Tesol103 Document sAMRAdaptationSet01

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Substitution Adapted Activity

Original Activity Your Substitution Version of the Activity

Activity Name In-class Reading Assignment Digital Reading Assignment
Activity Task Read an article entitled, The Town that Polar Bears Built, and Read the same article, "The Town that Polar Bears Built," but in a
share insights on polar bear behavior from the article. digital format using tablets or computers, and share insights on
polar bear behavior from the article.
Activity Make inferences from a passage. Make inferences from a digital passage.
Activity 1. Students take 10 minutes to read the article in class. Students access the digital version of the article on their tablets or
Procedure 2. During the reading window, students raise their hands for computers.
help with vocabulary they do not understand. They can use built-in digital tools like a dictionary or Google
3. If students finish early they should read it again. search for vocabulary assistance.
4. After the 10 minute window the class will work in pairs to If students finish early, they can explore related online resources.
make a list of what they learned about polar bear After reading, the class will work in pairs to make a list of what
behavior. they learned about polar bear behavior.

Content The Town that Polar Bears Built article. "The Town that Polar Bears Built" article in a digital format.
Materials Printed copies of the article. Tablets or computers with internet access.
Tech Tool Used in Adapted Activity Tablets, laptop, video projector
Link to Your Working Example of the Activity within the Tool * https://ro.pinterest.com/pin/the-town-that-polar-bears-built--
*If you cannot post a link to your adapted activity within the tool, take a screenshot of its functionality and insert it into the chart above.
Adapted Activity Summary
Answer each of the questions in the following chart.
Do you feel your adapted activity is successful Yes, the adapted activity meets the criteria for the Substitution category of SAMR. It replaces the
in meeting the criteria for Substitution category physical reading with a digital version, which offers a different format while keeping the task
of SAMR? Why or why not? essentially the same. The function and purpose remain focused on making inferences from the
What other tools did you consider using for the For this Substitution-level activity, the use of tablets or computers to access the digital article is
adapted activity? Why didn’t you choose them? straightforward and effective. There are not many other tools to consider for a simple substitution
like this.
How did the task change, if at all? The primary task remains reading the article and making inferences about polar bear behavior. The
change lies in the format, shifting from a printed article to a digital one.
How did the function change, if at all? The function, which is making inferences from the passage, remains the same in the adapted
activity. The shift to a digital format does not alter the core function of the task.

Augmentation Adapted Activity

Original Activity Your Augmentation Version of the Activity
Activity Name Lecture Enhanced Digital Lecture
Activity Task Students listen and take notes on a topic presented by the Students listen and take interactive digital notes on a topic
teacher. presented by the teacher.
Activity Demonstrate comprehension of content presented to them. Enhance comprehension and engagement with content.
Activity 1. Prepare a 20-30 minute Prepare a 20-30 minute digital presentation/lecture on a specific
Procedure presentation/lecture/demonstration on a specific topic topic for your class.
for your class. Instruct the students to access the digital presentation on their
2. Instruct the students to take out notetaking materials. devices.
3. Tell them what to pay particular attention to during Provide interactive elements, such as embedded quizzes,
your presentation. clickable links, and multimedia.
4. Present your topic. Present your topic digitally with interactive features.
Encourage students to ask questions through a digital
5. Ask for any questions they have on the presentation.
discussion board or chat.
6. Conclude the presentation.
Conclude the digital presentation.

Content Any and all content you need to present and demonstrate for The digital presentation with interactive features.
Required the topic.
Materials A black/white board for demonstration purposes (as Students' devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones).
Required necessary). Visual aids on the topic to accompany the
Tech Tool Used in Adapted Activity You tube video, laptop, video-projector
Link to Your Working Example of the Activity within the Tool * https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/HORJeY19
*If you cannot post a link to your adapted activity within the tool, take a screenshot of its functionality and insert it into the chart above.
Adapted Activity Summary
Answer each of the questions in the following chart.
Do you feel your adapted activity is successful Yes, the adapted activity meets the criteria for the Augmentation category of SAMR. It enhances
in meeting the criteria for Augmentation the original lecture by incorporating interactive elements, making the learning experience more
category of SAMR? Why or why not? engaging and providing immediate opportunities for comprehension checks.
What other tools did you consider using for the For this Augmentation-level activity, the primary tool considered is a digital presentation platform
adapted activity? Why didn’t you choose them? that allows for interactivity. The use of such platforms aligns well with the goal of enhancing
engagement and comprehension.
How did the task change, if at all? The core task of presenting and comprehending the content remains the same. However, the task is
augmented with interactive elements and digital engagement features.
How did the function change, if at all? The primary function remains demonstrating comprehension of content. The function is augmented
with the ability to actively engage with the content through interactive elements, which enhances
the learning experience.

Modification Adapted Activity

Original Activity Your Modification Version of the Activity
Activity Name Conversation Pairs Interactive Language Conversations
Activity Task Students practice having conversations in the target language Students practice having digital conversations in the target
on a specific topic. language on a specific topic using a language learning platform.
Activity Demonstrate the ability to converse about specific topics in Enhance language practice and assessment through digital
Function the target language using the interpersonal mode of interactivity.
Activity 1. Introduce students to a specific language task (eg. Introduce students to a specific language task (e.g.,
Procedure Likes/dislikes, compound sentences with ‘because’, Likes/dislikes, compound sentences with 'because', etc.) and
etc.) and provide them necessary phrases and provide them with access to a digital language learning
vocabulary to be able to discuss the topic in the target platform that offers interactive conversation exercises.
language. Students access the platform and engage in interactive language
2. Share a sample dialogue on the language topic with the conversations related to the language task.
students. The platform provides instant feedback and assessments on
their language proficiency.
3. Have students pair up and converse about the topic in
Students can repeat the exercises as many times as needed for
the target language. Be sure to give them a specific
goal (eg. Determine each other’s likes and dislikes
about music, food, etc.).
4. Observe students as they conduct their conversations
so you can give formative feedback to the whole class.
5. Have the students switch partners and conduct the
conversation again as many times as necessary.
Content Scaffolded dialogues for the language task/topic. A list of Access to a language learning platform with interactive
Required conversation exercises.
Materials Printed materials with the dialogue, and/or a white/black Students' devices (computers, tablets, smartphones) with
Required board. internet access.
Tech Tool Used in Adapted Activity Tablets, smartphones, computers, video-projector
Link to Your Working Example of the Activity within the Tool * https://ro.duolingo.com/
*If you cannot post a link to your adapted activity within the tool, take a screenshot of its functionality and insert it into the chart above.
Adapted Activity Summary
Answer each of the questions in the following chart.
Do you feel your adapted activity is successful Yes, the adapted activity meets the criteria for the Modification category of SAMR. It enhances the
in meeting the criteria for Modification original conversation pairs activity by introducing digital interactivity and instant feedback, making
category of SAMR? Why or why not? the language practice more engaging and offering a robust assessment component.
What other tools did you consider using for the The primary tool considered is a digital language learning platform that provides interactive
adapted activity? Why didn’t you choose them? conversation exercises and assessments. This tool aligns with the goal of enhancing engagement
and assessment capabilities.
How did the task change, if at all? The core task remains practicing language conversations. However, the task is significantly
enhanced by incorporating digital interactivity and assessment features.
How did the function change, if at all? The primary function remains demonstrating the ability to converse about specific topics in the
target language. The function is enhanced with interactive elements, instant feedback, and
assessment capabilities, which significantly improve the learning and assessment experience.

Redefinition Adapted Activity

Original Activity Your Modification Version of the Activity
Activity Name Annotation Collaborative Digital Annotation
Activity Task Students will annotate an assigned reading and submit it. Students will collaboratively annotate a digital reading using an
online platform, engaging in real-time discussions and
knowledge sharing.
Activity Demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the reading’s Transform the reading and annotation process into a
Function contents and the ability to compare what they read with other collaborative and dynamic knowledge-building experience.
experiences and contexts.
Activity 1. Distribute a passage to students. Provide students with access to a digital reading through an
Procedure 2. Instruct students to read and annotate the document. online platform that supports collaborative annotation (e.g.,
They should include: Hypothesis, Google Docs, or a dedicated annotation tool).
 Questions about the content. Instruct students to read and annotate the document
 Parts of the passage they find interesting and collaboratively. They can:
why. Add comments and questions directly to the text.
 Comparisons of the content to other areas of Respond to each other's annotations.
life within their experience. Engage in real-time discussions.
3. Collect the annotated passages for grading and Share related external resources or links.
feedback. Encourage ongoing collaboration and discussion, with a focus
on connecting the reading to broader contexts.

Content A carefully chosen passage or article on a specific topic. A digital reading accessible through the chosen platform.
Materials Copies of the passage for every student. Students' devices with internet access.
Tech Tool Used in Adapted Activity Tablets, smartphones, computers, video-projector
Link to Your Working Example of the Activity within the Tool * https://www.commonsense.org/education/reviews/bookr-
*If you cannot post a link to your adapted activity within the tool, take a screenshot of its functionality and insert it into the chart above.
Adapted Activity Summary
Answer each of the questions in the following chart.
Do you feel your adapted activity is successful Yes, the adapted activity successfully meets the criteria for the Redefinition category of SAMR. It
in meeting the criteria for Redefinition category transforms the traditional annotation task into a dynamic, collaborative, and knowledge-building
of SAMR? Why or why not? experience, going beyond the simple act of annotation to foster real-time discussions and external
resource sharing.
What other tools did you consider using for the Various digital annotation and collaboration tools were considered, including Hypothesis, Google
adapted activity? Why didn’t you choose them? Docs, and dedicated annotation platforms. The chosen tool should support real-time collaboration
and discussion.
How did the task change, if at all? The task has evolved from individual annotation to collaborative and dynamic annotation with real-
time discussions and external resource sharing. This significant change encourages deeper
engagement and knowledge exchange.
How did the function change, if at all? While the core function remains demonstrating thoughtful consideration of the reading's contents,
the function is redefined to focus on collaborative knowledge building. The function has evolved
from annotation to dynamic collaboration and exploration of broader contexts.
The town that polar bears built
By: Jackie Mansky, Smithsonianmag.com

November 08, 2021

Churchill, Manitoba is a sparsely populated town. It is at the mercy of the Northern winds off Canada’s Hudson Bay. It might be
just another dot on the map if not for its seasonal residents of the four-legged variety.

But like clockwork every fall, hundreds of polar bears trudge through town. They are on their way to the freezing bay. There
they hunt for seals after the ice packs enough to support their weight. The animals have been associated with Churchill since at
least 1619. That's when Norwegian explorer Jens Munk and his crew recorded making a meal of one while they wintered in the
area. “It was of good taste and did not disagree with us.” That's what Munk wrote in his journal, as Adam Roy notes in Outside.

Over the years, the animals’ presence has earned the town the distinction of “Polar Bear Capital of the World.” The Smithsonian
Channel has a series called “Polar Bear Town.” Independent bear guides Dennis Compayre and Kelsey Eliasson take viewers on
an journey to meet the marine mammals that call the area home.

Compayre is a native of Churchill. He has been taking photographers and filmmakers to see his bears for more than three
decades. He’s become known as “the bear man.” But his relationship with the animals wasn’t always so close. In fact, as a boy,
polar bears absolutely scared him. “We all have our bogeymen, and, of course, ours were polar bears,” Compayre tells
Smithsonian.com. “There was always a polar bear in the back of your mind somewhere. We played ball. We did everything else
that other kids did. But there was always the specter of the polar bear around the next corner, around the next house.”

Today, Churchill’s bear population exceeds its human population—which is just 813. When Compayre was growing up, the
town was 7,000-people strong. Most of its residents were associated in one way or another with the joint Canada-United States
military fort that was located five miles east of the town. It eventually closed in 1980. Back then, there was no such thing as an
organized tour group to see the bears. “The only tourists we got came up in the summertime, these weird guys with hats. Bird
watchers. And then we had the people come up to see the whales and the historic sites—but the bear tours, there was never a
bear tour to speak of before Len,” says Compayre.

Len is Len Smith, a local mechanic. He is a friend of Compayre who built the first buggy to see the bears in 1979. It was at the
request of Dan Gervitz. He had approached Smith to devise a form of transportation that would allow him to take groups safely
out to Cape Churchill to see the bears. Smith’s solution was “Buggy I.” When he finished it, he asked Compayre to drive it. At the
time, Compayre was still scared of bears. However, he agreed to serve as both driver and guide.

Those first buggies weren’t perfect by any means. As Compayre puts it: “They’re just cold, cranky, miserable pieces of
machinery that broke down more often than not.” When the business first started, visitors on the tour would be lucky if they
saw 10 bears, at the most. “The bears were a bit nervous about us; they’d never seen us before. It was new ground for both of
us, but it evolved after that,” he says. Now on his tour, people can expect to see 20 or even 30 polar bears. But things were a bit
more touch-and-go in the early days.

“When we first started, we didn’t even have a radio,” he says. “All we had was a mid-sized propane furnace. When the buggy
broke down and I couldn’t get ahold of Len, I just turned the furnace up and told the clients to hang tight, hold on and keep
warm. Then I’d jump out with my gun and walk back to civilization to get ahold of Len. So it was pretty wacky in the beginning.”

After Fort Churchill shut down, the town might have been in dire financial straits. But the growing bear tourism industry
helped. “Without the polar bear business we would have been in deep trouble. But the business of bears started, and it slowly
grew year by year,” says Compayre. “After the fifth or sixth year we thought, ‘Well, we ran out of people who want to see bears.’
But that was absolutely wrong.”

Today, some 10,000 tourists descend on the town for six weeks in autumn to see them every year. But the reasons they come
are different than when Compayre first started. “Years back, people came to Churchill full of excitement with wonder and joy to
see these bears,” he says.
“Everyone was happier, and they had such a good time seeing polars bears. Now things have changed, because the word is out
that this Western Hudson Bay population of bears, Churchill Bears, are going to be the first population of polar bears to
become extinct. So I think now [when] the tourists come up, they all have a little bit of a lump in their throats because they’re
looking at a beautiful bear, but they’re also looking at a doomed bear. And so the whole attitude toward the bears are different.
Unfortunately, that’s becoming part of the whole promotional aspect of the tours as well. ‘Come and see the bears before it’s
too late.’”

Reproduced under fair use, as defined by U.S. copyright law, based on The Smithsonian terms of use.

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