Oct. 2-6, 2023

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SCHOOL SSS Village Elementary School QUARTER First-Week 6

GRADES 1 to 12 LEARNING October 9-13, 2023

MAHINAHON – 1:40 – 2:30
MAHABAGIN – 2:30 - 3:20
GRADE Four MAPAGKALINGA – 3:30 – 4:20
MAPAGLINGKOD – 4:50 – 5:40
Master Teacher I


A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of changes that materials undergo when exposed to certain conditions.

B. Performance
The learners should be able to evaluate whether changes in materials are useful or harmful to one’s environment.
C. Learning DAY 1-2:
Competency Describe changes in properties of materials when exposed to certain conditions such as temperature or when mixed with other materials; (S4MT-Ig-h-6)
Write the l-code for each.
DAY 3-5:
Identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s environment. (S4MT-Ii-j-7)

DAY 1: Describe changes in DAY 2: Describe the changes in DAY 3: Prepare a mixture out DAY 4: Identify changes in DAY 5: Determine whether
properties of materials when the different materials when of available materials (ex. materials that are useful or the change in the material is
Daily Objective mixed with other materials exposed to different fruits, vegetables, herbal harmful to one’s harmful or useful in the
temperatures. plants) in your area and list environment. environment.
down the changes observed.

Subject Matter

A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Self-Learning Module (Science, Self-Learning Module (Science, Self-Learning Module (Science, Self-Learning Module (Science, Self-Learning Module (Science,
Material pages Module #3) Module #3) Module #3) Module #3) Module #3)
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional eLibro, Pictures, PowerPoint, eLibro, Pictures, PowerPoint, eLibro, Pictures, PowerPoint, eLibro, Pictures, PowerPoint, eLibro, Pictures, PowerPoint,
Materials from
the Learning Laptop, Projector Laptop, Projector Laptop, Projector Laptop, Projector Laptop, Projector
B. Other Materials

Daily Routine Daily Routine Daily Routine

Daily Routine Daily Routine 1. Prayer 1. Prayer
1. Prayer
1. Prayer 1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance 2. Checking of attendance 2. Checking of attendance
2. Checking of attendance 2. Checking of attendance
3. Reminders on health and safety 3. Reminders on health and 3. Reminders on health and
3. Reminders on health and 3. Reminders on health and
Daily Routine protocols safety protocols safety protocols
safety protocols safety protocols
4. Setting of classroom policies, 4. Setting of classroom policies, 4. Setting of classroom 4. Setting of classroom
4. Setting of classroom policies,
guidelines and procedures guidelines and procedures policies, guidelines and policies, guidelines and
guidelines and procedures
procedures procedures

ELICIT What was our lesson last week? What have you learned from our What have we discussed What was our lesson What have you learned from our
lesson yesterday? yesterday? yesterday? previous lesson?
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or
presenting the
new lesson

Who loves fruit salad? What is Temperature? Did you bring your materials? Before we proceed to our Look around you, what changes
How about spaghetti? discussion proper, let us unlock in materials that is useful to our
Mac and cheese? Unlock the word temperature. the following words first: environment?
What ingredients do we need to Temperature- the degree of hotness HARMFUL
make fruit salad? or coldness ENVIRONMENT
What is the normal temperature of What have you observed in our
B. Establishing a
the human body? environment? Is it clean? Or is it
purpose for the lesson
When can we say that it is hot or

What instrument will we use to

know the temperature?

Have you ever wondered what Class, what if you want to fry some Today, we are going to make a If we are going to look back in What is the difference between
will happen if we mix materials eggs one cold morning, but you Mixture. our previous lessons, useful and harmful changes in
C. Presenting
with other materials? notice that the cooking oil solidified hammering, bending, cutting, materials?
instances of the in the bottle? What should you do to This mixture is commonly known pressing, and so on, can change
new lesson Yes, we can make a MIXTURE liquefy the cooking oil? as a fruit salad. the properties of a material.
if we combine materials. These changes can be useful or
Correct! And what do we call that So, before we start, let us keep in harmful to one’s environment.
There are 2 types of Mixtures: process? mind the following rules:
1. Homogeneous
2. Heterogenous 1. Follow the steps given.
2. Cleanliness must be observed.
3. Everyone must cooperate.
4. I will read the steps, and then
you will follow after.
5. When you finish, clean your

EXPLORE What will happen if we What do you think will happen if Fruit Salad-Making Proper Show pictures of recycling. In our classroom, what are the
combine/mix a solid material we leave an ice cube outside on a changes in materials that are
D. Discussing new with another solid material? sunny day? What can be seen in this picture? useful to our environment?
concepts and What do you think is the effect
practicing new Now I have here a garlic and Correct! of this change to our
onion. If we mix these two solid When solid materials are exposed to environment?
skills #1
materials, what do you think will a high temperature, they melt. That
happen? process is called Melting. What are other useful changes in
What mixture do we have now? What about if we put some juice in
the freezer? What do you think will
How about if we mix a solid happen after an hour?
material with a liquid material?
What do you think will happen? That’s right!
When liquid materials are exposed
For instance, I have here a glass to low temperatures, they solidify.
of water and powdered milk. If That process is called Freezing.
we mix them together, what will
happen next? Class, have you seen boiling water?
What do you see when the water is
What type of mixture do we boiling?
have now?
Correct! We see vapor/steam or gas.
Note: Not all solid materials can
be dissolved in liquids. When liquids are exposed to low
temperatures, they become gas or
Solute – a material that will be vapor. That process is called
dissolved to make a solution. Evaporation.
Solvent - any substance, usually
liquid, which is capable of
dissolving one or several

Water – is considered the

universal solvent because it is
capable of dissolving more
substances than any other liquid.
I have here a soy sauce and Class, do you know how clouds Show a picture of burning In our classroom, what are the
vinegar. What do you think will form? garbage. changes in materials that are
happen if we mix two different harmful to our environment?
liquids? Yes. When gas/vapor is exposed to What about this picture? Can
low temperatures, it will become you tell me more about this?
What mixture do we have now? liquid again. That process is called
Condensation. What do you think is the effect
E. Discussing new
Note: Not all liquids mix of burning garbage to our
concepts and
completely with other liquids. Can a solid turn into a gas without environment?
practicing new
Some liquids do not because of passing through the liquid state?
skills #2
their density. Denser liquid goes Yes. That process is called Can you give me more harmful
at the bottom of the mixture Sublimation. changes in materials?
while less dense liquid goes up.
A good example of this is Dry Ice.
Dry Ice is frozen carbon dioxide.
Unlike most solids, it does not melt
into a liquid, but instead changes
directly into a gas.
What are the changes in the What are the changes in the When can we say that the What will you do to minimize
properties of materials after properties of materials when changes in materials are harmful the changes in materials that are
mixing them with other exposed to different temperatures? or useful to our environment? harmful to our environment?
F. Developing mastery
Mixing solid with another solid
Mixing solid with liquid?
Mixing solid to solid?
Mixing liquid with other liquid?
G. Finding practical What is the importance of Why do we have to expose What will happen if we keep on In our daily living, what do we
applications of concepts mixtures in our daily lives? materials to different temperatures? making harmful changes in need to remember?
and skills in daily materials?
living What is the proper way of handling
materials with high temperatures?
When can we tell that the What happens to materials when Is important to know if the There are changes that materials
mixture is Homogeneous or exposed to different temperatures? changes in materials is useful or undergo which are useful and
Heterogeneous? harmful? Why? harmful to the environment.
When materials undergo changes
ELABORATE that can pollute land, air, and
H. Making water, these become harmful to
Generalizations the environment. To minimize
the harmful effects of these
materials to the environment we
encouraged you to follow the
5Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,
Repair, and Rot.
Read each question carefully Read each question carefully and List at least 3 useful changes and Determine the changes in
and encircle the letter of the encircle the letter of the correct 3 harmful changes in materials materials that are useful and
correct answer. answer. to the environment. harmful to your environment at
home. List at least 3 useful and
1. What kind of mixture is 1. Which of the following harmful changes in materials at
shown when the resulting statements is TRUE when materials home.
mixture looks the same are exposed to heat?
throughout? A. materials contract
A. homogeneous mixture B. materials expand
B. homo-heterogeneous mixture C. materials replicate
C. heterogeneous mixture D. D. materials disappear
hetero-homogeneous 2. What will happen to the particles
of liquid when cooled?
2. What will happen to a bowl of A. The particles expand.
sand when mixed with brown B. The particles become close
sugar? together.
EVALUATE List the material used in the
A. There will be no change. C. The particles move farther away
mixture. Identify the kind of
B. The sand will not mix with from each other.
I. Evaluating learning mixture they made.
brown sugar. D. The particles are stable and have
C. Sand and sugar will partially no chance to move.
D. Sand and sugar will not be 3. What happens to a candle when
distinguished when mixed. you lit it after an hour? A. The
candle will melt.
3. Colored papers are cut into B. The candle will change color.
pieces and put in a container and C. There is no change in the candle.
shake well. What happens to the D. The candle will change its
pieces of paper? texture.
A. There is no change.
B. The pieces of paper are not
C. The pieces of paper are
partially mixed.
D. The colored papers can still
be identified when mixed
Individual Learning Monitoring Plan

Pupil’s Name______________
Competency Assessment score Solution Parent’s Signature
List 3 homogeneous and 3 Learners will be grouped into 5. Assignment: Identify an object in your
heterogeneous mixtures you’ll Each group will bring the following List 2 harmful changes in household which underwent
find at home. materials tomorrow: materials and 2 beneficial changes that harm the
changes in materials. environment. Prepare a plan on
432 grams fruit cocktail how to minimize its harmful
EXTEND 1 pack of sliced cheese effects. Write your plan on one
J. Additional activities 1 condensed milk (transferred in a whole sheet of paper.
for application or jar)
remediation 1 pack of all-purpose cream
(Additional Activities) 1 spatula
1 big plastic bowl
1 spoon
1 plastic cup
Plastic gloves
Hair net
Face mask

____________ Accomplished
____________ Lesson to be continued
_____________ Not Accomplished (Please cite the reason)

IV. Remarks

V. Reflection
A. A. No. of learners
who earned 80% on SECTION
the Formative

B. No. of learners who SECTION

require additional Remediatio
activities for remediation n
C. Did the remedial
work? No. Of learners SECTION
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who SECTION
continue to require Remediatio
remediation n

____Experimentation _____Hands-on demonstration

____Role Playing _____Authentic Activities
____Collaborative Learning _____Debates
E. Which of my teaching ____ Lecture _____Independent Study
strategies worked well? ____ Problem-based Learning
Why did these work? Others: ___________________________________________

____ Bullying _____ Ventilation issues

____ Learners’ behavior _____Insufficient IM/ICT tools
F. What difficulties did I ____Distraction during class hours
encounter which my Others: ___________________________________________
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Glen Grace L. Gorgonio Myrna F. Carullo Dr. Maritoni B. Cabacungan

Teacher I Master Teacher I Principal I

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