Risk-Based Preventive Maintenance Planning Using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) For Marine Engine Systems
Risk-Based Preventive Maintenance Planning Using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) For Marine Engine Systems
Risk-Based Preventive Maintenance Planning Using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) For Marine Engine Systems
Equipments and systems on board ship, although well designed, will not remain safe or reliable if they are not maintained.
The general objective of the maintenance process is to make use of the knowledge of failures and accidents to achieve the
maximum possible safety with the lowest possible cost. In this insight, this study proposes a risk-assessment methodology
for preventive maintenance planning evaluation based upon a reliability model for marine engine systems, which allows
the use of flexible intervals between maintenance interventions. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) approach is
chosen as a risk assessment methodology in this paper to synthesize the potential failure modes in order to identify early
response and smoothly promote a preventive maintenance planning. As a case application fuel oil system is comparatively
assessed. In the paper, it is seen that the proposed risk-assessment methodology provides invaluable supports to construct
risk-based preventive maintenance planning for fuel oil system onboard ship.
Keywords: risk-based preventive maintenance planning, marine systems, reliability, FMEA
The quantitative results which are illustrated on appendix Although FMEA is regularly used during operational
1 derived from FMEA application on fuel oil system. The stage, it can be also more advantageous if it is employed
necessary precautions will be emphasized in this section. during manufacturing and design stage of marine systems
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Appendix 1. FMEA Analysis Worksheet
Component Failure mode Failure causes Failure effect Occurrence Severity Delectability RPN
Transfer/Supply/Booster Abnormal sound Defective bearing / Shaft displacement Overloading of electric motor 6 7 4 168
Pump Running without oil Gear wear-out Low transfer/supply pressure 5 8 5 200
High pressure fuel pump Low supply pressure Opening suction valve early or late Decreasing in the engine power output 5 8 5 200
Poor atomisation and combustion, timing
Early opening of fuel
Service pressure too light problems, power balance and temperature 9 7 5 315
Fuel valve variations
Sticking of piston rings in their grooves,
Dripping Oversized injection mechanisms 7 8 6 336
fire blow
Strainer Plugged strainer High viscous oil Pressure drop in line 9 5 3 135
Abnormal sound Defective bearing Overloading of electric motor 6 8 5 240
Separator Inadequate pumping pressure Gear wear-out 5 6 6 180
Inadequate flow range
High viscous oil Decreasing efficiency of separator pump 7 5 4 140
Operational capability of the heat
Heat Exchanger Abnormal Temperature Fouling in heat exchanger 8 5 4 160
exchanger is correspondingly reduced.
Three-way valve Inoperable Seizing of valve Threaten safe ship manoeuvring 5 9 7 315