Bindu 480

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Sri Krishna Kathamrita

तवकथामृतं तप्तजीवनम्
tava kathāmṛtaṁ tapta-jīvanam
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications

Issue No. 480 Śrī Annadā Ekādaśī 15 August 2020 Circulation 9,792

• Radha’s Name in the Bhagavatam

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

• Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s Private Feelings for Radha

Bhakti Vikasa Swami

• The Appearance of Srimati Radharani

Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja

• Mind-Enchanting Radha
The medieval poet Uddhava Das

gopī’s worship of Krishna is topmost, and therefore

her name is Radha, or “the topmost worshiper”.
— Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami. Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta. English
translation and commentary by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada. Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Los Angeles. 1975.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s
Private Feelings for Radha
Bhakti Vikasa Swami
Once when Srila Saraswati Thakur was sojourning
Radha’s Name in the Bhagavatam at Radha Kund, Sri Paramananda Brahmachari
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta madhya 8.100 appreciatively reported that the dewan [a high-
With the purport of His Divine Grace ranking official of a state ruled by an Indian prince] of
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Bharatpur was there performing daṇḍavat parikramā
anayārādhito nūnaṁ bhagavān harir īśvaraḥ
with his whole family. Srila Saraswati Thakur
yan no vihāya govindaḥ prīto yām anayad rahaḥ clarified that the dewan’s high regard for Radha was
due to her connection with Krishna, but, “We worship
[When the gopīs began to talk among themselves, Krishna only because of his connection with Radha.”
they said:] “Dear friends, the gopī who has been Srimat Parvata Maharaja once asked his guru-
taken away by Krishna to a secluded place must have mahārāja why Krishna had disappeared from the
worshiped the Lord more than anyone else.” presence of Srimati Radharani after taking her away
Purport: The name Radha is derived from this from the rāsa dance. Upon hearing this query, Srila
verse (SB 10.30.28), from the words anayārādhitaḥ, Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati became disturbed, for
meaning, “by her the Lord is worshiped”. Sometimes in that pastime apparently Krishna had slighted
the critics of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam find it difficult to find Radharani. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur had explained
Radharani’s holy name in that book, but the secret in his Bhāgavatārka-marīci-mālā, a study of Śrīmad
is disclosed here in the word ārādhita, from which Bhāgavatam, that Krishna disappeared solely to witness
the name Radha has come. Of course, the name of the depth of separation that Radharani felt from Him.
Radharani is directly mentioned in other Purāṇas. This But Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati was so partial

next column  
Issue Four Hundred Eighty, Page — 2 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
toward Radharani that he could not hear anything color of molten gold and was decorated with various
seemingly demeaning to her, and in an agitated spirit ornaments. On her braid was a flower bouquet; on her
retorted, “What bhakti do you find here that prompts breast a garland of pearls (mukta māla); and around her
you to ask this?” The very question was rejected. waist hung an ornamented belt (mekhala). Beautiful
By such exchanges, his closest disciples perceived golden earrings adorned her ears, and the anklets
that internally he perpetually experienced separation (nūpura) on her feet produced a tinkling sound.
from Radharani and was even more partial to Radha Radha is the enchanter of Madhava — rādhā-
than to Krishna. Yet he distinguished between the mādhava-mohini. In the rāsa dance she gave so much
“Radha” imagined by the prākṛta-sahajiyās and she pleasure to him, but still she considered how to give
who is the mistress of Rupa-Raghunath. In a lecture him even more pleasure. As soon as she desired this,
given on Rādhāṣṭamī he stated that Srimati Radharani immediately innumerable gopīs, all looking like
is the wealth by which Govinda is wealthy, and that Srimati, immediately expanded from her body.
if after going through all eighteen thousand verses In the Padma Purāṇa, uttara-khaṇḍa, Shivaji told Parvati
of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam the reader did not find her about the appearance of Radha: “Vrishabhanu Maharaja
therein, then his study was simply useless. was a great devotee of the Lord. His chaste and devoted
Upon mentioning or hearing the name Radha, Srila wife was named Kirtida. It is from her womb that jagan-
Saraswati Thakur sometimes suddenly manifested mātā, the mother of the whole world, Sri Radha, took
various symptoms of aṣṭa-sāttvika-vikāra, the eight birth. This auspicious appearance of Brajeswari occurred
symptoms of transcendental ecstasy described in vaiṣṇava at noon on the eighth day of the bright fortnight in
literature: stambha — being stunned; sveda — perspiring; the month of Bhādrava. Seeing that such a beautiful
romāñca — horripilation; gadgada or svara-bheda — daughter was born to the king, all the gopa families
stammering; kampa or vepathu — trembling; vaivarṇya — of Gokul became very joyful. Everyone’s desires were
pallor; aśru — tearfulness; and pralaya — fainting. Despite
fulfilled. King Vrishabhanu gave immense charity to the
trying to maintain gravity, his entire body would stiffen
brāhmaṇas, vaiṣṇavas, musicians, dancers, and poor men.
and his words become choked. Sometimes upon entering
“One day, Narada Muni came to the quarters of
his room, disciples found Srila Saraswati Thakur sitting
King Vrishabhanu to have darśana of Radharani. The
alone in ecstatic reverie, weeping profusely.
sage inquired about his and his kingdom’s welfare.
At a public meeting a gentleman questioned, “Why do
In a humble mood, the king replied, ‘Because of your
Gaudīya Vaiṣṇavas so much emphasize Radha? Why do
you neglect Lakshmi?” He then recited several scriptural mercy, everything is auspicious. You are such a great
references glorifying Lakshmi. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta sādhu. Wherever you go becomes a tīrtha. By your
Saraswati found himself in a quandary. Glorification grace, everyone can get hari-bhakti.’
of Radha was not to be spoken openly, yet he was “Saying this, Vrishabhanu Maharaja placed his
obliged to reply to uphold her dignity and that of the daughter, whose eyes were still closed, on the lap
previous ācāryas for whom she was the topmost object of Narada Muni. By the touch of Radharani, the
of reverence. Rent by this dilemma, he fainted. sage became ecstatic, the hairs on his body stood
— Śrī Bhaktisiddhānta Vaibhava, volume 2. Pp. 460-462. Bhakti Vikasa on end, and tears like torrential rain flowed from
Trust. Surat, India. 2009.
his eyes. In his heart, Narada Muni began to offer
The Appearance of prayers to the little girl.
Srimati Radharani “‘You are hari-priya, dear to Lord Hari; mahābhāva-
svarūpa, the personification of the highest love;
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja govinda-mohīnī, the enchanter of Govinda; kṛṣṇa-prāna-
The Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa describes that once in the rūpa, the life and soul of Krishna; ānanda-svarūpa, the
transcendental abode of Vrindavan, Krishnachandra very embodiment of bliss. You are bhakti and tapa. All
was sitting on a golden throne under a mādhavī of the demigods headed by Brahma and Shiva meditate
creeper. He was thinking of how to further relish the on your lotus feet. All of Krishna’s consorts such as the
nectarean mellows of his pastimes. Due to this thought, gopīs, the queens in Dwarka, and even Mahalakshmi are
by his mere will, Srimati Radharani appeared from plenary portions of you. Throughout the universe you
the left side of his body. Radharani’s form was the are known as ādi-śakti, the original potency.’
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Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Four Hundred Eighty, Page — 3
“Hearing the prayers of Narada Muni, Radharani Shivaji said, “I will tell you. Simply by hearing this
mercifully showed her form to him. The muni beheld account one receives transcendental happiness.
a vision of Radhika seated upon a throne studded with “King Vrishabhanu held a great festival on the
divine gems, under the shade of a wish-fulfilling tree. auspicious occasion of his daughter’s birth. He invited
Innumerable sakhīs, some fanning her, some waving all the cowherd men and women, extending a special
cāmaras, and others holding a white umbrella over invitation to Nanda Maharaja and Yashodarani.
her head, surrounded her. Brajeswari’s body was Nanda Maharaja and his wife arrived at the palace
covered with beautiful transcendental garments. of King Vrishabhanu by bullock cart.
Her forehead was decorated with designs drawn “Maharaja Vrishabhanu welcomed Nanda
with sindhura, and a glow emanated from her body. Maharaja, embracing him. Kirtida welcomed Yasoda-
By her mercy, Radharani revealed this beautiful form mata, embracing her.
to Narada Muni, and he alone could see it. “The magnificent festival continued; all different
“All the while, Radhika, in the form of a baby, was kinds of instruments were played — kettle-drums,
lying on the lap of Narada Muni. Narada Muni returned bugles, violins, vina, etc. Meanwhile, in the inner
the child to her father, seated with his queen before quarters of the palace, Sri Radha was sleeping in her
the great ṛṣi. The sage said, ‘You are most fortunate, cradle. Lord Hari, who is the antaryāmī, supersoul in
mahā-bhāgyavan, because you have such a wonderful the hearts of all living entities, knew this.
daughter. Kamala, Parvati, Arundhati, Sachi, and “Unnoticed by anyone, baby Krishna went to
Satyabhama are all just plenary portions or portions of Radharani. Seeing the face of his consort, Krishna
plenary portions of Radharani. No one is as dear to Lord smiled, laughing in his mind. Then he put his lotus
Hari as she. Because of your daughter, all of Gokul will palm over her eyes. As soon as she felt the touch
be filled with opulence. Do not feel sorry that you have a of Krishna, she immediately opened her eyes and
girl. Because of her, your glory will spread far and wide.’ saw his face. They had eye to eye union, Radha and
“With folded hands, King Vrishabhanu asked, ‘Who Krishna. Both of them were very, very blissful.
will be her husband?’ The great sage replied, ‘She will
be the wife of the supreme purusa. And in the course of
time her eyes will open.’ Saying this, Narada Muni left.”
After hearing this account, Parvati inquired of
Shivaji, “Why were Radharani’s eyes not open?”
Shivaji said: “O Devi, this is another wonderful story.
When Lord Hari wanted to descend to this material
world, he called Radha and said, ‘You, too, will take birth
there with me. We will manifest wonderful līlās together.’
“Then Radha said, ‘O my dear lotus-eyed Hari, if I
take birth in the material world I will be so distressed.
How can I bear to see other men? I only want to see
you. I refuse to look upon the form of another.’
“Krishna said, ‘O Devi, please do not feel such
anxiety. Your desire will be fulfilled.’
“Lord Hari took birth as the son of Nanda Maharaja
Painting by Satchitananda Das

in order to protect the sādhus — sādhu rakṣa kare.

Radha took birth from the womb of Kirtida as the
daughter of Vrishabhanu.
“Because of the birth of the divine couple, the whole
universe became exuberant. But Radha’s eyes were
not open. Seeing this, Kirtida Maharani was alarmed.”
Parvati then inquired, “Please tell me how
Radharani opened her eyes.” Radha opened her eyes and saw Krishna's face

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Issue Four Hundred Eighty, Page — 4 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
This is the inconceivable līlā of Krishna. By the
mercy of Hari and guru it is described in Brahma-
vaivarta Purāṇa and Padma Purāṇa.
— Lecture in Gadeigiri. 2 September 1995.

Mind-Enchanting Radha
The medieval poet Uddhava Das
Āśoyārī rāga
jaya jaya śrī-vṛṣabhānu-tani
avanī uyala thira vijurī jini
All glories! All glories to the tani (daughter) of
Sri Vrishabhanu. [By her appearance] the entire
world became as brilliant as an unfluctating
golden lightning bolt.
[Translator’s Note: tani is a term used in old
Bengali and Brajabuli literature for tanayā, daughter.
Painting by Dhrti Dasi

Similarly, the term uyala is also used in such literature

for “becoming brilliant”.]
aruṇa adhara mukha candra hena bhāsa
ugāre amiyā tāhe mṛdu-manda hāsa
Her lower lip is reddish. Her face appears like the
full moon. Her sweet, mild smiles are like nectar
“Kirtida had just come there and she saw what had surging from that moon.
happened. Taking the baby girl onto her lap, she happily nayana-yugala śruti ati manalobhā
exclaimed, ‘Krishna gave eyes to Radha. Therefore, this kara-pada-tala ei aṣṭa-padma-śobhā
girl will be very dear to Krishna.’ Hearing this, Mother Her two eyes and two ears are extremely attractive
Yasoda’s heart was filled with joy.” to the mind. These two along with the palms of her
hands and soles of her feet are as beautiful as eight
 lotus flowers.
mukha indu gaṇḍa-yuga bhāle arddha-cānde
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu kara-pada-nakhe kata vidhu paḍi kānde
Her face is like the moon. Her two elevated
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cheekbones as well as her forehead appear like
Gopal Jiu Publications half-moons. God knows how many moons started
c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir crying out of shame by seeing the moons in her
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IRC Village kanaka-mṛṇāla bhuja nābhi sarovara
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 751015 e dāsa uddhava heri cita manohara
Her two arms are like two golden lotus stalks. Her
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navel is like a deep lake. This servant named Uddhava
Das sees this mind-enchanting form of Radha.
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— Transalted from, Vaiṣṇava Padāvalī, fourth edition, April 2010.
Gopal Jiu Publications is a section of the International Compiled and edited by Hare Krishna Mukhopadhyay. Published by
Shishu Sahitya Sansad Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata.
Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book
Trust. All other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON Gopal Jiu
Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket permission is given
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