Towngas ESG Report 2020
Towngas ESG Report 2020
Towngas ESG Report 2020
Go Green
01 Board Statement 3 The Towngas Board of Directors (the Board) is committed to our environmental, social
and governance (ESG) development for a sustainable future. This commitment is
02 Managing Director’s Message 4 reflected in our Vision and Mission, which guide our evolving ESG strategy.
03 Building a Brighter Future and a Greener World 8
04 2020 Highlights 10 Our ESG Framework covers five key areas: To further integrate ESG practices into our business
In 2020, we faced an extremely challenging year as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak,
which affected all of us in Hong Kong and mainland China. Although the pandemic
had an impact on our business and the overall economy, as a resilient and innovative
company Towngas was able to emerge relatively unscathed from the past year’s events.
In large part, our recovery was due to the decisive actions of our senior management
team and dedication of our colleagues who worked closely together and with the
community to combat and contain the coronavirus.
As a result of their efforts, we were able to keep the pandemic mostly under control in
our operations.
While embracing the new normal, we will continue partnership agreement with Shanghai Gas Company Building a Workforce for the Future The Year Ahead
to maintain our commitment to environmental, social Limited in October 2020. This collaboration will enable
and governance (ESG) development in terms of the us to capture more opportunities and promote the long- As our workforce ages and our older workers near After the trials of the year just passed, we can
safety of our operations, environmental performance, term growth of the natural gas industry. retirement, we have had to ensure their experience reasonably expect a better year in 2021.
social good, corporate governance and diversity under and skills are effectively passed on by developing our
our ESG Framework, with a focus on innovation. We Also underway were various waste-to-energy projects, employees and attracting young people to our industry. As the pandemic dies down, the economy in mainland
believe this will drive not only our ESG performance but such as utilising bio-grease and agricultural waste to China is expected to recover, and Hong Kong will
also our business development. produce advanced biofuels and converting food waste In 2020, we continued to organise talent development return, albeit slowly, to GDP growth. At Towngas, we
into natural gas. These and other related projects programmes for different levels of employees, will continue to evaluate ways of improving both our
Preparing for a Climate Resilient are contributing towards the transition to a circular from apprentice schemes for entry level positions business and ESG performance over the year ahead in
Future economy. to our Young Towngas Leadership Competencies our journey towards a more sustainable world.
Acceleration (YTLC+) Programme for staff with
Resilience was critical not only in our response to Accelerating Innovation and Digital less than 10 years of work experience who show I would like to thank our hard-working staff who
COVID-19 but also to climate change – another Transformation leadership potential. New programmes were also remained dedicated to providing our customers
impending crisis of great importance. launched during the year for graduate trainees and with outstanding service during a difficult year, as
One of the reasons we are considered a leader in ESG staff with management potential to gain experience in well as our business partners and stakeholders in
During the year, we continued to strengthen our is our culture of innovation. It has played a key role in our mainland China businesses. These programmes the community for their faith in us. I look forward to
emergency preparedness plans and modify our our success and will continue to be a main driver in the are intended to build a succession pipeline for our continuing our collaboration with stakeholders to create
facilities so that they are capable of withstanding growth of our businesses. expanding business in mainland China. a better, greener future.
extreme weather conditions. As we understand that
we must be prepared for different climate scenarios, In recent years, we have been using digital technology Through other programmes such as Career in a
we conducted a study on how transition risks could to underpin innovation. One example is our smart Nutshell, as well as our collaborations with leading Alfred Chan Wing-kin
impact our energy-related business, both positively energy business which, in combination with big data, corporations and tertiary educational institutes, we Managing Director
and negatively. This was in accordance with the artificial intelligence and the Internet, can improve are not only creating a sustainable supply of talent
recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s energy efficiency and reduce emissions for our for Towngas, but also for the overall development of
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. customers in mainland China. Hong Kong.
What we have learned from our study of transition risks
and opportunities across our portfolio is helping us to Another example is our cooking appliance with anti-
develop plans to mitigate these climate-related risks scorch function, which is equipped with an intelligent
and build resilience strategies. temperature sensor. We have also developed our own
digital technologies that improve our service efficiency
As we head towards a low-carbon economy, we have and quality, such as our Riser Health Analytics System,
been expanding our city-gas business, since natural which automatically analyses inspection videos and
gas is the cleanest fossil fuel and will likely continue to identifies corrosion on gas service pipes. In addition
be a mainstream fuel source in the short-to-medium to these innovations, we added new enhancements
term in mainland China. In one of the most exciting to our online virtual assistant, Tinny, so that it is better
developments of the year, we signed a strategic able to handle customer enquiries.
The world today is facing an existential crisis of unprecedented proportions. As the challenge of environmental and
climate change becomes increasingly severe, a growing number of people are recognising the urgent need to cut
carbon emissions, reduce waste and use resources more responsibly. Digital
How we cope with this challenge along with that of ageing populations across our world will define our future and The Facts
the wellbeing of generations to come. • The world is becoming increasingly connected online
• 5G1, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data are
At Towngas, we have been monitoring and responding proactively to megatrends. We believe that resolving
fundamentally transforming our world
the challenges we face is within our capabilities, particularly through the use of innovation and technology. It is
our hope that through the actions we are taking we can manage our risks and opportunities and contribute to Risks and Opportunities
sustainable development.
• Companies must innovate to survive and meet customers’ expectations
• Data privacy is a primary concern for customers; data leaks can damage corporate reputation
• Technology can help Towngas manage energy more efficiently and serve customers better
Towngas’ Response
• Develop a smart energy business by harnessing digital technologies, such as big data, AI
and the internet, to enhance energy efficiency for our customers
• Isolate sensitive customer information according to our dedicated Data Privacy Standing
Climate Committee
• Implement AI in areas such as maintenance work and processing customer inquiries to
improve service efficiency and quality
The Facts
• The world needs more energy to meet the needs of growing populations
• Average temperature increase must be limited to well below 2 degrees Celsius above
pre-industrial levels, pursuing efforts to limit to 1.5 degrees Celsius, to avert environmental
• The scarcity of resources is a growing concern
Risks and Opportunities The Facts
• The world is experiencing an increase in extreme weather events
• People aged 65 and above will comprise over 30% of the population of Hong Kong and
• Countries are introducing new climate-related policies, regulations and environmental mainland China by 2050
pledges, such as China’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060
Risks and Opportunities
• Taking on the challenge of sustainable energy presents opportunities for business growth
• An ageing workforce is a challenge for Towngas’ succession plans and knowledge transfer
Towngas’ Response • Older customers have special needs on our service and products, especially with regard to
• Expand our waste-to-energy business to help create a circular economy safety
• Strengthen our emergency preparedness and modify our facilities to withstand extreme • Attract young people to retain essential skills
weather conditions
Towngas’ Response
• Conducted a study to identify climate transition risks and opportunities under various
scenarios and assessed Towngas’ climate resilience • Launched Career in a Nutshell programme to make a career in the gas industry more
attractive to young people
• Develop new training programmes to build a sustainable talent pipeline
• Launched cooking appliances with an anti-scorch function for the elderly
• Introduce tailored community programmes that meet the needs of the elderly in the community
The fifth generation of wireless technology
04 2020
Creating Business Opportunities • Carbon intensity of gas production (Hong Kong) • Electrical power consumption at
0.592 kg CO2e/unit of town gas Towngas’ North Point Headquarters:
↓4.29% compared with 2019
- ↓23% compared with 2005 baseline
Financial Green Sustainable
Performance Finance Business
• Revenue • Towngas’ • In the process of developing • Conducted a scenario analysis on • Used Gas Appliance Recycling Programme:
HK$40,927 million HK$734.4 million 2 pilot projects in Hebei climate-related transition >1,600 tonnes of metal recovered
Green Bond province to convert agricultural
risks and opportunities
• 437 projects continued to support four major waste into products such as
outside Hong Kong waste-to-energy projects furfural and/or cellulosic ethanol
• Customer accounts:
- 1.94 million smart
• Developing a
for town gas business energy business,
(Hong Kong) including solar photovoltaic power
Contributing to Stakeholders
generation systems and energy
- 31.81 million
storage facilities Employees Customers Community Suppliers
for city-gas business
(mainland China) • Number of employees • 99.99% supply • Volunteer service hours • Assessed
- 2,495 reliability rate - 16,633 hours (Hong over 170
- 2.53 million (Hong Kong) (Hong Kong) Kong employees and major suppliers
for water business customers)
(mainland China) - 51,067 in Hong Kong
(outside Hong Kong) • Set up a team of
departmental - 714,300 hours and mainland
(mainland utility employees) China on their
data protection
• Average training hours corporate social
per employee: • Love on Delivery responsibility
to enhance the
- 17.5 hours effectiveness of the programme distributed performance
(Hong Kong) Privacy Management 30,000 fresh food
Programme packs to 1,000
underprivileged families
Ensuring Health and Safety • 5,814 customer
compliments received
Occupational Safety and Health Customers and Public (Hong Kong)
• Implemented Corporate Preparedness • Customer-related emergency reports
Plan for Infectious Diseases during (Hong Kong)
COVID-19 to protect staff and contractors ↓35% in last five years
Award for Excellence in Training and Family Top Brand 2019 Manpower Developer
Development 2020 – Gold Award · Parents & Kids Activities – Parents & Kids Courses Award Scheme
The 19th Hong Kong Occupational Safety
· Best in Future Talent Development by ESDlife (2018 – 2020)
and Health Award
· HR Professionals’ Favourite Campaign · Manpower Developer
Global 2000 · Safety Management System Award – Gold
· 5S Good House Keeping Best Practices Award
by The Hong Kong Grand Prize Award
Management by Forbes by Employees Retraining Board
– Gold
· OSH Annual Report Award – Gold
Highest Service Hour Award 2019
· Private Organisations – Best Customers · Best Workspace Infection Control Measures
Sing Tao Service Award – Silver
Participation – Honour
· Private Organisations – Category 1 – Merit
Awards 2019 · Safety Performance Award
Caring Company · After-sales Services Award (i) The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
by Social Welfare Department
by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service by Sing Tao Daily (ii) Towngas Telecommunications Company Limited
China IDC Industry 2020 Home Journal Best Brand Awards (iii) U-Tech Engineering Company Limited
Quality Service Award · Best Kitchen Design (iv) P-Tech Engineering Company Limited
by Home Journal by Occupational Safety and Health Council
by China IDC Industry The 1st Greater Bay Area Business
Annual Ceremony Sustainability Index
· Ranked First
Organisation Committee Hong Kong Customer Contact
· Exemplar Level
Association Award 2019
Constituent Companies of the Hang Seng · Mystery Caller Assessment Award –
by The Chinese University
Corporate Sustainability Index Series Commerce and Public Utilities – Gold Award
of Hong Kong
· Towngas by Hong Kong Customer Contact
· Towngas China Association
By Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited
Hong Kong Service Awards 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Award 2020 · Public Utilities
U Favourite Food Awards 2020
· U Favourite Great View Restaurant
by Capital Magazine by East Week
The 5th Hong Kong Business
by U Magazine
Customer Service Excellence Award 2019 HSBC Living Business Award Sustainability Index -
· Grand Award – Silver Award · Sustainable Supply Chain · Ranked First
· Digital Transformation Award –Gold Award Leaders · Exemplar Level
· Team Award – Field & Special Service – by Business Environment Council by The Chinese University
2019 Hong Kong Awards for
Bronze Award of Hong Kong
Environmental Excellence
· Public and Community Services –
by Hong Kong Association for Customer IFAPC Outstanding Listed
Service Excellence Companies Award 2020
Gold Award
by The Hong Kong Institute of
by Environmental Campaign
Elite Awards 2019 – Star Cooking School Award Financial Analysts and Professional
by Ming Pao Weekly Commentators Limited
The 8th Hong Kong
Employer of Choice Award 2020 IFPHK Financial Education Leadership
· Employer of Choice Award
Volunteer Award
· Corporate Award
Award 2020
· Corporate Social Responsibility Award · Corporate Financial Education Leadership –
Categories of Awards:
· Corporate Sustainability Award
by Agency For Volunteer Service Business and Service Environment Governance
Gold Award
by Job Market Publishing Limited by Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong Health and Safety Social
We will continue to focus on these five areas in order to achieve the long-term sustainability of our business and
VISION create shared value for our stakeholders.
• To be Asia’s leading clean energy supplier and quality service provider, with a
focus on innovation and environmental friendliness.
• To conduct ourselves in an ethical and transparent manner so that all
stakeholders know we are accountable to them for the decisions and actions
Strengthening Protecting the
Corporate Environment
we take to become a sustainable business. Governance
Reduce our
Uphold strong environmental footprint
corporate governance and combat climate
standards and operate change
• To recognise the importance of our employees and their contributions to the Contributing to
success of our business, and our responsibility to keep them safe, informed, Stakeholders
engaged and equipped to undertake our mission.
Create value for all of
our stakeholders and
the communities in
which we operate
31.81 million city-gas customer accounts in mainland China
fuel conversion to gas •
16 15 1
Develop a clean energy • Increased resources for town gas production – Landfill gas
business accounts for approximately 1% of our fuel mix
12 11 10
Fossil fuels as the major distributed energy systems
• Continued to develop
raw materials of town gas
and smart energy businesses
• 2 research facilities in Shanghai city and Suzhou city, with ongoing
research for launch of biomass utilisation and sustainable aviation
fuel in 2021
Towngas has established an ESG Committee that is responsible for overseeing the Company’s ESG strategies, policies We engage in ongoing dialogues with stakeholders in order to understand their expectations of Towngas with
and practices. Headed by the Managing Director of the Company, Mr Alfred Chan Wing-kin, this Committee comprises regard to our sustainability performance. From what we learned in these discussions, we are able to formulate
eight Executive Committee members and two members of senior management. The Chairman, who is appointed by an ESG strategy that answers their concerns, reduces our risks and aligns with their values.
the Towngas Board of Directors, reports ESG matters to the Board.
Stakeholder Engagement Approach
Together, the ten members represent different areas of our business, including operations, finance, human resources,
engineering, commercial, health, safety and the environment, and community engagement. The Committee is thus able Our key stakeholders comprise both internal and external stakeholders who are significantly affected by our
to facilitate the decision-making of the Board and contribute to the sustainable growth of the Company. operations, or are expected to be affected by our business, as summarised in the graphic below.
The ESG Committee is responsible for identifying and reviewing ESG issues, risks and opportunities; tracking Regular Engagement Channels
ESG performance and recommending strategies to improve it; reviewing and evaluating the annual ESG
Report and recommending its endorsement by the Board/Executive Committee; and providing updates to the
• Employee surveys and meetings • Publications
Board/Executive Committee on the latest relevant ESG matters.
• Feedback channels (e.g. suggestion (e.g. newsletters and leaflets)
boxes, Talk to MD) • Company websites, social media
In 2020, the ESG Committee met on two separate occasions. • Internal publications (e.g. bulletins, platforms and the Towngas App
newsletters) • Regular maintenance visits, safety
Members of the ESG Committee
• Intranet inspections and safety talks
Mr Alfred Chan Wing-kin (Chairman) Mr Daniel Fung Man-kit* • Ambassador programmes/activities Customers • Customer Focus Team
Managing Director Head of Strategy & Innovation and Commercial – Hong Kong Utilities • Social media platforms (e.g. Yammer • Surveys and focus groups
Mr Peter Wong Wai-yee Mr Martin Kee Wai-ngai* in Hong Kong, WeChat and Weibo in • Customer Service Hotline
Deputy Managing Director Executive Vice President, Hong Kong and China Gas Investment Limited
mainland China) • Customer centres
Mr John Ho Hon-ming and Hua Yan Water
Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary Mr Isaac Yeung Chung-kwan
Mr Philip Siu Kam-shing Head of Corporate Affairs
Chief Operating Officer – New Energy Business Mr Victor Kwong Chiu-ling • Seminars and workshops • District Council Focus Team
Mr Simon Ngo Siu-hing General Manager – Corporate Sustainability • Supplier assessment system • Community programmes
Head of Engineering – Hong Kong Utilities (e.g. factory audits) • Working Committees
Miss Fan Kit-yee • Management meetings and supplier Communities • Towngas Volunteer Service Team
Head of Corporate Human Resources * New members (effective 1 July 2020) and Suppliers conferences
• Site/factory visits
Key ESG Topics Discussed by the ESG Committee • Green partnerships and community
The Committee was briefed on the new requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s • Annual General Meeting • Meetings
ESG updated ESG Reporting Guide and discussed the approach that should be taken to meet the • Annual and interim reports NGOs • Questionnaires
Reporting new requirements. The Chairman of the Committee reviewed the 2020 materiality assessment
• Analyst and investor briefings for
and acknowledged the changes in material issues from the 2019 materiality matrix.
interim and annual results
• Company website (especially • Working groups and committees
The Committee discussed the increasing interest in ESG issues among stakeholders and our the “Investor Relations” Section’s • Seminars, visits and workshops
approach for enhancing Towngas’ ESG performance. Related preparation work, including the Announcements and Circulars Professional
Enhancement Bodies
establishment of targets under the ESG framework, is continuing. and other correspondences) and and Regulators
Investors • Non-deal roadshows
The Committee was briefed on the ongoing work to align with the recommendations of the
Climate • Investment conferences
TCFD. The Committee acknowledged the key transition risks and opportunities, as well as the
Risks and • Investor meetings and telephone
resilience of Towngas’ assets and operations under different scenarios. For more details on the
Opportunities conferences
study, please refer to the Climate Transition Risks and Resilience section.
• Meetings and regular communications
The Committee reviewed and supported the community initiatives undertaken by Towngas in with credit rating agencies (S&P and
Community Moody’s)
2020, in particular initiatives related to COVID-19. For more details on our community initiatives
investment • Site visits
during the year, please refer to the Community section.
Case Study
9 8
In 2020 we launched our ESG Enhancement Plan with the aim of improving our ESG performance and 19 9
7 10 11 19
20 25 20 25
7 10 11
awareness. We also organised the first Group-wide Sustainability Award, which encourages our staff and project 21 35 38
26 13
21 35 38
13 12 36 32
companies to create innovative, long-term sustainable development projects. Three awards were available: 12 36 32
24 15 34
22 27 33
Environmental Social Sustainability 24 15 34 37
Participation Award 27 33 17
Importance to stakeholders
Excellence Award Award 37
to promote the use of to recognise our joint to acknowledge
advanced technologies in ventures and departmental project continuity 23 3
waste treatment, as well as efforts to combat the and influence 40
continuous waste reduction COVID-19 pandemic through
and recycling innovative measures, social
participation and employee
caring programmes
A series of ESG trainings and publications, as well as other ESG related activities, will be rolled out in 2021.
Materiality Assessment 1
To ensure our ESG Report addresses topics that reflect Towngas’ significant economic, environmental and social
impacts, we conduct a series of stakeholder engagement activities every year. 30 5
31 6
In preparing our materiality assessment, we adopted the internationally recommended three-step process of Impact of Towngas' business on the economy, environment and society
Identification, Prioritisation and Validation. Less Important Important Very Important
We mapped the materiality of 40 issues, with the most important issues listed at the top right quadrant of the
matrix, while less important issues are found at the bottom left. Issues shown in the middle of the matrix are those Creating Business Opportunities Contributing to Stakeholders
we have identified as emerging in importance. 1 Direct economic value 19 Employment management system
2 Financial risks and opportunities associated with ESG issues 20 Employer-employee relations
A total of 23 issues were prioritised as material for Towngas to address and report on. 3 Direct economic contribution 21 Training and development
4 Indirect economic impacts 22 Diversity, equal opportunity and non-discrimination
The material issues identified remain similar to those of last year, with safety and customer privacy continuing to be 5 Economic impacts of procurement practices 23 Respect for the rights of association and collective
the most important. Additionally, two emerging issues were identified as important: supply security and reliability, 6 Reserves and production bargaining
and a future-proof workforce. This indicated that our stakeholders are concerned with how we guarantee the 24 Responsible marketing communications
supply of goods and services, as well as how we upskill employees and attract new talent with the skills needed 25 Quality management and after-sales service
to capture opportunities arising from emerging technologies, automation and digitalisation. Ensuring Health and Safety
26 Customer privacy and cybersecurity
7 A safe and healthy work environment
27 Supplier environmental and social assessment
8 Asset integrity and process safety
28 Community engagement, impact assessment and
9 Customer health and safety
Identification Prioritisation Validation 10 Project/engineering quality assurance
29 Respect for indigenous rights
11 Emergency preparedness
• Reviewed and adopted ESG • Results of the survey • The prioritised list 30 Involuntary resettlement
issues from previous stakeholder were consolidated, of material issues 31 Participation in public policy
engagement exercises analysed and assessed was presented to Protecting the Environment 32 Future-proof workforce*
to identify a prioritised the Towngas ESG 12 Greenhouse gases and other air emissions 33 Supply security and reliability*
• Emerging ESG issues were also list of potentially material Committee members 13 Water and effluents 34 Accelerated digitalisation*
included issues for discussion and
14 Waste 35 Provision of community crisis support*
15 Energy
• Over 450 external and internal • A materiality matrix
Towngas stakeholders in Hong was then formulated to 16 Materials Strengthening Corporate Governance
Kong and mainland China plot the ratings based 17 Protection of ecosystem services
36 Anti-corruption
completed an online survey to on their importance 18 Fossil fuel substitutes
37 Prevention of anti-competitive practices
confirm or rate the importance of to Towngas and to
ESG topics in relation to Towngas’ stakeholders 38 Prevention of child labour or forced labour
businesses and operations 39 Respect for human rights
40 Protection of intellectual property rights
* Emerging issues
The table below prioritises the top 23 material issues for Towngas to address and report on in 2020 and their Stakeholder Engagement Results and Our Response
corresponding boundaries, where the impacts occur and Towngas’ involvement in them.
In line with our annual arrangement, in 2020 we organised focus group sessions, telephone interviews and an
Boundaries online survey with our internal and external stakeholders. Through this exercise, we came to understand the
key issues that are important to our stakeholders, such as exploring new business opportunities and further
Material Issues Contractors Impacts strengthening our health and safety measures during the pandemic. Recognising the importance of these issues
Employees and Customers Community to stakeholders allows us to focus on improving our performance.
7. A safe and healthy work environment The table below indicates the key issues and stakeholder feedback from the engagement process and our
corresponding responses:
8. Asset integrity and process safety
9. Customer health and safety Health and
10. Project/engineering quality assurance New Business
Our Response
11. Emergency preparedness
Explore different renewable We understand that we are heading towards a decarbonised world.
12. Greenhouse gases and other air emissions energy development or Towngas has considered its business model and explored opportunities
Protecting environmental protection that may arise from this transition. As gas continues to play an important
13. Water and effluents the business options in the market. role as a lower-emissions fossil fuel for the transition, we are diversifying our
15. Energy portfolio to pursue a low-carbon and circular economy. Please refer to the
Transitioning to a Low-carbon Future section for more details.
19. Employment management system Stakeholders’ Feedback
* Emerging issues
Innovation is an important element of our corporate culture at Towngas. To encourage new and innovative As an innovation-driven company, we are taking advantage of the trend in digital transformation to produce
ideas that benefit our business, we have established a number of platforms and initiatives that inspire our advanced new features that make our gas facilities safer and more convenient for customers. Many of the
staff and help them to acquire an innovative mindset. innovations developed at Towngas, including those that are part of our smart home concept, are created by our
staff with financial assistance from our Innovation Funding programme.
The Innovation Funding programme we set up in Hong Kong in 2016 provides financial incentives for our staff
to develop creative new proposals that support our business expansion in any part of the Company. In 2019, Optical Light Back Protection Device
the Funding was extended to mainland China. So far, we have disbursed up to HK$1.78 million in grants for
21 projects undertaken in both Hong Kong and mainland China. In 2020, four new projects were approved This Optical Light Back Protection Device detects light instead of sensing temperatures inside a gas cooking
and under development. appliance. As a result, the detection time is shortened, reducing the possibility of damage to the appliance while
also contributing to better gas safety.
We also share information about emerging technologies at Towngas and the industry through our publication,
Innovation Headlines , as well as through seminars, company tours and social platforms such as Facebook, Smart Gas Meter
Yammer and WeChat.
By adding an internal valve and intelligent control logic unit, our smart gas meters now include over-
flow detection, continuous leakage detection and regular safety inspection alert functions. This ensures
Innovation Platforms at Towngas the gas supply is automatically cut off and that Towngas is notified if any
abnormalities are detected.
Turning Promises into Action
Although global carbon emissions fell by a record 7 per cent in 2020 because of the
COVID-19 pandemic, this was only a temporary respite from issues associated with
the worldwide climate emergency. At Towngas, we have the resources, expertise and
determination to take on the challenges of climate change through the innovative
research we do in green technologies and the investments we make in green businesses.
With these and the other measures we have undertaken, we are well positioned to make
a significant contribution towards a more sustainable future for our stakeholders and the
world at large.
In line with our vision to be Asia’s leading supplier of clean energy, we have been developing more sustainable
forms of energy that will substantially transform our business in years to come.
We recognise that the global energy transition currently under way poses not a challenge to our business of
supplying gas in Hong Kong and mainland China, but an opportunity. By diversifying into related businesses such
as clean energy and smart energy, we can play a leading role in this transition.
Beyond developing new forms of energy, we will also continue to capture business opportunities in sectors such
as waste treatment, water supply and telecommunications. By taking advantage of these opportunities, we can
remain commercially competitive and thrive under the new green economy.
Towngas is a limited liability company incorporated and headquartered in Hong Kong and listed on The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 3). Founded in 1862, Towngas was Hong Kong’s first public
• Green energy
utility. Today, we are one of the largest energy suppliers in Hong Kong, operating with world-class corporate • Telecommunications
management and leading-edge business practices. For the past years, Towngas has evolved from the simple gas • Information technology
company supplying fuel for street lamps to our current leading position in the energy industry of mainland China • Civil and building services engineering
and beyond. • Manufacture of gas-related products Vehicle fuel:
In addition to our Hong Kong operations, Towngas today has a portfolio that includes 436 projects1 in
5 LPG refilling stations
(Hong Kong)
27 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in mainland China, as well as one in Thailand.
>40 LNG/CNG refilling stations
in operation or under construction
For details on the changes in our business portfolio during the year, please refer to our Annual Report 2020. (mainland China)
Aviation fuel:
Business Profile in 2020 approximately
3.3 million tonnes
methane LNG:
• Town gas • City-gas approximately
• Sales of branded gas appliances • Midstream facilities 180,000 tonnes
• Water supply and wastewater treatment (mainland China)
• Sales of gas appliances and kitchen furnishings
• Smart energy projects
Coal Methanol: Methanol Waste oil HVO:
Town gas sales: Gas sales:
>254,000 tonnes 88,000 tonnes
27,947 million MJ 26.9 billion m3 (mainland China)
(mainland China)
Customer accounts served: Number of city-gas customer accounts: Coal Ethylene glycol:
HK$40,927 million
Capital Expenditure
Heilongjiang HK$7,295 million
Manpower Costs
HK$3,284 million
58% 2%
Shanxi Fuel Cost
Other Expenses
Shandong Yellow Sea
Marketing &
Towngas Group Hong Kong headquarters Henan Jiangsu Equipment Costs
Piped city-gas projects (Towngas)
Piped city-gas projects (Towngas China)
Liquefied natural gas receiving stations
Shaanxi Administration
Our green initiatives are financed according to our Towngas Green Bond Framework. In late 2017, we became Towngas is helping to fulfil the demand for the energy required to power economic growth as well as reduce
the first energy utility in Hong Kong to issue green bonds. We obtain post-issuance stage certification from the emissions contributing to climate change. The challenge of sustainable energy presents an opportunity for the
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) under its Green Finance Certification Scheme in order to reinforce
growth of our businesses, as we transition to a more sustainable business model:
investor confidence.
More information about our Green Bond Framework is available on our corporate website.
City-gas City water Conventional fuels
Use of Proceeds
Our Green Bond was issued through a HK$600 million (ISIN HK0000375300) and a JPY2 billion
(ISIN XS1720566790) transaction under the Medium-Term Note Programme. Proceeds from the green bond of Smart energy City-waste Biomass fuels and
systems treatment chemicals
HK$734.4 million have been allocated to the following four waste-to-energy projects:
In addition, we are developing a smart energy business One example is the research and development we HVO from Inedible Bio-grease
that includes solar photovoltaic power generation have been carrying out on biomass utilisation through
systems and energy storage facilities. Coupled with our wholly owned subsidiary, ECO Environmental In Zhangjiagang city, Jiangsu province, we established our first hydro-treated vegetable oil (HVO) plant for
the application of big data, artificial intelligence and Investments Limited (ECO), the business platform we converting inedible bio-grease feedstock into advanced biofuels with International Sustainability & Carbon
the Internet to enhance energy utilisation and dispatch founded 20 years ago for pursuing opportunities in new Certification (ISCC). These fuels offer a significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as
efficiency, Towngas is helping to conserve energy and energy. It has developed proprietary technologies for compared with traditional fossil diesel. Construction of the plant’s second phase was completed in 2020,
reduce emissions, while also generating economic converting inedible bio-grease and agricultural waste into increasing total production capacity to 250,000 tonnes per year.
benefit. high-value products, which have been implemented in a
number of projects. In 2020, the HVO facility produced around 88,000 tonnes of HVO, of which 90 per cent was sold to
Development of New Energy and Europe. The production of HVO saved around 259,000 tonnes of carbon emissions. We are now exploring
Unconventional Energy Towngas will continue to invest resources on other markets such as North America for this product.
environmentally-friendly innovative technologies to
In the process of bringing about the transition to cleaner create a better future. We are also planning to
fuels, we have identified several opportunities that are put into trial production
playing an increasingly important role in our business sustainable aviation fuel
development. using biofuels in 2021.
Cellulosic ethanol and/or green chemicals such as furfural and paper pulp
Conversion of agricultural waste in Hebei province
Organic Waste Resource Utilisation
We established our first organic waste resource utilisation project in Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou city, Jiangsu
province. Currently, this organic waste resource utilisation plant can process up to 500 tonnes daily of organic
wastes for conversion into natural gas. In 2020, it processed 92,000 tonnes of organic wastes from nearby
Utilisation of Agricultural Waste
catering businesses that helped our downstream customers to reduce 5,900 tonnes of carbon emissions. When
construction of the second phase of this plant is completed in 2021, daily processing capacity will increase to
Towngas has developed a new technology that utilises agricultural waste such as straws and corn cobs for the
800 tonnes.
production of cellulosic ethanol, an advanced biofuel, as well as paper pulp and furfural, a chemical that can be
used as a building block for renewable fuels. Two pilot projects in Hebei province, which will each process 240,000
Another food resource waste utilisation project is located in Tongling city, Anhui province with a daily processing
tonnes of agricultural waste annually, are expected to commence trial production in 2021.
capacity of 100 tonnes of food waste. When the second phase of this project goes into operation in 2021, the
plant’s food waste processing capacity will be doubled.
Feedstock for these plants is available in abundance as mainland China produces massive amounts of agricultural
waste each year, giving this renewable resource a valuable role to play in the replacement of non-renewable
Towngas is also exploring additional food waste treatment projects in other cities.
resources such as crude oil.
Turning Promises into Action
Safety and Health
regular meetings of these committees. The details of Our accident frequency rate increased in 2020
Management our HSE management structure are available on our Progress because of a number of incidents in Hong Kong,
Approach corporate website. Areas including one in December 2020 when six employees
were injured in an industrial accident caused by a
Various reporting channels and promotion schemes, third-party gas pipe damage in Wan Chai. In order
We are committed to protecting our staff, contractors, such as our HSE Suggestion Scheme, Near-
Enhancing Safety to prevent the recurrence of a similar accident, a
customers and the general public against health and
miss Reporting Programme and Instant Messaging
Performance and Awareness thorough investigation was conducted to identify the
safety risks. This commitment and our approach root causes and key learnings from this case. Drawing
HSE Reporting Channel, have been set up so
to safety management are clearly outlined in our During the year, we continued to work ceaselessly to on what we learned, we conducted a comprehensive
that employees and contractors can report work-
Corporate Health, Safety and Environment improve our safety performance across Towngas. We review of the relevant operating procedures, as well
related hazards and near-miss cases for rectification
(HSE) Policy. carried out 168 safety/loss prevention inspections to as our emergency preparedness and response.
and improvement. To encourage reporting, we
ensure safety measures were in place and to maintain a We will advise our employees about the enhanced
Towngas aims for a record of zero accidents and fully reward workers who flag cases and provide procedures recommended in our review on handling
incentive schemes to contractors who demonstrate safe and healthy work environment.
complies with all relevant health and safety legislation. specific types of gas emergencies.
This goal is supported by an OSH management responsibility, awareness and a high level of safety
performance. In 2020, no fatalities occurred among our employees and
system, which is established in accordance with In 2020, we held a series of Seasonal Occupational
international standards such as ISO 45001. The contractors as a result of an accident.
Safety and Health Promotion training sessions.
system comprises a comprehensive register of risks Training and Awareness Provided every quarter, the training covers topics
to identify work-related hazards through risk analysis Since obtaining ISO 45001 certification in 2019, we
such as infectious disease control, prevention of
and risk evaluation, as well as control measures for A standard training procedure has been established have been assisting our subsidiaries, including ECO
heat stroke, and work stress management. When
continual improvement. In the event of an accident, that enables us to determine the needs of our workers and U-Tech Engineering Company Limited (U-tech),
we will conduct an investigation to determine the training programmes could not be taught in a face-to-
and assess their competence, knowledge and to become ISO certified. In 2020, both subsidiaries
cause and identify ways to prevent its recurrence face setting, as was the case during the COVID-19
ability to understand the hazards, risks and control successfully received certification.
under a hierarchy of control framework. pandemic, we made extensive use of electronic
measures associated with their work. platforms and webinars to deliver programme
The following graphics show the safety performance of
A Corporate Health and Safety Manual is also in place materials.
To help our staff and contractors deepen their our employees and contractors in Hong Kong in 2020.
to outline the framework of the OSH management
system, with standard operating procedures and understanding of our safety culture, we organise
Reportable Accidents1 We also organised a number of OSH programmes
detailed guidelines. These documents are regularly training courses, workshops and activities. A Towngas for contractors, including a training session and the
reviewed and updated to ensure our practices comply HSE and Caring Programme is also in place to 2020 Safe Foreman Award event, to promote accident
with the latest industrial practices and government provide mentorship and HSE training for new joiners. Accidents
To ensure our employees can enjoy a friendly, Preventive Measures measures to minimise the risk of infection included special
Enhancing Employee Wellbeing
suppor tive and stress-free work environment, arrangements for service staff visiting customer premises
We understand that the wellbeing of our employees, we provide free clinical medical services, fitness At Towngas premises, including corporate offices and gas in buildings with confirmed cases and guidelines advising
including their physical and mental health, is essential facilities and a mother care room in our North Point production plants, automatic body temperature scanners technicians to wear advanced PPE when providing services
for maintaining a happy and productive workforce. headquarters. In 2020, we replaced face-to-face were set up in order to detect potential cases of infection. at customers’ premises. Health seminars and educational
activities with online programmes, including home We also applied and distributed nano photocatalytic activities related to COVID-19 were also organised.
fitness classes with yoga and Pilates, cooking classes, long-acting disinfectant spray in our workplaces and
health tips and health talks by medical practitioners. high traffic areas, and developed our own ultraviolet-C Customer Protection
We also shouldered the cost of seasonal influenza disinfection device to sanitise areas such as conference
vaccinations for our staff. rooms and elevators. In many areas, we adjusted the floor While implementing measures to safeguard the health of our
layout, erected partitions to reduce face-to-face contact customers and staff, we continued to provide high quality
Unlike in past years, fewer activities for our staff and increase social distancing, and set up disinfection customer service in 2020. All Towngas Customer Centres
and their families were held in 2020 because of the stations. The fresh air flow rate of our headquarters in remained open and were treated with a nano photocatalytic
COVID-19 pandemic. These activities, which are North Point was also adjusted to maximum level. To avoid long-acting disinfectant spray. Although our maintenance and
designed to promote work-life balance and build team overcrowding, we implemented crowd control measures for checking services remained unchanged, we had to temporarily
spirit, will resume when COVID-19 subsides. our lifts and lift lobbies. Additionally, Quick Response (QR) suspend our on-site meter reading service and regular safety
codes were placed in meeting rooms to encourage staff to inspections (RSIs) during part of the year. Staff delivering
record their presence for contact tracing purposes. necessary on-site service were equipped with masks and
protective goggles,
Case Study
Protective Supplies and provided with
gloves and shoe
Safety during the COVID-19 pandemic We set up a Protective Equipment Procurement Response covers for use when
Team for sourcing sufficient stock of PPE supplies (e.g. n e c e s s a r y. S t a f f
Soon after the first appearance of the novel coronavirus surgical masks, hand sanitisers and face shields) for members were also
in December 2019, Towngas took immediate steps to our staff and contractors, and closely monitored existing required to clean
minimise the risk of infection among our staff, contractors, stocks to ensure a stable supply. their hands with an
customers and business partners. alcohol-based hand-
Care for Employees rub before and after
We also activated our Corporate Preparedness Plan for maintenance work.
Infectious Diseases and set up a taskforce to coordinate Flexible working hours, as well as team splitting and work-
our response. Top management held regular meetings from-home arrangements, were introduced to reinforce
to facilitate decision making and ensure the timely social distancing. All face-to-face contact by our staff on
implementation of COVID-19 measures. different shift operations was eliminated and virtual meetings
Given the rapid changes in the COVID-19 situation, we with internal and external parties were encouraged. Other
Our safety measures included the following: provided to our staff up-to-date information on the latest
pandemic developments and corresponding government
Effective Communication legislation, as well as infection control information through
various channels. These included the corporate intranet,
We issued new policies and guidelines that included Home webinars, posters, videos, emails, mobile text messages
Quarantine and COVID-19 Testing Requirements, Special and screensavers. Beyond this, we set up a 24-hour HSE
Work Arrangement, Health Declaration, Face Mask Wearing, hotline for staff to report or inquire about COVID-19 issues
and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) guidelines. All and developed a smartphone app for consolidating and
were designed to provide clear guidance on actions to be delivering information on the pandemic.
taken to minimise the risk of infection.
To further improve our service efficiency, service
2020 Performance Highlights Future Actions and Targets
Progress quality and gas safety, we have been applying
Areas advanced technologies, such as a Drone Riser
Inspector and Long Range Camera with Laser
675,087 RSIs (Hong Kong) RSIs and
Continue to provide Protecting Customer Safety Methane Gun, to inspect the condition of gas
community safety talks service pipes and detect gas leakage. In 2020, we
Towngas proactively contacts customers in order also introduced a Riser Health Analytics System
Customer-related emergency to raise awareness of potential gas safety problems researched and developed in-house that uses AI to
reports ↓35% in last 5 years before they occur. In 2020, we conducted 675,087 automatically analyse inspection videos and identify
smart sensors and
remote control systems RSIs and organised eight safety exhibitions. While the location and severity of corrosion in our gas
Launched ananti-scorch for cooking appliances accessed RSI services to individual customers’ service pipes. This AI system not only enhances
built-in hob to enhance premises were suspended for six months due to the operational efficiency and accuracy, but also
cooking safety
pandemic, RSIs on gas service pipes in the common reduces eye strain among our staff.
areas of buildings were carried out as usual. This
reflects Towngas’ commitment to ensure the safety Through these efforts, we have achieved a decline
Management of our customers in every way possible, even in in customer-related emergency reports.
Approach unfavourable circumstances.
As product and service safety are essential for our customers, we ensure every procedure is carried out
according to our internal guidelines, which also comply with laws and regulations. These guidelines cover the Customer-related Emergency Reports
installation, replacement and maintenance of gas appliances and gas meters as well as gas pipes and fittings 388
installed for our customers. When developing new products, we follow strict safety and quality control systems
that govern the way we source raw materials, and produce and deliver end products. Our suppliers are also 2017 309
required to comply with our product safety requirements.
2018 267
Product • Gas appliances are equipped with innovative safety features such as anti-scorch
Development protection, timer controls and flame failure devices 2019 255
Quality • Compliance checks are conducted to ensure consistently high standards across all our 2020 252
Assurance product lines
• All gas appliances are tested according to rigorous quality control systems Towngas’ timely response to emergencies has
achieved a world-class standard of promptness.
Product • All gas appliances come with operating instructions on their safe and proper use
Emergency Team’s average arrival time
Customer • RSIs are conducted to check all gas installations and external service risers, as well as to
Service test installation pipes Target 2020 Results
- every 18 months in Hong Kong
- every 12 to 24 months in mainland China
• 24-hour Emergency Hotline with a team dedicated to handling all gas emergency Arrived within
incidents and carrying out investigation Arrive on site
• Manual of Remedial Measures, with established remedial actions to ensure domestic gas within 21.57 minutes
appliances are safe for public use 25 minutes on average
Customer • Safety exhibitions and talks, customer surveys and focus groups, as well as Customer
Engagement Focus Team visits to raise safety awareness and understand customer needs
• Safety messages are also provided through leaflets, videos, posters and the corporate website
• Bi-monthly customer satisfaction surveys conducted by an independent research
More smart features will be gradually introduced in other new appliances, such as hotplates, built-in hobs, Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
range hoods and water heaters. Corporate Departmental Specific Emergency
Crisis Plan Emergency/Crisis Plan Procedures
Public Safety
As a result of our efforts, serious gas-related accidents To build on the process risk assessment skills of our
Comprehensive Monitoring Progress have decreased 84 per cent in last five years. staff, we have been developing a HAZOP Studies
Turning Promises into Action
We are preparing for the growing challenge of climate change to create a more
sustainable future.
During the year, we continued to improve our climate resilience with ongoing physical
risk assessments to strengthen our emergency preparedness and modified our facilities
to withstand extreme weather and sea level rise. We also assessed how transition
risks could impact Towngas under various climate change scenarios and identified
opportunities that could help us develop a resilience strategy.
Our Corporate Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy outlines our approach for managing the
environmental impacts arising from our operations. It guides us in how we protect the environment, use resources,
reduce the emissions and waste we generate, and mitigate our impact on biodiversity. To supplement our HSE
Policy, we have established a Towngas Sustainable Purchasing Policy to ensure the use of environmentally
friendly products and services.
A Corporate Environmental Manual is also in place, setting out the standards, procedures and guidelines for
environmental protection of the Company. We also have a Green Office Practice Guide and Green Event Practical
Guide to provide guidance and improve environmental awareness among our staff.
In all of the jurisdictions where we operate, we fully comply with all regulatory requirements and benchmark our
operations against the highest international standards and codes of practice. Every new project we undertake will
begin with an environmental impact assessment (EIA), according to the local legal requirements.
In Hong Kong, our gas production facilities at Tai Po have been certified to the ISO 14001 standard since 1999 to
reduce our environmental impacts and drive continuous improvement. We have also been helping our joint ventures
(JVs) in mainland China achieve the same standard.
Governance 2. Marathon to Similar to IEA’s SDS, but with a less optimistic assumption for technological
• Managing ESG at Towngas Compliance development and adoption.
Governments take the lead and consider meeting climate and environmental
goals to be the highest priority in their policy making process. Consumer
Strategy choices are limited; business and industrial activities are taxed and regulated.
• Transitioning to a Low-carbon Climate Transition Risks
Future and Resilience
3. Climate is Business Similar to IEA’s Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS).
• Climate Change and Air Quality According to the Recommendations of the TCFD,
companies are advised to carry out a detailed analysis Governments take a back seat in climate and environmental policies.
Risk Management Carbon emissions slow down due to some uptake in renewables and
of various climate-related scenarios to determine their
• Climate Risks and Opportunities efficiency gains, but there is no peak in global energy-related carbon
risk exposure and stress test their climate resilience
• Risk Management emissions.
strategies under such scenarios.
During 2020, we conducted a comprehensive 4. Hothouse Earth Similar to IEA’s Current Policies Scenario (CPS).
Metrics and Targets
assessment of the transition risks and opportunities (rise of 4oC,
• Our Carbon Footprint business-as-usual Governments do not follow up on climate-related commitments; fossil fuel
across our energy-related businesses in Hong Kong
• Carbon Emissions along scenario) subsidies continue, hampering the uptake of renewable energy.
and mainland China under various climate scenarios.
Our Value Chain
By deepening our understanding of how policy
Demand for natural gas increases by over 140% in 2040 as compared with
Climate Physical Risks and Resilience changes, developments in technology, reputational
2018. Coal continues as the main source of energy (46%) in 2040, followed
impacts and shifts in market preferences could have
by oil (20%), renewables (15%), natural gas (13%) and nuclear (6%).
We conduct ongoing physical risk assessments and a significant impact on our businesses, both positively
management exercises to ensure we will remain and negatively, we are able to develop plans to mitigate
resilient in years to come. In 2019, we conducted a risks and build resilience strategies.
study on flooding hazards related to sea level rises
that could affect critical facilities, including the switch
room, generator room and fuel tank room at our
North Point headquarters. Flood gates were installed
Impact Analysis and Strategic Resilience Policy and Legal Risk Market Risk Technology Risk Reputation Risk
By acknowledging the Best of Both Worlds and Marathon Medium to Medium to Long Term
to Compliance as possible scenarios towards a low-carbon
Short to Medium Term Long Term Long Term
2020-2030 2030-2040
economy, we have identified transition risks for Towngas 2025-2040 2025-2040
according to TCFD’s risk categorisations: market risk, • Hong Kong and mainland China’s 2050 and • Demand for natural gas increases • Replacing existing technologies • Shareholders are likely to divest
technology risk, policy and legal risk, and reputation risk. 2060 goals of carbon neutrality are expected in the short and medium term as a and processes leads to higher from fossil fuels.
The tables to the right summarises the potential risks and to accelerate the transition towards a low- transition fuel, and may drop over capital and operating costs.
carbon future; increasingly stringent climate the long term.
opportunities, impacts and resilience strategies for Towngas’ • Open and transparent
and environmental policies mean that carbon • Low or zero carbon technologies communication/disclosure on
portfolio across different time horizons. • Increasing risk that town gas and
intensive operations, products and services will natural gas will be replaced with are substituted for existing products issues of climate change will
be heavily regulated. low or zero carbon alternatives; and services, affecting our gas- benefit us in terms of increased
Although the study shows the resilience of our portfolio, there revenue from gas s al es wi l l related businesses. capital availability, especially for
are still areas of improvement in our portfolio and strategy. • This may have a negative financial impact increase in the short and medium Towngas’ green businesses.
term but may fall over the long • Development of waste-to-energy
To further enhance our climate resilience, Towngas will keep on Towngas (e.g. higher compliance costs, term. products and smart energy projects
up with policy developments and watch for any early warning reduced gas sales revenue).
present opportunities.
• Development of new products and
signals to ensure we are well prepared. We will also drive services will increase Towngas’
• Potential for revenue from low-carbon products
sustainability-related consumer education and brand messaging competitiveness, resulting in
and services (e.g. biofuels).
to communicate Towngas’ position in the transition to a low- increased revenues.
carbon economy, as well as develop a strategic plan with
investments in innovative green technology that helps us to
gradually transform into a sustainable energy company.
Align with government policies Reduce direct GHG Explore low-carbon business Support research and
Towngas’ emissions opportunities development (R&D)
Climate Resilience Mainland China’s environmental policies have been driving a faster Towngas has been focusing Diversification has helped Towngas Towngas has research and
uptake of natural gas to replace relatively more polluting forms of on reducing emissions from its gradually transform into a multi- development centres in
Roadmap fuel, especially coal, as a source of energy. operations by utilising low-carbon
sources of energy and improving
business corporation focused on
environmentally friendly energy
Shanghai city and Suzhou city,
where we are developing clean
Towngas is well positioned for the short and medium term, as energy efficiency. We will continue ventures, which reduces our exposure energy technologies, including
we have a large market share in Hong Kong and an expanding to explore opportunities for to transition risks. self-developed patented
gas network in mainland China for natural gas. We also support increasing the use of biogas in the technologies that are being
commercial and industrial customers to switch from coal/diesel to production of town gas. For example, Towngas is developing utilised in different projects.
natural gas/landfill gas. smart energy and waste-to-energy We are now applying these
For more details, please refer to businesses. technologies commercially,
We will continue to develop a portfolio of innovative projects in the Our Carbon Footprint section. which will contribute to our
areas such as energy storage, biofuels, distributed energy systems, For more details, please refer to the ongoing business growth.
and waste-to-energy projects to mitigate our risks in these markets. Supporting Customers with Low-
carbon Solutions section.
For more details, please refer to the Transitioning to a Low-carbon
Future section.
Fuel Mix for Town Gas Production 2020 Hong Kong Gas Production
Reducing Emissions in Cities Our Carbon Footprint
GHG Emissions
Today at Towngas, we make extensive use of low- 36% The Group’s largest source of carbon emissions is Scope 3 Scope 1 + 2
carbon/renewable energy sources. By switching Scope 1 emissions from fuel consumption in our (Other)
345 ktCO e 2
heavy oil to naphtha, natural gas and landfill gas, we carbon emissions (scope 1 and 2) were 1,406,000 Hong Kong
have significantly reduced air pollutants and GHG tCO2e, a similar level to that of last year. More details In Hong Kong
emissions in Hong Kong. Our air emissions have now 63% 1% can be found in the Key Statistics section.
fallen well below the regulatory limits (more details can Natural Gas Landfill Gas Scope 3
(Category 11)
be found in the Key Statistics section). Additional During the year, we conducted an internal carbon
1,486 ktCO e 2
information on clean gas production at Towngas is audit of the top six emitters in mainland China, during
available on our corporate website. which we reviewed their data integrity and discussed
As one of the pioneers in the use of landfill gas, the opportunities to reduce their carbon footprint. The Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled
amount of landfill gas used in our town gas production sources.
2020 energy savings at our gas production plants1 lessons learned from this audit were shared with other
Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of
was 124,985 GJ in 2020. We remain committed to JVs to enhance the completeness and quality of their purchased energy.
Naphtha saved continually increasing the proportion of natural gas and data. We are now working on setting medium- to long- Scope 3 are all other indirect emissions that occur in the value
97,675 GJ biogas used. term reduction targets for both our Hong Kong and chain.
ENERGY certification and renew Building surface water in our water supply business. Effective Energy Management
Environmental Assessment Method
compared with 2019
(BEAM) Plus status for Towngas’ Water is discharged to municipal wastewater treatment Our cloud-based energy management system in
North Point Headquarters building plants or into the sea after it has been treated in Hong Kong enables us to monitor and analyse
117,822m3 water conserved
accordance with local regulations. Some of the water our power consumption automatically in order to
through the reverse osmosis
3rd reverse
Install the we consume is also recycled and reused. visualise usage patterns. The data obtained through
systems at Tai Po Gas Production
osmosis system at our Tai Po this system helps us to explore more energy saving
Gas Production Plant To conserve water, we employ new technologies opportunities.
and enhance production processes to reuse and
>1,600 tonnes of metal
recycle water. Surveys and inspections of our water In 2020, we implemented various energy saving
recovered under the Used Gas
pipe network are carried out to identify leakage. In projects at our North Point Headquarters building,
Appliance Recycling Programme
our offices and customer centres, we have installed including a freight lift system upgrade, chiller
water-saving devices such as dual flush toilets and optimisation, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting
automatic faucets. replacement and Building Management System
optimisation. The total energy intensity of our North
Our mainland China water supply and wastewater Point Headquarters building was 0.79GJ/m2.
treatment business, Hong Kong and China Water
Limited, also hosts various activities, such as tours of
Approach its water plant facilities, to educate the public on the Electricity saved in 2020
need to protect and conserve water resources. at Towngas’ North Point
At Towngas, we make every effort to conserve natural resources in our production plants, distribution network SAVE Headquarters and
and office operations, and also encourage our contractors, suppliers and customers to do the same. Waste ENERGY Ma Tau Kok office:
Turning Promises into Action
new training
Launched Continue to broaden/expand our
programmes to build a recruitment practices and engage
succession pipeline for our expanding the younger generation to create
business in mainland China a sustainable talent
Developed various channels and
platforms to attract young new training
talent to the gas industry programmes to transform
our businesses and succession
Total new recruits:
203 (Hong Kong)
Continue to upgrade and
1,493 (outside Hong Kong)
increase training facilities to meet
future training needs
platforms to promote online
training/continued learning
during the pandemic
We value diversity within our ranks and make a strong effort to attract women to our industry as well to develop and We also provided university
retain them. Additionally, we are proactive with respect to providing employment opportunities and support for people students with internship
with disabilities and older workers. opportunities to obtain work
experience with Towngas. A
In support of a harmonious workplace, we have established procedures and a fair and independent process for total of 70 summer interns and
investigating complaints about discrimination, with assurance that the confidentiality of all parties will be respected. 25 Co-op Trainees were hired
during the year.
TEA is one of the founding members of the Corporate In order to build our brand as a preferred employer
Areas Tech Academy Network (CTAN), whose aim is to through social media, a Facebook page called
consolidate the industry’s attempts to develop Towngas People was launched during the year to
In 2020, we enhanced our medical benefits and launched flexible work hours to provide more flexibility and
a sustainable and skilled professional/technical host news about Towngas, our employees, as well as
better work-life balance for our employees in Hong Kong. In mainland China, the Company provided additional
workforce in Hong Kong. During the year, a Vocational recruitment activities to attract potential candidates.
insurance coverage related to the coronavirus outbreak.
and Professional Education and Training (VPET)
Promotion Competition was held, in which secondary
Developing a Sustainable Talent Pipeline Employee Distribution,
school students were invited to come up with creative
New Recruitment and Turnover Rate
ideas on how to attract young people to VPET and
To build a sustainable talent pipeline, we continued to organise talent development programmes for different
become skilled workers or professionals. TEA also
staff levels:
participated in the E&M Go! activity for apprentices
who recently joined the industry through Towngas Number of Employees
and other organisations to promote the electrical and (Hong Kong)
• Towngas Leadership Competencies
>10 years Acceleration Programme
mechanical industry.
Female 545 Male 1,950
of work experience
Other student engagement activities include the Career
in a Nutshell programme and Club Youngas, which
• Young Towngas
5-10 years Leadership Competencies offer career related activities to bridge the gap between
Number of Employees
(Outside Hong Kong)
of work experience Acceleration Programme study and work. Due to the pandemic, activities were
moved online, published in the member newsletter Female 16,191 Male 34,876
• Apprenticeship Training and carried out through other media in order to sustain
Entry level Schemes our relationships with the students. We also offered
Total New Recruits
• Graduate Trainee Programme summer internships for Club Youngas members to
introduce them to the workplace. Hong Kong 203 Outside
Hong Kong 1,493
In collaboration with The University of Hong Kong,
We are also making an effort to raise young people’s awareness of the gas industry and to build the Towngas
we co-organised a first year gas engineering Average Turnover Rate (%)
brand with the objective of attracting potential recruits.
elective course in 2020 as part of a master’s
degree in mechanical engineering. Additionally, Hong Kong 5.0 Outside
Hong Kong 2.0
there was a second intake for an elective course
Hiring the
New Training Programmes
13 People We seek to employ the disabled and are working with four non-
• Potential General Managers Programme: • Graduate Trainee Programme for Mainland with disabilities hired
governmental organisations (NGOs) in Hong Kong to support disability
a programme designed to attract talent with Utility Businesses: a 12-month attachment with
hiring. Special facilities for accommodating people with disabilities
management potential to our mainland utility our businesses in mainland China. The objective of in our workplace include automatic doors, adjustable office desks
businesses. After rotating attachments in Hong this programme is to build a succession pipeline for and washrooms for wheelchair users. We have also implemented
Kong and various business units, our expanding businesses in specialised emergency evacuation procedures and improvements
regional offices or JVs in mainland mainland China. Four trainees to the fire alarm system. In 2020, we had 13 people with disabilities
China, the participants will become were recruited. working in various roles, including a customer service officer and an
general managers in our mainland assistant engineer.
utility businesses.
Further develop the existing The key to customer privacy is our employees. If our Online platforms, customer
Service quality efficiency: 9.0* Privacy Management centres, and 24-hour
employees lack the necessary awareness, mishandle
Exceeded target Programme Customer Service Hotline
customer information or are unaware of cyber security
For customers to make enquiries, manage their accounts
risks, the potential for a customer information leakage and make appointments for maintenance and installation
Courteous and friendly incident can be high. To avert this possibility, we have
Continue to explore the needs of
attitude: 8.98* undertaken various initiatives, including seminar training
our customers to launch
Exceeded target and the provision of information security tips. We also
new products/services Customer satisfaction
host an annual Information Security Week to keep surveys
* Our target was to exceed a score of 8.5 out of 10
employees up-to-date on personal data protection Conducted bi-monthly by an independent company, with
matters as well as cyber security knowledge. low score cases followed up to ensure remedial actions
are taken
Management Aside from reviewing strategies on handling personal Quality Management and
Approach data, the Data Privacy Standing Committee focuses Customer Service
on managing potential data breaches. If a data breach
Customer surveys and
We are committed to providing our customers with does occur, the Committee will conduct an interim Total Quality Management (TQM) motivates employees focus groups
a safe, reliable supply of energy and the caring, assessment on the risk of harm and decide whether in their pursuit of excellence, according to the three To learn about customers’ views on and experience with new
competent and efficient service they expect. Various the incident will be escalated to top management pillars of Courtesy, Craftsmanship and Integrity. products or services
internal policies, programmes and targets are in place to for their attention. The Committee will also suggest
ensure customers receive excellent service. solutions for resolving the incident. Our Superior Quality Service (SQS) programme has
helped us build our customer-centric culture and
Cyber security has also become a key concern of sparked innovative ideas across Hong Kong and Customer Focus Team
Customer Privacy and Cyber Security
stakeholders. To mitigate the risks of data leakages mainland China. Implemented in 1992, the SQS Visits to housing estates to collect customer comments and
and maintain the trust of our customers, we make programme is held under a different theme each year to handle any potential issues such as gas safety, bill payments
At Towngas, we understand the importance of it possible to wipe the data contained in all mobile and gas appliances
encourage staff to initiate new projects that help improve
customer privacy and take every step necessary to devices carried by our gas technicians and other our operations, save costs or generate new revenue. A growing number of customers are becoming
protect our customers’ data in all our communications frontline staff remotely, in case these devices are lost. aware of the positive and negative environmental
with them. To that end, we have established a We also isolate sensitive information from our customer We also have a Towngas Service Pledge as part of and social impacts of the products and services
Privacy Policy Statement that sets out our relationship management system, in order to minimise our commitment to provide a safe and reliable supply they consume. For this reason, we make every effort
standards for handling customer information. the possibility of hacking incidents. of gas to our customers as well as friendly, competent to ensure our marketing materials are accurate and
and efficient service. To ensure our customers are based on substantiated information. We also follow
The Company’s Data Privacy Standing Committee To guard against cyberattacks, we have commissioned receiving the highest standard of service, we are fair and responsible communication practices and
reviews strategies for handling personal data and, a third-party consultant to monitor cyber incidents continuously working towards improving our service remain committed to ensuring that our marketing and
together with the Data Protection Officer and the around the clock. Five response playbooks covering the and setting higher targets. communication materials comply with all relevant
Departmental Data Protection Coordinators, deals with top five cyber security incidents have been prepared, government regulations and industry guidelines. In
In addition, we organise various training exercises addition to our marketing materials, customers can also
personal data situations. Every department is required with actionable, consistent processes developed
and activities to enhance customer service quality, access information on Towngas’ products and services
to make a declaration to the Company about any data for responding to and recovering from various cyber
such as our Three Courtesies (manners, etiquette and through our websites, leaflets, social platforms, and
protection matters that might have arisen during the year.
politeness) culture in Hong Kong and mainland China. other publications.
To further improve our service efficiency and quality, we Improving Accessibility for All
Progress have been applying advanced technologies in various
We are committed to improving access to our products
Areas areas, including our maintenance works and handling
of customer enquiries. Since the launch of our online and services for all customer groups in Hong Kong.
Improving our Customer Services virtual assistant Tinny in 2018, accuracy in responding
to customer enquiries has been improving as a result
Our SQS programme continued to be a highlight of our corporate philosophy of “Growth = innovation x of machine learning and big data. To date, Tinny has
implementation”. Over the past 28 years, our employees have completed over 1,700 SQS projects, which have handled over 115,000 enquiries. Ethnic Minorities
helped to raise customer satisfaction levels and save approximately HK$584 million. Our customer service hotline is available in English,
Providing an Affordable and Cantonese, Putonghua, Tagalog and Indonesian
In our Towngas Service Pledge, we set quantitative targets across six key performance areas, which are updated Reliable Energy Supply
Visually impaired
annually. In 2020, all our targets were achieved.
Our town gas supply reliability remained at the high Bills and gas appliances with Braille instructions are
level of over 99.99 per cent during the year. provided to assist those who are visually impaired
In 2020, Towngas complied with all regulatory requirements and received no substantiated customer complaints
about any data loss or breaches of data privacy in Hong Kong. No incidents of non-compliance were reported Disabled
In large part, this was made possible by our dual feed
with respect to regulations and/or voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labelling, or of natural gas and naphtha that reduces our reliance on Wheelchair access is provided in customer centres
our marketing communications. We have an internal procedure that requires an acknowledgement of customer a single fuel source to make town gas. Disadvantaged Groups
complaints within three working days and a formal reply letter to be provided within two weeks. The 13 cases of
Towngas Concession Schemes are available to
customer complaints received during the year were investigated thoroughly and resolved. Regular meetings are To keep our gas supply functioning at a highly reliable
people in need
also conducted to review complaints received with senior management. level, we have modified our gas production plants so
that they are capable of handling increases in gas In 2020, over 45,000 households
demand. We also installed a backup export gas line at
2020 Towngas Service Pledge benefited from concessions
our Tai Po Gas Production Plant. What’s more, we plan
Results Results
to upgrade the consoles at the Tai Po Gas Production totalling HK$26 million.
Plant in order to enhance cyber security and plant
Reliability Speed and Convenience
control system reliability.
• Uninterrupted gas supply (over 99.99%) 99.99% • Customer Service Hotline: Calls answered 96.10%
within 4 rings
• In case of supply interruption on account
of maintenance or engineering work: 100% • Connect or disconnect gas supply within 100% Community
1 working day
Customer notification 3 days in advance
Service Quality
Develop a systematic process of
• Emergency teams arrive within 25 Arrived
• Efficiency* 9.0 Donated HK$7.9 million
community investment
in 21.57 towards community activities
• Courteous and friendly attitude* (from collecting feedback to making
minutes on 8.98
Volunteer service hours:
Handling Suggestions 16,633 (Hong Kong) NGO Continue supporting NGOs
• Availability of maintenance and installation 1.21
• Written comments or suggestions: Reply 100% 714,300 (Mainland utility and identifying community
within 3 working days
services within 2 working days working days businesses) programmes that benefit society
To enjoy this service, residential customers are advised to inform
• Resolution, or a statement of how and when 100%
us of their requests for refunds at the time of making cap- the matter will be resolved, within 2 weeks Love on Delivery programme
off service appointment and the maximum refund amount is
HK$2,000. distributed 30,000 fresh food
* Our target was to exceed a score of 8.5 out of 10
packs to 1,000 underprivileged
For more details on our customer service performance results and 2021 targets, please refer to our corporate
In 2020, the Towngas Volunteer Service Team in Hong Kong had 785 staff members while Towngas Customer In mainland China, we organise a Rice Dumplings for the
Volunteer Team had 241 customers registered. A total of 16,633 volunteer service hours were contributed for Community programme similar to the annual event we hold in
347,526 beneficiaries. Hong Kong. In 2020, more than 80 project companies within
the Group participated in this programme to wrap and distribute
We are also developing a formal mechanism for collecting feedback from local communities and creating a more than 30,000 rice dumplings for welfare groups and people
process that enables us to better review the feedback we collect on our volunteer services as the basis for future in need. Festive gifts valued at over RMB300,000 were also
decision-making. handed out at the same time, benefiting close to 7,900 people.
Case Study
As a socially responsible company, we met the challenge of COVID-19 by extending our caring culture from inside In partnership with the Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC), we
Towngas to focus on external stakeholders. Our response was to explore new and different ways of supporting those in launched the Love on Delivery programme to assist families with
need in the community. decreased income as a result of job loss or underemployment since
the outbreak of COVID-19. A total of 30,000 fresh food packs were
Photocatalytic Disinfectant Spray for Restaurants
distributed to 1,000 families who needed immediate help with daily
necessities and food expenses.
To assist food and beverage (F&B) businesses affected
by the pandemic, we offered to apply nano photocatalytic
A new Facebook page, Love on Delivery, was also launched to
long-acting disinfectant spray and distributed bottle-size
organise online activities, share gas safety tips and cooking videos
nanospray free of charge. This was done not only to curb
to further connect with these families. Through this channel, instead
the spread of the novel coronavirus but also to strengthen
of meeting beneficiaries in person, Towngas volunteers were able to
the public’s confidence in the hygiene of these businesses
transform into volunteers online (VOL) to help those in need under the
and show our support to the catering industry. During the
“new normal”.
programme, we distributed tens of thousands of bottles of
nanospray free of charge to businesses ranging in size from
small street-side diners to large F&B chains in the city.
6S refers to the Japanese words Seiri , Seiton , Seiso , Seiketsu ,
Shitsuke (which mean Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardise,
achieved ISO 14001 certification.
Hong Kong 89.1%
Sustain) and Safety
over 80%
Mainland China 3.1%
Others 7.8%
*Based on total purchase value of product and material
Turning Promises into Action
To embed our corporate culture of integrity and ethics into the mindset of our staff,
we provide comprehensive mandatory training for all new joiners, as well as regular
refresher training and promotion campaigns to ensure their knowledge is up-to-date.
Ensured the
business ethics
of our risk management and compliance by regularly
framework by continuously reviewing relevant policies and
mitigating risks that may have a
guidelines, and carrying out training
significant impact on our business
and internal audits
Additionally, we closely monitor the Competition from harm or loss. To reduce security risks, we Following the relevant successful drawing and short
Ordinance and report to the management on any have implemented appropriate security measures. film competitions held in Hong Kong last year, we
developments that could have a significant impact Security surveys and audits are conducted to assess printed the award-winning drawings on stationery and
on Towngas. possible threats or risks to our major facilities. We • Employment practices1 No reportable cases
distributed them to all employees of the Company
also work with governments and our partners to to raise awareness of the need for ethical behaviour
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights safeguard our assets and provide our employees at work and in everyday life. We also broadcast
and contractors with a secure work environment. the award-winning short films on Towngas’ internal
All employees must respect, and not infringe, communication channels.
copyrighted work and comply with all applicable While our security team does its utmost to protect • Customer privacy No reportable cases
laws and regulations. We also require our suppliers our people and physical assets, it must also respect In mainland China, we organised training based
• Product and service information
to respect intellectual property. In any case of human rights in the discharge of its duties. We and labelling, and marketing No reportable cases on our Total Quality Management (TQM) theme
infringement of intellectual property rights by our ensure that all security personnel are kept abreast of information of overcoming challenges, which showed how
suppliers, they will have the responsibility to defend legislation concerning human rights and the rule of employees can live up to a culture of Courtesy,
and indemnify Towngas. law and that they treat people in an appropriate and Craftsmanship and Integrity even in difficult times. In
respectful manner. New security personnel receive The Environment addition to the training we provided, we organised
Respect for Human Rights training in anti-corruption and non-discrimination a short film competition to share best practice
during their induction and are required to comply No reportable cases case studies on the principles of our Courtesy,
Prevention of Child Labour or with our Code of Conduct. Craftsmanship and Integrity culture to overcome
Employment practices related to compensation and dismissal,
Forced Labour recruitment and promotion, working hours, rest periods, equal challenges at work.
Progress opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other benefits
and welfare.
In accordance with our adherence to human rights The issue of human rights was a concern raised by
principles, we strictly prohibit child labour and
Areas our stakeholders. We are examining ways to prevent
Promoting an Ethical Culture
forced labour in our operations. To ensure we are and mitigate any human rights violations. We will also
legally compliant with local laws and regulations Legal Compliance In 2020, we provided 156 hours of anti-corruption look at the training needs of our workers so that they
in our recruitment, we check applicants’ identity training for our employees and reinforced our culture are better equipped to address any human rights
including, but not limited to, their age and eligibility of integrity. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we issues that might arise in the course of their work.
Towngas complies with all major local laws and
for employment. We also ensure that employees replaced our face-to-face teaching sessions with
regulations, as the basic requirement for how we
are given rest days and are compensated for any e-learning modules on topics such as integrity and
overtime work, as required by local regulators. anti-fraud.
For more information on the ESG performance of Balance: This ESG Report aims to provide a balanced Your Feedback
Approach to Reporting
our mainland operations – including case studies presentation of the Group’s ESG management
and key performance indicators – please refer to the approach and performance during the Reporting The full version of this report is published on the
Towngas China Company Limited’s Environmental, Period. In particular, we have presented the content Towngas website and the website of SEHK.
Towngas is an organisation that listens and responds to
Social and Governance Report 2020 and Hong of this report to reflect the impacts of the validated
stakeholders’ concerns, including but not limited to the
Kong and China Water Limited’s Corporate Social material ESG issues that have been identified as well We welcome comments on this report, as well as any
social and environmental challenges we face.
Responsibility Report 2020. as our initiatives and efforts to address these impacts. opinions on our future ESG strategy. We invite you
to provide your feedback on our ESG performance
We have been reporting on our environmental, social
Reporting Guidelines Consistency: Consistent methodologies are employed and reporting methods by completing the online
and governance (ESG) performance on an annual
for a meaningful comparison, using year-on-year data. questionnaire or emailing us at cad@towngas.
basis for over a decade. In this report, we cover our
This report was prepared in accordance with the Where our methodologies have changed, these are com .
approach to ESG, which is based on our Towngas
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core noted in the Key Statistics section.
ESG Framework, disclose our achievements in five key
Option, with reference to the GRI G4 Oil and Gas
areas, and acknowledge where further improvements
Sector Disclosures. It also fulfils the mandatory Independent Verification
can be made.
disclosure requirements and “comply or explain”
provisions of the latest ESG Reporting Guide (ESG This report has been verified by an independent
For this year’s report, we have established a more
Guide) under Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the third party, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, to
formal structure for easier reading. It includes a
Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong ensure its accuracy and completeness, and to verify its
management approach (commitment, policies,
Kong Limited (SEHK). adherence to the reporting guidelines. Please refer to
systems and practices) and progress areas (key
the Verification Statement.
initiatives, focus areas, targets and performance, and
Please refer to the GRI Content Index and the ESG
future plans).
Guide Content Index for more details. Acknowledgement
Reporting Scope and Boundary
Reporting Principles Compiling this report was made possible with
the support of the Towngas ESG Committee, the
This report examines the material topics that arose at
In developing the report content, we have adhered to senior management of the Company, and our many
Towngas and its subsidiaries (the Group) during the
the principles of the GRI Standards and ESG Guide, departments. We are sincerely grateful to everyone
period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020,
including but not limited to the following: who contributed their time, knowledge and insights
unless otherwise stated.
towards the preparation of this report. We also thank
Materiality: A description of our materiality assessment our staff, partners, customers and other stakeholders
Information on our ESG performance covers the
process can be found in the Materiality who share our vision of enhanced business
principal activities of the Group, which include the
Assessment section. It outlines the way we identify, sustainability.
production, distribution and marketing of gas, water
prioritise and validate material topics, including how we
supply and emerging environmentally friendly energy
take key stakeholders’ views into account.
businesses in Hong Kong and mainland China. Our
financial performance is discussed in the Creating
Quantitative: The details of how we quantify our data,
Business Opportunities section, while more
including standards, methodologies, assumptions
comprehensive information on our financial data and
and conversion factors, can be found in the Key
businesses is available in the Annual Report 2020.
Statistics section.
Senior management % 83.1 79.6 80.5 85.2 82.0 Carton Tonnes 842 946 942 889 822
Middle management % 91.4 89.4 89.8 82.9 92.4 Wood Tonnes 15.5 17.7 19.8 18 29
General staff % 80.2 78.7 79.4 80.2 81.9 Plastic Tonnes 1.41 0.88 0.45 0.7 0.9
Training Hours 1
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Daily average in metric 884 912 928 915 907
Total Hours 51,865 65,679 82,996 27,907 15,753 tonnes (Metric tonnes (11.90) (11.90) (11.70) (11.64) (11.55)
per million MJ of town gas)
Average (per employee) Hours 17.5 22.4 28.6 10.5 6.6
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Daily average in kg (kg 298 308 317 311 314
Anti-corruption Hours 156.4 4,649.2 661.5 187.8 200 per million MJ of town gas) (4.0) (4.00) (4.00) (4.00) (4.00)
Sulphur Oxides (SOx) Daily average in kg (kg 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.9 1.4
By gender (Average training hours and percentage of employees who received training) per million MJ of town gas) (0.01) (0.01) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02)
Greenhouse gases Tonnes CO2e 344,549 357,060 347,489 329,741 333,841
Male Hours 19.1 25.6 31.2 11.2 5.8 (production equipment)3
(%) (63.4) (93.7) (88.9) (53.3) (43.3)
Water Consumption and Discharge (Gas Production)4
Female Hours 12.4 12.3 20.2 7.8 9.6
(%) (58.0) (87.1) (82.3) (61.5) (70.3) Water consumption m3 982,034 995,239 988,981 1,094,363 1,162,611
(m3 per million MJ of (35.9) (35.3) (34.0) (38.1) (40.5)
town gas)
By employee category (Average training hours and percentage of employees who received training)
Total wastewater discharged Daily average in m3 (m3 270 306 308 319 321
Senior management Hours (%) 7.4 9.8 17.1 5.9 9.5 per million MJ of town gas) (3.50) (3.90) (3.90) (4.10) (4.10)
Treated wastewater discharged to Daily average in m3 37 45 52 62 79
(73.5) (85.0) (85.0) (50.0) (73.2)
marine water bodies
Middle management Hours (%) 8.3 13.7 22.9 7.9 10.7
Wastewater discharged to sewage Daily average in m3 232 261 257 258 241
(70.4) (96.8) (89.8) (60.1) (63.4)
General staff Hours (%) 25.3 30.5 34.3 13.2 3.5
(54.6) (90.7) (86.3) (53.0) (35.6)
1. The following conversion factors are used to standardise the units to gigajoules (GJ): Town gas (0.048GJ/unit), electricity (0.0036GJ/kWh), petrol (0.033GJ/
L), diesel (0.036GJ/L). The conversion of naphtha and landfill gas to energy is calculated by multiplying individual monthly fuel volumetric data by their
corresponding monthly average calorific value.
2. Tankers and ECO Aviation Fuel Services (EAFS) vehicles are excluded.
3. GHG inventory covers seven types of GHGs specified in the Kyoto Protocol. The global warming potential rates were from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
Emission factors of GHG emissions due to electricity consumption are obtained from two local electricity companies, while other emission factors were
obtained from local governments and authorities, or other recognised sources.
1. From 2018, the figures included all training sessions conducted by internal departments and external organisations. Prior to 2018, the figures included training Scope 1 GHG emissions were adjusted to reflect the biogenic nature of landfill gas and its associated carbon emissions during use.
sessions mainly conducted by the Corporate Human Resources Department and Towngas Engineering Academy, while other training hours, such as HSE and 4. All water is freshwater purchased and distributed by the HKSAR Water Supplies Department. All wastewater handling procedures comply with the local
its related CPD, were reported separately. regulations.
plant and pipelines Unleaded petrol GJ 101,924 105,700 103,980 74,936 68,430
Polyethylene (PE) pipes recycled Tonnes 24.1 22.5 25.8 24.8 30.9 Electricity GJ 2,726,131 2,696,294 2,155,279 1,600,126 1,567,187
Gas appliances polyfoam packaging Tonnes 1.10 1.38 1.50 1.46 1.56 Others GJ 10,464,435 10,590,575 9,591,164 9,104,091 9,737,518
materials avoided Water m3 5,234,424 4,827,702 4,204,432 4,078,327 3,731,565
Total Greenhouse gases (GHG)4 Tonnes CO2e 1,406,000 1,439,000 1,262,000 1,245,000 1,233,000
Customer Service 4
Scope 1 emissions 5
Tonnes CO2e 818,000 843,000 807,000 822,000 834,000
Scope 2 emissions6 Tonnes CO2e 588,000 596,000 455,000 423,000 399,000
Unit 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 7
Tonnes 223.7 296.1 223.7 123.7 149.8
Customer compliments Number 5,814 5,924 5,912 5,637 # 6,474 #
Sulphur dioxides (SO2) 7
Tonnes 258.0 422.0 392.9 89.2 98.4
Customer complaints Number 13 7 12 8# 12 #
Respirable suspended particulates (PM10) Tonnes8
2.34 2.99 2.35 0.31 0.27
The data have been adjusted to include written records only
Effluent and Waste9
Community Involvement Hazardous waste (Solid) Tonnes 1,006 1,099 1,125 1,026 1,134
Hazardous waste (Liquid) Litres 86,645 46,192 39,131 42,857 28,600
Unit 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Non-hazardous waste (Solid) Tonnes 252,542 239,050 215,425 202,047 220,180
Charitable donations made by HK$ million 7.9 7.2 4.8 5.1 7.1 Non-hazardous waste (Liquid) Litres 45,683 50,427 54,912 69,999 65,677
the Group Wastewater discharged to sewage m3 1,204,411 1,355,985 1,090,574 1,847,850 2,088,830
Employees participating in Number 785 799 909 852 830
voluntary services
Voluntary service hours Hours 16,633 87,557 91,628 86,455 75,588 1. Employees only. The scope includes mainland utility businesses, new energy and diversified businesses that are majority owned by Towngas.
2. The scope includes mainland utility businesses, new energy and diversified businesses that are majority owned by Towngas.
(including employees and customers) 3. The following conversion factors are used to standardise the units to gigajoules (GJ): electricity (0.0036GJ/kWh), petrol (0.033GJ/L), diesel (0.036GJ/L) and
natural gas (0.04GJ/m 3).
Beneficiaries Number 347,526 593,131 709,766 655,876 488,755 4. The reported GHG emission data cover the operations within (around 30%) and outside Hong Kong (around 70%). Data are consolidated on an equity basis.
GHG emissions inventory covers seven types of GHGs specified in the Kyoto Protocol. The global warming potential rates were from the IPCC Fifth
Assessment Report (2014).
1. “Non-hazardous waste landfilled” refers to the refuse, wood pallets and construction waste collected from Towngas Headquarters and the Tai Po Gas Regional grid emission factors were used for GHG emissions due to electricity consumption, while other emission factors were obtained from local
Production Plant. governments and authorities, or other recognised sources.
2. “Non-hazardous waste recycled” refers to the plastics, papers, paper cartons and metals collected and delivered to recycling contractors. Apart from these 5. Scope 1 emissions – Direct emissions including fuel consumption of production plants, vehicle fleets etc.
waste categories, we also recycle other non-hazardous waste, such as used red packets and cartridges, on a regular basis. Scope 1 GHG emissions were adjusted to reflect the biogenic nature of landfill gas and its associated carbon emissions during use.
3. All chemical waste handling procedures comply with the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354) of the Laws of Hong Kong. We also collect other 6. Scope 2 emissions – Electricity consumption of production plants, offices, customer centres, gas refilling stations, data centres, etc.
hazardous waste, such as rechargeable batteries, fluorescent tubes and obsolete electronic products, and deliver them to licensed recyclers on a regular 7. From fuel combustion and vehicle emissions.
basis. 8. From vehicle emissions.
4. Written records are included. 9. All hazardous waste and wastewater handling procedures comply with the national regulations.
1. Includes all people employed by the Group, its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures outside Hong Kong.
This report was compiled in accordance with the Core Option of the GRI Standards, and with reference to the GRI Ethics and 102-16 Values, principles, standards, Our ESG Approach (p.14-15) •
Integrity and norms of behaviour
G4 Oil and Gas Sector Disclosures.
Governance 102-18 Governance structure Board Statement (p.3) •
GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External Our ESG Approach (p.18)
Material Topics Information Assurance Strengthening Corporate Governance
102: General Disclosures 2016 (p.83-84)
Organisational 102-1 Name of the organisation Our ESG Approach (p.14) • Stakeholder 102-40 List of stakeholder groups Our ESG Approach (p.19) •
Profile 102-2 Activities, brands, products, Creating Business Opportunities • Engagement 102-41 Collective bargaining Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64-65) •
and services (p.28-29) agreements
Appendices (p.112) 102-42 Identifying and selecting Our ESG Approach (p.19) •
102-3 Location of headquarters Creating Business Opportunities • stakeholders
(p.28) 102-43 Approach to stakeholder Our ESG Approach (p.19-23) •
102-4 Location of operations Creating Business Opportunities • engagement
(p.30) 102-44 Key topics and concerns raised Our ESG Approach (p.23) •
102-5 Ownership and legal form Creating Business Opportunities •
(p.28) Reporting 102-45 Entities included in the Data and Reporting (p.88-89) •
102-6 Markets served Creating Business Opportunities • Practice consolidated financial Annual Report: Independent Auditor’s
(p.28-30) statements Report (p.85-91)
102-7 Scale of the organisation Creating Business Opportunities • 102-46 Defining report content and Our ESG Approach (p.20-22) •
(p.28-30) topic boundaries Data and Reporting (p.88)
Contributing to Stakeholders (p.67)
102-47 List of material topics Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
Key Statistics (p.90, 91, 96)
102-8 Information on employees and Key Statistic (p.91-92, 96-97) • 102-48 Restatements of information Key Statistics (p.90-97) •
other workers 102-49 Changes in reporting Our ESG Approach (p.20-22) •
102-9 Supply chain Contributing to Stakeholders (p.79-81) • Data and Reporting (p.88)
102-10 Significant changes to the Creating Business Opportunities • 102-50 Reporting period Data and Reporting (p.88) •
organisation and its supply (p.26-35) 102-51 Date of most recent report ESG Report 2019, •
chain Contributing to Stakeholders (p.81)
published in April 2020
Data and Reporting (p.88-89)
102-52 Reporting cycle Annual •
102-11 Precautionary Principle or Strengthening Corporate Governance •
approach (p.84) 102-53 Contact point for questions Data and Reporting (p.89) •
102-12 External initiatives Appendices (p.113) • regarding the report
102-13 Membership of associations Appendices (p.113) • 102-54 Claims of reporting in Data and Reporting (p.88) •
accordance with the GRI
Strategy 102-14 Statement from senior Managing Director’s Message (p.5-7) •
decision-maker Standards
102-15 Key impacts, risks and Our ESG Approach (p.14-25) • 102-55 GRI content index GRI Content Index (p.98-105) •
opportunities Creating Business Opportunities 102-56 External assurance Verification Statement (p.115) •
Protecting the Environment (p.52-55)
GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External
Material Topics Information Assurance Material Topics Information Assurance
200: Economic 300: Environmental
201: Economic 103 Management approach Creating Business Opportunities • 301: Materials 103 Management approach Protecting the Environment (p.49-50) •
Performance (p.27-35) 2016 Towngas Sustainable
2016 Annual Report – Chairmen’s Purchasing Policy
Statement (p.6-13) 301-1 Materials used by weight or Key Statistics (p.93-95) •
201-1 Direct economic value Creating Business Opportunities • volume
generated and distributed (p.31)
301-2 Recycled input materials used Protecting the Environment (p.56) •
Annual Report – Report of the
Directors (p.64-71) 302: Energy 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
201-2 Financial implications and other Protecting the Environment (p.52-55) • 2016 Protecting the Environment (p.49, 58)
risks and opportunities due to Annual Report – Risk Factor (p.56-57) Green Building
climate change
302-1 Energy consumption within the Key Statistics (p.93-95) •
201-4 Financial assistance received Annual Report – Notes to the Financial •
from government statements
302-4 Reduction of energy Protecting the Environment (p.56-59) •
202: Market 103 Management approach Creating Business Opportunities • consumption Green Building
Presence (p.27-29) 302-5 Reductions in energy Protecting the Environment (p.56-59) •
2016 202-1 Ratios of standard entry level In 2020, all standard entry level wages • requirements of products and
wage by gender compared to fulfilled the regulatory requirement. services
local minimum wage G4-OG3 Total amount of renewable Creating Business Opportunities •
energy generated by source (p.33-35)
204: 103 Management approach Contributing to Stakeholders (p.79-80) •
Protecting the Environment (p.56-57)
Procurement 204-1 Proportion of spending on local Contributing to Stakeholders (p.79-81) •
Practices suppliers
303: Water 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
and Effluents Protecting the Environment (p.49, 59)
205: Anti- 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) • 2018 Green Building
corruption Strengthening Corporate Governance 303-1 Interactions with water as a Protecting the Environment •
2016 (p.85) shared resource (p.49, 59-60)
Corporate Governance 303-2 Management of water Protecting the Environment •
205-3 Confirmed incidents of Strengthening Corporate Governance • discharge-related impacts (p.49, 59-60)
corruption and actions taken (p.86) 303-3 Water withdrawal Key Statistics (p.93, 95) •
303-4 Water discharge Key Statistics (p.93, 95) •
206: Anti- 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
competitive Strengthening Corporate Governance 304: 103 Management approach Protecting the Environment (p.49, 61) •
Behaviour (p.85)
2016 206-1 Legal actions for anti- Strengthening Corporate Governance •
competitive behaviour, anti- (p.86)
trust, and monopoly practices
GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External
Material Topics Information Assurance Material Topics Information Assurance
305: 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) • 308: Supplier 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
Emissions Protecting the Environment (p.49-55) Environmental Contributing to Stakeholders (p.79-80)
2016 Carbon Management Assessment 308-2 Negative environmental impacts Contributing to Stakeholders (p.80-81) •
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG Protecting the Environment (p.57) • 2016 in the supply chain and actions
emissions Key Statistics (p.93, 95)
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) Protecting the Environment (p.57) • 400: Social
GHG emissions Key Statistics (p.93, 95)
401: 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
305-4 GHG emissions intensity Protecting the Environment (p.57) •
Employment Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64)
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Protecting the Environment (p.50-57) •
2016 401-1 New employee hires and Contributing to Stakeholders (p.67) •
305-7 NOx, SOx, and other significant Key Statistics (p.93, 95) • employee turnover Key Statistics (p.91-92, 96-97)
air emissions 401-2 Benefits provided to full- Contributing to Stakeholders •
time employees that are not (p.64, 66)
306: Effluent 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
provided to temporary or part-
and Waste Protecting the Environment (p.49, 59)
time employees
2016 Waste Management
306-1 Water discharge by quality and Key Statistics (p.93, 95) • 402: Labour/ 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
destination Management Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64-65)
306-2 Waste by type and disposal Key Statistics (p.94-95) • Relations 2016 402-1 Minimum notice periods Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64-65) •
method regarding operational changes
306-3 Significant spills Protecting the Environment (p.60) •
403: 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
306-4 Transport of hazardous waste Key Statistics (p.94-95) • Occupational Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38)
306-5 Water bodies affected by water No water bodies are significantly • Health and HSE Policy
discharges and/or runoff affected by our Hong Kong operation. Safety 2018 403-1 Occupational health and safety Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38) •
management system
Products and G4-OG5 Volume and disposal of Key Statistics (p.93, 95) •
403-2 Hazard identification, risk Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38, 42) •
Services formation or produced water In 2020, our Hong Kong operation assessment, and incident
did not involve formation or produced investigation
water. 403-3 Occupational health services Ensuring Health and Safety (p.37-41) •
G4-OG7 Amount of drilling waste In 2020, our Hong Kong operation did • 403-4 Worker participation, Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38) •
(drill mud and cuttings) and not involve drilling waste. consultation, and
strategies for treatment and communication on occupational
disposal health and safety
G4-OG8 Benzene, lead and sulfur The composition of town gas is • 403-5 Worker training on occupational Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38-39) •
content in fuels regulated by the Environmental health and safety
Protection Department, and the 403-6 Promotion of worker health Ensuring Health and Safety (p.40-41) •
403-7 Prevention and mitigation of Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38-41) •
benzene, lead and sulfur contents did
occupational health and safety
not exceed the permitted levels during
impacts directly linked by
the reporting period.
business relationships
307: 103 Management approach Protecting the Environment (p.49) • 403-8 Workers covered by an Ensuring Health and Safety (p.37-39) •
Environmental 307-1 Non-compliance with Strengthening Corporate Governance • occupational health and safety
management system
Compliance environmental laws and (p.87)
403-9 Work-related injuries Ensuring Health and Safety (p.37, 39) •
2016 regulations
Key Statistics (p.90, 95)
GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External
Material Topics Information Assurance Material Topics Information Assurance
404: Training 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) • 409: Forced 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
and Education Contributing to Stakeholders (p.65) or Compulsory Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64)
2016 404-1 Average hours of training per Key Statistics (p.92) • Labour 2016 Strengthening Corporate Governance
year per employee (p.86)
404-2 Programmes for upgrading Contributing to Stakeholders (p.68) • 409-1 Operations and suppliers at Contributing to Stakeholders •
employee skills and transition significant risk for incidents of (p.80-81)
assistance programmes forced or compulsory labour Strengthening Corporate Governance
404-3 Percentage of employees Key Statistics (p.92) • (p.86)
receiving regular performance 410: Security 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
and career development Practices 2016 Strengthening Corporate Governance
reviews (p.86)
410-1 Security personnel trained Strengthening Corporate Governance •
405: Diversity 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) • (p.86)
in human rights policies or
and Equal Contributing to Stakeholders procedures
Opportunity (p.64, 68, 69)
2016 405-1 Diversity of Governance Bodies Key Statistics (p.91-92, 96) • 412: Human 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
and Employees Rights Strengthening Corporate Governance
Assessment (p.86)
406: Non- 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) • 2016 412-2 Employee training on human Strengthening Corporate Governance •
Discrimination Contributing to Stakeholders rights policies or procedures (p.87)
2016 (p.64, 66, 69)
406-1 Incidents of discrimination and Contributing to Stakeholders (p.69) • 413: Local 103 Management approach Ensuring Health and Safety (p.44-46) •
Communities Contributing to Stakeholders (p.74)
corrective actions taken
2016 District Council Focus Team
407: Freedom 103 Management approach Contributing to Stakeholders (p.65) • Social Projects
of Association Strengthening Corporate Governance Towngas Concession Schemes
and Collective (p.85) 413-1 Operations with local Contributing to Stakeholders (p.74-78) •
community engagement,
impact assessments and
development programmes
408: Child 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) • 413-2 Operations with significant Ensuring Health and Safety (p.44-47) •
Labour 2016 Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64) actual and potential negative
Strengthening Corporate Governance impacts on local communities
(p.86) G4-OG11 Number of sites that have been In 2020, our Hong Kong operation did •
408-1 Operations and suppliers at Contributing to Stakeholders (p.80-81) • decommissioned and sites that not involve such sites.
are in the process of being
significant risk for incidents of Strengthening Corporate Governance
(p.86) decommissioned
child labour
GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External GRI Standards/ Disclosures Cross Reference/ External
Material Topics Information Assurance Material Topics Information Assurance
414: Supplier 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) • 419: 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
Social Contributing to Stakeholders (p.79-81) Socioeconomic Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38)
Assessment 414-2 Negative social impacts in the Contributing to Stakeholders (p.79-81) • Compliance Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64)
2016 supply chain and actions taken
2016 Strengthening Corporate Governance
416: Customer 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) • (p.84-86)
Health and Ensuring Health and Safety (p.42) 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and Strengthening Corporate Governance •
Safety 2016 Contributing to Stakeholders (p.70-71) regulations in the social and (p.86-87)
Customer Safety economic area
Public Safety
416-1 Assessment of the health and Ensuring Health and Safety (p.42-47) • Emergency 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
safety impacts of product and Preparedness Ensuring Health and Safety
service categories (p.38, 45-46)
416-2 Incidents of non-compliance Strengthening Corporate Governance • Public Safety
concerning the health and (p.86)
safety impacts of products and Asset Integrity 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
services and Process Ensuring Health and Safety
Safety (p.38, 45-46)
417: Marketing 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
Network Safety
and Labelling Contributing to Stakeholders (p.71)
2016 417-2 Incidents of non-compliance Contributing to Stakeholders (p.72) • G4-OG13 Number of process safety Ensuring Health and Safety (p.46-47) •
concerning product and service Strengthening Corporate Governance events, by business activity
information and labelling (p.87)
Fossil Fuel 103 Management approach Creating Business Opportunities •
417-3 Incidents of non-compliance Contributing to Stakeholders (p.72) •
concerning marketing Strengthening Corporate Governance Substitutes (p.33-35)
communications (p.87) Protecting the Environment (p.56-57)
Landfill Gas
418: Customer 103 Management approach Our ESG Approach (p.21-22) •
G4-OG14 Volume of biofuels produced Creating Business Opportunities •
Privacy 2016 Contributing to Stakeholders (p.38)
and purchased meeting (p.33-35)
Privacy Policy Statement
sustainability criteria Protecting the Environment (p.56-57)
418-1 Substantiated complaints Contributing to Stakeholders (p.72) •
concerning breaches of
customer privacy and losses of
customer data
Environmental, Social and Governance Aspects General Disclosures and KPIs Cross Reference/Information
Reporting Guide (ESG Guide) Content Index A3 General Policies on minimising the issuer’s significant Protecting the Environment
The Disclosure impact on the environment and natural resources (p.49, 51, 58-59, 61)
This Report was in compliance with the mandatory disclosure requirements and “comply or explain” provisions of Environment HSE Policy
the latest ESG Guide of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. and Natural
A3.1 Description of the significant impacts of activities Protecting the Environment (p.50-61)
on the environment and natural resources and
Aspects General Disclosures and KPIs Cross Reference/Information
actions taken to manage them
A. Environmental
A4 General Policies on identification and mitigation of Protecting the Environment
A1 General Information on: Protecting the Environment (p.49-50) Climate Disclosure significant climate-related issues which have (p.49, 51)
Emissions Disclosure (a) the policies; and Strengthening Corporate Change impacted, and those which may impact, the issuer HSE Policy
(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations Governance (p.88)
A4.1 Description of the significant climate-related Protecting the Environment (p.51-57)
that have a significant impact on the issuer HSE Policy
relating to air and greenhouse gas emissions, issues which have impacted, and those which
Carbon Management
discharges into water and land, and generation may impact, the issuer, and the actions taken to
of hazardous and non-hazardous waste manage them
A1.1 The types of emissions and respective emissions Key Statistics (p.93-95)
data B. Social
A1.2 Direct (Scope 1) and energy indirect (Scope 2) Protecting the Environment (p.57) Employment and Labour Practices
greenhouse gas emissions (in tonnes) and, where Key Statistics (p.93, 95)
B1 General Information on: Contributing to Stakeholders
appropriate, intensity
Employment Disclosure (a) the policies; and (p.64-66)
A1.3 Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes), and, Key Statistics (p.94-95)
where appropriate, intensity (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations Strengthening Corporate
A1.4 Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes), Key Statistics (p.94-95) that have a significant impact on the issuer Governance (p.87)
and, where appropriate, intensity relating to compensation and dismissal,
A1.5 Description of emission target(s) set and steps Protecting the Environment (p.50-59) recruitment and promotion, working hours,
taken to achieve them rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-
A1.6 Description of how hazardous and non– Protecting the Environment (p.59-60) discrimination, and other benefits and welfare
hazardous wastes are handled, and a description Waste Management B1.1 Total workforce by gender, employment type, age Contributing to Stakeholders (p.67)
of reduction target(s) set and steps taken to group and geographical region Key Statistics (p.91, 96)
achieve them B1.2 Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and Contributing to Stakeholders (p.67)
A2 General Policies on the efficient use of resources, including Protecting the Environment geographical region Key Statistics (p.91, 96)
Use of Disclosure energy, water and other raw materials (p.49, 58-59) B2 General Information on: Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38)
Resources HSE Policy Health and Disclosure (a) the policies; and Strengthening Corporate
Green Building Safety (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations Governance (p.86)
A2.1 Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type Key Statistics (p.59, 93, 95)
that have a significant impact on the HSE Policy
in total and intensity
A2.2 Water consumption in total and intensity Key Statistics (p.93, 95) issuer relating to providing a safe working
A2.3 Description of energy use efficiency target(s) set Protecting the Environment (p.58-59) environment and protecting employees from
and steps taken to achieve them occupational hazards
A2.4 Description of whether there is any issue in Protecting the Environment (p.58-60) B2.1 Number and rate of work-related fatalities occurred Key Statistics (p.90, 95)
sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water in each of the past three years including the
efficiency target(s) set and steps taken to achieve reporting year
them B2.2 Lost days due to work injury Key Statistics (p.90, 95)
A2.5 Total packaging material used for finished Key Statistics (p.93) B2.3 Description of occupational health and safety Ensuring Health and Safety (p.39-41)
products (in tonnes), if appropriate, with reference measures adopted, how they are implemented
to per unit produced and monitored
Aspects General Disclosures and KPIs Cross Reference/Information Aspects General Disclosures and KPIs Cross Reference/Information
B3 General Policies on improving employees’ knowledge and Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64- B6 General Information on: Ensuring Health and Safety (p.38)
Development Disclosure skills for discharging duties at work 65) Product Disclosure (a) the policies; and Contributing to Stakeholders
and Training Description of training activities Responsibility (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations (p.70-71)
B3.1 Percentage of employees trained by gender and Key Statistics (p.92) that have a significant impact on the issuer Strengthening Corporate
relating to health and safety, advertising, Governance (p.86-87)
employee category
labelling and privacy matters relating to Customer Safety
B3.2 Average training hours completed per employee Key Statistics (p.92)
products and services provided and methods Privacy Policy Statement
by gender and employee category
of redress Service Pledge
B4 General Information on: Contributing to Stakeholders (p.64) B6.1 Percentage of total products sold or shipped No relevant case was recorded.
Labour Disclosure (a) the policies; and Strengthening Corporate subject to recalls for safety and health reasons
Standards (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations Governance (p.86) B6.2 Number of products and service related Contributing to Stakeholders (p.72)
that have a significant impact on the issuer complaints received and how they are dealt with Service Pledge
B6.3 Description of practices relating to observing and Strengthening Corporate
relating to preventing child and forced labour
protecting intellectual property rights Governance (p.86)
B4.1 Description of measures to review employment Strengthening Corporate
Code of Conduct
practices to avoid child and forced labour Governance (p.86)
B6.4 Description of quality assurance process and Ensuring Health and Safety (p.42-47)
B4.2 Description of steps taken to eliminate such Strengthening Corporate
recall procedures Total Solution Services
practices when discovered Governance (p.86) B6.5 Description of consumer data protection and privacy Contributing to Stakeholders
Operating Practices policies, how they are implemented and monitored (p.85-86)
Privacy Policy Statement
B5 General Policies on managing environmental and social Contributing to Stakeholders
Supply Chain Disclosure risks of the supply chain (p.79-80) B7 General Information on: Strengthening Corporate
Management Strengthening Corporate Anti- Disclosure (a) the policies; and Governance (p.86)
Governance (p.86-87) corruption (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations Corporate Governance
CSR Code of Practice for that have a significant impact on the issuer
Suppliers relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money
B5.1 Number of suppliers by geographical region Contributing to Stakeholders (p.81)
B7.1 Number of concluded legal cases regarding Strengthening Corporate
B5.2 Description of practices relating to engaging Contributing to Stakeholders
corrupt practices brought against the issuer or its Governance (p.85)
suppliers, number of suppliers where the practices (p.80-81)
employees during the reporting period and the
are being implemented and how they are
outcomes of the cases
implemented and monitored B7.2 Description of preventive measures and whistle- Strengthening Corporate
B5.3 Description of practices used to identify Contributing to Stakeholders blowing procedures, how they are implemented Governance (p.85)
environmental and social risks along the supply (p.80-81) and monitored Whistleblowing Policy
chain, and how they are implemented and B7.3 Description of anti-corruption training provided to Strengthening Corporate
monitored directors and staff Governance (p.74)
B5.4 Description of practices used to promote Contributing to Stakeholders (p.81)
environmentally preferable products and services Community
when selecting suppliers, and how they are
B8 General Policies on community engagement to understand Contributing to Stakeholders (p.74)
implemented and monitored Community Disclosure the needs of the communities where the issuer Social Projects
Investment operates and to ensure its activities take into Code of Conduct
consideration the communities’ interests
B8.1 Focus areas of contribution Contributing to Stakeholders (p.74)
B8.2 Resources contributed to the focus area Contributing to Stakeholders
Key Statistics (p.94, 97)
13 Appendices
Appendix II: Memberships in Associations
Appendix I: Our Roles and Services
U-Tech Engineering Company Limited • Specialises in a variety of projects, including building services, liquefied • Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM)
petroleum gas projects, civil works, waterworks and other pipeline • International Gas Union (IGU)
infrastructure projects • World Energy Council
• World LP Gas Association
P-Tech Engineering Company Limited • Plant design and construction
• Planning and operation of landfill gas utilisation projects in Hong Kong
M-Tech Metering Solutions • Development and supply of smart metering solutions for the gas industry
Company Limited
S-Tech Technology Holding Limited • Product development, solution implementation and system integration
• Provision of cloud computing solutions and other information technology
products as well as consulting services to companies
Companies Ordinance, Chapter 622 of the laws of Hong Kong The Government of the Hong Kong Special Scope of Verification
Securities and Futures Ordinance, Chapter 571 of the laws of Administrative Region Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (“HKQAA”) has been commissioned by The Hong Kong and China
Hong Kong Gas Company Limited (“Towngas”) to undertake an independent verification for its Environmental,
Social and Governance (“ESG”) Report 2020 (“the Report”). The scope of HKQAA’s verification covers
Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited the information on ESG performance of Towngas businesses both in Hong Kong and outside Hong Kong
for the period from 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020.
Report, Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules
Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide, The aim of this verification is to provide a reasonable assurance on the reliability of the report contents.
Appendix 27 to the Listing Rules The Report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Standards:
Core option and with reference to the GRI G4 Oil and Gas Sector Disclosures. It also fulfils the mandatory
Environment disclosure requirements and “comply or explain” provisions of the Environmental, Social and
Carbon Footprint Repository for Listed Company in Hong Kong Environment Bureau Governance Reporting Guide (“ESG Guide”), under Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
Carbon Reduction Charter: Carbon Audit • Green Partners
Hong Kong Green Organisation Environmental Campaign Committee Level of Assurance and Methodology
The process applied in this verification was referring to the International Standard on Assurance
IAQwi$e Label
Engagements 3000 (Revised), Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical
Wastewi$e Label Financial Information issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. Our evidence
gathering process was designed to obtain a reasonable level of assurance for devising the verification
“Let’s save 10L Water” Campaign Water Supplies Department
Sustainable Procurement Charter Green Council In order to understand the process that Towngas adopted to ascertain the key ESG issues and impacts,
the Report compilation process was discussed including stakeholder engagement and materiality
Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership The University of Hong Kong assessment processes. Also, system and process for collecting, collating and reporting ESG performance
data were verified. Our verification procedure covered reviewing relevant documentation, interviewing
CarbonCare®ESG Label (Level 4) CarbonCare InnoLab responsible personnel with accountability for preparing the Report and verifying the selected samples
Innovation Partner of CarbonCare Open Innovation Lab of data and information used for preparing the Report. Raw data and supporting evidence of the
selected samples were also thoroughly examined during the verification process.
Green Bottle Charter The Green Earth
Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance The Hong Kong Green Building Council Towngas is responsible for the collection and presentation of the information presented in the Report.
HKQAA does not involve in calculating, compiling, or in the development of the Report. Our verification
Occupational Health and Safety
activities are independent from Towngas.
Safety Charter Occupational Safety and Health Council
International Safe Workplace Program
On the basis of our verification results and in accordance with the verification procedures undertaken,
Charter on Preferential Appointment of OSH Star Enterprises it is the opinion of the HKQAA’s verification team that:
Joyful@Healthy Workplace Charter The Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option and with
reference to the GRI G4 Oil and Gas Sector Disclosures, also it fulfills the ESG Guide for disclosure;
Social Responsibility The Report illustrates Towngas ESG performance, covering all material and relevant aspects in a
balanced, comparable, clear and timely manner; and
Barrier-free Company The Hong Kong Council of Social Service The data and information disclosed in the Report are reliable and complete.
Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Labour and Welfare Bureau
HKQAA confirmed that the selected information and data of Towngas stated in the Report has been
Recognition Scheme prepared and presented in a fair manner, in all material aspects. In conclusion, the ESG performance
disclosed in the Report is appropriate to the sustainability context and materiality of Towngas.
Connie Sham
Head of Audit
March 2021
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
If you have any questions or feedback, we would very much like to hear
from you. Please fill in the online questionnaire or contact us:
Address 21st Floor, 363 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Fax (852) 2590 6344
Email [email protected]