Iet Multiplier Stages Exppained
Iet Multiplier Stages Exppained
Iet Multiplier Stages Exppained
Published in IET Power Electronics
Received on 6th June 2011
Revised on 20th March 2012
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0215
ISSN 1755-4535
Abstract: Various topological modifications of diode – capacitor voltage multipliers are considered. All the topologies are based
on two known schemes: Cockcroft – Walton and Dickson. These topologies are built combined with a boost-converter, operating
at a high switching frequency. Such a solution allows reducing the values of the capacitors. The proposed topologies can also be
used by feeding them directly from a three-phase network through the regular rectifier; in this case the influence of such circuits on
a supply network is reduced. A number of novel modifications of multipliers, having their specific features, are obtained. The
procedure of calculating the output voltage, depending on the capacitor values and load parameters is proposed and the
design formulas for the output voltage of some of the schemes are developed. It is shown that a decrease in the output
voltage is caused by some sort of internal resistance. The essentially similar operating modes of different topologies are
characterised by a different value of such a resistance, and accordingly by a different internal voltage drop. Dynamic models
for some of the proposed topologies are also developed. The computer simulation and the experimental results proved the
theoretical expectations.
874 IET Power Electron., 2012, Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 873 –884
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0215
Authorized licensed use limited to: National University Fast. Downloaded on August 30,2020 at 06:20:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
876 IET Power Electron., 2012, Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 873 –884
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0215
Authorized licensed use limited to: National University Fast. Downloaded on August 30,2020 at 06:20:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
For a small load and big capacitors, and neglecting the according to (1) we may write
voltage drop in the elements of the scheme, see Table 1 and
[16], the output voltage of the circuit is defined by its ideal Vo2 4Vin2
voltage ratio. For three capacitors it gives Vin Iin = Vo Io = =
Ro (1 − D)2 Ro
Vo 2
M3 = = (1) Therefore
Vin 1 − D
Now, we will consider the inner voltage drops and losses of Iin = IL = (8)
(1 − D)2 Ro
the scheme. In the first interval the capacitance C1 is
connected in parallel with two capacitances C2 and C3
(Fig. 3a) so that, averaging through the interval the voltages And substituting this into (7), we obtain the expression for the
across the capacitances, we can write voltage drop
2Vin toff
VC1,av = VC3,av − VC2,av (2) DV = (9)
(1 − D)2 Ro C
On the other hand, since the voltage across capacitance C1 is
equal to the average, on period T, of the switch voltage, that is or since toff ¼ (1 2 D)T ¼ (1 2 D)/f, we finally have
of the voltage across the switch.
DV = (10)
Vin (1 − D)Ro Cf
VC1,av = (3)
Substituting (10), into (6) and with VC3,av ¼ Vo we obtain the
we may write for the voltage across C3 output voltage, Vo,DV, by taking into consideration the inner
voltage drops
VC3,av = VC2,av + (4) 2Vin 1
1−D Vo,DV = 1− (11)
1−D Ro Cf
From the time diagram in Fig. 4 it follows that
In the general case, for the n capacitor circuit, on the interval
t0 2 t1 , there are (n + 1)/2 parallel branches, therefore the
VC2,av = VC1,av − DV (5) ideal output voltage will be ((n + 1)/2)Vin/(1 2 D).
However, since the voltage drop, DV, takes place in the
where DV is the change of the capacitor voltage during the second interval, that is in the second scheme (Fig. 3b),
first time interval. where the number of branches is equal to (n 2 1)/2, the
Substituting (5) into (4) and again considering (3), we have total voltage drop will have the coefficient (n 2 1)/2 and
the output voltage becomes
VC3,av = − DV (6) n+1 n−1 1
1−D Vo,DV =
× in 1− (12)
2 1−D 2 Ro Cf
Next we will take into consideration the process of charging/
discharging the capacitors. For the infinitesimal differences Taking into account the voltage drops on n diodes, we may
and neglecting the load current, which is much smaller than finally write
the input current, Iin , (because it is in reverse proportion to
the output voltage), we may use for the current through the
n+1 V n−1 1
capacitance the expression IC ¼ C(DVC/Dt), where in the Vo,DV = × in 1 − × − nDVD (13)
first time interval Dt ¼ toff , and write specifically for the 2 1−D 2 Ro Cf
charging currents
The normalised output voltage will be
DVC1 C2,3 DVC2 + DVC3
IC1 = C1 and IC2,3 = Vo,DV n−1 1
toff 2 toff vo,DV = = 1− × − nDvD
V 2 Ro Cf
Now, considering that during the interval t0 2 t1 ¼ toff the n−1
= 1− − nDvD (14)
capacitor currents iC1 ≃ iC2 , we obtain 2ro
IL toff where
DV = (7)
DVD n+1 1
DvD = ; VB = Vo,ideal = × V ;
where IL is the input inductor current (we assume VB 2 1 − D in
IL ≃ constant).
1 V V I R
Considering first that the input and output powers are RB = ; I o = B I B = B ; i o = o ; ro = o
equal, Pin ¼ Pout , which means that VinIin ¼ VoIo and Cf Ro RB IB RB
878 IET Power Electron., 2012, Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 873 –884
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0215
Authorized licensed use limited to: National University Fast. Downloaded on August 30,2020 at 06:20:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
parameters Lin , Rin are referred to the output of the multiplier where S1(n) (see the appendix) is the sum of the numbers
of a natural sequence in the form of S1(n) ¼ 12 + 22 + . . . +
Leq = Mn2 Lin ; Req = Mn2 Rin (26) ((n + 1)/2 2 1)2 + (1/2)((n + 1)/2)2.
With (28) for n cells, in the ideal case (DV ¼ 0 and
where Mn is the ideal voltage ratio (1) and Rin is the inner VC1,t2 (VC1,t2)av) we can write
resistance (20).
The input voltage of the equivalent circuit is the same as
the input voltage of the multiplier referred to the output, 1 n+1 2
W2 = Co,eq (VC1,t2 )2av = S2 (n)Co,eq (VC1,t2 )2av (31)
that is Vin,eq ¼ MnVin and the output equivalent resistance is 2 2
just the load resistance: Ro,eq ¼ Ro .
Following the second principle, let us first estimate the
equivalent capacitor of a three capacitor circuit (Fig. 2, A). Assuming that W1 ¼ W2 , we finally have
Since VC3(t2) 2VC1(t2), which follows from (3) and (6) by
neglecting DV, and since VC2(t2) ¼ VC1(t2), the total energy
accumulated in three capacitors at t ¼ t2 , (Fig. 4), is S1 (n)
Co,eq = C (32)
S2 (n)
W1 = [CVC1
(t2 ) + CVC2
(t2 ) + 4CVC1
(t2 )] = 3CVC1
(t2 ) (27)
As an example, an equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 6, of
At the same time t = t2 the energy, stored in the equivalent basic multiplier A (Fig. 2), has been analysed. The
capacitance, is W2 = (1/2)Co,eq Vo2 and since at this time parameters of the given circuit are taken as: Vin ¼ 24 V;
Vo ¼ 2VC1 , we may write L ¼ 0.8 mH; C ¼ 1 mF; Ro ¼ 300 V; D ¼ 0.5; n ¼ 3;
f ¼ 50 kHz and the voltage ratio is calculated as follows:
W2 = 2Co,eq VC1
(28) M3 ¼ ((n + 1)/2) × (1/(1 2 D)) ¼ 4. Therefore, the parameters
of the equivalent scheme are: Co,eq ¼ 1.5C ¼ 1.5 mF;
Equating (27) and (28), gives Ro,eq ¼ Ro ¼ 300 V; Vin,eq ¼ M3Vin ¼ 96 V; Lin,eq = M32
Lin = 12.8 mH and Rin,eq = M32 Rin = 20 V, where Rin is
3 calculated in accordance with (20): Rin ¼ ((1 2 D)2/
Co,eq = C (29) 4Cf) ¼ 1.25 V. The transient behaviour of the above
dynamic model performed by the SPICE simulation is
For an n cell multiplier the equivalent Co,eq can be defined as shown in Fig. 7. In this figure Vo,DV and Iin are the
follows. simulation results for the multiplier given in the example,
First we calculate the energy and Vo,eq and MIin,eq are the computed results for its
equivalent circuit. As can be seen, the transient curve of the
W1 = C(VC1,t2 )2 + 4C(VC1,t2 )2 + 9C(VC1,t2 )2 + · · · multiplier is a decremented periodic function, having a
2 period of approximately 1 ms and the whole process takes
n+1 1 n+1 2 place in approximately 2.5 ms. Such fast damping of the
+ − 1 C(VC1,t2 ) +2
C(VC1,t2 )2 transient process also indicates the presence of inner losses.
2 2 2
As also can be seen, both the simulation and computing
= S1 (n)C(VC1,t2 )2 (30) results are in good agreement.
Fig. 7 Simulated output voltage and current for the original and equivalent circuits of an A-type multiplier for n ¼ 3 during the transient
switching-on process
880 IET Power Electron., 2012, Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 873 –884
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0215
Authorized licensed use limited to: National University Fast. Downloaded on August 30,2020 at 06:20:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
where n is the number of diode –capacitor cells (each of them
consists of two diodes and two capacitors).
For an arbitrary load and the selected value of the
capacitors we may write the following formulas. The total
energy of four capacitors C1 , C2 , C3 and C4 in a steady-
state regime at t ¼ t3 (Fig. 9) (note, that VC3 ¼ VC4 ¼ 2VC1) is
WC1,C2,C3,C4 (t3 ) = 2
(2VC1 + 2VC3
) = 5VC1
WC1,C2,C3,C4 (t2 ) = (2(VC1 + DVC1 )2 + 2(VC3 − DVC3 )2 )
Rin = (47)
M32 Cf
It should be noted that the value of the inner resistance has Fig. 10 Equivalent circuit of A × A multiplier
882 IET Power Electron., 2012, Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 873 –884
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0215
Authorized licensed use limited to: National University Fast. Downloaded on August 30,2020 at 06:20:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 11 Simulated output voltage for the original and equivalent circuits of A × A-type multiplier during the transient switching-on process
Fig. 12 Experimental waveforms of the laboratory model of Fig. 13 Experimental waveforms of the laboratory model of the
scheme A; Vin , input voltage; Vo output voltage and VS , voltage scheme A × A: Vin , input voltage; Vo , output voltage and VS ,
across the switch voltage across the switch
884 IET Power Electron., 2012, Vol. 5, Iss. 6, pp. 873 –884
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2011.0215
Authorized licensed use limited to: National University Fast. Downloaded on August 30,2020 at 06:20:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.