 General Requirements............................................................... 42
15.2 Entry Supervisor ........................................................................ 43
15.3 Authorized Entrant ..................................................................... 45
15.4 Attendant ................................................................................... 47
15.5 Atmospheric Tester ................................................................... 49
15.6 Rescue Personnel ..................................................................... 50
16. Medical Suitability .............................................................................. 54
17. Contractors ........................................................................................ 54
17.1 Hazard Appraisal ....................................................................... 54
17.2 Identification of Rescue Responder ........................................... 55
17.3 Permit System ........................................................................... 55
17.4 Coordination .............................................................................. 56
17.5 Ongoing Dialogue ...................................................................... 56


Appendix A Logic Diagram for Confined Space Entry ............................. 57

Appendix B Standards and Other Referenced and Related Materials
on the Subject of Confined Spaces ...................................... 58
Appendix C Examples of Confined Space Surveys and Permits ............. 64
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Explanation of Standard
American National Standard Z117.1 uses a two-column format to provide both specific requirements and
supporting information.

The left column, designated "Standard Requirements," is confined solely to these requirements. The right
column, designated "Explanatory Information," contains only information that is intended to clarify the
standard. This column is not a part of the standard.

Operating rules (safe practices) are not included in either column, unless they are of such a nature as to
be vital safety requirements, equal in weight to other requirements, or guides to assist in compliance with
the standard.
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(Not part of
American National Standard Z117.1)


1.1 Scope. This standard provides E1.1 The scope of this standard does
minimum safety requirements to be followed not address confined space design issues.
while entering, exiting and working in Please see the Foreword of this standard for
confined spaces at ambient atmospheric additional general information addressing
pressure. confined space design.

1.2 Exceptions. This standard does

not pertain to underground mining,
tunneling, caisson work, intentionally inert
confined spaces or other similar tasks that
have established national consensus

1.3 Purpose. The purpose of this E1.3 This standard is a performance

standard is to establish minimum require- standard and, as such, is not intended to
ments and procedures for the safety and replace existing specific standards and
health of employees who work in, and in procedures, but rather to support those that
connection with, confined spaces. meet the performance objectives defined in
this standard. See Appendix B for a listing of
other established national consensus
standards pertaining to confined space.

1.4 Application. This standard is

designed for voluntary application imme-
diately upon approval as an American
National Standard.


2.1 Atmospheric Tester. A qualified

person selected by the employer who tests
or monitors a permit space as necessary to
determine if acceptable limits are main-
tained, and is able to interpret results.

2.2 Attendant. Person assigned to

monitor a confined space process or
operation and provide support or react as
required for the safety of the entrants.


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