WSP 2019 Global Sustainability Report PDF
WSP 2019 Global Sustainability Report PDF
WSP 2019 Global Sustainability Report PDF
Performance Scorecard
Sustainability Highlights
Our Business
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 4 GRI 102-48, 102-50, 102-52, 102-54, 102-56
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
For societies to thrive, we believe that We value our people and our
we must all hold ourselves accountable reputation.
for tomorrow.
We are locally dedicated with
international scale.
We foster collaboration in
OUR ROLE everything we do.
Read more
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
from our CEO
I am pleased to introduce this Report, following the first
year of our 2019-2021 Global Strategic Plan, where our
sustainability ambitions1 guided us under our foundational
pillars of Clients, People and Culture, Operational
Excellence and Expertise.
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
STRENGTHENING OUR 2020. This amendment to our existing OUR STRATEGIC PILLARS our ambition to diversify and balance
SUSTAINABILITY FOCUS IN 2019 credit facility includes financing terms the revenues from our largest sectors,
Prior to the crisis reaching global that reduce or increase the borrowing Transportation & Infrastructure and
costs as sustainability targets are met In 2019, the Future Ready® program Property & Buildings.
proportions, our business was in a
or missed. The terms are tied to three was launched in the US, Norway and
favourable position as we reported
sustainability performance targets: a Finland. These markets will officially The way we care for our clients is
solid financial and operational
reduction in market-based greenhouse implement the program in 2020, central to our strategy, and in 2019 we
performance in 2019, as well as a
gas (GHG) emissions across our global bringing us closer to our 2021 ambition rolled out Net Promoter Score Surveys
strong balance sheet.
operations; an increase in Green to have the program executed globally or similar initiatives in the majority of
Revenue (revenue from services having as a key element of our strategy. our regions, to listen to our clients and
In addition, we strengthened our
focus on Environmental, Social and a positive impact on the environment); gauge any improvements we can make.
and an increase in the percentage of Through this Report, you will find
Governance matters, for example by
management positions held by women. examples of projects where we offered People and Culture
assigning Board-level responsibility
our future-focused thinking to our
for sustainability to the Chair of the Providing an environment for our
We also became a signatory to the clients and made an impact in our
Governance, Ethics and Compensation people to deliver on their full potential
United Nations Global Compact communities, as valued partners.
Committee and defining a Global is at the core of our People and Culture
Sustainability Sponsor role. (UNGC) and began to examine our
For 2019, we reported a three percent strategy. We must put people first, or
operations alongside the Ten Principles
increase in net revenues from our how can we expect them to give their
WSP became the first professional of the UNGC. We reaffirm our
Environment, Water, Power & Energy, best and remain trusted advisors for
services firm in the Americas to sign commitment to the UNGC, and our
Resources and Industry sectors, our clients?
a sustainability-linked syndicated first “Communication on Progress” is
incorporated in this Report. which represents progress towards
credit facility, which was formalized in
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
We are pleased that for 2019 we saw Operational Excellence uphold the highest ethical standards Since January 2019, we have notably
a slight reduction in our global while protecting WSP’s reputation. added 1,470 employees to our
Our Operational Excellence pillar is
voluntary employee turnover figure. Environment platform, which is our
all about making our organization
We are also grateful for the hard work 2019 also saw the establishment of third-largest global sector in terms of
stronger and more resilient.
put into improving employee wellness an internal Sustainability Task Force, net revenue.
programs, including for mental health. comprised of key regional and global
In terms of health and safety, in 2019
leadership, to support the achievement Last year, we worked with our
we achieved a Lost-Time Injury Rate
We remain committed to Diversity of the GHG reduction targets in experts to enhance our collaboration
below 0.1 in all regions and 0.06
and Inclusion at WSP and in our wider our 2019-2021 Global Strategic Plan. platform, enabling our professionals to
globally. We continued to ensure that
industry, and are proud to showcase We are pleased that we made good consistently bring our best expertise
health and safety remained top of
our involvement in a number of progress, largely due to ambitious to bear across all our projects. Our
mind for employees through strong
initiatives in this Report. Despite some commitments from our regions. This new and improved Practice Area
leadership, regular communications
regional movement, in 2019 we did not is a metric which requires constant Networks platform was launched
and training.
show the level of progress we were drive; as we continue to grow, we need across the organization at the
aiming for in increasing the number to be mindful that our footprint does beginning of 2020, ensuring that our
We believe we have a world-class
of women we have in management not grow commensurately. technical excellence is not limited by
Ethics and Compliance program,
positions - our ambitious gender geographic location, mobility or time.
which is supported by a team of Expertise
balance target from our 2019-2021
experienced Ethics and Compliance
Global Strategic Plan. Although this In 2019, we strengthened our existing Read more on our pillars in this
officers covering our regions. In our
is disappointing, we will continue to capabilities and expanded into Report in the following sections:
“Ethical Business Practices” section,
work hard to meet this target by the new geographic regions with eight Clients and Expertise; Operational
we present our 2019 update, which
end of 2021. acquisitions, adding approximately Excellence; and People and Culture.
includes numerous initiatives meant to
support our employees and ensure we 2,000 colleagues to our organization.
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Performance Scorecard
The following table provides a status update on our principal sustainability-related
Execute our Future Ready® approach globally On track The Future Ready® program was officially launched in the US, Norway and
Obtain a top quartile satisfaction rating by over 75% of our clients On track Prepared to launch our new global Practice Area Networks (PANs)3 to
(in the Net Promoter Score Survey (“NPS”) foster collaboration and sharing of expertise
Expanded our key account programs for our global private and public
sector clients (“Diamond Clients”), with an emphasis on client management,
engagement and opportunity identification
Diversify our global portfolio by increasing our net revenues in On track Reported net revenues from these target sectors of 23% in 2019, compared
target sectors (Environment, Water, Power & Energy, Resources and to 20% in 2018
Industry) to between 30 and 50% of the total, to balance exposure
to our Transportation & Infrastructure and Property & Buildings Welcomed 1,470 Environment-sector employees, through acquisitions
sectors closed or announced in 2019
1 Unless a different timescale is indicated. Some of our ambitions under our 2019-2021 Global Strategic Plan may be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic; it remains premature to reassess these ambitions at this time.
2 The Future Ready program had already been launched in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Sweden, the Middle East and the UK.
3 Launched in the first quarter of 2020.
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Diversify our service offerings by increasing net revenue from Improved Increased Strategic Advisory Services revenues in 2019, largely due to
Strategic Advisory Services to between 40 and 55% growth in Environment as this sector is represented by a high proportion of
advisory services
Increase the percentage of Green Revenue from our operations, On track Developed a process to measure Green Revenue globally and prepared to
i.e. revenue from services having a positive impact on the incorporate a Green Revenue target as a financing term of our syndicated
environment credit facility4
Operational Excellence
Achieve a Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) of <0.1 per 100,000 hours On track Achieved an LTIR below 0.1 in all regions and 0.06 globally
worked, in all regions
Ensure 100% of our workforce completes ethics onboarding training On track Achieved completion rates for Code of Conduct training of approximately
(following hire) and annual refresher training 98.1% for onboarding training and approximately 96.8% for annual
refresher training
Reduce absolute scope 1, scope 2 (market-based) and scope 3 On track Established a global Sustainability Task Force and prepared regional GHG
business travel GHG emissions across our global operations by 5% emissions reduction plans to support our ambitious reduction goals
from 2018 to 2021
Achieved a 12% year-over-year reduction in absolute scope 1, scope 2
(market-based) and scope 3 business travel GHG emissions
Reduce absolute scope 1, scope 2 (market-based) and scope 3 On track
business travel GHG emissions across our global operations by 25%
from 2018 to 2030
Fill over 75% of Global Leadership positions (and those of their Requires improvement Filled 59% of our vacant as well as new Global Leadership senior positions
direct reports) by internal candidates (and those of their direct reports) by internal candidates
Reduce our voluntary turnover rate below 12% globally Improved Observed a voluntary turnover rate of 14% at the end of 2019,
(compared to 15% in 2018) an improvement of one percentage point in comparison to 2018
Fill over 30% of management positions (business leaders and middle Requires improvement Noted no change in the overall percentage of management positions held
management) by women (compared to 21% in 2018) by women between 2018 and 2019 (remained at 21%)
4 This amendment to our existing credit facility was announced publicly on February 4, 2020.
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Highlights GLOBAL RECOGNITION Sydney Water’s Lower South Creek
AND COMMITMENTS Treatment Program achieved
Named “Most Sustainable Company in an Infrastructure Sustainability
the Engineering Industry – 2019” by Design “Excellent” rating from the
World Finance magazine Infrastructure Sustainability Council
of Australia
Achieved an “A-” score for our response
to CDP’s 2019 Climate Change Our Middle East business was named
questionnaire “Company of the Year: Championing
Diversity & Inclusion” at the Women in
Became a signatory to the United Construction event hosted by the Big 5
Nations Global Compact (UNGC) conference in Dubai
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Our Business
United States
At a Glance
As one of the world’s leading professional services firms, WSP provides 02
engineering and design services to clients in the Transportation & Infrastructure, United Kingdom and Ireland
Property & Buildings, Environment, Power & Energy, Resources and Industry
sectors, as well as offering strategic advisory services. WSP’s global
experts include engineers, advisors, technicians, scientists, architects, planners, 8,000
surveyors and environmental specialists, as well as other design, program and Canada
construction management professionals. Our talented people are well positioned
to deliver successful and sustainable projects, wherever our clients need us.
Australia and New Zealand
Head Office
Middle East and India
01 09
Canada 07
08 Latin America
Continental Europe
± 50,000 500
Employees 10
As at March 31, 2020.
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 14 GRI 102-2, 102-6, 102-7, 201-1
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Financial Position — WSP’s revenues are allocated Highlights relating to the development
to geographic regions based on of WSP’s business over the past
WSP Global Inc. is a corporation the country of operations, and three years are summarized
existing under the Canada Business this information is presented in our Annual Information Form for
Corporations Act. We are publicly listed on page 102 of the Annual the year ended December 31, 2019,
on the Toronto Stock Exchange under Report (Consolidated Financial starting on page 6. During the year
the ticker symbol “WSP”. Statements). Our disaggregated ended December 31, 2019, WSP
revenues by geographic region, completed eight acquisitions. Details of
For full disclosure of WSP’s economic market sector and client category these acquisitions may be found in the
position and metrics of economic value can be found on page 103. Table of Acquisitions on page 8 of the
generated and distributed, please refer Annual Information Form.
to our Annual Report for the year A list of our principal subsidiaries can
ended December 31, 2019, beginning be found on page 5 of WSP’s Annual
on page 23. Information Form for the year ended
December 31, 2019. All subsidiaries
— For our revenues and are covered by the descriptions in
expenses (including employee this Report, unless otherwise noted.
compensation), please refer to For more information on our Named
our Consolidated Statement of Executive Officers' compensation,
Earnings on page 74 of the Annual please refer to our 2020 Management
Report (Consolidated Financial Information Circular, beginning
Statements). on page 42.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 15 GRI 102-5, 102-10, 102-45, 201-103
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Value Chain
± 50,000 Property & Buildings
Employees1 5.2B (CAD)
in personnel costs
± 150,000 Subconsultants
77.6M (CAD)
Industry, Resources,
2019 Revenues Power & Energy
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Market Sectors
WSP operates in the market sectors described below.
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Our Contribution
to the UN SDGs
Companies have an important role GOAL 5: GENDER GOAL 8: DECENT GOAL 12:
to play in contributing to achieving EQUALITY WORK AND RESPONSIBLE
the United Nations Sustainable Achieve gender equality PRODUCTION
Development Goals (SDGs). and empower all women Promote inclusive and
and girls sustainable economic Ensure sustainable
growth, employment and consumption and
In 2018, we carried out a refreshed production patterns
GOAL 6: CLEAN decent work for all
materiality assessment (see the section WATER AND
“What Matters Most”) and at the SANITATION GOAL 9: INDUSTRY, GOAL 13: CLIMATE
same time consulted our employees INNOVATION AND ACTION
Ensure availability INFRASTRUCTURE
on which SDGs we contribute to the and sustainable Take urgent action to
most through our client work and our management of water Build resilient combat climate change
own operations, resulting in the list on and sanitation for all infrastructure, and its impacts
promote sustainable
this page. Through this Report, we are
industrialization and GOAL 15: LIFE ON
proud to present examples of projects GOAL 7: foster innovation LAND
and initiatives that illustrate these AFFORDABLE AND
CLEAN ENERGY Sustainably manage
contributions. GOAL 11:
forests, combat
Ensure access to SUSTAINABLE
CITIES AND desertification, halt
The full list of SDGs is available here. affordable, reliable, and reverse land
sustainable and modern
degradation, halt
energy for all Make cities inclusive, biodiversity loss
safe, resilient and
About This Report What We Stand For Introduction from our CEO Performance Scorecard Sustainability Highlights Our Business Our Contribution to the UN SDGs
Development Goals
The objective is to transform the
design, construction and operation of
buildings across the country for the
Sweden overall benefit of end users, as well as
all stakeholders in the construction
In order to familiarize our Swedish Development, as well as a brief A member of WSP’s sustainability
colleagues with the Sustainable discussion about how sustainability is team in Poland is participating in
Development Goals and allow them to linked to our business. It also contains the PLGBC’s “SDGs in Construction
feel confident in discussing them with instructions, speech scripts and a Working Group”. The final product
their clients, our sustainability team in description of the 17 goals and their of this group’s work will be a report
Sweden prepared material to support sub-goals. Participants can then describing good practices and
an hour-long workshop on the goals. conduct two different exercises: one promoting development in line with
The resulting presentation is designed to identify concrete actions where we the discussed objectives of the United
to be used by our different business contribute to the goals in our existing Nations, for real estate companies
units and internal teams. It starts assignments, and one to practice and public institutions. The report is
with an introduction to sustainability offering sustainable solutions to the expected to be published in 2020.
and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable client based on a tender request.
Governance and
IN THIS SECTION At WSP, we are committed to 2019, as well as redefined our Global
responsible growth that is beneficial Sustainability Sponsor role.
to our clients, people and shareholders.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: Our approach to sustainability aims Our strategy is supported by our Global
An Interview to capture opportunities and mitigate Sustainability Policy. The Policy, the
risks arising from urbanization, outcomes of our latest materiality
Corporate and Sustainability
Governance globalization, demographic shifts, assessment and this Report are
technology and climate change. Our structured around the pillars of our
Risk Management sustainability ambitions influenced Global Strategic Plan: Clients; Expertise;
the development of WSP’s 2019-2021 Operational Excellence and People and
What Matters Most Global Strategic Plan, ensuring these Culture.
values are embedded at the core of our
Engaging our Stakeholders
business strategy over this period.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Our Global
Sustainability Sponsor:
An Interview
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
for sustainability alongside my What were the highlights of WSP’s Revenue and the percentage of women You mentioned the new
existing role at WSP, where I regularly sustainability program in 2019? we have in leadership roles will Sustainability Task Force.
What progress has the group
interact with WSP’s Global Leadership 2019 was a busy and successful year. enable us to reduce the cost of credit. made so far?
Team, Board of Directors, clients We created a global Sustainability Task Conversely, if we fail to maintain
and employees, to strengthen links these metrics at the levels they We believe good progress has been
Force, composed of representatives
between project work and corporate were at the time of entering into the made in the first year of the Task
from all our operating regions and
sustainability. sustainability-linked credit facility, our Force. Our operating regions are
global corporate experts, to tackle
borrowing costs will be higher. fully empowered to design and
some of the most pressing items on
For WSP, sustainability is both an implement their own plans for GHG
our sustainability agenda.
opportunity and a responsibility, We also conducted an internal gap reductions, and all regions now
as we draw upon our expertise to analysis against TCFD disclosure have a plan in place. Last year, our
We are happy to report significant
keep improving the organization. items, with a view to improved US and Swedish businesses joined
progress against our GHG emission
The work we have completed so alignment with the recommendations. the UK in setting goals to become
reduction objectives. We have also
far in sustainability has favourably carbon neutral. We constantly learn
secured a sustainability-linked credit
positioned WSP as a leading Finally, we were pleased that our from and leverage the best of our
facility with our banking syndicate,
organization in our industry, and I efforts were recognized as we were regional initiatives, to enhance our
which was a first for a professional
will continue on this path, particularly named “Most Sustainable Company in sustainability ambitions across
services firm in the Americas at the
as we work towards further the Engineering Industry – 2019” by the globe.
time of announcement. This means
incorporating the United Nations that achieving ambitious targets World Finance magazine.
Global Compact (UNGC) principles around GHG reduction, our Green
into our business.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Although we recognize there are Reduction in office space use and challenges the situation has brought to sustainability strategy. As we progress
still efforts to make on reduction of business travel will have a significant our people and operations will persist with the management of the crisis, we
emissions, in the future we will be positive impact on WSP’s GHG for many months. Our sustainability- will look through our sustainability
able to count on the Task Force to emissions in the short term. However, linked global ambitions and our lens and see it as an accelerator of some
support with the progression of other to continue driving emissions commitment to the UNGC will help of our ongoing initiatives, to keep on
sustainability-linked ambitions.1 reductions, we will need to consider us focus on what matters. Social building a safe, compassionate and
new ways of working in the future. responsibility will become ever more more resilient organization.
The crisis will have a significant For example, we must examine important, so we can expect enhanced
global impact on carbon emissions
whether the agility we are showing to efforts to be made for our people,
for 2020. What has been the
impact on WSP? deliver for our clients remotely during communities and wider stakeholder
the crisis should translate into an groups.
In the last two months, we have had increase in remote work, a decrease in
a genuine preview of a low-carbon office space needs, and reduced travel, Being able to draw upon outstanding
world. Although current low levels of over the medium or long term. internal expertise, the full
global activity cannot be maintained, empowerment of our regions to
it brings a unique perspective, and will What are the main priorities for deliver on their sustainability
inform WSP’s continued contribution WSP’s sustainability initiatives in
ambitions, and our continued focus on
to future thinking. Our Future Ready® 2020?
reporting and accountability should
program provides the ideal basis for It goes without saying that 2020 will enable us to remain strong in our
this thought leadership. be the “year of the pandemic”, and the
1 Some of our ambitions under our 2019-2021 Global Strategic Plan may be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic; it remains premature to reassess these ambitions at this time.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Corporate and
Sustainability Governance
Corporate Governance Working with senior management, Sustainability — The review of the Corporation’s
the Board develops key objectives for
Governance environmental and social policies
WSP Global Inc.’s Board of Directors WSP’s three-year strategic cycles and and oversight of WSP’s strategy
is responsible for the stewardship of oversees the development of corporate and reporting of environmental
WSP manages sustainability from the
WSP, and oversees the management strategy. The 2019-2021 Global and social matters (the scope
highest levels of our organization.
of the business and affairs of WSP. Strategic Plan covers WSP’s current of which was expanded and
The Board of Directors’ duties activities, and this strategy was transferred from the Board to the
In 2019, WSP reviewed Board-level
and responsibilities are set out in a approved by the Board in December GECC).
responsibility for sustainability,
formal charter, which was last updated 2018 and launched in January 2019. Linda Smith-Galipeau, Board member
assigning this in the first quarter of
in 2019. Within the Plan, WSP has set a number and Chair of the GECC, therefore has
2019 to the Chair of the GECC, and
of non-financial objectives to ensure oversight responsibility for company
also defining a Global Sustainability
The Board discharges its that our growth is in harmony with sustainability goals, commitments,
Sponsor role. Also in 2019, the
responsibilities directly and through sustainability principles. risks and opportunities at the
Governance, Ethics and Compensation
its Committees, currently the Audit Committee Charter was amended Board level, and acts as the Board
Committee and the Governance, More information about WSP’s liaison on sustainability issues to
and now includes the following
Ethics and Compensation Committee governance is available on our website. senior management. In addition, as
("GECC"). WSP’s Corporate identified in WSP's 2020 Management
Governance Guidelines and our — The review of WSP’s sustainability Information Circular on pages 32 and
2020 Management Information policies and practices and the 33, all of WSP’s directors have business
Circular reflect WSP’s compliance monitoring of WSP’s commitment experience in the following areas: Risk
with securities laws and corporate to sustainability; Management and Risk Mitigation,
governance best practices applicable in Human Resources, Health and Safety
Canada. and Sustainability.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
The Guangzhou Chow Tai Fook (CTF) the LEED certification and China
Finance Centre is the tallest mixed- Green Building Label, this building is
André-Martin Bouchard, WSP’s level by the local expertise of our use skyscraper in Guangzhou, China environmentally superior in terms of
Global Director, Environment & employees. and the eighth-tallest in the world. its energy consumption, lower water
Resources took over the role of Global usage and better indoor comfort.
With a gross floor area of more
Sustainability Sponsor in April 2020. In addition, presentations are made
than 500,000 square metres, the Examples of energy saving
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor has quarterly by the Global Sustainability development has 66 office floors, achievements include:
the mandate to empower our regions Sponsor to update our Directors on 23 serviced apartment floors,
in their sustainability efforts and sustainability reporting and initiatives, 11 hotel floors, a retail podium, — The use of energy and water
as well as a three-storey parking measurements in real time.
coordinate their approaches under with topics including industry trends
garage. The offices and retail — A minimum of 10% in energy
our global strategy. André-Martin is and Task Force activities. From May savings over the ASHREA 90.1-
podium were completed in 2016 and
a member of the Global Leadership 2020, André-Martin Bouchard will 2017 respectively, and the serviced 2007 standard.
Team (GLT) and will brief GLT lead these presentations. apartments and hotel were completed — A 20% reduction in annual
members on sustainability matters on in 2019. freshwater usage for the
offices and retail podium, and
a regular basis, as well as lead WSP’s More information about WSP’s
WSP provided MEP consultancy for 30% reduction for the serviced
Sustainability Task Force. sustainability governance is available the project, which consisted of the apartments and hotel, through
in WSP's 2020 Management overall design, tender-stage support use of water-saving faucets and
In 2019, the Sustainability Task Information Circular on pages 38-39. and construction stage coordination,
Force began to coordinate progress as well as the design of the building’s — A 50% reduction in freshwater
vertical transportation system. irrigation by adopting rainwater
across global initiatives, notably the harvesting, recycling systems
greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction WSP also served as a strategic and greywater reuse systems.
targets. The Task Force is strongly sustainability consultant to pursue — A 50% reduction in fresh water
supported at the global level by LEED Certification. The serviced for flushing through the use of
apartments and hotel achieved LEED water-saving sanitary fittings.
functional experts, and at the regional
Gold Certification in 2019, while office
Read more
and retail space achieved LEED
Gold Certification in 2018. Given
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
9.4 By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable,
with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and
1 At June 1, 2020. environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries
2 The neighbourhood is owned by a BASF housing company, and Thilo Cunz’s presentation in China was taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities
sponsored by BASF, a German chemical company.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Climate Change Risks our reputation. We manage this risk WSP already discloses much of the climate-related risks and opportunities
and Opportunities by enhancing our own organizational information recommended by the we disclosed in our 2019 CDP Climate
sustainability and resilience and TCFD through this Report, as well as Change response. For further details,
We recognize that climate change cultivating diverse expertise, including in our annual CDP Climate Change please consult our complete response.
poses both risks and opportunities for through our Future Ready® program, response. In early 2020, we completed
our business and clients. Preparing where one of our key considerations is an internal gap analysis to identify CLIMATE ACTION
for and responding to the physical and future climates. We also stay abreast of and prioritize recommendations
Beyond managing the impact of our
transition risks and opportunities that changing requirements and advise our for improved alignment with the
own operations and projects, WSP has
climate change presents and helping clients on emerging chronic and acute TCFD recommendations to enhance
taken action to address the urgency of
our clients develop and implement trends and issues. transparency, performance, and
climate change within our industry.
sustainable and resilient business reporting on climate-related risks and
Recent examples include:
models in the face of increasing Our expertise can also directly impact opportunities most relevant to WSP.
economic pressure are important our daily operations and business The findings from the gap analysis
— WSP’s UK business joined the
aspects of our service offerings. continuity, as it helps us navigate informed the development of our
Society for the Environment
and mitigate the physical risks from Climate Resilience Action Roadmap,
(SocEnv), the Association for
Climate risks and opportunities are climate change and extreme weather which is designed to guide our
Consultancy and Engineering
relevant whether we are designing due to operational and project current and future climate mitigation,
(ACE), the Institute of
low-carbon solutions for the built disruptions. adaptation and resilience efforts. This
Environmental Management
environment, providing expertise is an internal document which is
and Assessment (IEMA) and
in clean and renewable energy, WSP continues to support the currently under review.
the Environmental Industries
or advising clients on resource recommendations outlined by the
Commission (EIC), along with
management solutions, including Task Force on Climate-Related WSP analyzes climate-related risks
AECOM, in founding “Pledge to
carbon cap and trade schemes and Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and opportunities across several
Net Zero.” The initiative is the first
water footprint measurement. A key which were published in 2017. These time horizons and future climate
environmental services industry
risk exists in failing to respond to recommendations are designed to scenarios including short term (less
commitment in the UK requiring
rapidly emerging market demands for advance understanding of climate than 2 years), medium term (2-5 years),
science-based tar gets from its
these services, which could impact our change and business by investors. and long term (5–15 years). These tables
signatories to tackle GHG emissions
ability to generate revenue and affect outline a selection of representative
within their organizations.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
— WSP’s Singapore and UK WSP’s USA business helped roadmap, together with a handful understanding risk and mitigating that
businesses signed the Engineers launch the new International of other key players. Supported risk. We implement the Precautionary
Declare a Climate and Biodiversity Coalition for Sustainable by the roadmap, the WSP team Principle in the following ways:
Emergency statements, which Infrastructure. The purpose is working on two projects of
seek to advocate for quicker of the coalition is to address great importance for achieving — Our experts assess project
transformation to sustainable the urgent need to accelerate the goals of a climate-neutral risks and present clients with
practices in the built environment planning, design, construction sector: a model for commissioning recommendations that protect the
industry. and operation of sustainable and projects, products and services environment and prioritize health
resilient infrastructure. Two key and a collaborative framework for and safety (see an example from
— WSP is proud to be a signatory and
differentiators of this new and monitoring total GHG emissions at Australia).
supporter of “Advancing Net Zero”,
a program organized by the Hong growing network of organizations a national level. — We provide clients with a full
Kong Green Building Council will be its action-orientation array of solutions that seek
to prevent environmental
(HKGBC) and the World Green (i.e. not just studies, technology
Precautionary degradation and restore the
transfer and events) and its
Building Council (WorldGBC) with
objective to bring more engineers Principle natural environment (see the
a purpose to inspire actions from
the building and construction into leadership and facilitation The Rio Declaration (1992) defines the Environment services we offer).
industry to take more ambitious roles (as individuals as well as precautionary principle as follows: “In — Within our own business, we are
steps towards achieving the goal organizations) on the issues of order to protect the environment, the also proactive in managing climate
for all buildings to operate at net infrastructure sustainability, precautionary approach shall be widely change and other environmental
zero by 2050. resilience and climate change applied {...}. Where there are threats of impacts, striving to reduce our
impact mitigation. serious or irreversible damage, lack of own greenhouse gas emissions in
— Together with the American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), — Within the framework of the full scientific certainty shall not be used alignment with the latest climate
the ASCE Foundation, The Swedish government initiative as a reason for postponing cost-effective science. In addition, we support
Resilience Shift (a global initiative Fossil Free Sweden, our sector measures to prevent environmental clients in reducing their GHG
to accelerate resilience among has united around a common degradation.” emissions and adapting to the
engineering sectors funded by roadmap, with the goal of impacts of climate change through
Lloyds Register Foundation of achieving a carbon-neutral sector Since we are a professional services resilient design (see an example
London) and the Global Covenant by 2045. WSP was on the steering firm, the work that we undertake from the United States).
of Mayors for Climate & Energy, group for the development of the for clients has a focus on both
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
11.2 By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport
systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special
attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with
disabilities and older persons
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
03 Innovation 16 Non-Discrimination
13 09
05 18 Local Community Impacts
06 Ethical Business Practices
07 Supply Chain
08 Energy
09 GHG Emissions
10 Water
12 Environmental Compliance
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 35 GRI 102-40, 102-44, 102-46, 102-49
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Financial Performance Economic value generated and distributed through our business Our economic performance impacts our shareholders, employees
activities. and partners.
Green Revenue Proportion of revenue derived from services that provide Our approach to this topic impacts our shareholders, employees,
sustainability benefits. partners and the environment.
Innovation Advancing a culture of innovation to deliver projects and services Our innovative projects impact our clients, environments,
and develop new methods and solutions addressing client needs, communities and the industries in which we work at large.
including through WSP’s Future Ready® program.
Project Impacts Direct and indirect economic, social and environmental impacts Projects have the potential to broadly impact the environment as
associated with projects delivered by WSP; for example, area of well as the communities in which projects are located.
wetlands restored, greater transit availability or enhanced water
Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives to measure, manage and reduce safety incidents, and Our approach to these topics has a direct impact on the
protect employee health. employees inside our organization and those affected by our
projects. Our compliance with laws and regulations impacts our
business reputation.
Ethical Business Practices Business practices that serve to avoid corruption and human Our business practices impact the reputation of our firm in the
rights violations, such as those described in our Code of Conduct business community and with third-party suppliers.
and Third Party Code of Conduct.
Supply Chain Monitoring for impacts and practices beyond our own operations, Our relationships with suppliers and the supply chain impact
in our supply chain (e.g. office leasing, technology/software, etc.), environmental, social and governance issues beyond our own
by screening suppliers. direct operations.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Energy Energy used in our operations. The efficiency with which we use resources in our operations
impacts the environment.
GHG Emissions Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from our operations.
Environmental Compliance Complying with environmental laws and regulations. Our compliance with laws and regulations impacts the
environment, as well as our business reputation.
Climate Change Resilience Financial implications, risks and opportunities associated with Our approach to climate change resilience impacts the
climate change, as well as the readiness to respond to new environment, our shareholders, clients, employees and partners.
markets in the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity Opportunities for employees of diverse backgrounds at all levels Our approach to these topics has a direct impact on the
of our business, including women. employees inside our organization.
Local Community Impacts Benefits delivered to local communities. Through our business, we have the potential to directly and
indirectly impact the communities in which we work.
Indigenous Relations Respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples and supporting and
strengthening the Indigenous communities with which we work
and interact.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Flood control is an important issue in
the Netherlands, as climate change
leads to rising sea water levels and
increasing discharge peaks of the inhabitants protected from the
Rhine River. waters of the Lower Rhine
Reinforcement of
of future trends were central to
the improvements; the Grebbedijk not have to be raised as high. Another
reinforcement also provided an is the integration of the "Grebbelinie"
monument (this was a defense line
the Grebbedijk
opportunity to explore sociocultural
and environmental objectives such that played an important role during
as further nature and recreational WWII). To avoid damage due to the
(“Grebbe dyke”) development. Within this project, a dyke reinforcement, the monument will
new method was developed to quantify be restored in a sensitive manner.
and compare the sustainability of the
design options. Through a unique and intensive
Wageningen, the Netherlands participation process, residents,
One of the ways that a dyke can fail visitors, local businesses and other
is through a form of internal erosion parties submitted their goals for the
called piping, so we proposed an dyke, as well as their priorities for
alternative technique that saved space improvement.
and costs, called a "sand-barrier".
Locally excavated clay and sand will
improve the dyke’s stability.
Image courtesy of Koen Mol
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural
disasters in all countries
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Engaging our
We take our responsibility to our stakeholders seriously. The table below summarizes
the Corporation’s general engagement with its key stakeholders, representing the
main groups that are interested in, interact with and benefit from our business
activities. Feedback received from these stakeholders informs our corporate
Employees Employee surveys From daily to Yes Employees generally believe WSP’s
annually Energy, Water, GHG Emissions,
Townhall meetings Supply Chain and Green Revenue to be
important to manage, and that WSP
Information cascaded from leadership, via team meetings should also implement the solutions we
suggest to clients to help them reduce
Leadership Forum activities/webcasts their impacts.
Global internal communications (intranet, emails) and local intranets To that end, we are continuing
to coordinate on operational
Annual Report
sustainability initiatives, such as the
global GHG emissions reduction target.
Sustainability Report
Employment, Diversity and Inclusion,
Leadership interviews
Training, and Health and Safety topics
are important to promote a rewarding,
equitable and safe workplace
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 39 GRI 102-40, 102-42, 102-43, 102-44
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Investors and Investor relations activities including: investor days, meetings, Ongoing, Yes Investors are interested in how WSP
analysts roadshows, conferences, discussion with senior executives and market quarterly to helps clients advance sustainability.
sector experts, conference calls annually
In 2019, investors asked how WSP
Website postings manages its climate-related risks and
how the target set out in the 2019-
Financial reports 2021 Global Strategic Plan would be
met. Further interest was expressed
Press releases and media relations regarding the sustainability-linked
syndicated credit facility announced in
Annual Information Form February 2020.
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
Thought leadership
Our Global Sustainability Sponsor: An Interview Corporate and Sustainability Governance Risk Management What Matters Most Engaging our Stakeholders
1,920 MW
Through its rehabilitation initiatives,
Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB),
which owns and operates the Cahora
Bassa hydroelectric power station, Power Output
continues to secure reliable power
supply in Southern Africa.
With the majority of Cahora Bassa’s
power transmitted to South Africa, the
Planned Phases
Rehabilitating the
associated Songo high-voltage direct
current (HVDC) converter station is
critical as it exports power to the Apollo
replacements were most critical. In an
7.1 By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services
7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
Clients and
IN THIS SECTION In our 2019-2021 Global Strategic future, and we intend to report further
Plan, we have a strong focus on on this response in our 2020 Global
nurturing and deepening our Sustainability Report.
We Are Future-Focused: relationship by bringing the “best
An Interview of WSP” to our Clients across our Indeed, we believe that the
partnerships with them. This implies greatest benefit we can provide in
Future Ready® Program
that we will provide forward-thinking sustainability is through the services resources and develop solutions
Partnerships advice, innovations and unparalleled we offer and the projects we deliver. to improve the sustainability and
Expertise to help them succeed in a We are proud of the designs and advice resilience of our projects. This is
changing world. we provide across the globe, and how increasingly important as we work
WSP is supporting organizations of to address the climate crisis and help
The global COVID-19 pandemic all sizes and geographic locations to our clients transition to a low-carbon
underscores the importance of prepare for the future. economy.
considering future scenarios and
building resilience to acute shocks and For example, through WSP’s Future We start our section with an
chronic stressors. We are currently Ready® program, we encourage and interview with Maria Lindfelt, our
assisting clients with their COVID-19 enable our talented staff to research HR & Communications Director, WSP
response, recovery and resilience and consider the implications of Sweden, Nordic & Continental Europe,
efforts to address the immediate emerging trends related to climate on Sweden’s integration of the Future
impacts as well as prepare for the change, society, technology and Ready® program.
We are Future-Focused:
An Interview
What will be the impact of How have you engaged with clients
Future Ready® on WSP’s Swedish and communities?
In March 2019, we launched an
Future Ready® is the backbone of
external campaign called “We Future-
WSP’s global strategy. We strive
Proof the World.” With a touch of
to be future-focused in everything
humour, we comment on four major
we do, from recruiting and talent
societal changes that are important
management to client engagement
to our clients and communities—
and project delivery. In 2019, we
urbanization, social sustainability,
fully integrated Future Ready®
mobility and water. Through the
within our Swedish operations, led
campaign, we aim to demonstrate
by Maria Brogren, Director of
that WSP takes responsibility for the
Sustainability and Innovation.
future by evaluating future trends
We identified Future Ready®
and designing for the long term.
coordinators in each of our seven
It’s been inspiring to delve more
business units, who are responsible
deeply into these issues and share
for helping to integrate Future
our expertise. We’ve received a lot
Ready® into our service offering. In
of positive feedback and plan to use
September, we launched our internal
the Future Ready® framework moving
Future Ready® eLearning course to all
forward to share information on
employees – an exciting step towards
full integration of the program.
other topics.
Maria Lindfelt
We know our future world will be very relevant trends, seeking potential Examples of Future Trends
different from today’s in many ways. solutions that can be incorporated into
We also know that current standards project delivery.
and codes do not always account for
the future we are anticipating. This As we move to execute our Future
is why we believe so much in Future Ready® approach globally by 2021, RESOURCES
Ready®, our global approach to this thinking will be applied to
thinking beyond the conventional so projects in all sectors, going beyond
Global urbanization Net zero GHG
that we can design and deliver projects the solutions traditionally delivered by Water availability
Aging population
that are ready for the challenges our our Sustainability and Environment Social isolation Circular economy
world will face in the future. teams. By designing for the long-term,
and by sharing our approach and
Through the Future Ready® program, insights, we progressively help cities,
we see the future more clearly by communities and clients get ready for
conducting research on key trends the future. Future Ready® delivers
related to climate change, society, peace of mind for our clients, lower TECHNOLOGY CLIMATE
technology and resources. We life-cycle costs and resilience.
empower our teams to work with Automated vehicles Heat waves
clients to identify and advise on Mobility as a service Heavier cloudbursts
Data security Sea level rise
2019 Future Ready® We See The Future
Highlights More Clearly impact of
— Future Ready® was a major theme Through the Future Ready® research enhanced
6 2 Research
5 3
officially launched in the US, insights
today. The future-focused holistic
Norway and Finland, bringing us into insights
thinking, global network and targeted services
closer to our 2021 ambition to have
research that Future Ready® provides
the program executed globally.
complements and enhances our
Prior to 2019, the program had
expertise, to ensure that our project
already been launched in Australia,
New Zealand, Canada, Sweden, the
Middle East and the UK.
solutions have truly considered an
ever-changing future. Our experts 4
have written articles and white papers
that bring to life how we are seeing Disseminate
the future more clearly. to industry
Read more
Read more
11.6 By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including
We intend to report further on these by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste
methods in future reports. management
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and
trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being,
with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
11.2 By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport
systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special
attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with
disabilities and older persons
We Lead in Innovation Through a structured innovation “The research and innovation fellowship
process, WSP works to identify client program is a vital investment in our
WSP has developed industry-leading needs and test new solutions. In 2019, technical excellence culture. It also
innovations by seeking better ways we collaborated with start-ups in the provides a platform for nurturing and
to solve problems, improving the fields of energy use visualization, promoting the careers of our established
effectiveness of new technologies, and digitized environmental assessments and emerging technical leaders who are so
addressing emerging issues facing our and operational excellence. critical to our continued success.”
clients. – Greg Benz, Technical Excellence
Read more
Program Director.
Our Future Ready® program brings
Research and Innovation
forward-thinking and creativity Future Ready® Innovation Labs
Fellowship Program
to the challenges our clients face,
not only creating solutions but also In the US, our research and innovation Our UK business holds monthly
driving industry innovation. From fellowship program is designed Future Ready® innovation labs. In
the latest advances in zero-emissions to help foster and accelerate the these sessions, our experts share
bus systems, to new approaches to air development and application of bright potential solutions to trends such
quality management, to innovative ideas by providing employees with as a future of low-carbon energy, of
tools for managing and measuring dedicated time to research solutions to changing security challenges, or of
corporate sustainability, WSP is Future Ready® trends. In 2019, seven greater loneliness. Using laptops and
working with our clients to develop fellowships were awarded, covering smartphones, participants collectively
solutions that are setting the standard topics ranging from developing a rapid contribute hundreds of ideas at each
in the industry. risk assessment tool for mitigating session, providing an extensive
carbon liability in buildings, to collaboration platform and an effective
FUTURE READY® INNOVATION advancing off-shore wind monopile way to crowdsource collaborative
PROGRAMS design, to developing a methodology ideas. In 2019, our teams also involved
Growspark for assessing the impact of climate clients and specific project challenges
change on airports. in a number of labs.
In Sweden, Growspark is an accelerator
program where WSP partners with Read more
innovative start-up companies to
develop Future Ready® solutions.
Read more
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Sustainable Workplaces:
An Interview
How does WSP’s global workplace Gold and Fitwel certifications. The
strategy support sustainability? workplace guidelines also define
minimum sustainability requirements
Our global workplace guidelines
for our office interiors such as LED
require consideration of building
lighting with motion detectors,
sustainability and proximity to
low-flow fixtures and low-volatile
public transportation during the real
organic content (VOC) paint. For most
estate evaluation process. Wherever
office fit-outs, we utilize in-house
feasible, we seek to occupy space that
mechanical, electrical, plumbing
has a green certification or pursue
(MEP) and lighting expertise. In 2019,
certification for the office interior.
we adopted global Agile Workspace
Several of our offices are currently
Guidelines to create a more flexible
certified under green rating systems
environment for employees, while also
such as Leadership in Energy and
reducing our total office footprint.
Environmental Design (LEED®),
Building Research Establishment What are the benefits of an agile
Environmental Assessment Method work environment?
(BREEAM®), Energy Star®, Net Zero
Energy Building (NZEB), or Building Agile or activity-based working
Owners and Managers Association is all about creating a flexible and
Performance Program® (BOMA) productive environment that meets
360, and we designed our largest the needs of employees. By creating
office in New York City (US) to LEED different working areas within the Suzanne Puccino
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
office, such as “team neighbourhoods”, How is WSP prioritizing employee I’m also happy to report that in 2019 Beyond our immediate concern for
“concentration zones” and social health and wellness in building our Shanghai office became WSP’s employee safety, in 2020 we will
areas, we provide employees with the design? first office to be awarded WELL continue to enhance our Global
flexibility to work where they want, I’m proud that WSP has become an Certification (Silver). Workplace Guidelines to support
when they want. Agile spaces are advocate for Fitwel, which is a new measurement and reduction of GHG
also easier to adapt to fluctuations global certification system focused What global workplace initiatives emissions. While we operate within
in numbers of onsite workers. Under on supporting occupant health and will you focus on next? other constraints in managing
normal circumstances, many WSP wellbeing. We are aiming to design all our facilities, including obtaining
My current focus is planning how we
employees work at least part of new leases to Fitwel standards, with landlord agreement for our objectives,
work in a post-COVID-19 world. How
their week remotely or offsite at an emphasis on promoting physical we are excited about the many
can we bring people back to offices
client or project sites. It is no longer activity and healthy food. In 2019, possibilities. One strategy that
safely? What changes need to be made
necessary to have a dedicated space our new offices in Birmingham, UK we’ve used successfully in the UK
to our janitorial contracts and office
for each employee. By designing agile and Brisbane, Australia both achieved and Sweden is green leases, which
policies to provide a safe environment?
workspaces, we are increasing our a 2-Star Fitwel certification. The are lease arrangements that include
office space utilization. On average, Brisbane office includes over 1,000 sustainability provisions. We aim to
The health and wellbeing of our
we have reduced our square footage plants, great access to daylight, and expand our green leasing in other
employees is our first priority. We are
requirements per person by around 20 an active floor plan with options to regions, as well as align with carbon
committed to taking a conservative
percent. use a sit-to-stand desk, exercise bikes management best practices of ‘Avoid,
approach to returning to the office,
with laptop stands and internal stairs Reduce, Replace.’
in compliance with government
connecting each floor to promote guidelines, and will continue to
walking. embrace remote working wherever
this is needed.
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
We strive to ensure that H&S remains framework for our H&S program and
front of mind for employees by means underpins our efforts to proactively
of visible safety leadership, regular incorporate health and safety
communications and training. Our expectations and standards into all
regional leadership teams instill a aspects of our business, having equal
positive safety culture, minimize importance to our commercial and
risks and ensure compliance with operational activities. WSP’s Global
our H&S requirements. As our Head of Health, Safety & Security is
business grows through acquisitions responsible for implementing our
and organically, we also continue to Global Health and Safety Policy,
integrate new employees into our which is signed by our global Chief
way of working. Our commitment Operating Officer and applies to all our
is outlined in our Global Health and operating entities.
Safety Policy, which establishes a
1 Please refer to our Expectations for Health and Safety Management for further information on
WSP’s approach to hazard identification; risk assessment; prevention and mitigation of impacts
from our operations and services; and incident investigation processes.
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Our Global Health and Safety Policy is — Standard 103 – Reporting requirements of this Standard are TRAINING3
reviewed on an annual basis and the Requirements incorporated into their health and
Training on health and safety is a
last review was completed in January — Standard 104 – International safety management system or standard
measurable performance indicator for
2020. WSP’s Board of Directors Travel operating procedures. WSP encourages
all business leaders. Our employees
provides leadership and oversight all our employees to contribute to our
— Standard 105 – Global Crisis are trained on WSP’s approach to
of H&S, confirms health and safety performance by reporting into our
Management Protocol health and safety and to recognize
policy and reviews performance for all integrated Safety Management System
and report hazards and workplace
regions and businesses. (iSMS), enabling us to learn from
RISK ASSESSMENT AND risks. Workplace health and safety
adverse events, near misses and other
MANAGEMENT documents are clearly displayed in all
WSP complies with all applicable H&S safety observations. 2 During 2019,
offices and on work sites, and it is the
laws and regulations. Many of our As part of a proactive approach over 14,000 events were reported,
responsibility of the employee, and the
regions are currently certified to ISO to safety, each of WSP’s regional enabling us to better understand our
project manager or the site supervisor,
18001 (or regional equivalent) and businesses has risk assessment hazards and supporting our culture
to ensure that employees only perform
working towards ISO 45001 processes in place, which assist in of considering lessons learned through
tasks they are trained to perform.
certification. All regional programs identifying hazards in our workplaces different events.
adhere to our global Expectations and on project sites, enabling effective
for Health and Safety Management, controls to be put in place to aim to ON-SITE SAFETY EQUIPMENT
which align to ISO 45001 and define reduce or remove the risks from our AND SERVICES
minimum requirements for H&S activities. WSP ensures that first aid and
management in all our activities. Our appropriately trained personnel are
program is supported by five internal RECORDING AND REPORTING
available at all office and project
standards prescribing a consistent ACCIDENT STATISTICS
locations. WSP ensures that sufficient
global approach: Our “Standard 103 – Reporting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Requirements” sets out the is available to all employees visiting
— Standard 101 – Major Incident requirements for consistent safety, project sites.
Response health and environmental reporting
— Standard 102 – Incident throughout our regions. Each region
Investigation is responsible for ensuring that the
2 WSP seeks to ensure that there is no retaliation against anyone reporting hazardous situations or refusing unsafe work.
3 Regarding specialist training on hazardous materials handling, specific policies and guidelines are available on our intranets for review, along with training modules in our internal learning management systems.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 58 GRI 403-103, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-7
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
4 Health and safety performance metrics cover all directly-employed staff, and do not include sub-contractors or consultants. Injury rates are calculated as per Standard 103 (Reporting Requirements), an internal WSP standard.
5 All employees are covered by a H&S system that has been internally and externally audited.
6 Over the past three years, we did not have any high-consequence work-related injuries (defined as an injury from which the worker cannot, does not, or is not expected to recover fully to pre-injury health status within six months).
7 “All injuries” includes all work-related injuries regardless of severity or injury type and does not include treatment injuries. Common types of injuries include bruises, strains, cuts, fatigue and bone fractures arising from driving, manual
handling, contact with equipment, and slips/trips.
8 Work-related ill-health includes new cases of moderate to severe work-related ill health. Occupational disease reporting varies by region due to different regional statutory requirements.
9 Europe, Middle East, India & Africa.
10 Due to a work site incident involving a male employee.
11 Rates are calculated per 100,000 hours worked by region, with a global total of 79,976,029 hours worked in 2019.
12 We have undergone growth through acquisitions over the past three years. Year-on-year comparisons should therefore be viewed with caution.
13 In Canada, work-related ill health rate is too small to report per 100,000 hours worked.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 59 GRI, 403-103, 403-1, 403-9 , 403-10
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Progress in 2019 — We continued to encourage Looking Forward regional H&S community and will be
our employees to report events a discussion point in our 2020 Global
In 2019, we continued to develop and saw an increase in overall In 2020, we are continuing our Sustainability Report.
and implement our arrangements reporting to our iSMS system efforts to reduce and remove the risks
for managing H&S across our of 13% compared to 2018, with associated with all of our activities, On a daily basis, we will continue
global operations, in line with our improved leading indicator and maintaining our focus on driving to advance our Zero Harm Vision
Expectations for Health and Safety performance.14 on company business, working on and work towards meeting our H&S
Management. Several newly acquired — We advanced our arrangements project sites, and overseas working in aspirations, as set forth in the 2018-
businesses were onboarded during the to support employees who travel the context of the conditions imposed 2020 Roadmap.
year. internationally for business, by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
supporting over 11,000 safe Keeping our LTIR below 0.1 in all our
— We made progress towards our international business trips, while The pandemic has brought a wide regions through our Global Strategic
Zero Harm roadmap objectives and maintaining our focus on reducing range of health and safety issues. Our Plan cycle (2019-2021) is one of our key
will continue our efforts during the need to travel overseas. priority is to provide our people with operational excellence targets. In 2019,
2020. clear guidance and support on issues our main regions achieved an LTIR
— We provided visible and tangible
including office closures, remote below 0.1, and we recorded a year-end
— We remained focused on safety leadership, with our senior
working, safe site working (where sites LTIR of 0.06 for our global operations.
increasing awareness of the risks management completing 1,624
are open) and mental health. All our We will work hard to again meet our
arising from our activities and safety tours.
regions are impacted; the situation is LTIR target for our activities in 2020,
particularly on mitigating risks — We set an overall target Lost
extremely dynamic and will continue as we integrate new businesses and
associated with overseas working, Time Injury Rate15 (LTIR) of <0.1
to affect us for many months. Lessons coordinate our response to the fast-
driving on company business and for 2019, and attained a year-end
learned are shared regularly with our moving COVID-19 pandemic.
people-plant-vehicle interfaces. LTIR of 0.06 (per 100,000 hours
14 Including Hazards and Observations, Senior Manager Safety Tours, Training, and Office Inspections.
15 Lost time injury rate (LTIR) is the number of injuries with more than one day lost, per 100,000 hours worked.
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Ethical Business
WSP’s reputation depends on our ability to be outstanding
professionals, which means acting with honesty, integrity
and transparency in our daily dealings with colleagues,
clients and other business partners.
The success of WSP’s Ethics Code of Conduct The Code is accessible to all employees Third Party Code of
and Compliance program, which
On a global level, WSP has a
through WSP’s intranet sites, and to
includes our anti-corruption and the public via WSP’s external website.
privacy policies, is one of our top Code of Conduct and underlying It is available in different languages to At WSP, relationships with business
priorities. The program is managed policies (collectively, the “Code”), facilitate its use in regions where WSP partners are an integral part of
by the Chief Ethics and Compliance such as a Gifts, Entertainment primarily operates. More information daily business. WSP expects its
Officer, whose performance and Hospitality Policy; a Working regarding the Code and training on business partners to act lawfully and
assessments and incentives are with Third Parties Policy; an Anti- the Code is available on pages 28-29 in accordance with the principles
contingent on the program’s successful Corruption Policy; and a Global of our 2020 Management Information set out in WSP’s Third Party Code
implementation. The Chief Ethics and Privacy Policy. The Code applies to Circular. of Conduct (“Third Party Code”).
Compliance Officer reports directly all operating entities as well as to WSP’s Third Party Code contains
to WSP's Governance, Ethics and our directors, officers, employees Employees can additionally receive guidance on five precepts of ethics
Compensation Committee. and contract workers. The Board expert practical advice on ethics and and compliance: Business Integrity,
of Directors is responsible for compliance matters by contacting Human Rights, Health and Safety,
approving yearly amendments to the WSP’s regional or global Ethics Environmental Protection, and
Code and underlying policies, which and Compliance representatives, keeping Accurate Records.
were last amended and approved in or by using our Business Conduct
May 2020. Hotline.
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Human Rights inhumane treatment, including — The US Anti-Trafficking Policy. Legal Framework for
As a company with a global presence,
but not limited to verbal abuse, — The UK Slavery Prevention Anti-Corruption
harassment, mental and/or Policy, Modern Slavery
WSP is aware that there is indirect
physical coercion, or sexual Statement and the Procurement As described in the Code, WSP has a
risk concerning Human Rights
harassment. and Supply Chain Policy. zero-tolerance policy to all forms of
issues through our supply chain. In
corruption, whether direct or indirect.
respecting the traditions, cultures — The Swedish supplementary Code
The Third Party Code also refers third The Corporation is subject to strict
and laws of the countries in which we of Conduct for Suppliers.
parties to our full Code of Conduct, anti-corruption laws and regulations,
where numerous other matters are including the Canadian Corruption of
The Third Party Code is used in Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA),
— We do not traffic persons or covered in greater detail, including
WSP’s operating regions and we are the United States Foreign Corrupt
use any form of slave, forced, discrimination. Please also refer to our
currently working to increase controls Practices Act (FCPA), and the UK
compulsory, bonded or prison “Indigenous Relations” section under
surrounding third party compliance Bribery Act (UKBA).
labour; we adhere to all applicable “People and Culture” in this Report
at the regional level. We do not have
juvenile labour laws; and we for information on how we strive to
data available on the percentage of As our success and reputation depends
require our recruitment agencies support and strengthen Indigenous
business partners that had received upon the trust of clients and other
to abide by these provisions. communities in the regions where we
the Third Party Code by December stakeholders, our commitment to
live and work.
— We do not arrange, facilitate or 31, 2019. In future years, we intend maintaining zero tolerance to all
transport workers in any way to report the total number and forms of corruption extends beyond
As a global business with operations
that could be considered human percentage of business partners that regulatory compliance. For instance,
in many different jurisdictions,
trafficking or exploitation. the organization’s anti-corruption WSP strives to keep the topic front
our Code and Third Party Code are
— We do not threaten workers policies have been communicated to of mind for employees, notably
supplemented by regional policies in
with, or subject them to, harsh or during the reporting year. through an extensive ethics and
our businesses. These policies include:
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
compliance e-learning onboarding business partners, as described in We also have the capacity to audit our these include maximum amounts
and refresher training, live training the Working with Third Parties third parties for corruption-related considered acceptable for GEH, as well
sessions, regular communications, as Policy. These are notably based matters. These audit provisions as information on local customs.
well as tailored compliance tools. on country, transaction and are noted in WSP’s supplier anti-
relationship risks; corruption contract clause and in Confidential Business
Risk Assessment — Binding third parties to WSP’s the Third Party Code.
Conduct Hotline
business standards, notably
Management of
The organization’s risk factors, WSP’s Business Conduct
through the Third Party Code;
including corruption, are described
Gifts, Entertainment
Hotline (“Hotline”) provides a
in detail in section 20 of the 2019 — Monitoring third party compliance;
means for employees, business
Management’s Discussion & Analysis, — Global and regional Delegation and Hospitality and partners and suppliers, as well as
on pages 51-64, and in section 18 of the of Authority policies and Conflicts of Interest the general public, to raise issues
Q1 2020 Management’s Discussion & Project Risk Committees; or concerns anonymously with a
One of the tools the Corporation
Analysis, on pages 26-27. — “Guidelines for High Risk third-party service provider (NAVEX
uses to identify and manage gifts,
Countries and Regions”, which list Global). Access to the Hotline
entertainment and hospitality (GEH)
WSP manages and assesses risks for the countries and regions deemed is possible through a direct click
and conflicts of interest is the GEH
corruption in several ways, including high risk for corruption or safety from the front page of the global
and Conflicts of Interest Registry. The
the following: and security and establish and regional intranets, WSP’s
link to the online Registry is available
requirements to conduct business external website, and regular
on WSP’s intranet sites, and user
— Enterprise Risk Management (for in such locations. The guidelines communications campaigns. Further
guides, video tutorials and regional
further information, refer to the are available to all employees information on the Hotline is
guidelines on using the Registry are
“Risk Management” section of this via our intranet; they are updated available in the Code of Conduct.
also available. Regional guidelines
report); regularly and were last updated on GEH are available for employees
— Due diligence and in March 2020. in all of WSP’s operating regions, and
monitoring procedures for
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Meet Louie, WSP’s newest four-legged our indoor air and drinking water,
collaborator and Denmark’s first potentially posing environmental or
2019 in Numbers — We recorded having received pollution detection dog. health risks.
347 reports, through our reporting Detection or sniffer dogs have long This is where Louie steps in with his
As at December 31, 2019 channels, for 2019. been used across various sectors. acute sense of smell, working on all
— 212 reports were coded Today, it is not uncommon to find types of projects to locate hot spots
— Approximately 98.1% of employees
these dogs working in environmental outdoors or to identify exposure
had completed the onboarding as related to Employment
spheres, performing ecological pathways in buildings. For those
training and 96.8% had completed & Workplace. Out of the monitoring work for the protection concerned with Louie’s welfare
an annual refresher training 212 reports, 8% contained of endangered species or helping while on duty, his owner affirms
on our Code. For a regional allegations of discrimination. manage biological threats of invasive that he is very much engaged in
For those deemed to be species or diseases. As for Louie, he finding the pollution, enjoys every
breakdown of training completion,
might possibly be the first pollution minute of it, the exposure time is
please see Appendix A (Social substantiated, remedies have
detection dog in the world trained to low, and he has a great bill of health
Performance). been implemented or are in the detect chlorinated solvents—chemical that is maintained through regular
process of implementation.1 compounds that are readily used for veterinary visits. Louie has been an
— WSP had 12 full-time members of
commercial and industrial purposes, asset to the team and clients alike.
the Ethics and Compliance team, including metal cleaners/degreasers, So much so that our Danish team
which is approximately 1 member and dry-cleaning fluids. When handled, has hired a new dog called Kira!
per 4,100 employees. stored and disposed of improperly,
these compounds can contaminate soil Read more
— The Code had been communicated
and groundwater and even end up in
to all 8 members of the Board
of Directors, who signed a
certification of compliance with 6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and
minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion
the Code (an annual procedure). of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse
3.9 By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous
chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
1 Please see our People and Culture section for more information on our management of anti-
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Run an Ethics and Compliance program supported The Code of Conduct and underlying policies were The Code of Conduct and underlying policies were
by proper governance and up-to-date policies, for reviewed and approved by the Board in 2019, and new reviewed and approved by the Board in May 2020.
example through an annual review of the Code of versions were communicated to employees.
Have a Privacy program supported by proper The global Privacy program was reinforced through We plan to run our regular communications campaigns
governance and up-to-date policies. communications and training in 2019. (notably on Data Privacy Day on January 28, 2020),
as well as regular training initiatives that include
We highlighted Data Privacy Day on January 28 privacy-related topics. A global network of privacy
to employees, to open the conversation on data representatives will be established to enhance these
protection. communications.
Empower leaders to better understand and The Ethics Roadshow continued in 2019, where the The 2020 Ethics Roadshow started in Panama,
communicate ethics-related issues. Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer visited WSP Colombia and Peru at the beginning of 2020, and the
offices around the globe to highlight risks and best next roadshows will be determined once travel can be
business practices. resumed following the COVID-19 situation.
Approximately 850 employees attended the sessions in “Ethics moments” are continuing, notably during
16 offices across Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia- quarterly senior executive meetings.
Pacific, Australia and the Middle East.
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Provide ongoing training to WSP’s employees. All regions completed Code of Conduct annual All regions should complete Code of Conduct annual
refresher training in 2019. refresher training in 2020.
Maintain a high level of awareness with respect to A communications campaign for the Business Conduct A communications campaign for the Business Conduct
our Business Conduct Hotline. Hotline, including screensavers for employees’ Hotline is planned for 2020 (an annual campaign).
computers, was completed in 2019 to increase
awareness of this reporting mechanism.
Increase awareness of Ethics and Compliance. An annual reminder regarding business courtesy WSP plans to launch another communications
exchanges was communicated in 2019 at the beginning campaign on December 9, 2020 to highlight Anti-
of the festive season. Corruption Day.
In addition, an internal as well as social media With respect to key tools and processes, an enhanced
campaign was launched on Anti-Corruption Day on GEH and Conflicts of Interest registry tool is planned
December 9, 2019 whereby senior members of the for launch in 2020, as well as a further end-of-year
management team reinforced WSP’s commitment to communication regarding business courtesy exchanges.
doing business the right way.
WSP’s Board of Directors has oversight of Ethics and Compliance activities, and a
quarterly progress report is presented to the Governance, Ethics and Compliance
Committee by the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer. The Ethics and Compliance
program is also evaluated through internal monitoring and audit by the Corporation’s
Internal Audit department. In addition, ongoing assessment of the Ethics and
Compliance program is carried out through key metrics, including extent of use of
internal reporting mechanisms such the Business Conduct Hotline.
The maturity of our Ethics and Compliance program is currently being assessed by
an independent external third party to ensure our program remains world-class and
continues to evolve.
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Supply Chain
WSP’s global procurement team has field of engineering and consulting, but not limited to, information more specific detail about regional
developed a procurement strategy our purchase of physical goods is technology, professional fees and procurement processes.
and related policies, in line with focused on office supplies and IT travel).
WSP’s Guiding Principles. The team equipment. We do not directly carry — We launched our Global WSP expects all suppliers to conduct
negotiates major contracts benefiting out construction activities and do not Procurement Guidelines. The business lawfully and in accordance
the whole company and implements directly procure primary materials Guidelines cover responsibilities with the principles set out in our Code
global procurement programs, seeking such as concrete, steel and wood, and governance and apply to all of Conduct. For more information on
to minimize risks associated with except for certain client projects employees authorized to engage how WSP interacts with its suppliers
procurement activities. The global representing a small proportion of our in procurement activities. Topics and other third parties, please refer to
team works hand-in-hand with purchasing activities. covered include supplier selection the section describing our Third Party
procurement leaders in our major and evaluation methods, and the Code of Conduct above.
regions. We did not undergo any significant supplier onboarding process.
changes to our supply chain in 2019. Our Ethics and Compliance
WSP has relationships with a global professionals support procurement by
Supplier Evaluation
network of suppliers, which support 2019 Highlights governing the management of third-
our teams and constitute a significant and Governance party risks; overseeing compliance
portion of our supply chain. We — We worked with approximately with the Global DoA; and providing
40,000 suppliers around the globe. The Global Delegation of Authority
also proactively engage and support anti-corruption and anti-fraud
Policy (Global DoA) specifies the level
small and diverse businesses through — We spent approximately CAD training, including to employees who
of approvals required for matters
supplier programs in our larger 260 million in lease payments regularly purchase goods and services.
such as corporate expenses, capital
regions. (mainly rental for our office
expenditures and procurement,
spaces occupied worldwide) and
professional fees and services and
As an organization offering approximately CAD 700 million in
IT. Regional DoA policies provide
professional services principally in the other operational costs (including,
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
Supplier Environmental that validates financial, legal and highlighted the way we make equality, Risk Classification
Performance certification requirements for diversity and inclusion central to
Process for
suppliers proposing to meet a specific relationships with our suppliers.
In major regions, we ask suppliers procurement need for WSP. We plan “Being accredited with the National
our Suppliers in
about their environmental to roll out this system progressively Equality Standard is a fantastic Sweden
performance. Our global Request for through all our regions by mid 2021. achievement that recognizes our In our Swedish business,
Proposals template includes questions highly inclusive culture and ongoing suppliers are registered using
for larger suppliers on whether they Select Supplier commitment to creating greater diversity basic data, which is then
made available in a supplier
have a sustainability policy or plan.
Our regions enhance these checks
Diversity Programs in WSP and our industry. This is both
dashboard. Potential suppliers
important for staff wellbeing and making sign our Code of Conduct for
through their regional procedures, USA: COMMITTED TO OUR sure our business remains at the forefront Suppliers and are assessed
including risk classifications and of innovation, with a strong focus on our according to their compliance
verification of certifications. Through our Small Business Program, people.” - Mark Naysmith, CEO of WSP with this Code via an in-depth
Risk Classification Survey.
we champion the use of a diverse array UK and South Africa
The supplier is then given a
For our own operations, we purchase of small business concerns from many colour-coded risk level, allowing
“ENERGY STAR®” IT equipment, and Read more
socioeconomic backgrounds, including WSP to easily discern the level
have negotiated a global e-recycling disadvantaged businesses, minority of risk, thus leading to more
program with our supplier to ensure businesses, women-owned businesses, sustainable procurement
overall. Each year, an in-
that obsolete computers and other veteran and service-disabled veteran SUSTAINABLE SOCIETIES
depth evaluation according
IT equipment can either be safely owned businesses, and historically
For some time now, we have to our Code of Conduct takes
reused or recycled. We also have underutilized businesses. place for a selection of the
involved Indigenous communities in
a global agreement with Xerox, a most strategically important
Read more infrastructure projects to stimulate existing suppliers. In 2019, five
workplace technology company, to
growth for Indigenous businesses. In suppliers went through the in-
support recycled paper usage on all
UK: PROUD OF OUR NATIONAL October 2019, we invited Indigenous depth evaluation, based on the
our Xerox printers, as well as provide EQUALITY STANDARD businesses involved in delivering key result of our Risk Classification
a complete e-recycling program on all ACCREDITATION Survey.
services to attend our Indigenous
components. The agreement has been
In December 2019, we were Supplier Workshop to find out more
implemented in our operations in the
accredited with the National Equality about the opportunities to work with
UK to date and is being rolled out in
Standard (NES). Company culture WSP and our clients to help shape our
the US and Canada.
is assessed against the NES standard, thriving societies.
which was established by Ernst
In 2020, we began to implement an Read more
& Young (EY). The EY assessors
updated system for vendor evaluation
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
We are committed to measuring and managing
environmental performance and practices in our
operations and improving them over time.
Our approach to managing energy — Monitoring our resource use for WSP’s global operations and all
consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) recognizing that, as an office- acquisitions completed prior to the
emissions, water consumption, based business, we do not have start of the 2019 calendar year. More
waste generation and environmental significant waste generation or information on our methodology
compliance within our business water consumption impacts; and assumptions is included in
includes: — Sharing our progress with Appendix A.
stakeholders by measuring and
— Collecting performance data for disclosing our sustainability Energy use and resource consumption
our global operations; performance annually. from our operations are the
— Maintaining awareness responsibility of our Chief Operating
of potential business and Officer and Global Workplace Strategy
The figures presented in this section
environmental risks and group. WSP is committed to complying
represent the performance of our
opportunities associated with with all applicable environmental
global operations in approximately
climate change and preparing legislation.
534 offices across approximately
for upcoming mandatory energy 40 countries. 2 For 2019, we have
disclosure and carbon pricing in integrated sustainability information
some regions;
1 Environmental reporting includes all our owned and leased offices. As a result of acquisitions, some facilities have been acquired, vacated or consolidated
relative to 2018. Locations where WSP operates but does not lease space (e.g. client offices) are not included in our environmental reporting. 2018 performance
figures have been restated to include the Louis Berger acquisition as well as to incorporate more accurate information received after the publication of our
2018 report.
2 The exact number of offices and countries varies as we integrate acquired companies and consolidate operations.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 69 GRI 102-48, 302-103, 303-103, 305-103, 306-103, 307-103
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
2019 Performance Total Office Energy Consumption and Energy Intensity 2019 Office Energy Intensity by Region
3 The Real Property Association of Canada (REALpac) reports an average office energy use intensity of 30 kWh/sq.ft./yr. In the USA, results of CBECS indicate average energy use intensities of 22 to 31 kWh/sq.ft./yr,
varying by climate region.
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS — GHG emissions intensity per 2019 GHG Emissions by Type (Market-Based)
employee (tCO2e/FTE/year) is
Our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
greatest for our Canadian region,
are calculated from office energy
as a result of greater business
consumption and refrigerant
travel emissions per employee in
emissions, vehicle fuel use, and
that region;
business travel distances using
industry-accepted GHG emissions — Global average GHG intensity,
factors. 4 In 2019, WSP’s operations based on total scope 1, scope 2
emitted a total of approximately (market-based) and scope 3
86,912 tonnes of carbon dioxide divided by total employees, was
equivalent (tCO2e) GHG emissions, approximately 1.9 tCO2e/FTE/
across scope 1, 2 (market-based) and year, a 11.5% decrease from our
3 emissions sources, as noted below. 2018 baseline value of 2.2 tCO2e/
We noted that: — WSP's 2019 market-based scope 2
— 56% of measured scope 1, 2 emissions were 21,123 tCO2e,
(market-based), and 3 GHG while our location-based scope 2
emissions are from office energy emissions were approximately
use and company vehicle fuel use; 27,324 tCO2e.5
— The remaining 44% of GHG
emissions are from business travel;
— Company vehicle use and business 22% 21% 20% 18% 12%
travel resulted in approximately Scope 2: Scope 3: Scope 3: Scope 1: Scope 1:
53,715 tCO2e of emissions; Office energy - Business Business Fleet vehicles Office energy -
— Total (absolute) GHG emissions purchased travel - road travel - air fuels
are highest for our Americas
operations, as a result of greater
vehicle fleet and business travel 3% 2% 2% <1%
Scope 3: Scope 1: Scope 2: Scope 2:
Business Building Office energy - Office energy -
travel - rail refrigerants district district cooling
4 Scope 1: Onsite fuel consumption such as natural gas for heating or fuel consumption in owned and leased vehicles, as well as emissions from onsite refrigerant equipment. Scope 2: Energy generated by others and
purchased for use by offices such as grid electricity, district steam for heating, and chilled water for cooling. Scope 3: Other indirect emissions such as business air travel, rental vehicle use and train travel.
5 WSP’s market-based emissions include the emissions reduction effect of renewable energy certificate purchases, as well as the use of residual mix factors for our European operations, to better account for the
emissions intensity of those grids after accounting for green power purchased by others. WSP’s location-based emissions are calculated using the average electricity grid factor for each region or sub-region.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 71 GRI 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
To enhance transparency and Absolute GHG Emissions and GHG Intensity per FTE 2019 GHG Intensity per FTE by Region
confidence in our reported
performance, WSP sought verification
of our 2019 GHG inventory from GHG Emissions Intensity (tCO2e/FTE/yr)
0.9 0.1
protocols and standards including
the GHG Protocol and ISO 14064-3.
A copy of the Assurance Statement is
available here.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 72 GRI 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
reduction in absolute,
We also purchased 21,504 tCO2e of
carbon offsets, which reduced our Carbon Neutral
year-over-year net absolute GHG
market-based GHG emissions UK
across our global operations emissions by 34%. This was largely
from 2018 to 2030 driven by a commitment to carbon
neutrality in our US-based operations,
starting in 2019. Our UK and Sweden
operations have also made ambitious
carbon neutrality commitments. Our UK operations have made on our carbon neutral trajectory,
reduction in absolute, market- progress on a commitment to go and our Carbon Ideas Bank, which
based GHG emissions across our carbon neutral by 2025. As part encourages staff to submit carbon
global operations by 2021 During 2019, we convened a global
of the campaign, a Travel Choices reduction or sustainability ideas,
(interim target) Sustainability Task Force made up of Hierarchy and Carbon Levy were assessed by the CSR team. Over
leaders and functional experts across launched on domestic flights, 200 ideas have been submitted
Both targets include scope 1, scope 2 our regions, to identify regional GHG encouraging employees to choose so far, some of which have been
(market-based), and scope 3 business emissions reduction action plans, virtual meetings over unnecessary incorporated into our strategy.
and drive continual progress towards business travel. Proceeds from Our carbon initiatives have proven
travel emissions.
the levy are invested in charitable successful, winning “Company
our 2021 and 2030 targets. In 2020, and carbon engagement activities, of the Year” at the Global Good
For 2019, we have seen a 12% year- the Task Force will continue to meet such as the Green Travel Fund, Awards in 2019.
over-year reduction in absolute to share knowledge and progress in a monetary prize for the best
implementing regional actions. performing business unit to In 2020, we plan to expand the
market-based GHG emissions,
use towards green initiatives. scope of our commitment to
Champions were identified to help include employee commuting,
track carbon performance and energy consumption from third-
promote greener travel behaviours, party data centres, and from 2025,
and a taskforce was created to emissions associated with our
undertake research and implement client designs. This will bring us
a UK-wide communications into alignment with the UK’s Net
and engagement strategy. This Zero pledge.
included the launch of Carbon
Read more
Conversations, a webinar series
designed to inform the business
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
WATER WASTE Total Water Consumption Total Waste and Diversion Rate
Diversion Rate %
discharged to municipal treatment summary of our organization-wide
Metric Tonnes
Million Litres
facilities, and so no specific standards sustainability performance on key 100
for the quality of effluent discharge metrics.
have been set.
0 0
WSP did not receive any material fines
2018 2019 2018 2019
or material non-monetary sanctions for
non-compliance with environmental
Landfill Incineration
laws or regulations in 2019.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 74 GRI 303-103, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 306-2, 307-1
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing
release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated
wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally
Sustainable Workplaces: An Interview Health, Safety and Security Ethical Business Practices Supply Chain Management Environmental Performance
68.2 ML/D
An Integrated Resource Recovery
(IRR) strategy was developed for the
Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant
(WPCP), which marked the first step Daily Rated Flow
towards increasing the sustainability
of this plant.
6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing
release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated
wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally
7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
People and
IN THIS SECTION As we are writing this report, we This translates to global and
are facing unprecedented human, regional key initiatives which
economic and business challenges focus on attracting the right people,
Valuing Our People: An Interview caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. leading with passion and delivering
At this time, WSP’s priority for our learning and development programs
Our Employees
employees is to keep them safe, that advance our strategic priorities.
Diversity and Inclusion informed and connected.
In this section, we report on the first
Interacting with our Communities We can look back on 2019 as a year year of our 2019-2021 Global Strategic
where we set the stage for continuous Plan, sharing highlights and ongoing
Indigenous Relations
business growth by enhancing both initiatives for our employees, as well
our client and employee experience. as review our 2019 people-related
People and Culture is one of the four data. We introduce the section with an
foundational pillars of our 2019-2021 interview with our Chief Corporate
Global Strategic Plan. Our intent is to Services Officer, Robert Ouellette.
continue to make extraordinary efforts
to attract, lead, develop and retain the
best professionals.
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
succession planning process, we are Why is Diversity and Inclusion recognized in 2019 in the UK, where health initiatives. We've also launched
seeking to cut our voluntary turnover so important for a company like WSP was named "Company of the a number of surveys across the
rate to 12%. Reports on the progress Year" at the inaugural edition of the organization, so we can gain a clearer
made towards our objectives are Our people are our strength. We need Building Equality Awards, which pay understanding of people's needs and
submitted regularly to WSP's Board their talent and know-how, so we owe tribute to organizations that make expectations as we emerge from this
of Directors. it to them to provide a sustainable and outstanding contributions to LGBT+ crisis. We've already learned that our
inclusive work environment in which integration1. In the Middle East, WSP employees need an even more flexible
Although those objectives are they will feel valued, respected and was designated “Company of the Year: work environment, in which they
ambitious, our efforts are beginning to supported. Our employees, like our Defending Diversity and Inclusion” have the option of working from home
pay off in most of our regions. Globally clients, come from all backgrounds. at the Women in Construction event or at the office. Although the long-
speaking, our voluntary turnover rate hosted by the Big 5 conference in term effects of the crisis are still hard
fell from 15% in 2018 to 14% in 2019. When each of them is given an Dubai. to gauge, there's no question that we
We are aware that more progress is opportunity to thrive, develop and will have to adapt while still offering
necessary, and we will continue to pull collaborate within a diversified team, In your view, how will the current our employees the flexibility they need
pandemic impact our strategy and
out all the stops to reach our internal then our company will no doubt and reviewing how we deliver our
our human resources programs?
succession and gender balance targets. continue to be agile, innovative and client services. That will be the main
Although the current pandemic may resilient. We will also be able to offer At this point, a significant majority challenge we face in 2020.
have an impact on reaching our goals the very best to our clients. of our employees are working from
over time, our aspirations have not home. All our teams are managing the
changed, and People and Culture We are extremely proud of the fact crisis diligently and are supporting
remains one of the central pillars of that our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and our employees by implementing
our strategy. transgender pro-diversity efforts were additional assistance programs,
including wellbeing and mental
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
2019 Global Highlights 2019 HIGHLIGHTS: in the various initiatives offered, and by 220 WSP leaders. In addition, 34%
that equates to a representation of of cohort participants for our Senior
— We organized two interactive
just under 30%. Leadership Academy were women in
LEADERSHIP FORUM webcasts presented by our
2019, which surpassed our target.
CEO, reinforcing pillars of
We continued to engage and build the SENIOR LEADERSHIP ACADEMY
communication and networking to
leadership capabilities of participants We plan to continue to offer the
raise global business awareness. In 2019, another 50 members of
in our Leadership Forum, a talent Academy in the future, as well
— We continued our “360 Feedback” the Leadership Forum took part in
management initiative covering our as leveraging our region-specific
exercise, allowing participants to our Senior Leadership Academy.
operations across the globe, to support leadership programs, although the
gain insight on their professional In collaboration with the McGill
the vision presented in our 2019-2021 delivery formats will need to be
and leadership impact. Executive Institute in Montreal, these
Global Strategic Plan. aligned with any ongoing COVID-19
senior leaders from across the globe
— We launched a pilot for a new safe working practices.
took part in the six-month program,
Leadership Forum participants are global mentoring program,
which is tailored to increase strategic GLOBAL PROJECT
identified at different stages in their enabling relationship-based
leadership skills and networking MANAGEMENT ACADEMY
careers, from emerging talent to leadership development by
experienced professionals and senior mentee/mentor pairing from In 2019, our third Global Project
leaders, using common selection different WSP regions. Management Academy was launched,
Close to 150 leaders have now
criteria. In 2019, we increased In addition to regional efforts to participated in the Academy since its with over 150 participants from 13
the number of participants in the support the development of our future inception in May 2018, and feedback countries taking part. The intensive
Forum by 10% to approximately leaders, our Global Leadership Forum from participants again showed an six-month program included a
1,200, in line with the growth of our continues to provide opportunities for average satisfaction rate of over 90% training session hosted in Canada. The
company. high potential talent, and employees in 2019. This initiative complemented Academy was initiated in 2017 by our
identified in our succession plan. In our June 2019 Leadership Conference Global Leadership Team in partnership
2019, around 350 women took part hosted in Edinburgh, UK, attended with the International Institute for
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Our Employees
Employment Practices1
The information below is an overview of our people by gender, contract type and
region, as well as data on our hiring and employee turnover rates, and benefits
provided to employees.
Canada EMEIA
2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
MALE 5,475 69% 5,441 69% 5,350 68% MALE 11,745 71% 13,648 71% 14,098 71%
FEMALE 2,438 31% 2,475 31% 2,571 32% FEMALE 4,691 29% 5,501 29% 5,765 29%
TOTAL 7,913 100% 7,916 100% 7,921 100% TOTAL 16,436 100% 19,149 100% 19,863 100%
Americas3 APAC
2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
MALE 6,394 67% 8,115 65% 8,876 67% MALE 5,557 70% 5,720 69% 6,049 69%
FEMALE 3,158 33% 4,285 35% 4,322 33% FEMALE 2,430 30% 2,547 31% 2,709 31%
TOTAL 9,552 100% 12,400 100% 13,198 100% TOTAL 7,987 100% 8,267 100% 8,758 100%
1 Data have been provided by Regional Human Resources teams. Any assumptions made are described in footnotes throughout this section. In most regions, WSP’s workforce does not include a significant number
of workers who are not employees (i.e. self-employed people), and does not undergo seasonal variations in employment numbers – with the exception of staffing changes related to workflow volumes, and Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) contracts in the US.
2 Data reported cover global employees as at December 31, 2019. Employee data broken down by region and gender is not yet available for some 2018 and 2019 acquisitions (Ecology and Environment Inc.and Louis Berger
International operations in Africa and Europe); as a result, the available percentage breakdown is applied to the total number of employees to estimate the number of employees in each category for those acquisitions.
Data represent 98% of total employees.
3 US and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
MALE 25,525 71% 28,049 70% 30,553 71% 1,848 56% 2,120 55% 1,294 45%
FEMALE 10,495 29% 11,810 30% 12,697 29% 1,477 44% 1,745 45% 1,592 55%
TOTAL 36,020 100% 39,859 100% 43,250 100% 3,325 100% 3,865 100% 2,886 100%
MALE 27,373 70% 30,169 69% 31,847 69% 1,798 71% 2,755 69% 2,526 70%
FEMALE 11,972 30% 13,555 31% 14,289 31% 745 29% 1,253 31% 1,078 30%
TOTAL 39,345 100% 43,724 100% 46,136 100% 2,543 100% 4,008 100% 3,604 100%
CANADA 7,696 20% 7,640 17% 7,649 17% 217 9% 276 7% 272 8%
AMERICAS 8,781 22% 10,607 24% 11,597 25% 771 30% 1,793 45% 1,601 44%
EMEIA 15,475 39% 17,923 41% 18,515 40% 961 38% 1,226 31% 1,348 37%
APAC 7,393 19% 7,554 17% 8,375 18% 594 23% 713 18% 383 11%
TOTAL 39,345 100% 43,724 100% 46,136 100% 2,543 100% 4,008 100% 3,604 100%
4 Employee data broken down by employment type/contract and gender, and employment contract and region, is not yet available for some 2018 and 2019 acquisitions (Ecology and Environment Inc. and Louis Berger
International operations in Africa and Europe); as a result, the available percentage breakdown is applied to the total number of employees to estimate the number of employees in each category for those acquisitions.
Data represent 98% of total employees.
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Employment Benefits
The table below summarizes benefits available to full-time and part-time employees in our principal operating regions.7,8
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Wellness Programs Examples of initiatives that were — As part of the launch of Canada’s Learning and
In 2019, a number of our larger regions
implemented in 2019 include: new Health & Wellness program, a
— As part of the US Developing series of initiatives were deployed
either implemented or expanded Professionals Network (DPN) including health challenges, Our goal is to provide learning and
their existing health and wellbeing Mentoring Season, our Live Well cardiovascular testing clinics, development opportunities which
programs. These programs offer program encouraged mentors mental health certification for assure the advancement of strategic
employees a range of resources and and mentees to engage in healthy managers and a webinar on business priorities, while at the same
initiatives to support their physical, activities and share pictures on helping employees make healthy time enabling our people to deliver on
mental, social and financial wellbeing. social media. choices in their grocery shopping. their full potential.
Access is open to all via our intranets
— Both the UK and the Middle East set
and typically includes a mixture WSP employees around the world have
up networks of Mental Health First The COVID-19 crisis is unfolding as
of reading resources, webinars, access to a wealth of information and
Aiders, who are trained to listen and we write this report and clearly our
e-learning courses, competitions, training to develop their knowledge
signpost employees with mental health and wellbeing programs have
online health assessments and links to and skills. The offerings range from
health concerns to the appropriate a huge part to play in supporting our
specific support provided by external onboarding training to professional
support. employees through this difficult time.
providers. In addition, most regions growth programs on client and project
— Our businesses in Australia This includes providing resources
have a network of employee health management; leadership; technical
and New Zealand partnered to help manage stress, setting up
and wellbeing champions who are and soft skills; as well as career
with external providers to help virtual team events to keep employees
tasked with promoting, supporting development. Accessible from online
employees better manage their engaged, as well as providing advice
and assuring the delivery of these portals, the variety of flexible learning
work-life balance, by providing and support to enable more effective
programs at a local level. options ranges from workshops and
them with resources to easily access home-working.
webinars to self-paced e-learning
health and wellness services.
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
In 2019, employees spent a total of initiative, a way to help our people CASE STUDY
approximately 1,159,000 hours on find balance across professional
learning and development activities.
This equates to approximately 26 hours
delivery, wellbeing and growth.
One of the initiatives is Mindful WSP Recognized at the Royal
for each full-time equivalent employee, Monday, a weekly meditation
which is comparable to 2018.9 available on Spotify. Society for the Prevention
— Sweden launched their new
Examples of learning and development
highlights from 2019 include:
12-week “Reach Development
Program”, which aims to accelerate
of Accidents (RoSPA) Health
— We continue to focus across all
regions on the development of our
the personal development of their
employees. Participants work with and Safety Awards
current challenges and look at
early career professionals. In 2019, them from different angles with UK
our UK business won the ACE the support of a learning “buddy”,
“Emerging Professional Employer in order to increase their self-
of the Year” award in recognition awareness and enable them to take
of the investment we have made charge of their own development.
in this area through apprentice, Our UK business was “Highly Environmental Award category.
undergraduate and graduate Commended” in the International This Award recognizes excellence
While most of our learning and
development schemes. Dilmun Environmental Award in environmental management,
development initiatives are developed category, and we also achieved alongside contributions to
— In pursuit of our strategic and delivered locally, we continue our second Order of Distinction Corporate Social Responsibility
objective to improve our to foster collaboration and share (for 16 years of consecutive and Sustainability. The judges
leadership capabilities, all of our knowledge amongst our regions Gold awards). cited that they were particularly
larger regions had a specific focus impressed with how WSP is
through our Talent Management
RoSPA is the longest-running working towards embedding
in 2019 to develop and expand Community of Practice, which consists industry health and safety our environmental management
their leadership and management of monthly sessions held with our awards scheme in the UK, looking principles and sustainability
development programs to Learning and Development experts not only at accident records, strategy across the business and
complement our global initiatives across all regions. As a result, several but also entrants’ overarching in our projects.
in this area. environmental and health and
successful learning activities have
safety management systems, We also achieved our second
— Our Australian Learning and been repurposed for use across other including important practices such Order of Distinction, awarded for
Development team was named regions, which has proved particularly as strong leadership and workforce demonstrating well-developed
by Australian Human Resources useful to support employees through involvement. occupational health and safety
Director Magazine on its the pandemic. management systems and culture,
We were awarded our first-ever outstanding control of risk and
“Innovative HR Teams List for RoSPA environmental award, very low levels of error, harm
2020” for our Mindfulness@Work being named “Highly Commended” and loss.
in the International Dilmun
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Equal Opportunities WSP internally monitors and addresses Board of Directors and expertise, as well as criteria that
1 Data reported for 2019 represent 98% of permanent employees, not counting 2018 and 2019 acquisitions for which this information is not yet available (Ecology and Environment Inc.) and Louis Berger International
operations in Africa and Europe.
2 In 2018, some refinement was undertaken of the employment category definitions to assure a greater level of equivalence across the regions. Year-on-year comparisons should therefore be viewed with caution.
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
The Board will continue to promote As at March 13, 2020: metric has not moved forward in balance, please consult pages 34-35 of
its diversity objectives through the 2019, we have started to see steady our 2020 Management Information
initiatives set out in, among other — Three out of our eight Directors were improvements in a number of regions Circular.
things, the Corporate Governance women, representing 37.5% of the and recognize that more work is
required in some regions in order to
Guidelines and its 2019-2021 Directors on our Board5.
reach our 2021 goal of over 30%.
Equal Remuneration6
Global Strategic Plan, with a view — There were eight women out of
to identifying and fostering the WSP’s policy is for fair and equal
twenty-seven members of WSP’s
development of a suitable pool Although still a challenge at both treatment of employees, free from
global senior management team,
of candidates for nomination or the global level and in most regions, discrimination, including specifically
representing 30% of this team. There
appointment over time. we have seen more women fulfilling pay discrimination as an area of
were two key nominations:
leadership roles reporting directly focus. WSP monitors pay equity
— Ivy Kong joined the Global to regional CEOs, including our first data internally. We are committed
The Governance, Ethics and
Leadership Team and became the female country leader in Colombia. to equal pay for our employees and
Compensation Committee, in its
first ever female Chief Executive These improvements have been continue to seek opportunities to
periodic review of the composition
Officer for our Asian operations. achieved by taking a more proactive strengthen our balanced approach
of the Board and executive officer
appointments, assesses the — Marie-Claude Dumas officially approach to both internal and external to compensation. Given the global
effectiveness of the Board nomination joined the Global Leadership recruitment activities, leadership scope of our organization, we are
process and senior management Team in January 2020 as our development, as well as succession working internally to prioritize
appointment process in achieving the Global Director, Major Projects & planning. equal remuneration strategies with
Corporation’s diversity objectives, and Programs and Executive Market stakeholders in human resources
monitors the implementation of these Leader - Quebec. Marie-Claude WSP truly views having a diverse and management. In 2019, we made
guidelines. As we became a member has also recently been named workforce and inclusive workplace as progress with tracking and analytics
of the 30% Club Canada in 2018, WSP Global Sponsor for Diversity essential to maintaining a competitive in this area to assure comparable
set a target of achieving 30% women and Inclusion at WSP, and will edge for our business. We also believe metrics across our regions.
on our Board of Directors and in establish a network across our that this is a crucial opportunity to
the C-Suite4 by 2022. In our 2019- regions to focus on our strategy in leverage our strengths to help us
2021 Global Strategic Plan, we also coming months. navigate the storm we are currently
commit to ensuring that over 30% of In 2019, 21% of our management positions facing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
our management positions (business (business leaders and middle management) For more information on WSP’s
leaders and middle management) are were held by women. While globally this approach to diversity and gender
held by women by 2021.
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Interacting with
our Communities1
1 The percentage of operations with local community engagement programs has not been quantified.
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Supporting DENMARK
Bringing STEM to
Future Careers Girls’ Day in Science is a nationwide
campaign day with the purpose of
inspiring girls to study or work in
On a Saturday in April 2019, our
the fields of science and technology.
Hong Kong Volunteer Team members
Orbicon, now part of WSP, has
supported The Hong Kong Society
participated since 2013. In 2019, we
for the Deaf on an Adventure Fun
invited girls from a neighbouring high
Day at SuperPark with 30 hearing-
school to visit our headquarters in Høje
MIDDLE EAST impaired primary students. Activities
Taastrup, where they learned about
centred around science, technology,
University Students Students meet Louie, Denmark's the life of an engineer and met some of
engineering and mathematics (STEM),
first pollution detection dog. our female project managers. We also
Visit WSP’s Iconic participated in an event hosted at a local
Virtual Reality (VR) experiences
Projects university, where Mette Algreen Nielsen
and capped off with a picnic at West
Kowloon Cultural District Art Park.
Over 25 civil engineering students presented her dog Louie, Denmark’s
from the University of Bahrain had first pollution detection dog.
the chance to visit One Za’abeel and
Ain Dubai, two of WSP’s most iconic Wonder Project
projects in Dubai. The site visits began
with an introduction to the projects’
design and construction initiatives, 25 employees from our New Zealand
the difficulties encountered, and offices were Ambassadors for The
the solutions to addressing these Wonder Project, a series of hands-on
challenges. The visit concluded with school curriculum programs designed
a career talk presentation from two to spark wonder in youngsters and get
of WSP’s Senior Project Directors to them excited about a future career in
share their own career development science, technology, engineering and
stories. Through this enriching mathematics (STEM). As Wonder Project
experience, the future graduates Ambassadors, our employees helped
gained an understanding of the teachers and their students complete a
responsibilities of an engineer, the six to eight-week program, promoted
daily challenges, and the importance the field at school career fairs, and gave
of using their knowledge to create new inspiring presentations encouraging
and exciting projects. students to study STEM subjects.
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Lending SWEDEN
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Making a Global Impact
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Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Valuing our People: An Interview Our Employees Diversity and Inclusion Interacting with our Communities Indigenous Relations
Kaituna River
estuary. Davies Project Award from the New
Zealand Planning Institute.
The project sought to address the long-
Estuary Enhancement
of the estuary and the wellbeing of the Council representatives to celebrate
local community. the return of freshwater flows from
the Kaituna River into the Te Awa
The large-scale project brought o Ngātoroirangi/Maketū Estuary.
Bay of Plenty, New Zealand together the Bay of Plenty Regional The commissioning of this project
Image courtesy of Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana
6.6 By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands,
rivers, aquifers and lakes
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all
Appendix A:
Performance Summary
Appendix B:
Corporate Risk Summary
Appendix A:
Performance Summary
Table A-1: Environmental Performance1,2
Energy 4 Natural Gas GJ 199,300 193,143 305-2
Other Fuels (Diesel, Kerosene, Liquified Petroleum Gas) GJ 132 201 302-1
Electricity GJ 349,215 356,661 302-1
Heating GJ 30,871 54,299 302-1
Cooling GJ 587 1,130 302-1
Total Office Energy Consumption GJ 580,105 605,434 302-1
Renewable Energy Procured GJ 87,392 1,121 302-1
Transportation Fuel GJ 231,640 269,380 N/A
GHG Emissions5 Scope 1 Direct Emissions tCO2 25,293 27,492 305-1
tCH4 1 1 305-1
tN2O 0.2 0.2 305-1
HFC 134-A 2 2 305-1
tCO2e 27,565 30,385 305-1
Scope 2 Indirect Emissions (Location-based) tCO2 27,167 31,515 305-2
tCH4 1 2 305-2
tN2O 0.4 0.5 305-2
tCO2e 27,324 31,691 305-2
1 Due to rounding, summing some numbers may yield slightly different results from the totals reported here.
2 2017 performance figures have not been published since WSP has grown through acquisitions since this time.
3 2018 performance figures have been restated to include the Louis Berger acquisition as well as to incorporate more accurate information received after the publication of our 2018 report.
4 WSP collected energy consumption data from our facilities. We did not sell any energy in 2019. Energy consumption information was converted to GJ and kWh using conversion factors from EPA Climate Leaders Design
Principles Appendix 2, and Energy Star Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Thermal Energy Conversions. Where actual electricity and natural gas consumption information was unavailable, this was estimated
using industry averages from the US Energy Information Administration Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), prorated by office floor area.
5 WSP relied on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, made available by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute, to develop our 2019 GHG inventory. We employ the
operational control approach in compilation of our inventory. Reported GHG emissions include all six greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6). To convert energy consumption, fuel combustion and business
travel data into GHG emissions, we used emissions factors from US EPA eGRID, International Energy Agency, Environment Canada National Inventory Report, US Environmental Protection Agency Emission Factors
Hub (US EPA EF Hub) and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). WSP does not produce significant biogenic emissions. Global warming potentials used to convert emissions into CO2e are
sourced from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 101 GRI 102-48, 302-1, 305-1, 305-2
6 We collected water withdrawal information from our facilities. Actual water consumption information was available for approximately 19% of total office space globally, comprising 71 million litres. Remaining water
consumption was estimated from the average water use intensity for Canadian offices from the REALpac 2012 Water Benchmarking Pilot Report; Performance of the Canadian Office Sector, prorated by office floor
area. Water withdrawn in areas of water stress is not tracked.
7 We collected waste output information from our facilities. Waste disposal methods and amounts were determined through tracking waste directly disposed by facilities, through reports from waste disposal
contractors or through waste audits (bag counts). Actual waste output information was available for approximately 18% of total office space globally, comprising 495 tonnes of waste to landfill. Remaining landfill waste
was estimated from the average waste output intensity for our offices with actual data prorated by office floor area. Recycling and other waste output were not estimated if not available.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 102 GRI 303-3, 305-2, 305-3, 306-2
Employees Full-Time Equivalent Employees (FTE) Number 47,283 45,835 44,129 102-8
Occupational Lost Time Injury Rate Incidents per 0.06 0.06 0.07 N/A
Health And Safety 100,000 hours
Recordable All Work-Related Injury Incidents per 0.51 0.50 0.52 N/A
Frequency Rate 100,000 hours
Incidents per 1.10 0.99 1.06 403-9
200,000 hours
8 In 2018, we set a goal for over 30% of our management positions to be held by women by 2021. This metric was not tracked consistently on a global basis prior to 2018.
WSP 2019 GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 103 GRI 102-8, 102-41, 401-1, 403-9, 405-1
CANADA % 99.7 - -
AMERICAS % 99.1 - -
EMEIA % 96.5 - -
APAC % 98.4 - -
Total % 98.1 - -
CANADA % 100.0 - -
AMERICAS % 96.010 - -
EMEIA % 93.9 - -
APAC % 99.5 - -
Total % 96.8 - -
Appendix B:
Corporate Risk Summary
MITIGATION CYCLE (2019-2021) 2
People Health and Safety: Risk that events Policies: Global Health See “Health, Safety and Security” in In 2020: See “Health, Safety and Security” in this
can lead to harm and/or illness, injury, & Safety Policy this Report. Report.
People – or death, of individuals present in a
Health, Safety WSP workplace. Expectations for By the end of 2021: On our journey to Zero Harm, all
& Security Managing Health and regions to achieve a lost time injury rate (LTIR) of <0.1
Security: An event or situation with Safety and our internal per 100,000 hours worked.
the potential to result in harm to Standards
employees, contractors or clients
working on our behalf as a result of a Accountability: Chief
terrorist threat, criminal activity, act Operating Officer/
of war or civil unrest. Global Head of Health,
Safety and Security
2019 Management’s Discussion and
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors),
page 52 of our Annual Report.
1 Please also refer to section 18 of WSP's Q1 2020 Management’s Discussion & Analysis (on pages 26-27).
2 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some planned 2020 actions may be reprioritized as the situation evolves.
People The risk that replacement of WSP's Accountability (for key — See “People and Culture” in this See “People and Culture” in this Report.
key professionals is not adequately employee positions): Report.
People – planned, and leads to loss of skills and Chief Corporate In 2020:
— In terms of risk management, an
Succession knowledge. Services Officer/ in-depth evaluation of metrics,
Planning Global Director, Talent key risk indicators and methods — Continue to enhance the succession management
2019 Management’s Discussion and to measure progress was carried process, including senior review sessions.
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), out. — Focus on, and track, the development of potential
page 56 of our Annual Report. For senior Executives, successors.
see the 2020 By the end of 2021: Over 75% of Global Leadership
Management positions (and those of their direct reports) will be filled
Information Circular, by internal candidates.
page 38.
Ethics Risk of misconduct by senior See “Ethical Business See “Ethical Business Practices” in In 2020: See “Ethical Business Practices” in this Report.
officers, employees, subsidiaries, Practices” in this this Report.
Ethics – intermediaries or any third party Report. By the end of 2021: 100% of our workforce will have
Bribery and (individual or corporate) acting on completed ethics onboarding (following hire) and annual
Corruption WSP’s behalf. Policies: Code of refresher training.
Conduct, including the
2019 Management’s Discussion and Anti-Corruption Policy
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors),
pages 52-53, 58 of our Annual Report. Accountability: Chief
Ethics and Compliance
Ethics & Integrity on our global website. Officer
Ethics Risk of manipulated financial Policies: Global and — The annual global fraud risk In 2020:
information, or decisions taken by Regional Delegation of assessment was completed.
Ethics – managers being contrary to WSP's Authority Policies — Continue to complete fraud risk assessments in
— Quarterly attestations
Management internal control procedures. major regions.
completed by the most
Override Accountability: Chief significant regions each quarter. — Quarterly attestations to be completed by all
(fraud) 2019 Management’s Discussion and Financial Officer regions.
— Increased fraud risk awareness
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), in all regions. — Continue to highlight fraud risk awareness in all
pages 52-53, 56, 61 of the Annual regions, especially in the context of the COVID-19
Report. pandemic.
By the end of 2021: Significant management judgments
and estimates that materially impact the financial
results to be presented to the audit committee for
review on a quarterly basis.
Projects Risk that project-related activities Policies: — Continued roll-out of local and In 2020:
and performances significantly global training and development
Projects impact WSP's financial strength, — Global Major programs. — Introduction of a new Global Leadership Team role
– Large / competitive position or reputation. Project Guidelines to focus on the opportunities presented by major
— Increased global sourcing of
Material projects.
— Opportunity Go/ project managers for major
Projects 2019 Management’s Discussion and No Go review project opportunities. — Expand the use of virtual global teams to support
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), process project execution planning and risk/opportunity
— Continued focus on core
pages 57- 61 of our Annual Report. review.
— Global and competence and risk mitigation
Regional at go/no go phase of opportunity. — Creation of a global community of our people
Delegation of focused on projects and commercial activities
— Increased global collaboration to
Authority Policies to support the growth of this expertise, share
share best practice and “pitfalls”
global best practice and strengthen our project
Accountability: Chief including cross business teams
performance delivery culture.
Operating Officer/ for high-risk project review.
Chief Financial Officer — Large project audits became By the end of 2021: Have a suite of best practices and
a part of the annual audit processes available to support an empowered and
program. accountable culture supporting collaboration to drive
performance from our projects.
Projects Professional claims or litigation Policies: Global and The global team continued to In 2020:
resulting from losses, damages or Regional Delegation of implement various initiatives to
Projects – injuries caused by WSP, its employees, Authority Policies enhance WSP’s claims reporting and — Focus on reporting and claims handling practices
Claims subcontractors or business partners claims management practices, foster to further strengthen process globally.
in the delivery of their services. Accountability: Chief its partnership with insurers, promote — Upgrade claims-related internal controls to be
Legal Officer/Global active dispute resolution, disseminate integrated in the Compliance program and tested
2019 Management’s Discussion and Director, Insurance lessons learned and improve WSP’s on an annual basis. Global guidelines relating
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), overall risk profile. to insurance, claims reporting, claims handling
pages 56-57 of our Annual Report. and reserves management are being revised to
increase visibility of risk and minimize potential
insurance coverage issues.
— Review of past/settled claims to develop “lessons-
learned” program for project managers.
By the end of 2021: Enhanced claims management,
dispute avoidance and resolution approach in place
across WSP.
Information IT Security: Ransomware or other Policies: Information — External evaluation of IT In 2020:
Technology form of intentional malicious attack Security Policy security, and recommendations
that prevents WSP access to its incorporated into security — Upgrade to firewall to increase perimeter and
IT Security Accountability: Chief improvement plan. estate protection.
systems and data to perform work.
Information Security — Mandatory Security Awareness — Roll out a Global Acceptable Computer Usage
2019 Management’s Discussion and Officer Training continued for all Policy setting out responsibilities for information
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), employees. security to all employees.
pages 53-54 of our Annual Report. — Technical security testing on — Extended Security Awareness Training syllabus to
acquisitions and remediation of be made mandatory for all staff.
material findings was carried
— Audit to be performed regarding the activities of a
key IT supplier undertaking outsourced activities.
— Security (penetration) testing
— Extend penetration testing across all regions to
took place.
generate a full risk picture.
— Dedicated security program set
up to deliver information security
By the end of 2021:
Information IT Infrastructure: Obsolete and Policies: Information — Global IT infrastructure refresh In 2020:
Technology sub-optimal IT infrastructure Classification and program established.
resulting in service interruption that Handling Policy — Full implementation of new storage and backup
— New Global Technical Standard
IT infrastructure in multiple regions.
prevents WSP access to its business defined for our critical IT
Infrastructure Accountability: Chief
systems and data. infrastructure platforms. — Reduction of technical debt across estate.
Information Officer
— Data storage and backup — Update of Information Classification and Handling
2019 Management’s Discussion and Policy.
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), — Network and telecoms
— Complete the revamping of our Wide Area
pages 53-54 of our Annual Report. — Start the implementation of
Network (WAN) to minimize business impacts
new data storage and backup
while providing more capacity for specific
— Strengthen our processes with
3rd party suppliers to maximize
response for major incidents to
shorten recovery time. By the end of 2021:
Regulatory Failure to meet the requirements Policies: — Privacy awareness training was In 2020:
of applicable privacy laws and included in the global e-learning
Regulatory regulations. — Global Privacy curriculum. — Roll out a Global Acceptable Computer Usage
– Data Policy Policy setting out responsibilities for information
— Data breach simulations were
Protection & 2019 Management’s Discussion and security and data protection to all employees.
— Global Acceptable conducted.
Privacy Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), Computer Usage — Continue to conduct data breach simulations.
pages 52-53 of our Annual Report. Policy
— Strengthen global network of professionals
— Global Information leading Privacy matters in our regions.
Security Policy
— Roll out of Records Management Policy.
Accountability: Chief — Update our Global Information Security Policy.
Ethics and Compliance
— Update our Global Information Classification and
Handling Policy.
Information Security
Officer By the end of 2021: Establish a remediation plan,
including related GDPR gaps, and address identified
Regulatory Failure to comply with identified Accountability: Chief An analysis of the inventory of key In 2020: An assessment to be conducted as part of the
industry, regional and international Legal Officer laws and regulations was carried ERM Program (as part of an annual process).
Regulatory regulations. out by the global Enterprise Risk
– Others (i.e. Management (ERM) team during By the end of 2021: Complete a global inventory of key
inventory of 2019 Management’s Discussion and regional visits. laws and regulations that could significantly impact
major laws/ Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), WSP.
regulations pages 52-53 of our Annual Report.
Emerging Risk that man-made major events Policies: Global Review of best practices and In 2020: Our activities have been significantly impacted
and/or natural disasters can affect and regional planning for fully integrated Crisis by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, with a resulting
Emerging – WSP’s performance. crisis and incident Management Plan, including Health significant focus on our crisis plans. We have benefited
Disruptive communications and Safety, IT and Operations. from our standardized approach to crisis management,
Macro 2019 Management’s Discussion and policies with the crisis also enhancing this approach.
Events (e.g. Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors),
competition, page 58 of our Annual Report. Accountability: Chief By the end of 2021: Global integrated Crisis
geopolitical) Operating Officer/ Management Plan deployed in all major regions and
Global Head of Health, deployment plan in place for all other regions.
Safety and Security
Emerging Risk of losing a market advantage Accountability: Chief Pilot initiative started to develop a In 2020:
and/or having irrelevant/obsolete Corporate Services business case for global file-sharing,
Emerging – processes following a major Officer/Global Director, based on investigating optimal — Develop and prove business case for global file-
Disruptive technology event. Digital technology, user experience and cost sharing.
Technology options. — Leverage digital offerings and expertise across
2019 Management’s Discussion and regions.
Analysis, Section 20 (Risk Factors), — Establish governance framework including quality
page 53 of our Annual Report. and security standards.
— Develop market positioning.
— Investigate organizational structural models to
embed digital capability in WSP, premised on
leveraging global projects and capabilities.
Organizational Profile
102-1 Name of the organization Cover
102-2 Activities, brands, products and services Overview, p.14, 17-20, Clients and Expertise, p.52
102-8 Information on employees and other workers People and Culture, p.82-83; Appendix A, p.103
102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain Overview, p.15; Operational Excellence, p.67
102-12 External initiatives Overview, p.12, 21, Strategy, Stakeholders and Governance, p.31-32
102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker Overview, p.6-9
102-18 Governance structure Strategy, Stakeholders and Governance, p.27-28
Stakeholder Engagement
102-40 List of stakeholder groups Strategy, Stakeholders and Governance, p.35, 39-41
102-41 Collective bargaining agreements People and Culture, p.84; Appendix A-2 p.103
102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders Strategy, Stakeholders and Governance, p.39
102-44 Key topics and concerns raised Strategy, Stakeholders and Governance, p.35, 39-41
Reporting Practices
102-45 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements Overview p.15
102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries Strategy, Stakeholders and Governance, p.35-37
102-47 List of material topics Strategy, Stakeholders and Governance, p.34, 36-37
102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report Back Cover, p.120
102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards Overview, p.4 ; GRI Content Index, p.113
UNGC Communication
on Progress
Certain information regarding WSP contained in this Sustainability Report may constitute forward-
looking statements. Forward-looking statements may include estimates, plans, expectations,
opinions, forecasts, projections, guidance or other statements that are not statements of fact.
Although WSP believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are
reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to have been correct.
These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties and may be based on assumptions
that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-
looking statements. WSP's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by
this cautionary statement. The complete version of the cautionary note regarding forward-looking
statements as well as a description of the relevant assumptions and risk factors likely to affect
WSP's actual or projected results are included in WSP’s Management’s Discussion and Analysis
for year ended December 31, 2019 and for the first quarter of 2020 ended March 28, 2020, both of
which are available on SEDAR at The forward-looking statements contained in this
Sustainability Report are made as of the date hereof and WSP does not assume any obligation to
update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise unless expressly required by applicable securities laws.