Fact and Opinion
Fact and Opinion
Fact and Opinion
Region III
Division of City Schools
Cabanatuan District VII
City of Cabanatuan
March 8, 2017
I. Objectives
A. English Concept/Ideas
Fact is a statement that can be verified or proven true by objective
Opinion is a statement that expresses one’s ideas, feelings, beliefs,
likes or dislikes.
An opinion is valid only if facts are stated to support it.
B. English Processes
Identifying facts from opinions
Using expressions in giving opinions
Making judgments on different pictures
D. Materials:
Tarpapel of new friends, door, homework, test and dialogue of two tourists.
Video, brown envelope containing the activity, pictures of fantasy and reality,
box, puzzles
E. Reference/s:
English Expressways Language, Textbook for Grade Five (5). Pp. 242 - 244
III. Procedure
2. Prayer
- Let us stand and pray. (Prayer leader will lead the prayer)
(Pupils will pray)
- You may now take your
3. Checking of Attendance
- Group leaders, who are (Group leaders will tell who are
absentees in your group? absentees)
(Mark the pupils who are
4. Review
- So, before we proceed to Ma’am our lesson was all about the
our new lesson, let us see if fantasy and reality.
you still remember our
lesson yesterday. What was
our lesson all about?
Reality …
Fantasy …
Fantasy …
Reality …
5. Motivation
- Class, this morning we have
new friends, they are
standing behind these
Friend F Friend O
- Exactly!
B. Developmental Activities
2. Presentation
- So now class, with the video Fact is true while Opinion is just a
that we have watched, what statement of anyone.
can you say about fact and
opinion? Anyone?
Go back to your proper seats now and have a silence for a moment.
Get one fourth sheet of paper and answer this.
Direction: Write F if the statement is Fact and O if it is Opinion. Write your answer on
the space provided.
_____4. Color blue, yellow, red and white are colors in the Philippine flag.
V. Assignment
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