Quarter 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 4
Quarter 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 4
Quarter 2 - Week 4 - Lesson 4
Little Scientists!
We’ll start in a few minutes …
SCIENCE 4- Quarter 2
Module 4
Specialized Structures of
Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants
After going through this module, you are
expected to:
Thorns on Roses
Hair/Trichome on Tomatoes
These structures help the plants
resist cold, drought, ultraviolet
light, and insect or animals'
Other plants produce
pungent odor and
covered with spines.
These specialized structures also
help some plants survive and
prevent insects from eating
Some plants have hairy
leaves that you cannot touch
it with your bare hands like
lipang-aso and oregano. It
helps them to protect
themselves from stray
Common Nettle / Lipang-aso
Oregano Leaves
Plants with these specialized
structures can be very harmful to
humans. Once touch, it may result
to an allergic reaction or worst
itching. These specialized
structures help plants to reach
places for survival and growth.
There are also Carnivorous
Plants and Poisonous Plants.
These specialized structures are
also for plants’ survival and
Venus Flytrap
Pitcher Plant
Aquatic plants are
adapted to live partially
or fully submerged in
Mangroves which grow in coastal
areas have roots called
Pneumatophores which help them
obtain oxygen, while its barks and
leaves can also filter salinity in water
that they take.
Waterlilies have thick
and buoyant leaves
while lotus are flat and
broad. It helps them to
distribute weight over a
large area thus helping
them float
Water hyacinths have
long roots so that they
can reach soil under
Water Hyacinth