Bogush-SiO2 Nanopart.
Bogush-SiO2 Nanopart.
Bogush-SiO2 Nanopart.
North-Holland, A m s t e r d a m
We extend the work of Stober, Fink and Bohn (J. Colloid lnterfac Sci. 26 (1968) 62) to establish the ranges of reagent
concentrations which result in the precipitation of monodisperse silica particles from ethanol solutions containing ammonia,
water, and tetraethyl orthosilica. A correlation is presented which can be used to predict final particle sizes over concentra-
tions of 0.1-0.5 M TEOS, 0.5-17.0 M H 2 0 and 0.5-3 M N H 3. The m a x i m u m particle size achievable for these conditions at
25 o C is = 800 n m and near the maximum, monodispersity is difficult to maintain. The effects of reaction temperature are
studied and particle size distributions are analyzed. A seeded growth technique for preparing larger particles a n d / o r
increasing solids mass fraction up to a theoretical limit of = 24 wt% of silica is described.
Fig. 1. (a) SiO 2 particles of average size 79.9 nm+7.3% from a solution containing 0.2 M TEOS, 1.0 M NH 3 and 2.0 M H 2 0 in
ethanol and (b) SiO 2 particles of average size 392 nm_+ 2.6% synthesized at 25 ° C from a solution containing 0.25 M TEOS, 0.5 M
NH3, and 7.5 M H 2 0 in ethanol.
98 G.H. Bogush et aL / Preparation of monodisperse silica particles
i o 0.5M NH 3
o 1.0M NH
× 2.0M NH ~,
<, ,3.0M NH
E × --~ × E
/ x ¢,
I "
O0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 0.0 5,0 I0,0 15,0 20,0 25.0
Fig. 2. Average particle size as function of a m m o n i a and water Fig. 4. Average size of particles precipitated at 25 ° C from
concentrations at a constant T E a S concentration of 0.17 M at solutions containing 0.17 M TEAS, 1.0 M N H 3 over an ex-
25 o C. See text for synthetic details. Curves calculated from eq. tended range of H 2 0 concentration. Curve is calculated from
(1) for constant T E a S and N H 3 concentrations as indicated. eq. (1).
x -.\
x .x.
This result is in contrast to the work of Bridger
\. et al. [6] who observed a phase separation at water
¢, .,'. concentrations greater than 15 M at a T E a S con-
600 " / O\".
/ centration of 0.28 M. Phase separation is expected
× \ ".
E / to be a complex function of TEAS, N H 3 and H 2 0
i5 0
"" concentration as well as temperature. Conse-
~ 400-
0 t ,' quently, as Bridger et al. carried out their reaction
, J'
at water concentrations well above those typically
'~ /
studied in our work and at 30 ° C, this result is not
surprising. However, in agreement with the trends
reported in fig. 4, they report that at a N H 3
concentration near 1.7 M, the final particle diame-
0 i i i i / i i i t l r i i i I i i I i
0.0 5. 10,0 15.0 20,0 ter decreased from 290 to 67 nm as water con-
Water Concentration (M) centration increased from 15 to 26 M.
Fig. 3. Average particle size as functions of a m m o n i a and
Within minutes of the time the reaction had
water concentrations at a constant T E a S concentration of 0.3
M at 25 o C. See text for synthetic details. Curves calculated
been initiated, we observed that the reacting solu-
from eq. (1) for constant T E a S and N H 3 concentrations in tion became a turbid white for water concentra-
indicated. tions greater than approximately 2 M. At very low
G.H. Bogush et al. / Preparation of monodisperse silica particles 99
reaction time of approximately 40 rain at 24 M
H 2 0 [81. 200 0 0 i
Results gathered on over 100 sample prepara- l
--,,iF V
Fig. 6. Bimodal particle size distribution precipitated at 25 ° C from a solution contmning 0.4 M TEOS, 0.5 M NH3, and 5.5 M H20.
example, particles synthesized with 0.17 M TEOS ~ ~0- 0 o O o O 00
and 1 M N H 3 and with 3.0 and 19.0 M HzO had 0 O O0 O
0 o o 0~0 0 o %
final particle diameters of 279 and 270 nm respec- ~ o 0%
O 0O ~ O0 O
tively. The standard deviations in therespective
particle size distributions were 5 and 8%. This 0 0
similarity in the breadth of final particle sizes 0
' ' '28o' ' '460' ' '660' ' '~60' ' '1o0o
occurred even though the water concentrations Average DTemeter (nrn)
were substantially different and the total reaction
Fig. 7. Standard deviation in particle size distribution ex-
times were 180 min for 3.0 M H 2 0 but only 45 pressed as a percentage of average size as a function of average
rain for reaction containing 19.0 M H 2 0 . size.
G.H. Bogush et al. / Preparation of monodisperse silica particles 101
Fig. 9. (a) Seed particle synthesized at 5 5 ° C from a solution containing 0.2 M TEOS, 1.0 M NH3, and 6.0 M H 2 0 . (b) Particles
growtn from seed particles shown in (a) by 10 single additions of TEOS and corresponding water. See text for explanation of single
addition nomenclature.
G,H. Bogush et al. / Preparation of monodisperse silica particles 103
Fig. 12. Heterodisperse particle size distribution produced at 25 o C with 10 double additions of TEOS to a seed suspension prepared
from 0.2 M TEOS, 1.0 M NH 3 and 5.0 M H 2 0 in ethanol.
G.H. Bogush et al. / Preparation of monodisperse silica particles 105
particular difficulties as long as the critical TEOS the data presented in this paper and predicts the
concentration described above is not exceeded. correct kinetic trends, further work is required to
unravel the dependence of the rates of hydrolysis,
condensation, nucleation, and aggregation on re-
5. Mechanism of formation agent concentrations and reaction temperature.
Work along these lines suggests that the nuclea-
While the primary purpose of this paper is to tion and aggregation mechanism can be developed
establish experimental conditions which result in into a quantitatively predictive model [8].
silica particle with narrow size distributions, these
results also begin to lay a solid foundation on
which to develop mechanistic models of particle
growth. Relevant observations drawn from our 6. Conclusions
studies include the data presented in figs. 7 and 10
which indicate that as the particles grow their size
distribution becomes narrower. This suggests the In this paper we present conditions which re-
growth mechanism is self sharpening (i.e., small sult in the precipitation of SiO 2 particles from
particles grow faster than large particles). Sec- aqueous ethanol solutions containing ammonia
ondly, because the density (porosity) of the final and TEOS. This work extends earlier studies to
particles and their external granular morphology broader reagent concentration ranges and sum-
are independent of particle size or whether pre- marizes the data in a more quantitative fashion
pared in a single or multistep process, it can be than has been available previously in the litera-
concluded that the growth mechanism does not ture. While the resulting correlation contains no
alter dramatically during the course of the reac- mechanistic information, it can be used as an
tion. Finally, if precipitation is to result in engineering tool in the preparation of single sized
monodisperse particles, the growing particles must, S i O 2 powders. Surprisingly, we find that the pre-
at some point, achieve colloidal stability. That is, rcentage standard deviation of the resulting par-
as van der Waals attractive forces are ever present, ticles is independent of initial reagent concentra-
a substantial repulsive pair interaction potential tions and is solely a function of final particle size.
must develop to forestall flocculation and the The seeded growth technique described here has
resulting heterodispersity in size distribution. been used to prepare large quantities of S i O 2
These observations and kinetic studies reported particles at mass fractions up to 17 wt%. It is
elsewhere [8,10,11] have led us to postulate that found that the number and density of the particles
particle growth occurs primarily through an aggre- in the suspension remains constant during the
gation mechanism. Monodispersity is achieved growth steps thus allowing for accurate prediction
through size dependent aggregation rates where of increases in particle size and mass fraction for
the probability of aggregation between two par- each addition of TEOS.
ticles of the same size decreases as the particles
grow. Such aggregation laws are predicted by the
DLVO theory of colloidal stability [12] where the The authors would like to thank J. Nemeth and
repulsive interparticle potential is due to charges T. McCarthy for their elemental analysis and J.W.
bound to particle surfaces. This model suggets Goodwin for his helpful suggestions in the devel-
that silica nuclei formed in a supersaturated solu- opment of the seeded growth procedure. The
tion are colloidally unstable and aggregate. As the authors would also like to thank J.C. Chang, B.
particle size distribution moves to larger average Schwartz, and R.Y. Sugahara for their help in
sizes, the bigger particles stop interacting and determining particle densities.
grow primarily through aggregation with smaller This work was supported by the US Depart-
particles and freshly formed nuclei. While this ment of Energy, Division of Material Sciences
model fits the qualitative observations drawn from under contract DOE DEA AC02 76ERl198.
106 G.H. Bogush et al. / Preparation of monodisperse silica particles
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