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Pin FMEA for AHC/AHCT family

Rev. 2 — 9 January 2019 Application note

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Abstract This application note provides a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Nexperia's AHC/
AHCT family under typical failure situations
Nexperia AN11106
Pin FMEA for AHC/AHCT family

1. Introduction
The Advanced High-Speed CMOS (AHC and AHCT) family of logic devices from Nexperia
Semiconductors, offers many of the same functions found in the High-Speed CMOS (HC and HCT)
family. However, it has higher performance and lower power consumption than the HC/HCT while
maintaining competitive prices. In addition, Nexperia Semiconductors guarantees AHC/AHCT
products to operate over an extended temperature range of -40 °C to +125 °C. The increase in
product specification is at no extra cost to the customer..
The AHC/AHCT family of products is ideally suited for notebooks, telecom infrastructure, and
portable applications. The capability to operate at both 5 V and 3.3 V, further extends its integration
into new designs. The dual voltage facilitates the migration of existing designs to low-voltage
systems and establishes it as a truly mixed-voltage product.
The AHC/AHCT family includes gates, octals, MSI, and 16 bit-wide devices. It is both functionally
and pin-for-pin compatible with the HC/HCT family of products.

2. Pin FMEA
This chapter provides a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for the device pins of
Nexperia’s AHC/AHCT family under typical failure situations such as a short-circuit to VCC or GND
or to a neighboring pin, or if a pin is left open.
A failure is classified according to its effect on the AHC/AHCT device and the functionality of the
application; see Table 1.

Table 1. Classification of failure effects

Class Failure effect
A damage to device
affects application functionality
B no damage to device
may affect application functionality
C no damage to device
no affect to application functionality

Table 2. FMEA matrix for pin short-circuit to VCC

Pin Class Remarks
Input B normal operating condition, no damage, no leakage, may affect
Output C if output defined HIGH, no damage, no leakage, no output level
Output A if output defined LOW, short-circuits and high currents can damage
device, output level changes
GND B short-circuits and high currents can damage device, will affect

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Nexperia AN11106
Pin FMEA for AHC/AHCT family

Table 3. FMEA matrix for pin short-circuit to GND

Pin Class Remarks
Input B normal operating condition, no damage, no leakage, may affect
Output C if output defined LOW, no damage, no leakage, no output level change
Output A if output defined HIGH, short-circuits and high currents can damage
device, output level changes
VCC B no damage, affects functionality

Table 4. FMEA matrix for pin left open

Pin Class Remarks
Input B undefined operating condition, no damage, increases leakage, may
affect functionality
Output C normal operating condition, no damage, no leakage
GND B undefined operating condition, no damage, increases leakage, will
affect functionality
VCC B undefined operating condition, no damage, increases leakage (only for
I/O types), affects functionality

Table 5. FMEA matrix for pin short-circuits between neighbor pins

Pin Class Remarks
Input to input C if inputs have same voltage levels: no damage, no leakage
B if inputs have different voltage levels: leakage increases, will
affect functionality
Input to output A if input and output have different voltage levels, can cause
high current and can damage device, will affect functionality
C if input and output have same voltage levels, no damage, no
Input to GND - see Table 3
Input to VCC - see Table 2
Output to output C if outputs have same voltage levels, no damage, no leakage
A if outputs have different voltage levels, can cause high
current and can damage device, will affect functionality
Output to input - same effect as ‘input to output’ condition
Output to GND - see Table 3
Output to VCC - see Table 2
GND to VCC - not applicable, these pins are not neighbors

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Nexperia AN11106
Pin FMEA for AHC/AHCT family

3. Abbreviations
Table 6. Abbreviations
Acronym Description
AHCT Advanced High-Speed CMOS TTL
CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
LSTTL Low power Schottky TTL
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic

4. Revision history
Table 7. Revision history
Rev Date Description
v.2 20190109 AN11106, updated to latest Nexperia documentation standard
v.1 20111104 AN11106 initial version

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Nexperia AN11106
Pin FMEA for AHC/AHCT family

5. Legal information

Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under
internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in
modifications or additions. Nexperia does not give any representations or
warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein
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Limited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed
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Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason
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Right to make changes — Nexperia reserves the right to make changes
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document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the
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Suitability for use — Nexperia products are not designed, authorized or
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Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these
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Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications
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Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to
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Nexperia AN11106
Pin FMEA for AHC/AHCT family

List of Tables
Table 1. Classification of failure effects................................2
Table 2. FMEA matrix for pin short-circuit to VCC............... 2
Table 3. FMEA matrix for pin short-circuit to GND............... 3
Table 4. FMEA matrix for pin left open................................ 3
Table 5. FMEA matrix for pin short-circuits between
neighbor pins........................................................................3
Table 6. Abbreviations..........................................................4
Table 7. Revision history......................................................4

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Nexperia AN11106
Pin FMEA for AHC/AHCT family

1. Introduction................................................................... 2
2. Pin FMEA.......................................................................2
3. Abbreviations................................................................ 4
4. Revision history............................................................4
5. Legal information......................................................... 5

© Nexperia B.V. 2019. All rights reserved

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For sales office addresses, please send an email to: [email protected]
Date of release: 9 January 2019

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