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At the heart of COVID‐19

Inayat Hussain Khan BSc (Hons)1 | Syeda Anum Zahra1 | Sevim Zaim2 |
Amer Harky MBChB, MRCS, MSc

Department of Medicine, St George's Hospital
Medical School, London, UK Abstract
Department of Medicine, University of
Coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) first presented in Wuhan, Hubei province, China in
Liverpool School of Medicine, Liverpool, UK
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, December 2019. Since then, it has rapidly spread across the world, and is now
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, formally considered a pandemic. The disease does not discriminate but increasing
Liverpool, UK
age and the presence of comorbidities are associated with severe form of the dis-
Correspondence ease and poor outcomes. Although the prevalence of COVID‐19 in patients with
Amer Harky, MBChB, MRCS, MSc, Department
of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Liverpool Heart and cardiovascular disease is under‐reported, there is evidence that pre‐existing cardiac
Chest Hospital, Liverpool L14 3PE, UK. disease can render individuals vulnerable. It is thought that COVID‐19 may have
Email: [email protected]
both a direct and indirect effect on the cardiovascular system; however, the primary
mechanism of underlying cardiovascular involvement is still uncertain. Of particular
interest is the role of angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2, which is well known for its
cardiovascular effects and is also considered to be important in the pathogenesis of
COVID‐19. With a range of different drug candidates being suggested, effective
anti‐virals and vaccines are an area of on‐going research. While our knowledge of
COVID‐19 continues to rapidly expand, this review highlights recent advances in our
understanding of the interaction between COVID‐19 and the cardiovascular system.


cardiovascular, COVID‐19, heart

1 | INTRODUCTION In addition to increasing age, the severity of the disease is as-

sociated with the presence of comorbidities. Most notably, in those
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‐2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) which with severe COVID‐19, an increased presence of cardiovascular co-
causes coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) first emerged in the Chinese city morbidities has been reported.7 The National Health Commission of
of Wuhan in December 2019 and has since traveled rapidly across the China reported that 35% of patients diagnosed with COVID‐19 had
globe with the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring a pandemic hypertension and 17% had coronary heart disease (CHD).8
in March 2020. COVID‐19 is extremely contagious with each patient Therefore, patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) can present
infecting approximately three others (basic reproduction number, with severe disease potentially leading to myocarditis, vasculitis, or
R0 of ~3) and if not adequately dealt with, can lead to infection rates of cardiac arrhythmias.9 Considering its worldwide spread and con-
60%‐80% in a population. It is estimated that approximately 4% of cases sequences, researchers and health care professionals must be prepared
result in death, 14% present as severe cases and 5% require admission to to tackle this disease and consider its impact on healthcare systems.
the intensive care unit (ICU).5 The fatality ratio shows a strong age While our knowledge of COVID‐19 is evolving with a substantial
gradient for risk of death. In the United States, the fatality was reported amount still unknown; this review discusses COVID‐19 and its
to be the highest in individuals aged ≥85 (10% to 27%) followed by interaction with CVD and mechanism of cardiovascular involvement.
persons aged 65 to 84 years (3% to 11%) and <1% across younger ages.6 Interventions, management, and future directions will also be discussed.

Inayat Hussain Khan, Syeda Anum Zahra, and Sevim Zaim contributed equally to this work.

J Card Surg. 2020;1–8. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1



A comprehensive literature search was done on PubMed, SCOPUS, WHO was informed of a cluster of 44 cases of pneumonia of un-
Embase, Cochrane database, Google scholar, and Ovid to identify the known etiology on 31st December 2019 in Wuhan.14,15 Since then,
articles that discussed the novel corona virus, COVID and its im- COVID‐19 has caused wide‐scale socioeconomic disruption. As of
plications on cardiovascular system. Key words used were “COVID,” 14th April 2020, there have been more than 2 million positive cases
“SARS‐CoV‐2,” “SARS‐CoV,” “2019‐nCoV,” “COVID‐19,” “Novel of COVID‐19 with more than 120 000 deaths reported worldwide.16
Corona virus.” The search terms were used as key words and in Europe is now the epicenter of the disease with Italy being the most
combination as MeSH terms to maximize the output from literature terribly hit country with 19 470 deaths reported so far.16 In the UK,
findings. A staged literature search was done, whereby a separate there are currently over 93 000 cases with over 12 000 deaths.16
literature search was performed for each section within this article Figure 1A,B are graphical representations of spread and affected
and all the relevant studies were identified and summarized sepa- regions. The reported number of confirmed cases and deaths are
rately. If a paper is reporting on many aspects of the COVID, then the rapidly increasing. Figure 2A,B show the most affected regions in
results have been shared between different parts of this review. Europe and across the world.
The relevant articles are cited and referenced within each section The prevalence of COVID‐19 in patients with CVD is difficult to
separately. No limits were placed on publication time or language of estimate due to varying degrees of national surveillance and data col-
the article. lection around the world. A Chinese meta‐analysis of 1527 patients with
All the relevant articles were identified and screened by three COVID‐19 revealed a prevalence of 9.7% of diabetes mellitus (DM),
authors; the results are summarized in narrative manner in each 16.4% of cardiac, and cerebrovascular disease and 17% of hyperten-
relevant section within the text of this review. A summary table of sion.17 The presence of these comorbidities in patients has a significant
each section is provided where appropriate. impact on their prognosis with increased risk of severe disease.
A report from the Chinese center for disease control and pre-
vention presented the clinical outcomes in 44 672 confirmed cases.18
3 | V IR O LO GY The case fatality rate was higher in patients with hypertension, DM
and CVD (6%, 7.3%, and 10.5%, respectively) compared with the
Belonging to the Coronavirinae subfamily, coronaviruses (CoV) are overall 2.3% in the entire cohort.18
known for their crown‐like appearance. Coronavirinae subfamily is
further classified by phylogenetic clustering into four groups: α, β, γ,
and δ CoV. The COVID‐19 pathogen belongs to the β‐CoV group.1,10 5 | MECH ANISM O F CA R DIOV ASCULAR
CoV has four major structural proteins: the nucleocapsid (N) protein, INVOLVEMENT
envelope (E) protein, the membrane (M) protein, and the spike (S)
protein which allows attachment and fusion with the host receptor.10 Although it is accepted that COVID‐19 has a significant impact on
SARS‐CoV‐2 can bind to the angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 cardiovascular health, the exact mechanism of this involvement is
(ACE2) and enter the host cell.11 Severe pneumonia and acute lung still under debate. One theory is indirect cardiac involvement, con-
failure associated with SARS‐CoV‐2 is postulated to be due to sup- sidering immunological ageing is seen in older patients who are also
pression of ACE2 expression. Kuba et al reported that ACE2 is a more susceptible to CVD.19 Additionally, comorbidities, such as hy-
crucial SARS‐CoV receptor in vivo, and the spike protein reduces perlipidaemia and DM also affect immune function.19 Dysregulated
ACE2 expression. Moreover, the study found that acute lung fail- immune function may increase susceptibility to COVID‐19 as well as
ure induced by the injection of SARS‐CoV spike protein in mice could its severity. On the other hand, reports from China have shown
be attenuated by blocking the renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system cardiac arrests, elevated cardiac biomarkers, abnormal electro-
(RAAS) pathway. cardiogram (ECG), and echocardiography findings even in patients
The animal reservoir of COVID‐19 is currently unknown, but the without pre‐existing CVD.20,21 This suggests there may be a direct
viral genome was found to be approximately 88% similar to Bat impact of COVID‐19 on cardiovascular health.
coronavirus and distant to the previously known SARS and Middle The effect of ACE inhibitors (ACE‐i) and angiotensin receptor
East respiratory syndrome viruses. Therefore, it is thought to have blockers (ARBs) used in various cardiovascular conditions, such as
originated in bats with an intermediate amplification host before hypertension, CHD, and congestive heart failure on COVID‐19 sus-
being transmitted to animal handlers in the Chinese animal mar- ceptibility and prognosis is currently controversial. Despite some
kets.13 The primary mode of transmission of the virus is through evidence supporting benefits in preventing lung injury, other evi-
person‐to‐person contact via respiratory droplets. The incubation dence suggests an increased risk of ACE2 plasma membrane ex-
period of the virus is noted to be 2 to 14 days.13 Currently, there are pression.20 Currently, it is not possible to conclude whether ACE‐i
no anti‐virals or vaccines available against the virus, making it of and ARBs are harmful in patients with COVID‐19; however, this can
significant global concern due to the rapid spread and easy be a possible explanation as to why patients with CVD are more
transmission. susceptible to COVID‐19 and tend to have a worse prognosis.20

F I G U R E 1 A, The prevalence of COVID‐19 worldwide. WHO prevalence data as of 12th April 2020 represented graphically.16 Illustration
created using B, Countries with highest cases. Displaying the countries in which the highest numbers of cases were confirmed.
WHO prevalence data as of 12th April 2020 represented graphically.16 COVID‐19, coronavirus disease; WHO, World Health Organization

Cardiovascular complications like acute coronary syndrome 6 | M YO C AR D IA L IN JU RY A ND TH E

(ACS) were also seen postinfection during the SARS‐CoV outbreak DE TERMENTAL E FFECTS
in 2002‐2003.9 There is evidence that with an acute infection,
risk of developing ACS in patients with pre‐existing CVD increases Myocardial injury is defined as troponin concentration >99th‐
and this can be due to the surge in circulating cytokine levels percentile upper reference limit and can occur due to myocardial
leading to atherosclerotic plaque instability as well as increased ischemia and other processes including myocarditis.26
myocardial demand. The mechanisms discussed can also In patients with COVID‐19, there is a higher prevalence of
cause ventricular dysfunction resulting in haemodynamic CVD and myocardial injury, particularly in patients admitted to
abnormalities and arrhythmias.23,32 Moreover, there have ICU. Amongst the initial 41 patients diagnosed with COVID‐19 in
been cases of COVID‐19 patients in China who developed Wuhan, five had myocardial injury evidenced by elevated levels of
reduced ejection fraction and had heart enlargement cardiac troponin‐I (Tn‐I) (>28 pg/mL). Four of these patients were
postinfection. admitted to ICU.2 This is strengthened by a case series including

F I G U R E 2 A, COVID‐19 deaths in Europe.

Displaying the number of deaths reported in
Europe. WHO mortality data as of 12th April
2020 represented graphically.16 B, COVID‐19
deaths worldwide. Displaying the highest
number of deaths around the world. WHO
mortality data as of 12th April 2020
represented graphically.16 COVID‐19,
coronavirus disease; WHO, World Health

138 patients with COVID‐19 which reported 22.2% of those creatine kinase‐MB levels were also significantly higher in patients
admitted to ICU had acute cardiac injury compared with only 2% with ICU compared with non‐ICU patients (I8 vs 13 U/L);
of non‐ICU patients (P < .001).21 Laboratory findings showed P < .001.21 This suggests that myocardial injury is a potential
median Tn‐I levels to be higher in those admitted to ICU than complication of COVID‐19 highlighting the importance of under-
non‐ICU patients (11.0 vs 5.1 pg/mL; P = .004). Similarly, median standing underlying mechanisms.

F I G U R E 3 SARS‐Cov‐2 binding to ACE receptor. Original illustration created using BioRender. ACE, angiotensin‐converting enzyme;
SARS‐Cov‐2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‐2

One explanation is the role of ACE2, which is highly expressed in for COVID‐19 treatment can cause prolongation of the QT interval
the lungs and the heart.27 ACE2 has been shown to act as a receptor for leading to the development of malignant arrhythmias.23 In addition, if
SARS‐CoV‐2 (Figure 3). In a previous study, pulmonary infection with a both chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine are administered with drugs
human strain of SARS‐CoV in mice resulted in ACE2 dependent myo- that inhibit the CYP3A4 enzyme, this could also significantly increase
cardial infarction.27 Furthermore, the investigators detected SARS‐COV the risk of QT interval prolongation.23 Therefore, continuous ECG
RNA in 7 out of 20 autopsy heart samples from patients infected with monitoring is necessary for these patients.
SARS. Subsequent staining also demonstrated macrophage infiltration
with associated myocardial damage.27 Therefore, ACE2 may account for
the myocardial injury evident in COVID‐19 patients. Since RAAS in- 8 | V EN O U S T H R O M B O EM B O L I S M
hibitors can alter the level of ACE‐2, the role of these drugs in
COVID‐19 is an avenue which requires further investigation. It is known that inflammatory states increase the risk of venous
There are other suggested mechanisms for myocardial injury. thromboembolism (VTE). It is likely that COVID‐19 patients with
The rise in Tn‐I does not occur in isolation but alongside the rise of respiratory failure, comorbidities and mobility issues will be at an
other inflammatory markers, such as ferritin, c‐reactive protein, increased risk of VTE. A single center study consisting of 138
interleukin‐6 [IL‐6], interferon‐γ, tumor necrosis factor‐α, and lactate patients evaluated VTE risk using the Padua prediction score
dehydrogenase possibly representing a cytokine storm syndrome (Table 1).34,35 Of these patients, 15 were critically unwell and were
(caused by dysregulation of T‐helper cells) or secondary haemopha- all considered to be at higher risk for VTE compared with only 6.5%
gocytic lymphohistiocytosis.28 Understanding this is paramount, of those not critically unwell.35
as data from a multicentre study of patients with COVID‐19 in In terms of laboratory findings, a study found D‐dimer to be
Wuhan reported elevated ferritin and IL‐6 to be predictors of higher in those admitted to ICU compared with non‐ICU patients
mortality.29 (414 vs 166 mg/L; P < .001).21 In a study including 179 patients
Additionally, the respiratory manifestations of COVID‐19, such with COVID‐19, D‐dimer level ≥0.5 mg/L was present in 76.2% of
as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can result in oxidative non‐survivors compared with only 47% of survivors. The uni-
stress, hypoxia‐induced intracellular calcium release, and potentially variate analysis highlighted this as a risk factor associated with
inflammation‐induced myocardial apoptosis.30,31 This highlights how death (odds ratio: 3.474 [1.152‐10.481]); P = .027).36 In critically
myocardial injury in the context of SARS‐CoV‐2 is potentially unwell patients, VTE is of significant concern. In a recent study
multifactorial; therefore, representing a novel challenge for health- with 81 patients with COVID‐19, Cui et al showed that 20 de-
care professionals in managing patients with COVID‐19. veloped lower extremity VTE, of which eight patients died. Older
age, lower lymphocyte levels and higher D‐dimer were associated
risk factors. Therefore, the risk of VTE must be assessed especially
7 | C AR D IA C A RR H YT H M IA S in older patients with comorbidities and preventive therapies
should be given based on local guidelines.
Cardiac arrhythmias are known to occur in patients with
COVID‐19.23,32 Ventricular arrhythmias, as well as acute myo-
carditis, may present as the first clinical manifestation.32 The elec- T A B L E 1 Padua risk assessment model34
trolyte imbalance caused by COVID‐19 interacting with the RAAS
Padua risk assessment model
system can lead to hypokalemia increasing the risk of developing
Features Score
arrhythmias.32 In a study mentioned above, the overall incidence of
Active cancer 3
arrhythmias was 16.7% in patients with COVID‐19.21 The incidence
was higher in patients requiring ICU admission (44.4%) compared Previous VTE 3
with those not requiring ICU admission (8.9%). Unfortunately, the Reduced mobility 3
types of arrhythmias in these patients were not published yet. Guo
Known thrombophilic condition 3
et al reported that in 187 patients with COVID‐19, 27.8% had
Recent trauma and/or surgery (≤1 mo) 2
elevated troponin levels and in this group, malignant ventricular
arrhythmias were more frequent than those with normal troponin Age (≥70 y) 1
levels (11.5% vs 5.2%). Therefore, the high incidence of ar- Heart and/or respiratory failure 1
rhythmias in patients with COVID‐19 could be due to electrolyte Acute MI or ischemic stroke 1
and haemodynamic disturbances in the presence of high in-
Acute infection and/or rheumatologic disorder 1
flammatory stress.
Patients with inherited or acquired arrhythmias should be Obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m ) 2

monitored while undergoing supportive treatment as certain drugs Current hormonal therapy 1
can promote arrhythmogenic activity.23 For example, drugs, such as Note: Total score of 4 and above = high risk, total score < 4 = low risk.
chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which are being investigated Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; VTE, venous thromboembolism.


A recent paper illustrated the variety of cardiovascular presentations

in patients with COVID‐19, including the case of a 38‐year old man
with cardiogenic shock and ARDS. The initial presentation reflected a
COVID‐19 picture and cardiac involvement only became evident
after veno‐arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
was started.37 In a case series including 191 patients with COVID‐19,
development of heart failure was significantly higher in non‐survivors
compared with survivors (52% vs 21%; P < .0001).38 There are many
potential causes for this, including ACS, arrhythmias, stress‐induced
cardiomyopathy and fulminant myocarditis.
There are multiple potential mechanisms of cardiac involvement
in COVID‐19 (Figure 4). Therefore, it is essential to have a low
threshold for considering cardiac involvement, as cardiac and re-
spiratory symptoms may overlap and even be masked.


Currently, there are no approved treatments that are shown to be

safe and effective for COVID‐19, therefore management is mainly
supportive. The aim is to recognize the disease early, relieve symp-
toms, and support organ function.39 F I G U R E 4 Summary of effects of COVID‐19 on the
Hospitalization may be required in severe cases, and clinical cardiovascular system. Original illustration created using BioRender.
frailty scale can be used to assess if admission to critical care is CVD, cardiovascular disease; COVID‐19, coronavirus disease; RAAS,
renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system
necessary.39,40 A common complication of COVID‐19 is ARDS, so
oxygen therapy is required in approximately 14% of cases. If patients
are not responding to oxygen therapy, treatment can be escalated to being trialed in addition to multi‐antibody cocktails for both pro-
continuous positive airway pressure or bilevel positive airway pres- phylactic and treatment purposes.39 A summary of these current
sure, intubation, mechanical ventilation, or ECMO.39 treatments and those under investigation can be seen in Table 2.
Due to the increasing global burden of the disease, several off‐
label treatments are being used either as part of randomised control
trials or on a compassionate basis. WHO launched the “Solidarity” 11 | F U T U R E D I R E C T I O N S
trial on 22nd March 2020 intending to discover potential treatment
options to slow disease progression and reduce mortality rates. A There is a pressing need for public health education; this is particularly
combination of drugs (Table 2) are under investigation.41 Remdesivir important in those with pre‐existing CVD. A recent study from Hong
initially developed for the treatment of Ebola, has shown in vitro Kong compared ST‐elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) pre-
activity against SARS‐Cov‐2. Lopinavir and ritonavir are also anti- sentation before and during the COVID‐19 pandemic. It is reported
virals commonly used to treat HIV which have shown potential for that time from symptom onset to the first presentation was greater in
COVID‐19 treatment. Anti‐malarials, such as chloroquine and hy- patients with STEMI during the COVID‐19 pandemic compared with 2
droxychloroquine are also under investigation for their potential years before (318 vs 82 minutes, respectively). Similarly, door to
prophylactic and therapeutic effects against COVID‐19.20 needle time was also increased (129 vs 84.5 minutes).45 Overall, this
Losartan, which is an angiotensin‐II receptor antagonist is being suggests that patients with ACS are now more likely to present later
investigated for its potential therapeutic value in COVID‐19. As and reasons for this are multifactorial. Patients may perceive hospitals
mentioned before, there are concerns over the safety of RAAS in- to be areas at high risk of COVID‐19 transmission and, therefore,
hibitors in COVID‐due to studies reporting conflicting results.43 delay presenting. Other reasons may include COVID‐19 screening,
Therefore, the Council on Hypertension of the European Society of availability of staff due to redeployment and time taken for staff to
Cardiology has released a statement warning against commencing or wear personal protective equipment. Adjustments of established
discontinuing ACE‐i and ARBs in the context of COVID‐19.44 protocols and local guidelines are necessary to help deal with
Moreover, convalescent plasma transfusions from recovered suspected ACS. In addition, clear communication is vital, so patients
patients with COVID‐19 have shown promising results without ad- are reassured that hospitals are still prepared to deal with
verse effects. Intravenous Immunoglobulin therapy is currently cardiac emergencies.

T A B L E 2 A summary of current Interventions and treatments AU TH OR CO NTRIB UTION S

being used currently and those under investigation20,39,41,42 Inayat Hussain Khan: Planned the work, conducted literature search
Treatment Stage and writing the manuscript, reporting the work and responsible for
Supportive treatment the overall work content. Syeda Anum Zahra: Planned the work,
Noninvasive ventilation Used in ARDS conducted literature search and writing the manuscript, reporting
Invasive ventilation Used in ARDS if noninvasive the work and responsible for the overall work content. Sevim Zaim:
ventilation fails Planned the work, conducted literature search and writing the
ECMO Can be used depending on manuscript, reporting the work and responsible for the overall work
content. Amer Harky: Planned the work, supervised the literature
Fluid resuscitation Used to preserve organ function
search, reviewed, and edited the written manuscript, supervised the
Antiviral treatment reported work and responsible for the overall work content.
Remdesevir In “Solidarity” clinical trial
Lopinavir In “Solidarity” clinical trial
Ritonavir In “Solidarity” clinical trial
Inayat Hussain Khan
Chloroquine In “Solidarity” clinical trial
Syeda Anum Zahra
Hydroxychloroquine In “Solidarity” clinical trial
Sevim Zaim
RAAS inhibitors
Amer Harky
Losartan Being investigated—not yet in
clinical trials

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