Wangen 11 Root Cause 4 Rded FINAL
Wangen 11 Root Cause 4 Rded FINAL
Wangen 11 Root Cause 4 Rded FINAL
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Abstract—This paper studies the application of Root-cause problem-solving paradigms, business process improvement,
analysis (RCA) methodology to a complex socio-technical in- benchmarking, and continuous improvement [4]. The ISRA
formation security (InfoSec) management problem. InfoSec risk and RCA approaches are different in that RCA investigates
assessment (ISRA) is the common approach for dealing with incidents that have occurred with some frequency aiming to
problems is InfoSec, where the main purpose is to manage risk understand and eliminate the problem from a socio-technical
and maintain an acceptable risk level. In comparison, the RCA
tools are designed to identify and eliminate the root-cause of a
perspective. While ISRA attempts to estimate the risk and
reoccurring problem. Our case study is a complex issue regarding propose and implement risk treatments based on the results
multiple breaches of the security policy primarily through access to achieve acceptable risk.
control violations. By running a full-scale RCA, this study finds The case study presented in this paper extends the ISRA
that the benefits of the RCA tools are a better understanding of a complex socio-technical problem with RCA and discusses
of the social aspects of the risk; RCA highlighted previously the cost/benefit of the results. The objective of ISRM is to
unknown social and administrative causes for the problem reduce risk to an acceptable level. A typical ISRA would be to
which in turn provided an improved decision-basis. The problem estimate annual incident cost, compare it to risk appetite, and
treatments recommended by the ISRA and the RCA differed
in that the ISRA results recommended technical controls, while if found unacceptable: implement a treatment to address either
the RCA suggested more administrative treatments. Furthermore, probability, consequence, or both, to maintain the risk within
we found that the ISRA and RCA can complement each other in acceptable levels, while RCA aims to remove the problem in
administrative and technical issues. The main drawback was that its entirety. However, both approaches seek to treat the problem
our cost-benefit analysis regarding hours spent on RCA was on at hand, which makes the output comparable. The application
the borderline of being justifiable. As future work, we propose of formal RCA tools is an area that has remained largely
to develop a leaner version of the RCA scoped for information unexplored in InfoSec literature. Therefore, the problem we are
security problems. addressing in this study is to determine the utility of RCA for
Keywords—Information Security; Root cause analysis; Risk InfoSec and if it provides useful input to the decision-making
Management; Case study. process beyond the ISRA. The problem is investigated using a
case study, qualitative assessment of results, and cost-benefit
I. I NTRODUCTION analysis.
Judging by the available literature on standards and The case is of breaches to the access control (AC)
methods, the common approach to dealing with problems security policy (SecPol), such as access card and Personal
in information security (InfoSec) is risk assessments. Risk Identification Number (PIN) exchange between employees.
assessment aims to estimate the probability and consequence This complex problem is located at the intersection of the
of an identified scenario or for reoccurring incidents, and social and technological aspects that many organizations may
propose risk treatments based on the results. By estimating the face. The Scandinavian organization in our case study had
expected risk of repeating incidents or an identified scenario, logged multiple occurrences of policy violations together with
risk assessment aims at proposing risk treatments based on costly incidents as a consequence. This study investigates if
the estimated results. The InfoSec risk assessment (ISRA) has RCA can be applied as a useful extension to the ISRM process
been developed to analyze risks that occur when applying for the AC SecPol problem. To investigate this issue, we
technology to information, and revolve around securing the qualitatively assess the results of a RCA conducted as an
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information or extension to a high-level ISRA of the problem. Further, we
other assets [1]. By focusing on assets and vulnerabilities, discuss if RCA can be justified for complex InfoSec problems
these assessments tend to have a technical scope [2] [3] through cost-benefit analysis. This paper applies the seven-
with estimates of consequences and respective probabilities of step process RCA methodology [4] for comparison of results.
events as key outputs. Although the InfoSec risk management The data collected for this study was primarily from historical
(ISRM) approach is useful for maintaining acceptable risk observations and data in the target institution together with
levels, they are not developed to solve complex socio-technical qualitative interviews of thirty-six representatives from six
problems. In comparison, the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is relevant stakeholder groups.
”a structured investigation that aims to identify the real cause The remainder of the paper is structured as follows:
of a problem and the actions necessary to eliminate it.” [4] The following section addresses previous work on RCA in
RCA incorporates a broad range of approaches, tools, and tech- InfoSec. Section III provides a description of the applied
niques to uncover causes of problems, ranging from standard
ISRA method and the RCA tools methods including statistical re-occurring InfoSec problems. The studies we found provided
analysis. Further, we present the results from the ISRA and the positive results and motivation for further experiments with
RCA. Lastly, we discuss the qualitative differences and discuss RCA for InfoSec problems.
cost-benefit. Finally, we discuss the limitations, propose future
work, and conclude the results. III. M ETHOD
The primary research approach was a case study which
II. R ELATED W ORK was conducted in a Scandinavian R&D institution to inves-
RCA was developed to solve practical problems in tradi- tigate the complex problem of internal AC policy violations.
tional safety, quality assurance, and production environments The ISRA was conducted as a high-level risk assessment for
[4]. However, RCA has also been adopted in selected areas the institution which revealed the need for deeper analysis
of InfoSec: Julisch [5] studied the effect of the RCA, by of the problem. Three independent researchers conducted the
considering RCA for improvement of decision-making for RCA and gathered data from 36 scientific interviews and
handling alarms from intrusion detection systems. The study applied historical data on incidents caused by unauthorized
provides evidence towards the positive contribution of RCA, access.
but it does not apply the RCA tools as they are proposed in the Further, we qualitatively compare the results where we
recent literature [4], [6], [7]. Julisch builds on the notion that analyze the differences in approaches, findings, and treatment
there are root causes accounting for a percentage of the alarms, recommendation. Additionally, we applied a cost-benefit anal-
but proposes his tools for detecting and eliminating root causes ysis to measure resources regarding time spent on conducting
outside of the problem-solving process, Fig. 1. A more recent RCA and benefits concerning additional knowledge about the
study conducted by Collmann and Cooper [8] applied RCA for problem.
an InfoSec breach of confidentiality and integrity in the health- The following section briefly describes the ISRA ap-
care industry. Based on a qualitative approach, the authors proach applied in this study, while the second section de-
find the root cause of an incident and propose remediation. scribes the RCA approach. The latter contains a description
Their results also show a clear benefit from applying RCA, of the seven-step RCA process, the tools used, data collection
although their RCA approach seems non-standardized, being method, and a brief overview of the statistical methods used
primarily based on previously published complex problem- for data analysis.
solving research articles. Wangen [9] utilizes RCA to analyze
a peer review ring incident, where an author managed to game A. ISRA Method
the peer review process and review his papers. This incident The ISRA method applied for the case study is based on
is analyzed by combining RCA tools and the Conflicting the standard ISO/IEC 27000-series [1]. Further substantiated
Incentives Risk Analysis (CIRA) to understand the underlying with the Wangen [13] [14] approaches which centers on
incentives and to choose countermeasures. Further, Abubakar estimations of asset value, vulnerability, threat, and control [10] applied RCA as a preliminary tool to investigate the efficiency, these are combined with available historical data
high-level causes identity theft. The study applies a structured to obtain both quantitative and qualitative risk estimations.
RCA approach [7] and identifies multiple causes and effects The applied method identifies events together with adverse
for setbacks to the investigation of identity theft. The Abubakar outcomes and uses conditional probability to estimate the risk study shows the utility of RCA for InfoSec by providing of each identified outcome. The results section provides a
an insight into a complex problem such as identity theft. summary of the initial ISRA results.
Hyunen and Lenzini [11] discuss RCA application in InfoSec
by contrasting the traditional approaches to Safety and Secu- B. Approach to Root cause analysis
rity to highlight shortcomings of the latter. Furthermore, the In choosing a RCA framework, we looked at compre-
authors propose an RCA-based tool for InfoSec management hensiveness, academic citations, and availability. Based on the
to address said shortcomings and demonstrate the tool on a use criteria, our study chose to follow the seven-step RCA process
case. The tool is designed to reveal vulnerable socio-technical proposed by Andersen and Fagerhaug [4], as shown in Fig.
factors. 1. Each step consists of a set of tools to produce the results
Some of the tools applied in an RCA are also recog- needed to complete the subsequent steps, whereas step 7 is
nizable in the risk assessment literature, for example, instru- out of scope. Each step consists of different tools to solve
ments such as Flowcharts and Tree diagrams model processes problems where one or more are required to complete the
and events visually. Typical comparable examples from risk RCA and conclude the root cause(s). As recommended in the
assessment are Event-tree and Fault-tree analysis, where the methodology, we chose tools per step based on our judgment
risk is modeled as a set of conditional events, however, these of suitability. The RCA in this study was conducted by a three-
approaches are not specifically developed for InfoSec risk person team supported by a mentor. We have anonymized in-
analysis. Schneier adapted the Fault-tree analysis mindset and formation according to the employer’s requests. The following
created Attack Trees [12]. These tools resemble those of RCA. subsections describe each step in the RCA process and our
However, the frame for applying them is different in the sense selected tools (see [4] for further description).
that attack trees focus on the technical threat and vulnerability Step 1 - Problem understanding, Performance Ma-
modeling, while RCA tools focus on problem-solving. trices. The goal of this step is to understand the problem and
Although there are a couple of published studies on rank the issues. Performance Matrices are used to illustrate
the application and utility of formal RCA methodologies, the the target system’s current performance and importance. The
previous work on RCA in InfoSec is scarce, and there is a performance matrix contributes towards establishing priority of
research gap in experimenting with the RCA tools for solving the different problems, factors, or problems in the system [4]
Further, we counted the occurrence of each theme and sum-
marized the responses. We also applied the Affinity diagram
for analyzing our qualitative data, which is a RCA tool for
grouping data and discovering underlying relationships.
Step 5 - Root Cause Identification - Cause-and-
Effect Charts. The goal of this step is to identify the
root cause(s) of the problem. For this task, we applied the
Fig. 1: Seven step process for RCA [4]. Cause-and-Effect chart (Fishbone diagram) which is a tool for
identifying the major causes of a problem, together with the
secondary causes/factors influencing the problem. The results
from this process should map to the undesired effect, the
(P.36-41): (i) which part of the problem is the most important
to address, and (ii) which problem will reduce the highest Step 6 - Problem elimination - Systematic Inventive
amount of symptoms. The problems are qualitatively identified Thinking (SIT). The goal of this step is to propose solutions
and ranked on a scale from 1 to 9, on performance (x-axis) to deal with the root causes of the problem, Andersen and
and importance (y-axis). Fagerhaug [4] describe primarily two types of tools for drafting
treatments; one is designed to stimulate creativity for new
Step 2 - Problem cause brainstorming. The main idea solutions, while the other is designed for developing solu-
of this step is to cover other possible issues that may be tions.
causing the problem, not thought of in Step 1. For this purpose,
we applied unstructured Brainstorming, which is a technique IV. C ASE S TUDY: ACCESS C ONTROL P OLICY
where the participants verbally suggested all possible causes V IOLATIONS
they could think of, which was immediately noted on a
whiteboard and summarized together at the end. In this section, we first present a summary of the results
from the ISRA, in terms of risk estimation and proposed
Step 3 - Problem Cause Data Collection - Interviews.
treatment. Further, we present the results from our RCA for
RCA recommends several data collection techniques [4], this
study chose scientific interviews as the main data collection
approach as the study required an in-depth understanding of the The case data was collected from an institution whose
motivations for AC SecPol violation problem. The interviews IT-operations delivers services to about 3000 users. The organi-
were conducted in a face-to-face setting, and was designed zation is a high-availability academic organization providing a
using category, ordinal, and continuous type questions together range of services to the users, mainly in research, development,
with open-ended interview questions for sharing knowledge and education. The IT Operations are the internal owners of
about the problem. The interview subjects were primarily the AC regimes and most of the lab equipment; they represent
categorized as representatives of key stakeholder groups within the principal in this study. The objectives of the IT-operations
the organization and one group of external contractors. Each is to deliver reliable services with minimal downtime, together
interview had twenty-six questions with follow-up questions with information security solutions.
if deemed necessary to clarify the opinion or to extract During the last years, the Institution has experienced
valuable knowledge from particularly knowledgeable individ- multiple incidents of unauthorized access to its facilities. The
uals. recurring events primarily lead to theft and vandalism of
Step 4 - Problem Cause Data Analysis - Statistics equipment in a range of cost that is deemed unacceptable.
& Affinity diagram. We applied a variety of statistical Thus, the hypothesis is that this has partially been caused
data analysis methods specified in the results, and the IBM by employees and students being negligent of the SecPol
SPSS software for the statistical analysis. A summary of the regarding AC, providing unauthorized access to the facilities.
statistical tests used in this research is as follows. While the SecPol explicitly states that both the token and
the PIN are personal and shall not be shared, there has been
For Descriptive analysis on continuous type questions, registered multiple incidents of this occurring.
we applied the median as the primary measure of central
tendency. We also conducted Univariate analysis of individual
A. The Risk of Access control policy violations
issues and Bivariate analysis for pairs of questions, such as a
group belonging and a continuous question, to see how they The goal of the ISRA was to derive the annual risk of
compare and interact. As the Likert-scale seldom will satisfy the incidents. This section summarizes the asset identification
the requirements of normality and not have a defined scale of and evaluation, vulnerabilities assessment, threat assessment,
measurement between the alternatives, we restricted the use of control efficiency, and outcomes.
mean and standard deviation. We analyzed the median together The Institution had two key asset groups: (i) hard-
with an analysis of range, minimum and maximum values, ware and (ii) physical sensitive information, both stored in
and variance. This study also analyses the distributions of the access controlled facilities. The hardware’s primary protec-
answers, for example, if they are normal, uniform, bimodal, or tion attribute was availability, and the value was estimated
similar. We used Pearson two-tailed Correlation test to reveal in the range of moderate according to the budget, with a
relationships between pairs of variables as this test does not low to medium importance in the day-to-day business pro-
assume normality in the sample. cesses.
The questionnaire had several open-ended questions The two controls in place are primarily (i) AC mech-
which we treated by listing and categorizing the responses. anisms - physical control in place to prevent unauthorized
accesses and mitigate the risk of theft. (ii) The SecPol -
administrative control, which is a written statement concerning
the proper use of AC mechanisms.
For the vulnerability assessment, experience showed that
illegitimate users were accessing the facilities on a daily
basis. We identified two primary vulnerabilities; (i) lack of
security training and awareness, whereas the stakeholders
do not understand the risk exposure of the organization.
(ii) Insufficient organizational security policies, whereas the
SecPol itself lacks clear consequences for breaches, leaving
the personnel complacent. The main attack for exploiting these
two vulnerabilities was social engineering, where the attacker
either manages to get a hold of a security token and PIN.
Alternatively, the attacker manages to gain unauthorized access
to the facilities by entering with others who have legitimate
access (tailgating). With the number of stakeholders having Fig. 2: Performance matrix.
access, both attacks are easy for a motivated threat actor. The
exposure is summarized in Table I.
risk treatment also subjects the organization to requirements
TABLE I. SUMMARY OF VULNERABILITY from data privacy protection laws. Neither did it address the
ASSESSMENT. socio-technical problem with the SecPol, card swapping, and
card lending.
Vulnerability Attack Attack Vulnerability Exposure
Description description Difficulty Severity Assessment
Lack of Security Social Engineering - V. ROOT C AUSE A NALYSIS R ESULTS FOR A
Training and Employee or Student
A1 Awareness, Gives away Token Medium Very High High S OCIO -T ECHNICAL PROBLEM
Insufficient and PIN (Likely)
InfoSec Policies In this section, we present the results from conducting
Lack of security
training and
Social Engineering-
Employee or Student
the RCA according to the method described in Section III-B.
A2 awareness, leaves doors opened Easy Medium Medium The results are derived from conducting RCA on the previously
Insufficient for convenience
InfoSec Policies outlined problem and risk; we outline the hypothesized root
causes and proposed treatments.
For the threat assessment, the experts identified one
threat group motivated by a financial incentive with the intent A. RCA Process, Step 1 & 2 - Problem Understanding and
of stealing either physical equipment or sensitive information, Cause Brainstorming
with two actors; (i) Actors who frequently steals small items, The goal of these steps is to scope the RCA and center on
representing high frequency - low impact risk. (ii) Actors who the preliminarily identified problem causes. The performance
conduct a few significant thefts, representing the low frequency matrix, Fig. 2, is used to rank the identified causes on their
- high impact risk. Importance and Performance. With the help of resource per-
sons, the team derived six topics from the preliminary RCA
B. Risk Analysis Results. steps 1 & 2, Fig. 1): (i) Theoretical knowledge of the SecPol
The ISRA results showed that the most severe risk for AC, (ii) Practical implementation of the SecPol for AC,
facing the organization is theft of sensitive information, while (iii) Consequences for policy breaches, (iv) Security Culture,
physical theft of equipment is also a grave risk. According (v) Backup solutions for forgotten and misplaced cards, and
to past observations, the risk is greatest during holidays (vi) Card hand out for new employees. The RCA team and
with few people on campus. The two primary risks were the expert ranked the issues and prioritized the data collection
major equipment thefts during the holiday season and several step accordingly, illustrated in Fig. 2.
minor equipment thefts that aggregated into an unacceptable
amount. B. RCA Process Step 3 - Data Collection
to work better to visualize complexity and providing insight TABLE IV. TOTAL HOURS SPENT CONDUCTING RCA
into the human aspects of the problem. However, the RCA FOR AN UNTRAINED THREE MAN TEAM
process was resource intensive and required extra training to (APPROXIMATELY 220 HOURS PER TEAM MEMBER)
complete. The RCA process also required the inclusion of
more stakeholders than the ISRA. Step Phase Tasks Time spent
Preliminary Preparations Collecting available data 100 hours
The results show that the benefits of the RCA are a better Preliminary Preparations Testing and choosing tools 72 hours
understanding of the social dimensions of the problem, such 1 Problem Understanding Performance Matrix 3 hours
2 Problem cause brainstorming Brainstorming 1 hours
as conflicts between users and the security organization. This 3 Problem cause Data Collection Planning interviews 150 hours
insight provides an improved decision basis and an opportunity 3 Problem cause Data collection Conducting interviews 100 hours
4 Data analysis Qualitative & Statistical 220 hours
for reaching a compromise with the risk treatment. The risk 5 Root cause identification Fishbone 7 hours
assessment team were aware of two (cause 3. and 5.) out of 6 Root cause elimination SIT 7 hours
Total 660 h.
the five identified root causes of the problem. Thus, in our case Only RCA Process Total 488 h.
study, the RCA did provide a valuable extension to the risk
assessment for solving the problem. The RCA results showed
all root causes to be on the administrative and human side the main task of the root cause identification phase was to
of the problem. Thus, the treatments produced from the two formalize the causes and effects, and the elimination was used
approaches were different; ISRA produced a technical treat- to propose treatments.
ment in camera surveillance, while RCA produced multiple
administrative treatments, each for addressing separate root As the team gain experience with using RCA on cases,
causes. the time estimate should be significantly be reduced. For
example, our study spent 172 hours in the preparation phases
Although the ISRA did highlight the vulnerabilities gathering data on the problem and testing tools. With more ex-
related to the human factor and risk perception as one of perience, the preliminary steps will be significantly shortened.
the risk factors, in this case, the decision-makers did not Our team also estimated that the whole process itself would
opt for revision of the AC policy. To summarize, the ISRA become leaner with practice.
findings viewed card lending as a technical security problem,
while RCA extended the knowledge into the administrative To summarize, we derived the primary benefit from
problem. the problem cause data collection and analysis phases, which
enabled the root cause identification. Furthermore, the group
benefited from working on the performance matrix, which set
B. Cost-benefit analysis the direction for the remainder of the project. Regarding the
For cost-benefit analysis, we consider time spent on tasks remaining tools, the benefits the problem cause brainstorming
and usefulness of the task. Table IV shows that the process of was that it helped to provide an overview of the problem space
achieving desired results was time and resource consuming for and invited creative thinking. The advantage of the Fishbone
our team. The reported hours are the total amount from start tool was to group and visualize the identified problems in the
to end without having a budget constraint. The reported hours context. Further, the process step contributed to determine and
does contain resources spent beyond the three-man team, e.g. analyze causes. The SIT tool has a series of five principles
from interview attendance and supervision. that attempts to discover how to solve the components of the
The most time consuming and crucial tasks were the steps 3 root cause. This tool offers a well-structured way to traverse
and 4, data collection and analysis. Further, the table shows a problem situation but could be resource intensive when
that the resource demand for the Root cause identification and handling many problems with all their components.
elimination phases as low, this is because the team primarily Issues of minor importance should not be subject to such
identified the root causes during the data analysis. While an extensive effort as RCA requires. During the preparations
for this study, we ran RCA for minor issues and found it of the time and resources invested in the project is on the
not worthwhile as it was unproductive to use a complicated borderline of being justifiable, and the cost of the problem
problem-solving process to less costly problems. However, should be considered before launching a RCA. Thus, the
future projects should consider RCA when they perceive the RCA provides a viable option when dealing with complex and
issue as important and do not know its nature or cause. The costly InfoSec problems and should be a part of the InfoSec
problem should be expensive, complicated, and cannot be management toolbox.
addressed sufficiently with less comprehensive methods. These
properties make conducting an RCA on the project justifiable ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and a valuable addition to the decision-making process. The authors acknowledge the help and support from Professor
Einar Snekkenes, Christoffer Hallstensen and Stian Husemoen.
C. Limitations & Future Work We also extend our gratitude to all the participants in our study
The case study presented in this article is specific to and to the anonymous reviewers.
the organization and culture; thus our results have limited R EFERENCES
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VII. C ONCLUSION [11] J.-L. Huynen and G. Lenzini, “From situation awareness to action: An
This study has applied RCA tools to propose a solution information security management toolkit for socio-technical security
to a complex socio-technical InfoSec problem and found the retrospective and prospective analysis,” in Proceedings of the 3rd
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RCA method a valid but costly extension to the ISRA. Running 2017, pp. 213 – 224.
a full-scale RCA requires a lot of time and resources and
the problem should be expensive enough to justify the RCA. [12] B. Schneier, “Attack trees,” Dr. Dobbs journal, vol. 24, no. 12, pp.
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The results from the RCA overlapped slightly with the initial
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analysis and treatment for the problem. We conclude that prac- [14] G. Wangen, C. Hallstensen, and E. Snekkenes, “A framework for
estimating information security risk assessment method completeness,”
titioners should look at these two approaches as complimentary International Journal of Information Security, Jun 2017. [Online].
for dealing with complex socio-technical risks and problems. Available:
The combination of the ISRA and RCA will also have utility
when planning for defense-in-depth, where administrative and
technical risk controls can work in coherence to mitigate
threats. The main drawback was that our cost-benefit analysis