d50 Rapport Sociale 2018 e
d50 Rapport Sociale 2018 e
d50 Rapport Sociale 2018 e
Highlights................................................................... 8
5. Responsible
6. Climate
Our approach
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Our approach
Robust reporting | GRI 102-40 | 102-42 | 102-43 | 102-44 | 102-46 | 102-47
Ensuring transparency and creating value for society and our members and clients
Our Social and Cooperative Responsibility We monitor global developments in non-financial CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), and
Report illustrates how environmental, social and reporting closely, and 2018 marks our 15th year our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been
governance (ESG) criteria are gradually being publishing this report. In 2007, we adopted the GRI independently audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers
integrated into everything we do at Desjardins. methodology to ensure transparent, robust and LLP (PwC) as part of a limited assurance engagement
Prepared in accordance with the Core option of comparable non-financial reporting. GRI is a global for Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions. To learn more,
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, this standard for the finance sector. By publishing this read PwC’s report.
non-financial report highlights our commitment to report along with our financial results, we’re moving
At Desjardins, social responsibility goes hand in
meeting the ever-changing needs of our members towards integrated reporting, as endorsed by the
hand with our mission and cooperative values. It’s
and clients and acting in accordance with our International Integrated Reporting Council. Because
an integral part of our strategic plan that helps us
cooperative values. Our focus on personal and climate change is our environmental priority, we’ve
enrich the lives of people and their communities,
community development is our way of driving integrated the reporting recommendations of the
create value and drive performance for our members
sustainable and responsible economic growth. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.
and clients.
We comply with the reporting requirements of
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Stakeholder survey
A unique consultation
In 2017, we conducted a materiality analysis on our The survey confirmed that our priorities are in In 2018, we created the ESG Steering Committee
sustainable development priorities according to GRI line with stakeholders’ overall expectations and comprising senior managers from the business
standards, which is still topical in 2018. We surveyed strengthen our leadership position in the energy sectors and support functions to review issues from
1,700 stakeholders to get a comprehensive look at transition and the fight against climate change. an ESG standpoint and advise Desjardins Group’s
their concerns regarding sustainable development. We plan to conduct a stakeholder survey at least senior management and Board of Directors. The
We started by analyzing and discussing topics every 4 years and use the results in our Social and committee is supported by a team of ESG experts.
internally to narrow it down to 20 focus areas, which Cooperative Responsibility Report. We also continued our dialogue with stakeholders.
were then organized according to the results from For instance, we surveyed members through AccèsD
each stakeholder group. on data protection, and we surveyed local caisse
chairs and general managers on a Desjardins-wide
The online survey was sent to: ban on certain single-use plastic products.
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Materiality analysis
Products and services
1. Cooperative and financial education
of members and clients
Workplace relations
High priority
7. Alternative transportation
14 8. Climate change
17 11 9. Energy efficiency
19 Member/client relations
11. A distinctive member/client experience
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Environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks Volume of assets subject to positive or negative ESG screening* (in $B) 93.5 90.3
Ethics, integrity and compliance Proportion of employees and directors trained on conflict of interest management (as a %) 84.2 50.6
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$2,326 $295.5
17.3% billion
Tier 1A capital ratio million in assets
in surplus earnings
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
our members and clients: And thanks to everyone in the Ontario caisses, in our business
sectors and support functions and at Aviso Wealth, Desjardins is
Always the right choice now a major player in the Canadian financial services industry.
As President of Desjardins Group, I’m very proud of our Well-deserved financial results laying
2018 results and achievements. Our membership has grown, the groundwork for the future
especially among young people. Our satisfaction ratings—as
measured by our net promoter scores—are up. And our ongoing Our outstanding financial results are a direct result of our
efforts to build a strong member/client culture are driving up a commitment to doing what’s best for our members and clients.
number of other indicators. In 2018, our operating income grew 7.2% to $16,576 million,
while our surplus earnings rose $175 million to $2,326 million.
Our entire cooperative financial group is committed to doing
what’s best for our members and clients, and that’s a game Thanks to this strong performance, we’re investing more in
changer. We’re updating our management and business talent acquisition, employee training, service upgrades and
practices so members and clients get the advice, products and our digital shift—all things that will help us better serve our
Guy Cormier services they need to achieve optimal financial health. members and clients.
President and CEO of
At the same time, we’re working hard to make it even easier for
Desjardins Group
members and clients to do business with us. Our innovative Growing a responsible,
apps, products and services make their lives easier, and we’re sustainable economy
helping them do more on their own. Meanwhile, we’re giving
Our financial strength also enables us to do more to grow
our frontline employees the tools they need to better assist
a responsible, sustainable economy—one of our strategic
members and clients at major life events.
priorities. It allows us to expand our financial literacy programs
We’re changing the way we pay member dividends as well. and launch and support more initiatives that will have a lasting
Starting in 2019, more weight will be given to the business impact on our communities.
relationship members have with all of Desjardins.
All across Canada, we’re also doing more to support entrepreneurs
and community initiatives. We’re doing it through our Desjardins
One big nationwide team Business centres, Desjardins Capital Management Inc., our
Créavenir and Desjardins Microcredit to Businesses programs,
I’m also proud of the way we brought our State Farm agents
and our $100 million fund.
into the Desjardins fold. When they joined us in early 2015, we
were able to create our new Desjardins agent network much We’re also doing it through new initiatives like the Momentum
faster than we anticipated. Fund, which provides financial assistance to grow local businesses
and create and keep good local jobs.
Throughout this transition, agents across the country maintained
their longstanding business relationships with clients and kept At the same time, we’re supporting the transition to clean energy
their trust. We can’t thank them enough. by incorporating environmental, social and governance criteria
into all our business decisions.
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And because more and more members and clients want to effect social and In addition to taking part in our existing decision-making bodies, caisse directors
environmental change through their financial choices, last year we doubled the and general managers will also participate in the new community collaboration
number of responsible investment (RI) funds we offer. We now have Canada’s groups and Desjardins Collaboration Forum to inform the organization’s decisions
largest RI fund lineup, with 22 different products. on priorities, products, services and community involvement.
But to tackle climate change effectively, we need to join forces with others. In
partnership with Hydro-Québec and AddEnergie, we’re installing 200 new charging Acknowledgments
stations across our caisse network by 2021—just one way we’re encouraging the
Our new bylaws introduce term limits for caisse board chairs. I’d therefore
use of electric vehicles in Quebec and Ontario.
like to thank all the chairs who will be leaving their posts at their caisses’ next
Finally, we’re following the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related annual general meetings. I also want to thank all the members of the boards of
Financial Disclosures and including a climate-related disclosure in our social and supervision, which were eliminated in 2018. Thank you for your service.
cooperative responsibility report starting this year.
I’d like to thank all our employees and elected officers as well. Your hard work
and commitment to doing what’s best for our members and clients is really
Modern, people-focused democratic governance paying off.
I’m also very proud of all the work we’ve done to update our governance structure. Together in 2019, we’ll continue to build a strong member/client culture, showcase
In 2018, we instituted a number of changes based on the decisions we made at our cooperative difference and harness the full potential of our cooperative group.
our 23rd Congress.
With these changes, we’ll have a modern, people-focused governance structure.
A governance structure that makes us more agile as an organization and
strengthens our ties with members, clients and communities. A governance
structure that empowers everyone at Desjardins to do what’s best for our
members and clients. Guy Cormier
President and CEO
In today’s increasingly complex world, we’re bombarded with information on all of Desjardins Group
sides. That’s why we’re updating the role of director. All our boards of directors
now have enhanced group profiles, and directors must complete mandatory
training to ensure boards have the requisite skills to fully grasp the challenges
they face. These changes will also help us carry out initiatives that are meaningful
for our members, clients and communities.
More than
75,000 young
took the Personal Finance:
I’m in Charge!®
classroom course
We sponsored a number of
initiatives that encourage
young people to
start their own
1. Members and clients
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1.1 Innovations that make life easier Silver Award for the AccèsD Assistant
Delivering a better online experience We won the Silver Award for our AccèsD Assistant in an
Members and clients deserve an outstanding experience on our web and mobile platforms. international competition organized by the European Financial
They’ve told us they want to do more online, and they’re using our online services more and Management Association. The competition recognizes
more all the time. We regularly review our website architecture to improve navigation and innovation in financial services marketing and distribution.
provide a seamless experience on the web and mobile versions of our sites.
Open an account online Renew a mortgage from Get non-sufficient funds View insurance Get paid in a flash
the comfort of home (NSF) alerts information anytime with Interac
Individuals and businesses
can now open an account Desjardins members can Members can sign up to With the updated Business members can now
online in both the web and now renew their mortgage get alerts when they don’t Desjardins Mobile Services accept payments online
mobile versions of AccèsD 100% online and get phone have enough funds to cover app, clients can see all their with Interac. It’s great
and AccèsD Affaires without support if they need help. a preauthorized payment so Desjardins home and auto for things like collecting
stepping foot in a caisse. they can avoid NSF fees. insurance products and get rent and getting paid for
an insurance quote. professional services.
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Financial education has always been central to Desjardins’s mission and critically important for members and clients. We help design and deliver financial and cooperative
education programs for individuals and communities. Some of these programs are developed and presented in partnership with education and consumer protection
advocates in Quebec and Ontario.
In 2018, Desjardins invested $7 million in programs to foster healthy financial habits, financial wellness and
financial literacy.
We have a financial education policy that informs our education initiatives, guides our financial education efforts and incorporates financial education into our business
practices. Mechanisms are also in place to ensure these programs are updated regularly.
We evaluate participant satisfaction with our financial education programs like Personal Finance: I’m in Charge®. It is however difficult to measure the long-term
effects of our programs on the financial health of individuals and businesses.
Desjardins Foundation
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Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
The 2018 numbers for www.schoolcaisse.com speak 5,618 visitors played the game in 2018. More than a
for themselves: third of them played regularly, spending an average
of 7 minutes per visit.
• Spark their interest in cooperative values Student caisses are like mini Desjardins caisses in high schools and are managed by student volunteers. The
program is currently operating in 45 high schools in Quebec.
• Foster their awareness of the importance of sound
financial management We’ve launched a new model that better serves the needs and goals of young people. Finance Labs are
associations set up in high schools that operate like cooperatives. They’re governed by boards of directors that
• Get parents involved in their child’s financial the members—the students of the school—elect at an annual meeting. Students at participating schools can:
• Learn about mobile payments in a secure setting
The site also features Calculo, a tool that has helped
nearly 16,000 young people set savings goals. • Start up business projects at school and get technical and financial support
For the 2017–2018 school year, we paid $265,939 • Experience what it’s like to be part of a democratically managed business
in youth dividends to 25,757 eligible school caisse As of December 31, 2018, 22 Finance Labs were in operation or being set up across Quebec. Nearly 16,000
members ages 5 to 12 in Quebec and 5 to 14 in Ontario. students had used Finance Lab services, and over 100 had served as a director.
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Preparing for the future with Personal Finance: I’m in Charge® | GRI FS16
Personal Finance: I’m in Charge® is a distinctive, highly successful financial education program
For adults
for 16- to 25-year-olds and newcomers to Canada. It addresses such pressing issues as high
debt levels and peer pressure to spend. The program has 17 modules on topics relevant to Helping young adults manage their finances
young people. It’s put on by Desjardins-accredited trainers through a partnership between At Desjardins, we want to help young adults on their financial journey.
community organizations, schools and local caisses. That’s why we launched Basics + Fun + Dreams, a campaign that
The program also teaches young people how to incorporate social and environmental helps 18- to 30-year-olds set priorities based on their needs, wants
considerations into their personal finance decisions with a game called Le Responsable and goals. We also have a campaign to impress upon them the
created by Équiterre and Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins. importance of meeting with a financial security advisor, especially at
major life events.
2018 by the numbers:
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Invest in the stock market Personalized videos on group Learning more about our cooperative
with Broker@ge 18-30 retirement savings difference at the Desjardins Corner
Broker@ge 18-30 is an exclusive offer by Desjardins Informational videos are available on the Desjardins The Desjardins Corner in the Complexe Desjardins
Online Brokerage (Disnat) that teaches 18- to 30-year- group retirement savings plan site. These videos in Montreal showcases our cooperative financial
olds, especially those interested in investing in the are the first of their kind in the industry to feature group and highlights our values, global reach and
stock market, about the importance of managing their member-specific information. Plan members get commitment to financial education and communities
finances. In 2018, 2,000 young people across Canada personalized recommendations on topics like setting at home and abroad. It offers visitors an interactive,
attended more than 40 seminars at universities and retirement goals, determining their investor profile multimedia experience featuring inspiring personal
other locations. Over 11,500 young people have and increasing their contributions. stories of innovation and creativity. Since it opened in
taken advantage of this exclusive offer since it was 2014, over 39,250 visitors from all over the world have
introduced in January 2016. Educating policyholders about risk prevention come for guided tours, talks, workshops, and special
events, including 10,500 visitors in 2018 alone.
On www.desjardins.com, we regularly post blog
Personal finance newsletters | GRI FS16
entries with helpful information on home, auto and
Nearly 1.5 million personal and business members business insurance.
receive a personalized Desjardins newsletter
These blogs are the most recent initiative in our
each month. These newsletters direct readers to
longstanding effort to educate policyholders about
www.desjardins.com for personal finance advice
risk prevention so they can protect their property. We
and action plans. The 128 participating caisses
also have web pages where they can read about:
and Desjardins Business centres can include local
information in their newsletters for members. • Prevention tips
›› To subscribe to the newsletter or check out our • The Tenant Challenge
personal finance advice, visit
https://www.desjardins.com/coopme. • Home, auto and business insurance
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New entrepreneur members get exclusive financial offers and online tools included
with their welcome kit. Our experts are also happy to help them with the day-to-
day management of their business. Whatever the size of their business or the
stage it’s in (start-up, growth or transfer), entrepreneurs can get expert advice in
the Your Business section of www.desjardins.com.
While they’re there, they can also get information and advice on transferring a
business and doing business abroad.
For instance, we’ve put together a French-language guide titled Entreprendre et
conquérir le marché français to help entrepreneurs and investors looking to do
business in France. It covers the French banking system, reviews some economic,
legal and tax differences, and contains a wealth of information for Quebec-based
The Desjardins International Gateway is a service available to help businesses in all
industries go global. It relies on a network of partners from around the world with
some 30 years of experience.
Tips and tools | GRI FS16 We’ve teamed up with the Regroupement des jeunes chambres de commerce
du Québec (RJCCQ) for the provincial government’s Immigrant Entrepreneurs in
With our vast network of experienced directors, we’re able to help entrepreneurs Regions of Quebec program. Desjardins and the Quebec government are each
set up governance bodies, such as boards of directors and advisory committees. investing $400,000 in this RJCCQ initiative, which aims to pilot a number of
Approximately 90 out of more than 250 potential directors are already active with trade missions across Quebec to help young immigrant entrepreneurs get up and
partner businesses. We also regularly post governance articles on social media. running so they can help grow their local economies.
We provide all kinds of assistance to entrepreneurs. In addition to supporting
programs at the École d’Entrepreneurship de Beauce, in 2018 we offered a 2-day Cultivating young entrepreneurs
boot camp for over 200 members and clients. We also foster entrepreneurship by We joined forces with 2 other finance leaders to launch Devenir Entrepreneur, a
connecting business owners who face similar challenges. major campaign that aims to inspire young people to start a business and help
Entrepreneurs have access to decision-making tools in the Tools and Tips for Your them get their business off the ground.
Company section on www.desjardins.com. These include interactive business and The initiative’s website, www.devenirentrepreneur.com/en, is a great resource for
marketing plans, the Billing and Expense Tracker and more than 60 fact sheets anyone who wants to know more about starting their own business, and it also has
on the business stages. Entrepreneurs can use the tracker to prepare quotes a section designed especially for elementary and high school teachers.
and invoices, create a product catalogue and securely send information to their
accountant and others.
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Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
A number of advantages, including no service Access to an unsecured credit card for The ability to open an account while in their
charges for one year for eligible newcomers newcomers with no credit history in Canada home country
Access to Visitors to Canada Insurance for Driving experience recognized when applying
The option to transfer funds to their account
newcomers awaiting provincial health insurance for auto insurance (for drivers from eligible
before they get here
and visa holders with no insurance countries)
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
104 to 114 Desjardins has more locations than any other financial institution in Quebec, especially in
57 25 outlying areas with low population densities where we’re often the only financial institution
44 to 57
114 with a brick-and-mortar location.
25 to 33
1 service center 44 In Ontario, centre caisse network includes:
Members also have access to 25 points of service and 30 free ATMs through our agreement
with Caisse populaire Alliance.
Quebec and Ontario members and clients have access to thousands of employees and advisors in our life and
health insurance, property and casualty insurance, securities and wealth management subsidiaries.
We’re constantly rethinking the way we operate to meet our members’ ever-changing needs. In 2018, members logged in to our AccèsD web and mobile solutions
over 529 million times, up 18% compared to 2017. Teller and ATM transactions dropped by 7.6% and 6.8%, respectively.
We’re also currently upgrading our ATMs. The new machines feature touch screens and accept envelope-free deposits for a simpler, more user-friendly experience.
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As of December 31, 2018, 229 Meeting all kinds of needs Mobile branches
caisses offered telephone service
Desjardins 360d Our mobile branches are another innovative way
every day of the week. And in 2018,
members can do business with Desjardins. We’ve
we extended our telephone service Desjardins 360d is the only concept of its kind in transformed 2 buses into modern, welcoming
hours to take calls from 6:00 a.m. North America. These Desjardins locations cater financial service centres on wheels. Members and
to midnight, 7 days a week. Our members can get to young members and workers ages 18 to 30 on clients can walk right in and speak with an advisor,
information and advice about banking and investing the campuses of Concordia University, Université complete teller transactions and use the ATM.
and make an appointment with a caisse advisor. Many de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal,
caisses have also extended their hours and are now Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Université We use these retail-inspired branches in a variety
open on weekends to accommodate their members’ Laval and Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. These of settings primarily for business development
schedules. What’s more, our Online Business Centre hip, friendly financial service centres work with purposes. Mobile branches can also be used as
is now open weekends from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. caisses to serve young members, no matter which a temporary caisse in the event of a closure due
caisse they belong to. to a natural disaster or other emergency. And the
Other ways we’re making it easier to access mobile branches are eco-friendly. They’re powered
our products and services | GRI FS14 by built-in solar panels and run on biodiesel.
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In Florida
Desjardins Bank serves Desjardins caisse members and Canadians in Florida and across the United
States. Our members can use Desjardins Bank whether they’re permanent residents, snow birds or
just visitors.
Desjardins Bank’s head office and 3 service centres are in areas popular with Canadians: Hallandale Beach,
Pompano Beach, Lauderhill and Boynton Beach. Desjardins Bank provides quality service in English and
French at these locations.
In Europe
Our Desjardins Representative Office (Europe) supports our growth in both the personal and business
markets. In 2018, it helped 2,140 individuals and businesses access banking and financial products in
Canada, up 51% compared to 2017.
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On social media
Social media is the best way to communicate with many of our members and clients.
Desjardins manages vibrant, active online communities.
Social icon
Rounded square
Only use blue and/or white.
New Desjardins Business Facebook 11 million views 94,000 followers 26,000 followers 11,000 followers
page to make the everyday lives on YouTube: on LinkedIn: on Twitter: on Instagram:
of entrepreneurs easier and help www.youtube.com/user/ www.linkedin.com/ twitter.com/ instagram.com/
them achieve their business goals mouvementdesjardins company/desjardins desjardinscoop desjardinscoop
with handy tools, expert advice and
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At Desjardins, we’re committed to doing what’s best for our members and clients. We make sure our service meets or exceeds their expectations. We have a number of
initiatives in place to ensure we deliver quality service and a distinctive experience.
Mystery clients
One way we continuously assess our service is through mystery clients—real consumers who rate the service they receive at Desjardins caisses.
Usability tests
We regularly carry out usability tests with our members and clients. These tests give us quick feedback on online initiatives before they’re rolled out.
Focus groups
We conduct in-person and online focus groups to get qualitative data from our members and clients. Topics include needs and expectations regarding products and
services, changes made in response to member/client feedback, opinions about advertising campaigns and concepts, and how Desjardins’s cooperative values are
reflected in our operations and community initiatives.
Online communities
We use online communities to get qualitative data on member/client needs, expectations and behaviours. Each online community has between 25 and 50 people who
complete a workbook over the course of several days to encourage personal reflection and group discussion.
Dissatisfaction management
In June of 2018, we launched a new dissatisfaction management approach for personal services. When a member is dissatisfied, frontline employees can now do what
it takes to resolve the issue.
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Complaint handling
Caisse network
The Member Services team handles unresolved banking complaints originating in Desjardins caisses, Desjardins Business centres and client care centres. The team
also helps review Level 1 dissatisfactions from across the organization to compile a master list of irritants in order to recommend improvements.
Complaints are handled in accordance with each Desjardins subsidiary’s internal directives.
The Desjardins Group Ombudsman is the final in-house arbiter of complaints. They offer an independent avenue to adjudicate unresolved complaints. The Ombudsman
impartially hears both parties, reviews the documentation available and recommends ways we can improve our products and services.
We use a rigorous methodology called the Net Promoter System to continuously improve our member and client experience. This internationally-recognized
methodology is used around the globe to identify sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction and prioritize improvements to the member and client experience.
Member and client feedback revealed that our main strength is the service our
advisors and agents provide. The Personal ranked
We’re always encouraging colleagues to share best practices to offer consistent service across the organization.
highest in customer
Training on sound day-to-day business practices is now available to caisse network employees and the teams that support
them. In 2018, 3,902 employees completed this training, which stems from Desjardins Group’s Sound Commercial Practices Group home and auto insurer
Policy, which was adopted in 2017 to meet Autorité des marchés financiers requirements. The Personal was rated highest in
customer satisfaction in Quebec
by J.D. Power.
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Member and client privacy is protected by our Privacy Policy and Code of Professional Conduct. Failure to comply with these governance documents can result in
disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
The Privacy Policy sets out our principles and guidelines for the collection, retention, use, communication, storage and destruction of personal information. It also
requires a privacy compliance program to be put in place. Each Desjardins component must appoint a regulatory compliance officer and train employees on the
importance of protecting personal information.
Privacy complaints are subject to a different regulatory framework than other complaints. Each Desjardins component must comply with applicable regulations and
review and handle legitimate complaints using a process tailored to its line of business and operations.
Our Chief Privacy Officer is responsible for ensuring sound privacy governance. The Chief Information Security Officer ensures that actions are aligned with the IT
risk appetite framework.
The privacy compliance program encompasses regulatory risk monitoring so that the compliance sector can report on the adequacy, effectiveness and application
of the control mechanisms in place.
The Chief Compliance Officer also reviews changes to the compliance program and compares it against the target to ensure we’re making continuous, consistent
The Desjardins Group Monitoring Office provides an independent assessment of the design and effectiveness of the compliance management framework.
Desjardins has instituted a formal mechanism for reporting to senior management and various decision-making bodies to ensure oversight of compliance issues.
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with 2 crowdsourcing
#2 on the
list of Quebec’s
most influential brands
2. Our co-op and its governance
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Our values
Drawing on the values and principles of the International Co-operative Alliance,
we’ve adopted the following values :
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2.2 Governance
Management approach | GRI 102-18 | 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3
The purpose of our corporate governance practices is to enable us to carry out our mission, which is to contribute to improving the economic and social well-being
of people and communities. The Federation develops and implements a governance structure that takes into account our cooperative nature, our social responsibility
objectives, the complexity of our activities, and Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) guidelines. This structure covers the activities of the Federation, the Desjardins
Security Fund, the Fédération des caisses populaires de l’Ontario Inc., the Desjardins subsidiaries and the caisses. As certain components are subject to specific
regulations, it complies with rules established by the Canadian Securities Administrators and the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, as well as
industry best practices.
Our objective is to have effective and efficient governance, based on strong values, that takes into account
the long-term interests of the organization, members and clients, and that helps us fulfill our mission.
The Federation has a governance policy in place to ensure sound governance. The governance structure consists of documents and processes, reporting mechanisms,
and an independent audit, all of which take into account applicable legislative and regulatory requirements, including AMF guidelines.
The Federation’s Board of Directors is responsible for implementing and assessing its governance structure. This structure is consistent with the complexity of our
activities, our risk profile, our ownership and organizational structures, and our available resources. It also outlines the division of responsibilities between the Board,
its commissions and committees, and senior management.
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Delegates (based on proportional caisse representation; 1,158 delegates in 2018) Conduct; and the Desjardins Group President and CEO.
Young intern directors
Electoral college
Desjardins Group President and CEO
The electoral college elects the Desjardins Group
President and CEO. It comprises the chair of each
caisse or the director who acts on their behalf
Federation Board of Directors Board of Ethics and in the community collaboration group and the
Professional Conduct Desjardins Collaboration Forum.
20 members:
5 caisse directors Each vote is weighted according to the number
Desjardins Group President and CEO elected by the
elected at the AGM of members in each caisse.
electoral college
15 caisse directors elected at the AGM Election Committee
2 caisse general managers elected at the AGM The Election Committee comprises 5 directors
2 independent directors appointed by the Board appointed by the Board to ensure the integrity of
the electoral process.
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Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Amounts shown don’t include financial contributions from caisses to these cooperatives or to other local and regional cooperatives.
Amounts are converted to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the time the payment was made.
Amount included in our contribution to Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada.
We also contribute financially to a partnership agreement for the development of cooperatives that was signed between
Quebec’s Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation and the Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité.
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We evaluate our community engagement strategies every year and adjust them as required. We track the number of entrepreneurs we support, the number of
individuals who have completed projects or received training and our investments in cooperative organizations and group projects. We also evaluate participation
levels and the number of individuals affected by these projects.
We collect and analyze feedback from our community partners. Finally, we tally contributions made by members to their local caisse’s Community Development Fund.
To learn more: See GRI 413-1, 205-2, FS13, FS14, FS16, 203-2
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Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
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3. Employees
One of
Canada’s Top
100 Employers
One of
Canada’s Top
One of
Canada’s Top
Employers for
Young People
3. Employees
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3.0 Employees
Together, we’re doing what’s best for our members and clients
With 46,216 employees, Desjardins is the largest private employer in Quebec. But that doesn’t mean we’re immune from current labour shortages and
the heightened competition for workers. As part of our efforts to attract and retain talented employees, we’ve developed innovative hiring campaigns.
At Desjardins, we offer distinctive career paths, training opportunities and employee benefits. We’re an inclusive and dynamic cooperative financial
group that recognizes the importance of individuals and diversity. Our strong values resonate with employees and the community.
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Attracting talent with the Desjardins Career Zone Celebrating team achievements
A new Career Zone was opened in Lévis, joining its counterpart at the Complexe The Desjardins Recognition Program celebrates outstanding team achievements
Desjardins in Montreal. The Career Zone acts as a gateway for external candidates. across the organization. It’s a source of inspiration, engagement and pride.
Each year, we have a call for nominations, followed by a recognition event that
In 2018, the Talent Acquisition team recruited 2,611 candidates, which contributed
showcases team successes.
to our goal of setting the industry standard for talent acquisition and management.
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This ongoing dialogue is a cornerstone of our approach to performance management. In addition to meetings held at the beginning, middle and end of the year to
set goals and review performance, this dialogue allows managers and employees to discuss and address individual and organizational needs.
The President and CEO holds regular online meetings to create proximity with our 46,216 employees and managers. These meetings are an opportunity to share our
vision and expectations, discuss challenges and explain how they’re being handled, and give employees a better understanding of what’s happening.
About 20% of our workforce is unionized, and we have good relations with the unions that represent them.
The Workplace Relations Administrative Department has processes in place to deal with any grievances or complaints in accordance with labour laws. There’s also a
process for handing employee complaints in the event of a dispute.
Since 2018, our approach to employee engagement has been based on ongoing dialogue with all
Everyone is encouraged to express their point of view using OfficeVibe, an interactive and confidential platform that lets employees give feedback on their experience
working for Desjardins. Managers can get regular readings on their teams and use the results to improve the employee experience.
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Reinventing our New employees hires and employee turnover | GRI 401-1
hiring campaigns Permanent employees [1]
In response to the labour shortage, External hires 2018 (#) 2018 (%) 2017 (#) 2017 (%) 2016 (#) 2016 (%)
we’ve redoubled our hiring efforts and By age group
diversified our approach to finding Under 30 1,970 45.6 1,305 42.2 1,045 40.5
employees. Several business sectors 30–44 1,732 40.1 1,333 43.2 1,079 41.9
stepped up to give us an advantage in the
45–54 486 11.3 355 11.5 353 13.7
talent war. These initiatives have helped
55+ 127 2.9 97 3.1 101 3.9
us build on our recruiting efforts both in
Men 1,854 43.0 1,384 44.8 1,198 46.5
and outside major cities in Quebec and
improve employee opportunities and Women 2,461 57.0 1,706 55.2 1,380 53.5
member/client services. Here are just a Quebec 3,649 84.6 2,640 85.4 2,063 80.0
few recent initiatives: Ontario 591 13.7 403 13.1 448 17.4
Other provinces 75 1.7 47 1.5 67 2.6
• The mobile branch drove out to university
Outside Canada 0 0.0 N/A N/A
campuses, helping us recruit 40 students.
• The one-stop hiring gateway helped us Permanent employee departures 2018 (%) 2017 (%) 2016 (%)
fill 90 positions in its first month. Resignation rate 6.1 5.4 5.1
Retirement rate 3.3 3.4 3.1
• We met 120 candidates at the Trois-
Involuntary departure rate 2.3 1.7 1.8
Rivières open house day.
Turnover ratio 11.6 10.4 10.1
• We launched international IT hiring
missions. Breakdown of permanent employee
departures (turnover) 2018 (#) 2018 (%) 2017 (#) 2017 (%) 2016 (#) 2016 (%)
By age group
Under 30 1,130 23.4 928 21.7 681 17.7
30–44 1,576 32.7 1 ,354 31.7 1,159 30.1
45–54 568 11.8 493 11.5 565 14.7
55+ 1,544 32.0 1,497 35.1 1,441 37.5
By gender
Men 1,638 34.0 1,412 33.1 1,256 32.7
Women 3,180 66.0 2,860 66.9 2,590 67.3
By location
Quebec 4,171 86.6 3,721 87.1 3,409 88.6
Ontario 584 12.1 493 11.5 390 10.2
The retention rate for permanent Other provinces 63 1.3 58 1.4 47 1.2
employees is 93.9%, which reflects
our engaging and dynamic work Excludes approximately 2% of the workforce
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• Wellness initiatives, including: • The Health is Cool 360° website to provide employees and retirees with answers to
health-related questions and information on how to prevent and deal with illness
–– Partial reimbursement of fitness expenses
• An employee assistance program that provides help and tools for employees and
–– Flu shots members of their immediate family
–– A personalized health platform offering online and telephone services to address • A variety of tools to make workstations more ergonomic
health-related concerns
We also organize activities to encourage healthy lifestyles. In 2018:
• Access to reduced-fee group RRSPs with a wide range of investment solutions
• 2,069 people (employees, directors and their family members) took the Health
• A defined benefit pension plan Challenge
Note: Part-time employees have access to most of these benefits, prorated according to time worked.
• 15.5% of employees got a seasonal flu shot
Flexible work arrangements • 33.0% of employees received a partial reimbursement of fitness expenses
Various options are available to help our employees achieve work/life balance, • 800 managers had a full health check-up at a specialized clinic
• Flexible work schedules (compressed work week, option to work remotely, etc.) Consulting a health
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For many years, we’ve invested more than 2.5% of our payroll in staff training and development. The sustained interest that our employees show is a clear indicator
that these measures are worthwhile. These investments are allocated within the organization based on our challenges and priorities.
New tools such as Office 365 also make it easier to collaborate and share best practices.
In 2018, thousands of employees and more than 3,100 directors chose to improve their skills.
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Continuing education
We offer support in many forms to employees who wish to further their education
at recognized educational institutions:
• Flexible work schedules
• 100% paid training time when training is a job requirement and 50% paid training
time when training is necessary for the development of a person identified as a
succession candidate
• Reimbursement of tuition fees and the cost of required textbooks and materials
• Monetary recognition for additional education
• Unpaid leave (up to 12 months) during which employees can complete their studies
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That’s why we’re reaffirming our commitment to building a Desjardins that reflects the richness of
our society and celebrates the many faces of human diversity.
To diversify and enrich our human capital, we’re making more room in the organization for young people, women in decision-making roles, members of cultural
communities, people with disabilities and members of the LGBT community.
Our commitment to a diversified workforce is clearly reflected in our hiring policies and practices.
We also support initiatives and participate in public events catering to people from all walks of life:
• Fondation Émergence programs
• Action main-d’oeuvre specialized services, to hire people with autism
• Women in Leadership program with Effet A
• Partnership with Catalyst
• Quebec Immigration and Integration Fair
• Networking event with Syrian refugees hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal
• Pride at Work Canada and Pride Montreal
Elsewhere in Canada, particularly in Aurora and Mississauga, we have about a dozen employee networking groups that organize activities promoting cultural, gender
and sexual orientation diversity.
Caisses have an enhanced group profile that allows each board of director to set diversity and representation targets based on its reality and needs. One of the
dimensions covered by this profile is diversity—in age, in gender and in background. The Young Intern Director Program also supports diversity. In addition, the
caisses have adopted a voluntary policy to promote gender parity on caisse governing bodies.
We joined the 30% Club Canada to act as a gender parity leader and role model for other Canadian organizations. In January 2019, we decided to raise our goals from
a 30% gender balance by 2020 to 50% by 2024. We’re determined to achieve gender parity in upper management roles throughout the organization and in director
roles at the local caisse and Federation levels.
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Gold-level parity
– Women in Governance
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Employee diversity by age group (%) 20181 (%) 2017 (%) 2016 (%)
Upper management Under 30 0.2 0.3 0.2
30–44 18.1 9.4 9.3
45–54 49.9 51.5 52.8
55+ 31.8 38.8 37.7
Total 100 100 100
Managers Under 30 3.0 2.2 3.0
30–44 43.4 39.5 39.5
45–54 38.2 41.6 41.3
55+ 15.4 16.7 16.2
Total 100 100 100
Employees Under 30 19.8 18.7 18.5
30–44 39.2 38.3 37.8
45–54 24.3 26.7 27.8
55+ 16.7 16.3 15.9
Total 100 100 100
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3.5 Anti-corruption
Management approach | GRI 205 | 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3
At Desjardins, we have a framework in place to ensure sound management of operational risk, in line with industry best practices and regulatory requirements such
as those set out in the Financial Crime Risk Management Guideline published by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). The framework includes a process for
preventing fraud and misconduct as well as management mechanisms for examining any situations or activities potentially linked to financial crime.
Reporting mechanism
For violations of our regulatory framework and Code, we have an external reporting mechanism that can be used anonymously and confidentially. It meets regulatory
requirements in terms of accounting, internal accounting controls, audit, governance, ethics and professional conduct, including the AMF’s Regulation 52-110
Respecting Audit Committees.
The following Desjardins policies support the fight against corruption:
• Policy on Security and Credit Checks for Employment • Conflict of Interest Management Policy • Policy on Compliance with International Anti-Tax
Evasion Regulations
• Policy Governing the Integrity and Competency of • Desjardins Group Policy on Reporting Regulatory
Desjardins Caisse Directors in Quebec Violations • Policy on Operational Risk Management
• Policy Governing the Integrity of Directors, applicable • Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing
to the Fédération des caisses populaires de l’Ontario Regulatory Compliance Policy
and to Ontario caisses populaires
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Our anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing and anti-tax evasion compliance programs include oversight of regulatory risks, which allows the compliance
function to provide an opinion on the adequacy, application and effectiveness of control mechanisms. Our Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer and Chief Anti-Tax
Evasion Officer also evaluate the maturity of our compliance programs and benchmark them against our targets to ensure ongoing improvement.
The Desjardins Group Monitoring Office provides an independent assessment of the design and effectiveness of the compliance management framework.
In addition, a fraud risk management program provides mechanisms for ensuring effective governance, identifying vulnerabilities and implementing controls for
preventing and detecting fraudulent activities.
Lastly, we’ve set up a formal reporting process for senior management and various decision-making bodies to verify compliance and risk management issues.
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for youth
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4.0 Communities
Doing what’s best for our members and clients means supporting socio-economic development
For nearly 120 years, we’ve been a modernizing force in Quebec. We’re a driver of socio-economic development, creating good jobs, supporting
transformational community projects, helping businesses grow and encouraging people to shop local. These are just some of the ways our cooperative
financial group enriches the lives of people and communities and creates a shared prosperity.
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Training directors
We train our 3,779 directors on how to make an impact in the community and make the best decisions for their caisse’s future. The management and governance skills
they learn help them become better citizens and better professionals. This training strengthens our democratic processes and helps to build stronger communities.
Starting in May 2019, all directors will have to complete a mandatory training path.
A report on the indirect economic impacts of our operations can be found in our annual report.
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Funds associated with Desjardins Capital Management Inc. include: Here to support business development
• Capital régional et coopératif Desjardins, a public fund with over 108,000 with all-new funds | GRI 203-2
• The Transatlantic Fund, which helps French businesses break into the North The Momentum Fund: Growing local businesses
American market—starting in Quebec—and helps Quebec businesses move into
This fund provides up to $10,000 in non-repayable funding to small and medium
the European market—starting in France
businesses in the commercial, industrial and agricultural spaces. It helps grow
• Desjardins – Innovatech, which supports tech innovation local businesses and create and keep good local jobs.
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Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Our economic performance is an integral part of our operations. We measure it in terms of our returns, financial
strength and contributions to building a responsible, sustainable economy.
We encourage economic development that respects both people and the environment and that benefits both present and future generations.
Desjardins caisses have always been engines of economic and social development, spreading financial literacy to help individuals and communities take charge of
their futures.
At Desjardins, our ongoing mission is to enrich the lives of members and communities. We’ve developed tools and programs to help us fulfill our mission nationwide,
and caisses can tailor them to their local communities.
Our quarterly financial reports are an opportunity to review a wide range of indicators across all our business lines. This gives our directors, employees, members,
clients and investors the information they need to make informed decisions.
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Economic value generated and distributed | GRI 201-1 Creating jobs where they’re needed | GRI 203-2
One way we support regional development is by decentralizing some of our
Desjardins (in millions of $) 2018 2017 2016 operations. That’s why we operate AccèsD call centres in the following cities:
Operating income $16,576 $15,465 $14,129
• Granby: About 230 employees work out of the Carrefour de la coopération, which
Total income 17,310 17,153 15,248 is also home to Caisse Desjardins Granby–Haute-Yamaska
Non-interest expense 7,485 7,400 7,251
• Trois-Rivières: About 500 employees work in 2 call centres serving individuals and
Salaries 2,836 2,808 2,909
Benefits 571 644 639
• Gaspé: About 100 employees handle government-backed student loans at a
Member dividends 253 202 144
student advisory centre
Remuneration on shares 425 212 158
Income taxes 536 536 460 Donations and sponsorships | GRI 201-1
Indirect taxes 1,447 1,358 1,326 At Desjardins, we demonstrate our commitment to sustainable community
Donations and sponsorships 94 82 82 development through our investments. In 2018, we committed $94.4 million in
Reserves and undistributed surplus earnings 19,569 18,067 16,581 donations, sponsorships, philanthropic partnerships and scholarships, including
$37.4 million from caisse Community Development Funds (CDFs).
Shared Services Centre:
Financial contributions – Federation, caisse, component
Decentralizing administrative operations | GRI 203-2
and CDF donations and sponsorships (in millions of $)
On January 1, 2015, we created Desjardins Shared Services Group, a company
that brings together all 1,300 employees providing administrative services to the 2018 2017 2016
caisse network. We chose our 22 Shared Services Centre locations, including the Cooperation $3.9 $3.8 $3.1
one in Ontario, based on our goals of: Culture 14.0 10.4 7.4
• Decentralizing operations to outlying regions Economic development 11.9 15.1 18.7
• Spreading operations evenly across Quebec’s 3 main regions (Western, Central Education 27.0 19.7 18.4
and Eastern Quebec) Humanitarian work and community service 11.8 12.1 11.4
Prestige 4.4 4.7 5.2
The Shared Services Centre was fully operational in late 2015. By consolidating
their administrative operations, caisses can now focus on business development Health and healthy living 21.4 16.4 17.3
and service delivery for members and clients. Total $94.4 $82.2 $81.5
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Supporting thousands of $100 million fund | GRI 201-1 The fund has supported:
initiatives through our We created the $100 million fund to strengthen our • The Guilde des développeurs de jeux vidéo
indépendants du Québec
Community Development socio-economic leadership and do more. We use the
fund to invest in initiatives aligned with our socio-
Funds | GRI 201-1 economic mission of supporting entrepreneurship,
• A new tech incubator coming to Matane
Our Community Development Funds (CDFs) are just education, social responsibility, sustainable • Créateurs de saveurs des Cantons-de-l’Est
one way caisse members show their generosity. At development and community involvement. • Accredited training for Entrepreneuriat Québec’s
each caisse’s general meeting, members can decide entrepreneur coaches
In 2018, we invested nearly $53 million to support some
to give up a portion of their individual dividends
252 initiatives benefiting members, communities and • Cétal, a social economy enterprise that employs
and allocate it to their CDF, which is managed by
regions. people with disabilities
the caisse’s board of directors. By contributing to
their CDF, caisse members are helping to support • The Bourse du carbone Scol’ERE carbon exchange
transformational projects in their communities. Initiatives by sector
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Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Making a difference with Coming together during Co-op Week Lévis to Montreal race
the Desjardins Cares and We put together a number of events to support For the second straight year, a group of Desjardins
young people during Co-op Week 2018. 4,000 employees organized a 275-kilometre relay race
Shares Campaign | GRI 201-1 Desjardins volunteers shared their expertise and lent between our Lévis and Montreal offices. For 30
Our employees, directors and retirees showed their a helping hand at 200 events benefiting 160 youth hours, runners handed off the proverbial baton, only
generosity once again by participating in the 2018 organizations in Quebec and Ontario. stopping to drop off the funds collected. Thanks to
Desjardins Cares and Shares campaign to raise funds our runners, we were able to support educational
Our employees gave to the 20th annual Gift of
for the United Way, the Canadian Red Cross and the programs for elementary and high school students.
Reading program, a book drive for underprivileged
Desjardins Foundation. Our 2018 campaign raised Runners raised over $50,000 for 16 schools.
children. The program supports childhood literacy
$5 million, 16% more than the year before, including
to help keep kids in school. We collected around
$1,216,000 for the Desjardins Foundation. The money Climbing Kilimanjaro
1,300 books in Quebec and Ontario. They will
donated to the foundation will be used to help young
be distributed to 750 participating schools, early 12 employees climbed Kilimanjaro to support 2
people stay in school and pursue a post-secondary
childhood centres, daycares and community causes near and dear to their hearts: youth education
education, with a reinvestment in 2019 of $1,124,000
organizations. (Desjardins Foundation) and Montreal heritage
in Quebec and $92,000 in Ontario.
Teams also helped sick and underprivileged children (Château Ramezay). They raised nearly $165,000,
including $115,000 for the Desjardins Foundation.
Supporting young people | GRI 201-1 by donating to a toy and food drive and volunteering
at Breakfast Clubs. The money will help fund programs in 47 schools
and organizations in Quebec and Ontario through
We’re all committed to supporting youth And some of our IT employees gave fun presentations the #DesjardinsFoundation Prizes.
about the tech field to students in grades 3 through 6.
We highlight our support for young people through
our We’re All Committed to Supporting Youth
campaign. We post videos about inspiring young Recognizing youth civic engagement
people who receive support from Desjardins We teamed up with COOPSCO to hold a contest to
through the Desjardins Foundation and through recognize the civic engagement of young student
our sponsorship of the Réseau des Centres de members involved in community organizations in
Formation en Entreprise et Récupération, the Quebec and Ontario. In its second year, the contest
Jeux du Québec and Forces Avenir. In addition to attracted over 250 entries in 2018—twice as many
showcasing our commitment to young people in the as the year before. The 5 winners each received a
areas of education, employment, entrepreneurship, $1,500 scholarship. We also donated $1,000 to each
health, healthy living, and community involvement, winner’s community organization.
the campaign shows how doing business with
Desjardins supports youth.
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Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Under our procurement policy, a dedicated procurement team handles all purchases, including products regularly used throughout the caisse network. Our approach
is based on social responsibility, business reciprocity and Desjardins’s codes and policies.
Supplier relationships
We strive to build respectful and collaborative business relationships with our suppliers based on industry best practices. We ensure that they understand and share our
sustainability efforts and approach. Our contracts include strict ethical principles.
Desjardins is the only financial institution that was a founding member of ECPAR (Espace québécois de
concertation sur les pratiques d’approvisionnement responsable), a Quebec-based group dedicated to building
partnerships to establish responsible procurement practices. As an ECPAR member, we developed a standardized
system to assess our suppliers against social responsibility criteria. This assessment is included in our overall
assessment of suppliers and their offers to encourage business partners to follow best practices.
To better communicate our sustainability expectations to suppliers, we have a Supplier Centre on our website with a section on responsible procurement. We also
published the Desjardins Group Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets out our expectations in the areas of ethics, governance, human rights, workplace health and
safety, the environment, overall performance and continuous improvement.
In 2017, we set up an internal committee on responsible procurement charged with launching initiatives that make a difference. It published a guide on responsible
procurement to promote sound purchasing behaviours across Desjardins. It has also worked to include more social economy enterprises in our procurement processes
and specific sustainability criteria for the procurement of certain key products. These measures are part of our annual responsible procurement plan.
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We have also:
• Instituted building management procurement mechanisms at our main worksites. These include responsible procurement rules and assessment of products’ health and
environmental claims.
• Signed a statement of commitment to the L’économie sociale : j’achète! initiative of the Conseil d’économie sociale de l’île de Montréal and set an annual internal target for
this commitment.
• Announced that the whole organization will stop buying certain single-use plastics (water bottles, cups, coffee stirrers and straws).
We standardized our approach to responsible procurement as part of our ongoing efforts to better incorporate social responsibility practices into our process. This
gives us better control over our social responsibility performance.
Professional services
Desjardins named a provincial
Hardware role model for responsible
2% Software procurement best practices by
Telecommunications the Ministère de l’Économie et
Building and facility management de l’Innovation du Québec
Marketing and communication
9% 13% Market data
13% Office supplies, printing and records management
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supplier assessment In 2015, we began improving our responsible procurement practices. Our
procurement sector created a 2015–2018 social and cooperative responsibility
As part of our strategic procurement process, we assess the overall performance of action plan to better incorporate sustainable development and cooperative
our suppliers using 4 main criteria: principles into our purchasing practices.
1. Cost In 2016, we standardized our supplier sustainability assessments. All our suppliers
now answer a questionnaire that covers 4 areas:
2. Service
• Responsible management
3. Agility
• Environmental performance
4. Desjardins values
• Social performance
• Economic performance
Based on the answers, we assign each supplier a social responsibility score. We
consider this score in their overall assessment, which is based on our cooperative,
sustainability and business reciprocity values.
In 2018, we assessed the sustainability of 208 suppliers and purchased over
$800 million in products and services from them. Since standardizing this
process in 2016, we’ve assessed nearly 200 businesses a year using our standard
sustainability criteria.
5. R
esponsible finance Gradual incorporation of
social and
governance (ESG)
factors into all our activities
700 jobs
created or maintained
through our solidarity-
based financing programs
11 new
responsible investment
5. Responsible finance
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As a financial services cooperative, we contribute to the social and economic well-being of people and
We do this by providing products and services that meet our members’ and clients’ needs, and by thoroughly considering ESG factors when making business
decisions. Our mission and cooperative values are reflected in our commitment to promoting sound personal financial habits and providing socially responsible
products that contribute to sustainable economic growth. We offer responsible investment products that are both Canadian and international in scope.
Our sustainable development policy and the recommendations of our ESG Steering Committee provide a framework for promoting sustainable development and
implementing the necessary business and management practices. We create and distribute exclusive green and socially responsible products, including our Green
Homes Program, a line of responsible investment products, discounts on home and auto insurance and the Green option auto loan.
We’ve also established a financial education policy to give people the skills, know-how and ability to make responsible financial decisions.
At Desjardins, we believe that solidarity-based financing is a source of sustainable prosperity. To this end, we build strategic partnerships with numerous community
organizations to offer these types of financing programs. These programs provide guidance, financial education and personalized support adapted to the needs of
the financially vulnerable. They also provide loans to entrepreneurs who don’t qualify for traditional financing.
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The Desjardins Group Management Committee tracks sales of our Green Program products on a quarterly basis. In 2018, we expanded our line of green products to
28. The growing popularity of our responsible financial products and services clearly shows that they meet the needs of our members and clients. We continually
review and enhance our offer to ensure that it remains both relevant and accessible.
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Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
This financing helped young entrepreneurs attract $16.2 million in investments This financing helped businesses attract $5 million in investments.
for their businesses.
In 2018, we invested $5 million to support entrepreneurs. This amount included donations, sponsorships and partnerships, as well as commitments through our
Créavenir and Microcredit to Businesses programs.
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cover all facets of inclusive finance (small business NICARAGUA BURKINA FASO
1 This data includes institutions with which DID conducted financing or investment activities via its investment subsidiary, as well as institutions that received technical
2 Data for 2018 will not be collected and compiled until June 30, 2019, which, for many of the financial institutions involved, is the regulatory deadline to file their
audited results.
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
• Discounts, free services, competitive rates and much more Potential savings generated through the
Desjardins Energy-Efficiency Loan
Green discounts for drivers | GRI FS8
With our Green option auto loan, members and clients can buy a new hybrid Electricity (in kWh) 21,712,791
or electric car at a competitive fixed rate and, depending on the province, may Natural gas (in m3) 1,799,219
qualify for a discount on their car insurance. More than 55 new hybrid and electric Oil (in litres) 461,553
models are eligible for the exclusive financing rate.
Propane (in litres) 446,000
Gas (in litres) 489,031
Diesel (in litres) 878,132
Greenhouse gas equivalent (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent) 8,952
Savings (in thousands of $) 4,021
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Infrastructure portfolio
Together with the Desjardins Group Pension
Plan, we have an infrastructure portfolio valued at
approximately $2.6 billion as of December 31, 2018.
We’ve invested nearly $1.1 billion in the renewable
energy industry, representing a significant portion
(42%) of our infrastructure portfolio. Our 48
renewable energy assets are held jointly with
strategic partners.
5.3 Responsible investment
We’re also in the process of acquiring 4 new
renewable energy assets in Canada to grow the
New responsible investment products
infrastructure portion of our investments and invest
in the expansion of renewable energy sources: In 2018, we doubled our responsible investment lineup by adding
• 3 hydroelectric power plants in British Columbia, 11 new products.
generating around 70 megawatts We introduced 3 new SocieTerra funds and innovated in the Canadian market by launching a new line of
• A windfarm in Alberta, generating around 200 8 exchange-traded funds that provide reduced exposure to climate change risk factors, with 7 low-CO2 funds
megawatts and 1 fund that entirely excludes the traditional energy sector (coal, gas, oil).
This will bring our portfolio to a total of 52 renewable These new products were designed for investors who want to grow their investments and contribute to
assets. sustainable development, the fight against climate change and the well-being of people and communities.
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Shareholder engagement
Management approach | GRI 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3
We offer distinctive responsible investment savings products. Shareholder engagement is a fundamental part of our responsible investing strategy. This approach
allows us to interact directly with companies selected for our investment portfolio and open a dialogue that brings about improvements in the ways they manage
environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
This is one way that we can influence businesses, encouraging them to make their operations more sustainable, for the benefit of Canada and the rest of the world.
Our SocieTerra funds and portfolios and our responsible investment exchange-traded funds seek to influence targeted companies whose shares they hold by initiating
dialogue, submitting shareholder proposals and exercising shareholder voting rights at annual general meetings.
For companies to qualify for our responsible investment products, they must undergo 2 types of analysis: one using financial criteria, and another more thorough
analysis using ESG criteria.
Several Desjardins entities, namely Desjardins Investments, Desjardins Global Asset Management (DGAM), Développement international Desjardins (DID), the Caisse
d’économie solidaire Desjardins and the Desjardins Group Pension Plan, have signed the United Nations’ Principles of Responsible Investment. DID is also a member
of the Global Impact Investing Network and a founding member of the Canada Forum for Impact Investment and Development. DGAM also participates in the
Environmental and Social Committee of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, the pre-eminent corporate governance organization in Canada.
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SocieTerra funds and portfolios | GRI FS8 Priority Terra Guaranteed Investment | GRI FS8
Desjardins Investments offers products from issuing entities (public corporations, Our Priority Terra Guaranteed Investment allows investors to diversify their
governments, etc.) that incorporate socially responsible and environmentally portfolio while supporting environmentally responsible companies. We carefully
friendly practices. To qualify for inclusion in the SocieTerra funds and portfolios, select companies from a wide range of economic sectors, including renewable
companies must pass an evaluation based on the following criteria: energy, that have taken steps to reduce the environmental impact of their
• A thorough analysis of ESG factors operations through initiatives such as lowering greenhouse gas emissions or
water consumption.
• An analysis of financial criteria
Priority Terra assets under management as at December 31
SocieTerra funds and portfolios – Assets under management (in millions of dollars)
as at December 31 (in millions of dollars)1 2018 2017 2016
2018 2017 2016 2-year Priority Terra 52.3 –1 –1
Desjardins SocieTerra Canadian Bond Fund 1.9 1.7 2.0 3-year Priority Terra 125.8 103.4 88.6
Desjardins SocieTerra Environmental Bond Fund 49.7 42.5 0.8 5-year Priority Terra 517.9 391.1 320.6
Desjardins SocieTerra Canadian Equity Fund 0.5 0 –2 Total 696.0 494.5 409.2
Desjardins SocieTerra American Equity Fund 4.1 2.0 0.5
Investment launched in 2018.
Desjardins SocieTerra International Equity Fund 0.2 –3 –3
Desjardins SocieTerra Emerging Markets Equity Fund 0.2 – 3
– 3
›› To learn more:
Desjardins SocieTerra Environment Fund 88.5 103.1 107.8 https://www.desjardins.com/ca/personal/savings-investment/market-linked-
Desjardins SocieTerra Positive Change Fund 1.7 –3 –3 guaranteed-investments/priority-terra-guaranteed-investment/
Desjardins SocieTerra Cleantech Fund 32.4 19.1 3.0
SocieTerra Conservative Portfolio 427.8 468.6 453.2
SocieTerra Balanced Portfolio 1,091.5 713.6 1,007.6
SocieTerra Growth Portfolio 695.7 383.6 638.9
SocieTerra Maximum Growth Portfolio 382.1 1,129.7 320.6
Total 2,776.4 2,863.9 2,534.4
To avoid duplicate entry, the Desjardins Fund assets above do not include the amounts invested through the 4 SocieTerra
Fund launched in 2017.
Fund launched in 2018. Top 5 Better World Funds – Corporate Knights
›› To learn more:
• Desjardins SocieTerra Cleantech Fund
Responsible investing
https://www.desjardins.com/ca/about-us/social-responsibility-cooperation/responsible- • Desjardins RI USA – Low CO2 Index ETF
Understanding responsible investing
What is responsible investing?
Desjardins Funds Policy on the Exercise of Proxy Voting Rights
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Responsible investment assets under management Canadian equity 39.9 35.4 34.3
U.S. equity 23.0 18.5 14.8
as at December 31 (discretionary management)
Total 64.1 55.1 50.0
(in millions of dollars)
2018 2017 2016
Ethical Canadian Equity Fund 2.9 0.7 0.5
(NEI Investments and QV Investors)
Ethical Global Dividend Fund 5.9 4.4 5.2
(NEI Investments and Amundi) Desjardins Private Wealth Management
Canadian Large Caps – Future
(Desjardins Global Asset Management)
2.7 3.6 4.4
named Best Private Wealth Management
Total 11.5 8.7 10.1 Company Canada
– Global Banking and Finance Review
Group retirement savings | GRI FS8
Our group retirement savings offer includes 3 responsible investment funds.
These funds are put together based on a financial analysis of companies and a
thorough review of ESG factors.
›› To learn more:
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
›› To learn more:
Desjardins Global Asset Management responsible investing FundGrade A+ awards for
investment-solutions/responsible-investing/index.jsp 2 of our funds – Fundata
DGAM Policy on the Exercise of Proxy Voting Rights • Desjardins Quebec Balanced Fund (Canadian Neutral Balanced Funds category)
https://www.desjardins.com/ressources/pdf/c15-policy-exercise-voting-right-e.pdf • Desjardins Global Infrastructure Fund (Global Infrastructure Equity Funds
Engaging in dialogue | GRI FS10
Shareholder dialogue is a strategy whereby a shareholder (or their representative)
uses verbal and written exchanges with the company to build a relationship that Lipper Awards for 2 of our funds
allows them to: • Desjardins Quebec Balanced Fund (Class A) – Best Canadian Neutral Balanced
• Raise concerns Fund, 10-year category
• Desjardins Overseas Equity Growth Fund (Class A) – Best International Equity
• Ask for information Fund, 3-year category
• Seek a change in behaviour
Several Desjardins entities, including Desjardins Investments, used their position
to engage in dialogue. The dialogues touched on a broad range of issues identified 3 awards for our market-linked guaranteed
in a risk analysis of each company’s corporate governance, environmental and investments
social responsibility practices. These dialogues were all conducted directly by
our responsible investment team or by external SocieTerra portfolio managers. – Americas Structured Products
We publish a report on the outcome every year. In 2018, we conducted this & Derivatives Awards
process with 112 issuers of securities.
A first-ever
6. Climate
in compliance
with international
Part of a
pilot project
by the United Nations
Environment Programme –
Finance Initiative
for electric
in Quebec and Ontario
6. Climate
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
6.0 Climate
Doing what’s best for our members and clients means contributing to
the energy transition and fight against climate change
As an official supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), we’re presenting our first disclosure on climate change. The
TCFD recommendations act as a reference for companies worldwide and promote transparency in climate reporting.
We’re taking concrete measures to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations. In 2017, we became carbon-neutral through purchasing carbon
credits to offset our greenhouse gas emissions. The projects we’ve chosen to support through offset purchases include forest preservation, energy
efficiency and the transition to renewables, and eco-citizenship education.
These measures, and others like them, are included in the action plan adopted by the Desjardins Group Management Committee in 2018. This plan
draws on our commitment to advance the goals of the Paris Agreement and outlines how we plan to respond to climate change, within the scope of
our 2018–2020 strategic framework.
We’ll also keep working with partners to fight climate change; in the last year, we participated in the Quebec Summit for a Just Energy Transition and
continued our relationship with Coop Carbone. We’re also a member of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition.
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6.1 M
anaging Desjardins’s climate-related risks and opportunities –
Follow-up on recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
As a financial services cooperative that strives to Our Green Program is designed to meet In 2017, we adopted a position that reflects the
be close to our members and clients, Desjardins member and client demand for a smaller targets outlined in the Paris Agreement. We
recognizes the global challenge presented by carbon footprint and for products that made a formal commitment to reduce the carbon
the severe impacts of climate change on the reflect their values. In 2018, we doubled footprint of our investments and began focusing on
environment, the economy and society at large. the number of responsible investment renewables in our infrastructure investments. We’ve
Our mission is to improve the economic and products we offer. also begun including environmental, social and
social well-being of people and communities, so governance (ESG) criteria in our business decisions
we try to develop solutions for the individuals and and encouraging the use of electric vehicles, all
businesses we serve while also working to improve while improving our management and reporting
our environmental record. practices.
Desjardins has been following the principles of Desjardins became carbon neutral in 2017 following
sustainable development for over 25 years, weaving an earlier decision to purchase carbon offsets. Our
them into our strategic priorities and committing to carbon footprint is detailed in our annual Social and
a just energy transition in the face of climate change. Cooperative Responsibility Report.
We are a pioneer of responsible finance in Canada,
having developed a variety of green and socially
responsible products over the years.
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and Targets
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
–– Market risk Desjardins General Insurance has developed several New markets
new products with that goal in mind:
Ignoring increasing member and client demand We also track our financing and investment volumes
for environmentally friendly products, including –– New flood coverage that provides better in the renewable energy sector. If we include the
financing, investing and specialized insurance protection. Desjardins Group Pension Plan, the organization
options, has been identified as a financial risk that has over $1 billion invested in large-scale renewable
–– Radar™: A prevention tool that uses
could result in a loss of clients to our competitors. energy infrastructure. Over the last several years,
geolocation to alert members and
we’ve also moved into the clean technology space
–– Reputational risk clients about storms or impending
in Quebec, prestige partnering with Écotech
climate events close to their homes.
As a major financial institution in Canada and Québec, a cleantech cluster. Various projects are
one of the largest financial services cooperatives –– Alert program: A detection tool that currently underway to promote cleantech growth
in the world, Desjardins has a reputation to alerts home insurance policyholders by developing specialized financing and investment
protect. Underestimating climate-related risks and about the potential for water and products and by supporting business growth.
opportunities in any strategy, or pursuing policies freeze damage.
and practices that don’t reflect our cooperative
–– A special management process during
values could result in reputational harm. That, in turn,
emergencies or disasters enabling Desjardins to
could have a negative impact on our financial results.
put claims teams on the ground and increase
This risk also applies to our partners, which could call centre capacity. It also speeds up damage
damage our own reputation. evaluation and payouts.
Desjardins also offers personal and commercial
Opportunities products and services that incentivize green
By prioritizing sustainability in our strategic plan, behaviour. The responsible investment
As part of our support for electric transportation
we’ve set goals not only to reduce risk, but also to exchange-traded funds (ETFs) we
in Quebec and Ontario, Desjardins partnered with
seize opportunities when adapting to and fighting launched last year are the first of their
Hydro-Québec and AddÉnergie in March 2018 and
against climate change, as well as making a just kind in Canada. Some of these ETFs
committed to installing 200 charging
energy transition. target a lower carbon output for the
stations for electric vehicles by 2021.
portfolio and others avoid investing in
There are already 40 new stations up
New products and services fossil fuels altogether. Our Green Homes Program
and running in 4 regions in Quebec:
provides exclusive benefits to clients who buy, build
Climate change is responsible for an increasing Quebec City, Côte-Nord, Charlevoix
or renovate a home through a recognized program.
number of natural disasters in Canada. As the third- and Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean.
And Ajusto, Desjardins’s telematics program,
largest property and casualty insurer in the country, encourages drivers to be safer by cutting down on
Desjardins needs to make sure that we’re always sudden stops and acceleration, which also saves
there for our members and clients. We can help them gas.
them deal with damage after natural disasters and
take steps to prevent and minimize future damage.
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
• TCFD Recommendation 1 • TCFD Recommendation 1 Describe the targets used by the organization to
manage climate-related risks and opportunities and
Describe the organization’s processes for identifying Disclose the metrics used by the organization to performance against targets
and assessing climate-related risks assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line
with its strategy and risk management process Desjardins has set a target for reducing the carbon
Climate-related risks are identified, assessed footprint of our own investments as part of the fight
and managed using an organization-wide Desjardins has developed “green shift” and “carbon against climate change.
multidisciplinary process that is gradually being footprint” performance metrics for the following
included in standard risk management activities. opportunities, which are presented to the Desjardins We’ve committed to ensuring that, by 2020,
The work is carried out in collaboration with our Group Management Committee every quarter: the carbon footprint of our investments in
risk management, sustainable development and publicly traded securities is 25% lower than
responsible finance teams. Resources are responsible Green shift the average of the companies that make up
for identifying climate-related risks in their field the stock and bond market indices.
(financing, investing, insurance, operations). They –– Annual business volume of Desjardins’s green
then use existing management methods to evaluate products and services, in $M
the current level (low, moderate, high) of each risk. Desjardins started purchasing carbon credits
–– Cumulative volume of investment and financing
to offset greenhouse gas emissions in 2017. We
• TCFD Recommendation 2 in renewable energy, in $M
also focus our own direct investments in energy
Describe the organization’s processes for managing infrastructure, including the investments of the
Carbon footprint Desjardins Group Pension Plan, in renewables.
climate-related risks
–– Carbon footprint of operational activities, in
Designated resources ensure that existing methods As at December 31, 2018, Desjardins has
metric tons of CO2 equivalent and GHG/m2
provide for effective risk management as it relates to invested $1.1 billion and financed $1.2 billion
our climate strategy. If the methods are inadequate, –– Carbon footprint of investments (stocks and in renewables.
mitigation measures are recommended, in which corporate bonds)
case subject matter experts in each sector or support
function are responsible for creating an action • TCFD Recommendation 2 Desjardins is currently integrating new ESG criteria
plan and implementation schedule. Sustainable Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 into all our business decisions and working to set a
development and responsible finance teams work greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks new 2024 target for reducing GHG emissions for all
with the risk management team to follow up at six- activities.
month intervals. They produce a progress report Carbon footprint of Desjardins Group operational
that is presented to the Desjardins Group Finance activities (see section 6.2 of this report)
and Risk Management Committee.
As a participant in the Pilot Project on Implementing
the TCFD Recommendations for Investors,
Desjardins is currently developing analysis tools
and metrics to quantify climate-related risks and
opportunities in various scenarios.
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6.2 M
anaging energy use and greenhouse
gas emissions
Management approaches | GRI 305 | 302 | 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3
Climate change is one of the world’s biggest threats, which is why it is the main focus of our environmental
efforts. We’ve taken action on the largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters:
Our Alternative Transportation Program lightens the environmental load of our employees’
travel. The program is available to employees in our main employment hubs (Lévis, Montreal,
Quebec City and Toronto). Each year, we set a target number of employees to participate
in the incentive program, with an allocated budget of around $1 million. The results of the
Alternative Transportation Program are included in our performance review. We also provide a shuttle for
Desjardins employees travelling between the Montreal and Lévis offices.
Some employees also work from home for a certain number of days every month. While we don’t have
any concrete data, it is another initiative that helps us reduce the impact of employee travel.
Paper consumption
An employee working in the finance sector uses between 50 and 75 kg (10,000 sheets) of paper every year. A life cycle analysis of paper products clearly
demonstrates the environmental impact of paper consumption:
• GHG emissions
• Deforestation
• Consumption of non-renewable energy resources and other fossil fuels
• High consumption of water
• Creation of de-inking sludge and effluent containing toxic compounds (for recycled paper)
• Use of bleaching chemicals, such as chlorine, which produce pollutants with potentially high toxicity levels
We use paper in our offices (mainly in Quebec and Ontario), and paper documents may be mailed out to members and clients across Canada. We’ve decided to
minimize the negative impacts of our paper consumption by prioritizing paper that is made in Quebec from 100% post-consumer waste.
Desjardins uses close to 1 billion sheets of paper every year. Because we’re aware of the environmental impact of our consumption, we launched the Paper Challenge,
setting 2 objectives for the 2015–2018 period: to reduce paper consumption by 10% and increase our use of recycled paper by the same percentage.
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We’ve introduced a variety of initiatives to reduce paper consumption, including a print release pilot project and a decision-making tool to reduce unnecessary
printing. Some of our offices have been renovated to include collaboration zones, and the use of cloud-based technology is increasingly widespread; both of these
changes encourage employee mobility and decrease our reliance on printed documents. Finally, we’re continuing to install new ATMs with envelope-free deposits.
Through these initiatives, we’ve managed to reduce our paper consumption by 18% from 2014. We’ve also increased our use of 100% post-consumer recycled paper
by 5%. New initiatives are also planned for 2019, and we will have a new reduction target for 2024.
Energy consumption
Desjardins is the largest private-sector employer and landowner in Quebec. As such, we use a lot of energy to heat, cool and light our office space and to
power our computer equipment. To mitigate the impact of our energy consumption, we’ve implemented a number of energy efficiency measures, which also
help us lower our energy costs considerably. Our strategy is not to coerce, but to incentivize.
Our real estate action plan includes energy efficiency practices, which have led to LEED® or BOMA Best® certification for some of our buildings. We take
energy efficiency into consideration when building and renovating. We formally expressed our commitment to clean energy by signing the Statement by Financial
Institutions on Energy Efficiency.
Since 2008, we’ve been producing an annual inventory of our greenhouse gas emissions for publication by the CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project. The goal
of the CDP is to collect data on how businesses around the world manage their environmental impacts and share it with investors.
In 2019, we’ll set a new target to reduce GHG emissions from our operational activities. We won’t be purchasing new carbon offsets to reach these reduction targets.
Instead, we’ll be rolling out an internal program that optimizes business travel, reduces paper consumption and increases our energy efficiency.
We’ve been carbon neutral since 2017, through our purchase of carbon offset credits in several provinces. These carbon credits have been verified by a third party. We
carefully vetted these offsets to make sure that they benefit the environment, local communities, young people, as well as our members and clients.
The projects we’ve selected are:
• British Columbia: The First Nations Great Bear Rainforest project, an ecosystem-based management system of the largest remaining coastal temperate rainforest in the world
• Ontario: The Niagara Escarpment Forest Carbon Project, which manages, conserves and maintains the diversity of ecosystems along Ontario’s Niagara escarpment
• Quebec:
• Energy efficiency project by the Pointe-de-l’Ile (Montreal) and Patriotes (Montérégie) school boards
• ÉcoSolutions recycling project, associated with the CoopFA cooperative’s Bourse du carbone Scol’ERE program
• Energy efficiency and renewable energy project used in several greenhouses in Lévis, Saint-Nicéphore and Guyenne
We’ve also purchased carbon credits to offset the greenhouse gas emissions from our major events. This additional commitment was made to the CoopFA’s Bourse
du carbone Scol’ERE program, which teaches young people and their families about the importance of eco-citizenship and environmentally responsible behaviours.
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Our GHG emissions are up substantially, especially Scope 3 emissions. This is mainly because the factors used to calculate
paper-related emissions have been updated: http://environmentalpaper.org/2018/07/environmental-paper-network-launches-
1 G
HG emissions are calculated for all sources over which Desjardins has financial control. Rental spaces occupied by Desjardins, as well as spaces owned by Desjardins but occupied by
third parties (real estate investments) are therefore included. Estimates were used for these sites when data was not available. Biogenic emissions are not included.
2 Scope 1 emissions include those related to fuel consumption in the buildings that Desjardins owns (including real estate investments) and coolant leakage in Desjardins’s buildings and
vehicle fleet. Gases included in the calculations are: CO2, CH4, and N2O.
3 Scope 2 emissions include electricity and steam consumed in spaces owned and occupied by Desjardins. Gases included in the calculations are: CO2, CH4, and N2O. All emissions are
calculated using the location-based method.
4 S
cope 3 emissions include business trips made with rental vehicles and personal vehicles, as well as business trips made by plane, bus and train. Energy consumption from rental
buildings occupied by Desjardins is also included. GHG emissions on paper consumption are calculated according to the volume and recycled content of the different types of paper,
using the Environmental Paper Network’s Paper Calculator. Gases included in the calculations are: CO2, CH4, and N2O.
5 2018 data covers all of Desjardins Group and was collected for the following components:
6 The GHG emission intensity is measured by dividing total GHG (scopes 1, 2 and 3) (CO2, CH4, and N2O) by the total area of all buildings under Desjardins’s financial control.
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LEED® certification
Building City date Level
150 rue des Commandeurs Lévis 2016-02-19 Gold
Desjardins Securities, Le Windsor Montreal 2009-11-30 Gold
Desjardins Securities Toronto 2013-01-30 Gold
Caisse Desjardins de Lévis (head office) Lévis 2017-04-10 Silver
Caisse Desjardins de Terrebonne (head office) Terrebonne 2015-10-01 Gold
Caisse Desjardins de l’Ouest de la Mauricie (head office) Louiseville 2015-05-20 Gold
Caisse Desjardins de l’Ouest de la Mauricie (Saint- Saint-Étienne-
2015-04-24 Silver
Étienne-des-Grès Service Centre) des-Grès
Caisse Desjardins Thérèse-De Blainville (head office) Sainte-Thérèse 2014-04-30 Gold
Terrebonne 150 rue des Commandeurs
Caisse Desjardins Le Manoir (La Plaine Service Centre) 2013-06-27 Certified
(La Plaine)
Caisse Desjardins Des Chutes Montmorency (head office) Boischatel 2012-08-15 Silver
Caisse Desjardins de Granby-Haute-Yamaska (head office) Granby 2011-02-23 Gold
Alternative transportation
We have an alternative transportation program for
BOMA BEST® certification our employees. Employees are incentivized to walk,
bike, carpool, car share or take the bus, subway and
Building City date Level train for their commute and business travel.
150 rue des Commandeurs Lévis 2017 Platinum Incentives include discounts on public transit passes,
Complexe Desjardins Montreal 2016 Gold facilities for employees who bike to work, a carpool
6300 boulevard Guillaume-Couture Lévis 2018 Silver
matchup application and reserved parking spaces,
as well as corporate subscriptions to the car-sharing
6500 boulevard Guillaume-Couture Lévis 2018 Silver
service Communauto. These initiatives are part of
95 rue des Commandeurs Lévis 2018 Silver long-term investments of around $1 million a year.
59 rue Bégin Lévis 2018 Silver
In 2018, 8,827 employees used the Alternative
100 rue des Commandeurs Lévis 2018 Certified Transportation Program, up 5.3% from 2017.
200 rue des Commandeurs Lévis 2018 Certified
995 boulevard Alphonse-Desjardins Lévis 2018 Certified
6125 boulevard Wilfrid-Carrier Lévis 2018 Certified
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
6.3 W
aste management
Management approach | GRI 306 | 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3
We’re working with our suppliers and employees to reduce our environmental footprint. Waste management is part of our commitment to fostering the development
of a green economy and compliance with the Environment Quality Act. Our efforts (categorization, awareness raising and recovery) are concentrated on our sites
with the greatest potential for quick wins, including the Desjardins Campus in Lévis and the Complexe Desjardins in Montreal. This approach will gradually lead to a
standardization phase for other sites.
At the Complexe Desjardins in Montreal, we made changes to the facilities to encourage more tenants to participate in residual waste management.
In 2018, we created a Desjardins-wide residual waste management plan. A committee was created to oversee communication, execution and follow-up activities. Their
activities for the year included hosting workshops on how to properly sort residual waste.
Our residual waste management program (called RÉCÜP) and its objectives will be reviewed annually.
Our approach | Highlights | Message from the President | Members and clients | Our co-op | Employees | Communities | Responsible finance | Climate | GRI | Table of contents
Reuse and recycling of residual waste | GRI 306-2 Better residual waste management
We’ve been managing our own residual waste for many years. Because we’re operating in the • We implemented an initiative to recycle and reuse
financial services sector, we can easily limit our production of hazardous waste to less than 1%. office supplies left behind after corporate moves. A
Hazardous waste is managed in compliance with all applicable legislation. not-for-profit organization sorts through the supplies
and sends them to developing countries.
Residual waste (in metric tons) 2018 2017 2016
• On Earth Day 2018, we hosted the first Insertech-
Sent to landfills 2,260.38 2,373.23 2,288.76 Desjardins repair café. This free event was open
Recycled or recovered 3,809.60 3,873.05 3,333.67 to the public, and over the course of the day, 106
Total residual waste 6,069.98 6,246.28 5,622.44 visitors brought their broken electronic devices in to
be diagnosed and repaired by volunteer technicians
Recycling/recovery/composting ratio 62.76% 62.01% 59.29%
from Insertech, Desjardins and other organizations.