I. Objectives: Significance of The Study Significance of The Study Statement of The Problem Statement of The Problem

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Grades 1 to 12 School Urdaneta City National High School Grade Level 12-GAS

DAILY LESSON Teacher MELCHORA D. BOLAMBAO Learning Area Research on Daily Life 2
LOG Teaching Dates and Time July 8-12, 2019 Quarter First
BLOOM- 7:30-8:30 (T,W,TH,F)
LOCKE-8:30-9:30 (M,T,TH,F)
FREUD-9:30-10:30 (M,T,W,TH)
DEWEY- 1:00-2:00 (M,T,W,TH)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of (1) the range understanding of (1) the understanding of (1) the understanding of (1) the understanding of (1) the
of research topics in the area of range of research topics in the range of research topics in the range of research topics in the range of research topics in the
inquiry, (2) the value of area of inquiry, (2) the value area of inquiry, (2) the value area of inquiry, (2) the value area of inquiry, (2) the value
A. Content Standards
research in the area of interest, of research in the area of of research in the area of of research in the area of of research in the area of
and (3) the specificity and interest, and (3) the interest, and (3) the interest, and (3) the interest, and (3) the
feasibility of the problem posed specificity and feasibility of specificity and feasibility of specificity and feasibility of specificity and feasibility of
the problem posed the problem posed the problem posed the problem posed
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to
Standards clearly statement of research formulate clearly statement formulate clearly statement formulate clearly statement formulate clearly statement
problem of research problem of research problem of research problem of research problem
C. Learning The learner cites benefits and The learner cites benefits and
Competencies/ Objectives beneficiaries of study (CS_RS12-Id- beneficiaries of study (CS_RS12- The learner presents written
Write the LC code for e-6) Id-e-6) statement of the problem
each (CS_RS12-Id-e-7)
Significance of the Study Significance of the Study Statement of the Problem Statement of the Problem
III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
RESOURCES manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C., Carey, Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C., Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C., Carey, . Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C., Carey,
3. Textbook pages
T.G. (2017) Practical Research 2 Carey, T.G. (2017) Practical T.G. (2017) Practical Research 2 T.G. (2017) Practical Research 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Research 2 for Senior High for Senior High School. Quezon
for Senior High School. Quezon for Senior High School. Quezon
School. Quezon City, Metro City, Metro Manila. Lorimar
City, Metro Manila. Lorimar City, Metro Manila. Lorimar
Manila. Lorimar Publishing Publishing Inc. pp.
Publishing Inc. pp. Publishing Inc. pp.
Inc. pp.
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
Teacher and Student-prepared Teacher and Student-prepared
B. Other Learning
Ppt Presentation Slides, TV Ppt Presentation Slides, TV Ppt Presentation Slides, TV Ppt Presentation Slides, TV
Resources Monitor, Textbook Monitor, Textbook Monitor Monitor
A. Reviewing previous The students will be reviewed Daily Routine The students will be given a short
lesson or about the F-I-N-E-R qualities of a Prayer The students will be given a short quiz about the topics discussed
presenting the new research problem. The teacher will quiz about the topics discussed from CS_RS12-Id-e-1 to CS_RS12-
Checking of Attendance
lesson ask what makes a research from CS_RS12-Id-e-1 to CS_RS12- Id-e-6. 10 minutes
problem relevant. 10 minutes Id-e-6. 10 minutes

B. Establishing a A research to be relevant needs The students will be told to The students will be told to
purpose for the to be beneficial to a person, group, present their outputs including present their outputs including
lesson or to the society in general. The their research title, research their research title, research
benefits and beneficiaries of a Review about the F-I-N-E-R questions, scope and questions, scope and
research is described in the section qualities of a research delimitation, significance of the delimitation, significance of the
"Benefits and Beneficiaries of problem. study, and definition of terms. study, and definition of terms.
Research" or "Significance of the This is to assess their work and This is to assess their work and
Study." reinforce what they have learned reinforce what they have learned
from the said topics for mastery. from the said topics for mastery.
C. Presenting Selected students will be asked to A research to be relevant needs The teacher will present an The teacher will present an
examples/ read the definition for "Benefits to be beneficial to a person, example of a research with its example of a research with its
instances of the and Beneficiaries of Research." group, or to the society in research title, research questions, research title, research questions,
new lesson After which, an example will be general. The benefits and scope and delimitation, scope and delimitation,
presented and will be used by the beneficiaries of a research is significance of the study, and significance of the study, and
teacher for discussion. 10 minutes described in the section "Benefits definition of terms. This will serve definition of terms. This will serve
and Beneficiaries of Research" or as a guide for the students to as a guide for the students to
"Significance of the Study." follow for their presentation. 10 follow for their presentation. 10
minutes minutes
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
D. Discussing new The teacher will ask a student to Every group will present their Every group will present their
concepts and read an example of the section Selected students will be asked to outputs in front for a maximum outputs in front for a maximum
practicing new "Siginificance of the Study" from read the definition for "Benefits of 10 minutes. As students of 10 minutes. As students
skills #1 research entitled "Fire Risk and Beneficiaries of Research." present the different parts of present the different parts of
Assessment of Rental Houses After which, an example will be their output, some questions will their output, some questions will
along San Vicente West, Urdaneta presented and will be used by the be asked to them by the teacher be asked to them by the teacher
City." teacher for discussion. 10 to clarify the contents of their to clarify the contents of their
minutes output. Other members of the output. Other members of the
After reading the examples class will also be asked what they class will also be asked what they
projected on the screen, the can suggest to improve the can suggest to improve the
teacher will assign groups of outputs presented. 60 minutes outputs presented. 60 minutes
students to assume the roles of: (a)
members of BFP; (b)
administrators of rental houses; (c)
members of the community; and
(d) student occupants. They will
analyze the significance of the
research on Fire Risk Assessment
and will share to the class how
they will be benefited by the
research. 15 minutes
E. Discussing new In their respective groups, the The teacher will ask a student to
concepts and students will be assigned the read an example of the section
practicing new following tasks: "Siginificance of the Study" from
skills #2  Considering your chosen research entitled "Fire Risk
research topic, describe Assessment of Rental Houses
who will be benefited along San Vicente West,
from your study. Urdaneta City."
Compose the section
"Significance of the After reading the examples
Study." projected on the screen, the
teacher will assign groups of
students to assume the roles of:
(a) members of BFP; (b)
administrators of rental houses;
(c) members of the community;
and (d) student occupants. They
will analyze the significance of
the research on Fire Risk
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Assessment and will share to the
class how they will be benefited
by the research. 15 minutes
After the presentation of After the presentation of outputs,
In their respective groups, the outputs, the students will finalize the students will finalize their
students will be assigned the their outputs incorporating the outputs incorporating the
following tasks: suggestions from the teacher and suggestions from the teacher and
F. Developing  Considering your their classmates. They can also their classmates. They can also
chosen research topic, finalize their outputs by finalize their outputs by
mastery (Leads to incorporating additional ideas incorporating additional ideas
describe who will be
Formative they develop based from what they develop based from what
benefited from your
Assessment 3) they learned from their they learned from their
study. Compose the
section "Significance of presentations. They will submit presentations. They will submit
the Study." their finalized output after (2) their finalized output after (2)
days. 30 minutes days. 30 minutes

G. Finding practical Selected groups will present their Selected groups will present their
applications of output in front. 20 minutes output in front. 20 minutes
concepts and skills
in daily living
The students will describe the The students will describe the The students will be asked the The students will be asked the
H. Making purpose of the significance of the purpose of the significance of the following questions: (1) What are following questions: (1) What are
generalization study. 5 minutes study. 5 minutes the elements of a good research the elements of a good research
s and problem? (2) What is the problem? (2) What is the
abstractions importance of having research importance of having research
about the questions? (3) What is the questions? (3) What is the
lesson purpose of the scope and purpose of the scope and
delimitation of a study? delimitation of a study?
The learners will be evaluated The learners will be evaluated The learners will be evaluated The learners will be evaluated
I. Evaluating through recitation and group through recitation and group through recitation and group through recitation and group
learning presentation presentation presentation presentation

J. Additional The students will be The students will be The students will work in groups The students will work in groups
activities for encouraged to read the next encouraged to read the next to polish their presented outputs to polish their presented outputs
application or topic on the presentation slide topic on the presentation for submission. for submission.
remediation provided. slide provided.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
VI. REFLECTION Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

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