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Institutional Herding

Richard W. Sias*

February 24, 2002

Department of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, College of Business and Economics, Washington State
University, Pullman, Washington, 99164-4746, (509) 335-2347, [email protected]. I thank James Bennett, Jimmy
Senteza, Laura Starks, Harry Turtle, and David Whidbee for helpful comments and suggestions. I am grateful to the
Gary Brinson Research Fellows Program for providing financial support.
Institutional Herding


Institutional investors’ demand for a security this quarter is positively correlated with
their demand for the security last quarter. These results are attributed to institutional
investors following each other into and out of the same securities (“herding”) and
institutional investors following their own lag trades. Consistent with previous work, we
find institutional investors are “momentum” traders. Little of their herding, however,
results from momentum trading. Moreover, institutional demand is more strongly related
to lag institutional demand than lag returns. Institutional herding declines over time and
differs across capitalizations and investor types. Our results are most consistent with the
hypothesis that institutional investors herd as a result of inferring information from each
other’s trades.
Institutional Herding

Over the past 30 years the fraction of market capitalization held by institutional investors has nearly

doubled.1 The growing institutional presence has led to a common perception that institutional herding

(i.e., institutional investors following each other into and out of the same securities) impacts security

prices and leads to excess volatility and market fragility. In a recent episode of Wall $treet Week, for

example, Louis Rukeyser claimed, “Who really did do the panicking at the bottom? We found what we

had long suspected. The real patsies were the large institutional traders who’s congenitally shaky nerves

get so much sensationalized media attention.”2 Consistent with these assertions, recent studies (Grinblatt

and Titman, 1989, 1993; Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995; Wermers, 1999, 2000; Nofsinger and

Sias, 1999; Jones, Lee, and Weis, 1999; Cai, Kaul, and Zheng, 2000; Sias, Starks, and Titman, 2001)

document a strong positive relation between changes in institutional ownership and returns measured over

the same period. Moreover, Chakravarty (2000), Dennis and Weston (2000), and Sias, Starks, and

Titman (2001) conclude that the relation between changes in institutional ownership and returns measured

over the same period results primarily from the price impact of institutional trading. Although these

studies are consistent with the hypothesis that institutions trading in the same direction impact security

prices, they do not allow one to conclude institutional investors are herding because some securities will

experience net changes in institutional ownership simply by chance.

The primary goal of this paper is to examine this important outstanding question: Do institutional

investors herd? Specifically, we examine the cross-sectional correlation between institutional demand for

a security last quarter and institutional demand for the security this quarter. We demonstrate that the

fraction of institutions buying this quarter will covary (across securities) with the fraction buying last

Institutional investors accounted for 28 percent of total U.S. equity ownership in 1970 versus 50 percent in 1999.
Quoted by Richard Strozinsky (1998). Other examples include: (1) a recent Associated Press wire story (Cunniff,
2000) noting, “Institutions, of which mutual funds are numerically the largest segment, account for most of each
day’s trading and much of the volatility. . . And so, when you hear of references to investors and what they did in the
marketplace, think not of some prototypical individual, but visualize the herd instead,” (2) a recent Detroit Free
Press article (Yue, 1998) noting, “Pull back the stock market curtain and you’ll find institutional investors feverishly
working the strings,” and (3) a recent New York Times article (Barboza, 1998) claiming, “The selling was furious
early Tuesday … This surge in activity raises a question: Who exactly is moving the market this summer? The
answer: institutional investors…”

quarter if institutional investors follow each other into and out of the same securities (herd) or follow

themselves into and out of the same securities. Moreover, the cross-sectional correlation between the

fraction of institutions buying over adjacent quarters can be directly decomposed into the portion that

results from individual institutional investors following their own trades and the portion that results from

institutional investors following other institutional investors’ trades.

Herding is defined as a group of investors following each other into (or out of) the same securities

over some period of time.3 Thus, tests for herding implicitly or explicitly examine the temporal patterns

in the cross-section of institutional traders, i.e., whether they follow each other’s trades. The Lakonishok,

Shleifer, and Vishny (1992) herding measure, for example, tests for cross-sectional temporal dependence

by recognizing that if institutional investors follow each other into (out of) the same stocks over some

period of time, institutional investors will be primarily buyers (sellers) of the security over that time

period. We take a more direct approach by measuring the cross-sectional temporal dependence directly,

i.e., the extent that traders follow each other over adjacent quarters.

The rich theoretical foundation for institutional herding can be divided into five categories −

informational cascades, investigative herding, reputational herding, fads, and characteristic herding.4

Informational cascades result from institutional investors ignoring their own noisy information and

trading with the herd because they infer information from each other’s trades (Banerjee, 1992;

Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer, and Welch, 1992). Investigative herding occurs when institutional investors’

information is positively cross-sectionally correlated, possibly because they follow the same signals

(Froot, Scharfstein, and Stein, 1992; Hirshleifer, Subrahmanyam, and Titman, 1994). Reputational

herding is a consequence of institutional investors facing a reputational cost from acting different from

Occasionally, herding is loosely referred to as a group of investors buying or selling the same securities, “at the
same time.” Because trades occur sequentially, however, investors cannot buy or sell at the same time. Thus,
herding is accurately defined as a group of traders following each other into (or out of) the same securities over
some period. Note, however, this does not preclude the possibility that a group of investors accumulate positions
over the same period. For example, investor A may purchase a security on Monday followed by investor B
purchasing the security on Tuesday followed by investor A purchasing more of the security on Wednesday.
See Graham (1999), Wermers (1999), and Nofsinger and Sias (1999) for further discussions of these

the herd (Scharfstein and Stein, 1990; Trueman, 1994). Institutional investors may also herd as a result of

fads (Freidman, 1984; Dreman, 1979; Barberis and Shleifer, 2001). Last, institutional investors may herd

because they are attracted to securities with specific characteristics (Falkenstein, 1996; Del Guercio,

1996; Gompers and Metrick, 2001; Bennett, Sias, and Starks, 2001).5 Thus, institutional herding has

important implications for how information, agency problems, fads, and security characteristics can affect

security selection decisions and asset prices.

Despite these perceptions and strong theoretical foundations, empirical evidence of institutional

herding is nearly non-existent. Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992), for example, conclude, “The

emerging image is that institutions follow a broad range of styles and strategies and that their trades offset

each other…” Similarly, Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers (1995) and Wermers (1999) find little evidence

of systematic institutional herding. These studies, however, use the same test for institutional herding –

the Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny “herding measure.”6

Our results, in contrast, reveal compelling evidence of institutional herding. In fact, while

previous studies (Grinblatt and Titman, 1989, 1993; Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995; Wermers,

1999, 2000; Nofsinger and Sias, 1999; Jones, Lee, and Weis, 1999; Cai, Kaul, and Zheng, 2000; Sias,

Starks, and Titman, 2001) document strong evidence that institutions momentum trade, we demonstrate

that institutional demand is more strongly related to lag institutional demand than lag returns.

Specifically, we document a strong positive relation between the fraction of institutions buying over

adjacent quarters, consistent with both institutional herding and institutions following their own lag

trades. The decomposition reveals both factors play an important role in explaining the correlation

between institutional demand this quarter and last quarter.

Momentum trading serves as an example of characteristic herding, i.e., institutional investors are attracted to
(repelled by) securities with high (low) past returns.
In an interesting working paper, Pirinsky (2002), takes a different approach to testing for institutional herding by
examining time-series correlation (for individual securities) in changes in the fraction of shares held by institutional
investors. Consistent with our results, Pirinsky documents a positive relation between this quarter’s change in
fractional ownership and last quarter’s change in fractional ownership.

The balance of the paper focuses on better understanding institutional herding. We begin by

examining a special case of characteristic herding – “habit investing.” If institutional investors are

attracted to securities with the same characteristics, managers will hold many of the same securities. If

net flows exhibit positive time-series correlation, net flows are cross-sectionally correlated, and these

managers simply proportionally adjust their current portfolio when facing net flows, then these managers

will follow each other into and out of the same securities over adjacent quarters, i.e., “herd.”

To determine if habit investing explains institutional herding, we focus on the cross-sectional

correlation between the fraction of institutions increasing portfolio weights (i.e., the fraction of their

assets held in security k) over adjacent quarters. The results reveal little evidence that institutional

herding is driven by cross-sectional and time-series correlation in net flows to institutional investors.

We examine returns, momentum trading, and herding by capitalization to further test why

institutional investors herd. We document evidence of institutional momentum trading consistent with

characteristic herding (i.e., institutional investors are attracted to securities with large lag returns).

Momentum trading, however, accounts for little of the herding. Moreover, consistent with recent studies

(e.g., Grinblatt and Titman, 1989, 1993; Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995; Wermers, 1999, 2000;

Nofsinger and Sias, 1999; Jones, Lee, and Weis, 1999; Sias, Starks, and Titman, 2001; Parrino, Sias, and

Starks, 2001), we document that institutional demand is positively correlated with contemporaneous

returns and weakly positively correlated with returns over the following year. The absence of negative

correlation between institutional demand and future returns suggests that herding is primarily related to

the way information is incorporated into security prices consistent with informational cascades and

investigative herding.

To differentiate informational cascades from investigative herding, we examine herding by

capitalization quintile. We use Wermers’ (1999) argument that informational cascades are more likely to

occur in small capitalization securities (where signals are noisier). In addition, we posit that investigative

herding may be more likely to occur in large capitalization securities (where signals are less noisy).

Although herding occurs in securities of all capitalizations, herding is strongest in small capitalization

securities. Our results are most consistent with models that suggest herding results from institutions

inferring information from each other’s trades (informational cascades).

We conclude the study by examining herding over time and by investor type. Specifically, we

investigate how institutional investors following their own and others’ trades changes over time as

institutional ownership grows and market liquidity improves. We find evidence consistent with the

hypothesis that institutional investors are less likely to follow their own lag trades as market liquidity

improves. Theoretically, it is not clear how increased institutionalization should impact herding.

Empirically, institutional herding is larger in the 1980s than the 1990s, and is primarily driven by a

decline in herding in the largest capitalization securities.

Previous studies of herding focus on pension funds (Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny, 1992) or

mutual funds (Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995; Wermers, 1999). Previous work (e.g., Del Guercio,

1996; Bennett, Sias, and Starks, 2001) also reveals that different types of institutional investors operate in

different environments (e.g., prudence regulations, holding periods, competition). Differing environments

may influence the likelihood that these investors herd. Moreover, as discussed in detail later, several

proposed theoretical motives for herding suggest specific differences in herding across investor

classifications. Although institutional investors in every classification exhibit statistically significant

evidence of herding, we document substantial differences across classifications. Moreover, we find some

evidence that institutional investors are more likely to follow similarly classified institutional investors

than differently classified institutional investors.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We discuss the data in the next section. We

present tests for institutional herding in Section 2 and examine the possible explanations for institutional

herding in Section 3. In Sections 4 and 5 we examine changes in herding over time and differences across

investor types, respectively. A summary is presented in the final section.

1. Data

The data for this study come from two sources. Returns, shares outstanding, and firm capitalizations are

taken from the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) monthly tapes for all New York Stock

Exchange, American Stock Exchange, and NASDAQ stocks. Ownership by each institutional investor

for each security comes from CDA-Spectrum and arises from institutional investors’ 13F filings.7 CDA-

Spectrum classifies each institutional investor as one of five types – bank trust departments, insurance

companies, mutual funds, independent investment advisors, and unclassified institutions.8 Institutional

ownership data are quarterly from March 1983 through December 1997, for a total of 60 quarters.

We begin by calculating, at the beginning and end of each quarter, each institutional investor’s

position in each security as a fraction of the security’s shares outstanding. For each security and quarter,

an institutional investor is defined as a buyer if their ownership in the stock increases and a seller if their

ownership decreases (e.g., an investor moving from holding 0.01 percent of IBM’s shares to 0.02 percent

of IBM’s shares is defined as a buyer).9 For each stock-quarter, we then calculate the fraction of

institutional investors trading the security that are buyers.10 We denote this ratio as the “raw fraction of

institutions buying” security k during quarter t:

# Institutions buying k ,t
Raw∆ k ,t = (1)
# Institutions buying k ,t + # Institutions selling k ,t

Institutional investors with $100 million or more under management in exchange-traded or NASDAQ-quoted
equity securities are required to file 13F reports within 45 days of the end of the calendar quarter. Institutions are
required to report all equity positions greater than either 10,000 shares or $200,000 in market value. Because 13F
reporting is aggregated across different units within an institution, the number of institutions reflects the number of
unrelated institutions buying or selling the security.
Unclassified institutions primarily consists of foundations, endowments, ESOPs, and internally managed pension
funds. Managers are defined by CDA-Spectrum based on their majority assets. If, for example, a mutual fund
manager also acts as an independent investment advisor, the manager will be classified as mutual fund manger if at
least 50 percent of their assets are in mutual funds.
Occasionally, due to small changes in the number of shares outstanding, fractional ownership changes slightly
while the numbers of shares held by the investor does not. Therefore, if the fraction of shares held by a given
investor is the same at beginning and end of the quarter or if the number of shares held by a given investor is the
same at the beginning and end of the quarter, the investor is classified as neither a buyer nor a seller.
Because we can only observe institutional ownership at the quarter-end, a manager that buys and sells the same
number of shares within a quarter will not be counted as a trader.

We run several filters over the data prior to computing the raw fraction of institutions buying. To

be included in the sample, a manager must hold at least one security at both the beginning and end of the

quarter. Because substantial changes in shares outstanding often accompany changes in CUSIPs (e.g.,

mergers), each security is required to have the same beginning- and end-of-quarter CUSIP to be included

in the sample. In addition, a security must have at least one institutional investor trading the security

during the quarter to be included in the analysis (so the denominator is greater than zero).

The second through sixth columns of Table 1 (Panel A) report the total number of institutional

investors (overall and by investor type) filing 13F reports at five points in our sample period

(approximately every 15 months). The first column reports the time-series average across all 59

quarters.11 Panel B reports the number of securities with at least one, five, 10, or 20 institutional traders,

as well as the number of securities with at least five traders of each type. Panel C reports the average

number of securities held by each investor across all institutions and by each type of institution. On

average, there are 894 managers and 5,505 securities with at least one institutional trader each quarter.

The average manager holds 273 securities in their portfolio. Consistent with Gompers and Metrick

(2001), the results in Table 1 reveal substantial growth in the number of institutions required to file 13F

reports, primarily driven by the growth in independent investment advisors.

[Insert Table 1 about here]

2. Tests for Institutional Herding

If institutional investors follow each other into and out of the same securities (herd), or if individual

institutional investors follow their own last quarter trades, then the fraction of institutions buying in the

current quarter will be positively correlated with the fraction of institutions buying in the previous quarter.

To allow for aggregation over time and to directly compare coefficients in our investigation of

momentum trading (equation (8)), across capitalizations, different measures of institutional demand, and

Sixty quarters of data yield 59 quarters that we can measure the raw fraction of institutions buying, i.e., we require
beginning- and end-of-quarter values.

investor types, we standardized both the dependent and independent variable(s) such that both have zero

mean and unit variance.12 Specifically, we define the standardized fraction of institutions buying security

k in quarter t (denoted ∆k,t) as:

Raw∆ k ,t − Raw∆ t
∆ k ,t = (2)
σ( Raw∆ k ,t )

where Raw∆ t is the cross-sectional average (across K securities) raw fraction of institutions buying in

quarter t and σ( Raw∆ k ,t ) is the cross-sectional standard deviation (across K securities) of the raw fraction

of institutions buying in quarter t.13 Because standardization is simply a linear rescaling, correlations

between the variables and the R2s associated with the regressions are not affected.

2.1 Does institutional demand predict institutional demand?

We begin the analysis by estimating, each quarter, a cross-sectional (across K securities) regression of the

standardized fraction of institutions buying security k (∆k,t) in the current quarter on the standardized

fraction of institutions buying security k the previous quarter (∆k,t-1):14

∆k,t = βt∆k,t-1 + εk,t (3)

The average coefficient from the 58 regressions and associated t-statistic (computed from the

time-series standard error) are reported in the first row of the first column of Table 2 Panel A.15 The

Aggregation or direct comparison of raw data regression coefficients across time, independent variables, different
measures of institutional demand, capitalization quintiles, or investor types is inappropriate because coefficients
depend upon the scale of the data.
From a practical standpoint, however, such standardization has little effect on the slope coefficient given in
equation (3). For example, using raw data, the average coefficient associated with lag raw fraction of institutions
buying (see equation (1)) is 0.1193 (t-statistic=12.79) which is partitioned (see equation (4)) into a following their
own trades component of 0.0614 (t-statistic=7.31) and a herding component of 0.0579 (t-statistic=10.24). This is
not surprising because both the dependent and independent variables are divided by the cross-sectional standard
deviation of the raw fraction of institutions buying (at time t and t-1, respectively). Because the cross-sectional
standard deviations of the raw fraction of institutions buying are similar at time t and t-1, standardization will not
have a large impact on the slope coefficient. Subtracting the mean in equation (2) does not affect the slope
coefficients (i.e., it simply scales the intercept to zero).
Because both the dependent and independent variables are rescaled to zero mean, the intercept is zero.
Because the regression is of the fraction of institutions buying on the lag fraction buying, we estimate 58 cross-
sectional regressions from 60 quarters of data.

results reveal strong evidence that institutional investors follow other institutional investors and/or

themselves into and out of the same securities. The coefficient associated with the lag standardized

fraction of institutions buying averages 0.1194 and differs significantly from zero at the 1 percent level.

Because the data are standardized and there is a single independent variable, the coefficients in the

regressions of institutional demand on lag institutional demand have a straightforward interpretation – the

coefficients are the correlations.16 That is, the cross-sectional correlation between institutional demand

this quarter and last quarter averages 11.94 percent.

[Insert Table 2 about here]

2.2 Following their own or others’ trades?

The correlation between institutional demand this quarter and institutional demand last quarter has two

components. First, the positive correlation could result from institutional investors following each other

into and out of the same securities (i.e., herding) over adjacent quarters. Second, the positive correlation

could result from individual institutional investors following themselves into and out of the same

securities over adjacent quarters.17

More formally, because the fraction of institutions buying can be written as a sum across

institutional investors, the correlation between the current quarter’s and lag quarter’s fraction of

institutions buying computed from N institutional investors across K securities can be decomposed into

the portion that results from an institutional investor following themselves into and out of the same

securities over adjacent quarters and the portion that results from institutional investors following other

See appendix for proof.
Assume, for example, there is only one institutional investor and that investor reduces their IBM position in
quarters one and two and increases their Microsoft position in the same quarters. For this lone investor and two
securities, the fraction of institutions buying in the first quarter will be positively correlated (across securities) with
the fraction of institutions buying in the second quarter. For this extreme example, the cross-sectional (population)
covariance of the raw fraction of institutions buying is 0.25, i.e., the fraction of institutions buying IBM is 0 percent
in quarters one and two and 100 percent for Microsoft in quarters one and two. Thus, the covariance is: ((0-0.5)(0-
0.5)+(1-0.5)(1-0.5))/2 = 0.25. The cross-sectional standard deviation (at both time t and t-1) of the raw fraction of
institutions buying is ((0-0.5)2+(1-0.5)2)1/2=√0.25. Thus, the correlation between the raw or standardized fraction of
institutions buying is one.

institutional investors into and out of the same securities. Specifically, the fraction of traders that are

buyers can be written as the sum of a series of dummy variables for each trader (that equal one if the

trader is a buyer and zero if the trader is a seller) divided by the number of traders. As a result, the slope

coefficient in equation (3) can be written as (proof in appendix):

 1 ( )(
 K  N k ,t Dn ,k ,t − Raw∆ t Dn ,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
β = ρ(∆ k ,t , ∆ k ,t −1 ) =  ∑∑ 
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  n =1 N k ,t N k ,t −1 
 1 ( )( )
 K  N k ,t N k ,t −1 Dn ,k ,t − Raw∆ t Dm,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 
+ ∑∑ ∑
  
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  n =1 m =1,m≠ n N k ,t N k ,t −1 

where Nk,t is the number of institutional investors trading stock k in quarter t and Dn,k,t is a dummy

variable that equals one (zero) if trader n is a buyer (seller) of security k in quarter t. Similarly, Nk,t-1 is the

number of institutional investors trading stock k in quarter t-1, Dn,k,t-1 is a dummy variable that equals one

(zero) if trader n is a buyer (seller) of security k in quarter t-1, and Dm,k,t-1 is a dummy variable that equals

one (zero) if trader m (m≠n) is a buyer (seller) of security k in quarter t-1.

The first term on the right-hand side of equation (4) is the portion of correlation (or equivalently,

the portion of the slope coefficient in equation (3)) that results from institutional investors following

themselves into and out of the same securities. If institutional investors tend to follow their own trades

over adjacent quarters, the first term on the right-hand side of equation (4) will be positive, i.e., if investor

n buys security k in quarters t and t-1 or sells security k in both quarters, the first term will be positive.

Alternatively, if individual institutional investors’ transactions this quarter are independent of their own

transactions last quarter, the first term will be zero. The first term will be negative if institutional

investors tend to reverse their last quarter’s transactions.

The second term on the right hand side of equation (4) is the portion of the correlation that results

from institutional investors following other institutional investors into and out of the same securities.

This term will be positive if institutional investors tend to follow each other into and out of the same

securities, i.e., if investor m buys (sells) security k in quarter t-1 and investor n buys (sells) security k in

quarter t, the second term will be positive. If institutional investors tend to abandon (accumulate)

securities that other institutional investors purchased (sold) the previous quarter, this term will be

negative. If institutional investors’ transactions this quarter are independent of other institutional

investors’ transactions last quarter, this term will be zero.

Time-series averages of each term in equation (4) and associated t-statistics (computed from

time-series standard errors) are reported in the second and third columns of the first row in Panel A of

Table 2. The results reveal that, on average, about half of the correlation (i.e., 0.0617/0.1194) between

the fraction of institutions buying this quarter and the fraction of institutions buying last quarter results

from individual institutional investors continuing to buy (sell) the securities they bought (sold) the

previous quarter (statistically significant at the 1 percent level). Similarly, herding accounts for about half

the correlation (i.e., 0.0576/0.1194) between the fraction of institutions buying this quarter and last

quarter (statistically significant at the 1 percent level).18 Thus, the results reveal that institutional

investors follow themselves and each other (herd) into and out of the same securities.

2.3 Additional tests – Herding and the number of institutional traders

Because the regressions are estimated from the cross-section of securities with at least one institutional

trader, it is possible that our results are driven by securities with relatively few institutional traders. That

is, the fraction of institutions buying a given security this quarter may be strongly related to the fraction

buying the security last quarter because the only institution trading the security last quarter was a buyer

and the only two traders this quarter were buyers. Such a security will contribute more to the cross-

sectional correlation than a security that had 90 percent of 100 traders buying last quarter and 90 percent

of 200 traders buying this quarter.19 To consider this possibility, we repeat the analysis reported in the

first row of Table 2 Panel A but restrict the sample to those securities with at least five, 10, or 20

institutional traders.

The relative importance of each component is further investigated in Section 3.4.
That is, the product of ∆k,t and ∆k,t-1 in equation (A3) in the appendix would be larger for the first security than the

Contrary to the example provided in the previous paragraph, restricting the sample to securities

with at least five institutional traders (first row of Panel B in Table 2) yields an even stronger average

correlation between the fraction of institutions buying this quarter and the fraction of institutions buying

last quarter. Moreover, both components of the correlation – institutions following their own trades and

institutions following other institutions’ trades – are greater in Panel B than Panel A. Restricting the

sample to securities with an even greater number of traders (i.e., Panels C and D), however, does not yield

substantial change in the coefficients.

2.4 Comparison with previous work

Contrary to previous studies, we document strong evidence of institutional herding. It is possible,

however, that differences between earlier results and our own arise from different samples rather than

different methodologies. To disentangle differences in methodology from differences in samples, we

compute the Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992) herding measure for our sample.

As noted in the introduction, Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992) test for cross-sectional

temporal dependence in institutional demand by recognizing that if institutional investors follow each

other into (out of) the same securities over some period of time, then institutional investors will primarily

be buyers (sellers) of those securities over that time period. Specifically, the Lakonishok, Shleifer, and

Vishny herding measure for security k in quarter t is defined as:

H k ,t = Raw∆ k ,t − Raw∆ t − AFk ,t (5)

where the raw fraction of institutions buying is as defined in equation (1) and Raw∆ t is the cross-

sectional average (across K securities) raw fraction of institutions buying in quarter t as in equation (2).

To demonstrate how the Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992) measure captures cross-sectional

temporal dependence, assume that, within a given quarter, institutional investors are just as likely to be

buyers as sellers (i.e., Raw∆ t = 0.5). If in each security institutional investors do not follow each other’s

trades within the quarter (i.e., cross-sectional temporal independence), the number of institutional buyers

will, on average, equal the number of institutional sellers and Raw∆ k ,t − Raw∆ t will tend toward zero.

Alternatively, if within each security institutional investors tend to follow each other into (or out of) the

security within the quarter (i.e., cross-sectional temporal dependence), Raw∆ k ,t − Raw∆ t will be non-zero

(i.e., positive if institutions follow other institutions into a given security and negative if institutions

follow other institutions out of a given security) and the absolute value will be greater than zero for most


The last term in equation (5), AFk,t (adjustment factor for security k in quarter t), accounts for the

fact that even if institutional trades exhibit cross-sectional temporal independence, the expected value of

the absolute value of Raw∆ k ,t − Raw∆ t is greater than zero. That is, simply by chance (or an odd number

of traders), there will often be more or less buyers than sellers. AFk,t is computed for each security-

quarter in which there is at least one institutional trader, by assuming the number of institutional investors

buying security k in quarter t follows a binomial distribution with probability Raw∆ t .20

The average Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992) herding measure across our pooled cross-

sectional time-series sample of 324,770 security-quarters that experienced at least one institutional buyer

or seller is 0.0178 − slightly less than the 0.0270 average reported by Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny.

When we restrict the measure to those stocks with at least five, 10, or 20 institutional investors trading,

the average increases, but remains similar to the averages reported by Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny.21

We conclude that differences between previous studies and our own do not result from differences in


The key difference is the Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992) measure indirectly tests for

cross-sectional temporal dependence by recognizing that within a period, later institutional traders

See Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992) for a detailed discussion of their herding measure and computation
of the adjustment factor.
For our data, the average Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992) herding measure for the samples limited to
five, 10, or 20 traders are 0.0246, 0.0283, and 0.0329, respectively. All averages differ significantly from zero at the
1 percent level.

following earlier institutional investors’ trades will result in most institutional traders on one side of the

trade within that period. Alternatively, we directly test whether institutional investors follow each other’s

trades by examining the cross-sectional correlation between institutional investors’ trades in one period

and other institutional investors’ trades the next period.

3. Why Do Institutional Investors Herd?

We note five possible motives for institutional herding in the introduction − informational cascades,

investigative herding, reputational herding, characteristic herding (including habit investing), and fads.

These motives, of course, are not mutually exclusive − institutional investors may herd for a number of

reasons. Nonetheless, in this section we evaluate habit investing, momentum trading, returns, and

differences across capitalizations in an attempt to discriminate between these models.

3.1 Habit investing

A special case of characteristic herding may drive the results – herding could result from cross-sectional

and time-series correlation in the net flow of funds to groups of institutional investors.22,23 Specifically, if

some investors experience positive time-series correlation in their net flows and simply invest (divest)

flows into (from) their existing portfolios, then these investors will follow themselves into (when flows

over consecutive quarters are positive) and out of (when flows over consecutive quarters are negative) the

same securities over adjacent quarters. Moreover, if (1) subsets of institutional investors favor securities

with specific characteristics (and therefore hold many of the same securities), (2) flows to these investors

Habit investing is a special case of characteristic herding because institutional investors follow each other into and
out of the same stocks (herd) as a result of their attraction to securities with the same characteristics that results in
these institutions holding similar portfolios. That is, if there were no relation between security characteristics and
institutional ownership (i.e., each institution’s security preferences were independent of every other institution’s
preferences), time-series and cross-sectional correlation in the net flows to investors would not result in herding.
The possibility that habit investing explains herding is not unique to our tests. The Lakonishok, Shleifer, and
Vishny (1992) herding measure, for example, should capture herding resulting from habit investing regardless of
inter-quarter time-series correlation in net flows. That is, if net flows to subsets of institutional investors exhibit
positive cross-sectional correlation and these investors favor specific stocks (e.g., the securities they already hold),
the Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny measure should be positive.

exhibit positive time-series and cross-sectional correlation, and (3) these investors simply invest (divest)

flows into (from) their existing portfolios, then these investors will tend to follow each other into (when

flows over consecutive quarters are positive) and out of (when flows over consecutive quarters are

negative) the same securities over adjacent quarters.24

To test whether habit investing explains herding and following their own lag trades, we examine

the correlation between the fraction of institutions increasing their portfolio weights this quarter and last.

If institutional investors follow themselves and each other into and out of the same securities as a result of

habit investing, then portfolio weights should be independent over adjacent quarters. For example, if

money were flowing into technology funds, technology funds would be buyers of Microsoft. However, if

these mutual funds buy additional shares of Microsoft in proportion to their current holdings, the funds’

Microsoft portfolio weights would not change. Alternatively, if institutional investors follow themselves

and each other into the same securities for reasons other than time-series and cross-sectional correlation in

net flows, then the fraction of institutions increasing portfolio weights will be positively correlated over

adjacent quarters.

We focus on changes in “return-adjusted” portfolio weights rather than changes in raw portfolio

weights to purge return-induced noise from the measure of the fraction of institutions increasing portfolio

weights.25 The return-adjusted portfolio weight is defined as what the end-of-quarter portfolio weight

These patterns could occur across similar managers within a classification. For example, technology-oriented
mutual funds may experience a net inflow of funds over consecutive quarters, while a set of mutual funds that focus
on utility stocks experience a net outflow of funds over the same quarters. Alternatively, these flows may occur
across classifications. Specifically, consistent with Gompers and Metrick (2001), Table 1 demonstrates that markets
have experienced substantial differences in the growth rates of different institutional investor classes. Moreover,
while recent work (Falkenstein, 1996; Del Guercio, 1996; Gompers and Metrick, 2001; Bennett, Sias, and Starks,
2001) demonstrates that institutional investors are attracted to securities with specific characteristics, these
preferences differ across classifications (Del Guercio, 1996; Bennett, Sias, and Starks, 2001). For example, mutual
funds may experience a net inflow of funds over consecutive quarters, while bank trust departments experience a net
outflow of funds over the same quarters. In this case, institutional investors (as a group) would herd to those
securities favored by mutual funds and out of securities favored by bank trust departments.
We focus on return-adjusted portfolio weights because the fraction of institutions increasing raw portfolio weights
is highly correlated with same period returns (the average cross-sectional correlation between the fraction of
institutions increasing their raw portfolio weight and same quarter returns is 61 percent, on average). For example,
if the investor begins with an equal-weighted portfolio, a stock that experiences a return greater than the average
return of other stocks in the investor’s portfolio will exhibit a larger portfolio weight at the end of the quarter than
the beginning if the investor does not rebalance the portfolio.

would be if the investor did not rebalance their portfolio.26 We begin by defining Vn,k,t as the value of

investor n’s position in security k at the end of quarter t (i.e., price at the end of quarter t times the number

of shares held by investor n at the end of quarter t). Investor n is classified as increasing their return-

adjusted portfolio weight (i.e., a buyer) if their end-of-quarter portfolio weight is greater than their return-

adjusted beginning-of-quarter portfolio weight:

V n , k ,t Vn ,k ,t −1 (1 + Rk ,t )
> K
k =1
n , k ,t ∑V
k =1
n , k ,t −1 (1 + Rk ,t )

where Rk,t is the return for security k over quarter t. Investor n is classified as a seller if the sign is

reversed in equation (6). If an investor buys or sells shares in direct proportion to their portfolio weights

at any time during the quarter, the left- and right-hand sides of equation (6) will be equal and the investor

will not be classified as a buyer or a seller.

We then compute the fraction of institutional investors that increase their return-adjusted portfolio

weight as a fraction of the institutional investors that increase or decrease their return-adjusted portfolio

weight for the security. Thus, the raw fraction of institutions increasing their security k return-adjusted

portfolio weights in quarter t is defined as:

# Inst. inc. return - adjusted weight k,t

Raw RAPW∆ k ,t = (7)
# Inst. inc. return - adjusted weight k,t + # Inst. dec. return - adjusted weight k,t

As before, we standardize the data (i.e., analogous to equation (2)), estimate cross-sectional regressions of

the standardized fraction of institutions that increase their return-adjusted portfolio weights on lag

standardized fraction of institutions that increase their return-adjusted portfolio weights (i.e., analogous to

equation (3)), and decompose the slope coefficient (i.e., analogous to equation (4)).

Intuitively, one may expect institutional investors to sell securities that have increased in value to rebalance their
portfolios toward initial weights. Extant work, however, documents strong positive correlation between institutional
demand and same quarter returns, inconsistent with the expected negative correlation associated with rebalancing. It
is possible, of course, that the positive correlation is driven by new traders rather than existing shareholders. To
consider this possibility, we compute the quarterly cross-sectional correlation between the fraction of existing
institutional shareholders that are trading who are buyers and returns the same quarter. We find positive correlation
between existing shareholder demand and same quarter returns, inconsistent with the expected negative correlation
associated with rebalancing.

The time-series average correlation (or, equivalently, slope coefficient), its components, and

associated t-statistics (computed from time-series standard errors) are reported as regression 2 in Table 2

Panel A. The results reveal that the fraction of institutions increasing their return-adjusted portfolio

weights is strongly correlated over adjacent quarters. Similar to the first regression, the correlation

between the fraction of institutional investors increasing their return-adjusted portfolio weights and the

lag fraction is about equally attributed to individual institutional investors following their own return-

adjusted portfolio weight changes (0.0615/0.1195) and following other institutional investors’ return-

adjusted portfolio weight changes (0.0580/0.1195). The results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that

institutional herding is primarily driven by institutional investors’ desire to hold their existing portfolios

and cross-sectional and time-series correlation in institutional investors’ net flows (i.e., habit investing).

Moreover, the results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that institutional investors follow their own lag

trades as a result of time-series correlation in their net flows and investing flows into their existing


As with the first regression, we restrict the sample to those securities with at least five, 10, or 20

institutions changing their return-adjusted portfolio weights. The time-series average correlations,

correlation components, and associated t-statistics (computed from time-series standard errors) are

reported as regression 2 in Panels B through D of Table 2. As before, the results reveal that evidence

We also examine the time-series of net flows to individual institutional investors and find little evidence of
systematic positive time-series correlation. Specifically, we limit the sample to managers with at least 20 quarters of
data and define the quarterly net flow to each manager as the difference between the value of their end-of-quarter
total equity position and their return-adjusted beginning-of-quarter portfolio value (i.e., what their portfolio would
be worth at the end of the quarter if they did not trade and experienced zero net flows). We then estimate time-series
regressions of quarterly net flows on lag quarterly net flows for each manager. Of the 1,097 managers with
sufficient data, 52 percent exhibit positively correlated net flows and 48 percent exhibit negatively correlated net
flows. The average time-series autocorrelation in quarterly net flows is 0.0224. Ninety percent (88 percent) of the
negative (positive) autocorrelations do not differ significantly from zero at the 5 percent level or better.
As a robustness test of the importance of time-series and cross-sectional correlation in net flows, we compute a
more restrictive definition of buyers and sellers. Specifically, to be defined as a buyer, an investor must purchase
additional shares (i.e., satisfy the first definition) and the purchase must be large enough that the security accounts
for more of the investor’s portfolio at the end of the quarter than the beginning of the quarter after adjusting for the
security’s return (i.e., satisfy the second definition). Similarly, to be defined as a seller, an investor must decrease
their position in the security and decrease their return-adjusted portfolio weight. The results remain qualitatively
identical to those reported in Table 2.

institutional investors follow their own and others’ lag trades is stronger when the sample excludes

securities with little institutional trading. Specifically, the correlations (and their components) for the

fraction of institutions increasing return-adjusted portfolio weights based on five or more traders (Panel

B) are greater than the analogous correlations and components reported for the sample based on at least

one trader (Panel A). Unlike the analysis of changes in positions (the first regression), the correlation

tends to increase for the return-adjusted portfolio weight measure as the sample is restricted to securities

with an even greater number of traders (Panels C and D).

In sum, the analysis of changing portfolio weights is inconsistent with the habit investing

explanation. Institutional investors appear to herd for reasons other than time-series and cross-sectional

correlation in their net flows.

3.2 Momentum trading

Recent work (e.g., Grinblatt and Titman, 1989, 1993; Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995; Wermers,

1999, 2000; Nofsinger and Sias, 1999; Jones, Lee, and Weis, 1999; Sias, Starks, and Titman, 2001)

suggests institutional investors are momentum traders. Institutional momentum trading is a case of

characteristic herding, i.e., institutional investors herd to (away from) stocks with high (low) past returns.

Moreover, inter-quarter herding may result from institutional investors’ momentum trading because the

fraction of institutions buying is positively correlated with same quarter returns. That is, institutional

investors may follow each other into and out of the same stocks because institutional investors are

momentum traders and the lag fraction of institutions buying proxies for lag return. On the other hand,

extant evidence of institutional momentum trading may result from institutional herding, i.e., institutional

investors may herd to (away from) stocks with large (small) lag returns because institutional demand is

correlated with lag institutional demand and lag returns proxy for lag institutional demand.

To evaluate momentum trading and its role in explaining the relation between the fraction of

institutions buying and the lag fraction of institutions buying, we add lag return as a standardized

independent variable to equation (3). Specifically, each quarter, we cross-sectionally regress (across K

securities) the quarterly standardized fraction of institutions buying on the lag quarterly standardized

fraction of institutions buying and lag quarterly standardized return:29

∆k,t = β1,t∆k,t-1 + β2,tRk,t-1 + εk,t (8)

Average coefficients from the 58 regressions and associated t-statistics (computed from time-

series standard errors) are reported in Table 3. In addition, we repeat the analysis for the standardized

fraction of institutions increasing return-adjusted portfolio weights. Results for the sample that includes

all securities with at least one, five, 10, or 20 institutional trader(s) are reported in Panels A through D,


[Insert Table 3 about here]

Consistent with earlier work, institutional investors, as a group, engage in momentum trading.

For example, in the regression of the standardized fraction of institutions buying for the sample including

all securities with at least one trader (the first regression in Panel A), the coefficient associated with lag

standardized returns averages 0.0691 (statistically significant at the 1 percent level). Because the data are

standardized, this suggests that a one standard deviation increase in last quarter’s return is associated with

a 6.91 percent standard deviation greater fraction of institutions buying this quarter. Institutional

momentum trading, however, accounts for little of the institutional herding. That is, adding standardized

lag return to the regression has little impact on the average coefficient associated with last quarter’s

fraction of institutions buying, e.g., the average coefficient reported in the first row of Panel A moves

from 0.1194 in Table 2 to 0.1133 in Table 3. Because all variables are standardized, the coefficients

associated with the lag fraction of institutions buying and lag return are directly comparable − the average

coefficient associated with the lag fraction of institutions buying is approximately 64 percent larger than

the average coefficient associated with lag return. Thus, on average, a one standard deviation change in

lag institutional demand predicts a 64 percent greater change in next quarter’s institutional demand than a

Standardized return is calculated by replacing the fraction of institutions buying with return in equation (2).

one standard deviation change in lag return. A paired t-test of the hypothesis the coefficients are equal is

rejected at the 1 percent level (t-statistic=3.61).

Repeating the analysis for the standardized fraction of institutions increasing return-adjusted

portfolio weights (the second regression) yields similar results. In addition, we find similar results for the

analysis restricted to securities with at least five, 10, or 20 institutional traders (Panels B through D). In

sum, the fraction of institutions increasing their position or return-adjusted portfolio weights is positively

related to lag returns as well as their own lag values.

There are two important results to emphasize in Table 3. First, the relation between institutional

demand this quarter and last quarter changes little after accounting for momentum trading (i.e., the

coefficients associated with lag institutional demand reported in Tables 2 and 3 are similar). Thus,

momentum trading does not appear to be the primary source of institutional herding. Second, although it

appears to be widely accepted that institutional investors engage in momentum trading (e.g., Grinblatt,

Titman, and Wermers, 1995; Wermers, 1999, 2000; Nofsinger and Sias, 1999; Jones, Lee, and Weis,

1999; Cai, Kaul, and Zheng, 2000; Sias, Starks, and Titman, 2001), institutions’ demand is much more

strongly related to their own lag demand than lag returns.30

3.3 Institutional demand and subsequent returns

Recent work (e.g., Grinblatt and Titman, 1989, 1993; Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995; Wermers,

1999, 2000; Nofsinger and Sias, 1999; Jones, Lee, and Weis, 1999; Sias, Starks, and Titman, 2001;

Parrino, Sias, and Starks, 2001) documents a positive relation between measures of institutional demand

and returns the same and previous quarters. Moreover, these studies suggest that institutional demand is

weakly positively correlated with future returns. Assuming institutional herding impacts security returns,

the fads, reputational herding, and characteristic herding models suggest that subsequent returns should be

We can reject the hypothesis (at the 5 percent level or better) that the average coefficient associated with lag
standardized institutional demand equals the average coefficient associated with lag standardized return for each of
the eight regressions summarized in Table 3.

inversely related to institutional demand.31 That is, if price movements result from something other than

information, we expect to observe subsequent return reversals. Thus, existing evidence is inconsistent

with the hypothesis that institutional herding is primarily motivated by agency problems, attraction to

security characteristics, or fads.

Because our data and measures differ from the data and measures used in previous studies, we

also evaluate the relation between institutional demand and returns. Specifically, each quarter, we

measure the cross-sectional (across K securities) correlation between the fraction of institutions buying

(equation (1)) and returns measured over the previous quarter, same quarter, following quarter, following

six months, and following year.32 The time-series average of these correlations and associated t-statistics

(computed from time-series standard errors) are reported in Table 4.

[Insert Table 4 about here]

Consistent with previous studies, we find institutional demand is positively correlated with both

current and prior quarter returns. Specifically, the correlation between the fraction of institutions buying

in the current quarter and returns the same (previous) quarter is 7.84 percent (7.44 percent). Restricting

the sample to securities with at least five, 10, or 20 institutional traders (the second through fourth rows in

Table 4) reveals even stronger relations between the fraction of institutions buying and returns the same

and previous quarters. Most important, consistent with previous work, we document a weak positive

correlation between the fraction of institutions buying and returns in the following quarter or six months.

For the sample including all firms, the evidence suggests the fraction of institutions buying and returns

over the following year are nearly independent. However, when restricting the sample to firms with at

least five, 10, or 20 institutional traders, we document stronger positive relations between the fraction of

institutions buying and returns over the following quarter, six months, or year (all are statistically

significant at the 1 percent level).

See Chakravarty (2000), Dennis and Weston (2000), and Sias, Starks, and Titman (2001) for evidence that
institutional demand impacts security prices.
Because standardization is a linear re-scaling, these are also the correlations between the standardized fraction of
institutions buying and returns.

The results reported in Table 4 are inconsistent with the joint hypothesis that institutional demand

impacts security prices (Chakravarty, 2000; Dennis and Weston, 2000; Sias, Starks, and Titman, 2001),

institutional herding is driven by fads, reputational herding, or characteristic herding, and that the impact

of such non-informational herding is reversed within the following year. The results, however, are

consistent with models of information-based herding – informational cascades and investigative herding.

3.4 Herding by firm size

The lack of subsequent return reversals is consistent with the hypothesis that institutional herding reflects

the manner in which information is impounded into security prices. Thus, the results are most consistent

with informational cascades (i.e., institutional investors infer information from the trades of other

institutions) and investigative herding (i.e., signals are positively correlated across institutional investors).

Wermers (1999) posits that informational cascades are more likely in small capitalization securities

because institutional investors would put a relatively larger weight on what the herd is doing and less

weight on their own noisy private information. Similarly, we hypothesize that the cross-sectional

correlation between signals (possibly resulting from following the same indicators) is likely to be stronger

in larger stocks with less noisy signals. Thus, if institutional herding primarily arises from inferring

information from each other’s trades (informational cascades), herding should be strongest in small

capitalization securities. Alternatively, if institutional herding primarily arises from correlated signals

(investigative herding), herding should be strongest in large capitalization securities.

The analysis by firm size is complicated by the fact that there are typically many more institutions

trading in a large capitalization security than there are trading in a small capitalization security. This

pattern will affect both the decomposition of the correlation coefficient (i.e., the relative importance of the

two terms in equation (4)) and the cross-sectional correlation between the fraction of institutional

investors buying this quarter and the fraction buying last quarter. It affects the decomposition because the

number of “herding” terms increases much faster than the number of “following their own trades” terms

as the number of investors increases.33 It affects the correlation because as the number of traders

increases, the cross-sectional standard deviation of the fraction of institutions buying tends to fall.34

Despite these limitations, we begin by examining the cross-sectional correlation between the

fraction of institutions buying this quarter and the fraction buying last quarter for firms within each

capitalization quintile to ensure there is evidence of herding and following their own trades within each

capitalization quintile. Because our focus is on understanding what drives herding, we limit the sample to

securities with at least five institutional traders.35 Specifically, at the beginning of each quarter we sort all

securities with at least five institutional traders into five groups based on beginning-of-quarter

capitalization. To allow direct comparison of regression coefficients across capitalization quintiles, we

standardize (within each capitalization quintile, each quarter) both the dependent and independent

variables to have zero mean and unit variance. Next, we estimate the regression given in equation (3) and

the decomposition given in equation (4), each quarter, limiting the sample to firms within a given

capitalization quintile. The time-series average of the standardized regression coefficients (or

equivalently, the correlations), their components, and associated t-statistics (computed from time-series

standard errors) are reported in Panel A of Table 5 for firms within each capitalization quintile.

[Insert Table 5 about here]

Specifically, for each firm there are approximately Nk,t “following their own trades” terms (i.e., the first term in
equation (4)), Nk,t*(Nk,t-1-1) herding terms (i.e., the second term in equation (4)), and Nk,t*Nk,t-1 total terms. This
holds exactly if every trader who trades in the first period (for firm k) trades in the second period. If an investor
trades in only one period, then that trader has no following their own trades term but still participates in the
calculation of the herding term (see appendix for further discussion). Thus, as the number of traders (Nk,t) increases,
the fraction of total terms accounted for by following their own trades terms declines and the fraction of total terms
accounted for by herding terms increases.
Because the distribution of the fraction of institutions buying is smaller for larger firms, a given level of herding
or following their own trades will be able to explain a larger portion of next quarter’s fraction of institutions buying.
In other words, the denominator in the calculation of the correlation is inversely related to capitalization. If small
firms often have one or two traders, these firms will often have 100 percent of traders buying or 100 percent of the
traders selling. Alternatively, if a large firm has 50 institutional traders, it is unlikely 100 percent of those traders
will be on one side of the trade. Empirically, we document a monotonic inverse relation between the cross-sectional
standard deviation of the fraction of institutions buying and capitalization quintile.
Evidence of herding is strongest when securities with few institutional traders are excluded from the analysis (see
Table 2). We find similar results, however, for the analysis that includes all securities with at least one institutional

The first column reveals that the fraction of institutions buying this quarter is positively correlated

with the fraction of institutions buying last quarter for every capitalization quintile (statistically

significant at the 1 percent level for each capitalization quintile). The second and third columns partition

the correlation (or, equivalently, the slope coefficient) for firms within each capitalization quintile into the

portion that results from institutional investors following their own trades and the portion that results from

institutional investors following other institutional investors’ trades. The results reveal statistically

significant (at the 1 percent level) evidence of both herding and following their own trades in every

capitalization quintile. Not surprisingly, given the above discussion, the relative contribution of herding

(following their own trades) is larger (smaller) in large capitalization securities.

As discussed above, both the magnitude and the decomposition of the correlation are influenced

by the number of institutional traders. Thus, although the results in Panel A of Table 5 reveal institutional

demand can better explain subsequent institutional demand (i.e., the correlation is stronger) for stocks in

the top capitalization quintile than stocks in the middle three capitalization quintiles, the results do not

necessarily suggest institutions exhibit greater herding in large capitalization stocks. Therefore, we next

examine measures of following their own trades and following each other’s trades that are independent of

the number of institutions trading. Specifically, we compute the average “following their own trades

contribution” for each security-quarter as the numerator of the first term on the right-hand side of

equation (4) restricted to security k divided by the number of terms used in the first term on the right-hand

side of equation (4) for security k in quarter t:

N k* , t
(D )(
− Raw∆ t Dn , k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
Average following their own trades contribution k,t = ∑n =1
n , k ,t

N k*,t

where N k*,t is the number of managers trading security k in both quarter t-1 and quarter t. Similarly, we

compute the average “herding contribution” for each security-quarter as the numerator of the second term

on the right-hand side of equation (4) restricted to security k divided by the total number of terms used in

the second term on the right-hand side of equation (4) for security k in quarter t:

N k ,t N k* ,t −1
(D )(
− Raw∆ t Dm ,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
Average herding contribution k,t = ∑ ∑
n =1 m =1, m ≠ n
n , k ,t

N k ,t N k*,t −1

where Nk,t is the number of managers trading security k in quarter t and N k*,t −1 is the number of different

managers trading security k in quarter t-1. Equations (9) and (10) measure the average contribution to the

correlation of following their own trades and following each other’s trades, respectively, for each firm.

The number of traders or the cross-sectional standard deviation of the fraction of institutions buying,

therefore, do not affect these measures.

Equations (9) and (10) are estimated for each security-quarter with at least five institutional

traders. We then compute the cross-sectional average across securities in each capitalization quintile each

quarter. Table 5 (Panel B) reports the time-series average of the 58 cross-sectional averages and

associated t-statistics (computed from time-series standard errors) for securities within each capitalization

quintile. In addition, the last row in Panel B reports F-statistics associated with the null hypothesis that

the estimates are equal across capitalization quintiles.36

Consistent with Panel A, the results in the first column of Panel B reveal strong evidence of

following their own trades for every capitalization quintile. Moreover, we document a monotonic inverse

relation between the average following their own trades contribution and capitalization. The F-statistic

reveals that we can reject the hypothesis (at the 1 percent level) that the average following their own

trades contribution is equal across capitalization quintiles. The second column in Panel B reveals the

average herding contribution is positive and statistically differs from zero (at the 1 percent level or better)

for every capitalization quintile. In addition, we document a monotonic inverse relation between the

average herding contribution and capitalization. Institutional investors’ trades this quarter are more likely

to follow other institutions’ trades last quarter in smaller capitalization securities. The F-statistic reveals

that we can reject the hypothesis (at the 1 percent level) that the average herding contribution is equal

across capitalization quintiles.

These F-statistics are computed from the 290 cross-sectional averages (5 capitalization quintiles * 58 quarters).

The difference between the average contribution from following their own trades and the average

contribution from following others’ trades suggests that a given institutional investor is much more likely

to follow their own lag trade than the lag trade of another institutional investor. The results suggest that

institutional investors accumulate and dispose of positions over time through multiple orders. Although

the results are not well-explained by the empirical evidence on the execution of a given order (Keim and

Madhavan, 1995, 1997; Chan and Lakonishok, 1995), the pattern across firm size is consistent with the

hypothesis that the tendency to follow their own trades is related to trading costs.37,38 These trading costs

include both a liquidity component (e.g., Grossman and Miller, 1988) and an informed trading component

(e.g., Kyle, 1985). Specifically, institutional investors may build a position over time because they fear

that the liquidity premium associated with a single large order or even a series of orders within a quarter

would be too great. Similarly, institutions may build or dispose of positions over time because they fear

that a single order or a series of orders within a quarter would impact the price by the (real or perceived)

informational content of the order flow imbalance. Moreover, both of these costs are likely to be higher

for less liquid smaller capitalization securities.

Taking longer to accumulate a position will reduce the liquidity premium paid by the investor.

The effect on the informed trading cost, however, is less clear. Although building the position over more

than one quarter will force the investor to reveal their interest (through the 13F filing), this may be a

weaker signal than that given by the order flow imbalance if the investor tried to establish or liquidate a

large position within a given quarter. That is, market participants likely infer information from both the

Keim and Madhavan (1995, 1997) and Chan and Lakonishok (1995) find evidence that many institutional investor
orders are executed over multiple days. Given the evidence that individual orders are usually fully executed within a
day or two, however, it seems unlikely that executing a given order over several days would explain why
institutional investors tend to follow their own last quarter transactions. That is, the results are unlikely to reflect the
gradual execution of single orders, but more likely reflect institutional investors issuing multiple orders for the same
security over time.
It is also possible that institutional investors follow their own trades as a result of habit investing, i.e., time-series
correlation in their net flows and investing (divesting) those flows in (from) their existing portfolio. This
interpretation, however, is inconsistent with the analysis of changes in portfolio weights. Moreover, the habit
investing explanation suggest the pattern should not be related to capitalization.

change in position (revealed by the 13F filing) and the demand for immediacy associated with that change

(revealed by the order flow imbalance).39

In sum, the results reveal evidence of herding and following their own trades in every

capitalization quintile. In addition, the results reveal that institutional investors are more likely to follow

their own prior quarter trades in smaller securities consistent with the hypothesis that institutions

following their own lag trades is related to trading costs. Most important, institutional investors are more

likely to herd in smaller capitalization securities. Assuming informational cascades are more likely in

small capitalization securities and investigative herding is more likely in large capitalization securities,

the results suggest institutional herding primarily results from institutions inferring information from each

other’s trades. Given the lack of return reversals, however, our analysis suggests these informational

cascades are rational.

4. Changes Over Time

The number of institutional investors filing 13F reports increases from 556 in December 1983 to 1,274 in

December 1997. It is not clear, however, how increased institutionalization should affect herding. If the

number of institutions doubles by duplicating each of the existing institutional investors and therefore the

fraction of institutions buying does not change, the correlation between the fraction of institutional buyers

this quarter and last quarter does not change. Nonetheless, several factors lead one to suspect herding

may change over time. First, the environment faced by institutional investors is dynamic (Bennett, Sias,

and Starks, 2001), suggesting the incentives to herd may vary over time. Second, the growth in

institutional ownership is not uniform across investor types. Thus, the analysis over time reflects a

decline in the relative importance of bank trust departments and an increase in the relative importance of

independent investment advisors (see Table 1). Third, market characteristics change considerably over

For example, a recent Wall Street Journal article (Lucchetti and Angwin, 2002) noted, “Since last March, Janus
has sold about 25% of its 245 million-share position in AOL, and last week, the firm disclosed in regulatory filings
that it had accelerated (emphasis added) its selling during the fourth quarter, disposing of an additional 32 million

time. For example, markets experienced substantial increases in share turnover and firm-specific risk

over the past two decades (Chordia, Roll and Subrahmanyam, 2001; Campbell, Lettau, Malkiel, and Xu,

2001). Fourth, the number of securities traded by institutional investors increases over time.

We begin the analysis of changes over time by dividing the sample into two 29 quarter periods

(September 1983 to September 1990 and December 1990 to December 1997) and comparing the

distributions of standardized coefficients (and the decomposed coefficients) computed from the cross-

sectional regressions for the entire sample of firms as well as for subsamples of firms within each

capitalization quintile. As before, we limit the sample to securities with at least five institutional traders.

Panel A in Table 6 reports the mean correlations over each sub-period and a t-statistic associated with the

null hypothesis that the time-series mean in the first period equals the time-series mean in the second

period. The results reveal that we can reject the hypothesis that the correlation is equal in both periods for

the sample as a whole and for the middle three capitalization quintiles. The decomposition reveals that

this primarily results from a decline in the portion attributed to institutional investors following their own

lag trades.

[Insert Table 6 about here]

Similar to the analysis by firm size, however, comparison of the average coefficient across

periods does not allow us to infer changes in the propensity to herd or follow their own lag trades over

time.40 Thus, to allow direct comparison across time we compute the average following their own trades

contribution and average herding contribution (equations (9) and (10), respectively) for each stock-

quarter. We then compute the cross-sectional average of these contributions each quarter and report (in

Panel B of Table 6) the time-series average of these cross-sectional averages over each sub-period. The

third row reports a t-statistic (from a difference in means test) associated with the null hypothesis that the

time-series mean in the first period equals the time-series mean in the second period.

Specifically, comparison of correlations across time is clouded because the number of traders is not constant over
time. Thus, both the correlation and the decomposition will be affected (see footnote 33 for additional detail).

The results reveal that institutional investors have become less likely to follow their own and

other institutional investors’ trades over time (i.e., the differences in means across periods for both

contribution measures are statistically significant at the 1 percent level). Evaluation across capitalization

quintiles reveals that the decline in the average following their own trades contribution is statistically

significant in all but the largest capitalization quintile. The decline in the propensity to follow their own

trades is consistent with the hypothesis that increases in market liquidity over time (Chordia, Roll and

Subrahmanyam, 2001) have increased the speed with which institutional investors are willing to enter and

exit positions. Thus, this interpretation is also consistent with the hypothesis that institutions’ tendency to

follow their own trades is related to trading costs (see Section 3.4). Alternatively, the decline in herding

is primarily driven by the largest stocks. We find no evidence of meaningful declines in the average

herding contribution for the bottom three capitalization quintiles. Assuming institutional herding is

primarily driven by informational cascades (see Section 3.4), the decline in the average herding

contribution suggests that institutional investors’ tendency to infer information from each other’s trades

has declined in large capitalization stocks over time. This may have resulted from increased efficiency in

large capitalization stocks. That is, if information is impounded faster in large capitalization stocks in the

more recent period, institutional investors will infer less information from each other’s previous quarter’s


5. Herding by Investor Type

Previous studies of herding behavior focus on pension funds (Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny, 1992) or

mutual funds (Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995; Wermers, 1999). Previous work (Del Guercio,

1996; Bennett, Sias, and Starks, 2001) also documents, however, important differences in the

environments faced by different types of institutional investors (e.g., regulatory requirements, holding

periods, competition) that may, in turn, influence the likelihood these investors herd and whether herding

is only within classifications or if some types of institutions lead other types of institutions. Our data

provide a unique opportunity to examine these issues.

Examination of herding by investor type also provides further tests of the reputational and

characteristic herding explanations. If institutional herding is driven by institutions favoring stocks with

the same characteristics and those preferences differ across institutional classes (Del Guercio, 1996;

Bennett, Sias, and Starks, 2001), then institutions should be more likely to follow similar type institutions

than different types of institutions. Moreover, if institutional herding is driven by reputational concerns,

then institutional investors should also be more likely to follow similar type institutions than different

types of institutions, e.g., independent investment advisors should be more likely to follow other

independent investment advisors with whom they directly compete than bank trust departments, insurance

companies, mutual funds, or unclassified investors. In addition, we hypothesize that mutual funds and

independent investment advisors are most likely to experience changes in their net flows resulting from

changes in their reputations.41 Thus, the reputational herding explanation suggests mutual funds and

independent investment advisors should exhibit the strongest tendency to herd.

We begin the analysis by computing the standardized fraction of bank trust departments trading

each security that are buyers, each quarter. We then regress the standardized fraction of bank trust

departments buying this quarter (denoted ∆bk , t ) on the standardized fraction of institutional investors (all

classifications) buying last quarter and limit the sample to securities that have at least five bank trust

departments trading this quarter and at least five institutional investors trading last quarter:

∆bk , t = βt∆k,t-1 + εk,t (11)

We then repeat the analysis replacing the dependent variable with each of the other types of institutional

investors. The time-series average of these 58 standardized regression coefficients (or equivalently,

correlation coefficients) are reported in the first column of Panel A in Table 7 (t-statistics, reported in

Unclassified institutional investors (which primarily consist of foundations, endowments, ESOPs and internally
managed pension funds) and insurance companies are less likely to experience changes in net flows resulting from
changes in their reputations. One could argue that bank trust departments could also be subject to such patterns
(e.g., bank trust departments with strong recent performance might experience net inflows while those with poor
recent performance might experience net outflows). Nonetheless, we maintain that given the more conservative
nature of investors utilizing bank trust departments (Del Guercio, 1996; Bennett, Sias, and Starks, 2001), bank trust
departments are less likely to experience these patterns than mutual funds or independent investment advisors.

parentheses, are based on time-series standard errors). The results reveal a statistically significant (at the

1 percent level) positive relation between the fraction of traders buying in each classification and the lag

aggregate fraction of traders buying.

[Insert Table 7 about here]

As before, the fraction of buyers for a given institutional investor class may be related to the lag

fraction of aggregate institutional buyers for one of two reasons – individual institutional investors

following their own lag trades or institutional investors following the lag trades of other institutional

investors. Moreover, the second term can be further decomposed into two components – following other

traders of the same institutional classification or following traders that are members of a different

institutional class. In the case of bank trust departments, for example, the correlation can be decomposed

as (proof in appendix):

 1 ( )(
 K  Bk ,t Db ,k ,t − Raw∆bt Db,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
β = ρ(∆bk ,t , ∆ k ,t −1 )
= ∑∑
 
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  b=1
Bk ,t N k ,t −1 

 1  K  Bk ,t Bk ,t −1
( )(
Db ,k ,t − Raw∆bt Dm,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 ) 
+  ∑∑ ∑   (12)
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  b =1 m=1,m≠b,m∈B 
Bk ,t N k ,t −1

 1 ( )(
 K  Bk ,t N k ,t −1 − Bk ,t −1 Db,k ,t − Raw∆bt Dm,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
+  ∑∑ ∑
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  b =1 m=1,m∉B
Bk ,t N k ,t −1 

where Db,k,t is a dummy variable that equals one (zero) if bank trust department b is a buyer (seller) of

security k in quarter t and Bk,t is the number of bank trust departments trading stock k in quarter t. Bk,t-1 is

similarly defined for quarter t-1. Nk,t-1 – Bk,t-1 is the number of non-bank trust department institutional

investors trading stock k in quarter t-1. The first term in equation (12) is the portion of the correlation

attributed to bank trust departments following their own lag trades. The second term is the portion of the

correlation attributed to bank trust departments following other bank trust departments. The last term is

the portion of the correlation attributed to bank trust departments following other non-bank trust

department institutions.

The second through fifth columns in Panel A of Table 7 report the time series average

decomposition of each of the four components for each of the five types of institutional investors (t-

statistics are computed from time-series standard errors). The results reveal statistically significant

evidence (at the 1 percent level) of following their own trades (second column) and following other

institutional investors trades (third column) for every institutional classification. Moreover, both

components of the second term – following the same type traders (fourth column) and following different

type traders (fifth column) – differ significantly from zero (at the 5 percent level or better) for every

institutional classification.

Comparison of the average coefficient across investor types reveals that lag changes in

institutional ownership has the greatest ability to explain cross-sectional variation in subsequent changes

in ownership by bank trust departments and independent advisors. Again, however, the comparison of

correlations across investor types does not allow us to infer the propensity to herd due to differences in

the number of traders within each classification.42 Thus, to allow direct comparison across investor types,

we again compute the average following their own trades contribution and average herding contribution

for each stock-quarter.43 In addition, we compute the average herding contribution from bank trust

departments following other bank trust departments for each stock-quarter as:

Bk ,t B*k ,t −1
(D )(
− Raw∆bt Dm,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
∑ ∑
b ,k ,t
Ave. same type herding contributionkb,t = (13)
b =1 m =1, m ≠ b , m∈B Bk ,t Bk*,t −1

where Bk*,t −1 is the number of different bank trust departments trading security k in quarter t-1. Similarly,

we compute the average herding contribution from bank trust departments following non-bank trust

departments as:

As with the comparison across firm size, comparison of correlation across investor types is clouded because the
number of traders is not constant across investor types (see footnote 33 for additional detail).
The average following their own trades contribution is equivalent to equation (9), but limited to bank trust
departments (or whichever group is examined). The average herding contribution is equivalent to equation (10), but
the first summation is from b=1 to the number of bank trust departments trading security k in quarter t. The second
summation still includes all traders (regardless of type) trading security k in period t-1.

Bk ,t N k ,t −1 − Bk ,t −1
(D )(
− Raw∆bt Dm,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
∑ ∑
b , k ,t
Ave. dif . type herding contributionkb,t = (14)
b =1 m =1,m∉B Bk ,t (N k ,t −1 − Bk ,t −1 )

where N k ,t −1 − Bk ,t −1 is the number of non-bank trust department institutions trading security k in quarter t-

1. Equations (13) and (14) measure the average contribution to the correlation of following other bank

trust departments and following other types of institutional investors, respectively. Similar to equations

(9) and (10), these measures are not affected by the number of traders nor the cross-sectional standard

deviation of institutions buying.

Limiting the sample to securities with at least five bank trust departments trading this quarter and

five institutional investors trading last quarter, we compute the quarterly cross-sectional average

following their own trades contribution (i.e., analogous to equation (9)), herding contribution (i.e.,

analogous to equation (10)), following same type herding contribution (equation (13)), and following

different type herding contribution (equation (14)). The time-series averages (and associated t-statistic

computed from the time-series standard error) of these cross-sectional averages are reported in the first

row of Panel B in Table 7. The analysis is then repeated for each of the other types of institutional

investors. The last row in Table 7 reports F-statistics associated with the null hypothesis that the

estimates are equal across investor types.44 The last column in Panel B reports the time-series average

difference between the cross-sectional average contribution from following the same type of traders (third

column) and the cross-sectional average contribution from following different types of traders (fourth

column). The t-statistic associated with the value in the last column is based on a paired t-test for

difference in means.

The results in the last row of Table 7 reveal that we can reject the hypothesis (at the 1 percent

level) of equality across investor types for all four “average contribution” measures. Mutual funds,

independent advisors, and unclassified investors more often follow their own lag trades than bank trust

departments or insurance companies. Bank trust departments, unclassified investors, and independent

These F-statistics are computed from the 290 cross-sectional averages (5 investor types * 58 quarters).

advisors more often herd than mutual funds or insurance companies. The results are consistent with the

hypothesis that the tendency to herd is influenced by the differing environments faced by these investors.

The last column reveals mixed support for the reputational and characteristic herding hypotheses.

Specifically, bank trust departments and insurance companies are more likely to follow similar type

institutions than different types of institutions. That is, the average contribution from following same

type traders is greater than the average contribution from following different type traders for these two

investor types (statistically significant at the 1 percent level). Mutual funds, independent investment

advisors, and unclassified institutional investors, however, exhibit no such pattern inconsistent with

reputational and characteristic herding models. In fact, unclassified institutional investors are more likely

to follow differently classified traders than similarly classified traders (statistically significant at the 5

percent level). The two trader types that should be most concerned about their reputations (mutual funds

and independent advisors) exhibit little evidence of focusing on their most direct competitors’ trades. In

addition, mutual funds exhibit the weakest tendency to herd, inconsistent with the reputational herding


In sum, the results in Table 7 reveal evidence of following their own and others’ trades for each

institutional classification. Nonetheless, we document substantial variation in herding across investor

types – bank trust departments exhibit the strongest propensity to herd and mutual funds and insurance

companies exhibit the lowest propensity to herd.45 In addition, two of the five trader types are more likely

to follow similarly classified traders than differently classified traders, consistent with reputational and

characteristic herding models. Three of the five trader types, however, fail to exhibit this pattern.

6. Summary

Despite strong theoretical foundations for institutional herding and the seemingly common perception that

professional investors herd, existing studies find little evidence that institutional investors engage in

As discussed in Section 2, mutual fund data are at the “fund family” level. Analysis of individual mutual funds
may lead to different conclusions.

herding behaviors. This study takes a new approach to testing for institutional herding by directly

examining the cross-sectional temporal dependence in institutional demand over adjacent quarters. We

demonstrate that the fraction of institutions buying this quarter will positively covary with the fraction of

institutions buying last quarter if institutional investors follow their own lag trades or if institutional

investors follow each other into and out of the same securities (herd).

Our results reveal that the fraction of institutions increasing their position in a security this

quarter is strongly related to the fraction increasing their position last quarter. This correlation is equally

attributed to institutions following their own last quarter’s trades and institutions following each other’s

last quarter’s trades. Analysis of changes in portfolio weights reveals institutional investors’ tendency to

follow their own lag trades does not result from time-series correlation in their net flows and investing net

flows in their existing portfolios. Analyses across capitalizations and time suggest that institutional

investors’ tendency to follow their own lag trades is related to trading costs. Specifically, the results are

consistent with the hypothesis that institutional investors accumulate and liquidate positions over time to

minimize the price impact of their trading.

The analysis of changes in portfolio weights reveals that herding does not primarily result from

time-series and cross-sectional correlation in the flows to investors (“habit investing”). Although we find

evidence of institutional momentum trading, such trading accounts for little of the herding. Moreover,

our results suggest that institutional demand is more strongly related to lag institutional demand than lag

returns. In addition, we find no evidence that institutional herding drives prices from fundamental values.

To the contrary, we find that institutional demand is weakly, but positively, related to returns over the

following year suggesting institutional herding reflects that manner in which information is impounded

into securities prices. We also find evidence that herding declines over time (in large stocks) and differs

across investor types. Evaluation across capitalizations suggests the results are most consistent with the

hypothesis that institutional herding primarily results from institutions inferring information from each

other’s trades.


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Table 1
Descriptive statistics
Average June 1983 Dec. 1986 Sept. 1990 June 1994 Dec. 1997
all periods
Panel A: Number of institutional investors
# Institutions 894 556 703 908 1074 1274
# Banks 189 198 190 200 189 164
# Ins. companies 66 61 63 68 70 68
# Mutual funds 58 46 50 56 61 81
# Indep. advisors 502 173 325 491 681 892
# Unclassified 79 78 75 93 73 69
Panel B: Average number of securities with:
≥ 1 trader 5,505 3,863 4,697 5,040 6,512 7,437
≥ 5 traders 3,783 2,246 3,055 3,262 4,710 5,745
≥ 10 traders 2,851 1,654 2,209 2,432 3,658 4,464
≥ 20 traders 1,966 1,143 1,430 1,637 2,519 3,308

≥ 5 bank traders 4,623 1,563 1,979 1,812 2,867 3,267

≥ 5 ins. co. traders 3,080 500 569 787 1,261 1,898
≥ 5 mut. fund traders 2,863 366 323 641 1,150 2,481
≥ 5 indep. adv. traders 5,033 1,522 2,215 2,616 3,795 4,742
≥ 5 unclassified traders 2,305 320 534 667 882 1,029
Panel C: Average number of securities held by each manager
All institutions 273 224 249 259 300 332
Banks 440 293 391 395 521 625
Ins. companies 329 202 211 295 422 567
Mutual funds 313 182 174 241 368 659
Indep. advisors 211 213 201 203 220 227
Unclassified 245 112 183 245 294 383
Each quarter between March 1983 and December 1997 we calculate the number of institutional investors (overall
and by type), the number of securities traded by at least one, five, 10, or 20 institutional investors, the number of
securities traded by at least five institutional investors of each type of institution, and the cross-sectional average
number of securities held by each institutional investor (overall and by manager type). Panels A, B, and C report the
time-series averages of these figures as well as their values (at approximately) every 15 quarters.
Table 2
Tests for herding
∆k,t = βt∆k,t-1 + εk,t
Average coefficient (β) Partitioned slope coefficient Average R2
Institutions following Institutions following
their own trades others’ trades
Panel A: Securities with at least one institutional trader
Regression 1 – Buyer if increased position
0.1194 0.0617 0.0576 1.93%
(12.67)** (7.33)** (10.12)**
Regression 2 – Buyer if increased return-adjusted portfolio weight
0.1195 0.0615 0.0580 2.38%
(9.26)** (4.57)** (8.61)**
Panel B: Securities with ≥ 5 institutional traders
Regression 1 – Buyer if increased position
0.1755 0.0674 0.1081 3.05%
(25.54)** (17.72)** (18.90)**
Regression 2 – Buyer if increased return-adjusted portfolio weight
0.2048 0.0675 0.1373 4.63%
(23.38)** (9.25)** (15.21)**
Panel C: Securities with ≥ 10 institutional traders
Regression 1 – Buyer if increased position
0.1727 0.0554 0.1173 3.16%
(30.78)** (23.32)** (23.62)**
Regression 2 – Buyer if increased return-adjusted portfolio weight
0.2476 0.0565 0.1910 6.44%
(33.67)** (14.52)** (26.40)**
Panel D: Securities with ≥ 20 institutional traders
Regression 1 – Buyer if increased position
0.1602 0.0414 0.1188 2.73%
(29.86)** (25.42)** (23.96)**
Regression 2 – Buyer if increased return-adjusted portfolio weight
0.2959 0.0446 0.2513 9.01%
(43.64)** (22.23)** (38.59)**
For each security and quarter between March 1983 and December 1997 we calculate the fraction of institutional
traders that increase their position in the security and the fraction that increase their return-adjusted portfolio weight
in the security. An investor is defined as increasing their position if they hold a greater fraction of the firm’s shares
at the end of the quarter than they held at the beginning. An institution is defined as increasing their return-adjusted
portfolio weight if the security’s weight in the investor’s portfolio at the end of the quarter is larger than what it
would be if the manager did not rebalance their beginning-of-quarter portfolio. All data are standardized (i.e.,
rescaled to zero mean, unit variance) each quarter. We then estimate 58 quarterly cross-sectional regressions of each
measure on their lag value. Because there is a single independent variable in each regression and the data are
standardized, these regression coefficients are also the cross-sectional correlations between each measure and its lag
value. The first column reports the time-series average of these 58 correlation coefficients and associated t-statistic
(in parentheses, computed from time-series standard errors). The second and third columns report the portion of the
correlation (see equation (4)) that results from institutional investors following their own lag trades and the portion
that results from institutions following the previous trades of other institutions (herding). Panels B, C, and D report
the averages when limiting the sample to securities with at least five, 10, or 20 institutional traders, respectively. **
indicates statistical significance at the 1 percent level; * indicates statistical significance at the 5 percent level.
Table 3
Standardized regression of institutional demand on lag institutional demand and lag return
∆k,t = β1,t∆k,t-1 + β2,tRk,t-1 + εk,t
Average coefficient associated Average coefficient associated Average R2
with lag institutional demand (β1) with lag return (β2)
Panel A: Securities with at least one institutional trader
Regression 1 – Buyer if increased position
0.1133 0.0691 2.59%
(11.84)** (12.10)**
Regression 2 – Buyer if increased return-adjusted portfolio weight
0.1154 0.0545 2.86%
(9.00)** (9.42)**
Panel B: Securities with ≥ 5 institutional traders
Regression 1 – Buyer if increased position
0.1624 0.0789 4.19%
(22.25)** (11.90)**
Regression 2 – Buyer if increased return-adjusted portfolio weight
0.1953 0.0774 5.50%
(22.32)** (10.89)**
Panel C: Securities with ≥ 10 institutional traders
Regression 1 – Buyer if increased position
0.1590 0.0671 3.90%
(26.26)** (8.98)**
Regression 2 – Buyer if increased return-adjusted portfolio weight
0.2340 0.0801 7.34%
(31.97)** (11.16)**
Panel D: Securities with ≥ 20 institutional traders
Regression 1 – Buyer if increased position
0.1490 0.0476 3.23%
(26.90)** (6.54)**
Regression 2 – Buyer if increased return-adjusted portfolio weight
0.2802 0.0658 9.79%
(42.75)** (8.04)**
For each security and quarter between March 1983 and December 1997 we calculate the fraction of institutional
traders that increase their position in the security and the fraction that increase their return-adjusted portfolio weight
in the security. An investor is defined as increasing their position if they hold a greater fraction of the firm’s shares
at the end of the quarter than they held at the beginning. An institution is defined as increasing their return-adjusted
portfolio weight if the security’s weight in the investor’s portfolio at the end of the quarter is larger than what it
would be if the manager did not rebalance their beginning-of-quarter portfolio. We then estimate 58 quarterly cross-
sectional regressions of each measure on their lag value and lag quarterly return. To allow direct comparison
between the coefficients associated with the independent variables, we standardized (i.e., rescale to zero mean, unit
variance) all data each quarter. The average (standardized) coefficients from the 58 cross-sectional regressions and
associated t-statistics (computed from time-series standard errors) are reported in Panel A. Panels B, C, and D
report the averages when limiting the sample to securities with at least five, 10, or 20 institutional traders,
respectively. ** indicates statistical significance at the 1 percent level; * indicates statistical significance at the 5
percent level.
Table 4
Correlation between institutional demand and returns
Sample Previous Same quarter Following Following 6 Following 12
quarter return return quarter return month return month return
≥ 1 Institutional 0.0744 0.0784 0.0077 0.0060 -0.0009
trader (14.45)** (16.94)** (1.96) (1.33) (-0.25)
≥ 5 Institutional 0.1116 0.1466 0.0221 0.0241 0.0139
traders (17.10)** (22.31)** (4.36)** (4.71)** (3.52)**
≥ 10 Institutional 0.1101 0.1773 0.0291 0.0326 0.0219
traders (14.12)** (25.68)** (5.17)** (5.79)** (4.25)**
≥ 20 Institutional 0.0998 0.2079 0.0257 0.0300 0.0205
traders (12.17)** (28.47)** (3.47)** (4.33)** (3.43)**
For each security and quarter between March 1983 and December 1997 we calculate the fraction of institutional
traders that increase their position in the security. An investor is defined as increasing their position if they hold a
greater fraction of the firm’s shares at the end of the quarter than they held at the beginning. Each quarter, we then
calculate the cross-sectional correlation between the fraction of institutions buying and returns over the previous
quarter, the same quarter, the following quarter, the following six months, and the following year. The time-series
averages of these cross-sectional correlations and associated t-statistics (computed from time-series standard errors)
are reported for the sample that includes all securities with at least one institutional trader and samples limited to
securities with at least five, 10, or 20 institutional traders. ** indicates statistical significance at the 1 percent level;
* indicates statistical significance at the 5 percent level.
Table 5
Herding and following their own trades by capitalization quintile (≥ 5 institutional traders)
Panel A: Coefficient and slope decomposition
Capitalization Average coefficient Partitioned slope coefficient Average R2
quintile (β) Institutions following Institutions following
their own trades others’ trades
Small firms 0.1801 0.0892 0.0909 3.65%
(21.17)** (15.05)** (11.13)**
Quintile 2 0.1469 0.0743 0.0726 2.53%
(18.30)** (16.23)** (10.06)**
Quintile 3 0.1307 0.0618 0.0690 1.95%
(20.22)** (17.43)** (13.31)**
Quintile 4 0.1368 0.0409 0.0959 2.20%
(17.94)** (15.36)** (13.58)**
Large firms 0.1644 0.0269 0.1375 3.07%
(20.60)** (20.17)** (17.98)**
Panel B: Average contributions
Average contribution from following Average contribution from
their own trades following others’ trades
Small firms 0.0439 0.0036
(16.91)** (10.40)**
Quintile 2 0.0372 0.0020
(18.86)** (9.94)**
Quintile 3 0.0340 0.0014
(19.79)** (12.36)**
Quintile 4 0.0285 0.0013
(22.61)** (12.77)**
Large firms 0.0255 0.0001
(27.44)** (17.15)**
F-statistic 16.33 28.97
(p-value) (0.01) (0.01)
For each security and quarter between March 1983 and December 1997 we calculate the fraction of institutional
traders that increase their position in the security. An investor is defined as increasing their position if they hold a
greater fraction of the firm’s shares at the end of the quarter than they held at the beginning. Firms (with at least
five institutional traders) are then sorted, each quarter, into quintiles based on beginning of quarter capitalization.
Within each capitalization quintile, all data are standardized (i.e., rescaled to zero mean, unit variance) each quarter.
We then estimate 58 quarterly cross-sectional regressions of the fraction of institutional traders buying on the lag
fraction of institutional traders buying for firms within each capitalization quintile. Because there is a single
independent variable in each regression and the data are standardized, these regression coefficients are also the
cross-sectional correlations between the fraction of institutional traders buying this quarter and the fraction of
institutional traders buying last quarter. The first column in Panel A reports the time-series average of these 58
correlation coefficients and associated t-statistic (in parentheses, computed from time-series standard errors). The
second and third columns in Panel A report the portion of the correlation (see equation (4)) that results from
institutional investors following their own lag trades and the portion that results from institutions following the
previous trades of other institutions (herding). We then compute the cross-sectional average contribution from
following their own trades (equation (9)) and following others’ trades (equation (10)) for firms within each
capitalization quintile, each quarter. Time-series averages and associated t-statistics (computed from time-series
standard errors) of these 58 cross-sectional averages are reported in Panel B. The last row in Panel B reports F-
statistics associated with the null hypothesis that the values are equal across capitalization quintiles. ** indicates
statistical significance at the 1 percent level; * indicates statistical significance at the 5 percent level.
Table 6
Analysis over time (≥ 5 institutional traders)
Sample Panel A: Coefficient and slope decomposition
Average coefficient (βt) Partitioned slope coefficient
Institutions following their Institutions following
own trades others’ trades
All firms (8309 to 9009) 0.1982 0.0823 0.1158
All firms (9012 to 9712) 0.1527 0.0524 0.1003
t-statistic 3.65** 4.57** 1.37
Small firms (8309 to 9009) 0.1933 0.1058 0.0857
Small firms (9012 to 9712) 0.1668 0.0708 0.0960
t-statistic 1.58 3.38** -0.63
Quintile 2 (8309 to 9009) 0.1683 0.0932 0.0751
Quintile 2 (9012 to 9712) 0.1255 0.0553 0.0702
t-statistic 2.83** 4.91 0.34
Quintile 3 (8309 to 9009) 0.1456 0.0777 0.0679
Quintile 3 (9012 to 9712) 0.1159 0.0458 0.0700
t-statistic 2.39* 5.55** -0.20
Quintile 4 (8309 to 9009) 0.1682 0.0508 0.1175
Quintile 4 (9012 to 9712) 0.1055 0.0301 0.0744
t-statistic 4.86** 4.20** 3.30**
Large firms (8309 to 9009) 0.1707 0.0269 0.1438
Large firms (9012 to 9712) 0.1581 0.0270 0.1312
t-statistic 0.79 -0.02 0.82
Panel B: Average contributions
Average contribution from following Average contribution from following
their own trades others’ trades
All firms (8309 to 9009) 0.0401 0.0028
All firms (9012 to 9712) 0.0284 0.0021
t-statistic 4.60** 2.26**
Small firms (8309 to 9009) 0.0523 0.0035
Small firms (9012 to 9712) 0.0355 0.0037
t-statistic 3.57** -0.30
Quintile 2 (8309 to 9009) 0.0456 0.0022
Quintile 2 (9012 to 9712) 0.0287 0.0018
t-statistic 5.16** 0.90
Quintile 3 (8309 to 9009) 0.0421 0.0015
Quintile 3 (9012 to 9712) 0.0259 0.0013
t-statistic 5.95** 0.80
Quintile 4 (8309 to 9009) 0.0321 0.0017
Quintile 4 (9012 to 9712) 0.0249 0.0010
t-statistic 3.08** 4.12**
Large firms (8309 to 9009) 0.0242 0.0011
Large firms (9012 to 9712) 0.0269 0.0009
t-statistic -1.43 2.31*
For each security and quarter between March 1983 and December 1997 we calculate the fraction of institutional traders that
increase their position in the security. Firms (with at least five institutional traders) are then sorted, each quarter, into quintiles
based on beginning of quarter capitalization. Within each capitalization quintile, all data are standardized (i.e., rescaled to zero
mean, unit variance) each quarter. We then estimate 58 quarterly cross-sectional regressions of the fraction of institutional
traders buying on the lag fraction of institutional traders buying for firms within each capitalization quintile. We also repeat the
analysis for the sample including all firms with at least five institutional traders. Because there is a single independent variable in
each regression and the data are standardized, these regression coefficients are also the cross-sectional correlations between the
fraction of institutional traders buying this quarter and the fraction of institutional traders buying last quarter. Panel A reports
the time-series average of these correlation coefficients and the portion of the correlation (see equation (4)) that results from
institutional investors following their own lag trades and the portion that results from institutions following the previous trades of
other institutions (herding) over the first 29 quarters in the sample period (8309-9009) and the second 29 quarters in the sample
period (9012-9712). The third row reports t-statistics from a difference in means test of the hypothesis that the mean value in the
first period equals the mean value in the second period. Panel B repeats the analysis for the average contribution from following
their own trades (equation (9)) and following others’ trades (equation (10)) for firms within each capitalization quintile and the
sample including all firms (with at least five institutional traders). ** indicates statistical significance at the 1 percent level; *
indicates statistical significance at the 5 percent level.
Table 7
Analysis by investor type (≥ 5 institutional traders)
Trader type Panel A: Coefficient and slope decomposition
Average Partitioned slope coefficient Average R2
coefficient (β) Following Institutions following others’ trades
their own All Same type Different type
Banks 0.1293 0.0207 0.1086 0.0499 0.0587 1.92%
(19.55)** (8.15)** (18.94)** (15.25)** (15.61)**
Ins. cos. 0.0495 0.0164 0.0331 0.0047 0.0284 0.45%
(8.29)** (5.75)** (4.84)** (4.23)** (4.42)**
Mutual funds 0.0521 0.0134 0.0387 0.0029 0.0358 0.57%
(7.14)** (8.69)** (5.56)** (2.35)* (5.54)**
Ind. advisors 0.1338 0.0587 0.0750 0.0344 0.0407 1.98%
(23.01)** (26.03)** (13.24)** (11.55)** (10.86)**
Unclassified 0.0469 0.0081 0.0388 0.0068 0.0320 0.66%
(5.32)** (4.85)** (4.36)** (3.42)** (3.90)**
Panel B: Average contributions
Average Average Average Average Average same
contribution from contribution from contribution from contribution from cont. less average
following their following others’ following same following different cont.
own trades trades type traders different type
Banks 0.0200 0.0023 0.0033 0.0018 0.0015
(11.97)** (18.44)** (14.06)** (14.37)** (6.66)**
Ins. cos. 0.0248 0.0006 0.0012 0.0006 0.0006
(13.18)** (5.99)** (5.46)** (5.33)** (3.06)**
Mutual funds 0.0347 0.0006 0.0009 0.0006 0.0002
(22.05)** (5.11)** (2.83)** (4.98)** (0.81)
Ind. advisors 0.0367 0.0016 0.0016 0.0017 -0.0001
(28.13)** (12.51)** (11.40)** (10.43)** (-0.38)
Unclassified 0.0410 0.0017 0.0015 0.0019 -0.0005
(25.10)** (8.99)** (7.48)** (8.57)** (-2.35)*
F-statistic 25.71 34.96 17.49 22.05
(p-value) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01)
For each security and quarter between March 1983 and December 1997 we calculate the fraction of institutional traders overall
and by each investor type (bank trust departments, insurance companies, mutual funds, independent investment advisors, and
unclassified institutional investors) that increase their position in the security. We then restrict the sample to securities with at
least five bank trust departments trading this quarter and five institutional investors (of any classification) trading last quarter and
estimate 58 quarterly cross-sectional regressions of the fraction of bank trust department traders buying on the lag fraction of all
institutional traders buying. Because there is a single independent variable in each regression and the data are standardized, these
regression coefficients are also the cross-sectional correlations between the fraction of bank trust department traders buying this
quarter and the fraction of all institutional traders buying last quarter. The first column in Panel A reports the time-series
average of these 58 correlation coefficients and associated t-statistic (in parentheses, computed from time-series standard errors).
The second and third columns report the portion of the correlation (see equation (4)) that results from bank trust departments
following their own lag trades and the portion that results from bank trust departments following the previous trades of other
institutions (herding). The fourth and fifth columns report the portion of the coefficient that results from bank trust departments
following other bank trust department trades and the portion that results from bank trust departments following non-bank trust
department trades, respectively (see equation (12)). The analysis is then repeated for each of the other four institutional
classifications. Panel B repeats the analysis for the average contribution from following their own trades (equation (9)),
following others’ trades (equation (10)), following similarly classified traders (equation (13)), and following differently classified
traders (equation (14)). The last row in Panel B reports F-statistics associated with the null hypothesis that values are equal
across investor classifications. ** indicates statistical significance at the 1 percent level; * indicates statistical significance at the
5 percent level.
Appendix: Proof of equations (4) and (12)

Equation (2) defines the standardized fraction of institutions buying security k in quarter t as the raw

fraction less the cross-sectional average raw fraction in quarter t divided by the cross-sectional standard

deviation of the raw fraction of institutions buying in quarter t:

Raw∆ k ,t − Raw∆ t
∆ k ,t = (A1)
σ( Raw∆ k ,t )

where Raw∆k,t is the fraction of institutional traders that buy security k in quarter t. Because Raw∆k,t is the

sum of the number of institutional investors buying security k this quarter divided by the number of

institutional investors trading the security this quarter, the standardized fraction of institutions buying

security k in quarter t can be written as:

 N k ,t Dn ,k ,t 
 ∑
 n =1 N k ,t 
 − Raw∆ t
∆ k ,t = (A2)
σ( Raw∆ k ,t )

where Nk,t is then number of institutional investors trading security k in quarter t and Dn,k,t is a dummy

variable that equals one (zero) if institutional investor n buys (sells) security k in quarter t. The slope

coefficient in equation (3) is given as:

1 K
cov(∆ k ,t , ∆ k ,t −1 ) ∑
K − 1 k =1
∆ k ,t ∆ k ,t −1
1 K
σ 2 (∆ k ,t −1 )
σ 2 (∆ k ,t −1 )
= ∑
K − 1 k =1
∆ k ,t ∆ k ,t −1 (A3)

where K is the number of securities included in the regression. The numerator in equation (A3) is the

cross-sectional covariance between the standardized fraction of institutions buying this quarter and last

quarter. Because the data are standardized, the denominator (σ2(∆k,t-1)) in equation (A3) is one, i.e., the

slope coefficient is the covariance between the standardized data. Moreover, because the cross-sectional

standard deviation of the current quarter’s fraction of institutions buying is also one (i.e., σ(∆k,t) = σ(∆k,t-1) =

1), the covariance is also equal to the correlation. Thus, the slope coefficient from the standardized

regression is equal to the correlation. Furthermore, because standardization is simply a linear re-scaling of
the original data, the correlation between the standardized variables also equals the correlation between the

current and lag quarter’s raw fraction of institutions buying:

β = ρ(∆ k ,t , ∆ k ,t −1 ) = ρ( Raw∆ k ,t , Raw∆ k ,t −1 ) (A4)

Substituting (A2) into the right-hand side of equation (A3) an equivalent expression of this

correlation (or slope coefficient) is:

 1  K  N k ,t Dn , k , t − Raw∆ t  N k ,t −1 Dn , k , t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 
( K − 1) σ ( Raw∆ ) σ ( Raw∆ ) ∑ ∑
 
 k =1  n =1 N k ,t

 n =1 N
 k ,t k , t −1   k , t −1 

where Nk,t-1 is the number of institutional investors trading stock k in quarter t-1 and Dn,k,t-1 is a dummy

variable that equals one (zero) if trader n is a buyer (seller) in quarter t-1. Using the distributive property of

the product of sums, equation (A5) can be written as:

 1 ( )(
 K  N k ,t Dn , k , t − Raw∆ t Dn , k , t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
β = ρ(∆ k , t , ∆ k , t −1 ) =  ∑∑ 
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k , t )σ( Raw∆ k , t −1 )  k =1  n =1 N k , t N k , t −1

 1
( )(
 K  k ,t k ,t −1 Dn , k , t − Raw∆ t Dm, k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1  )
+ ∑∑ ∑
 
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k , t )σ( Raw∆ k , t −1 )  k =1  n =1 m =1, m ≠ n N k , t N k , t −1


The first term on the right-hand side of equation (A6) is the portion of correlation that results from

institutional investors following themselves into and out of the same securities, e.g., if investor n buys

security k in quarters t and t-1 or sells security k in both quarters, the first term will be positive.46 The

second term on the right hand side of equation (A6) is the portion of the correlation that results from

institutional investors following each other into and out of the same securities, e.g., if investor m buys

(sells) security k in quarter t-1 and investor n buys (sells) security k in quarter t, the second term will be


Although the sum is from n=1 to Nk,t, there are not necessarily Nk,t “terms.” If an institutional investor trades only in
quarter t or only in quarter t-1, the investor will not be included in the “following their own trades” term. The trader
will be included in the cross-correlation (herding) term. Assume, for example, there are three institutional investors
that trade security k in both quarters. In this case, there will be nine total terms (3*3) – three “following their own
trades” terms and six herding terms. Alternatively, assume that three investors trade in quarter t-1. One of these
investors does not trade in quarter t. A new trader, however, trades in quarter t, such that there is still a total of three
traders in both quarters. In this case there will be two following their own trades terms and seven herding terms
(again for nine total terms).
Next, define the standardized fraction of bank trust departments buying security k in quarter t as the

raw fraction of bank trust departments less the cross-sectional average raw fraction of bank trust

departments buying in quarter t divided by the cross-sectional standard deviation of the raw fraction of

bank trust departments buying in quarter t:

Raw∆bk ,t − Raw∆bt
∆bk ,t = (A7)
σ( Raw∆bk ,t )

where Raw∆bk ,t is the fraction of bank trust department traders that buy security k in quarter t. Because

Raw∆bk ,t is the sum of the number of bank trust departments buying security k this quarter divided by the

number of bank trust departments trading the security this quarter, the standardized fraction of bank trust

departments buying security k in quarter t can be written as:

 Bk ,t Db ,k ,t 
 ∑ B
 b =1 k ,t 
 − Raw∆bt
∆bk ,t = (A8)
σ( Raw∆bk ,t )

where Bk,t is then number of bank trust departments trading security k in quarter t and Db,k,t is a dummy

variable that equals one (zero) if bank trust department b buys (sells) security k in quarter t. The slope

coefficient from the regression of the standardized fraction of bank trust departments buying this quarter on

the standardized fraction of institutional investors buying last quarter is given as:

cov(∆bk ,t , ∆ k ,t -1 )

K - 1 k =1
∆bk ,t ∆ k ,t -1 K
β =
σ 2 (∆ k ,t -1 )
σ 2 (∆ k ,t -1 )

K - 1 k =1
∆bk ,t ∆ k ,t -1 (A9)

where K is the number of securities included in the regression. The numerator in equation (A9) is the

cross-sectional covariance between the standardized fraction of bank trust departments buying this quarter

and the standardized fraction of institutional investors buying last quarter. Because the data are

standardized, the denominator (σ2(∆k,t-1)) in equation (A3) is one, i.e., as before, the slope coefficient is the

covariance between the standardized data. Moreover, because the cross-sectional standard deviation of the
current quarter’s fraction of bank trust departments buying is also one (i.e., σ(∆ bk ,t ) = σ(∆k,t-1) = 1), the

covariance is also equal to the correlation between the two variables.

Substituting (A2) and (A8) into the right-hand side of equation (A9) an equivalent expression of

this correlation (or slope coefficient) is:

 1  K  Bk ,t Db ,k ,t − Raw∆bt  N k ,t −1 D
n , k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1  
β =
( K − 1) σ ( Raw ∆b
) σ ( Raw ∆ )
 ∑ ∑
 k =1  n =1 Bk ,t  ∑ N k ,t −1 
 k ,t k ,t −1   n =1 

Using the distributive property of the product of sums, equation (A10) can be written as:

β b = ρ(∆bk ,t , ∆ k ,t −1 ) = 
 
( )(
 K  Bk ,t Db , k ,t − Raw∆bt Db ,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 

 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  b =1 
Bk ,t N k ,t −1
 (A11)

 1
  ∑∑ ∑
( b
 K  k ,t k ,t −1 Db ,k ,t − Raw∆ t Dm ,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 

 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  b =1 m =1, m ≠b 
Bk ,t N k ,t −1

The first term on the right-hand side of equation (A11) is the portion of correlation that results from bank

trust departments following themselves into and out of the same securities. The second term on the right

hand side of equation (A11) is the portion of the correlation that results from bank trust departments

following other institutional investors (both other bank trust departments and other non-bank trust

department institutional investors) into and out of the same securities.

The second term in equation (A11) can be further partitioned by investor type. Specifically, the

term can be divided into two components – bank trust departments following other bank trust departments

and bank trust departments following other types of institutional investors. Again using the distributive

property of the product of sums, equation (A11) can be written as:

β b = ρ(∆bk ,t , ∆ k ,t −1 ) = 
 
( )(
 K  Bk ,t Db,k ,t − Raw∆bt Db,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  b =1 
Bk ,t N k ,t −1

1  K  Bk ,t
 ∑∑ ∑ 
Bk ,t −1
( )(
Db,k ,t − Raw∆bt Dm,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 ) 
 (A12)
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  b =1 m=1,m ≠b ,m∈B 
Bk ,t N k ,t −1

 ∑∑ ∑
( )(
 K  Bk ,t N k ,t −1 − Bk ,t −1 Db,k ,t − Raw∆bt Dm,k ,t −1 − Raw∆ t −1 )
 ( K − 1)σ( Raw∆ k ,t )σ( Raw∆ k ,t −1 )  k =1  b =1 m =1,m∉B 
Bk ,t N k ,t −1

The first term on the right-hand side of equation (A12) is as define in equation (A11). The second term in

equation (A12) is the portion of correlation that results from bank trust departments following other bank

trust departments into and out of the same securities, e.g., if bank trust department b buys (sells) security k

in quarter t and investor m is a different bank trust department (i.e., m∈B, m≠b) that buys (sells) security k

in quarter t-1, the second term will be positive. Similarly, the third term in equation (A12) is the portion of

correlation that results from bank trust departments following other types of institutional investors into and

out of the same securities, e.g., if bank trust department b buys (sells) security k in quarter t and

institutional investor m is not a bank trust department (i.e., m∉B) that buys (sells) security k in quarter t-1,

the third term will be positive.

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