Dual Output Ac Current - Voltage Transducer

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Dual Output AC Current/Voltage Transducer

Ref No.: mDAD/om/101

Issue No: 14



Masibus Automation & Instrumentation Pvt. Ltd.

B/30, GIDC Electronics Estate,
Sector-25, Gandhinagar-382044, Gujarat, India
Web Site: www.masibus.com
Dual Output AC Current/Voltage Transducer
Ref No.: mDAD/om/101
Issue No: 14

Warning Symbol
(1) INTRODUCTION 3 The symbol calls attention to the
1.1 Description operating procedure, practice or the like
1.2 Block Diagram which if not correctly performed or
1.3 Product Ordering Code adhered to , could result in personal
injury or damage to or destruction of
part or all of the product and system. Do
(2) SPECIFICATIONS 4 not proceed beyond a warning symbol
until the indicated condition are fully
(3) INSTALLATION 5 understood and met.
3.1 Terminal Connections
3.2 Connection Diagram
3.3 Mounting Details Class-2 Type of instrument
Class-2 – Instrument is using Line &
(4) OPERATION GUIDELINE 6 Neutral for Power Supply Input.
4.1 Calibration Procedure
Information in this manual is
5.1 Importance of Isolation
subject to change without prior notice or
5.2 Application Area


Purpose of The Manual
6.1 Safety Precautions
 This manual should be provided
6.2 Warning Precautions
to the end user. Keep an extra
copy or copies of the manual in a
(7)Trouble shooting 7 safe place.
 Read this manual carefully to
Figures & Tables gain a thorough understanding of
Figure1: Block Diagram 3 how to operate this product
Figure2: Terminal Connection 5 before starting operation.
 This manual describes the
Figure3: Connection for CT Input 5
functions of this product. Masibus
Figure4: Connection for PT Input 5 does not guarantee the
Figure5: Installation details 5 application of these functions for
Figure6: Test Set up 6 any particular purpose.
 The contents of this manual are
Table1: Product ordering Code 3 subject to change without prior
Table2: Specification 4 notice.

Note: Information in this manual is

subject to change without prior
notice or permission.

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Dual Output AC Current/Voltage Transducer
Ref No.: mDAD/om/101
Issue No: 14
1.2. block diagram
1.1. Description

AC Current & AC Voltage Transducers

provide a reliable & accurate analog DC
output proportional to the AC input from
the secondary of potential and/or
current transformers in control
enclosures. The output is usually linked
to remote monitoring equipment such as
meters, recorders, PLC’s, SCADA Figure1: Block Diagram
systems etc.
Available only in single phase version, 1.3. Product Order Code
externally powered.
Average Sensing, Zero-Based Input ENCLOSURE ABS DIN, Rail Mount
An economical & accurate means of
AC Current Transducer DA
current / voltage measurement on AC Voltage Transducer DV
systems where the waveform is a pure CONFIGURATION
sine wave.
Single Phase 1
Device can also be used for non-critical
applications with distorted waveforms, Three Phase 3
where high accuracy is not required. INPUT
Calibrated to the RMS value of the sine Current Voltage
wave. The plastic case Current/Voltage 0-5A 0-150V 0
transducers (DA/DV Series) offer 0-1A 0-90V 1
versatility & compactness when panel
0-2A 0-300V 2
space is tight & can be mounted on a
0-450V 3
DIN rail.
1.1.1 The need for Isolation 0-1mA (0-10,000 Ohms) 0
0-3mA (0-3,300 Ohms) 1
Safety isolation is important for both 0-5mA (0-2,000 Ohms) 2
manufacturers and consumers. Its 0-10mA (0-1,000 Ohms) 3
purpose is to electrically separate 4-20mA (0-550 Ohms)
hazardous circuits and transient sources
0-1V (180 Ohms minimum) 6
from users and to protect products and
their surroundings. Galvanic isolation is 0-5V (500 Ohms minimum) 7
the most popular method. Transformers 0-10V (1000 Ohms minimum) 8
and opto isolators are examples of 1-5V (500 Ohms minimum) 9
galvanic isolation. Transformers use Special X
separate windings to magnetically SUFFIX (If Applicable)
convert power from inputs to outputs.
Opto isolators convert input signals into
DC Aux Power 24VDC K1
light and then convert it back for the DC Aux Power 48VDC K2
output signals. Aux Power 90-270VAC or KU
Special X
NO. Of Outputs
Single Keep Blank
Dual D

For Example: DA114KUD is the

ordering code for AC current transducer
in a DIN rail, with a 0-1A input, a 4-
20mA dual output & Universal Aux.
Table1: Product Ordering Code

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Dual Output AC Current/Voltage Transducer
Ref No.: mDAD/om/101
Issue No: 14

Item Specification
Input Signal Input Signal for AC Current Transducer : 0-5A, 0-1A, 0-2A
Input Signal for AC Voltage Transducer: 0-90V F.S. (Nom. 69V), 0-
150V F.S. (Nom. 120V), 0-300V F.S. (Nom. 240V), 0-450V F.S.
Input Over Range Capability:
For Current : 150% more of rated Input.
For Voltage : 75% to 120% of rated Input.
Input Burden: For Potential Transformer max. Input burden is 0.6VA.
For Current Transformer max. Input burden is 0.2VA.
Consult factory if critical.
Output Signal DC Current Output Range DC Voltage Output Range
(Load Resistance) (Load Resistance)
0-1mA(0-10000Ω) 0-1V (180Ω min.)
0-3mA(0-3000Ω) 0-5V (500Ω min.)
0-5mA(0-2000Ω) 0-10V (1000Ω min.)
0-10mA(0-1000Ω) 1-5V (500Ω min.)
External Calibration Adjustment : Zero: ±5% or more
With Trim pot Span: ±10% maximum.
Output Ripple Peak: Less than 75mV Peak
Response Time : To 90%: 250ms max ,To 99%: 400ms max
Environmental Operating temperature: 0C to +55C
Temp. Coefficient : ±0.01% per ºC.
Insulation Resistance : Input/Output1/Output2/Power/Case.
Greater than 200M.
Dielectric Test : Input/Output1/Output2/Power/Case
2500Vrms for one minute.
Humidity : Up to 40 to 90 % RH non-condense.
Compliance Voltage 18V
Class index 0.5
Nominal Accuracy For Voltage Transducer:0.25% of rated full scale output from
10% to 110% of rated input range
For Current Transducer:0.25% of rated full scale output from
5% to 110% of rated input range
Usage Group III (-10 C ……0 C …….45 C …… +55C)
Pollution Degree II
OverVoltage Category CAT I
External Power Supply: Universal Aux. Supply : 90-270VAC,50/60Hz or 110-370VDC
DC Aux. Supply : 24V DC, 48V DC [±10%]

Power Consumption: For Current / voltage Output:

Less than 5.0VA For Dual Output
Less than 4.0VA For Single Output
Enclosure ABS DIN Rail Mount
Weight Approximately 0.400 Kg.
Physical Circuit boards: Copper claded laminate FR-4 Grade epoxy Glass.
Construction Terminals : Metal Screw can accept up to 2.5 square mm wire.
Size : 60mm Width, 70mm Height, & Length 115mm.
Mounting : DIN RAIL mounting.
Connections : Power, Input & Output as shown on the front sticker of
the module.
Table2: Specification

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Dual Output AC Current/Voltage Transducer masibus
Ref No.: mDAD/om/101
Issue No: 14

3.2.2 Connection for PT Input:


3.1. Terminal Connections:

Figure2: Terminal Connection

1. Terminal 1&2: Output 1

2. Terminal 3&4: Output 2
3. Terminal 8&9: Power Supply Input All Dual Voltage Transducers
Universal Aux. Supply : DVXXXXX Series
90-270VAC,50/60Hz Figure4: Connection for PT Input
DC Aux. Supply: Note:
24V DC, 48V DC [±10%] 1. Use>250V-1Amp Cable for Power
4. Terminal 6&7: Input Supply.
5. Terminal 5&10: NC 2. If cable has two parallel wires inside
than isolation between them must be
3.2 Connection Diagram: 2.5 KV.

3.2.1 Connection for CT Input:

3.3 Mounting Details:

Recommended way of mounting is

shown below.
Distance between mounting of two
transducers is more than 50mm.
Front View:

All Dual Current Transducers Figure5: Installation details

Figure3: Connection for CT Input

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Dual Output AC Current/Voltage Transducer masibus
Ref No.: mDAD/om/101
Issue No: 14
control system there are several
4. OPERATION GUIDELINES problems that are likely to occur, all of
which can be solved by incorporating the
appropriate isolation between signals.
Turn on the equipment & allow a
minimum of 15 minutes warm up time. 5.2 APPLICATION AREA:
Connect the equipment as shown in
figure.  Measurement of most electrical
O N  Conversion to standard dc output
R signals.
 Outputs suitable for PLC’s.
CE  Use in control cabinets, Process
Energy Measurement.
Figure 6: Test Setup
This equipment requires an external PRECAUTIONS
power source, connect to an appropriate
source. 6.1 Safety Precautions
Zero Offsetting: Dangerous voltages capable of
Set the calibrator correspond to min. causing death are sometimes
value, adjust the Zero setting pot to the present in this instrument. Before
min. output on precision digital installation or beginning of any
multimeter, also check for the variation troubleshooting procedures the
of ±5% of full scale. power to all equipment must be
Full Scale Calibration: switched off and isolated. Units
Set the calibrator correspond to max. suspected of being faulty must be
value, adjust the Span setting pot to the disconnected and removed first and
max. output on precision digital brought to a properly equipped
multimeter, also check for the variation workshop for testing and repair.
of ±10% of output. Component replacement and
Linearity Check: interval adjustments must be made
Change the current input from min. to by a company person only.
max. in step of 25% & record all
readings within accuracy of 0.25% of full 6.2 Warning Precautions
Output Ripple Check: Before wiring, verify the label for
Using the oscilloscope at 0.5 second correct model no. and options.
sweep rate & appropriate AC range, Wiring must be carried out by
measure the amount of ripple across the personnel, who have basic electrical
specified resistance, from centre line to knowledge and practical experience.
peak. It is recommended that power of
these units to be protected by fuses,
5. APPLICATION circuit breakers or external over current
rated at the minimum value possible.
5.1 Important of Isolation All wiring must confirm to
appropriate standards of good practice
In most processes there are pieces of and local codes and regulations. Wiring
electronic measurement and control must be suitable for voltage, current,
equipment from many different and temperature rating of the system.
manufactures. The signals from these Beware not to over-tighten the
instruments are interconnected to each terminal screws.
other and to sensors, transducers and Unused control terminals should
output devices connected in the process not be used as jumper points as they
loop. In any such measurement and

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Dual Output AC Current/Voltage Transducer masibus
Ref No.: mDAD/om/101
Issue No: 14
may be internally connected, causing First verify that all conventional
damage to the unit. instrumentation norms have been
followed for wiring. Try using shielded
Verify that the ratings of the cable for sensor input.
output devices and the inputs as Check for ripple on power supplies of
specified in Chapter 7 are not exceeded. Input section and Output sections. If
Upon receipt of the shipment power supplies have ripples, input
remove the unit from the carton and voltage may be low or there is some
inspect the unit for shipping damage. If failure on power supply card.
any damage due to transit, report and Please note that this is an
claim with the carrier. Write down the isolator, and the Input and
model number and serial number for Output sections are
future reference when corresponding electrically isolated from each
with our Customer Support Division. other. Therefore, any power
supply measurements should
Do not use this instrument in be done with respect to
areas such as excessive shock, vibration, proper grounds.
dirt, moisture, corrosive gases or rain.
The ambient temperature of the areas OUTPUT NOT MATCHING WITH THE
should not exceed the maximum rating EXPECTED VALUE
specified. It is a normal tendency to doubt the
Provide power from a single- instrument performance, when the
phase instrument power supply. If there Output is not matching the expected
is a lot of noise in the power line, insert value. Kindly make sure that the output
an insulating transformer into the is really incorrect with respect to input
primary side of the line and use a line signal, before attempting any re-
filter on the secondary side. As counter calibration.
measures against noise, do not place the Account for measuring instrument’s
primary and secondary power cables inaccuracies, lead errors and calibration
close to each other. errors. Care must be taken when
measuring Output signal.
An ordinary 3½ digit multimeter is used
7. TROUBLE SHOOTING it can show reading which deviates from
what the instrument is showing as the
accuracy of the multimeter may not be
UNIT NOT TURNING ON as good as the that of the instrument.
So use calibrating instrument of
The problem can be bad connection /
accuracy better than 0.1% for purpose
power of incorrect rating.
of calibration.
First check, power on terminal of the
If the signal is still found to be out of
instrument itself if it is not present then
tolerance, calibration should be
the fault is in power chord.
attempted as described in the next
One must take care while
dealing with Power wirings
because it may create VAGUE READING
electrical shock.
The reason can be reverse input
Check for loose connections.

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