102 00553 0619 Olin Sodium Hypochlorite Manual
102 00553 0619 Olin Sodium Hypochlorite Manual
102 00553 0619 Olin Sodium Hypochlorite Manual
Olin has a long-standing policy to ensure that its operations do not • World-class performance initiative for the chemical industry.
have an adverse impact on the community or the environment. Olin is • Companies who are industry leaders, bound together by a commitment
committed to the guiding principles of Responsible Care®, a continuing to address challenges and continuously improve the performance of the
effort by the chemical industry to improve the responsible management chemical industry.
of chemicals. • Verifiable management systems to achieve Responsible Care®
goals via third-party auditors.
As a Responsible Care® Company, Olin follows the 12 Guiding Principles
and Codes of Management Practices that cover all aspects of research, Olin has a number of programs intended to foster continuous improvement
development, manufacture, distribution, transportation, use, and disposal with use of our chemicals. This handbook is intended to assist customers in
of products. These principles also extend to prompt reporting, customer understanding the chemistry, delivery, receipt, storage, and safe handling
counseling, community awareness, support of external research, and of sodium hypochlorite solutions – to help safeguard employee health,
promotion of Responsible Care® worldwide. encourage safe working practices, and protect the environment when
working with sodium hypochlorite. The handbook’s content primarily
Olin recognizes that no single entity can fully protect the quality of focuses on 12.5% by weight sodium hypochlorite, a predominant solution
our environment. However, by working together on a global basis, the strength in North America, along with some information concerning Olin’s
public, industry, and government can make the future brighter and safer. HyPure® Bleach.
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Product Grades
Sodium hypochlorite solution grades are typically defined by differences in product assay and/or alkalinity content. From an industrial perspective, Olin
offers a variety of different product strengths depending on industries served and local market demands with 12.5 and 15.5 weight percent as
NaOCl solutions being the most prevalent. Olin production facilities incorporate additional blending systems that provide the ability to customize the
assay and alkalinity component concentrations to meet particular application requirements.
Olin also manufactures a high-strength, low-salt sodium hypochlorite solution known as HyPure® Sodium Hypochlorite or HyPure® Bleach (HPB), which
has an assay of up to 23 weight percent as NaOCl. HyPure® Bleach is not available in all North American markets (for example, western U.S. and west-
Canada provinces) and may not be suitable for your process. Contact your Olin representative for further discussions of HyPure® Bleach and its availability
in your market.
Certifications Equation 2:
Olin’s sodium hypochlorite solutions are well-suited for use in a variety NaOCl+2 KI+2 HAc→I2+ NaCl+2 KAc+H2O
of industrial and municipal applications. We offer product certification
upon request for various industry and regulatory standards including Equation 3 shows the oxidation of 2 moles of potassium iodide (KI) with 1
the American Water Works Association (AWWA B300), National mole of chlorine yields one mole of iodine (I2) and 2 moles of salt (KCl).
Sanitation Foundation (NSF Standard 60 requirements), as well as U.S.
Equation 3:
EPA pesticide registration and Canada Pest Management Regulatory
Agency (PMRA) registration. Contact your Olin sales representative to Cl2+2 KI→I2+2 KCl
discuss specifications, certifications, and product grades available in your
particular market. In other words, a mole of sodium hypochlorite will oxidize the same
amount of iodide as will a mole of chlorine. The molecular weight of
Chemistry NaOCl is 74.5 (23 + 16 + 35.5); the molecular weight of chlorine (Cl2) is
71 (2 × 35.5). The term “available chlorine” was coined to describe this
Sodium hypochlorite solutions are most often produced using an automated relationship in the sodium hypochlorite context. The ratio of molecular
continuous process. In early commercial production, hypochlorite was made weights (74.5/71), or 1.05, quantifies this relationship.
in a batch process, wherein Chlorine gas or liquid is injected into a dilute
caustic solution. To avoid over-chlorination and to maintain the excess To relate gallons of sodium hypochlorite solution to pounds of chlorine,
alkalinity required to produce a stable hypochlorite solution, chlorine the hypochlorite’s strength as expressed in units of available Cl2 must be
addition must be discontinued prior to complete depletion of the caustic converted to the equivalent pounds of chlorine to answer the question
present in the solution. Sodium hypochlorite manufacturing follows the above using the equation:
chemical reaction below which combines caustic soda and chlorine to
produce one mole of sodium chloride (NaCl) for each mole of sodium Equation 4:
hypochlorite (NaOCl). A mole is a measure of the number of molecules of a
compound. This one-to-one ratio of production products often garners the
Avail. Cl2 g/L (A) X 3.785 liters/U.S. Gal X 2.205
name of ‘equimolar sodium hypochlorite’ as a result.
lbs./1000 grams = lbs. Avail. Cl2/U.S. Gal solution
For example, 120 g/L available Cl2 X 3.785 X 2.205/1000 = 1 pound
Equation 1:
available Cl2/gallon of solution. Expressed differently, one gallon of
Cl2+2 NaOH→NaOCl+NaCl+H2O sodium hypochlorite solution having 120g/L available chlorine provides
the equivalent oxidizing power of one pound of chlorine, (120 g/L
available Cl2 = 1 lb. chlorine per gallon of solution). The unique one-
Oxidation Power (Available Chlorine) to-one ratio provides a convenient basis point when other hypochlorite
Disinfecting, bleaching and oxidizing are the major applications of this solution strengths (in grams per liter of available Cl2) are considered.
product. Before the development of sodium hypochlorite solutions,
chlorine was used directly for many of these applications. With the storage When evaluating other hypochlorite solutions for chlorine equivalency using
advantages of an aqueous solution, sodium hypochlorite solutions have available chlorine, always divide the grams per liter available chlorine by
replaced chlorine in many of these typical end uses. 120 g/L. For example, (150 g/L available Cl2 /120 g/L avail. Cl2) = 1.25.
In this example, one gallon of 150 g/L available Cl2 solution yields the
This leads to the obvious question: How much chlorine (Cl2) is available in equivalent of 1.25 pounds of chlorine gas. This ratio will then indicate how
a sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution? much more (or less) equivalent chlorine is present in a given hypochlorite
solution compared to a fixed amount of chlorine gas. Similar calculations
Equation 2 shows the oxidation of 2 moles of potassium iodide (KI) with 1 can be performed using wt% NaOCl provided the solution density is known.
mole of sodium hypochlorite in a solution of acetic acid (HAc) yields one
mole of iodine (I2), 1 mole of salt (NaCl), 2 moles of Potassium Acetate
(KAc) and water.
Sodium hypochlorite density is affected by a variety of Note: See Appendix for larger graph
factors. It is important to remember that the correlation
between sodium hypochlorite concentration and density
is not exact because all bleach solutions are a mixture Sodium hypochlorite strength is time dependent, with all solutions starting to lose assay
of a number of chemical compounds, such as sodium immediately after production. Unlike hypochlorite strength, density will remain unchanged
chloride, sodium hydroxide, etc. Therefore, a small over time. For immediately produced product, density will generally correlate with assay.
change in one of these compounds will alter the However, the correlation will continue to change as the solution ages and will yield
density without changing the sodium hypochlorite increasingly erroneous conclusions the older the hypochlorite solution is. Other factors such
concentration. For example: as metallic content of the hypochlorite, temperature exposure, and solution age become
• Density Effect on Flow Measurement increasingly critical with time because product assay is significantly affected by these
contributors. These attributes provide the rationale explaining why an aged hypochlorite
–– Flow measurement instruments such as mag
solution will have a significantly different assay than a freshly produced one, but density of
meters that are affected by changes will have
to be adjusted for this density difference. the solutions will remain unchanged. As a result, hypochlorite solution density (or specific
Devices that use volume displacement device gravity), should not be specified in chemical purchase specifications or acceptance
(rotameters, metering pumps, vortex meters, criteria because it is not a reliable predictor of sodium hypochlorite strength. When
etc.) will not be affected. precision is required for determining strength, assay titration is preferred.
• Level Measurement
For applications where density must be determined, there are several different test
–– Level instrumentation that relies on pressure methodologies available, including density meters, hydrometers, or use of a pipette-
(pressure gauges, differential pressure cells, and-weigh combination. When determining density via meter or hydrometer, the results will
etc.) will need to be recalibrated based on the need to be temperature-adjusted to yield the most accurate results. Facilities that have an
new density. analytical balance accurate to four decimal places often favor the pipette-and-weigh method. In
• Converting Between Volume and Weight Units this method, a 10mL sample is pipetted into a sample bottle and weighed. The corresponding
–– The density difference must be accounted weight is then divided by the sample volume (10mL) to obtain the solution density.
for when converting between weight and
U.S. gallons. Decomposition
–– Converting shipping container net weight
All sodium hypochlorite solutions continually decompose on standing after they are
to gallons.
produced. Decomposition cannot be avoided, but the rate of degradation can be slowed.
–– Filling bottles by volume and then weighing The effects of time, temperature, hypochlorite/ionic strength, and exposure to trace metals
the finished goods. are significant contributors.
Equation 5:
Crystallization Points
The freezing or crystallization temperature for bleach solutions is generally
a function of the hypochlorite concentration. Since sodium hypochlorite
solutions can contain varying amounts of several dissolved salts, the
ability to accurately predict the crystallization point of the solution can be
difficult. The amount of crystallization and the exact temperature at which
these attributes begin to appear are composition-specific and may vary
noticeably. For example, identical solution ”grades” of product supplied
from different manufacturers or production facilities will probably exhibit
differing crystallization properties when subjected to the same temperature
conditions. Solutions with higher concentrations of hypochlorite and/
or the other dissolved salts will generally begin to crystallize at higher
ambient temperatures than solutions containing lower concentrations of
hypochlorite and/or the other salts.
Chart 1: Sodium Hypochlorite Process Chart 2: HyPure® Bleach Process
Several of Olin’s manufacturing sites produce chlorine and sodium hydroxide Olin’s HyPure Bleach is manufactured using proprietary technology,
solutions that provide the raw materials for sodium hypochlorite production which produces a super concentrated, low-salt hypochlorite product. As
at all manufacturing sites. Sodium hypochlorite is easily produced in batch the name implies, HyPure® Sodium Hypochlorite is higher in purity due
and continuous processes by the introduction of chlorine into a diluted to the lower sodium chloride content. As a result, once it is diluted to a
sodium hydroxide solution. The ratio of chlorine addition to the amount of solution strength comparable to standard sodium hypochlorite, it is more
sodium hydroxide is controlled to allow for the excess caustic necessary stable. HyPure® Bleach is manufactured at concentrations up to 23 wt%
to stabilize the final product. Automated blending equipment allows for NaOCl and then undergoes further processing to remove additional trace
meeting various customer quality and strength requirements depending on metals and salt (NaCl). This increased purity means a slight difference
the final application. Once chlorination is completed, product is filtered to in the physical and chemical properties of the product when comparing
remove suspended impurities and then chilled before being sent to storage HyPure® Bleach to standard sodium hypochlorite.
or shipping container loading. By incorporating filtration and cooling
steps as integral components at our continuous manufacturing process, This special product has limited availability in North America. Contact
customers receiving Olin-produced sodium hypochlorite are provided your Olin Sales representative for details.
an inherent advantage, as these two practices play important roles in
minimizing product decomposition.
(g NaOCl/100 g soln) (g AvCl2/100 g soln) (g/L soln) (g AvCl2/100 mL soln) (lb Cl2/ gal soln) g/ml lb/gal
Note 1: the conversion between wt% NaOCl, g/L AvCl2 and Trade % will change depending on the density used in the calculation.
AvCl2 = Available Chlorine Soln. = Solution g/L = gram per liter or gpl
One of the complicating factors in converting units involves the role of conversion between weight % and trade % can never be precise unless
the density in the calculation. Some units of measure, such as weight density of the particular solution in question is measured.
percent (wt%), compare the weight of NaOCl (gram) to the solution
weight (100 grams) while other units, such as grams per liter (g/L), Within a given context, such as a company department, a manufacturer’s
compare the weight of the NaOCl (grams) to the solution volume (liter). production and customer service group, or the order between a customer
and a specific supplier, the communication of concentration may be well
When converting between these units, the density of the solution must be understood. For clarity when dealing with others outside that context, units
used in the calculation. Because there is no direct relationship between should always be clearly defined and mentioned in the communication.
density and concentration for sodium hypochlorite solutions, the
Hazardous Materials Transportation System The regulatory agencies are the governing bodies in the transportation arena
that oversee the safe movement of all hazardous materials whether by land,
The safe transport of hazardous materials such as sodium hypochlorite air, or water. They define and enforce the rules for the safe handling and
involves different organizations: transport of hazardous materials. Each regulatory agency has an enforcement
• Regulatory Agencies (Department of Transportation, Transport arm to assure compliance with record-keeping and equipment regulations.
Canada, Federal Railroad Administration, etc.) Penalties including fines and imprisonment can be imposed for
• Manufacturer (Olin) violations applicable of regulatory requirements.
• Carriers (Railroads &Trucking Companies) While the U.S. Department of Transportation (and Transport Canada for
• Receiving Customer Canadian shipments) regulates the movement of hazardous materials by
rail, road, and pipeline, enforcement of these regulations is carried out by
Each of the organizations plays an important role in the safe shipment of different agencies depending on the mode of shipment.
hazardous materials.
Olin’s responsibility in the hazardous materials transportation system
includes the safe operation of its loading facilities as well as maintaining
Table 4: Shipping Organizations
transportation equipment in good working order for shipment whether
Shipping Mode Enforcement Agency
owned, leased, or contracted by Olin. A number of inspection and
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA); maintenance activities are performed during the loading process to
Transport Canada
ensure safe and defect-free shipping containers. Olin’s goal is to ensure
Department of Transportation (DOT); the safety of our personnel and, to the extent possible, all those who
Transport Canada
come in contact with a shipment of sodium hypochlorite, while effectively
Department of Transportation (DOT); State using our fleet and complying with all applicable laws.
Pipeline Regulatory Commission;
Transport Canada
Tank Cars
In 2007, Olin added tank cars (railcars) to its modes of shipment. This
proprietary fleet of specially lined and designed tank cars maintains
sodium hypochlorite quality throughout the shipment cycle. The tank cars
in Olin service for sodium hypochlorite meet DOT Spec 111A100W5.
This Olin innovation, along with process capabilities, has allowed the
creation of a bulk distribution paradigm to reach distant marketplaces
effectively. The typical shipping volume by tank car is approximately
17,500 gallons.
Sodium Hypochlorite Shipping Containers Olin’s entire rail fleet is designed for top unloading only. The specific
unloading method and additional requirements are described in separate
Sodium hypochlorite solutions are shipped in a wide variety of container Technical Bulletins available for reference and future discussions.
sizes, bulk and non-bulk, to meet customers’ needs. Olin ships product
only in tank trailers and tank cars.
Tank Trailers
Olin contracts with trucking companies to deliver sodium hypochlorite
solutions by tank trailer, also known as cargo tanks. In some areas
of the United States, Olin operates its own trucking fleet for delivery
of the product. Tank trailers used in sodium hypochlorite service must
meet standards issued by the regulatory agencies (U.S. DOT, Transport
Canada) and include equipment that conforms to the Department of
Transportation (DOT) or Motor Carriers (MC) designations, which
as of the year 2017 were MC-307, DOT-407, MC-312, and DOT-412
designations. While tank trailer capacities can vary significantly, they
usually contain about 5,000 gallons of product based on over-the-
Written Procedures • Adequate tank inventory exists to safely receive the entire
shipping container contents
Establishment of robust unloading procedures should occur before product • Eyewash and safety shower units have been identified in the area
is received and then be reviewed on a periodic basis or revised when and verified that they are operational
operational practices dictate. Unloading procedures will be unique to • PPE has been inspected and put on prior to any connection activities
each facility, receiving area, and delivery mode. However, well-written
• Visual and mechanical inspections of the shipping container and
unloading procedures include a number of common attributes and
transfer hose(s) have been completed
components. Although the primary focus of the unloading procedure is to
ensure the correct product is safely delivered into the storage facility, it
also should be written to address personnel safety, unexpected events such Training
as spills, or other potential incidents. All procedures should be documented
with periodic training provided to ensure personnel understand the Since sodium hypochlorite is a hazardous material, all U.S. personnel,
procedure requirements. Verbal procedures for unloading should be who, in the course of their employment directly affect hazardous materials
avoided as they can foster inconsistency between staff members. transportation safety, must be properly trained or “qualified” in accordance
with 49 CFR 171-180 US DOT). An employee, whether full time, part
time, or temporary, who performs any portion of the hazardous materials
Checklists transportation, (loading or unloading of the hazardous material, providing
directives or guidance regarding the loading or unloading process), must
Use of pre- and post-unloading checklists offers the advantage of physically
comply with the Hazardous Materials Regulations. For Canada, this
carrying the key elements of the unloading procedure to the work area
would be classified under the Security and Transport Canada Transport
for review/completion. Checklists help ensure all key unloading items
of Dangerous Goods Act S.C 1992, c. 34 (Canada). 29 CFR 1910.120
are reviewed and inspected, fostering consistency between different staff
provides guidance for training of employees who are expected to handle
members. Typical components include:
hazardous material spills. Additionally, federal regulation (DOT-
• A review of paperwork (bill-of-lading and certificate of quality) 49CFR 177.834 (i) and Transport Canada (CSA B622) require shipping
to verify they match the shipping container placard, seal numbers, containers to be continuously monitored during the entire unloading
and receiving pipeline label
process by a qualified person located within 25 feet of the transfer.
• Delivery address and purchase order numbers are verified
NOTE: The diagram above represents components within a properly designed pad air system. Although those listed appear to be at the point of use, we
understand portions may be at the compressor, and others near point of use. It should be known that the objective of this diagram and information within is
intended to minimize any and all contaminates from entering the car during use. Therefore, any piping exposed to the vapors of solutions being offloaded
should be of chemical compatible materials of construction and a filter as close to the container shall be installed as a last means to prevent particles from
entering the shipping vessel.
The primary isolation valve (see ‘Corrosive Liquids Pad Gas Quality at Inspection at each use
Pressure drop indicators
Service per manufacturer guidelines
Point of Use’ diagram above) marks the piping specification breakpoint
Filter replacement Daily inspection during use
between components designed for standard pad air service and components
designed for sodium hypochlorite vapor, and should be constructed of lined Per manufacturer guidelines, white-rag test
Hose and connector
or pressure drop
steel as discussed below. All components downstream of this valve must be
designed to accommodate possible exposure to sodium hypochlorite vapors. Daily visual inspection for evidence of
Regulator or check valves
Downstream of the point-of-use filter, lined metallic piping or titanium Pressure relief device Annual preventive maintenance
must be used. Iron, galvanized steel, copper or other common pad air
piping materials will corrode and re-introduce contaminants downstream
of the filter. These materials should be avoided in their unlined versions
downstream of the point-of-use filter location. For a lined piping system, the
liner offers the chemical resistance needed while the metallic piping provides
the structural strength. Liners such as polyethylene, Teflon® polymer (PFA,
FEP, PTFE), PVDF (fluorinated polyvinylidene or Kynar® polymer) and
PVC/CPVC (polyvinylchloride/chlorinated polyvinylchloride), etc., are
compatible with sodium hypochlorite. A careful evaluation of material of
construction compatibility with sodium hypochlorite should be completed
during the liner selection process because product vapors can potentially
back feed into the pad air piping system under certain conditions.
Tank cars are equipped with a four-bolt flanged ‘air’ valve for
pressure padding and venting of the tank car. A two-inch flanged
connection rated for pressures of 150 psig should be permanently
affixed to the pad gas supply hose. A flanged adapter equipped with a
quick-connect fitting for attachment to the pad air hose is a variation
that may be a desired alternative. Fluoropolymer-lined stainless steel
fittings are preferred as they offer enhanced mechanical strength, are
chemically compatible, and can safely manage stored energy and stresses.
Tank trailers are typically connected to the pad air supply hose via a one-
inch “crow’s foot” connector (or Chicago coupling) appropriately pinned
to ensure a secure connection.
Lined Steel
for Strength
and Product
Valves PVC and CPVC are chemically compatible, non-metallic materials often
used in lower mechanical stress applications. Certain specialty grades of
Valve type selection will depend on the intended application. Materials
polyethylene also have been successfully used in sodium hypochlorite
of construction range from fluoropolymer-lined steel valves to plastic.
service. Pipe specifications should be at least schedule 80 or higher for most
Where cavity valves, such as ball or plug designs are used, a vented valve
applications. Mechanical impact from hazards such as liquid/gas mechanical
design should be used to prevent pressure buildup and potential valve or
hammer, temperature expansion/contraction cycles, pressure surges from
piping damage resulting from metallic-induced decomposition of sodium
pump start-up and operation, sunlight/ultraviolet light degradation, and
hypochlorite and associated buildup of decomposition gases. Vented valve
potential foot or vehicular contact should be carefully considered when
body designs will also be critical in pipe runs wherein sodium hypochlorite
selecting PVC/CPVC for sodium hypochlorite service. PVC/CPVC materials
liquid or residues may remain trapped between closed valves. Storage
are sensitive to these types of external stresses and if not properly installed,
tank outlets should be equipped with positive shut-off capability and avoid
supported, and inspected, can often fail unexpectedly during use.
the use of “butterfly” designs. Flanged or glued valves are preferred over
threaded valves as they eliminate the threaded connection, which is a For end-use applications such as dosing meters, small diameter PVC/
potential leakage point. CPVC piping is often used. As with larger diameter piping, proper support
is required. A protective enclosure such as a conduit or equivalent device
Piping should be used where foot or vehicular traffic is likely.
When making initial decisions about piping, it is critical to select the Most polyvinyl chloride monomers have recommended temperature
appropriate material of construction because sodium hypochlorite is ranges that should not be exceeded. In many instances, ambient conditions
incompatible with all metals except titanium and tantalum. Use of non- exceed these recommendations and elevate the risk of fracture. A related
metallic materials throughout is often embraced when only economic and factor is ultraviolet damage as a result of long-term sunlight exposure.
compatibility perspectives are considered. However, the role of external Repeated sunlight exposure will weaken monomer bonds, making the pipe
stresses in pipe life, effective means to mitigate their detrimental effects, more prone to fracture. Consult with your pipe vendor for added guidance.
Special Considerations
Special care must be exercised when attempting to contain, neutralize,
and dispose of sodium hypochlorite spills. The strong reactive power
dictates that any absorbent material must be chemically inert to sodium
hypochlorite. Avoid use of items such as sawdust and rags, which can
react with sodium hypochlorite under certain conditions, and materials such
as “floor dry,” which typically contain organic components. Spill collection
equipment, such as shovels or recovery drums, should be verified clean and
void of incompatible residues.
Neutralization is often favored for larger quantity spills, those which are
heavily contaminated and cannot be re-used, or in situations where the
resulting neutralized solution will be sent to a waste water treatment plant.
Neutralization methods for spill events described in this publication are not
intended to treat bodily exposures. Although the result of neutralization is
a less hazardous material, the process itself involves other chemicals, rapid
reactions, and in some instances the potential to generate other gases and
hazards. When neutralizing hypochlorite solutions, safety must be an integral
component throughout the process. Because of the potential for aggressive
reactions, only well-trained personnel should attempt neutralization.
Completing a hazard analysis before work begins will help identify the
critical engineering and procedural controls necessary for safe neutralization.
Importance of Accuracy capacity to avoid over-pressurization, leakage, or bottle bulging which may
be induced as the product warms in storage. The sample should be identified
The accurate determination of sodium hypochlorite assay is influenced and analyzed as soon as practical after collection—typically within two
by many factors including: sample point selection, sample technique, hours when stored at room temperature. Prior to analysis, the sample should
sample handling, analytical methodology, and analytical equipment and be kept away from heat sources and out of direct sunlight or other UV
technique. The assay of sodium hypochlorite will continually decline exposure as these factors will increase the decomposition rate of the product.
over time at a rate determined by a variety of factors including: sodium If there is going to be a significant delay in analysis, the sample should be
hypochlorite concentration, temperature, residual sodium hydroxide levels, cooled/refrigerated until analysis is possible.
and exposure to UV light and trace metals such as nickel, copper, and iron.
This manual describes a number of important guidelines to improve the Analytical Method
accuracy of assay determination of sodium hypochlorite in the shipping
container (tank truck or tank car). The steps and guidance presented should The most common analytical method used to determine assay of sodium
be thoroughly reviewed for applicability at a particular site with a hazard hypochlorite solutions is a titration with a standard sodium thiosulfate
review covering the site specific functions to identify the best procedures solution. The titration is based on the principle of ion substitution in a
and personal protective equipment (PPE) for the health and safety of site pH-buffered environment, where the substitution element (iodine) is
personnel and the environment. Refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for more easily titrated than the hypochlorite ion. In this method, a sample is
sodium hypochlorite for additional information on appropriate PPE. treated with excess potassium iodide, neutralized with glacial acetic acid,
and the liberated iodine is titrated with sodium thiosulfate. The titration
endpoint is determined using a starch indicator solution. The following
Sample Collection equations describe this method:
Whenever possible, the sample should be collected directly from the
shipping container using a clean and appropriately designed sample Equation 7:
collection device. Steps should be taken to avoid contaminating or
NaOCl+2 KI+2 HAc→I2+ NaCl+2 KAc+H2O
damaging the shipping container during sampling. If a shipping container
sample cannot be safely obtained, a properly designed sample point should
Equation 8:
be installed directly on the unloading piping where there is flow through
the sample point. Procedures should be in place to ensure the sample point Cl2+2 KI→I2+2 KCl
is purged sufficiently to provide a representative sample of the shipping
container. Consult the SDS for appropriate PPE to be worn during sample Equation 9:
collection activities.
I2+2 Na2S2O3→Na2 S4O6+2 NaI
Sample Handling The Chlorine Institute’s Pamphlet 96 “Sodium Hypochlorite Manual” is a
good reference document for the step-by-step procedure of this method. This
All wetted surfaces of sample collection equipment (thief, bottles, and bottle
document is available for download from the Chlorine Institute’s website
cap inserts) should be non-metallic. Sample bottles should be cleaned and
(www.chlorineinstitute.org) after registering with the site.
flushed with the sample media. Fill the bottle no more than two-thirds of its
Notice: No freedom from any patent or other intellectual property rights owned by Olin or others is to be inferred. Olin assumes no obligation or liability for the information in this document. The
information provided herein is presented in good faith and is based on the best of Olin’s knowledge, information, and belief. Since use conditions at non-Olin facilities are beyond Olin’s control and
government requirements may differ from one location to another and may change with time, it is solely the Buyer’s responsibility to determine whether Olin’s products are appropriate for the Buyer’s
use, and to assure the Buyer’s workplace, use, and disposal practices are in compliance with applicable government requirements. Consequently, Olin assumes no obligation or liability for use of these
materials and makes no warranty, express or implied. The user of the information provided is solely responsible for compliance with any applicable government requirements. NO WARRANTIES