Abstract: The hygrothermal conditioning of an epoxy propagating in the bulk material [11].
resin at 80°C under 80% RH has been followed by
weight measurements, thermogravimetric analysis For a better understanding of the overall mechanisms,
(TGA) and dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA). The the impact of the hygrothermal conditioning on the
samples are either filled with 60% by weight of silica physical properties have thus been carried out first.
flour or are not filled. Above an apparent saturation Electrical characterisations will ensue. In the following,
value of about 1.5% reached within a few days, a slight mass uptakes, thermogravimetric analyses and dynamic
but significant mass uptake was observed in the filled mechanical analyses are reported.
resin, especially after 50 days. The TGA showed an
evolution of the filled samples with conditioning after EXPERIMENTAL PART
50 days as well, which was not observed on unfilled
samples. For the filled samples, the elastic modulus in Materials, Sampling and Conditioning
the rubbery state decreased with conditioning. These
evolutions have been attributed to the formation of a The material used is a DGEBA based epoxy resin filled
degraded inter-phase region due to hydrolysis occurring or not with silica flour and cured with an anhydrid acid.
after the debonding of the filler-matrix interface caused The filler content is 60% by weight. The fillers’ sizes
by the absorbed water. range between a few 0.1 μm and 200 μm.
From an electrical point of view, the impact of water on Moisture uptake measurements: Samples were
the dielectric behaviour of filled epoxy resins has been periodically withdrawn from the climatic chamber.
extensively described. As concerns the electrical Before mass measurements were made, the temperature
rigidity, the breakdown voltages of wet materials may and hygrometry of the samples were stabilized. For this
fall by a factor of 5 to 10 in comparison with a dry purpose, they were laid in a small quantity of water
material [1-3]. In composites, the interfaces between the initially at 80°C. After 15 minutes, both water and
matrix and the mineral fillers are known to be zones of sample were at ambient temperature. Samples were then
weakness [4-6]. The shape of the fillers may also dried with a suitable paper. The mass uptake was
influence the breakdown voltage [7]. Furthermore, the measured with an electronic Ohauss balance Explorer.
deleterious influence of water on epoxy resin is well
known [8]. The main mechanisms leading to physical Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA): The thermal
and chemical degradation of epoxy resin have been stability of the materials has been evaluated throughout
illustrated or at least foreseen [9]. With the use of a conditioning by TGA with a TA instruments® 2050.
FTIR spectrometer, water layers of a few hundred nm The mass loss of the samples was measured during a
have been measured at an epoxy/glass interface [10]. temperature rise of 3°C/min between -40°C and 850°C.
This order of magnitude is in accordance with the MEB Experiments were carried under nitrogen to avoid added
observations reported in [3]. Water may accumulate at oxidation. A gas flow of 45 mL/min inside the oven
the interfaces and lead to a filler/matrix debonding, allowed the extraction of the thermolysis by-products.
which may be followed by mechanical cracks The relative mass loss of samples with initial mass of 10
1-4244-0750-8/07/$20.00©2007 IEEE.
Schneider Electric 2007 - Conferences publications
mass uptake (%)
0.4 Unfilled samples
0.2 Filled samples
0 20 40 60 80
Conditioning time (days)
Figure 2: Weight loss during a TGA dynamic test for
Figure 1: Weight gain in unfilled (Ŷ) and filled (Ÿ) unfilled samples before (•) and after conditioning at
samples as a function of conditioning time. 80°C and 80%HR during 5 (+), 14 (Ŷ) and 50 (Ƈ) days.
Schneider Electric 2007 - Conferences publications
90 REF (b)
80 5 days
14 days
50 days
70 days
5 days
30 14 days
20 50 days
70 days
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Schneider Electric 2007 - Conferences publications
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