IJMS Vol 4 Iss 1 Paper 3 675 678
IJMS Vol 4 Iss 1 Paper 3 675 678
IJMS Vol 4 Iss 1 Paper 3 675 678
DOI: 10.21917/ijms.2018.0091
curiosity of man or expand man's knowledge, but not to address the need of why research in education, what is its benefits,
create or invent something [8]. what is educational research, to address the need for continued
• Correlation research: deals with the systematic research, to understand the contributions of research, and to
investigation or statistical study of relationships among two ensure the need of research for the future prospects of the
or more variables, without necessarily determining cause educational institutions.
and effect. It seeks to establish a relation or association or
correlation between two or more variables that do not readily 3. METHODOLOGY
lend themselves to experimental manipulation [9].
• Descriptive research: is an accurate portrayal of The current problem is analyzed by collecting various data
characteristics of a particular individual, situation, or group. from primary and secondary sources. To analyze the data various
Descriptive research is also known as statistical research [10]. statistical tools like graphs and other illustrative technique is
• Ethnographic research: is the investigation of a culture
through an in-depth study of the personalities of the culture. • To initiate with the problem a detailed questionnaire was
It adopts a systematic collection, description, and analysis of prepared.
data for development of theories of cultural behavior. • This questionnaire was circulated to a selected sample and
• Experimental research: involves the process of determining detailed feedback was obtained from the selected sampling.
the objective, systematic, controlled investigation for the • After obtaining the detailed sampling using various
purpose of predicting and controlling phenomena and illustrative methods the data is being presented in tabular
examining probability and causality among selected and graphical methods.
variables [11]. • Various inferences and appropriate conclusions were drawn
• Exploratory research: is a type of research conducted for a to summarize the findings.
problem that has not been clearly defined. Exploratory
research helps determine the best research design, data 4. OBJECTIVES
collection method and selection of subjects.
• Grounded theory research: is a research approach designed • To understand and know the need of research and its
to discover what problems exist in a given social importance in education.
environment and how the persons involved handle them; it • To understand the various methods of carrying the research.
involves formulation, testing, and reformulation of
propositions until a theory is developed [8] [9]. • To evaluate the effect of research in education.
• Historical research: is a research that involves analysis of • To project the probable benefits that may be derived by
event that occurred in the past. implementing research component in education.
• Phenomenological research: an inductive, descriptive • To evaluate the gains by implementing research in education
research approach developed from phenomenological system.
philosophy; its aim is to describe an experience as it is 4.1 REASONS THAT DRIVE RESEARCH
actually lived by the person [12].
On a broader perspective, all researches can be classified into The following is the list that addresses the various reasons that
two groups: drive the research in the educational institutions, the following
sample questions (few set) were posed in the questionnaire:
• Qualitative research: is research dealing with phenomena
that are difficult or impossible to quantify mathematically, • Why research in education?
such as beliefs, meanings, attributes, and symbols • What is educational research?
Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth • What is the Need for continued research?
understanding of human behavior and the reasons that
govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates • What is the Contributions of research in education?
the why and how of decision making. Need of research for the future.
• Quantitative research: refers to the systematic empirical 4.2 INSTITUTIONS ADOPTING RESEARCH IN
investigation of any phenomena via statistical, mathematical
or computational techniques. The objective of quantitative
research is to develop and employ mathematical models, The Fig.1 shows the current trend followed in educational
theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. institutions.
It is observed that more than 64% of the educational
2. PROBLEM DEFINITION institutions follow the conventional education system and around
34% of the educational institutions have switched over to the new
The need of research in education is recognized by collecting trend of having research component in their curriculum.
information from various primary and secondary sources. The The educational institutions have adopted the conventional
initiation of the problem was based on the current academic methods of teaching and it is observed that the educational
scenario in school education and based on the curriculum being institutions have limitations to take up necessary initiatives to take
followed in technical and medical institutions. To emphasize and
New Information
0 20 40 60 80 100
Conventional Curriculum
Research Involved Education Fig.3. Means to understand various issues
Fig.1. Institution adopting research in curriculum The implementation of research in education will open up
various avenues to carry out analysis, helps find new things, new
4.3 ENHANCE KNOWLEDGE, BUILD LEARNING, information, improve existing things and information, will
prepare to meet modern demands and learning abilities.
The basic reason for conducting research is to have an insight 4.5 RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL
into a specific topic and to see that there is a fair chance of INSTITUTIONS LEADS TO
enhancing the existing knowledge on that specific topic and
further supported with the aid of the previous studies. International Recognition
Enhance Learning
Quality Enhancement
Innovation 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage Fig.4. Changes in educational system
Fig.2. Benefits of Research in Education From the Fig.4, it is clearly evident that the introduction of
research in educational system can lead to various changes in the
From the Fig.2, it is observed and found that the research will education leading to enhanced innovation, success, enhancement
lead and enhance some of the parameters such as new dimensions in quality of product and also in quality of life, helps find truth,
to thinking, tend to search answers, raises new questions, helps enhance the opportunity for growth for the organizations, leading
understand the basic principles and subjects in a better manner, to continuous improvement by eliminating flaws and allows
research will leads to enhanced learning of a subject and concept, excellence in diverse fields and may bring in international
will enhance knowledge and leads to innovation. Over all it is recognition.
observed that there is a remarkable enhancement and benefits
related to all the parameters under consideration. 5. CONCLUSIONS
The current education system needs a transformation and
Research can reveal some of the issues that were not known drastic changes to be incorporated in this context the present paper
earlier and can raise new questions and lead to new investigations. makes an attempt to sensitize the issue of the importance of the
research in every sector of the education system. The adoption and
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