Methods For Modelling Excess Mortality Across England During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Methods For Modelling Excess Mortality Across England During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Methods For Modelling Excess Mortality Across England During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Excess mortality is an important measure of the scale of the coronavirus-2019 pandemic. It includes both deaths caused
directly by the pandemic, and deaths caused by the unintended consequences of containment such as delays to accessing
care or postponements of healthcare provision in the population. In 2020 and 2021, in England, multiple groups have
produced measures of excess mortality during the pandemic. This paper describes the data and methods used in five dif-
ferent approaches to estimating excess mortality and compares their estimates.
The fundamental principles of estimating excess mortality are described, as well as the key commonalities and differ-
ences between five approaches. Two of these are based on the date of registration: a quasi-Poisson model with offset and
a 5-year average; and three are based on date of occurrence: a Poisson model without offset, the European monitoring of
excess mortality model and a synthetic controls model. Comparisons between estimates of excess mortality are made for
the period March 2020 through March 2021 and for the two waves of the pandemic that occur within that time-period.
Model estimates are strikingly similar during the first wave of the pandemic though larger differences are observed
during the second wave. Models that adjusted for reduced circulation of winter infection produced higher estimates
of excess compared with those that did not. Models that do not adjust for reduced circulation of winter infection cap-
tured the effect of reduced winter illness as a result of mobility restrictions during the period. None of the estimates
captured mortality displacement and therefore may underestimate excess at the current time, though the extent to
which this has occurred is not yet identified. Models use different approaches to address variation in data availability
and stakeholder requirements of the measure. Variation between estimates reflects differences in the date of interest,
population denominators and parameters in the model relating to seasonality and trend.
COVID-19, coronavirus, all cause mortality, excess deaths
The global spread and subsequent impact of coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) has been profound. By early April 2021, there
had been over 130 million confirmed cases of infection and nearly three million deaths among confirmed cases globally.1,2
The impact of COVID-19 on mortality in the UK has been one of the highest in Europe. Data from May 2021 indicates that
Public Health England, Health Improvement, UK
Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia, Australia
Statistics, Modelling and Economics Department (SMED), National Infection Service, Data and Analytical Sciences, Public Health England, UK
UCL Institute for Health Inequalities, UK
Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University, UK
MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, School of Clinical Medicine, UK
Corresponding author:
Sharmani Barnard, Public Health England, Health Improvement, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG, UK.
Email: [email protected]
the UK has seen the largest number of deaths among confirmed cases of COVID-19 compared to any other European
country and the 7th-highest case fatality rate globally.2–4
A sole focus on COVID-19 confirmed deaths might underestimate the impact that this pandemic has had on mortality, as
deaths in confirmed cases are highly dependent on testing patterns. In the early stages of the pandemic in England, testing
was targeted at hospitalised cases; so, COVID-19 deaths among cases that were not confirmed by testing5 will have been
missed. In addition, focusing solely on confirmed cases fails to include the indirect mortality resulting from the unintended con-
sequences of containment, such as delays to accessing care or postponements of healthcare provision in the population.6 It also
fails to account for potential positive indirect effects of social mobility restrictions such as reduced circulation of other viruses.7
Mortality from all causes, in particular the excess mortality over what would be expected from historical trends, is a
more realistic measure of the pandemic burden. Monitoring of excess mortality from all causes throughout the
COVID-19 pandemic can provide an objective and comparable measure of the impact of the pandemic, overcoming the
issues of variation in testing and coding of cause of death.8 It is important retrospectively, to quantify the burden experi-
enced in different population strata and to identify inequalities,9,10 as well as prospectively, to inform policy.5,11
Excess mortality is estimated by comparing the number of observed deaths to the number of deaths that would have
been expected based on previously observed trends. Typically, the expected number of deaths is estimated through a
model that uses historical data by assuming that historical trends would still pertain to the current time if the
COVID-19 pandemic had not occurred. The discrepancy resulting from the difference or the ratio between the expected
(counterfactual) and observed number of deaths is then taken as an estimate of the excess mortality.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple academic, government and public health groups have estimated excess
deaths in England.10−12 Due to variation in the methodologies employed to construct the counterfactual, the type of
data used, and the format of reporting of results, different estimates of excess have been published.10−15
In this paper, we review five different approaches adopted in England to estimating excess mortality. We describe their ration-
ale and the assumptions they rely on as well as the data they use, to clarify the potential difference in results and interpretation
between approaches. We present times series and relative cumulative estimates of excess for the first two waves of the pandemic
in England and among English regions; we compare relative cumulative excess estimates at the end of each wave and discuss
differences between estimates. Finally, we compare estimates of excess to observed COVID-confirmed deaths.
Date of interest
Excess mortality may be estimated either by date of death (DOD) or date of registration (DOR). The time series by date of
death accurately reflects how the mortality burden evolves over time. However, since each death event is only recorded at
the point of registration, this time series is typically incomplete, due to the delay between the occurrence of a death and the
time it is registered at the general registry office.16 This delay is typically around 3 weeks, but can be much longer when
coronial investigation is required.17 Furthermore, delays between death and registration may be even more subject to vari-
ation during pandemic periods.18 Therefore, when analysis by DOD is undertaken to monitor the burden of an emerging
epidemic in a timely manner, observed deaths need to be corrected to account for the deaths not yet reported. This adds
uncertainty to estimation of the excess deaths. Alternatively, analyses by DOD without a correction would require discard-
ing 3 weeks of incomplete data, affecting the timeliness of the estimation. Estimating excess by DOR avoids any additional
uncertainty introduced by delay correction and can produce robust estimates of excess once deaths have been registered,
particularly among subgroups. These estimates are more difficult to interpret because these counts represent a mixture of
deaths that happened on different days and do not therefore provide direct information on the evolution of the burden.
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Delay adjustment
To adjust for the delay between DOR and DOD, a procedure is implemented by re-weighting the observed counts, with
weights derived from the reporting delay distribution estimated using data from the past time periods using the observed
delay distribution (i.e. the proportion of deaths registered at a lag of k weeks (k = 0,1,2,3,4,…, 52) by age and region)
appropriately accounting for the right truncated nature of the data.19 Such weights are then applied to the observed
death counts to estimate the total number of deaths, including those already occurred but not yet reported, for the corre-
sponding age, region and interval from death to the day of the last registrations. Complications arise when this distribution
is affected by sudden and unexpected shocks to the reporting system and the subsequent changes to registration proce-
dures.10 In this case, more sophisticated statistical models may estimate the delay distribution and the resulting weights.19
2. Daily quasi-Poisson generalised linear model with offset based on date of death (Poisson model)
This method estimates daily counts of expected deaths by DOD assuming they are independently distributed, with the mean
µt,s modelled through a quasi-Poisson generalized linear model, similar to the one in equation 1.
A log-linear time trend adjusts for changes in deaths over time due to demographic factors, whereas death counts around
the same day of the year (±7 days) from the past 5 years allow accounting for seasonality. These components of the model
are equivalent to the corresponding elements of the model underpinning approach 1.
The 2 and 3 standard deviation prediction intervals are computed, and daily excess is considered to be significant when-
ever observed counts exceed the 3 standard deviation upper bound of the interval. The model and threshold calculation is
the same as the Farrington method used for outbreak detection but with daily rather than weekly data and without any
reweighting based on outlier data. Three standard deviation prediction intervals are presented in time series charts. For
cumulative estimates the same method described for the quasi-Poisson model was used for calculating prediction intervals.
This model is published as part of Public Health England’s (PHE) surveillance cell weekly reports.10
the estimated excess deaths can then be interpreted as a result of the pandemic, not confounded by variation in weather
or circulating pathogens in the current season.
These predictors are included as control time series in a Bayesian structural time series model (BSTS), an alternative to
the more traditional regression models:
Yt,s = μt,s + βs X t,s + ζs Z t,s + et,s
μt,s = μt−1,s + γ t,s
Daily deaths are expressed as a linear combination of a time-varying mean μt,s, which describes the outcome depend-
ency over time through an evolution equation. Here, the evolution equation is expressed as a random walk, and the noise
components are assumed to be Gaussian both in the evolution and the observation equation. A Bayesian variable selection
allows including many time series as covariates without selecting them a priori, as their predictive contribution can be esti-
mated through a spike-and-slab prior24 and combined into a weighted average, whose weights are derived to maximise
model fit to observed data.
Uncertainty is quantified through credible intervals for the mean, whereas excess mortality is quantified as the difference
between observed counts yt,s and the estimated counterfactual (t,s ), for t > t1, and the corresponding credible intervals are
obtained from the posterior predictive distribution.
To describe excess in the different population subgroups over time we consider two critical time periods within the first 12
months of the pandemic: March 2020 to June 2020 and September 2020 to March 2021, representing the first and second
wave, respectively. To make comparisons between estimates for DOD and DOR models at similar time points, we describe
weekly and cumulative estimates of excess from DOD models at time point t and corresponding estimates of DOR models
at t + 5 days (Supplementary Table 1). Full details of cumulative estimates for each model are available in Supplementary
Tables 2 (Wave 1) and 3 (Wave 2).
Cumulative estimates of excess for the first and second wave of the pandemic
During the first wave of the pandemic all models provided similar cumulative estimates for each population subgroup
(Figure 5), quantifying that mortality in England was 50% higher than expected for that time of the year. The variation
across genders is small, with a slightly more pronounced excess in men compared to women, whereas relative excess
differs markedly across age groups: non-significant in the youngest, below 25% in the 15-44, around 40% in the 44–64
and 65–74, and above 50% in the elderly. Regional variation was also generally consistently estimated: all models estimate
over 70% excess deaths in London, while the South-West saw a 25–30% excess. The synthetic control model estimates
lower excess for some regions compared to other models: this could be due to the estimates accounting for meteorological
conditions, as 2020 saw a mild spring in some parts of the country.
Agreement between models in wave 2 is weaker, with nation-wide excess estimated to range between 20% and 35%.
Generally, the synthetic controls model produces a higher excess because it has factored in the lower flu circulation of
winter 2020/2021. Interestingly, all models indicate no clear pattern of more sustained relative excess as age increases:
the largest excess (over 30% for all models) is observed in the 45–64 years old, while for other age groups the excess
mostly ranges between 20% and 30% (except for the youngest). Region-wise, London above 30% and North East
below 20% represent the two extremes; however, weekly reporting has shown that different English regions experienced
very different epidemics during the second wave.9,13
While the differences in estimates of excess are larger for the second wave due to different approaches to modelling,
all model estimates become less reliable as the baseline is projected further over time. This is driven by two factors. The
first is that trends in mortality over previous years become less stable as they are projected over longer periods. The
second is that any increase in mortality is inevitably followed by some reduction in mortality from other causes in
the subsequent time period. This is because deaths of some individuals will occur among those who, in the absence
of the event causing the increase in mortality, would have died of an alternative cause, and likely on an alternative date.
Barnard et al. 1795
This concept is often described as mortality displacement or harvesting.25 Extensive periods of mortality displacement make
population denominator estimates and therefore baseline rates of mortality less reliable. This is particularly disruptive to esti-
mates of excess by cause of death as these estimates are affected by displacement of mortality by time and cause.
Time series estimates of excess in England March 2020 through March 2021
Time series estimates of excess for all persons
We present plots of observed deaths from all causes and predicted trends as estimated by the five models for the period
March 2020 through to March 2021, using data as observed on 22 March 2021. For each model we present daily or
weekly time series (depending on the unit of analysis used within the model).
The smooth baseline of DOD models (daily and weekly) reflects the consistent nature of deaths day to day, while the
baseline of DOR models reflects the changing pattern of death registrations over holiday periods and during weeks with
Figure 1. Relative cumulative excess mortality for England and selected subgroups for the first and second waves of the pandemic
using five different models: synthetic controls, Poisson regression, quasi-Poisson regression, 5-year average and European monitoring of
excess mortality.
1796 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 31(9)
public holidays. Comparing the two DOD models on the left, synthetic controls capture a lower baseline in winter (second
wave) as it accounts for lower viral circulation. Comparing the two DOR models, the baseline of the quasi-Poisson model
increases slightly over time as it adjusts for an ageing population within the population denominators, while the 5-year
average based on counts does not. The baseline of the quasi-Poisson model fluctuates around public holiday dates specific
to the current period while the 5-year average model fluctuates around the public holiday dates of the previous 5 years. This
difference is highlighted by the movement in the quasi-Poisson model baseline around April 2020: because Easter weekend
has occurred in a different week each year for the previous five years this movement smoothed out over five weeks in the
5-year average model.
Time series estimates of excess showing COVID-19 mentions on the death certificate
We select one daily model by DOD and one weekly model by DOR, and we compare their estimates to the number of
deaths with mention of COVID-19 on the death certificate (Figure 2). Both models highlight an excess mortality over
and above those with a mention of COVID-19 during the first wave, whereas the situation reverts during the second
wave: the number of deaths that would have happened in absence of COVID-19 estimated by the synthetic controls
model mimics the observed non-COVID-19 deaths, while the quasi-Poisson estimates a higher baseline, as it models a
counterfactual based on a ‘normal’ winter, with influenza circulation and both models ignore mortality displacement con-
sequent upon premature deaths occurring earlier in the pandemic.
Figure 2. Expected deaths and delay-corrected deaths (DOD models) or registered deaths (DOR models) for five models for the
period March 2020 through to March 2021: (a) Poisson regression; (b) synthetic controls, (c) EuroMOMO, (d) quasi-Poisson
regression, (e) 5-year average.
DOD: date of death; DOR: date of registration; EuroMOMO: European monitoring of excess mortality.
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Figure 3. Expected deaths and delay-corrected deaths (DOD models) or registered deaths (DOR models) and Covid-19 mentions for
the period March 2020 through to March 2021: (a) synthetic controls, (b) quasi-Poisson regression.
DOD: date of death; DOR: date of registration; Covid-19, coronavirus-2019.
To illustrate regional heterogeneity in the epidemic during the second wave, we present region-specific time series esti-
mates of the baseline from the five models: plots for London and the North West are presented in Figures 6 and 7, figures
for other English regions are available in Supplementary Figures 1–7. The two regions recorded very different trends in
deaths: London (Figure 6), similar to other southern regions, had one substantial increase in mortality over and above
the expected between December and March. Conversely, the North West (Figure 7), similar to Yorkshire and Humber
and the North East (Supplementary Figures 2 and 4), experienced early and sustained excess over the period of the
second wave characterised by two flat sub-waves, the first rising in October and the second in December. The overlaid
estimated baselines facilitate identification of periods characterised by excess: despite important differences in the size
of the uncertainty around the estimated baseline, all five models detect excess mortality at similar times; however, only
the synthetic controls, and to some extent EuroMOMO produce estimates similar to number of deaths with COVID-19
mentioned on the death certificate.
Figure 4. Expected deaths and delay-corrected deaths (DOD models) or registered deaths (DOR models) by age group for the
period March 2020 through to March 2021: (a) synthetic controls, (b) quasi-Poisson regression.
DOD: date of death; DOR: date of registration.
1798 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 31(9)
Figure 5. Expected deaths and delay-corrected deaths (DOD models) or registered deaths (DOR models) by gender for the period
March 2020 through to March 2021: (a) synthetic controls, (b) quasi-Poisson regression.
DOD: date of death; DOR: date of registration.
Figure 6. London: expected deaths and delay-corrected deaths (DOD models) or registered deaths (DOR models) for five models
for the period October 2020 through to March 2021: (a) Poisson regression; (b) synthetic controls, (c) EuroMOMO, (d) quasi-Poisson
regression, (e) 5-year average.
DOD: date of death; DOR: date of registration; EuroMOMO: European monitoring of excess mortality.
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Figure 7. The North West: expected deaths and delay-corrected deaths (DOD models) or registered deaths (DOR models) for five
models for the period October 2020 through to March 2021: (a) Poisson regression; (b) synthetic controls, (c) EuroMOMO, (d)
quasi-Poisson, (e) 5-year average.
DOD: date of death; DOR: date of registration; EuroMOMO: European monitoring of excess mortality.
similar during the first wave of the pandemic. As the pandemic progressed into the second wave, models that adjusted for
reduced circulation of winter infection produced higher estimates of excess mortality.
The choice of whether to use methodologies to adjust for circulating winter infections is dependent on the overarching
aims of the model. For models aiming to capture the overall direct and indirect impact of the pandemic including the impact
of restriction on movement, adjusting for reduced pathogen circulation through the winter months would be counter to the
model aims. For those models that aim to provide near-real time surveillance of the pandemic, the adjustment for lower
circulation of other pathogens aims to allow for more sensitivity in detecting excess mortality attributable to
COVID-19. However, this is done retrospectively and relies on completeness of ascertainment and reporting.
Near-real time surveillance of mortality for epidemic surveillance is most easily interpreted using DOD as the date of
interest. However, DOD models are estimated from DOR data using a delay correction to estimate the number of deaths
that have occurred. This delay correction can be unreliable during times of rapid increase or decrease in deaths. An example
of this occurred early in the pandemic, when deaths increased rapidly in London, the EuroMOMO delay correction initially
substantially overestimated excess mortality. This happened because the delay correction algorithm employed methods to
account for increased delays to registration during periods of increased mortality but in reality, changes to registration pro-
cesses in England during the pandemic reduced the delay in death registrations16; this resulted in the delay correction pro-
ducing inaccurate projections.
The methodologies adopted by each of the models presented in this paper provide estimates of excess that meet different
stakeholder needs. DOD daily models (Poisson and synthetic controls) provide epidemiological surveillance of the pandemic in
near real time. This is particularly important for key decision makers in government and groups interested in modelling the
impact of interventions on mortality. While all models would produce a fair retrospective international comparison, limited
data availability and inconsistency of data between countries restricts which models can be implemented. The EuroMOMO
model adopts a flexible methodology allowing for a reduction in the input data required thereby enabling comparisons
between countries.23 The quasi-Poisson model provides robust estimates among small subgroups and, because it uses
1800 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 31(9)
Table 1. Cumulative excess mortality for England using five different models for all persons in England: synthetic controls, Poisson
regression, quasi-Poisson regression, 5-year average and EuroMOMO. DOD models 16/03/2020–28/02/2021, DOR models 21/03/
DOR, can present excess among cause of death, place of death and down to small geographical units Upper Tier Local
Authorities (UTLAs). As a result, this model proves to be a useful pragmatic tool for policy makers to monitor and
respond to rapid changes in the number of registered deaths at such times, and to interpret these results in the light of their
implications for monitoring excess deaths from non-COVID-19 causes. Finally, the 5-year average is quick to produce, par-
ticularly from a standing start at the beginning of the pandemic; however, because it does not properly account for fluctuations
in death registrations around bank holidays, during holiday periods, estimates should be interpreted with caution at these times.
While excess mortality models are a key tool for monitoring and assessing the impact of the pandemic, there are some
limitations shared by all models. For example, the data used in all of these approaches (DOR or DOD) fail to deal rigor-
ously with deaths that require coronial investigation (e.g. suicides or accidents) when those data are to be analysed within
12 months of the date of occurrence. Models are unable to differentiate excess mortality that are indirectly caused by the
pandemic (e.g. delays to treatment) from COVID-19 deaths that have not been classified as COVID-19. Another important
limitation of excess mortality is that the estimates are not strictly appropriate for direct comparisons between groups.
Excess mortality is estimated for each group given the age structure within each group. For direct comparisons
between groups that control for the age (and other factors) between groups, a further step to standardise estimates is
required.2 Finally, as the pandemic continues, estimates of expected deaths based on estimates of mortality from years
prior to the pandemic cannot fully account for the impact the pandemic will have on future trends in mortality when
those trends are inevitably perturbed by the premature deaths caused by the pandemic.
This is the first paper to describe and differentiate the methods to help clarify the different measures of excess mortality
that have been published during the COVID-19 pandemic in England. It provides detail of the data and methodologies
applied to five key measures used in England and differentiates the results with reference to the methods used. We
present each model as they are published to enable comparisons of real outputs. However, it does have some limitations.
We could not compare an exhaustive list of methods of estimating excess; instead, we have focused on five key methods. In
the absence of a gold standard methodology for comparison, we were unable to formally assess the accuracy of the models.
Finally, the different data used in DOD and DOR models limit direct comparisons of excess between methods using DOD
and those using DOR; however, this does provide a pragmatic and realistic approach to comparisons between models.
The various approaches to estimating excess mortality we have investigated, all produce similar estimates that provide a
robust estimate of the true extent of the impact of the pandemic on mortality. Differences between the approaches used by
each model reflect differences in data availability and stakeholder requirements of the measure. Differences between the
results of each method reflect the use of DOD, DOR, population denominators and parameters in the model relating to
seasonality and trend. These approaches are all complementary and any of them may be used when their particular char-
acteristics best reflect the required aim of analysis and the particular data available to underpin that analysis.
Ethical considerations
This study was carried out as part of PHE’s responsibility to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. PHE has legal permission, provided by
Regulation 3 of The Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002 to process confidential patient information (http:// under Sections 3(i) (a) to (c), 3(i)(d) (i) and (ii) and 3(3) as part of its out-
break response activities. As such this work falls outside the remit for ethical review.
Competing interests
None declared.
Barnard et al. 1801
Author contributions
SB, CC, SF, NA, PG, PB and DDA contributed to conception of the study, study design and overall analysis plan, and revisions of final
paper. SB and CC drafted the manuscript. SF and ZW carried out the analysis and produced the graphs. All authors critically reviewed the
final paper.
Funding statement
SB acknowledges funding received by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for
Children and Families over the Life Course (Project ID CE200100025).
Copyright information
© Crown Copyright
Sharmani Barnard
Supplemental Material
Supplemental material for this article is available online.
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