Craig Anslow
Victoria University of Wellington, [email protected]
Andreas Drechsler
Victoria University of Wellington, [email protected]
Recommended Citation
Newton, Nathan; Anslow, Craig; and Drechsler, Andreas, (2019). "INFORMATION SECURITY IN AGILE SOFTWARE
Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019. ISBN 978-1-7336325-0-8 Research
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Newton et al. / Information Security in Agile Development
Research paper
Newton, Nathan, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand,
[email protected]
Anslow, Craig, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand,
[email protected]
Drechsler, Andreas, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand,
[email protected]
The importance of information security in software development projects is long recognised, with many
comprehensive standards and procedures in use to provide assurance of information security. The agile
development paradigm conflicts with traditional security assurance by emphasising the delivery of func-
tional requirements and a reduction in structured and linear development styles. Through a series of
thirteen qualitative interviews, this study identifies practices that address this problem which have been
successfully adopted by agile practitioners. The findings present four categories of practices – organi-
sational, team, project, and technical – and twelve critical success factors that should be explicitly con-
sidered by practitioners to assure agile security. The critical success factors provide a foundation for
practitioners to strategically identify and develop best practices to embed information security in agile
development projects. The identified categories also highlight the importance of agile security practices
centring around individuals and culture and contributes to the literature by providing a representation
of agile security practices that encompasses a broad range of focal areas.
Keywords: information security; agile development; critical success factors
1 Introduction
Information systems (IS) are an increasingly centric component of an organisation’s operational capa-
bilities and competitive advantage (Chen et al., 2010; Peppard and Ward, 2004). However, as organisa-
tions become increasingly dependent upon these systems to create and sustain business value, a critical
system failure or a compromise of sensitive business data holds significant organisational risk and con-
sequences (Acar et al., 2017). The importance of information security and the potentially severe reper-
cussions of an incident is evidenced in many recent cases. In 2018, the Baltimore emergency dispatch
centre was rendered inoperable for 17 hours after succumbing to a ransomware attack (Rector, 2018),
while in 2017, Equifax was involved in the unauthorised release of 146 million customers’ personal
data, after a third-party exploited a vulnerability in their systems (Bernard and Cowley, 2017). To con-
tribute to comprehensive information security and mitigate the risk of such breaches, development teams
need to adhere to rigid industry standards and structured processes (Sindre and Opdahl, 2005).
In response to shortfalls in traditional development methodologies, organisations and development
teams are increasingly adopting the agile paradigm (Kropp et al., 2018; Licorish et al., 2016). Agile
software development (ASD) methodologies emphasise adaptation to shifting requirements through
flexible work practices and the rapid delivery of functional value to clients (Beck et al., 2001; Dingsøyr
and Dybå, 2010; VersionOne and CollabNet, 2017). As a non-functional requirement, information se-
curity (InfoSec) is not typically considered to be a fundamental source of value to a client, and as such,
is often treated as a lower priority than functional requirements in ASD, consequently resulting in a
technical debt for security (Boehm and Turner, 2005; Chung and do Prado Leite, 2009; Curtis et al.,
2012; Glinz, 2007). Furthermore, accepted industry standards for InfoSec mandate formal procedures
that necessitate extensive documentation and rigorous testing. These approaches to assuring InfoSec
contradict agile practices that are dependent on short iterations and rapid delivery of functionality
(Bartsch, 2011; Hood, 2017).
As the security threats that organisations are exposed to increase in complexity and number, the per-
ceived malalignment between ASD and InfoSec may leave information systems and organisations vul-
nerable to security threats, and at risk of both financial and reputational loss. Development cultures
where InfoSec is considered an impediment to agile delivery and is at risk of being under-prioritised
may be detrimental to the assurance of security in information systems. There is the need to identify
new solutions for addressing InfoSec that better align with the values of the ASD paradigm to ensure
that development teams can continue to effectively mitigate against the risk of a data breach or other
InfoSec incidents while regularly delivering functional value to the client in a responsive manner.
Existing academic literature has identified this tension between InfoSec and ASD, and has made forays
into recommending solutions, including security-oriented agile methodologies and techniques for doc-
umenting and prioritising non-functional requirements pertaining to InfoSec (Boström et al., 2006; Pohl
and Hof, 2015). However, the majority of existing literature is conceptual, with few studies performing
empirical research to understand the current state of InfoSec integration with ASD. Those few studies
that perform empirical research are typically narrow in focus and describe only a limited range of ap-
proaches employed in practice.
To contribute towards closing the gap in existing literature, this research project investigates the current
state of solutions for addressing InfoSec in ASD projects, identifying approaches used throughout the
development lifecycle, and at different organisational levels. As the technical implementation of security
counter-measures does not vary between ASD and traditional development methods, this study focuses
primarily on project management and coordination practices for ensuring InfoSec. To achieve this re-
search goal, a series of semi-structured interviews and subsequent qualitative analysis was conducted;
the following research questions provided the focus for the study, leading to the identification of a cat-
egorised set of critical success factors for enabling InfoSec in ASD:
RQ1: What solutions have been discussed in academic research for ensuring that the security
needs of an information system are addressed appropriately in ASD?
RQ2: What solutions have practitioners adopted to ensure that the security needs of an
information system are addressed appropriately in ASD?
RQ3: How do academic recommendations for addressing InfoSec needs in ASD differ
from practice?
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides a foundation for three concepts
that underpin this research; InfoSec, ASD, and critical success factors (CSF). Section 3 outlines the
methodological approaches we used for our study. Section 4 contains a review of the existing literature
relating to ASD and security. Section 5 presents the findings of the empirical research work. Section 6
discusses the implications, contributions, and limitations of this research. Section 7 draws a conclusion
and outlines directions for further work.
2 Conceptual Foundations
This section provides an introduction to the three foundational concepts of this research. It describes the
main concerns of InfoSec assurance, and what practices contemporary ASD entails. Critical success
factors, a fundamental concept in our presented findings, are also defined and explained.
in traditional ‘Waterfall’ style methodologies (Glass, 2001; Licorish et al., 2016; Petersen and Wohlin,
The agile paradigm proposes that the rapid delivery of functional value to a customer is essential to
maintaining customer satisfaction (Beck et al., 2001). Delivering working software as early as possible
provides the opportunity for project stakeholders to provide feedback on the product and allows for
further refinement of customer requirements (Dingsøyr and Dybå, 2010; Dingsøyr et al., 2012; Petersen
and Wohlin, 2009). By iteratively repeating this process with regular deliveries, the project team ‘builds
up’ to a final product that is aligned with the stakeholder needs. To enable successful delivery in these
conditions, open and regular communication through direct interactions within the team and stakehold-
ers is prioritised over extensive documentation (Beck et al., 2001; Dingsøyr et al., 2012; Glass, 2001).
Teams should be comprised of motivated individuals, who together possess the full range of skills re-
quired for undertaking the project from conception to final delivery (Beck et al., 2001; Chau and Maurer,
2004). Management should empower the team, providing the necessary resources and autonomy to make
decisions and self-organise, rather than adhering to traditional organisational hierarchies (Beck et al.,
2001; Dingsøyr et al., 2012).
3 Research Methodology
This section describes the research methodology we employed in this project. First, a review of the
existing literature pertaining to InfoSec in agile development was conducted in order to inform discus-
sion of alignments and disparities between the current body of knowledge and the state of practice as
discovered through an empirical study (Strauss and Corbin, 1990). The literature used for this review
primarily consists of peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers from the IS and computer
science domains. This review followed the systematic literature review method outlined by Kitchenham
(Kitchenham, 2004, 2007) and Siddaway (2014), with key concepts from the literature being categorised
and recorded in a concept matrix (Webster and Watson, 2002). Key search terms were identified from
the research questions and conceptual foundations, which were then used to conduct repeated searches
through electronic databases for potentially relevant literature. The identified articles were then re-
viewed in more detail for relevance, with only articles published after 2001 being included, and that
explicitly discussed both InfoSec and agile development. The 2001 cut-off was chosen as this was the
year that the Agile Manifesto was initially published. Exceptions were made for articles published prior
to 2001 that provided foundational knowledge on a concept, though more recent articles were favoured
where possible. The literature must pertain to organisational InfoSec, with consumer security and ethics
of privacy being considered outside of the research scope. Once relevant literature was assessed for
inclusion, the core concepts relating to InfoSec in agile development were categorised in a concept ma-
trix, allowing the identification of related concepts for discussion in the literature review.
The authors used industry contacts to assist in identifying suitable participants. Thirteen individuals
from eleven New Zealand-based organisations agreed to participate in this study through qualitative
interviews (Table 1). The organisations ranged in size and maturity, from small start-up firms to multi-
national enterprises, with development teams working with both internal and external customers. Our
sample therefore comprises a range of typical organisations. While all participants were experienced in
working in an ASD context, they held a diverse set of positions, including security managers, lead de-
velopers, project managers, and chief technology officers. The variety of organisations and positions
allowed for the identification of a broader range of approaches employed by practitioners than would
have been possible with a more focused study. It was also noted that most participant organisations
adopted an agile-traditional hybrid approach rather than a pure agile approach, explaining that pure agile
is difficult to implement in practice. As such, some of the findings will also hold a degree of relevance
to traditional development methodologies.
ID Organisation Type Position Experience
P01 eCommerce platform Head of Platform Development and Architecture 10-19 years
P02 Education provider Architecture and Security Manager 20+ years
P03 SaaS vendor Chief Technology Officer 20+ years
P04 IT services Security Manager 20+ years
P05 Financial Development Lead 20+ years
P06 IT services Project Manager 20+ years
P07 IT services Digital Technologies Business Manager 20+ years
P08 Security software vendor Technical Product Manager 5-9 years
P09 SaaS vendor Chief Technical Officer 10-19 years
P10 Media DevOps Engineer 10-19 years
P11 Media Senior DevOps Engineer 20+ years
P12 SaaS vendor Security Architect 5-9 years
P13 SaaS vendor Chief Information Security Officer 20+ years
assigning it a concise descriptor, or open code. Axial coding was then performed by forming connections
between the identified open codes; connections may relate to context, actions, or consequences. Any
open codes determined to be irrelevant to the core phenomenon being investigated were discarded at
this point. The process of identifying related open codes and collating them together produced concepts;
a mid-level representation of the research findings. In theoretical coding, these concepts were finally
related back to the core phenomenon under investigation, and categories are identified that explain the
phenomenon at a high-level, creating a resultant representation of categorised CSFs described in section
testing only towards the project conclusion is insufficient, and so practitioners conduct tests of the code
on a regular basis using automated testing at all architectural layers (Baca and Carlsson, 2011; Tap-
penden et al., 2006; Wells, 1997). Regular automated testing allows early identification of vulnerabilities
in the information system, so that these can be addressed and retested in subsequent iterations. Recom-
mendations also include the inclusion of penetration and acceptance testing methods in early iterations
of the development lifecycle (Kongsli, 2006; Singhal and Singhal, 2011). By conducting extensive man-
ual tests early, major flaws in the code, architecture, and design of the system can be identified and
During testing phases, misuse cases should be prioritised according to the importance of the requirement
and tested in order of priority to ensure that critical security needs are resolved first (Siponen et al.,
2007, 2005). Further, it is recommended that simple and automated testing be used, as traditional testing
approaches such as red team, penetration, and fuzzing are costly and time-consuming processes to con-
duct at each development iteration (Baca and Carlsson, 2011; Lipner, 2010; Tappenden et al., 2006).
Berg and Ambler (2006) raise concerns that as security testing assesses negative requirements, there are
too many possibilities that must be considered for comprehensive coverage. Instead, testers should ran-
domly test a selection of inputs that provide sufficient, but not complete, testing coverage.
Despite the growing popularity of automated testing processes, Kongsli (2006) advises that manual test-
ing should still be employed under specific circumstances. Some misuse cases are too complex to be
adequately automated, and automatic testing is limited in its comprehensiveness compared to manual
testing. Nassiri et al. (2012) argue that automated testing can be enhanced to manage complexity by
testing each component of a system individually and then testing again as an integrated whole.
Information Security
Security Awareness
Team and Attitudes Project
Practices Practices
Business Security
Composition and Processes Project Security
Competencies Planning
Security Training
Technical Relationships
Secure Development
Security Testing
Security Release
“…every single person is different, and then when you connect say, four team members together,
and it’s what, four to the power of four interactions, and there’s a limit you just can’t go past.
So, you have to start with that, ‘how do I make that person want to care about these things?’.”
- P11, Senior DevOps Engineer
Business Security Processes. As security is impacted by many units and teams within an organisation,
processes that dictate and support these interactions are observed, especially in larger organisations.
Among these are formal approval processes executed by a ‘security council’ (P01), internal consulting
processes in a security-related community of practice (P07), or institutionalised re-use of past experi-
ences through a repository of known issues and effective solutions (P12).
determining which practices should be employed in this category. Approaches taken here will set stand-
ards for how the security needs of the customer will be integrated into the lifecycle of an ASD project.
The following three concepts were identified as CSFs on the project level:
Project Security Planning. Participants commonly acknowledged that security cannot easily be ad-
dressed in an ad hoc manner; project teams must identify notable security risks as early as possible so
that they can be given appropriate consideration and solutions can be identified. This process includes
both initial risk identification at the outset of a project (P01, P02, P05, P08), and for each sprint or work
iteration (P03). The teams should also have processes for determining the priority of newly arisen secu-
rity requirements or concerns and be able to adjust the planned workflow to address them (P09, P13).
“In the planning phase we start to think, ‘how can people either abuse this on purpose, or mess
it up by accident?’ And we need to address those things.” - P03, Chief Technology Officer
Customer Involvement. Involving the customer was reported to be critical to achieving a satisfactory
level of security, as they are ultimately responsible for determining what level of security risk is consid-
ered acceptable, and how much to spend on risk mitigation and countermeasures (P07, P08). Involving
the customer both early and continually in discussions pertaining to security and clarifying security
expectations in planning documentation helps ensure that the system successfully meets the customer’s
security needs (P02; P07). In some instances, they lack the expertise to understand their security needs
fully. In such cases, the project team must work closely with the customer to help develop their under-
standing of the associated risks and identify what countermeasures will be necessary (P04, P06, P07).
“A typical customer will say they want the software to be secure. ‘Well, how secure do you want
it to be?’… ‘We don’t know’. So, they’ll just write the contract to say be secure. We get that
requirement upfront in the agile project and have to decompose it a bit.” - P04, Security Mgr.
Security Requirements Management. Several techniques for ongoing management of security-related
requirements have been adopted by practitioners, with many of these being adaptations of existing agile
practices. Misuse cases and abuser stories were both identified as successful practices (P04, P12), where
security requirements are written from the perspective of a user or an attacker. More common was the
integration of security into regular user stories through a definition of done or completeness checklist
(P03, P08, P09), or by relating the story to another document such as a security matrix or information
flow diagram to identify how new functionality will relate to the security of the product (P07, P13).
requirements to a deliverable will ‘pull’ the security requirement through development, ensuring secu-
rity requirements are addressed (P12).
Security Testing Practices. Before release, the security of deliverables should be validated. While this
assurance is partially provided through peer reviews, formal testing is more comprehensive and rigorous.
As testing is typically very process-oriented and time-consuming, participants identified the importance
of ‘shifting security left’, i.e. conducting tests earlier to provide time to address any issues identified.
Additionally, keeping testing processes simple and small reduces the impediment of testing to agility
(P08, P12), achieved through automated testing tools which provide a baseline level of testing coverage
(P03, P05, P08, P11). These automated testing tools may need to be supplemented by manual procedures
for more complex security requirements (P12). Choosing critical areas to focus testing on rather than
full system coverage will also aid in streamlining the security testing process.
“We could do one hundred percent coverage, but that’s usually a waste of time because you’re
almost certainly not testing the things that you really need to test.” - P11, Senior DevOps En-
Penetration testing is a common practice for identifying vulnerabilities in an IS, though this is a costly
and time-consuming process. Due to these constraints, participants suggest that penetration testing is
only used at major milestones, such as before a critical deliverable (P04, P08). Acceptance tests typically
assess whether a function performs its intended tasks (P04); inverting this test can validate if the function
will continue to perform when abused, such as bad data input, thereby identifying potential vulnerabili-
ties without the need for developing a comprehensive testing security protocol from the ground up.
Security Release Practices. Once the security of a deliverable has been verified in a staging environ-
ment, it can be released into production. The shift in environment and potential for vulnerabilities to be
introduced into production necessitates further security assurances practices. Simplifying the process
through automation and pattern identification for successful release of minor deliverables speeds up the
release process while reducing the risk of operator-introduced errors, where an unexpected change in
the architecture of production systems may introduce a new vulnerability (P01, P03, P08, P11). Different
approaches to release deadline conflicts arising from security issues were observed. Some organisations
operate a continuous integration/continuous deployment model, with no scheduled releases, in which
security concerns can be comprehensively addressed without delaying a release (P10). For teams with a
fixed release schedule, a choice must be made to either push-back the delivery date, or to release insecure
code, with the former usually taking precedence (P10).
6 Discussion
Answering RQ2, our main theoretical contribution is a set of twelve categorised CSFs (Figure 1) for the
assurance of InfoSec in an ASD context that is more comprehensive and grounded in actual practice
than existing literature. These categorised CSFs provide a representation of agile security practices that
encompasses a broad range of focus areas and highlight the importance of practices at a high level that
enable individuals, engage management, and develop a positive attitude towards security. When we
contrast our findings with the five focal themes we identified in the literature while addressing RQ1
(agile methodologies, strategies and relationships, security training, requirements management, and se-
curity testing) to answer RQ3, we find that the existing literature focusses primarily on techniques and
processes that can be used by teams to embed security into the development of an IS. Recommendations
regarding strategy, culture, and people are generally high-level statements indicating the importance of
these areas but provide few actionable recommendations. In contrast to this emphasis on techniques and
processes, practitioners were observed to place heavy emphasis on the importance of people, their in-
teractions, and project coordination, rather than specific techniques, in alignment with the agile mani-
festo (Beck et al., 2001). We also expand upon previous suggestions of the importance of security train-
ing and awareness, by identifying specific approaches taken by practitioners to address these concerns,
including informal mentorship and practical training sessions.
Note that we were not able to identify any approaches employed in practice that fit into the first of the
literature themes: agile methodologies. Practitioners do not appear to select agile methodologies on the
basis of their ability to address security concerns. Their choice of a methodology is primarily guided by
the methodology’s fit in the team and organisational dynamic and its ability to facilitate rapid delivery
of a quality outcome. The reasoning for these practices not being employed in practice is unclear, though
this is perhaps attributable to either a lack of visibility of these proposed methodologies or being con-
sidered unsupportive of primary development goals.
For the other four themes identified in the literature review that we could observe in the findings of this
study, we found subtle variations in the specific solutions employed in practice when compared to aca-
demic recommendations. Recommendations in the literature including early and automated testing for
security vulnerabilities and the use of abuser stories and misuse cases to represent security requirements
were observed to be employed in practice. However, practices from the literature such as security back-
logs and early penetration testing were not identified by participants, indicating a gap between existing
recommendations and the actual practice in ASD.
Our identified CSFs also have practical implications. They provide a comprehensive foundation for
teams and organisations to assess and further develop their internal best practices. We posit that by
addressing these twelve CSFs through the use of appropriate practices, ASD teams can contribute to
mitigating the risks involved in InfoSec assurance, while retaining benefits that arise from agile devel-
opment, such as rapid delivery, adaptability to change, and improved alignment with the customer’s
However, our research is not without limitations. The geographic as well as the role diversity of partic-
ipants is restricted; all participants work in New Zealand, and many roles involved in agile development
projects, such as product owners and Scrum masters, are not represented. A broader scope of participants
may reveal that the practices identified in the literature that we did not find to be employed in practice
were merely not observed due to the size of the data collected for this study. Additionally, the qualitative
nature of this research and the use of semi-structured interviews for data collection and inductive coding
for data analysis presents a further limitation. The information provided by participants is subject to
cognitive bias introduced by their personal experiences, interests, and opinions. The role of the re-
searcher in analysing the collected data may also introduce bias through the interpretation of the data,
despite following established guidelines for coding to reduce the risk of the researcher’s interpretation
impacting the analysis.
7 Conclusion
We developed a set of twelve CSFs, which identifies activities and processes where organisations and
teams must focus their efforts through strategically selected best practices to assure the embedment of
InfoSec in ASD projects. These CSFs are categorised into four categories: organisational, team, project,
and technical. While identified as imperative to reducing the InfoSec risk associated with software pro-
duced according to ASD principles, the application of these CSFs is flexible, allowing development
teams to strategically identify and adopt security practices that are aligned with team and organisational
dynamics and priorities. While these CSFs were developed with the intent of addressing tension between
InfoSec and ASD, they may also be of value to traditional development models, though requiring dif-
ferent specific practices in order to be most effectively implemented.
While these CSFs were identified inductively from data that reflects practice, they currently nevertheless
remain conceptual. Future work should therefore attempt to validate these constructs, find relationships
between them, and evidence for their effectiveness at assuring secure ASD. Future research can also
expand the data collection further across organisations in different countries, of different sizes, maturity
levels, industries, or business models. Subsequently, the presented CSFs can inform the development of
recommendations that comprehensively address agile security concerns, by considering which critical
success factors have underdeveloped recommendations and require further attention. Further research
can also design and evaluate suitable metrics for the CSFs. This study also highlights the complexity of
the tension between InfoSec and ASD, and identifies the need for further exploration into the nature of
this tension and why it may not easily be resolved.
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