2017 SK Hynix SR Eng
2017 SK Hynix SR Eng
2017 SK Hynix SR Eng
Sustainability Management
About This Report
This report is SK hynix’s 10th annual sustainability report. SK hynix has been
sharing its vision, performances, and activities for sustainability management
with stakeholders by publishing annual sustainability reports since 2008. Stake-
holders’ opinions and feedbacks are unreservedly adopted to our sustainability
management activities, through which we proactively meet their expectations
and requirements.
We have focused on reporting the most significant issues for both internal and
external stakeholders which were identified through the materiality analysis.
Smart Solution
The “Focus Areas” section covers those issues, helping stakeholders easily under-
stand our sustainability performances and information.
Happy Life
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of sustainability report, SK hynix had
time to review key sustainability performances over the past decade and dis-
cuss development directions of its sustainability management with profession-
als in the academia and industry. Presented subjects at the panel discussion
and special conversation with experts were reported in the “Special Theme”
section and will be adopted to our sustainability management policy and deci- With creativity, passion, and indomitable spirit
sion-making process.
to develop cutting-edge technologies, SK hynix
is leading the digital era and growing into the
Reporting Principle
world’s top semiconductor company.
This report was prepared in accordance with the Core option of the GRI (Global
We also pursue sustainable growth by fulfilling
Reporting Initiative) G4 guideline and the ISO 26000, the international standard
on social responsibility. Financial information in this report was drawn up on our social responsibilities and roles through
the basis of K-IFRS (Korean International Financial Reporting Standards). sharing our achievements and happiness with
more people. We are committed to making our
Reporting Period tomorrow smarter and happier.
This report covers SK hynix’s sustainability activities and performances from
January 1 through December 31, 2016. To provide a better understanding of
our quantitative results, data for the last three fiscal years from 2014 to 2016
were applied. And some crucial qualitative results spanned the period up to
the first half of 2017.
Cover Story
The report cover was designed to feature the
The information of this sustainability report was verified by Korea Standards memory semiconductor package with the aim of
Association, an independent assurance agency. Safety, health, and environ- celebrating its 10th anniversary and getting clos-
ment performances at all worksites were reviewed on the basis of the report er to stakeholders in a differentiated manner. It
also symbolizes our commitment to creating
assurance principle of AA1000APS(2008). Please refer to page 110~111 for the higher social value based on memory semicon-
result. ductor solutions and cutting-edge technologies.
Corporate Profile 08
2016 Highlights 10
Business Domain 16
36 48 102
Corporate Governance 38 Issue 01 Safety and Health 50 Materiality Analysis 104
Sustainability Management Governance 40 Issue 02 Response to Climate Change 56 Financial Performance 106
Global Compliance 42 Issue 03 Reduction of Environmental Impact 62 Independent Auditors’ Report 108
Risk Management 44 Issue 04 Innovation of Corporate Culture 68 Greenhouse Gas Verification Report 109
Ethics Management 46 Issue 05 Shared Growth with Suppliers 74 Third Party’s Assurance Statement 110
22 80
10-year Track Records in Sustainability Management 24 Social Contribution 82
Quality Management 98
Dear stakeholders,
I’m pleased to present SK hynix’s commitment to consistent challenges and changes through the 10th sustain-
ability report.
For the past 10 years, our sustainability report has played a significant role in transparently delivering our ef-
forts for fulfilling social responsibility and creating sustainable value as a leading global company. Since 2012
when the company joined SK Group, our sustainability management activities have become more comprehen-
sive in accordance with SKMS (SK Management System), resulting in creating higher economic and social val-
ues. Moreover, we promoted comprehensive supports for occupational disease issue in the semiconductor
industry through the Occupational Health Verification Committee and operated the win-win wage-sharing
program for suppliers in an effort to fulfill our social responsibility.
Moreover, SK hynix puts safety before everything else. As part of this, in 2016, we launched the SHE Manage-
ment Committee and Advisory Committee consisting of the top management and external professionals to
check pending safety issues on a regular basis and verify our SHE activities in an objective manner. We are
also promoting the quantification and evaluation of social values deriving from all stages of our social contribu-
tion activities.
SK hynix pursues the “Deep Change” aimed at developing new possibilities and laying the foundation for
sustainable growth to cultivate capabilities that can promptly respond to rapidly changing IT business environ-
ment which is summarized as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. By doing so, we will solidify our leadership as
a technology-driven semiconductor company and strengthen communication with customers to immediate-
ly meet their various and complex requirements. All employees at SK hynix will continue to rise to a challenge
armed with the SUPEX Spirit in order to provide sustainable value to all stakeholders including customers,
suppliers, investors, local communities, and society.
Our experiences for the past three decades have allowed us to understand how business activities can trans-
form the nation and society. With a mindset that sustainable growth with society can be realized when pursu-
ing stakeholders’ happiness as well as economic growth, SK hynix will promote innovation to create both finan-
cial and social values in a long-term and positive manner. We will also fulfill our responsibility as a corporate
citizen beyond just solving piecemeal social issues by supporting global sustainability initiatives such as UN
Global Compact, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and EICC
(Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition).
” July 2017
CEO of SK hynix Park Sung-wook
Semiconductor that Drives the Growth of IT Business SK hynix, a Leading Global Semiconductor Company
Since 1984 when we became the first Korean company to produce 16 Kb SRAM, we Summarized SK hynix has four production sites - Icheon and Cheongju in Korea, Wuxi and Major Financial Results
(Unit: KRW in billions)
have strengthened our technical leadership by introducing a series of semiconduc- company profile Chongqing in China - and sales subsidiaries in 10 countries - the U.S., Hong Kong,
(As of the end of December 2016)
Item 2014 2015 2016
tors that are innovative in terms of their advancement, size, speed, and voltage. and China. The company also operates 4 R&D offices in the U.S., Italy, Taiwan, and
Company name SK hynix Inc. Sales 17,126 18,798 17,198
The demand for and area of semiconductors continue to expand as mobile and CEO Park Sung-wook Belarus. Based on our 30 years of extensive expertise and knowhow in the semicon-
Gross profit 7,664 8,283 6,411
smart devices are becoming increasingly popular and automobile, medical equip- Establishment February 1983 ductor business and consistent investments in R&D, we are demonstrating unrivaled Operating
5,109 5,336 3,277
ment, and industrial machinery are being developed on the basis of the internet. In Manufacturing and sales of technological prowess and cost competitiveness, thereby leading the global semicon- Income profit
Business domain
response to this trend, we are further strengthening our technological leadership semiconductor devices ductor market. Sheet Profit before
5,048 5,269 3,216
2091, Gyeongchung-daero, Bubal-eup, corporate tax
while gaining competitive advantages in the high value-added premium semicon- Headquarters
Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Corporate tax 853 946 256
ductor markets. Our focuses are especially on mobile device, server, and storage Memory semiconductor: Net profit 4,195 4,324 2,960
solution with growth potential. We are also preparing the next generation memory Products and DRAM, NAND Flash, MCP, etc.
Total assets 26,883 29,678 32,216
technologies required for PC RAM, STT-M RAM, and Re RAM. services System semiconductor: Balance
CIS (CMOS Image Sensor), etc. Total
Sheet 4,175 3,819 4,336
※ Percentage
of tax and due by region: 63.7% in Korea, 33.5% in Asia,
Austin 2.8% in Americas/Europe
1 2 3 6 7 8
4 5 9 10
1 3 The Support and Compensation Committee 6 8 SK Hynix plans to raise around 5.5 million yuan
Became first Korean company to enter First mass production of non-memory deliberated on various elements based on the “SK hynix Academic Conference” to Global social contribution activities in each year to contribute to the local community
standard provided by the Industrial Welfare through various social contribution activities
the “Platinum Club,” the highest honor semiconductors at 300mm wafer secure future semiconductor Cambodia
Verification Committee. SK hynix will actively in collaboration with the Wuxi government.
of CDP Korea factory technology capabilities In December 2016, 600 excellent employees
accept the proposals of the two committees to
In October 2016, SK hynix became the first Ko- The company will start mass production of The “4th SK hynix Academic Conference” was were sent on a training program to Cambodia
create a healthier and safer workplace, and
rean company to enter the “Platinum Club,” the non-memory semiconductors at the 300mm held at the SUPEX Hall in the Icheon Campus with the goal of conducting global social contri-
work hard on fulfilling our corporate social respon-
most prestigious Hall of Fame of the “Carbon wafer factory for the first time. The factory has in September 2016. The aim of this event was bution activities and further developing their Start of men’s handball team,
Management Honors Club” selected by CDP only produced memory semiconductors such to overcome limitations of technology develop- professional capacity. The social contribution “SK Hawks”
Korea. CDP is a non-profit organization found- as DRAM or NAND Flash until now, while 5 ment for DRAM and NAND Flash products, and activities were conducted over a course of 18 The Chungcheongbuk-do men’s handball team
ed in England that is entrusted by financial in- non-memory semiconductors have been mass secure high mass productivity within a short sessions, and focused on improving the poor “SK Hawks” officially started in February 2016.
Conversation With the CEO, environment of local orphanages and schools
vestment companies around the world to con- produced at the 200mm wafer factory. It leads period. Around 500 academic articles were SK Hynix chose Chungcheongbuk-do province
duct information analysis and issues reports to a 50% increase in chip production volume “Gonggam Talk Talk” submitted. The first prize winner and excellent in Siem Reap and offering support for academ- to be the home of the team because they had
for major companies. It is recognized as the top per wafer. SK hynix started to produce 13 “I am often asked what the drive was that al- article winners of each field were awarded ic activities. The group went beyond simply no professional team, but had a base for hand-
sustainability evaluation organization. SK hynix megapixel-CMOS image sensors (CIS) in 2017, lowed SK hynix to overcome difficulties and with a total of KRW 20 million worth of prize providing supplies. They delivered new boats ball. The selection of the coaching staff and
was included in the Global Leaders’ Club for for efficient use of the existing M10 factory, in become the world’s second largest memory and the opportunity to participate in a major to low-income classes for better transport and team members were conducted through an
five consecutive years from 2009 to 2013, and step with the start of the new M14 factory in semiconductor manufacturer. I always answer, overseas conference. The CEO Park Sung-wook living conditions, and collaborated with local open process. The team plans to select addition-
has first maintained the Hall of Fame for four Icheon. This progress will expand the applica- ‘collaboration.’ All employees of our company was the head of the conference, and major execu- volunteer organizations to provide children al excellent coaches and members and expand
consecutive years among Korean companies. tion of CIS to security camera and automotive work toward the same goal. This mind of cooper- tives including the Academic Committee Chair with food. SK hynix has given excellent employ- the number to 20 to operate a national-
components beyond PC and smartphone. ation is still in our DNA.” In June 2016, the CEO and Future Technology Research Center Head ees a chance for overseas training since 2014 level team. The name “Hawks” means “Hoping
2 Park Sung-wook talked about a wide variety of (vice president) and DRAM Development Busi- to help them feel a sense of pride in the com- for a giant leap in Korean men’s handball” and
topics at the Conversation with the CEO ness Head (vice president) attended the event. pany and the meaning of happiness sharing. “Be progressive and fly high.”
Reverse corporate activation program, 4
“Gonggam Talk Talk” held at the Cheongju
“Find a Valuable Leader” Launched Support and Compensation
Campus, from general themes including col-
In April 2016, the “Find a Valuable Leader” pro- Committee for occupational 7 9
laboration and meeting culture, to expecta-
gram was conducted to create corporate cul- emiconductor-related diseases “Independence of Light and Sound” Free mobile medical clinic in China
tions for the memory semiconductor industry.
ture that recognizes leaders and encourages In January 2016, SK hynix started the Support for men of national merit A free mobile medical clinic called the “Happy
This talk was a turning point that allowed employ-
colleagues to express their appreciation of and Compensation Committee, and decided ees to renew pride in the company as they In August 2016, the Hyejium, SK Training Cen- Bus” has started operation for lower classes in
each other. The program was conducted to execute the process of support and com- shared their difficulties and were able to listen ter in Icheon, held the “Thank you Hyo Con- Wuxi, China, where the SK hynix DRAM factory
through recommendations on the company pensation for current and former employees of to the CEO’s management philosophy. cert” for men of national merit, to celebrate 71 is located. The China subsidiary has grown as
intranet. The recommendations were more both the company and suppliers who are years of independence on National Liberation the biggest foreign company in the Jiangu
than a simple click – the recommender had to doubtful about occupational disease due to Day. Around 100 men of merits in the area at- Province since the start of the factory in 2006.
write an anonymous e-mail in the form of a let- working at semiconductor factory. This was tended the concert wearing the customized It established the Social Contribution Founda-
ter containing the reasons for the recommen- the first step in creating a “comprehensive hearing aids they received through a hearing tion in June 2016, to conduct useful and sys-
dation, which helped encourage each other. support and compensation system” as pro- test held by the company in June. The event tematic social contribution activities. The
We hope this program make a chance to build posed by the Industrial Welfare Verification was part of the “100-Year Longevity of Veter- “Wuxi SK hynix Happiness Public Interest
stronger trust and camaraderie between junior Committee in November 2016. ans” program that provides men of national Fund” opening was held to celebrate the start
and senior members. merit who are experiencing financial difficul- of the Happy Bus.
ties with visual and hearing medical services.
SK hynix has shown balanced performances in the aspects of economy, environment, and society by operat-
ing its value chain with various capitals in a sustainable manner.
Financial Capital*
Our profitability has been strengthened in Stock price increase SK hynix ranked 3rd among global semicon- Ranking in the global
SK hynix is listed on the KRX and Luxembourg Stock Exchange. We use finan-
the midst of continuously increasing demand ductor makers as of sales in 2016 by achiev- semiconductor industry
cial capital provided by shareholders and investors for business and share
economic performance with them through diverse ways including divi-
Assets Equity for DRAM and highly efficient DRAM produc-
tion capacity. We also boast differentiated
45.4 %
ing stable growth in all fields of DRAM,
NAND Flash, and CIS.
(As of the end of 2016,
competitiveness in the NAND Flash sector.
KRW 32,216 billion KRW 24,024 billion year-on-year comparisona) (IHS, as of 4Q 2016)
Manufactured Capital*
SK hynix produced KRW 12.05 trillion worth Average rate of We will invest in building new clean rooms Investments in
Manufacturing infrastructure is the core of SK hynix’s business. We conduct operation building clean rooms
Ficilities & Investments in of products in 2016 and the average rate of at Cheongju plant to enhance competitive-
efficient investments in global manufacturing infrastructure to enhance
equipment facilities operation maintained 100% during the ness in the long run. (KRW 2.2 trillion from
productivity and cost competitiveness.
same period.
100 %
Aug. 2017 to Jun. 2019)
KRW 2.2 trillion
KRW 18,777 billion KRW 6,292 billion (As of the end of 2016) (As of the budget between
2017 and 2019)
Human Capital
The average continuous service years have Average length of The labor and management have closely Workplace with
Recruting and cultivating talents is the basis of our R&D competence. To service no labor dispute
Education increased backed by our efforts for secur- collaborated under the spirit “We are one
this end, we are active in developing effective training programs and di-
expenditure Education hour ing talents. family,” creating workplace with no dispute
verse support programs for securing talents.
10.9 years
for 34 years since the company establish-
34 years
KRW 490 thousand per capita 81hours per capita (As of the end of 2016) (As of the end of 2016)
Open here
Intellectual Capital*
We strive to secure “strong patents” in ear- No. of patents R&D expenditure in 2016 increased 6.4% R&D performance
SK hynix is well aware of the importance of technology patent and strive to registered in the US
R&D Ownership of ly stage and prevent disputes. Particularly, year-on-year, through which we imple-
maximize the capability of intellectual capital. We enhance internal compe-
tence by developing and acquiring patents and maximize the efficiency of
intellectual capital through joint patent development and cross-license
investment-to-sales IP rights we pay attention to the expansion of pat-
ent rights in countries such as the US with
7,883 cases
mented 23 research tasks in the fields of
DRAM, NAND Flash, and CIS.
23 cases
Relationship Capital
We estimated social value generated from Social value of the Happy The Happiness Sharing Volunteer Group Total volunteer hours of
Based on trust with stakeholders, we strive to create shared values. To this
Social contribution Supports for entire Happy Sharing Fund projects in a Sharing Fund Project consisting of 97 units visits social welfare the Happiness Sharing
end, we promote diverse activities with regard to EICC, social contribution, Volunteer Group
expenditure shared growth quantitative manner to figure out the ef- facilities regularly and conducts volunteer
and shared growth.
Natural Capital
SK hynix joined the Hall of Fame Platinum The Ministry of Envieonment certified that Certification on
We make our best effort to minimize environmental impact throughout carbon emission
Energy intensity Club, the highest level of “Carbon Manage- our 128GB SSD emits carbon of 12.1kg per
business activities. As part of this, we continue to improve natural capital
at all worksites Water resource use ment Honors Club” hosted by CDP Korea, unit. 128GB
through introducing high-efficiency equipment, optimizing facility opera-
for the first time in Korea.
tion, and conducting GHG reduction tasks. (As of 2016)
3.16TOE/㎡ 67,065 thousand ㎥
* Please refer to the FY2016 Business Report
Developing products that contribute to economic growth Managing supply chain in a sustainable manner Protecting human rights and managing SHE impacts Pursuing customer happiness through quality Promoting happiness of local communities
The application fields of semiconductors are increasingly wid- SK hynix helps suppliers establish sustainability management SK hynix respects the human rights of employees and sup- We are committed to making customers happy by supplying through sharing activities
er and converged today. In response, SK hynix is shifting its system, conduct social responsibility, and reduce CSR risks by ports international standards and principles for human rights high-quality products beyond their expectations. In this re- Based on the management philosophy of co-prosperity, SK hy-
competence paradigm from cost competitiveness by facility evaluating their competence in the fields of labor, human and labor. We are operating world-class SHE management gard, we offer customers superior value propositions, special- nix carries out diverse sharing activities for local communities
expansion and productivity improvement to profitability rights, ethics, and SHE. Moreover, we continuously monitor system to create healthy and safe work environment and min- ized products, and differentiated product strategies that con- and social contribution activities that reflect the characteristics
through product value enhancement. the origin of minerals used in raw materials and finished imize environmental impacts. sider regional features, which contribute to increasing sales of its business.
goods to restrict the use of conflict minerals. toward strategic customers.
・Reducing investment costs by upgrading ・Evaluating CSR competence of suppliers ・Complying with human rights and labor related ・Optimizing business portfolio ・Creating social values
production technology ・Conducting
regular inspection on supply chain principles ・Maintaining customer relationship ・Promoting co-prosperity with local communities
Promotion Promotion Promotion Promotion Promotion
advanced technology and application based on EICC’s code of conduct ・Operating SHE management system ・Positioning by region ・Pursuing happiness of donors and beneficiaries
direction direction direction direction direction
technology for elevating added value of products (OHSAS/KOSHA 18001)
・Developing convergence products that combine ・Operating environmental management system
memory controller and firmware (ISO 14001)
risks with regard to human rights and ・Implementing customer-oriented QI ・Happiness Sharing Fund (10 projects for
・3D eMMC5.1: Higher cost competitiveness vs. labor (independent assurance) ・Executing in-house evaluation on human rights (Quality Intelligence) activities children, senior citizens, men of merit, etc.)
Major Major Major
2D product ・Training
security personnel about industrial and labor related risks at sites ・Listening to VOC (Voice of Customer) ・Happiness Sharing Volunteer Group
Major activities Major activities activities
activities ・1xnm SATA Enterprise SSD: Profitability improve- safety and sexual harassment prevention activities ・Holding the SHE Management Committee ・Providing technical supports to Chinese (about 90 groups)
ment by expanding enterprise-centered SSD regularly customers
・Participating in SK Group’s social contribution
market ・Running the Industrial Safety and Health Commit- (SK Happiness Sharing Season, SK Pro Bono)
・2znm 8Gb LPDDR4X: Application to flagship tee and Industrial Health Verification Committee
smartphones that need high performance and ・Evaluating all processes and eco-efficiency, and
low power consumption obtaining carbon labeling certification
DRAM on. It is mostly used for main memory of computers and graphic memory.
Its usage is extended to smartphone, smart TV, and smart refrigerator. KRW 12,341 billion
2znm 4GB LPDDR4 2znm 8GB DDR4 2znm 8GB GDDR5
Flash memory is non-volatile memory that does not lose its data even NAND Flash sales Major R&D performance
when power is turned off. It is suitable for storing large data such as digital
NAND Flash videos and photos. It is applied to digital camera, USB drive, smartphone,
tablet PC, SSD, and flash array. KRW 4,348 billion
3D eMMC5.1
1xnm SATA
Enterprise SSD
3D PCIe Enterprise
CIS is a type of semiconductor that detects light energy and converts its
CIS and other sales Major R&D performance
intensity into image data. It plays a role as film of digital camera. As digital
14 15
Overview CEO’s Message Special Theme Corporate Governance Focus Areas Performance Appendix
Corporate Profile
Overview 2016 Highlights
Value Creation Model
Business Domain
20-nano 8Gb
(As of March 2017, Unit: %)
its usage is extended to various smart electronics
such as TV, refrigerator, and printer backed by the
digitalization of electronics.
* GB
(gigabyte) is the unit that measures data processing speed. 1GB is equivalent to 8Gb (gigabit).
SK hynix’s GDDR6 processes data with a speed of 16Gb/s per pin. It has 384 input/output pins.
Flash memory is non-volatile memory that does not lose its NAND Flash Market Share
data even when power is turned off. There are two types of Brand New Product
3D NAND Flash
photos and widely used for mobile devices including tablet PC 11.80
and smartphone as well as SSD (Solid State Drive), navigation
system, USB memory, and digital camera.
According to the market forecast1), the NAND Flash market is 32GB 4 billion 20 % ↑
making steady growth as it expands the areas of storage
applications such as mobile and SSD. This is mainly due to the
increasing demand for mobile devices and SSD for PCs. Realizing 32GB with one A technology to put about Increasing reading and writing
NAND Flash chip 4 billion 72-story buildings on performances by 20% based
a 10-won coin on high speed cuircuit design
2014 2015 2016
Hi-1333 CIS
(As of the end of 2016, Unit: %)
There are primarily two types of image sensors - CCD and CMOS - for 16
According to the market research and forecast, the image sensor market is
expected to grow by 6.8% each year from 2016 to 2020. The CMOS market Realizing 13 million pixel Acquiring high-quality image Automatically focusing more
resolution with 1.12 micro by minimizing lights loss rapidly than existing methods
is projected to grow by 8.6% over the same period due to the increasing
meter technology through photodiode
demand and expanding area of application. 2014 2015 2016
environmental, and
social values in a
balanced manner for
the past decade.
This effort has allowed
SK hynix to be raised on
the “best memory
semiconductor solution
SK hynix Sustainability Report 2017 22 23
10-year Track Records in
Overview Special Theme 10-year Track Records in Corporate Governance Focus Areas Performance Appendix
Sustainability Management
Special Theme
Sustainability Management
Panel Discussion
Special Conversation with
Sales SK hynix has experienced substantial changes for the past decade due to the expansion of volatility in the Operating profit The memory semiconductor business had mainly focused on expanding production capacity and reducing
global economy. A fresh start as a member of the SK Group also triggered our innovation and progress. All costs in the past, while creation of added values through the advancement of production technology is a crit-
(Consolidated) (Consolidated)
employees at SK hynix have risen to these challenges and changes flexibly and worked together for a success. ical factor that determines competitive edge today. SK hynix has dedicated to meeting market requirements
As a result, our sales in 2017 soared nearly twice compared with 2007 to KRW 17.20 trillion. and conducting profitability-centered business, accomplishing KRW 3.28 trillion in operating profit on a consoli-
dated basis in 2016.
Sustainability Management
Panel Discussion
Special Conversation with
Investments in SK hynix has invested in SHE (safety, health, and environment) activities through a separate account since Environmental With the aim of joining global efforts for mitigating climate change and improving added values of products,
* Including
carbon emissions certification and low carbon product certification as well as certification on environmental
product declaration.
×14.3 19
2009 2016
Sustainability Management
Panel Discussion
Special Conversation with
Employees Semiconductor technology has been behind the development of ICT industry. And our 27,488 employees at Donation SK hynix is proactive in solving social problems based on its management philosophy that pursues co-pros-
home and abroad have become the driving force behind SK hynix’s progress into a global semiconductor perity. In this regard, we have expanded supports for socially vulnerable class to create happiness together
(Domestic and overseas)
maker. SK hynix is committed not only to increasing employee value through corporate culture innovation with local communities. Our social contribution is based on employees’ voluntary participation and dona-
and human rights management but also to protecting human rights, labor rights, and diversity in the supply tion. Our donation increased 20.3 times compared to 2007 to KRW 50.6 billion in 2016.
27,488 persons
18,266 persons
Sustainability Management
Strategy Session 2 Directions for Growth and Expectations
A Sustainable Management Goals Counteraction to Climate Change
Kim Dong-soo, SK hynix is exposed to diverse sustainability issues. There is particularly SK hynix has focused on reduction of greenhouse gases to counteract
Head of a need for active involvement in issues that could interfere with the to climate change until now, and has shown good performance. Effec-
Sustainability company’s sustainability. To do this, the sustainability goals should be tive action against climate change must simultaneously include adap-
clearly set, together with prioritized activities. tion and reduction. The semiconductor industry in particular has poten-
Korea Productivity Role of the Sustainable Management Division tial issues that can actually affect business, such as heat waves and fine
Center dust. Therefore, we must take an interest in areas of adaption in the fu-
An internal activation process is necessary for establishment and opera-
tion of a sustainable management strategy. The Sustainable Management ture, too, and be thoroughly prepared for risk management.
SK hynix held a CSR specialists’ discussion at the Management Support Building of the Icheon campus on Division can play the role of a helper. It can manage internal sustainability
Application of Renewable Energy
Shared Growth issues, and provide insight in the process of solving problems.
April 6, 2017, with the goal to examine external views and expectations regarding sustainable manage- Global companies have a greater interest in renewable energy than fos-
B ment of the company, and seek directions for sustainable management development, in time for the 10th Governance sil fuel-based energy. It may be difficult for the semiconductor industry
anniversary of sustainable management for the company. The discussion included presentations by ex- This is the first stage of internal activation. Without governance of sustain- to choose renewable energy for all its fields of work. However, in order
Kim Ik-seung,
ability issues, individual groups act inefficiently. For example, when to fulfill the social role and responsibility of a company that consumes
Professor, perts in the fields of sustainable management strategy, joint growth, environmental issues, climate
Dongduk conflict minerals rose as a global issue, the Korean industry only started
change, and corporate culture, and a Q&A session with the audience. The leaders of the SK hynix's Sustain- a lot of energy, the company must show leadership in application of renew-
Women’s acting two years after the issue surfaced. However, companies that had
able Management HQ, HR Office, HSE Office, and Labor-Management Office also attended the discussion. able energy with long-term discernment.
University well-established sustainable management governance at the time were
able to immediately establish a country of origin management system, Specific Environmental Goals
Session 1
and internal policy. More specific environmental goals must be set, and the significance of
Evaluation of Sustainable Management by SK hynix the goals should be communicated with the parties involved. The com-
Environmental Impact
B Regular Collection of External Opinions pany is already conducting various activities in the right direction, such
C A The sustainable management strategy of SK hynix started with ethical and law-abiding management. Over the
Sustainable management needs to be pursued with a system and man- as environment-friendly product development, Environmental Product
Kim Jung-nam, last ten years, it has fulfilled external demands, and gradually integrated environmental and social issues. From ual. Of the many issues surrounding the company, we must particularly Declaration, and LCA. However, it is currently difficult to understand the
Director, a maturity aspect, it can be said the strategy went through a process of converting from a passive stage to an be able to extract issues that have a high influence on business, and significance of the goal number, and it does not take up a large percent-
Sustainability active stage. The department in charge of sustainable management recently changed its name from External parties of interest are highly focused on. The most effective method age as of yet. A superficial goal cannot be evaluated properly by parties
Division, Cooperation Headquarters to Sustainable Management Headquarters, clearly showing the will of SK hynix to inde- would be to create a channel for regular collection of opinions, as part of interest. Therefore, we should be able to present leading and specific
Samjong KPMG pendently find its way to sustainability. However, the standard required of companies by our society is a more of the sustainable management system, and listen closely to the opin- goals.
anticipative stage of sustainable management strategy.
ions of experts and parties of interest.
30 31
Special Conversation with
Overview Special Theme 10-year Track Records in Corporate Governance Focus Areas Performance Appendix
Sustainability Management
Special Theme
Panel Discussion
Special Conversation with
SK hynix conducted a special conversation for discussing its sustainable growth Q Demands for CSR have been increasing recently. Who should play the leading
role, companies or the government? What is the role of companies?
with internal and external stakeholders beyond mere table discussion among
responsible organizations. This conversation was prepared to take a fresh look at The ultimate goal of a company is not maximization of short-term profits, but
the value and future of sustainability management based on the insights of opinion sustainable long-term growth. Therefore, voluntary CSR is compulsory for a
company to aid healthy development of a society. However, there are limitations to
leaders and deliver a meaningful message to the industry. Special conversation
voluntary corporate activities. Large-scale activities are hard to pursue because of the
was conducted through e-mail and the contents are as follows. cost, and it is difficult to independently judge the scale of the activities. I believe the
government or public organizations should provide rational guidelines, and compa-
nies should actively pursue CSR within the range possible for them, to provide an ecosys-
tem where companies and society can grow together.
Panel Discussion
Special Conversation with
What rules should be established for a B2B company like SK hynix to Significant Issues for the Supply Chain Management in
simultaneously pursue economic and social values?
Electronics Industry?
B2B companies are just like B2C companies in that they ultimately contribute to The majority of recent issues are related to supply network, and
improving quality of life of consumers. B2B companies need a CSR strategy that
they are important. The number one priority in the electronics in-
makes sure the products and services they provide maximize the economic benefits of dustry in particular is the eradication of forced labor, and responsible
the final customer. A few rules need to be applied for SK hynix to continue balance so- procurement of raw materials. The EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship
cio-economic growth. First, all parties involved must be able to make decisions based Coalition) is making diverse efforts to solve these problems. We are fo-
on the CSR philosophy and vision of the company. Strategies related to human resourc- cusing a lot of our energy on developing programs, tools, and education
es, capital, products, and supply networks, must be in unison with CSR priorities, and programs for our member companies.
the corporate governance and operation system need to be integrated. Furthermore,
social media should be used actively to increase participation of parties. Actions should
not stop at those demanded by client companies, but partnerships should be expand-
ed to social organizations and initiatives to create social value and improve CSR perfor- How should sustainable management be pursued?
mance throughout the supply network.
“ The true character of a sustainable Q I am curious about the results of your recent research on the correlation between
“ An ideal sustainable company is one that is
committed to improve the social, ethical and
Q What is your idea of an ideal sustainable company of the future?
company lies in pursuing strategic CSR activities and financial performance of a company. What are the implications environmental conditions related to its
for the industry? This is my idea of a sustainable company. It works hard to im-
directions and actions under the belief that operations and those of its suppliers. A
prove the quality of life of members, makes sure the supply net-
social value is directly linked to the
development of a company.
A The relationship between CSR activities and financial performance is also related
to CSR and sustainability, and has been an important topic of research since the
1980s. If CSR activities are linked to financial performance, it can create a paradigm
Rob Lederer
Executive Director of the EICC
” work does not have a negative effect on the environment or local soci-
ety, does not settle for the way things are, and always endeavors to
improve the social, ethical, and environmental conditions of corporate
Kim Jong-dae
Professor, Business Administration at Inha
” where it fundamentally solves social structural problems. However, despite many stud-
ies and case studies, the relationship between the two is unclear. Many studies claim
level of CSR activities lead to financial performance such as profits, stock prices, and
operations and partner companies. It may seem hard for some compa-
nies, but there is no need to feel pressured to do it alone. You can part-
ner with organizations like EICC to learn through the experience and
University corporate value. However, there are studies that claim they worsen the performance. cases of other companies, and use programs, tools and education sys-
The core of the problem is whether the cost invested in CSR activities counterbalance tems needed for sustainable management of your company and your
President, Korean Environmental Management Association
economic benefits and leave profits, too. Generally, the economic value of CSR activities partners. By working together, we can create a bigger, more positive ef-
Director, Inha University Sustainable Business Management
Research Center appears in the long-term. Therefore, it would be better to continuously manage the fect than any company or organization working alone.
non-financial performance of CSR activities rather than focus too much on the short-
term financial performance.
Sustainability means continuous growth of the human race and society. This was
born through a sense of crisis that the human race will not be able to survive with
the current social structure and economic system. I believe a true sustainable company
is not one that uses a market economy logic that social value should be created for eco-
nomic performance, but one that has conviction that social value is directly linked to
corporate development, and pursues strategic direction and methods.
devoting its capability to fulfilling
responsibility as a global corporate
citizen as well as enhancing corporate
value through changes and innovation.
Our advanced corporate culture,
transparent corporate governance, and
commitment to fair trade and business
ethics help further stengthen our global
competitiveness. And preemptive risk
management activities contribute to
ensuring solid growth foundation which
is undisturbed by external impacts.
38 Corporate Governance
40 Sustainability Management Governance
42 Global Compliance
44 Risk Management
46 Ethics Management
Corporate Shareholders Composition of the BOD Operation of the BOD Appointment of Directors
Total number of listed shares of SK hynix is As the supreme decision-making body at SK hynix, Subcommittees under the BOD The BOD deliberates and decides major manage- Directors are appointed at the shareholders’ meet-
728,002,365, all of which are common shares. the Board of Directors (BOD) engages in establish- (As of December 2016) ment agendas stipulated in relevant regulations, ing after strict examination and recommendation
ing core business goals and basic management articles of association, the BOD rule by convoking by the BOD or Non-executive Director Candidate
Audit Committee
principles of the company, contributing to maxi- regular meetings and temporary meetings if neces- Recommendation Committee. They are required to
Share ownership mizing shareholder interest and corporate value. sary. In 2016, the BOD convoked meetings eight satisfy the qualifications set by relevant regulations
Four non-executive directors*
(Unit: common shares, as of the end of 2016) The BOD consists of four executive directors and times to deliberate and conclude 17 agendas. The and articles of association, have healthy sense of
SK Telecom* 146,127,532
six non-executive directors. Non-executive direc- Authority and responsibility
attendance rate of non-executive directors was business ethics and occupation, and pursue better
tors account for 60% of the BOD, which ensures the 97.6%. The BOD meeting is convoked by the Chair- stakeholder value in a long-term and balanced
National Pension Service Audit of accounting and business
independence of the BOD and practical check and activities, appointment of man or members in accordance with the BOD rule. manner. The company assigns their duties in con-
Treasury shares independent auditors, etc.
supervision over the management. In addition, Decision is made by the attendance of a majority of sideration of their professionalism and diversity in
(Unit: %) KEB Hana Bank two subcommittees – Audit Committee and directors and a majority vote. We also pursue IT- each field to ensure efficient supervision on and
Major agendas treated
Non-executive Director Candidate Recommenda- based advanced BOD operation. Directors can join advices to the management. Therefore, SK hynix
0.7 Others 482,443,086 • Held 10 meetings
tion Committee – are operated under the BOD to • Inspection on the operation of the BOD meeting or perform their works by capital- appoints non-executive directors who have no
Total 728,002,365 secure professionalism in the decision-making internal accounting manage- izing on digital devices offered by the company, secu- conflict of interest and can make decisions inde-
ment system and accounting
* Including
27,532 common shares owned by affiliated persons process and enhance the independent supervision audit results rity-rich network, and video conference system pendently.
function of the BOD. • Internal audit results anytime, anywhere. Moreover, information on the
BOD activities such as subcommittees, meetings, Supports for the BOD Activities
* The
number of the Audit Committee and major conclusions is transparently disclosed
Executive Directors members increased from 4 to 5 SK hynix runs the BOD-dedicated website (BOD.
(As of July 2017) through corporate website. We not only disclose
non-executive directors as of March 2017. skhynix.com) for the advancement of the BOD op-
Name Gender Major Career Date of Appointment Position annual business report, quarterly report, and
eration system. The website provides diverse man-
Chairman of the BOD semi-annual report regularly but also announce le-
Non-executive Director Candidate agement information including the BOD agendas,
• [Current] CEO, SK hynix Mar. 20, 2015 Non-executive Director gal disclosures and major critical information to
Sung-wook • President & CEO, SK hynix (reappointed) Candidate Recommen-
Recommendation Committee financial materials, and business conditions, help-
stakeholders as rapid and accurate as possible.
dation Committee ing regular information exchange between direc-
Two non-executive directors
• [Currnet] CEO, SK hynix Systme IC tors and the company. We also offer non-executive
Kim Mar. 18, 2016 and one executive director
Male • President
of Management Support Div.,
- Non-executive Directors Committee directors the latest business trends and major
SK hynix
• [Current] President of Overall Business & Authority and responsibility SK hynix operates the Non-executive Directors management issues on a regular basis to enhance
Lee Management Support Div., SK hynix Mar. 24, 2017 Recommendation, screening, and Committee consisting of only non-executive direc- their professionalism and understanding of our
Male -
Seok-hui • Associate Professor of Electrical Engineer- (newly appointed) appointment of non-executive tors. This committee carries out in-depth delibera- business. In April and November 2016, we held
ing, KAIST director candidates in accordance
tions on relevant issues regarding the proposed workshops to share the NAND Flash solution devel-
Park • [Current] President & CEO, SK Group Mar. 24, 2017 with relevant regulations, articles
Male - agendas before the BOD meeting, contributing to opment issue, outlook for ICT market, and so on.
Jung-ho • President & CEO, SK C&C (newly appointed) of association, and the BOD rule
right decision-making of the management. Other
key roles of the committee include ensuring fair-
Non-executive Directors ness, objectivity, and legitimacy in the transactions
Evaluation and Compensation
(As of July 2017)
with affiliates of the Group by checking the con- Remuneration of directors is paid in accordance
Name Gender Major Career Date of Appointment Position
tents and procedure of transactions in advance. with regulations via the conclusion of the share-
• Advisory Professor, Korea Banking Institute
Kim Mar. 20, 2015 Chairman of the Audit holders’ meeting in a fair and transparent manner,
Male • Managing Director, Korea Federation of
Du-kyung (reappointed) Committee
Banks and the results are disclosed to the public.
Chairman of the
• [Current] Professor of Electrical Eng., Seoul
Park Mar. 20, 2015 Non-executive Director
Male National University
Young-jun (reappointed) Candidate Recommen- Remuneration of Directors Annual Rate of Compensation
• Senior Researcher, Gold Star Semiconductor
dation Committee (Unit: KRW in millions, (Unit: KRW in millions)
• [Current] Professor of Economics, as of the end of 2016)
Kim Mar. 20, 2015 Member of the Audit Classification 2014 2015 2016
Male Seoul National University Classification Target Total Remuneration
Dai-il (reappointed) Committee Highest com-
• Researcher, Korea Development Institute (persons) remuneration per capita 1,361 1,549 1,649
pensation (A)
• [Current] Professor, KAIST Business School
Lee Mar. 20, 2015 Member of the Audit Executive Average
Male • Head of Industrial Policy Div., Ministry of 4 2,852 767
Chang-yang (reappointed) Committee director employee 75 90 96
Commerce, Industry and Energy
wage (B)
• [Current] Professor at Graduate School Member of the Audit Non-executive
5 390 78 Rate (A/B,
of Public Administration, Seoul National Committee director 18.1 17.2 17.2
Choi Mar. 24, 2017 multiples)
Male University Non-executive Director
Jong-won (reappointed)
• President of Graduate School of Public Candidate Recommen-
Administration, Seoul National University dation Committee
• [Current] Professor of Electronic Engineer-
Shin Mar. 24, 2017 Member of the Audit
Male ing, University of Seoul
Chang-hwan (newly appointed0 Committee
• IBM Micro Electronics
SK hynix has been committed to carrying out sustainability management activities based on SKMS (SK Man- We believe more communication with stakeholders ensures better sustainability performances. We also de-
agement System), SK Group’s management execution principle, despite rapidly-changing business environ- fine the essence of sustainability management as efforts for continuously improving our sustainability manage-
ment. Our commitment to sustainable growth aims at the happiness of all stakeholders including customers, ment system to swiftly respond to changing requirements of stakeholders. In response, SK hynix promotes
employees, shareholders, and society, contribution to the development of national economy, and eventually communication with stakeholders through diverse channels. Particularly, our sustainability report, blogs,
the happiness of humankind. https://www.facebook.com/SKhynix and SNS contributes to enhancing mutual communication with external stakeholders.
• Shareholders’ meeting
Employees • Disclosure of operating performance
• QBR (Quarterly Business Review) and earnings release conference
• Customer survey • Investor meeting
Ethics Environmental Social Fair Eco-friendly
Management Management Contribution Trade Product • Mobile Solution Day
The Sustainability Management Division, former Corporate Relations Division before 2017, is in charge of SK
hynix’s sustainability management activities. This division supports the establishment of sustainability manage-
ment strategies based on SKMS and international standards such as UNGC, EICC Code, UN SDGs, and ISO
26000, and promotes practical activities in collaboration with each division. Other major role is to report Government/
global CSM issues to executives with the aim of integrating CSR principles into company-wide management NGO
strategies. • Regular general meeting of
• Korea Semiconductor Shared Growth Council
Industry Association • Win-win Academy
• Community Chest of Korea Local • CSR consulting
Sustainability Management • Environmental Manage- Communities
Management ment Advisory Committee
Division Ethics Environmental Social
Management Management Contribution • Happiness
Sharing Fund
SK hynix has established principles In 2017, SK hynix completed an Operation Council
of corporate social responsibility integrated social responsibility Ethics Social • Industry-academy
since the introduction of the implementation system through Management SHE Office Contribution cooperation program and
concept of sustainability the Sustainability Management Team Team sister school relationship
management in 2007. Division. This division promotes, • Junior Engineering Class
The management receives supervises, and advises CSM issues
briefings on CSM issues and the of each sector. Eco-friendly
Fair Trade
latest trends of major issues when Product
TF by Each Function and Cross-Functional Group
At SK hynix, the compliance activity will be a founda- Moreover, any employee of SK hynix and external SK hynix inspects fair trade procedure and results Our activities to prevent corruption include up-
tion for solidifying its leadership and pursuing sustain- stakeholders are able to report unfair or unethical of major sales subsidiaries every year and train grade of company rule, training, promotion, and
able growth. To that end, we have established a behaviors through an online reporting channel on them about the compaliance with antitrust policy. monitoring system. In response to the enforcement
compliance program, thereby complying with fair our corporate website, which helps prevent unfair Particularly, our sales subsidiaries hold the Compli- of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act in 2016,
trade and eventually enhancing competitiveness transactions in advance. We provide all employees ance Day event every month from February 2017 we upgraded our anticorruption compliance sys-
through fair competition. with the Global Compliance Letter containing compli- to share major precedents and up-to-date regula- tem. For example, the Code of Ethics, ethics prac-
ance related hot issues at home and abroad, up-to- tion trends with employees. tice guidelines, and expense related rules were
Global Compliance Program date compliance trends, and compliance guide- amended and we share core articles with all employ-
lines applicable to daily life. The GCP also offers ees. Moreover, they conducted a pledge on compli-
The global compliance program (GCP) is regularly
diverse services such as legal advice and consulta- ance with the amended company rules and the
operated to control core issues such as antitrust,
tion, pledge for business travelers, pre-and post- Act. Going forward, SK hynix will continue to en-
anticorruption, supply chain management, infor-
reporting system for meetings with the same in- hance anticorruption activities at home and
mation protection, conflict minerals, and strategic
dustry. The global compliance guidebook helps abroad to fulfill its responsibility as a global com-
materials. The Global Compliance Team is in
employees make effective decisions when they pany.
charge of eliminating potential compliance risks
face a conflict of interest.
and tightening risk management system through
regular training for relevant departments and risk
monitoring activity.
Tax Strategy
Global Compliance Program Promotion System 1. Ensuring global compliance
SK hynix abides by the compliance principles of each country where its business is operated. We
Core Areas
faithfully perform all our duties of reporting and paying taxes in accordance with local tax laws and
submit proof data to taxation authorities when they require.
2. Transparent trade
Supply chain Information Conflict Strategic SK hynix is committed to trading at normal prices based on the function and risk of contracts even
Antitrust Anticorruption
management protection minerals materials in the transactions with domestic and foreign affiliated parties in accordance with our transfer pric-
ing policy wich was set up on the basis of OECD’s transfer pricing guide and the Adjustment of In-
ternational Taxes Act.
Compliance Inspection Spreading the culture of compliance
AEO certification
Declaration of the SK hynix introduced the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) system that the Korea Customs Ser-
compliance vice examines trade-related companies about their compliance with laws and safety control level,
establishing and optimizing a work system to ensure import and export safety for our domestic
With the recogni- We prevent any We continuously train We appoint staff By operating the worksites. And then, the AEO system has been adopted to overseas worksites to upgrade their im-
tion that voluntary unfair behavior in all employees to help in charge of fair compliance system, port and export safety competence to the level of domestic worksites. Moreover, SK hynix won the
implementation of fair all businesses and them comply with fair trade and enhance we prevent violations grand prize at the Best AEO Practice Award hosted by the Korea Customs Service in November 2016
trade leads to higher all regions to build a trade regulations for supervision and in advance and apply
competitiveness, we fair trade order, and themselves. monitoring of the sanctions when in recognition of our efforts for maximizing the certification effect. We are maintaining AAA grade,
put it first in corporate collaborate with compliance with occurring any the highest among companies with the excellent AEO certification.
management. suppliers. relevant laws and violation.
SK hynix dedicates best efforts to methodically The global-level systematic BCP (Business Conti- BCP Framework pany-wide regular emergency drill every year. The
control diverse risks from business activities to pre- nuity Planning) is promoted to protect employees Our BCP activity is implemented by four stages of emergency drill helps check capabilities to handle
vent risks and lay the foundation for sustainable from accidents and emergencies and ensure sustain- analysis, preparation, planning, and test. Each pro- unforeseeable circumstances, restoration system,
growth. We minimize potential risks by preemp- able business operation. Icheon Campus and cess is conducted at least once a year. and follow-up measures, through which we check
tively figuring out and systematically manage fi- Cheongju Campus obtained the ISO 22301 certifi- the company-wide BCP system, identify improve-
nancial and non-financial risks that may be ob- cation on the BCP system in 2014, and Wuxi Cam- Emergency Drill for the BCP System ment tasks, and eventually enhance the effective-
structive of achieving our business goals. pus in China also obtained it in 2015. They have To ensure practical response to crisis and resto- ness. In 2016, we added the earthquake issue in
Recognition and spreading of risks, establishment maintained the certification through evaluation ration process, SK hynix has been conducting com the Korean Peninsula to the BCP system.
of response strategy, and execution are led by orga- every year. The BCP system allows SK hynix to sta-
nizations responsible for each risk. Relevant depart- bly operate its business based on ready-made Monitoring, assessing, BCP System Operation Process
ments are proactive in supporting the organizations manuals. and analyzing risk In case of an accident, the SHE Office leads emer-
factors that can affect
in accordance with the predefined risk manage- Establishing strategies for gency response activities such as evacuation and
our business continuity
ment process. Going forward, SK hynix will not only Analysis business normalization initial countermeasure. And then, professional
based on restoration
preemptively prevent risks based on the strict risk workforce of each division investigates damages
Prepare target works and necessary
management system but also enhance business resources which were and the BCP system is operated in accordance with
continuity by swiftly responding to emergencies identified in the analysis damage degree. If necessary, the BCP organization
Test stage
and taking follow-up measures. and ready-made action plans are executed immedi-
Planning ately. For example, as concerns had been serious
due to the fast spread of the MERS since May 2015,
Risk Management System SK hynix initiated the BCP system in June 2015 to
Improving the BCP
management system encourage prevention activities and prepare for re-
Developing new business
through internal inspection,
continuity items at the sponse, restoration, and normalization process
emergency drill, and review
Detection and of the management
company, campus, and against the occurrence of MERS patients. It was
division levels, and
occurrence of completed in June 2016.
upgrading existing BCP
initial response Implementation of general
restoration support plans
CEO Contingency action
Emergency Operation Center BCP
Implementation of
* F-ERT: FAB-Emergency
Response Team operation
business normalization plans
General Restoration Officer * S-ERT: S pecial-Emergency Response Team
BCP revocation
Operation of the ETC
and Return-to-work
Emergency (Emergency Control Tower)
response return-to-work
Comprehensive emergency control Preparation for return-to-work
Ethics Pledge to Ethics Practice Education on Ethics Management Operation of the Ethics Management Dissemination of Ethics Management
All employees of SK hynix are active in practicing Educations on ethics management are offered to Portal Practice of ethics management takes more than
business ethics based on high-level ethical think- all employees with the aim of raising their aware- Since April, 2016, SK hynix has been running an in- just participation of our employees. To disseminate
ing, which helps the company build solid customer ness of ethics and eliminate unethical behaviors. tegrated ethics management portal (EthicsPlus), ethics management to suppliers, SK hynix has en-
trust. They take the pledge to ethics practice every Online education is mandatory to all employees an internal ethics control system. The EthicsPlus couraged them to join the pledge to ethics practice
year, understanding the importance and necessity and both division heads and their staff participate ensures IT-based control of HR, cost, purchasing/ and shares its ethics management guideline.
of ethics management and resolve to practice busi- in offline collective education programs. Employ- BP, and facility issues, thereby allowing us to pre- In January 2016, a total of 675 suppliers signed the
ness ethics. The pledge encourages leaders to take ees receive online education consisting of video vent potential ethical risks through field-based au- pledge to comply with the rule that specifies sanc-
the initiative in and staff to voluntary practice of contents about comprehensive ethics manage- tonomous inspection on and regular monitoring of tions on unethical behaviors, through which we
business ethics. Moreover, unethical behaviors are ment through PCs and mobile devices. In 2016, business ethics. We also conduct the “Ethics Sur- shared our ethics policy and systems with them. In
specified in the pledge to help them comply with 99.3% of employees joined online education for 10 vey” for self-diagnosis of ethics practice on a regu- addition, we are carrying out a campaign aimed at
the Code of Ethics. weeks since June. We plan to offer online educa- lar basis, inspecting the level of ethics manage- prohibiting bribery between suppliers and our em-
tion to employees working at overseas worksites ment of organization and identifying improvement ployees and are operating the “Gift Return Center.”
Amendment of the Code of Ethics by translating the contents into English and Chi- directions. In 2016, we surveyed a total of 15,695 In 2016, a total of 23 gifts were delivered to the
(10th) nese languages. employees from worksites of six countries – Korea, company, all of which were returned to gift provid-
Offline education is requested and hosted by the China, US, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, and Singapore ers or used for our social responsibility activity.
The company has established the Code of Ethics
head of each division, and in-depth education pro- – to check their awareness of ethics and the level Meanwhile, Wuxi Campus and Chongqing P&T ap-
based on the SKMS (SK Management System)
grams are provided in accordance with the character- of ethics practice internalization. Survey results are pointed global staff as the ethics management offi-
which is SK Group’s management philosophy. The
istics of the division and employees’ position, duty, being used for the establishment of more efficient cer to practice business ethics meeting local cul-
Code of Ethics consists of the declaration of ethics
and job. The organization leaders have responsibility ethics systems and improvement activities. ture and sentiment. Moreover, Wuxi Campus held
management, principles of ethics, and practice
to help their employees and job-related stakehold- the Ethics Management Practice Competition and
guidelines, and has been amended in accordance
ers understand our ethics guidelines correctly and Consulting and Reporting System Chongqing P&T published an ethics management
with changes in ethics trend at home and abroad
to support and manage their ethics practices. Thus, practice guidebook in 2016.
and the Group’s guidelines to help transparent and SK hynix is operating an online reporting system
in 2016, we launched the “Ethics Practice Work-
rational decision-making. The 10th amendment in via its official website so that all stakeholders can
shop” hosted by executives such as division heads,
2016 presented distinct guidelines on bribery, enter- report or seek consultation about ethical issues. All
office heads, and project managers and attended
tainment, convenience, offering of jobs, and so on reported contents and identity of informants are
by team managers, project leaders, and staff mem-
to comply with the Improper Solicitation and Graft treated with confidentiality in accordance with se-
bers in order to further foster ethics practice at the
Act. We also reorganized the compliance mandate curity procedures and informant protection pro-
division level. The “Ethics Practice Workshop” gave
of the Code of Ethics, informant protection criteria, gram. Particularly, the amendment of the Code of
a good chance to intensively discuss ethical dilem-
etc. in accordance with the Group’s tightened Code Ethics in 2016 included stepped-up “informant
mas that can occur within organizations. Moreover,
of Ethics, and improved systems which were unsat- protection” and “prohibition of retaliation and dis-
the “Visiting Ethics Class,” a tailored ethics educa-
isfied with ethics practice identified through sur- advantage” articles and specified regular inspec-
tion program, provides employees with essential
vey, consulting, and reporting process. Particularly, tion through follow-up monitoring of the organiza-
ethics education contents by analyzing ethical risks
a guidebook titled “Ethics Management Practice tion dedicated to ethics management. In 2016, a
of each organization in advance.
FAQ” was published to help employees make ethi- total of 104 cases were reported, 44 of which were
cal decisions in cases of conflict of interest and inspected in depth, and 60 employees received dis-
ethical dilemma. Containing diverse case studies, ciplinary measures.
the guidebook will give employees actual help for
voluntarily conducting business ethics.
Consultation and Report on Ethics Management
responding to sustainability issues
raised by both internal and external
stakeholders but also in engaging in
various activities for co-prosperity with
them. As part of this, the company
reports its core issues and response
activities in the aspects of economy,
environment, and society in a detailed
and systematic manner, helping
stakeholders understand its
sustainability management and
expanding communication
Pledge on safety
Considering the nature of the semiconductor business, safety and health issues have and
both financial and nonfinancial impact on the company. Regulations and inspections on Health
safety have been tightening in Korea and China. Local communities’ recognition of
health and safety and customers’ requirement on information disclosure are increasing
as well. Therefore, more practical and effective response is needed. Investments in SHE
Issue 02
to Climate
KRW billion Change
Issue 03
KOSHA 18001 (Safety and Health Management System) certifications to ensure objectiv- Reduction
ity in our safety and health practice while maximizing the benefit. In addition, we moni- points of Envi-
tor impacts from our business by cultivating professional examiners for safety and Impact
SHE Office
SHE Steering Council
• SHE Office: Identifying and improving safety and health tasks On-site Interview Issue 05
• Communication Office: External communication
Safety Team at Icheon Campus conducts a variety of duties related
• Legal Affairs Office: Support for compliance to the safety at worksite, including work authorization, safety super- Suppliers
Issue 01
Management at Workplace
Establishment of SHE* Integrated SHE Management System Implementation of the Work Safety
Management Strategy In 2016, we integrated the Safety and Environment Permit System In 2016, particularly, it was upgraded into a rat-
SK hynix announced a comprehensive SHE strat- Management System (OHSAS 18001/KOSHA In order to strengthen supervision of safety control ing-based index system to raise awareness of safe-
egy for 2016 to achieve the highest standards in 18001), Environmental Management System (ISO at worksite, SK hynix implements the Work Safety ty at worksites. 48 departments from Icheon Cam-
safety. In accordance with the strategy, we have in- 14001), and Process Safety Management (Article Permit System which approves works based on the pus and 39 departments from Cheongju Campus
troduced world’s highest SHE standards to inspect 49-2 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act) into results of risk evaluation by worksite. This system scored 93.4 points and 96.3 points on average, re-
and improve our SHE activities and consequently our SHE Management System to manage SHE infor- helps establish preliminary training programs and spectively, while Wuxi Campus achieved 100.5
establish a culture of safety. Particularly, we reor- mation more efficiently. take necessary measures to ensure safety. We also points on average out of 110. This system will be
ganized the SHE Office to ensure systematic SHE check risk factors by each work process to elimi- adopted to suppliers to further improve safety
management and response and promoted practi- Expansion of SHE Investment nate any potential risks caused by negligence in standards and promote voluntary safety practices
cal safety management through onsite monitoring. advance while enhancing our supervision on com- across the industry.
Investment in SHE management has increased to
With the vision “Human and Environment-centered reduce SHE risks and ensure healthy and safe work pliance with safety procedures to prevent and min-
Value Creation,” SK hynix will achieve the highest environment. In 2016, a total of KRW 106.0 billion imize hazardous factors. Workshop for Safety Diagnosis
level of safety and health for all business sites and was invested, of which infrastructure for water and Raising employees’ awareness of safety is a prereq-
members by practicing the four SHE Management wastewater control required for the expansion of Operation of the Emergency Control uisite for building safe worksites. All organizations
Principles by 2020. FAB accounted for a large part. Others included envi- Tower at SK hynix hold the workshop aimed at diagnos-
* Safety, Health, Environment ronmental improvement, worksite safety, and em- ing and confirming the safety of their worksites on
Our business sites are monitored 24/7 through the
ployee health. a regular basis. Insufficiencies identified at the
safety and fire prevention system, which enables
Operation of the SHE Management to respond to emergency situations in early stage. workshop are reported to the management and
Committee The ETC (Emergency Control Tower) plays a pivotal supplemented through collaboration with safety
SK hynix regularly convokes the SHE Management role for preventing the expansion of damages. SK organizations.
Committee led by the CEO, which is the supreme hynix maintains emergency systems and equip-
decision-making body for SHE issues, in order to ment in preparation for each type of accident in or- Enhancement of Safety Training
check pending SHE issues. The SHE Advisory Commit- dinary days while conducting emergency evacua- Safety training is executed at the enterprise, de-
tee consisting of independent experts verifies the tion trainings by each situation. We also practice partment, and shift levels to elevate employees’
effectiveness of our SHE-related activities. spot evacuation trainings at each building without awareness of safety. Particularly, to better respond
notice of time, place, and type of accident as part to industrial disasters, we operate the internal SHE
of our preventive efforts against personal injuries, Experience Training Center. The center is also open
SHE Management Strategy System
which helps improve our ability to respond to actu- to local communities and suppliers for the dissem-
Vision al accidents. ination of the safety culture.
Pursuing Value for Human and Environment
SHE Risk Free Company Safety Index System
Four SHE Management Principles We operate the Safety Index System that allows
each department to conduct self-assessment on
key factors required for safety management.
Establishing advanced
Creating safety risk Building human- Establishing sustainable
SHE management
free workplace centered health system environment system
• Introducing
world’s • Settling field-oriented • Creating
people-first • Responding
to envi-
top-class SHE autonomous PSM* work environment ronmental regula-
standards operation • Discovering and tions in advance
• Upgrading
ICT-based • Making change man- removing potential • Continuing top-tier
SHE management agement health risks low carbon
system procedure • Introducing job management
• Spreading
SHE man- compulsory management system • Saving resources and
agement to subsid- • Managing safety • Securing the reducing pollutants
iaries and suppliers through risk reliability of chemical • Securing
evaluation substance environment
• Building
information infrastructure for
through unfeigned • Embedding safety Emergency drill SHE Experience Center
future growth
communication culture
Issue 01
Support for On-site Risk Management Support for Safety and Health Industrial Safety and Health Committee
SK hynix encourages suppliers to voluntarily en- Management System Certification At SK hynix, the Industrial Safety and Health Com- counselors, and providing monthly mental
gage in eliminating risk factors in workplace We provide suppliers with professional consulta- mittee reviews and resolves important industrial health-related information.
through trainings and technical supports for risk tions on safety management, through which we safety and health issues. The domestic campuses Particularly, employees who handle hazardous
assessment. In 2016, risk assessment criteria were check their work environment and process and organize separate subcommittees aside from quar- substances are required to have special medical
redefined to set up a systematic tool by type. In ad- help solve difficulties. Other supports include costs terly meetings to make necessary improvements of checkups to identify whether they are taken with
dition, our safety managers coordinate with those for obtaining the certification on SHE management employees’ safety and health. occupational diseases on a regular basis, which
from suppliers to manage risks in their business system, risk assessment, training of internal in- satisfy legal medical checkups by hazardous factor.
sites. We also hold the Risk Assessment Best Prac- spectors, setup of SHE goals, diagnosis on man- Work Environment Analysis
tice Conference for suppliers to share best practic- agement system, and internal inspection. We analyze our work environment on a semiannu- Activities of the Industrial Health
es and promote voluntary SHE compliance. Verification Committee
al basis by commissioning external organizations
Enhancement of Suppliers’ and share any important information through the Fact-finding Survey
SHE Assessment System internal bulletin board. In 2015, SK hynix conducted an epidemiological
We hold a monthly meeting for managers of sup- survey on occupational diseases in the manufac-
pliers to share our safety-related systems while Prevention of Musculoskeletal turing sector. The Industrial Health Verification
conducting daily inspections and quarterly joint in- Diseases Committee announced that there is no relation be-
spections. In 2016, we executed joint inspections Inspection on factors causing musculoskeletal dis- tween occupational diseases and our work envi-
on 21 1st-tier suppliers who participated in our co- ease was expanded to design staff who work sitting ronment, but we promised to provide comprehen-
operation program. In addition, we evaluate the down for long hours beyond site workers. In 2016, sive supports and compensation.
work environment of our suppliers on a semiannu- despite no job identified to cause musculoskeletal In response, we completed 106 out of 127 tasks
Suppliers’ presentation on risk assessment results al basis and reward those who demonstrate excel- diseases by onsite investigation, we developed and recommended by the committee by 2016.
(Mar. 28, 2017) lent SHE performances. presented subjects of recommendation from an er-
gonomic perspective. Particularly, ergonomic Comprehensive Supports and Compensations
Internalization of Training and Expansion of Health Management for working methods and tailored stretching and exer- The company established the Industrial Health
Support Compensation Committee, a third-party
Education Suppliers cise trainings as well as medical care are offered to
employees with severe pain. organization, in January 2016 to provide compre-
Workers of in-house contractors receive the same
Monthly SHE education materials are offered to hensive supports and compensations. Eligible re-
level of welfare services as those of our employees.
suppliers and trainings about safety and health are cipients include our current and retired employees
Those include access to our internal clinics and Differentiated Healthcare Programs
mandatory to workers of subcontractors. In 2016, and suppliers’ employees who have worked at
physical therapy centers as well as work environ- We operate internal medical clinics, physical thera-
we provided special lectures about Chemical ma- least 1 year at production facilities and their chil-
ment assessment and medical examination. In py centers, and psychology counseling centers as
terial and MSDS* twice. Moreover, we conducted dren. The benefit covers all types of cancers that
2016, we conducted special medical examinations well as programs to address smoking, alcohol con-
emergency drills against safety accident jointly Results of inspecting working have any relation with the semiconductor industry.
on entire 825 types of substances for 22 suppliers. sumption, and obesity. In 2016, our healthcare pro-
with suppliers to cultivate capabilities to promptly environment in 2016
respond to emergency situations. A total of 113 grams were further upgraded by opening physical
residential suppliers signed the pledge on safety, Management of VOCs of suppliers therapy centers during lunch time, recruiting more
and in April 2016, we held a resolution conference SK hynix collects opinions of suppliers through var-
for accident-free worksite and a seminar for safety ious VOC channels and take necessary actions to
and health improvement. solve problems. Particularly, we operate the
* Material Safety Data Sheet Co-prosperity & Cooperation Program* and imple- Healthcare Using Light Therapy Glasses
ment a survey to check satisfaction on risk assess-
ment. We surveyed CEOs and employees of 36 Having conducted researches on light therapy to help sound sleep of employees who work night shifts,
suppliers who were members of the program in SK hynix found out that illuminating bright light through the light therapy glasses helped improve sleep
2016, scoring 9.2 points from CEOs and 8.8 points disorders and fatigue. Thus, the light therapy was expanded to those who suffer from insomnia, time
from their employees. lapse, and overtime work. In 2016, it was tested on 12 employees who traveled long-distance and
* A program to support suppliers’ management stability
suffered from depression, as well as those who needed to improve the quality of sleep. We will continue
to develop improvement effectiveness of this therapy and expand the application going forward.
Response to
Energy-saving at domestic and
Major Activities and Performances in 2016 overseas worksites Issue 01
Climate Change
to Climate
Importance of the Issue
Global environmental regulations are being tightened and companies are required
to undertake higher responsibilities due to growing climate change issue derived
Entered the
gies for GHG reduction and improving energy efficiency. Management Honors Club
Issue 04
Management Approach tion of
SK hynix complies with regulations related to energy use and GHG emissions and Culture
understands risk and opportunity factors from climate change. By reducing poten-
tial cost factors drived from climate change an d preparing quality control policy,
we will secure higher trust with stakeholders and create new values at the company
level. Issue 05
Issue 02
Response System
Governance for Responding to GHG Emissions Control Response to GHG Emission Trading
Climate Change Establishment of Performance System SK hynix established a mid and long-term vision to Scheme
Operation of the SHE Management Committee SK hynix rewards its employees who reach perfor- reduce 20% of the intensity of GHG emissions with The GHG Emission Trading Scheme was introduced
The SHE Management Committee, the supreme mance goals set based on our performance indica- business as usual, and detailed strategies are pro- in Korea in 2015. In accordance with the scheme,
decision-making body that handles SHE issues in- tor on climate change. Incentives are offered to moted around a task force team organized for re- the government grants each company the right to
cluding climate change, reports critical SHE issues employees, management, and energy and facilities ducing energy consumption and GHG emissions at emit GHG, and companies can trade their rights
to the management. At the SHE Management Com- managers to encourage better performance in the enterprise level. Despite the introduction of depending on the marginal abatement cost and
mittee Meeting held in March 2016, we reported al- terms of efficiency and reduction of emissions. high energy-efficiency equipment, GHG emissions the market price. SK hynix, as a company applied
SDGs locations and response strategies corresponding to increased from 2015 due to the increase of process by the scheme, formed a task force team dedicated
the first and second years of emissions trading. Risks and Opportunities Derived from gas and power consumption driven by the expan- to saving energy and GHG in order to achieve the
Ensure access to affordable,
Based on the reported plans, SK hynix set guide- Climate Change sion of production facilities. target allocations.
reliable, sustainable and modern
energy for all lines for purchasing emissions rights and defined In 2016, we measured and controlled our GHG
In response to regulatory requirements and physi-
the TF activities to achieve our allocation goals. emissions by establishing a GHG reduction device
cal risks derived from climate change, we under-
Ensure sustainable consumption (scrubber) management system, through which we
and production patterns take enterprise-wide activities and investment. We
certified for GHG reduction from the government.
are also proactive in developing opportunities gen-
The results were also reflected in our decision to
erated from climate change and conducting re-
Take urgent action to combat purchase high-efficiency scrubbers and strategies
climate change and its impacts sponse strategies.
to reduce more GHG emissions.
Emissions trading scheme Emissions trading scheme • Building and verifying GHG inventory
• Increasing costs when power generation • Creating revenue from emissions rights when • Developing
GHG measuring
companies shift their GHG reduction costs securing GHG emissions reduction technology First Korean Company to Join the CDP’s “Platinum Club”
onto electric charges technologies • Developing GHG/energy reduction
• Requiring the establishment of annual GHG items (TF) SK hynix became the first Korean company to join the “Platinum Club,” the highest level of the Car-
inventory and third-party verification due to • Establishing the Energy Management
the mandatory GHG emissions submission
bon Management Honors Club, after being selected by the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Korean
Regula- System (ISO 50001)
Regula- Committee. By joining the Global Leaders Club for 5 consecutive years from 2009 to 2013, SK hynix
Fuel/energy tax and restrictions tory Fuel/energy tax and restrictions
• Increasing energy costs for producing Oppor- • Reducing
power costs at the production FAB was inducted into their Hall of Fame. The Global Leaders Club qualifies for the A Band, the top-
semiconductors if the restrictions on energy tunities that comprises the great majority of power rankers group, in the fields of fidelity to carbon information disclosure and carbon performance
use are applied by the government consumption if highly energy-efficient
equipment is introduced leadership index. Since then, we have maintained this honor for 4 consecutive years through the
Product labeling/standards Product labeling/standards • Carbon/environmental label third-party verification on GHG emission and transparent disclosure of information, which allowed
• Disrupting or delaying product sales to • Increasing revenue by preoccupying markets if • CO2 Calculator us to enter the Platinum Club, the highest level.
customers if we fail to meet customers’ future technologies meeting regulatory
certification requirements requirements are secured
Abnormal climate Abnormal climate • Strengthening HVAC (Heating, Ventilation,
• Increasing
failure rate of precision instruments • Increasing
revenue from non-memory Air Conditioning) management
used for producing semiconductors and semiconductors used for smart devices and • Conducting employee training about
causing loss due to quality issues IoT solutions due to increasing uncertainty integrity
Physi- caused by abnormal climate • Strengthening non-memory
Physical cal semiconductor business including CIS
Risks Oppor- product
Unusual weather and depletion of resources tunities Unusual weather and depletion of resources • Installing uninterrupted power supply,
• Causing
direct & indirect losses due to damage • Generating revenue based on the RPS introducing central monitoring system,
to products (e.g. wasted products, poor yield) (Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard) system and strengthening surveillance system
by blackout derived from typhoon in relation to renewable energy policies • Establishing
double track power
* Renewable
energy Portfolio Standard systems
Change in customer behaviors Change in customer behaviors • Developing high-performance
• Decreasing sales and M/S if low-power products • Increasing
sales and M/S by supplying low-power products
customers want cannot be delivered on time Other low-power products on time • Improving
product planning and
Other Op- supply chain management process
Risks Corporate reputation portu- Corporate reputation • Expanding
communication channels
• Falling
stock price and ownership if we cannot nities • Rising stock price and ownership if we satisfy with stakeholders
satisfy sustainability evaluation with regard to sustainability evaluation with regard to climate
climate change change
Issue 02
Reduction of
Major Activities and Performances in 2016 Issue 01
Environmental Impact
Reduction of water
thousand tons per day Response
to Climate
Management Approach
24 Issue 04
SK hynix manages water supply, wastewater, waste, and air quality with the aim of effi- Innova-
tion of
ciently using resources and reducing environmental impact. We especially focus on wa- Corporate
ter resource recycling and wastewater treatment, and organized a task force team dedi- Culture
Issue 03
Water Resource Management Wastewater Management Waste Management
Water Resource Risk Management Building Infrastructure for Water Resource SDGs SK hynix strives to minimize impact on water sys- Improvement of Waste Management System
The larger production volume of semiconductors, Management tem by strictly treating wastewater in compliance At SK hynix, waste is managed to satisfy legal re-
the higher importance of water and wastewater In addition to stabilizing water supply for manufac- Ensure sustainable consumption with regulatory requirements before discharging. quirements by applying stricter environmental
and production patterns
management. As the semiconductor business is turing processes, SK hynix manages water resourc- We check the concentration level of the pollutants standards. Waste is separated into general waste
recognized as a representative water intensive sec- es in response to possible water shortage risks. In in effluent through the real-time monitoring sys- and designated waste by item from the generation
tor, SK hynix makes a lot of effort into water re- 2016, we developed a water and wastewater moni- tem (TMS, Tele Monitoring System) and share the stage to ensure safe waste control. To prevent acci-
source management. The Icheon Campus purifies toring system which uses the RTDB (Real Time Da- monitoring data with the Ministry of Environment dents during its collection, sorting, and transporta-
raw water taken directly from Namhan River for ta-Base) and is automatically controlled. This sys- in real time, thereby disclosing information on tion processes, we set work procedures and con-
production* while the Cheongju Campus uses wa- tem allows us to monitor water consumption and wastewater treatment transparently. In addition, duct risk assessment and training. Waste is
ter supplied from the metropolitan waterworks. SK wastewater discharge by each department in real wastewater is separated by pollution type and transported to professional waste disposal compa-
hynix ensures stable water supply during produc- time. treated in accordance with each feature before dis- nies by type. Waste disposal companies are select-
SDGs tion process by effectively managing water re- charging. Especially, we apply internal standards, ed through preliminary onsite evaluation and we
Ensure availability and sources and works on water recycling and waste- Preservation of Biodiversity which are stricter than the legal requirements, to make sure that it is stored and disposed according
sustainable management of water treatment as well. We reuse a certain amount maintain the level below 60% of the legal stan- to the applicable regulations every year after the
water and sanitation for all The Icheon Campus located in water quality con-
of ultrapure water used for production process and dards. selection. If any of the 39 items in 11 categories is
servation area complies with wastewater discharge
recycle wastewater from worksites, reducing water found to be non-compliant* in the post-evaluation,
guidelines and safely controls hazardous substanc- Water Quality Management by Campus
consumption. In 2016, we organized a task force (Unit: ㎎/l) we suspend transactions with the waste disposal
es through dedicated wastewater treamtment fa-
team to promote company-wide activities for re- Classification 2014 2015 2016 company.
cilities. It has also managed eco-toxicity since the
ducing water consumption and wastewater dis- Icheon Chemical oxygen demand
second half of 2007 to satisfy the government’s en- (COD)
4.2 4.1 4.2 * Non-compliance:
Serious environmental accident, situation
charge. As a result, we managed to save 11,000 in which no short-term improvement can be made, violation
vironmental policy and preserve water ecosystem. Biochemical oxygen of the Environmental Act
tons of water a day through the optimization of 3.8 2.5 2.4
As part of this, we have conducted environmental demand (BOD)
scrubber operation and increased recycling of pro- Total nitrogen (T-N) 20.0 18.7 17.8
impact assessment on water fleas at the rivers
cess water. Particularly, the Chongqing P&T re- Fluorine (F) 1.2 0.7 1.0 Waste Management System
(Jukdang Stream, Bokha Stream, and Namhan Riv-
duced 92,128 tons of water supply corresponding Cheongju Chemical oxygen demand
er) where effluent water is discharged. In 2016, the 5.2 6.5 6.8
to about KRW 60 million by recycling condensate (COD) Waste generation
test result showed 0.0 toxic unit, which proved that Biochemical oxygen
water and RO condensate water. 4.6 6.2 5.4
our wastewater had no impact on the biodiversity demand (BOD)
* Partially taking water from wide waterworks system. of the rivers. Total nitrogen (T-N) 16.0 19.2 19.8
Fluorine (F) 7.4 7.2 7.4 Common waste Designated waste
Water Resource Use Eco-toxicity Management Status Wuxi* Chemical oxygen demand • Waste from daily life • Waste
acid and
(Unit: million m ) 14.2 11.0 12.1 and discharge organic solvent
(Unit: toxic unit) (COD)
Classification 2014 2015 2016 2016 Target facilities
Biochemical oxygen
0.39 13.8 9.0 3.0 • Construction waste
Water Waterworks 37.827 40.109 36.089 - 0.30 demand (BOD)
supply Surface water 13.743 16.007 29.128 - Total nitrogen (T-N) 9.8 11.2 -
Waste- Wastewater Ammonia (NH3-N)* - - 3.3
44.227 48.857 53.900 -
water discharge Fluorine (F) 4.7 4.3 3.5 Storage at designated areas (storage box by type)
Total consumption Chongqing Chemical oxygen demand
7.343 7.259 11.317 12.449 - 12.7 7.8
(water & wastewater) (COD)
Storage at designated warehouse (storage box by item)
Biochemical oxygen
- 2.9 5.2
demand (BOD)
Total nitrogen (T-N) - 1.9 2.3 Transfer to waste treatment companies by item
2014 2015 2016
* Wuxi Campus has been controlling NH -N instead of T-N from 2016 in accordance with relevant regulations.
Completion of treatment
Issue 03
Air Quality Management Chemical Substance Management
Resource Recycling Air Pollutants Emission Management System Response to Regulations on Chemical Substances The figure has increased due to our stringent pre-
We recycle most of waste by enhancing separate SK hynix commissions authorized agencies to In accordance with the Chemical Substances Con- vention activities and tightening criteria on con-
waste collection process. In 2016, a total of 163,253 check the level of air pollution inside and outside trol Act and the Act on the Registration and Evalua- trolling chemical substances and areas of explo-
tons of waste was generated, 95% of which were the company and utilize the results for improving tion of Chemicals which were enforced in 2015, SK sion hazard. SK hynix continues to pay full
recycled. In addition, we sell low-concentration IPA the efficiency of air pollution prevention facilities. hynix has tightened chemical substances control attention to risk control, adopt higher SHE criteria,
(Isopropyl Alcohol) generated from manufacturing criteria. We inspect the safety of all chemical sub- and take corrective actions to irrationalities.
process through the IPA evaporation system, re- Reduction of Air Pollutants Emission stances from the stage of warehousing to usage ev-
ducing waste generation. In 2016, a total of 29,247 In order to create an eco-friendly work environ- ery year with the aim of minimizing safety acci- Effort to Reduce the Use of
tons of IPA worth KRW 3.8 billion were saved. The ment, we have strived to reduce the total amount dents from hazardous chemical substances and Hazardous Substance
Wuxi Campus minimizes its environmental impact of fluorine compounds, the major pollutants in the effectively responding to relevant laws and regula- To fundamentally prevent hazardous substances
by recycling waste sulfuric acid generated from semiconductor business. The emission of fluorine tions. from introducing new materials for semiconductor
manufacturing process as chemicals for wastewa- compounds amounted to 2.1 tons, down 12.5% production, SK hynix has institutionalized prior ap-
ter treatment. As a result, the Wuxi Campus man- from 2015, at the Wuxi Campus in 2016. In addi- Chemical Substance Management Policies proval on hazardous level and usage of new sub-
aged to reduce the amount of waste sulfuric acid tion, we established the monitoring and control SK hynix has implemented emergency drills as well stances. Therefore, all new materials are coded
by 4,772 tons, saving KRW 600 million in 2016. guidelines to further reduce fluorine compounds as legal and professional trainings for employees and inspected thoroughly prior to the application
emission, and then enforced the total fluorine to ensure safe and proper handling of chemical to processing, and suppliers are required to submit
compound emission regulation. As part of these substances. Inspections and evaluations are also their certificates in advance. We manage a total of
initiatives, the company not only replaced multi- carried out in accordance with the Risk Manage- 46 hazardous substances content of 19 materials
stage treatment systems and outdated facilities, ment Plan and Process Safety Management (PSM). By doing so, we comply with the domestic and for-
but also adopted new technologies and optimized New chemical substances are required to get prior eign regulations with regard to hazardous sub-
management standards for air pollution preven- Local Council for Supplying Chemical reviews and approvals on usage through evalua- stances and secure global competitiveness in
tion facilities. Substances (Sep. 9, 2016) tion on hazardousness. Moreover, we registered eco-friendly production process and eco-friendly
the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on our com- products.
puter system for an easy access to properties of
IPA Concentration Facilities
※ Warm IPA concentration facilities at the Cheongju Campus #3 (as of December 2016) each chemical substance and expanded opportu- Hazardous Substance Management System
nities to communicate information about environ- In 2016, SK hynix established a system to proac-
Warm IPA Sump IPA Concentration Facilities Waste & Wastewater Treatment
mental impacts from the use of chemical substanc- tively monitor environmentally hazardous sub-
Heating es with local communities. Since 2016, we have stances, which includes the RoHS (Restriction of
operated the “Chemical Substance Council” con- Hazardous Substance) and REACH (Registration
sisting of officials of Gyeonggi-do and Icheon City, Evaluation Authorization of Chemical). Since 2015,
Warm IPA Water storage Concentrated chemical experts, and local representatives on a we have also operated a system to verify four kinds
Circular tank Membrane Concentrate tank Waste disposal
sump 2EA tank Vacuum IPA waste liquid
regular basis and transparently disclosed our envi- of phthalate substances including DBP (Dibutyl
ronmental safety facilities and safety management Phthalate) which will be banned from using due to
Connection of
pipes from the status to local communities. the RoHS Directive from 2019. As this system de-
lower part of tank tected that some raw materials such as resistor
Supports for SHE Risk Reduction of (passive device installed on module products) con-
Concentrated IPA
waste liquid Chemical Substance Suppliers tained DBP substance, we have required suppliers
The company inspects SHE activities of chemical to develop substitutes and completed their mass
Inspection on SHE
substance suppliers on a regular basis to help them production system. Other raw materials such as
Solvent sump at Management of Chemical
R/O1) supply Treated MBR2) wastewater Substance Suppliers minimize legal risks and prevent serious accidents. EMC (Epoxy Module Compound) containing REACH
R/O membrane wastewater (Unit: cases)
1) R/O: Reverse Osmosis tank water tank treatment In 2016, we have strictly inspected two suppliers SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) were also
High- treatment plant
2) MBR: Membrane Bio Reactor
Classification 2014 2015 2016 every month by spending six hours a day per each substituted with new substances for mass produc-
Safety 32 63 75
pump supplier. As a result of inspections on 24 suppliers tion. Sub-standard materials are designated as
Environ- 5 26 27
out of 108 suppliers, 154 cases of irrationalities management objects to be substituted after the
Health 19 27 39 were identified. termination of license period.
Firefighting 8 20 13 * Restriction of Hazardous Substance
Total 64 136 154 ** Registration Evaluation Authorization of Chemical
Innovation of
improvement of work efficiency
Major Activities and Performances in 2016 Issue 01
% Health
developed to Climate
Issue 03
As technological competitiveness of the semiconductor business depends on human resources, it Reduction
is important to secure high-caliber global talents for future growth. Therefore, many semiconductor hours of Envi-
companies strive to create a corporate culture where human rights, labor conditions, and diversity Impact
are respected and employees are able to display their capabilities.
Issue 04
Management Approach Innova-
tion of
Our employees are the most valuable asset of SK hynix. In this regard, we not only provide them Corporate
with trainings tailored for field jobs to support their balanced growth and higher professionalism
but also ensure fair evaluation and compensation. We also activate communication within the
company to build a rational corporate culture.
Issue 05
Responsible Organization and Role Suppliers
Future Plan
Ahn Min, Head of SKMS Team
Innovation of corporate culture starts with communication and the culute of meeting and reporting
represents the level of communication. Even though our communication culture has improved by
operating the “Gonggam Talk Talk” and “Hi-tong” channels, the culture of meeting and reporting
needs to be improved. Going forward, we will strive to minimize unnecessary works by consistent
control and monitoring and find ways of working pleasantly.
Overview Special Theme Corporate Governance Focus Areas Issue 01 Safety and Health Performance Appendix
Issue 02 Response to Climate Change
Focus Areas Issue 03 Reduction of
Environmental Impact
Issue 04 Innovation of Corporate Culture
Issue 05 Shared Growth with Suppliers
Issue 04
Innovation Competency
of Corporate
New Talents Cultivation System Enhancement of Technological Leadership and Competence
SK hynix has helped our employees upgrade their Leadership SDGs Securing Technological Expertise in Development
expertise in fundamental areas while strengthen- Online Learning Content, Group Cookie Semiconductors Taking “Tenacious Actions”
Ensure inclusive and equitable
ing their technological competence tailored to the We have helped employees foster basic knowledge quality education and promote Due to the increasing complexity and specializa- The “Tenacious Actions” is a part of our code of
semiconductor business in line with their individu- about semiconductors through the Smart Cookie lifelong learning opportunities for all tion of the semiconductor production process, conduct aimed at winning fierce competition in the
al roles and positions. Particularly, with the recog- education module. In 2016, a new online education there is a growing need for experts with prob- semiconductor business. It consists of our 10
nition that paradigm shift in talent cultivation sys- contents program was launched to carve out em- lem-solving skills and advanced job competence. strong attitude DNAs which were identified by all
tem is necessar y for the enhancement of ployees’ job capability that meets the rapidly- To this end, we streamlined the 8-step production employees. With the “Tenacious Actions,” we are
technological leadership, we established the SKHU changing latest semiconductor technologies. Start- job position system into 5 steps and extended the making a concerted effort to achieve our goals and
(SK Hynix University), a new education system, in ed in July 2016, the Group Cookie education mod- retirement age and supports for technological create values by unifying the affection of all em-
November 2016. Today, we are fostering field-ori- ule allows anyone to create online contents that competence improvement. In addition, the “SK hy- ployees for the company.
ented learning culture in each area of technology are about 20 minutes long to share their expertise, nix Technology Master Program” was introduced to
and providing online and offline training programs knowhow, and skills with others. promote the transfer of technological knowhow Leadership Development
to help our employees elevate their job expertise. As the instructors can freely choose lecture formats among employees, and an annual academic con- To create an environment where “Tenacious Ac-
and create educational contents by using all busi- ference is held to share the latest technological tions” can be implemented, the company defines
ness data, the Smart Cookie receives great re- progress and ideas. In 2016, a total of 135 academ- the roles of executives and encourages their prac-
Employee Training
sponse from instructors as well as employees. In ic theses were published, in which more than 1,500 tices. To this end, a leadership coaching program
Classifi- Unit 2014 2015 2016 the second half of 2016, more than 300 contents employees participated to discuss them in the field was introduced to make heads of each office and
cation of their interest.
were created. Going forward, we will build a studio group interview their team managers and project
Persons 161,988 304,200 172,236 where any employees can create Smart Cookie leaders with the aim of helping them improve their
Training contents easily. leadership skills. In 2016, we implemented the
hours per 64 58 81 “Strategic Leadership Program for Executives” and
employee Job Performance Improvement with i-TAP “Leadership Program for Team Managers and Proj-
Training KRW in
The i-TAP (innovative Technology Advancement ect Leaders,” as well as “Leaders Workshop” for
expendi- thou-
920 676 490 Program) is an education program tailored to site field managers and supervisors.
ture per sands/
employee person workers. SK hynix intends to solve technical issues,
strengthen technological competence, and at the Support for Global Competence Development
same time cultivate core technical professionals With the aim of cultivating fluent speakers, we pro-
SKHU (SK Hynix University)
through education programs connected with cor- vide global business staff, expatriates, and dis-
The SKHU, launched in March 2017, consists of di-
porate strategies. In this regard, to identify and patched employees with intensive English and Chi-
verse courses to help employees systematically de-
solve tasks necessary for achieving corporate strat- nese language courses. Email etiquette guidebooks
velop their abilities in each field. Staff-level and se-
egies at worksites, we provided diverse education and videos help enhance business efficiency and
nior staff employees are required to complete the
programs tailored to each task by inviting internal communication skill. Moreover, interpretation and
course while senior and executive officers are al-
and external professionals. Particularly, small translation supports are offered to ensure in-depth
lowed to choose the courses they want. There are
group education program for employees who con- technology sharing between our employees and
10 colleges under the SKHU, and each college of-
duct tasks increased the immersion level and opti- customers in the global business.
fers unique curricula tailored to the needs of stu-
mized all education factors such as format, period,
dents. Particularly, in-house professors satisfy em-
and lecturer. In 2016, we organized 35 courses in
ployees’ needs by delivering high quality lectures.
total, and more than 200 employees joined the
We also implement an academic grading system to
i-TAP. As a result, we were able to reduce product
encourage voluntary participation and promote
development costs and Test TAT while securing the
consistent advancement of employee competence.
advanced technology in circuit design, improving
Our goal is to foster high-caliber talents and im-
our process, and fostering human resources with
prove their technological expertise through the
superior technical expertise.
SKHU system and well-organized curricular man-
Issue 04
Employee Value
Organizational Culture
Employment and Recruitment Fair Performance Evaluation and Active Communication Improvement of Corporate Culture
Recognizing human resources as the most valuable Compensation Conversation with the CEO, SK hynix Culture Survey
asset for the company, SK hynix strives to secure Fair Performance-oriented Evaluation “Gonggam Talk Talk” The “SK hynix Culture Survey” contributes to creat-
and cultivate excellent R&D experts as well as sup- SK hynix operates performance management pro- The company shares its management philosophy, ing desirable corporate culture by helping diagno-
port sustainable growth of employees. cess centered on coaching activities and communi- corporate vision, and ways to improve corporate sis on organizational culture and proposal of im-
cation, evaluating created performances and culture with employees through the “Gonggam provement measures. The survey in 2016 included
growth potential in a fair and comprehensive man- Talk Talk,” a communication meeting in which the items to check the effects of “Tenacious Actions”
Employement Status ner. Through the e-HR System, we strengthen the CEO and employees participate. In 2016, a total of and job efficiency dedicated to SK hynix as well as
alignment between the organizational and individ- 330 employees joined the meeting to discuss the SK Group’s common items. The results showed
Classification Unit 2014 2015 2016 increasingly competitive market environment and that “Tenacious Actions” influenced the team-
ual goals to maximize performance. Technical of-
Employ- Job creation rate1) % 9.0 3.4 (1.2)
fice workers are evaluated for their annual compre- ways to build a healthy corporate culture. Particu- based work attitude at a rate of 85.8%, with posi-
ment No. of dismissed employees2) Persons 1 1 2
Turnover rate2) % 2.6 2.1 3.4 h e n s i v e p e r fo r m a n ce , j o b a c h i e v e m e n ts , larly, we chose discussion topics through the in- tive impact on the meetings and reporting culture
Employees No. of employees Persons 26,903 27,813 27,488 capabilities, ranking assessment among employ- tranet to form a consensus and further boost com- at a rate of 79.9%.
Executives and technical munication.
office positions (male)
Persons 9,277 9,907 9,936 ees. Full-time employees and technical office work-
ers with Level 5 and under are evaluated based on Junior Board
Executives and technical
Persons 2,275 2,422 2,372 Anonymous Communication Channel, Hi-tong Junior Board at SK hynix consisting of employees
office positions (female) more than 10 indicators, including job knowledge,
Production employees (male) Persons 5,538 5,725 5,804
performance drive and communication skills. The SK hynix operates the “Hi-tong,” an anonymous who can present opinions in an objective and bal-
Production employees
Persons 9,791 9,648 9,303 results are reflected in promotion process. communication channel consisting of three cate- anced manner is operated through seven channels
Contract employees (male) Persons 5 22 42 gories: Innovation-tong for developing and dis- by region and organization every month. In 2016,
Contract employees (female) Persons 17 89 31 Rational Compensation System cussing innovative ideas, Debate-tong for suggest- the board discussed the concept of “Strong Atti-
Rate of permanent workers % 99.9 99.6 99.7 ing proposals to the company and discussing items tude” and ways to better practice the campaign at
SK hynix compensates its employees based on
No. of senior employees3) Persons 36 46 61
their performance assessment and grade. The PI related to human resources and corporate culture, worksites. During this process, we identified issues
Average length of service4) Years 9.7 10.2 10.9
Employees Korea Persons 21,558 22,291 22,255 (Productivity Incentive) and PS (Profit Sharing) are and Openness-tong as a space for free discussion such as “Organizational Issues for Efficient Devel-
by region US Persons 395 432 393 paid annually according to business results in addi- on any topic. opment,” “Logistics Process Issues,” and “Work-ori-
China Persons 4,693 4,818 4,574 ented Positioning” and then reported them to the
tion to individual salary. The initial salary of college
Asia5) Persons 46 47 51
graduates working at domestic worksites as of management, resulting in actual performance im-
Europe Persons 211 225 215
Local Korea Persons 1,439 1,220 684 2016 amounted to 280% of the legal minimum provement.
employ- US Persons 79 95 143 wage, and employees are paid without any gender
ment by China Persons 2,074 911 534
region Asia5) Persons 42 18 13
Europe Persons 8 29 16
1) (No.
of employees for the year – No. of employees for the previous year)/
Improvement of Meeting and Reporting Culture
No. of employees for the previous year ×100
2) Based on domestic worksites
3) People of the age 55 and over with more than one year of employment SK hynix strives to eliminate unnecessary and inefficient work processes to create an open and cre-
4) Based on the headquarters ative workplace environment that makes work more enjoyable and productive. Most office workers
5) Excluding Korea and China spend a lot of time on meeting and reporting. We have listened to the voices of our employees
through the Culture Survey and worked hard to establish a productive meeting culture. As part of
this, we have identified and shared 7 items for the establishment of efficient meeting and reporting
“Valuable Leader” Program
culture. As a result, the survey in 2016 showed a positive response that 80% of the respondents felt
To create a positive corporate culture and boost teamwork between senior and junior staff mem- improvement. Thanks to these efforts, the number of meetings decreased about 30%, which
bers, we are implementing the “Valuable Leader” program. We value leaders who set good exam- helped spend more time on productive works. Moreover, streamlined reporting process and diver-
ples for the team and prioritize communication and trust while helping team members grow and sified reporting types facilitated rapid and efficient decision-making. Going forward, the company
overcome challenges. In 2016, a total of 4,770 best practices were reported online on the intranet, will continue to upgrade its meeting reservation system and time controller system to meet em-
and 2,749 employees were selected as Valuable Leaders through recommendations. We plan to ployees’ needs and develop diverse meeting and reporting culture improvement tasks.
build a model for admirable leadership by analyzing more than 100,000 keywords among recom-
mendations from employees and use best practices for leadership coaching programs.
Major Activities and Performances in 2016
Fund spent on supporting Issue 01
Growth with
shared growth and
As a large part of semiconductor production process is done through collaboration with sup-
KRW billion
pliers, their competitiveness has significant impact on our business. The Korean government
places a high priority on shared growth among big and small companies and at the same Signed the agreement on Issue 02
time stakeholders including global investors, credit rating agencies, and major customers shared growth with Response
pay attention to CSR performances throughout the supply chain. Moreover, emerging AI and to Climate
IoT businesses that lead the demand for semiconductor products require us to further col-
laborate with suppliers for the innovation and development of leading technologies. 63 suppliers
Win-win Cooperation
Salary Sharing Program
Issue 03
Management Approach
of Envi-
this end, we are implementing various shared growth programs in line with the SK Group-
led Happiness Companion Management policies. In particular, we declared shared growth
with suppliers by initiating the co-prosperity salary sharing program and expanded the
5 suppliers
Issue 04
scope of target of shared growth. tion of
On-site Interview
Receiving equipment, raw materials, components, and relevant
Future Plan
technical services needed for manufacturing semiconductors from
We plan to initiate a new win-win program aimed at cultivating “technology innovation part- a lot of suppliers, SK hynix strives to efficiently manage social and
ners” by selecting suppliers with great techological potential as well as upgrading the environmental impacts with the aim of building a virtuous circle and enhancing
Shared Growth Council for a strong partnership. By doing so, we will create more opportuni- sustainability in its supply chain. Particularly, the Company runs a variety of shared
ties for sustainable growth and pursue co-prosperity and happiness with suppliers. growth programs in the fields of technology, finance, and management, which include the
Salary-sharing System created by one accord between the labor and management, Win-win
Academy for enhancing technical competence of suppliers’ employees, and Technology Innova-
tion Partner System aimed at adding sustainability to suppliers with technological prowess. With
a belief that suppliers’ competitiveness represents the competitiveness of our company, we will
continue to promote diverse activities including the establishment of a culture of fair and ethical
transaction and enhancement of cooperative networks to foster an ecosystem for shared growth
with suppliers.
Issue 05
Shared Growth
Suppliers Establishment of Shared Growth
Expanding Supports for Suppliers
Since signing the “Agreement on Collaboration be-
Improvement of Payment System
Our company encourages the 1st-tier suppliers to
Strengthening Collaboration
SK hynix uses standard contract forms and trading tween Small and Large Enterprises” in June 2015, expand supports for the 2nd-tier suppliers. As part SK hynix has built sustainable partnership with
guidelines provided by the Fair Trade Commission our supports for suppliers have expanded to the of this, we have recommended fair trade agree- strategic suppliers through the Shared Growth
to promote shared growth with suppliers and en- 2nd-tier suppliers. To improve the competitiveness ments between the 1st and 2nd-tier suppliers, in Council. The CEOs from 60 major suppliers join the
sure fair trade. In addition, our internal guidelines of industrial ecosystem, we have promoted the “In- which 26 1st-tier and 99 2nd-tier suppliers partici- Shared Growth Council that operates regular ex-
for fair and transparent transactions are disclosed dustrial Innovation Movement 3.0” since 2013, pated in 2016. Particularly, 28 1st-tier and 113 change programs such as general meeting, division-
through our portal website for co-prosperity. As of through which about KRW 3.5 billion will be sup- 2nd-tier suppliers joined the cash monitoring sys- al meeting, CEO convention, and Shared Growth
2016, a total of 634 suppliers joined our business ported for consultation on the 2nd-tier suppliers’ tem which was introduced to improve the terms of Day event. The general meeting and Shared
and purchasing amount from them reached KRW productivity enhancement. In 2016, we supported payment between them. We also implemented the Growth Day event are held every year to share the
9.30 trillion. KRW 700 million for executing professional consult- Win-Win Payment System to support the financial advanced technology roadmap, shared growth
ing programs and purchasing facilities in the areas operation of the 2nd-tier suppliers. The system al- policies, and ethical management policies with our
of business management, process, and production lows the 1st-tier suppliers to pay the 2nd-tier sup- suppliers. At the general meeting of the Shared
Breakdown of suppliers Transactions with Suppliers
(Unit: KRW in billions) technology. pliers with the credit of large companies so that Growth Council in 2016, we decided to expand the
Equipment Classification 2014 2015 2016 they can secure cash in quickly. We offer incentives council organization with the purpose of boosting
Raw materials Number of
631 677 634
Subcontract Management System to the 1st-tier suppliers who joined this system to involvement in shared growth activities. At the
Spare parts suppliers1) attract more participations. Shared Growth Day event, we awarded suppliers
It is important to establish fair subcontract policies
Infrastructure Total
7,433.0 7,433.0 9,302.5 and realize continuous improvement through with excellent performance in the areas of techno-
Purchasing of overseas sites
Equipment 2,934.6 2,934.6 4,361.4 monitoring and review to build a healthy shared logical innovation, shared growth, environment,
Raw materials 1,870.1 1,870.1 2,222.2 growth ecosystem. SK hynix has signed an agree- and safety, thereby solidifying strategic partner-
Infrastructure 1,393.6 1,393.6 1,274.4 ment on fair trade, strived to spead fair subcontract ships. Furthermore, in 2016, we visited 58 suppliers
13.7 Spare parts 1,056.8 1,056.8 1,298.0 policies, complied with relevant regulations, and to better understand their grievances and difficul-
14.0 Purchasing ties in business operations, while sharing opinions
conducted internal monitoring of major subcon-
by overseas 177.9 177.9 146.5
sites3) tract issues. Particularly, we focus on training on issues regarding environment, safety, and
(Unit: %) 1) Transactions of more than KRW 500 million about the Subcontract Act, fair subcontract prac- health through the monthly Environment, Safety
2) Excluding contracts for IT, outsourcing, and guard tice, and legal penalties as well as checking sub- and Health Committee meeting.
23.9 3) Wuxi and Chongqing
contract management of core departments. We
also strengthen both preventive and monitoring
Performances in 2016
processes to make necessary improvements in our
subcontract management system. Fund spent on supporting Number of suppliers who agreed Number. of Shared Growth
shared growth* (Unit: KRW in billions) upon shared growth (Unit: companies) Council member suppliers (Unit: companies)
128.1 63
60 60
Salary-Sharing Program 104.2 50 50
SK hynix has implemented the “Salary-Sharing Program” aimed at spending a certain amount of
salary increase on improving welfare benefits for suppliers’ employees. This program was launched
in 2015 through an agreement on delivering 20% of salary increase to suppliers between the labor
and management, which has contributed to creating a virtuous cycle where suppliers enjoy better
welfare benefits and SK hynix ensures quality improvement. In 2016, a total of KRW 6.6 billion was
2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016
raised by contributing 10% of salary increase and the company’s matching grant donation, which
delivered to 4,977 employees from 5 suppliers. This financial support is used for the improvement * Equipment
localization costs + pattern wafer support +
contribution to the Industrial Revolution 3.0 +
of suppliers’ work improvement and their employees’ private conditions. contribution to the Semiconductor Fund + loan supports
through the Shared Growth Fund Network Loan, and
Shared Growth Insurance
Issue 05
Support Programs
Chain Management
Conflict Minerals
Technological Supports Financial Support Social and Environmental Impact Policies on Conflict Minerals
To help suppliers enhance their competitiveness, We regularly pay trading costs 2 or 3 times a month Management Goals in the Supply Chain SK hynix rules out the use of conflict minerals*
SK hynix is proactive in supporting the develop- to suppliers and particularly, the payment is made Audit Process The “SK hynix Code of Conduct for Suppliers” is dis- from the stage of raw materials purchasing. To that
ment of semiconductor-specific technologies as in advance during holidays, which contribute to tributed to entire supply chain to help suppliers fulfill end, we inspect the status of conflict minerals ev-
well as developing technical support programs in stabilizing their business operation. We also run Sharing the Code of
their social responsibilities. As part of this, we estab- ery year and upgrade the conflict minerals manage-
Conduct with suppliers
cooperation with SK Group. Particularly, we are un- the “Sharing Growth Fund” to provide suppliers lished a mid and long-term strategy to complete on- ment system by forming a task force team when
dertaking co-development projects to improve with loans for the purchase of facilities and work- site audit on major suppliers by 2019. Onsite audit necessary.
their technical expertise and sales, thereby promot- ing capital at a low interest rate. In 2016, a total of Implementing SAQ
• Targeting major suppliers
will be further expanded from 2017. We plan to in- * Tin,
tantalum, tungsten, and gold produced in DRC
ing the localization of equipment and parts and KRW 134.4 billion was raised, KRW 86.2 billion of every year spect about 30% of major suppliers in 2017 and com- (Democratic Republic of Congo) and neighboring areas. The
consequently securing cost competitiveness. In which was supported to the 1st-tier suppliers. In plete the improvement of high risk factors by 2018.
use of these minerals is regulated by SEC (Securities and
Exchange Commission).
2016, we managed to replace our equipment with addition, we created the “Semiconductor Fund” Executing onsite inspection
localized products, which was equivalent to KRW jointly with companies engaging in the semicon- • Planning to fully complete
within 3 years Social and Environmental Impact Onsite Audit on Supply Chain
27.7 billion. In addition, eight our patent technolo- ductor business, through which KRW 13.9 billion
Management System in the Supply Chain The company responds to conflict minerals issue
gies were transferred to small and medium-sized was delivered to promising small and medi-
Conducting improvement The “SK hynix Code of Conduct for Suppliers” was by regularly inspecting the supply chain based on
companies free of charge, and patent professionals um-sized semiconductor companies. Financial and prevention
were dispatched to four suppliers for offering con- supports of KRW 1.2 billion were provided through • Planning to fully complete initiated based on the EICC Code of Conduct and the the Code of EICC. The inspection is conducted in
sultation services on systematic patent manage- the “Network Loan.” critical improvements requirements from customers, which requires all accordance with a process encompassing the selec-
ment. Furthermore, we provided 864 sheets of pat- suppliers to comply with guidelines in terms of 6 cat- tion of targets on the basis of the property data on
egories including labor rights, human rights, health raw materials, onsite audit, analysis of suppliers’
tern wafers to small and medium-sized suppliers Management Support Reporting the improvement
who engaged in developing pattern wafers by using
results and safety, environment, management system, legal conflict minerals management system, and checks
SK hynix is proactive in offering HR development
light exposure equipment. Like this, our technologi- conflict free materials, and ethics. Our suppliers on the use of raw materials and conflict minerals
programs to suppliers with the aim of enhancing
cal supports aim to creating a virtuous circle in the pledge to satisfy their social, environmental and ethi- with a lack of origin confirmation.
their corporate competitiveness. In 2016, 190 em-
semiconductor business ecosystem. cal responsibilities every year. Moreover, we preemp-
ployees of suppliers joined the Win-Win Academy
tively identify and eliminate potential CSR risks in the
for job competence, leadership, and e-learning Spreading the CFS Certification
Process of Onsite Audit of supply chain through regular evaluation on suppli-
Shared Growth Program programs. In addition, their CEOs and managers We conduct surveys of raw materials suppliers on
the Supply Chain ers. In 2016, we focused on correcting vulnerable
are able to receive specific learning programs led an annual basis to further expand the CFS Certifi-
Classifica- Program Performance in 2016 Details points identified through the EICC-based inspection
by SK Group. The “CEO Seminar” program is de- Investigating information cation* in the electronics industry. The survey on
tion STEP 1 VAP (Vaildated Audit Process) carried out in 2015.
signed to provide education in various areas in- on minerals based on
Equipment KRW 27.7 billion worth of
product’s BOM (Bills of
the use of conflict minerals by raw materials suppli-
Localizing imports in cooperation with suppliers
localization import-substituting effect cluding economy, business administration, hu- Target
Material) management ers and supply chain in September 2016 showed
selection Suppliers’ Code of Conduct
Free patent Transferring our patents to suppliers at no cost to manities, and society, while the “MBA for Middle
Transferred 8 patents
strengthen their technology competitiveness that more smelters joined the supply chain from
Managers” is organized to enhance the manage- Identifying at-risk suppliers
Providing suppliers with consulting services by Labor and Health and the previous year due to the expansion of new
Patent regarding conflict minerals Environment
Technical 4 suppliers patent attorneys and experts to cultivate ability ment skills of leaders. We also implemented the human rights safety
consulting businesses. In response, we grasped the CFS certifi-
supports to manage intellectual properties “SK Employment Foundation” program to create Making written audit plans cation of all smelters and asked for recertification
Technology Protecting suppliers’ technology by depositing
39 cases quality jobs, which includes not only professional for target suppliers
escrow funds to the Win-Win Growth Foundation of CFS to ones with the expired certificates.
Supporting small and medium-sized suppliers training courses but also internship program. A to- Notifying written audit
Pattern wafer Fact- Management Legitimate raw * Conflict
Free Smelter (CFS) Certification: Certification for
864 sheets that develop pattern wafers using light exposure tal of 102 employees of suppliers benefited from and requesting necessary
system materials
Ethics smelters without using conflict minerals
equipment for free materials
internship program, supports for labor costs, and
Win-win Providing suppliers’ employees with Job training expenses.
ment 190 persons Reviewing materials and
Academy education, leadership education, and e-learning
supports conducting inspection
Raising funds in banks and lending capital for
Total: KRW 134.4 billion
Shared management and facility at low interest rates to Requesting improvement
Supported: KRW 86.2 Evaluation of Suppliers Based on
Growth Fund small and medium-sized suppliers of CFS non-accredited
(KRW 77.5 billion was raised by SK hynix) smelters EICC Standard
Total: KRW 9.6 billion Financial support program for 2nd-tier suppliers
Shared Growth
Financial Supported: KRW 1.8 that collects bonds and provides loans when a Improve- Requesting explanations The company evaluated suppliers’ sustainability
supports billion 1st-tier supplier goes bankrupt ment and submission of
management competence in the fields of labor, hu-
Semiconductor Total: KRW 15.0 billion Indirect equity investments in promising small improvement plans
Fund Supported: KRW 13.9 billion and medium-sized semiconductor companies man rights, business ethics, safety, health, and envi-
Determining the credit line based on the Monitoring the ronment. The EICC evaluation standard is used for di-
Network Loan KRW 1.2 billion performances and providing loans without any improvement process
agnosing their competence and the results are
material evidence
shared with them, which encourages suppliers to en-
hance sustainability management competence.
SK hynix Sustainability Report 2017 78 79
Performance SK hynix systematically manages
various issues for sustainability growth
in the long-term and discloses the
results to stakeholders. This is why we
believe trust from all stakeholders
including customers, employees, and
local communities can be earned by
better understanding on what they
want for the company and
transparently reporting our
commitments to their requirements.
Going forward, SK hynix will make a
concerted effort to proactively meet
stakeholders’ requirements and create
the value of co-prosperity.
82 Social Contribution
88 SHE Management
94 Human Rights Management
98 Quality Management
100 Information Security and Protection
Social Overview of Our Social Contribution Social Value Creation through the Happiness Sharing Fund
Social Contribution System Operation and Support System of the Happiness Sharing Fund
Based on our management philosophy pursuing co-prosperity, we are actively involving in sharing fruits and The Happiness Sharing Fund raised by through voluntary donations from our employees and matching grant
solving social problems. In this regard, our social contribution is focused on sharing activities with local com- by the company is used for supporting the underprivileged in the local communities. With the concepts of “So-
munities where our worksites are located and cultivating talents who can lead the future of the semiconduc- cial Value Creation,” “Co-prosperity with Local Communities,” and “Happiness of Donor and Beneficiary,” this
tor business. Our social contribution activities are mainly guided by the “Happiness Sharing Fund” and “Hap- fund focuses on promoting basic welfare and fostering future talents. In 2016, about 82% of Korean employees
piness Sharing Volunteer Group.” Other activities are carried out in connection with SK Group. Particularly, working at the headquarters joined this fund to raise KRW 3 billion. Since 2011, a total of KRW 14 billion has
cultivation of talents in the field of science as part of the “Happiness Sharing Fund” project has been repre- been raised, which has been spent on supporting more than 19,000 people in need in Icheon and Cheongju.
SDGs senting our social value creation activities. We plan to make this activity a brand “Hynstein” (SK hynix + Ein-
stein) as our flagship social contribution program.
Raising and Supporting Happiness Sharing Fund
End poverty in all its forms
Social Contribution Implementation System 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
ation o
Ensure inclusive and equitable Cre va f
ial lue Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
quality education and promote s oc
rate of 40% rate of 66% rate of 81% rate of 83 % rate of 85% rate of 82%
lifelong learning opportunities
for all
Basic welfare Talent cultivation
service and
CCoo--pprroosspp uunni
loccaal lccoom
For children and youth For demented elderly and people For children and youth For children and youth (art sector)
an of both
• Happy Plus Nutritious Meal with memory impairment (science sector) • Happiness
Sharing Orchestra with
• Do Dream Scholarship • Memory Impairment Guardian Angel • IT Creative Scientific Expedition Dreams
eeririt i
ttiiees itthh pp
Ha nors • Hope Nest Study Room (Happiness GPS) • Creative Robot Olympiad
do • Didim Seed Account Sponsorship • Happy Scientific Technology Contest
For men of national merit
• Blessing 100-year Longevity
Happiness Sharing Fund
Happiness Sharing Volunteer SK Group connected social
(10 projects for children, senior
Group (Over 90 groups) contribution
citizens, men of merit, etc.)
poorly-fed children was extended to donating books for knowledge and emotion cultivation in connection Input Activity Output Outcome/Impact
with the “Happiness Plus Nutritious Meal Support” and “Book Dream Service” programs. The “Junior Engi- All resources invested All activities Outputs generated Changes of
neering Class” conducted by talent donation of our employees has celebrated its 100th session. • Project costs implemented from activities beneficiaries
(donations) • Education, case • Quantitative social • Improvement of costs,
management, etc. expense opportunity, and
Social Contribution Activities sentiment
Social change
Classification Unit 2014 2015 2016 • Leverage effect, etc.
Social contribution expenditure1) KRW in billions 16.9 56.3 52.3
Total amount of donations KRW in billions 16.1 54.7 50.6
Cash donations2) KRW in billions 2.1 47.8 47.7
Audit of the Happiness Sharing Fund
Volunteer service per employee Hours 0.90 1.01 1.02
1) Company donations + employee donations + social contribution budget The operation of the Happiness Sharing Fund is determined by the Fund Operation Committee, and the fund
2) Cash donations out of total donations is deposited to the Community Chest of Korea to ensure transparency and wise use of the money. The organiza-
tion undergoes the audit from the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the National Assembly to maintain its
transparency. We make sure that the fund is used according to its purpose through monitoring and internal
accounting audits on a regular basis.
SK hynix Sustainability Report 2017 82 83
Overview Special Theme Corporate Governance Focus Areas Performance Social Contribution Appendix
SHE Management
Performance Human Rights Management
Quality Management
Information Security and
Social Social Contribution Programs Focused on Value Creation To create better social value, SK hynix estimates and verifies the efficiency and feasibility of strategic social
contribution activities. This process contributes to delivering value to more local communities. In addition to
The Happiness Sharing Fund project is implemented under the belief that the prosperity of local communi-
eight major programs, we also promote the “Do Dream Scholarship” and “Seed Money Account Support”
ties leads to the success of our company. We also strive to extend our supports to the grey zone, the most vul-
nerable social groups. In 2016, to this end, the “100-Year Longevity of Veterans” and “Guardian Angel for
Memory Disabilities (Happiness GPS)” programs were newly launched. In addition, we are proactive in culti-
Do Dream Scholarship Seed Money Account Support
vating talents and IT-based creativity programs to support science and engineering fields considering the
characteristics of our business. SK hynix delivers scholarships to the underpriveledged The Seed Money Account Corps offers support funds to
Do Dream Scholarship youth who are excellent in their studies and demon- children and youth of low-income families and commu-
strate talents in specific areas in order to help pursue nity facilities with the aim of helping their self-reliance
their dreams after 18 years of age.
Input KRW 900 million Input KRW 200 million Input KRW 280 million Input KRW 150 million
Happiness Plus Nutritious Meal Support SK hynix cares for underfed children in local commu- We carry out the “Hope Nest Study Room” project to Creative Robot Olympiad SK hynix provides educational robot kits and science The “IT Creative Scientific Expedition” program offers
nities around its worksites. We provide them with a support youths in need to continue study in pleasant education opportunities to children of low-income opportunities for visiting scientific research facilities
week’s worth of nutritious meals through the SK Hap- and healthy environment. families to help them dream of becoming talents in IT at home and abroad and mentoring to students who
py Lunchbox Centers in Icheon and Cheongju every and science fields. are interested in science. In 2016, we organized 3 day
week, which contributes to solving their undernutri- In 2016, this project covered wider areas and targets trips to our Cheongju Campus and science facilities in
tion and nutritional imbalance. as well as local children’s centers. We revamped 16 lo- This program was offered to more than 300 students Korea for 130 elementary and middle school students
cal children’s centers and youth facilities in Icheon, of 32 local children’s centers in Icheon, Cheongju, Yeo- in Gyeonggi and Chungbuk under the theme of Artifi-
We also monitor their lives and nutritive conditions to Cheongju, Yeoju, and Gwangju and provided IT sys- ju, and Gwangju. We also held the Creative Robot cial Intelligence (AI).
ensure their health. In 2016, a total of 1,260 children, tems such as PCs. Olympiad to test their creativity. About 70 students
630 children in each area, benefited from this pro- from 14 teams were awarded with prizes and scholar- Among them, 20 excellent students were chosen and
gram. ships. Particularly, we helped the winners in 2015 par- provided an opportunity to visit the Wuxi Campus,
ticipate in bigger contests. unmanned production lines of Shanghai GM, and Su-
Hope Nest Study Room IT Creative Scientific Expedition per Computer Center for 3 nights and 4 days.
488 %
(Happiness GPS)
469 % 101 % 171 %
Input KRW 200 million Input KRW 150 million Input KRW 285million Input KRW 230 million
Blessing 100-year Longevity of Veterans Medical services are offered to veterans in need to To prevent senior citizens with dementia and those Happy Scientific Technology Contest We held the SW/HW Convergence Solution Contest The Happiness Sharing Orchestra program aims to
help them enjoy healthy lives. Those include hearing with memory disorders from going missing, SK hynix that students in need can contend for their cut- provide children from low income families and local
test, provision of hearing aids, financial supports for provides them with financial supports for the cost of ting-edge IT technologies. children’s center in Icheon and Cheongju with oppor-
cataract surgeries at hospitals designated by the Min- GPS Wearable Detectors and telecommunication ser- tunities for displaying their artistic and creative talent.
istry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs. vice. In 2016, a total of 700 senior citizens in Icheon In 2016, a total of 721 students, 272 teams from ele- Particularly, we select children with musical talent
and Cheongju benefited from this project. mentary, middle, and high schools participated in the through auditions and give them music lessons to cul-
In 2016, customized hearing aids were donated to 173 contest held with the theme of “Creating Better World tivate their talent.
veterans from the Korean War in Icheon and The device is linked to their guardians’ smartphone to with Software, Ideas for Solving Social Issues,” and 21
Cheongju. We also supported medical expenses for 37 give alarms if they go outside a certain range, prevent- teams won the awards. They were given career coun- In 2016, 100 children joined the orchestra, and 10 of
cataract surgeries patients. ing their disappearance. We plan to develop new de- seling, and we reviewed their entries for patent regis- them were given lessons on musical instruments
vices with lower module size and communication tration and application in practice. twice a week and opportunities to play as an orches-
costs that use SKT’s IoT-dedicated network jointly with tra member once a week.
Guardian Angel for Memory Disabilities startups, and to bring the benefits nationwide. Happiness Sharing Orchestra with Dreams
(Happiness GPS)
Social Volunteering Services by the Happiness Sharing Volunteer Group Operation of the “Happy Bus,” a Free Mobile Medical Service
Despite an increase in the population aged over 65 years, there is a shortage in medical service and facilities
Happiness Sharing Volunteer Group
as well as nursing homes with advanced medical facilities for senior citizens. In response to this situation, we
SK hynix organized the “Happiness Sharing Volunteer Group” to boost communication with local communi- have operated the “Happy Bus” project, a free mobile medical check service for the disadvantaged in Wuxi,
ties and volunteering services of all employees. Major activities include volunteering services at social wel- that uses SKT's ICT-based healthcare system since December 2016. With 2 medical clinic vehicles, one for ex-
fare facilities for children, seniors, and the disabled, educational talent donation, protection of cultural prop- amination and the other for treatment, the project offers regular medical checkups and treatments free of
erties, environmental protection, and medical support. A total of 5,596 people joined the volunteer group charge for low-income families, senior citizens, and orphans in Wuxi.
consisting of 97 units and spent 22,298 hours on volunteering services (4.0 hours/person) in 2016. To boost
volunteering services, the company includes volunteering hours in business hours and provides financial
Mobile clinic service “Happy Bus” Happiness Sharing Campaign in Cambodia
supports as well.
Since 2014, we have carried out global social contribution activities that capitalize on the overseas training
program for outstanding employees. In 2016, 600 employees visited orphanages and schools in Siem Reap in
Volunteer Activities of Employees Cambodia to improve their education facilities and give educational supports. We also donated 10 “Happy
Boats” that can serve as a means of transportation and livelihood to the local residents, thereby giving sub-
Classification Unit 2014 2015 2016
stantial helps beyond just material supports.
Time spent on volunteer activities Hours 19,060 21,114 22,298
No. of employees who participated in
Persons 6,282 5,218 5,596
volunteer activities
No. of activities per employee Times 890 794 794 Happiness Sharing in Connection with SK Group’s CSR Activities
Participation rate % 30.0 25.0 26.0
Happiness Sharing Season
Since joining SK Group in 2012, we have been proactive in conducting various Happiness Sharing activities
100th Session of the Junior Engineering Class such as Happiness Sharing Bazaar and donations for underfed children and senior citizens led by the Group.
The “Junior Engineering Class” program conducted by our employees’ talent donation aims to teach elemen-
SK Happiness Sharing Bazaar
tary school students in Icheon about engineering principles. Started in 2010 by voluntary partcipation of em-
The SK Happiness Sharing Bazaar is a year-end volunteer service event where our employees donate and sell
ployees, this program celebrated 100th session in April 2016. The survey shows that more than 90% of the
their goods. In 2016, we held an online auction to help people in need during winter. A total of 176 employees
students wanted to take the class again.
participated in the auction to sell local specialty Icheon rice and personal items. Sales revenues were donat-
ed to the disadvantaged.
Delivery of Happy Lunch Box
16 units under the Happiness Sharing Volunteer Group engage in packaging and delivering lunch boxes to Donation Campaign to Help Underfed Children and Senior Citizens
Junior Engineering Class children in need in Icheon and Cheongju twice a week in connection with the “Happiness Plus Nutritious Our company carries out a donation campaign to help underfed children and senior citizens in which all em-
Meal Support” project of the Happiness Sharing Fund. Volunteers are very happy about and proactive in par- ployees from the management to new recruits participate. In 2016, a total of 606 employees joined the cam-
SK Happiness Sharing Bazaar
ticipating in this program as they can involve in the entire process beyond just delivery activities. paign and the donations were used for delivering lunch boxes.
Resource Energy Greenhouse gas Wastewater at all worksites
Resource use at all (Unit: KRW in millions) Energy use at (Unit: TOE) GHG emissions at (Unit: tCO2eq)
worksites domestic sites domestic sites 4,142,085
3,953,565 1,259,402 3,770,180 3,738,795 Unit 2014 2015 2016
1,101,881 Wastewater Thou-
995,936 44,227 48,857 54,025
3,286,339 generated sand ㎥
Wastewater intensity
㎥/sheet 7.1 7.3 7.9
GHG emissions Rate of Recycled Total resource use
Resource Use (Unit: KRW in millions)
GHG emissions at all worksites (Unit: tCO2eq) (Unit: %)
3,953,565 3,809,879
5,397,198 Classification 2014 2015 2016 3,770,180
4,946,871 5,015,967
300mm 4.0 2.8 1.4
200mm 5.0 1.9 0.3
Energy Use
Energy use at domestic worksites (Unit: TOE) Energy use at overseas worksites (Unit: TOE) Classification 2014 2015 2016 Classification 2014 2015 2016
Icheon Icheon
1,259,402 20,405 22,253 28,229
5,670 5,248 6,072
995,936 Cheongju Cheongju
17,714 18,945 19,756 6,507 6,047 7,096
Campus Campus
Wuxi Campus 13,451 13,999 14,194 Wuxi Campus 5,642 6,193 6,148
273,814 Chongqing Chongqing
251,602 259,166 - 919 1,074 - 0 9
Energy intensity use at (Unit: TOE/㎡) Energy intensity use at (Unit: TOE/㎡)
28.7 26.4
domestic worksites overseas worksites 25.4
3.41 3.48
Wastewater generated Air pollutants intensity emissions
Wastewater generated at (Unit: thousand ㎥) Wastewater intensity generated at (Unit: ㎥/sheet) Icheon Campus (Unit: g/㎠)
all worksites all worksites
54,025 Classification 2014 2015 2016
48,857 7.9 SOx 0.005 0.005 0.003
44,227 7.1 7.3
NH3 0.005 0.005 0.004
NOx 0.037 0.032 0.027
HF 0.006 0.004 0.004
HCl 0.001 0.002 0.001
Waste generated at all worksites (Unit: Tons) NOx 0.001 0.000 0.0001
HF 0.003 0.001 0.0017
HCl 0.005 0.002 0.0047
189,106 191,607
Human Human Rights and Labor Policy Manangement of Human Rights and Labor Impact in Supply Chain
SK hynix respects human rights of all employees and ensures full compliance with international human rights Human Rights and Labor Impact Management of SK hynix
protection and labor standards, including Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Guiding Principles on
SDGs SK hynix identifies negative impacts influencing human rights and labor practices at worksites and make
Business and Human Rights, and Dhaka Principles for Migration with Dignity, in every aspect of our business necessary improvements on a regular basis. To identify risks related to human rights and labor, internal re-
Promote sustained, inclusive and
practices. We also established our own Code of Conduct and Human Rights & Labor Policy of SK hynix and views and risk assessments are conducted through the survey system, and the identified risks are addressed
sustainable economic growth,
declared our commitment to these principles. The Human Rights & Labor Policy of SK hynix contains eight full and productive employment by each team in a timely manner. The result of risk assessment conducted at the Icheon and Cheongju Cam-
articles* that reflect the EICC Code of Conduct and UN Global Compact as well as our determination to en- and decent work for all
puses in May 2016 showed that there is no serious risk, and it was shared with relevant teams to identify
sure compliance with global standards on human rights and labor. Our commitment to human rights man- causes and make improvements. In 2017, we will develop more items for better risk assessment that can in-
Ensure sustainable consumption
agement is extended to entire supply chain including overseas subsidiaries and suppliers. and production patterns crease its effectiveness and adopt individual item-based rating system to address the limited scoring system.
* Eight
articles: Respect for human rights, prohibition of forced labor, prohibition of child labor, employment of minors, working hours, We will also improve labor conditions by analyzing assessment results and these processes will be adopted
wage, non-discrimination, and freedom of association
to the Wuxi Campus and Chongqing P&T as well.
Human Rights & Labor Policy of SK hynix Human Rights and Labor Impact Management in Supply Chain
To efficiently manage risks related to human rights and labor in our supply chain, we apply a high standard
First, SK hynix respects the human dignity and values of all employees and members of its supply chains in pursuing meeting the EICC VAP (Validated Audit Process) to regular audit on suppliers’ human rights management. In
sustainable happiness.
2015, we commissioned an independent verification institution to implement actual audit on human rights
Second, SK hynix is committed to upholding humanism in maintaining good working conditions for all employees and and labor issues of 15 suppliers in Korea. The results were used for identifying improvement tasks and we
members of its supply chains to enable them to pursue happiness.
have checked their correction action on a regular basis. Suppliers have completed about 65% of correction
Third, SK hynix upholds and respects human rights and labor standards set forth by international organizations such as
action and we plan to encourage them for higher achievement rate. SK hynix will be proactive in inspecting
the UN and ILO and does not discriminate against any individual based on gender, race, nationality, religion, or age.
and training major suppliers to help them comply with global standards in human rights and labor issues,
Fourth, SK hynix complies with the EICC Code of Conduct and labor laws of all countries and regions where it operates,
while striving to solve their structural problems.
and such compliance is a basic duty of all members of its supply chains.
The company runs various maternity protection programs to make sure that female employees do not expe- According to the OECD Employment Outlook 2016, the average working hours per year in Korea reach 2,113
rience difficulties in their work life due to pregnancy and childbirth. For example, the “Childcare Leave Auto- hours, which is the second highest among OECD member countries (OECD average is 1,766 hours). Long
matic Switch System” helps female employees use parental leave and matemity leave freely so that they can working hours have negative effects on employees’ health and their family life. SK hynix complies with local
maintain their careers. We place restrictions on overtime for female employees during their pregnancy and laws and regulations related to working hours while managing the information on the wages for working
within 1 year after childbirth. Pregnant women are required to have 2 hours of break time when working hours and overtime through the e-HR System. In addition, we broadened the options for the flexible working
shifts. Other programs include reduction of working hours, the “DoDami Room” for pregnant employees, hour system to ensure a better work-life balance.
postnatal care service, discount in visiting ob/gyn, and supports for nutritional items.
Working hours
Use of maternity leave and childcare leave
Classification Unit 2014 2015 2016
Annual working hours1) Hours 2,119 2,028 2,106
Classification Unit 2014 2015 2016
Average weekly working hours2) Hours 40.7 39.0 40.5
Rate of return to work after childcare leave % 95 97 97
No. of employees who joined the flexible
No. of employees who used maternity leave Persons 724 926 823 Persons 439 1,667 2,093
working system3)
No. of employees who used childcare leave Persons 873 1,033 1,083
1) Annual working hours at workplaces in Korea and China
KRW in
Subsidy for childcare leave 898,279 623,291 715,694 2) Annual working hours per employee / 52 weeks
3) Job-absorbing employees, pregnant employees, and flextime employees
Rate of working for over 12 months after
% 89 90 91
return to work
Wage and welfare benefits are provided in compliance with local regulations. Currently, the level of wage ex- No. of labor union members Persons 7,061 4,940 3,008 1,139
ceeds the minimum wage set by the laws applicable to each workplace. We will continue to strive to improve Labor union enrollment rate % 96.3 99.5 99.7 88.7
the quality of employees’ life and contribute to economic growth by maintaining desirable wage policy.
Customer Satisfaction
Quality Assurance
Customer survey To prevent quality issues in the fast-changing customer quality environment, we are upgrading our quality
We pursue the highest level of customer satisfaction through continuous quality innovation and product de- result (Out of 5 points) support system by continuously listening to the voices of customers. In 2016, we surveyed 152 persons from
velopment. It is driven by the customer-oriented Quality Intelligence (QI) activity that establishes high quality 56 customers about existing quality items along with the VOC items. Customer satisfaction in 2016 scored
standards to satisfy customers and then takes proactive approaches to meet them. The QI activity aims to 3.98 4.23 4.23 points, an increase from the previous year, and VOC index by application also increased. Particularly, the
enhance our product quality to the highest level where any quality issue is not brought up by end-users by level of Chinese customer satisfaction made a significant progress as we strengthened the technical support
considering customers’ usage conditions and SK hynix’s quality assurance system. To this end, we are identi- system and collaboration with customers by recruiting local FAE (Field Applications Engineer) manpower and
fying risk factors in our mass-produced products and take initiatives in quality improvement while securing dispatching our engineers.
product margins by taking lessons from the products to be developed in the future. Introduced in 2016, the
2014 2015 2016
QI activity has been carried out at the enterprise level (Development/Manufacturing/QRA sectors). As a re-
sult, we see that defects caused by a lack of awareness of customer quality environment are declining. In Customer survey results by application
(Out of 5 points)
2017, we are going to develop more improvement items together with customers and enhance our quality
Classification 2014 2015 2016
assurance system to earn trust from customers. Computing DRAM 4.02 3.99 4.16
Mobile DRAM 3.32 3.95 4.29
QI Work Flow Mobile Solution - 3.95 4.17
Storage Solution - 4.04 4.37
Drawing up and advancing checklist ※ Survey in 2014 was focused on DRAM products.
1H 2016 2H 2016
Industrial Security Policies Security Training for Employees
Security training had been offered to requested departments, however in 2016, we conducted on-site train-
We recognize the importance of protecting our tangible and intangible assets and reinforcing industrial secu-
ing for the departments with high potential security risks. Online security training programs were provided to
rity as those have been designated as core technologies by the government. Therefore, we have managed
shift workers, employees working at overseas subsidiaries, and executives who couldn’t join visiting training
our industrial security system based on the security framework organized by SK Group until 2016, and proac-
programs. We also held small-group workshops for security staff to raise their awareness of security.
tively responded to customer audits and EICC compliance reviews. In 2017, the company plans to obtain the
ISO 27001 certification to further enhance the level of its industrial security.
Security Training for Suppliers
We provide trainings and inspections on security to residential employees of equipment suppliers with easy
Enhancing Security against Outsiders access to information. In June 2016, a total of 92 participants from 60 suppliers took our security trainings on
industrial security policies and guidelines. In addition, weekly training is conducted for outsiders who enter
Enhancement of Entrance Procedure
our business premises on a regular basis.
SK hynix reinforced the control of visitor access by creating a mobile reservation system and computerizing
vulnerable factors in 2016. The ability to monitor abnormal access has been added, and any violation is strict- On-site Inspection on Suppliers
ly penalized as part of our advanced access control to prevent harm to our businesses. We also enhanced the We have strengthened trainings and management systems aimed at helping residential employees of equip-
entry card issuance system and established reservation procedure while integrating the visitor's pass and ment suppliers take more responsibility for security. In 2016, we visited 29 suppliers to carry out on-site in-
building entry pass to prevent security risks due to their loss. spections on 25 items including confidentiality agreement, storage devices, and document control. As a re-
sult, we identified 7 areas of improvement in terms of administrative, physical, and technical security.
Establishment of a Laptop Search Solution
The company prevents security risks caused by outsiders' laptop computers by limiting their access and con- Field inspection and improvement activities
trol. Using the laptop search solution, we check the availability of security software and the last date of scan-
ning to prevent viruses. In addition, only USB memory devices and LAN ports that were previously registered
can be used on our company premises. Any files that have been worked on inside the office can only be
transferred by email after review by the manager in charge.
Technological security Physical security Managerial security
employees, and shareholders, thereby
contributing to the development of social
and economic development and
eventually the happiness of mankind.
To this end, we are proactive in driving
innovation in all business areas, increasing
quality competitiveness and brand value,
and practicing shared growth with
suppliers and local communities. By doing
so, SK hynix will fulfill its responsibility as a
corporate citizen and realize sustainable
Materiality Analysis
Awards, Recognition and
Association Memberships
Summary of Materiality
Analysis Materiality analysis process
We organized an issue pool regard-
ing sustainability management
through the review of global initia- STEP 1 Collection of issues STEP 2 Stakeholder interest Business Impact STEP 3 Selection of key issues
tives, benchmarking, and media re-
search, and then implemented ma- Identifying
Analyzing issues Analysis of global standards Survey Prioritizing Key issues were drawn up
teriality analysis based on business relevant issues We reviewed global standards including EICC, We surveyed employees on 17 categories re- issues through materiality anal-
Review of external evaluation items
DJSI, and UNGC and evaluation items regard- garding our sustainability management and ysis and those were re-
impact and stakeholder interest to
ing sustainability management the report. ported in each section in-
identify key issues. +
Media research Internal policy
Media research We researched media reports on SK hynix from We questioned staff in charge of sustainability
January through December 2016, 544 of which management on business impact and the lev-
were analyzed in detail. el of SK hynix’s response to each issue.
We first collected CSM issues in the industry
and in the aspects of economy, environment, Benchmarking
and society recommended by the GRI G4 guide- We studied sustainability reports of five com-
panies in the industry and excellent firms in
line as well as sustainability issues of SK hynix.
sustainability management.
And then, we organized a pool consisting of 26
material issues through external evaluation of Survey
the above issues and media research. Survey in 17 categories was conducted for ex-
ternal stakeholders such as shareholders, in-
vestors, customers, local communities, and
Materiality analysis results Economy · Management Environment · Health·Safety Society Boundary of key issues and response direction
Key issues identified through mate-
Key issue Aspect and boundary Response direction of SK hynix Reporting
innovation of corporate culture, and and health of employees of both SK hynix and suppliers at workplace
Climate change Preemptively responding to environmental regulations Issue 02.
shared growth. Enhancement of Energy use management Quality innovation response ● ● ● ● ● to reduce relevant costs and creating profits by Response to
product safety Water resource management Communication with customers activities securing emission trade rights climate change
Respect for diversity Respect for human rights and labor rights Risk management Management Satisfying stakeholders’ needs for eco-friendly
Information security and Social contribution activities Employee training and career of products’ ● ● ●
products and securing future technologies meeting
personal information Reinforcement of ethics management development environmental product efficiency regulations to preoccupy the Issue 03.
protection Protection of intellectual property and impact market and increase profits Reduction of
Financial performance
Management of the origin of fair trade Management environmental
raw and subsidiary materials of hazardous Focusing on preventing environmental accidents and impact
Fair evaluation and welfare benefits ● ● ● ●
substances and reducing costs through waste recycling
Recruitment of global talents Supports for suppliers’ CSR activities waste
and job stability
Innovation Recruiting talents and fostering valuable corporate culture Issue 04.
of corporate ● ● where employees contribute to elevating corporate Innovation of
Financial performance
Awards, Recognition and
Association Memberships
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position As of December 31, 2016 and 2015 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income For the years ended December 31,
2016 and 2015
SK hynix, Inc. and Subsidiaries (Unit: KRW in millions) SK hynix, Inc. and Subsidiaries (Unit: KRW in millions, except per share information)
Other non-current assets 565,533 570,402 Remeasurements of defined benefit liability, net of tax (21,871) 106,822
Total assets 29,677,906 32,216,026 Item that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss:
Liabilities Foreign operations - foreign currency translation differences, net of tax 33,479 (82,066)
Current liabilities 4,840,698 4,160,849
Equity-accounted investees - share of other comprehensive income, 6,487 4,088
Trade payables 791,373 696,144
net of tax
Other payables 1,337,803 1,606,417
total comprehensive income of the year 4,341,690 2,989,327
Other non-trade payables 1,001,171 685,154
Borrowings 1,013,372 704,860 Profit attributable to:
Other financial liabilities - 288 Owners of the Parent Company 4,322,356 2,953,774
Defined benefit liabilities, net 25,276 42,822 Non-controlling interests 1,239 6,709
Deferred tax liabilities 627,260 374,666 Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Other non-current liabilities 44,443 50,498
Owners of the Parent Company 4,340,700 2,982,703
Non-current liabilities 3,449,505 4,031,647
Non-controlling interests 990 6,624
Other non-trade payables 89,891 27,426
Borrowings 2,805,223 3,631,118 Earnings per share
Other financial liabilities 683 - Basic and diluted earnings per share (in won) 6,002 4,184
Defined benefit liabilities 484,977 306,488
Deferred tax liabilities 7,582 4,732
Other non-current liabilities 61,149 61,883
Total liabilities 8,290,203 8,192,496
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company 21,386,863 24,016,955
Capital stock 3,657,652 3,657,652
Capital surplus 4,143,736 4,143,736
Other equity (771,913) (771,913)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (1,600) (79,103)
Retained earnings 14,358,988 17,066,583
Non-controlling interests 840 6,575
Total equity 21,387,703 24,023,530
Total liabilities and equity 29,677,906 32,216,026
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of SK Hynix Inc. and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) which comprise the consolidat-
ed statements of financial position as of December 31, 2016 and 2015, the consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and
cash flows for the years then ended, and notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our auditors. We conducted our audits in accordance
with Korean Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reason-
able assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The pro-
cedures selected depend on our judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of
the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of express-
ing an opinion on the effectiveness of counting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluat-
ing the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Group as of De-
cember 31, 2016 and 2015 and its consolidated financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with Kore-
an International Financial Reporting Standards.
Other Matter
The procedures and practices utilized in the Republic of Korea to audit such consolidated financial statements may differ from those generally accepted
and applied in other countries.
This report is effective as of February 17, 2017, the audit report date. Certain subsequent events or circumstances, which may occur between the audit date and the time of reading
this report, could have a material impact on the accompanying consolidated financial statements and notes there to. Accordingly, the readers of the audit report should understand
that the above audit report has not been updated to reflect the impact of such subsequent events or circumstances, if any.
The Verifier recommends that SK hynix consider the following issues in order to establish sustainability management strategies for the entire organization and to
The Verifier conducted Type-2 assurance according to the AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS), which means that the accuracy of the performance information respond to ongoing issues
included in the SK hynix claims and Report has been evaluated. The scope of assurance covered the information from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.
During the reporting period, The Verifier focused on assuring the systems and operations such as policies, targets, projects, standards for SK hynix’s sustainability • Economics
management. In addition, the Verifier assured financial data on environmental, social and broad economic outcomes, whereas the assurance of stakeholder en- The main trend of Reporting financial information is to provide financial information based on the consolidated financial statements, and many companies that publish
gagement was limited to reviewing the materiality assessment process. sustainability reports reflect this trend provide financial information according to the consolidation standards and the business contents about the consolidated sub-
stance. SK hynix prepares business reports and financial statements based on the consolidated standards, and the Report also describes the financial outcomes of the
consolidated group in detail. In the future, please make sure to list the financial and business contents of the consolidated groups to offer target-oriented information to
ASSURANCE METHOD stakeholders.
The Verifier used the following methods to collect information, data, and evidence related to the scope of the verification:
• Environment
• Review of management systems and processes used in sustainability management outcome improvement and Report preparation In the field of environment, SK hynix established the SHE (Safety, Health, and Environment) management strategy in order to become a company with priority on safety in
• Review on whether financial performance data and whether or not the audit Report and disclosure data for 2016 financial statements match up. the field of safety and environment, managed the environment and safety systems integrally, and continued to expand investment to relieve the relevant risks. This sys-
• Interviews with SK hynix’s sustainability management managers and other managers by issue tematic management seems to be the best domestic practice. It is expected that sustainability reports will be more effective in terms of continuous improvement of the
• Follow-up Review of Internal Documents and Basic Data environmental impact if SK hynix sets up quantitative targets by activity in the future and discloses them in the reports to establish the environmental outcome index
management and reporting system.
The Verifier reviewed and presented opinions on the content of the draft Report, and then the Report was revised accordingly. The Verifier also could not find any In order to implement mutual growth with business partners and to reinforce the fairness of transactions, SK hynix put focused efforts into revising the existing standard
material errors or inaccurate descriptions in the contents of the Report. The Verifier presents the following opinions on SK hynix’s 2017 Sustainability Management contract by complying with the Articles of the standard contract proposed by the Fair Trade Commission, disclosing fair and transparent business practices through the
Report: win-win portals, and supporting professional consulting and equipment purchase even for the secondary business partners. The Verifier hopes SK hynix will maximize its
effects in social and economic value creation activities in the future by expanding long-term investment to resolve the polarization conflict, the biggest issue facing this
Inclusivity country, through which corporates have social responsibility, through job creation and so forth.
- Has SK hynix included stakeholders in its strategic response to sustainability?
The Verifier confirmed that SK hynix is striving to engage with key stakeholders in promoting sustainability management and has set aside various types of communica- June 2017
tion channels to operate. The Verifier also has not found any significant group of stakeholders missing in the process.
Su-Hyeon Baek, President of the Korean Standards Association
- Was important information facilitating the informed judgment of stakeholders included in the Report? 000-70
The Verifier determines that SK hynix did not omit or exclude any information important for stakeholders. In addition, the Verifier confirmed that SK hynix conducted
materiality evaluations as a major issue derived from internal and external environmental analysis and reported the results accordingly.
- Has SK hynix responded appropriately to the needs and interests of stakeholders?
The Verifier confirmed that SK hynix was making efforts to respond to the needs and concerns of stakeholders by reflecting the opinions gathered from stakeholders in
the Report. The Verifier also has not found any evidence that SK hynix’s responses to key stakeholder issues have been reported inadequately.
The Korean Standards Association is a specialized legal entity established under the Korean Industrial Standardization Act in 1962. It is a knowledge service organization that propa-
gates and spreads industry standardization, quality management, sustainable management, KS and ISO certification, etc. In particular, it is contributing to the sustainable develop-
ment of this country as an ISO 26000 domestic secretariat organization, GRI-designated educational institution, AA1000 assurance organization, Korea Sustainability Index (KSI) man-
agement organization, UN CDM management organization and GHG energy target management assurance organization.
GRI Index
Awards, Recognition and
Association Memberships
Aspects Index Core Description Assurance Page Aspects Index Core Description Assurance Page
A general strategic view of the organizations’s sustainability, in order to providd context The governance structure of the organization, including committees of the hightest
Strategy and G4-1 Core ● 15 G4-34 Core ● 38-40, 52
for subsequent, more detailed reporting against other sections of the Guidelines governance body
G4-2 A description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities ● 18-23, 50, 56, 58-59, 62, 68, 74 The process for delegating authority for economic, environmental and social topics
G4-35 40
G4-3 Core Name of the organization ● 24 from the highest governance body to senior executives and other employees
G4-4 Core Primary brands, products, and services ● 18-23, 24, 28 ⑴ Report on whether the organization has appointed an executive-level position or
positions with responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics, and
G4-5 Core Location of the organization’s headquarters ● 24-25 G4-36 whether post holders report directly to the highest governance body 40, 50, 56, 62, 68, 74
The number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries ⑵ System that enable responsible executives directly report to governance
G4-6 Core where either the organization has significant operatios or that are specifically relevant ● 24-25 organization
to the sustainability topics covered in the report G4-38 Composition of the highest governance body and its committees 38-39
G4-7 Core Nature of ownership and legal form ● 38 G4-39 Report on whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer 38
Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of Report on the nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body and
G4-8 Core ● 18-25
customers and beneficiaries) G4-40 its committees and the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance 38-39
G4-9 Core Scale of the organization ● 8, 18-25, 28-29, 106-107 body members
Profile Total number of employees by employment contract, gender, region, work scope of Report on processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are
G4-10 Core ● 72 G4-41 39
non-permanent employees, significant changes in number of employees avoided and managed
G4-11 Core Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements ● 97 The measures taken to develop and enhance the highest governance body’s
G4-43 39
G4-12 Core The organization’s supply chain ● 28-29, 76-79 collective knowledge of economic, environmental and social topics
Significant changes during the reporting period egarding the organization’s size, ⑴ The
processes for evaluation of the highest governance body’s performance with
G4-13 Core ● 8-13, 40, 76-77 respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics
structure, ownership or supply chain
G4-44 ⑵ Actions
taken in response to evaluation of the highest governance body’s perfor- 39
Reporting whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by mance with respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics,
G4-14 Core ● 42-47, 95, 100-101
the organization including, as a minimum, changes in membership and organizational practice
Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, or other initiatives ⑴ The highest governance body’s role in the identification and management of
G4-15 Core ● 116
to which the organization subscribes or which it endorses economic, environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities
G4-16 Core Memberships of association and national or international advocacy organizations ● 117 G4-45 ⑵ Report whether stakeholder consultation is used to support the highest 39
governance body’s identification and management of economic, environmental and
Entities included in the organization’s consolidated financial statements or 38, Refer to FY2016
G4-17 Core ● social impacts, risks, and opportunities
equivalent documents Business Report (pp.3-4)
The frequency of the highest governance body’s review of economic,
Process for defining the report content and the Aspect Boundaries and how they are G4-47 39
G4-18 Core ● 104 environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities
⑴ The remuneration policies for the highest governance body and senior
G4-19 Core All the material Aspects identified in the process for defining report content ● 105
Material Aspects executives for the below types of remuneration 39, Refer to FY2016
G4-20 Core Report on whether the Aspect is material within the organization ● 105 G4-51
and Boundaries ⑵ How performance criteria in the remuneration policy relate to the highest gover- Business Report (pp.277-278)
G4-21 Core Report on whether the Aspect is material outside of the organization ● 105 nance body’s and senior executives’ economic, environmental and social objectives
Effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports, and the reasons The ratio of the annual total compensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual
G4-22 Core ● 4
for such restatements G4-54 in each country of significant operations to the median annual total compensation for 39
all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual) in the same country
G4-23 Core Significant changes in the Aspect Boundaries and the Aspect in post-reporting period ● 4
The Organization’s values, principles, standards and norms of behavior such as codes of
G4-24 Core List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization ● 41 G4-56 Core ● 42, 46-47
conduct and codes of ethics
G4-25 Core Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage ● 41
Stakeholder Internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful
G4-26 Core The organization’s approach to stakeholder engagement ● 4, 104 G4-57 47
Engagement Ethics and Integrity behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as advice lines
Key topics and concerns that havae been raised through stakeholder engagement and Internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on unethical and unlawful
G4-27 Core ● 4, 30-31, 105
how the organization has responded to those key topic and concerns G4-58 behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as escalation through line 47
G4-28 Core Reporting period for information provided ● 4 management, whistleblowing mechanisms or hotlines
G4-29 Core Date of most recent previous report ● 4
G4-30 Core Reporting cycle ● 4
G4-31 Core Contact point for questions regarding the report for its contents ● 118
Report Profile Report on ‘in accordance’ option the organization has chosen, the GRI Content Index
G4-32 Core for the chosen option, the reference to the External Assurance Report, if the report has ● 4, 110-111
been externally assured
Report on the organization’s policy and current practice with regard to seeking external
assurance for the report, the relationship between the organization and the assurance
G4-33 Core ● 4, 110-111
providers, and whether the highest governance body or senior executives are involved
in seeking assurance for the organization’s sustainability report
GRI Index
Awards, Recognition and
Association Memberships
Aspects Index Description Assurance Page ISO 26000 Aspects Index Description Assurance Page ISO 26000
⑴ Why
the Aspect is material. Report the impacts that make this Aspect material Diversity and
50-51, 56-57, 62-63, G4-LA12 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees ● 95 6.2.3, 6.3.7, 6.3.10, 6.4.3
G4-MA ⑵ How the organization manages the material Aspect or its impacts Equal Opportunity
68-69, 74-75
⑶ The evaluation of the management approach Equal Remuner-
Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee
Economic ation for Women G4-LA13 72 6.3.7, 6.3.10, 6.4.3, 6.4.4
category, by significant locations of operation
6.8.1-6.8.2, 6.8.3, and Men
G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed ● 25
6.8.7, 6.8.9 Supplier G4-LA14 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using labor practice criteria 79, 95
Economic Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the Assessment for Significant actual and potential negative impacts for labor practices in the
G4-EC2 29 6.5.5 G4-LA15 79, 95
Performance organization’s activities due to climate change Labor Practices supply chain and actions taken
Under the Defined Benefit Labor Practices and
G4-EC3 Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations 6.8.7 Number of grievances about labor practices filed, addressed, and resolved
(DB) retirement pension system Grievance G4-LA16 47
Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum through formal grievance mechanisms
Market Presence G4-EC5 96 Mechanisms
wage at significant locations of operation Human Rights
Development and impact of infrastructure investment and services 6.3.9, 6.8.1-6.8.2, 6.8.7, Total number of employee training on human rights policies or procedures
G4-EC7 ● 84-87, 96
supported 6.8.9 Investment G4-HR2 concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, ● 46, 95 6.3.5
Indirect Economic
6.3.9, 6.6.6, 6.6.7, 6.7.8, including the percentage of employees trained
G4-EC8 Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts ● 83 6.8.1-6.8.2, 6.8.5, 6.8.7, Non-discrimination G4-HR3 Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken 95 6.3.6, 6.3.7, 6.3.10, 6.4.3
6.8.9 Freedom of Associ- Operations and suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of
Procurement Proportion of spending on local suppliers at significant locations of 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5, 6.3.8,
G4-EC9 76 ation and Collective G4-HR4 association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significant risk, 97
Practices operation 6.3.10, 6.4.5, 6.6.6
Bargaining and measures taken to support these rights
Environmental Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child
G4-EN1 Materials used by weight or volume 91 6.5.4 Child Labor G4-HR5 94
● labor, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labor
G4-EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials ● 66, 89, 91 6.5.4 Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents or
G4-EN3 Energy consumption within the organization 88, 90 6.5.4 Forced or
● G4-HR6 forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of 94
G4-EN4 Energy consumption outside of the organization 88, 90 Compulsory Labor
● all forms of forced or compulsory labor
Energy G4-EN5 Energy intensity ● 88, 90 6.5.4 Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization’s human rights
G4-EN6 Reduction of energy consumption 57, 60 6.5.4, 6.5.5 Security Practices G4-HR7 95
● policies or procedures that are relevant to operations
G4-EN7 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services ● 61 6.5.4, 6.5.6 Total number and percentage of operations that have been subject to
G4-EN8 Total water withdrawal by source 64, 91 Assessment G4-HR9 94-95 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5
● human rights reviews or impact assessments
Water G4-EN9 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water ● 64 G4-HR10 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria 79, 95
Supplier Human
G4-EN10 Total water withdrawal by source ● 91 6.5.4 Significant actual and potential negative human rights impacts in the supply
G4-EN15 Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 89, 90 6.5.5 Rights Assessment G4-HR11 79, 95
● chain and actions taken
G4-EN16 Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ● 89, 90 6.5.5 Human Rights
G4-EN17 Other indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 90 Number of grievances about human rights impacts filed, addressed, and
● Grievance G4-HR12 47 6.3.6
G4-EN18 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity 90 6.5.5 resolved through formal grievance mechanisms
G4-EN19 Reduction of reenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity ● 59 6.5.5 Society
G4-EN21 NOx, SOx and other significant air emissions ● 93 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement,
G4-EN22 Total water discharge by quality and destination ● 65, 89, 92 6.5.3, 6.5.4 G4-SO1 ● 82-87 6.3.9, 6.5.1, 6.5.2, 6.5.3, 6.8
impact assessments, and development programs
Effluents and G4-EN23 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method ● 89, 92 6.5.3 Local Communities
Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local
Wastes Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies related G4-SO2 ● 82-87 6.3.9, 6.5.3, 6.8
G4-EN26 ● 64 6.5.3 communities
habitats significantly affected by the organization’s discharge of water and runoff G4-SO4 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures 46 6.6.1, 6.6.2, 6.6.3, 6.6.6
Products and Extent of impact mitigation of environmental impacts of products and Anti-corruption
G4-EN27 ● 11, 61 6.5.3, 6.5.4, 6.5.5, 6.7.5 G4-SO5 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 47 6.6.1, 6.6.2, 6.6.3
Services services Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary Refer to FY2016 Compliance G4-SO8 No violation of regulations 4.6
Compliance G4-EN29 4.6 sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations
sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Business Report (pp.304-305) Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using criteria for impacts
Overall G4-EN31 Total environmental protection expenditures and investment by type 10, 52 6.5.1, 6.5.2 Supplier G4-SO9 82-87
● on society
Supplier G4-EN32 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria 67, 79 Assessment for
Significant actual and potential negative impacts on society in the supply
Environmental Significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts in the Impacts on Society G4-SO10 82-87
G4-EN33 67, 79 chain and actions taken
Assessment supply chain and actions taken Grievance Mecha-
Social Number of grievances about impacts on society filed, addressed, and 6.3.6, 6.6.1-6.6.2,
nisms for Impacts G4-SO11 47
Labor Practices and Decent Work resolved through formal grievance mechanisms 6.8.1-6.8.2
on Society
Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by Product Responsibility
G4-LA1 ● 72 6.4.3
age group, gender and region Percentage of significant products and services categories for which health
Employment Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary G4-PR1 ● 61
G4-LA2 ● 96 6.4.4, 6.8.7 and safety impacts are assessed for improvement
or part-time employees, by significant locations of operation Customer
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary
G4-LA3 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender ● 96 6.4.4 Health and Safety 4.6, 6.7.1-6.7.2,
G4-PR2 codes concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services ● None
Percentage of total work force represented in formal joint 6.7.4-6.7.5, 6.8.8
during their life cycle, by type of outcomes
G4-LA5 management-worker health and safety commitments that help monitor and ● 55, 97 6.4.6 Type of product and service information required by the organization’s
advise on ccupational health and safety programs procedures for product and service information and labeling, and 6.7.1-6.7.2, 6.7.3, 6.7.4,
Health and Safety G4-PR3 61
Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and percentage of significant product and service categories subject to such 6.7.5, 6.7.9
G4-LA6 ● 93 6.4.6, 6.8.8 Product and
absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and gender information requirements
Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee Service Labeling
G4-LA9 ● 26, 69, 70 Total number of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes con- 4.6, 6.7.1-6.7.2,
Training and category G4-PR4 None
cerning product and service information and labeling, by type of outcomes 6.7.3-6.7.5, 6.7.9
Education Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career G4-PR5 Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction 99 6.7.1-6.7.2, 6.7.6
G4-LA11 ● 72 6.4.7
development reviews, by gender and by employee category
Association Memberships
SK hynix has been complying with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of
human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption since joining the initiative in 2009.
Principle 3. Businesses
should uphold the freedom of Korea’s Engineer Award Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning Vice President, Kwon Jae-soon Minister Award Nov. 16, 2016
• Human
rights management: Sound labor-management
association and the effective recognition of the 97 Award for Semiconductor Day Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Vice President, Jeon Joon-hyun Industrial Award Oct. 27, 2016
right to collective bargaining.
Award for Semiconductor Day Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Vice President, Han Young-soo Minister Award Oct. 27, 2016
Principle 4. Businesses
should uphold the elimination of all Award for Semiconductor Day Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Director, Chung Hong-kyo Minister Award Oct. 27, 2016
• Human
rights management: Human rights and labor policy 94
forms of forced and compulsory labor. Award for Semiconductor Day Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Director, Kang Dae-hee Minister Award Oct. 27, 2016
Labor Standards
Merit for Invention Promotion on the
Principle 5. Businesses
should uphold the effective abolition Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Director, Lee Hee-yeol Minister Award May 19, 2016
• Human
rights management: Human rights and labor policy 94 Invention Day
of child labor.
Merit for Science Day Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning Vice President, Kim Hyung-soo Science Technology Award Apr. 21, 2016
Principle 6. Businesses
should uphold the elimination of • Human
rights management: Human rights and labor policy Tax Tower for Taxpayers’ Day Ministry of Strategy and Finance Group KRW 700 billion Mar. 3, 2016
discrimination in respect of employment and • Human
rights management: Respect for diversity, salary
occupation. policy
Association Memberships
Principle 7. Businesses
should support a precautionary • Response
to climate change: Climate change response
approach to environmental challenges. system
• Response
to climate change: Management of GHG and Classification Association
Principle 8. Businesses
should undertake initiatives to energy 59-60
Environment MARKETING SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute, Inc)
promote greater environmental responsibility. • Environmental
impact reduction: Management of 64-67
resources and pollutants The National Quality Award Winners Council, Korea Standards Association (Icheon and Cheongju), Korea Occupational Hygiene
PRODUCTION Association, Korea Chemicals Management Association, Chungbuk Association of Environmental and Engineering,
Chungbuk Branch of Environment Preservation Association
Principle 9. Businesses should encourage the development and • Response
to climate change: Reduction of products’ envi-
diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. ronmental impact Korea Invention Promotion Association, Korea Intellectual Property Association, The Institute of Semiconductor Test of Korea,
JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council), UFSA (Universal Flash Storage Association), SATA-IO (Serial ATA International
Organization), TCG (Trusted Computing Group), PCI-SIG (Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group),
Principle 10. Businesses
should work against corruption in all • Global compliance 42-43
Anti-Corruption RESEARCH SNIA (The Storage Networking Industry Association), T13, NVMe, T10, UNH-IOL, KMEPS (The Korean Microelectronics and Packaging
its forms, including extortion and bribery. • Ethics management 46-47
Society), Korea Industrial Technology Association, MIPI (Mobile Industry Processor Interface), Consortium of Semiconductor
Advanced Research, Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, Si2 (Silicon Integration Initiative), SiWEDS (Silicon Wafer
Engineering and Defect Science), VCCI (Voluntary Control Council for Interference), ODCC (Open Data Center Committee), National
Academy of Engineering of Korea, Gen-Z Consortium, ASPIRE, Open CAPI, GCC (Green Computing Consortium)
Icheon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Korea Electric Engineers Association (Icheon and Cheongju), Korea Fire Safety
Association (Icheon), Korea Industrial Safety Association (Seongnam Branch), Cheongju Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Korea Fire Safety Association (Cheongju), Korea Industrial Safety Association (Chungbuk Branch), Korean Association Occupational
Health Nurses, Korea Economic Research Institute, Korea Semiconductor Industry Association
Korea AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Association, Korean Customs Logistics Association, KILA (Korea Integrated Logistics
Association), Korea Forum of Chief Information Officers, Korea International Trade Association, Korean Association for Industrial
Technology Security, Korea Employers Federation, Emergency Planning Team of MOTIE, Korea Fair Competition Federation,
SK hynix advocates the sustainable development goals (SDGs) proposed by the UN for the sustainable development of in- WSTS (World Semiconductor Trade Statistics), Institute for Industrial Policy Studies Yoon-Kyung SM Forum, UNGC (UN Global Com-
ternational society. To this end, we are engaging in diverse activities to realize 17 goals aimed at solving environmental, pact) Korea Network, EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition), Korea Listed Companies Association, Korea IR Service,
Chungbuk Employers Federation, Chungcheong Green Business Council, OpenPOWER Foundation, GSA (Global Semiconductor
economic, and social problems by 2030, while joining the spread of SDGs to the international society as a member of the
Alliance), Gyeonggi Employers Federation, UN SDGs Association, Korea IoT Association, Institute of Internal Auditors, Korea Quality
Korean Association for Supporting SDGs for the UN. For more information on 17 major goals and 169 detailed goals, please Master Association, BISD (Business Institute for Sustainable Development), Chungcheong Council of Chemical Safety Community
visit the website (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org).
Kang Dong-jin, Kang Tae-young, Koh Sung-kwon, Kwon Hyuk-hwa,
Kim Kwang-rok, Kim Ki-dong, Kim Nam-ho, Kim Dong-deok,
Kim Mi-sook, Kim Min-young, Kim Min-ho, Kim Bum-ho,
Kim Byung-hee, Kim Sun-min, Kim Young-seb, Kim Yong-seung,
Kim Jae-kook, Kim Jong-hyuk, Kim Ji-su, Kim Ji-hyeon,
Kim Tae-hui, Kim Pan-sun, Kim Pyung-seok, Kim Hyun-sin,
Kim Hyung-gun, Kim Hong, Kim Hyo-eun, Na In, Noh Hyung-goo,
Dong Cha-deok, Min Sang-geun, Park Myoung-ho, Park Sung-min,
Park Sun-rye, Park Young-jun, Park Ye-rim, Park Yong-won,
Park Hyun-bum, Park Hyun-young, Bang Hyun-chul, Bae Eun-seok,
Baek Seok-yong, Seok Ji-chung, Son Ae-young, Song Tae-hwa,
Song Hyun-jun, Shin Jae-min, Yang Byeong-doo, Eo Jung-wook,
Um Yu-mi, Yeo Woo-jin, Oh Dong-ju, Oh Sung-jun, Yoon Ki-sub,
Lee Kun-woong, Lee Kwang-soo, Lee Gwi-sun, Lee Gi-a,
Lee Dong-hyun, Lee Sung-woo, Lee Su-hwan, Lee Yang-yoo,
Lee Yang-hun, Lee Joon-hee, Lee Cheong-a, Lee Ho-eon,
Lim Noh-sik, Jung Dong-hyun, Jung Seo-young, Jung Woo-ri,
Jung Yoo-ri, Cho Sun-young, Cho Yun-hee, Cho Hyun-ju,
Cha Chul-in, Choi Rac-shin, Choi Jin, Chu In-suk, Han Kyu-young,
Hong Ji-a
Park Jong-sun, Bae Bong-kwan, Lee Yong-sik, Chun Seong-woon,
Hwang In-tae, Jin Guang, Liu Han Nai, Li Cheng Ji, Pan Li Hong,
Xu Liang Cai, Ni Shi Ming, Zhou Xiao Hui, Qi Hui Jun,
Yang Zu Shuang, Xu Ming Gang, Xu Lian Ji