Za Šta Se Koristi Analiza Ebar

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Jerry Jackson EBaR

VaR analysis, with a history that traces back to 1922,3 was popularized by JP Morgan in the
early 1990s and is now widely used in financial analysis to assess risks associated with
investments and financial portfolios. As indicated in Figure 1.4, VaR statistics show the
maximum daily, weekly or monthly portfolio loss that can be expected to occur based on a
specified confidence level. A variety of other “at risk” measures such as Earnings at
Risk, Profits at Risk and Cash Flow at Risk have been developed. Technical analysis related to
estimation of these VaR-related risk measures is now
an active area of academic and applied research. U.S. and international financial regulatory
agencies have adopted VaR analysis to evaluate financial
institutions’ risk exposure. As indicated in the lower panel of Figure 1.4,
EBaR reflects an energy budget-counterpart to VaR analysis (Jackson, 2008: 8).

Za šta se koristi analiza EBaR

EBaR analysis can be applied to evaluate new energy-efficient investments—

such as replacing existing fluorescent ballasts and lamps with new high
efficiency products. Future variations in electric price and uncertainty over
the number of hours each fixture will operate result in a distribution of
likely returns on this investment. Returns can be measured as annual energy
cost savings and an internal rate of return, IRR. reflects the effective yield on the efficiency
investment (Jackson, 2008: 8-9).

Slika 1.4 Korenspondencija koncepata analize VaR i EBaR (2008: 9)

One reason that VaR analysis is so widely used is its distillation of the
many dimensions of information on return and risk into a single decision
variable. EBaR decision variables provide the same advantage. For instance, if EBaRirr,90, the
smallest internal rate of return likely at the 90 percent confidence level, is greater than a given
threshold, say, a return of 25 percent, the investment will be recommended for further
consideration. An EBaRirr,90 of 45 percent means that there is no more than a 10 percent
probability that the internal rate of return will be less than 45. A more conservative EBaR
statistic for the investment, say EBaRirr,95 = 0.35, permits only a 5 percent chance of achieving
a return of less than 35 percent (2008: 11-12).

Kretanje cena energenata (električne energije, prirodnog gasa, nafte) (2008: 16-20)

Thus, EBaR replaces the single-dimension decision variable, payback

(or an IRR hurdle rate), with a single-dimension decision variable, EBaRirr,x,
where x is the confidence level. The difference is that payback and traditional
IRR analysis is based on initial cost and a single estimate of expected savings,
whereas EBaR analysis is based on initial cost and likely distributions of expected savings with
an explicit consideration of risk. Short payback periods
accommodate risk by only accepting almost sure bets, while EBaR analysis
identifies desirable investments based on both investment returns and the
associated risk. In other words, EBaR-based analysis manages risk, while
payback analysis attempts to avoid risk by setting conservative investment
criteria (2008: 13).

Modeli za predviđanje ponude i potražnje (2008: 26-29)

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