Risk Management in Ready Mixed Concrete RMC Plant
Risk Management in Ready Mixed Concrete RMC Plant
Risk Management in Ready Mixed Concrete RMC Plant
Abstract: Due to technological development, gigantic skyscrapers and mega projects are possible
resulting into increased demand of concrete for these projects. In municipal areas, site locations are in
congested places where manual mixing is not possible. As Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC) is favoured
more as it provides concrete of required quality and of required quantity. The success of RMC industry
depends upon proper identification and assessment of risks or failure modes involved in various stages
in concrete production. RMC industry is extremely complex in nature which contain many
uncertainties resulting into complex risk management methodologies. The main aim of the research is
to determine most critical risk that can occur at Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) plant and to provide
suggestions to mitigate the most critical risk or failure modes. To achieve this aim, Failure Mode Effect
Analysis (FMEA) is used combined with Analytical Network Process (ANP) to access and prioritize
the risks involved at RMC plant as six risks resulted into same Risk Priority Number (RPN). Finally,
it was concluded that injury at site is most critical risk involved at RMC plant. The research also
provides suggestion to mitigate most critical risk.
Keywords: RMC plant, Risk of RMC, Risk management in concrete, Analytical Network Process in
RMC, FMEA in RMC management, Critical risks in RMC plant.
As per Indian Standard code of practice (IS 4926-2003) Ready Mixed Concrete plant (RMC) is defined
as “concrete mixed in a stationary mixer in a central batching and mixing plant as shown in figure 1
or in a truck-mixer and supplied in the fresh condition to the purchaser either at the site or into the
purchaser’s vehicles” [1-16]. This results in more accurate concrete design of desired strength with
proper quality. Due to eco-friendly nature and effective quality control of Ready Mixed Concrete
(RMC), it is preferred more than in-situ concrete. The manufacturing of RMC concrete is less time
consuming with high customer satisfaction rate as the concrete is produced with good quality and
delivered in time. The used of RMC also benefits in reducing space required at site to produce in-situ
concrete [15]. The popularity of RMC has increased due to benefits such as reliability, stability, lower
cost and its ability of modify design of concrete as per its application in various structural elements.
ISO 31000-2009 defines risks as, “risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives” [17]. The effect of
these uncertainties can be at various aspects of the RMC plant such as financial, safety, health of
employee, environmental safety, etc. Concrete is most used construction material in the world [14].
As India is a developing country, the demand of concrete is increasing day by day for infrastructure
development. To fulfil the required demand, the popularity of RMC is ever increasing. To improve
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The paper presents use of Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) to identify and prioritize most critical
risks or failure modes involved at RMC plant at also to suggest actions to mitigate those risks. In case
of tie breaking situation to identify most critical risks, Analytical Network Process (ANP) is used to
prioritize the risks with similar risk priority number. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a
structured approach to determine potential failures mode that may occur within the design of a product
or process [11]. The mode or way in which failure can occur is known as failure modes and effects are
the outcome of those failure mode. The main step involved in performing FMEA are identification of
risks, analysis of the risks to calculate Risk Priority Number (RPN) and finally to prioritize the risks
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The aim of the present work is to identify, analyse and prioritize risks involved in RMC plant in Pune
region. The objective are as follows:
Agnieszka et al. (2015) presented three different methodology of risk analysis. They explained their
advantages, dis-advantages and area of application. The 3 methods of which can be used for risk
analysis are: 1) multi-criteria decision-making methods, 2) Statistical methods, 3) Sensitivity analysis
method [5].
Mohamed et al. (2021) explained than Failure Mode Effect Analysis is a systematic method which can
be used for risk identification along with the impact of those risks. The method also provides corrective
actions to eliminate those risks. The paper presents application of FMEA methodology for risk
assessment and management in construction industry. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy analytical hierarchy
process are used to eliminate the limitations of traditional FMEA [1].
Prabhakaran et al. (2016) presented that there is huge awareness in European countries about
importance of risk management system. The paper presented a survey data revelling that Indian RMC
industry lacks practical risks management methodology. It was also presented that RMC industry in
India will not gain creditability unless a proper risk management methodology is adopted which will
increase the confidence of customer and improve efficiency of RMC plant [6].
Baheti et al. (2017) applied Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) to enlist various risk involved at
RMC plant Statistical Quality Control also known as SQC charts are used to monitor the quality on
concrete produced [7].
Augustine et al. (2019) published a paper. In this paper, major risk factors affecting Ready mix
production were assessed and prioritized using Failure Mode Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA).
The most critical risk associated with the RMC was found to be the reduction in compressive strength
due to delay in the delivery of concrete [12].
More et al. (2017) presented a research on risk management system by using Failure Mode Effect
Analysis (FMEA) methodology to determine most critical risk. It was also stated that, six risks resulted
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Zunzunwala et al. (2018) used Fuzzy Logic in MATLAB for effectively managing risks to improve
overall process of RMC plant. In this study, a successful attempt is made to merge qualitative analysis
of risk and the fuzzy logic tools to identify the risk factors that arise in RMC plants and to prioritize
the identified risks [10].
Marcelo et al. (2014) explained the application of discrete event simulation combined with Failure
Mode Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA) to assess risks involved in supply chain of RMC plant.
The effect of those risks on was also studies and remedial measure for those risks was presented to
reduce the interruptions that occurs due to the risks [4].
Walke et al. (2010) proposed a paper presenting application of Expected Monetary Value (EMV) for
risk assessment at RMC plant in India. It is an easy but effective approach for quantification of failure
modes and it shall help to achieve the objectives of RMC business in terms of cost of production and
supply of RMC [2].
Chen and Luo (2019) studied the application of ANP with other methods for risk prioritization and the
ability of ANP to present relation between risks involved. Analytic Network Process (ANP) method is
used in the third stage to assess the relative importance of the risk factors to define risk priorities in
project [13].
Najwa and Subriadi (2018) presented that lack of information and survey data can provide inconsistent
results in FMEA methodology. Limitation of FMEA arises due to lack of sufficient data of product or
part, potential failure mode, potential impacts of failure, the potential causes failure, and the design of
control. So that, this has led to a misconception, confusion or uncertainty in risk identification [11].
Khan et al. (2017) described use of soft computing such as FMECA hybridized with discrete event
simulation to assess risk involved in transportation of concrete from plant to site using transit mixture.
The research also said that FMECA provides better result than FMEA as it reduced the limitation of
FMEA method. Different mitigation strategies were found based on our findings [9].
Walke et al. (2012) proposed a paper presenting an approach for qualitative analysis of both internal
and external risks is RMC plants at various locations in India. Total 133 risks were listed in this paper.
An acceptance and rejection criteria are suggested to bifurcate the risks having significant impact on
the objectives of companies running RMC plants [3].
Figure 2 shows the evolution of research work since 2010 till 2019. In 2010 researchers wore using
Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy FMEA to analyse the risks in construction project. In 2012 research have been
done to find 133 risks involved in RMC plant. In 2017 Statistical Quality control (SQC) with FMEA
was used to manage risks in RMC plant. Further in 2017 FMEA and in 2019 FMECA was used to
access the risks involved in RMC plant.
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Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is defined as, “a systematic process for identifying
probable design and process failures before they can occur, with the intension to eradicate them or
minimize the risk associated with them” [7]. FMEA is a qualitative risk assessment methodology
which have a systematic approach to determine risks or failure modes in design stage of process or
product. The mode or way in which failure can occur is known as failure modes and effects are the
outcome of those failure mode. The main aim of FMEA methodology is identification and assessment
of risks before it can occur in any process or production stage. It might also prioritize each failure
according to the criticality of a failure effect and its probability of taking [10]. The risk analysis method
in FMEA methodology is based on determining risk priority number (RPN) for every failure mode by
collecting survey data. The failure mode with high RPN is a high priority risk and by elimination this
risk, the efficiency can be improved drastically. There is no threshold value for Risk Priority Number
(RPN). The rating factor of RPN mostly consists of severity, occurrence and detection rankings.
The severity, occurrence and detection ranking for calculation of Risk Priority Number (RPN) can be
obtained by surveying and primary data sources. The failure mode with high RPN represents most
critical risk and failure mode with least RPN represents least critical risks. The major emphasis should
be given to eliminate failure modes with most critical risks. The formula to calculate RPN is given
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All RMC plants have similar process, the difference is in capacity of production and type of machinery
used. Risk at RMC plant may be found only if we know the actual process at RMC plant. In every
step, we may find some risk involved.
Step 1: Initially the order is received from the site. Depending on the requirement of each site
dispatching schedule is prepared for the next day.
Step 2: As per the planned dispatching schedule, concrete is produced and loaded on transit mixtures.
Step 3: After concrete is loaded, the truck is transported on site. Truck is then unloaded on site and
returns on RMC plant. This process continuous.
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A) Internal Risks: Risks occurring within organization and can be controlled by modifying process is
known as internal risks.
B) External risks: Risks occurring outside the organization, and which cannot be controlled by any
modification is known as external risks. Hence, only internal risks are considered in this research work.
A) Operational Failure
B) Poor Quality of concrete
C) Safety risks
D) Transportation risk
Figure 5 represents a cause-and-effect diagram to list causes of the internal risk at RMC plant. Cause
and effect diagram also known as fish bone diagram is a graphical tool used to represent causes of
different failure modes with their effects.
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The severity, occurrence and detection ranking for calculation of Risk Priority Number (RPN) can be
obtained by surveying and primary data sources. The failure mode with high RPN represents most
critical risk and failure mode with least RPN represents least critical risks. The major emphasis should
be given to eliminate failure modes with most critical risks. The formula to calculate RPN is given
The RPN for risks in RMC plant are shown below in table 2:
6. Prioritization of risks
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Table 3 gives Risk priority number of various risks. The risks have been prioritize based on RPN.
More the RPN more critical will be the risks.
FMEA results into four failure modes or risks with same RPN of 48 which cannot be used to determine
most critical risk at RMC plant. Decision making is an essential part of risk management. In order to
make a correct decision, it is necessary to study all the factors affecting the decision-making from all
aspects of the problem, whether the factors are political, social, environmental, cultural or
psychological [6]. Many values of RPN are same for different risks, which results into difficulty in
ranking risks by FMEA methodology. Hence, FMEA is integrated with ANP to find more accurate
results and to find the most critical risks. Analytical Network Process (ANP) the universal form of
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which is used as a multi criterial decision-making tool to
prioritize the risks. AHP formulates a decision problem into a hierarchy with a goal, decision criteria,
and alternatives, while ANP structure has a built-in feedback network [6]. A pair-wise comparison
matrix is used to analyze the collected data by using super decision software to find weighted average
of every risk to finally prioritize the risks involved at RMC plant.
Flowchart in figure 6 shows the step involved in risk prioritization using super decision software.
Figure 7 shows the hierarchy framework of the problem statement. After conversion of the results
obtained from super decision software in percentage, we get importance factor for each risk. This
importance factor can be used to prioritize the risks.
Table 4 shows the importance factor obtained from super decision software. This importance factor is
used to rank the risks. Higher the importance factor, more critical the risk will be. Here, we can see
that Injury at site is the most critical risk and Improper maintenance of plant is the least critical risk.
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Survey was carried in Pune region with 10 RMC plants as sample. In the survey different types of
RMC plant was taken as sample. It contained CP 30, CP45, CP 60, H1.25 and CP 90 plants.
Two methods were used for risk assessment and analysis of risks in RMC plant. After calculation, the
results were used to prioritize all the risks and find the most critical risk. The result of both the methods
are shown below:
Table 5 represents the Risk priority number (RPN) obtained after data collection and analysis using
FMEA. From figure 8, it can be clearly seen than there are four risks with RPN equals to 48. Hence,
we are not able to prioritize the most critical risk involved in RMC plant. So, to solve this problem,
ANP is used to prioritize those four risks.
Table 5. Prioritized risk using FMEA
Sr. No. Risks RPN
1 Lack of expert at plant 48
2 Improper maintenance of plant 48
3 Failure of TM 48
4 Injury at site 48
5 Concrete pouring delay 36
6 Ineffective mixing 32
7 Inefficient maintenance of sensors 32
8 Breakdown of machinery 24
9 Poor raw material 24
10 Delay in transportation 24
11 Improper testing of material 18
12 New innovative technology 18
13 Improper layout of plant 12
14 Mishandling of material 8
Risk Priority Number
48 48 48 48
40 36
32 32
30 24 24 24
18 18
20 12
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As RPN obtained after performing FMEA did not give a clear picture about most critical risk, ANP
was used to prioritize the risks. As seen in the figure 9 we can conclude that the data can be easily
prioritized. Here, we can see that injury at site is the most critical risk out of the four most critical risks.
Table 6 shows the importance factor obtained from super decision software after performing ANP.
Priortize Risk
Importance factor
Failure of transit mixture Improper maintenance of Injury at site Lack of expert at plant
After doing rigorous study on risk management at 10 RMC plants in Pune region, we found that,
• There are four major failure modes found with fourteen risks.
• Analytical Network Process (ANP) found more effective than Failure Mode Effect Analysis
(FMEA) for risk prioritization.
• Fourteen risks identified and prioritize based on data from table 5 and table 6 using FMEA and
ANP shows effectiveness of ANP over FMEA. The list of prioritized risk at RMC plant are as
1. Injury at site
2. Failure of TM
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• The most critical risk is “Injury at site” and the least critical risk is “Mishandling of material”.
• Suggestion for remedial measure of most critical risk are:
a) Provision of proper training of driving, first aid, firefighting, concrete pumping, material
handling, etc. can reduce injury at site.
b) Provision of proper maintained and good quality of equipment’s to workers.
c) Use of proper engineering control over use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) in RMC
plant area.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Ethical statement: The authors declare that they have followed ethical responsibilities.
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