DLP in Css g-7 PDF Lesson Plan Behavior Modification
DLP in Css g-7 PDF Lesson Plan Behavior Modification
DLP in Css g-7 PDF Lesson Plan Behavior Modification
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The lesson content discusses hand tools, with activities having st…
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3. Identify and select appropriate hand tools according to task requirements.
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B. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding on the hand tools and equipment for computer
system servicing.
C. Performance Standard: Appropriate hand tools are identified and selected according to the task requirements.
D. Learning Competencies: Identify the goals and scope of social work.
E. Code: TLE_IACSS-12UHT-IIb-17
F. Email
References: CG, Google,youtube Instructional Materials: PPT, manila paper, marker, laptop
Values Integration: Knowledge, attitude
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A. Activity
! The teacher will group the students into five groups
! The teacher will be playing a video of different hand tools
! The students will enumerate the different hand tools shown in the video and present to the class.
! Present the rubrics
00:00 04:03
C. Abstraction
Discuss the following Hand Tools used in Computer Service Servicing.
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Ask the students their understanding on the lesson.
Show them video of different hand Tools used in computer se rvice serving.
D. Application
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! With the same group earlier, t he students will be given realia/pictures of different parts of computer.
! They will give the appropriate hand tools needed accor ding to task requirements.
! The group will choose a representative to present it to the class.
Accuracy of the materials being selected - 20
Presentation - 20
Cooperation/Attitude - 10
Total - 50
IV. Evaluation
a. Part Retriever
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2. Toni wants to loosed or tighten slotted screws, what he will going to use to do the job?
b. Lint-free Cloth
c. Cable ties d. Flat head screwdriver
3. You found out that your some of the parts of your computer was full of dust and some other dirt that made your
computer malfunctioned. You wanted to clean that parts and what will you going to use such tool to clean it.
a. Anti-static mat b. Compressed air
b. Hex driver d. Wire cutter
4. Which tool is used to clean different computer components without scratching or leaving debris?
a. Part Retriever b. Cable ties
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a. electric meter Multimeter
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c. Part reliever to read this document
c. Parts organizer ad-free.
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V. Assignment
Research on different ways of cleaning a personal computer. Write it on a half sheet of paper.
c. Part reliever 10
c. Parts organizer
V. Assignment
Research on different ways of cleaning a personal computer. Write it on a half sheet of paper.
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