A Loosely Coupled Planar Wireless Power System For Multiple Receivers

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8, AUGUST 2009

A Loosely Coupled Planar Wireless Power System

for Multiple Receivers
Joaquin J. Casanova, Student Member, IEEE, Zhen Ning Low, Student Member, IEEE, and
Jenshan Lin, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Wireless power transfer is demonstrated mathemat- system was configured with series compensation on the trans-
ically and experimentally for M primary coils coupled to N mitter and parallel compensation on the receiver as described
secondary coils. Using multiple primary coils in parallel has ad- in [8], with an additional series inductor in order to get a
vantages over a single primary coil. First, the reduced inductance
of the transmitting coils makes the amplifier less sensitive to com- Q within the operating bounds of the driving circuit. After
ponent variations. Second, with multiple receiving coils, the power the parallel compensation on the receiver is a rectifying diode
delivery to an individual receiver is less sensitive to changes in the (IR10MQ060NPbF) and capacitive filter before the dc load.
loads attached to other coils. By using a 16 cm by 18 cm primary The circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 2.
and a 6 cm by 8 cm secondary coil, going from a 1:2 coupling to If multiple devices are to be charged simultaneously on
a 2:2 coupling, we show an increase in received power from 1.8 to
9.5 W, with only a small change in coupling efficiency. The advan- the same system, the transmitting coil must be large enough
tages of the multiple primary coil topology increase the feasibility to accommodate them. This poses a challenge, as to ensure
of charging multiple wireless portable devices simultaneously. uniform power delivery to devices, regardless of position, the
Index Terms—Inductive coupling, wireless power transfer. electromagnetic field distribution must be even. In particular,
the distribution of the z-component of the magnetic field in the
I. I NTRODUCTION plane of the receiving coils must be as uniform as possible.
Transmitting coils may be designed to produce such fields;

T HE large number of battery-operated consumer electron-

ics and the associated tangle of wall-wart chargers have
generated interest in designing a single convenient charging
one approach is the optimal hybrid coil design [9], which is
demonstrated for as large a coil as 15 cm by 15 cm. A different
technique for designing optimal coils and a 20 cm by 20 cm
platform [1]. Wireless battery charging systems would permit coil is presented in [10]. A technique for widening the power
charging many different devices equipped with receiving coils delivery area in an inductively coupled vehicle charging system
and cut the last wire of portable wireless devices. The ap- using three transmitting coils configured in a three-phase delta
proaches to wireless power transfer can be categorized as near configuration is detailed in [11].
field and far field. To date, the latter is still impractical for Regardless of technique, larger transmitting coils require
consumer applications due to the high-power and large-antenna more turns to achieve an even field distribution, raising the
requirement necessary to achieve levels of power comparable inductance. This is a problem because the amplifier operation is
to a wall supply [2]. On the other hand, near-field inductive sensitive to component variation in the transformation network
coupling has more promise as a wireless power technology following the driving circuit. As the inductance of the primary
[3]–[6]. coil increases, the series capacitor in the network needs to
Fig. 1 shows a block diagram for a generalized wireless be smaller, and the class E becomes increasingly sensitive to
power system. The dc–ac inverter provides the ac power to be small variations in the component values, sometimes severely
transmitted to the receiver. In this study, the inverter is a fixed hindering system performance. To circumvent this problem,
duty class E amplifier [7] operating at 240 kHz and a supply the inductance could be lowered by using two or more pri-
voltage of 12 V. The switching transistor is an IRLR3410, mary coils in parallel. This reduces the inductance while still
chosen because of its low output capacitance (typically below allowing a large charging area, because the coils are in parallel.
100 pF), much lower than Ct . Following the inverter is an In addition, having multiple transmitting coils in parallel re-
impedance transformation network, the purpose of which is to duces the influence of one load’s power consumption on that
maximize power transfer and efficiency by transforming the of any other load. The phenomenon of one load consuming
impedance looking into the transmitting coil. In this case, the low power blocking another with high power requirement has
been noted and addressed in [12], where their solution was to
Manuscript received November 10, 2008; revised May 11, 2009. First implement a switch that shorted the receiving coil for lightly
published June 5, 2009; current version published July 24, 2009. This work loaded receivers. Our multiple transmitting coil system also
was supported in part by WiPower Inc. and in part by the Florida High Tech addresses this issue, but does not require additional components
Corridor Council.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- occupying space on the receiver, which, on a portable electronic
ing, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; device, is scarce. This paper derives and verifies the mathemat-
[email protected]; [email protected]). ical description of the coupling between M transmitters and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. N receivers and demonstrates the advantages of such a system
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2009.2023633 experimentally.

0278-0046/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

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Fig. 1. One-to-one wireless power system block diagram.

where Z is defined as before, I is a vector of the currents, and

ZL is defined as

Zin , for 1 ≤ a ≤ M and 1 ≤ b ≤ M
ZL = −ZLb , for a = b and b > M (5)
0, otherwise.
Equation (4) can be solved for Zin by splitting it into several
Fig. 2. Class E driving circuit for a wireless power system.
submatrices as follows:
The mathematical analysis of power transfer in the M : N  II 
case can be performed by applying Kirchhoff voltage and I= I (7)
current laws to the circuit shown in Fig. 3. The primary I
coils are numbered 1 through M , and the receiving coils are where ZIII has dimensions M × M , ZII has dimensions
numbered M + 1 through M + N . The voltage–current matrix N × M , ZI has dimensions N × N , III has dimensions M × 1,
equation is and II has dimensions N × 1. Defining ZIV = ZIII + Zin 1M M
(where 1M M is an M × M matrix of ones) and with some
ZI = V (1) manipulations
Zab Ib = Va (2) ZI II = − ZII III (8)
b=1 IV
(Z − Zin 1M M )I = − (Z ) I .

where Ib is the current on the bth coil and Va is the voltage on Input current Iin is the sum of currents in the transmitting
the ath coil. Zab is the (a, b)th element of the impedance matrix, coils, stated mathematically as (where 11M is a 1 by M vector
defined as of ones)

jωLa + Ra , for a = b Iin = 11M II . (10)
Zab = (3)
jωMab , otherwise
By using (8)–(10),
where ω is the angular frequency, La and Ra are the self- Z − (ZII )T (ZI )−1 ZII III = Zin 1M M III . (11)
inductance and parasitic resistance of the ath coil, respectively,
and Mab is the mutual inductance between the ath and bth coils. Substituting Vin = Zin 1M M III and using Zin = Vin /Iin
Relating current and voltage in each of the coils, Vb can be  −1

Zin = 11M ZIV − (ZII )T (ZI )−1 ZII 1M 1 . (12)

found. For the primary coils (in parallel), the voltage is the same
for all, the input voltage (Vb = Vin ). For coils M + 1 through
Having a closed-form expression for the input impedance
M + N , Vb = Ib ZLb , where ZLb is the impedance of the load
allows derivation of the currents in the individual coils. By
and any transformation network attached to the bth coil. The
subtracting Zin 1M M III from both sides of (11),
final constraint is that the sum of the currents in the primary
coils must be equal to the input current, Iin = Zin Vin . Applying III = null(X) (13)
this to (2),
X = ZIV − (ZII )T (ZI )−1 ZII − Zin 1M M (14)
I −1
(Z − ZL )I = 0 (4) I = − (Z ) (Z I ).

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Fig. 3. M : N block diagram.

Now knowing the currents in the transmitter and receiver values mean a much lower sensitivity. To mitigate proximity
coils, the power received by load b may be computed simply and skin effects, we used 100 AWG/40 strand Litz wire for coil
as |IIb |2 Re(ZLb ). These equations are extensible to different windings. The small receivers were all 4 cm by 5 cm rectangular
receiver topologies, such as parallel or series capacitors, and coils of 6 turns, the large receivers were 7 cm by 8 cm with
nonlinearities (such as rectifiers, or proximity and skin effects 6 turns, and the transmitters were 16 cm by 18 cm with 13 turns,
on resistance and inductance) may be considered as well, designed by the technique described in [10].
through the use of fixed-point iteration. For each transmitter/receiver pairing, the resistive load at-
tached to each receiver was swept from 60 to 4000 Ω by means
of programmable electronic loads. The resistive load is an
approximation of the charge status of a battery. A fully charged
To verify the correctness of the preceding equations as well device appears as a large resistive load (thousands of ohms), and
as to demonstrate the benefit of using multiple primary coils an uncharged device appears as a low resistive load (a handful
in parallel, simulations and tests were carried out for the 1:1, of ohms). A dc received power (Prx ) flow was measured at the
1:2, 1:3, 2:2, and 2:3 cases. For all except the three-receiver electronic loads.
cases, two receiver sizes were considered. In addition, the two-
transmitter tests were performed with the transmitting coils
A. Verification
adjacent and separated. Fig. 4 shows the 11 different config-
urations for the test setup. To verify the accuracy of the equations developed in
The primary coil inductance is 34.44 μH, reduced by half Section II, simulations were performed using a MATLAB code,
when the two-coil case is considered, because the two coils implementing the analytical treatment of the class E amplifier
of 34.44 μH are in parallel. Component selection procedure by Raab [14] for a load with impedance defined as in (12). La
for the class E was described in [13], and component values and Mab are calculated using a numerical integration of the
are specified in Table I (for all cases, Ldc was 500 μH and Neumann formula [15], rather than measured for each case, due
Lout was 9.5 μH). Notably, the values for Cout are higher to the difficulty of measuring every entry in the inductance ma-
with the two-transmitter system. Higher capacitance means that trix for every orientation shown in Fig. 4. Selected inductances
the impedance will be less sensitive to component variations and parasitic resistances as measured are given in Table II
because of the inverse relationship between capacitance and re- and as modeled are given in Table III. The measured and
actance. The derivative of reactance with respect to capacitance predicted Prx ’s for each of the M : N cases considered in this
goes as the inverse square of capacitance, so higher capacitance paper are shown in Fig. 5. The predicted versus observed plots

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Fig. 4. Starting top row, left-to-right: coil arrangements (thick red line is receiver; thin blue line is transmitter) for (a) 1:1 small-rx, (b) 1:2 small-rx, (c) 1:3
small-rx, (d) 2:2 small-rx, (e) 2:3 small-rx, (f) 1:1 big-rx, (g) 1:2 big-rx, (h) 2:2 big-rx, (i) 2:2 split-tx small-rx, (j) 2:3 split-tx small-rx, and (k) 2:2 split-tx big-rx.

show a one-to-one correspondence, aside from some spread relative positions have a more pronounced effect on predicted
due to uncertainty in secondary and primary coil positions. For power. In the inductance calculations, a vertical separation of
1:3, there is a particularly large amount of spread. With three 1 mm center-to-center between transmitting coil and receiving
receivers in close proximity to each other, uncertainties in their coil is assumed. When only one receiver is on one transmitter,

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Fig. 6. Power space plots for two-receiver tests with small receivers.

Fig. 7. Power space plots for two-receiver tests with large receivers.

B. Receiver Decoupling
Fig. 5. Measured versus predicted Prx for (a) 1:1 small-rx, (b) 1:2 To show that having multiple primary coils reduces the
small-rx, (c) 1:3 small-rx, (d) 2:2 small-rx, (e) 2:3 small-rx, (f) 1:1 big-rx, influence of one receiver on the others, we map the loading con-
(g) 1:2 big-rx, (h) 2:2 big-rx, (i) 2:2 split-tx small-rx, (j) 2:3 split-tx small-rx,
and (k) 2:2 split-tx big-rx. Scale is as indicated in (i) for all subplots. dition (Rl1 , Rl2 , . . . , RlN ) to a corresponding received power
delivery condition (Prx1 , Prx2 , . . . , PrxN ) using the data from
the electronic load sweeps. Although it is impossible to fully
they are assumed to be centered; when two small receivers are explore the power delivery space due to the discrete nature of
on one transmitter, the receivers are 10 cm center-to-center; and the tests, looking at this discrete set of loading conditions allows
when three small receivers or two large receivers are on one us to outline the physically realizable power values that can be
transmitter, the receivers are assumed immediately adjacent. received by multiple loads on the same primary coil or coils.
Of course, in reality, the geometry and positions have small Figs. 6 and 7 show this for the two-receiver condition. In
variations from the assumed values. This results in deviation Fig. 6, 1:2 and 2:2 show similar power spaces because the re-
of the inductance matrix from the true value and, thus, the ceivers are small and further apart, so they are weakly coupled.
spread in the observed/estimated plots. The apparent offset in Fig. 7 demonstrates that when the receiver size is large, for 1:2,
the plots is largely due to deviation in the calculated parasitics the power space is squeezed into a much narrower area, while
from the true values; the predicted parasitics are lower than for 2:2, the power space is close to a square 10 W on each
those measured. As a result, the predicted values of the received side. The constricted power space for 1:2 occurs because when
power are generally slightly higher than those observed. one receiver is lightly loaded (e.g., a fully charged device), it

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Fig. 8. Power space plot for three-receiver test. Fig. 10. Power versus efficiency plot for two-receiver tests with large

Fig. 9. Power versus efficiency plot for two-receiver tests with small receivers. Fig. 11. Power versus efficiency plot for three-receiver tests with small
“chokes” power delivery to the other high power load (e.g., an
uncharged device). This phenomenon can be seen in the blue M AXIMUM Prx AND M AXIMUM ηc FOR
dots (1:2) in Fig. 7: When receiver 1 has high load resistance D IFFERENT M : N A RRANGEMENTS
and receives low power (less than 0.2 W), receiver 2 is limited
to less than 0.2 W. This amounts to the pinched shape of the
power space. Such power delivery limitations are unacceptable.
The same plot demonstrates that, for 2:2, the power delivered to
receiver 2 can still reach about 10 W when receiver 1 has low-
power high-resistance conditions. Although a simplification,
it can be said that with multiple transmitters, the receivers
are essentially in parallel, while with one transmitter, they are
essentially in series. With a constant voltage source, power
delivery to resistive loads in series is governed by the total
resistance, whereas loads in parallel receive independent power In the same plots, the effect of split transmitter is also
delivery. Multiple primary coils parallelize power delivery; demonstrated. The key difference for the split transmitter is a
however, it does not completely decouple the receivers. reduction in received power, shown as a shifting of the power

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Fig. 12. Total received power as a function of RL , and its 95% confidence intervals with 5% component tolerance (red lines), 10% component tolerances (blue
dashes), and 20% component tolerances (black dashed–dotted lines), for both (left) 1:2 and (right) 2:2 cases.

space toward the origin. This is because the fringing fields of power, as the maximum Prx is increased from 1.82 to 9.45.
the primary coils dissipate into the nearby environment instead Likewise, with three receivers, Fig. 11 demonstrates that there
of into a neighboring coil. is also an increase in received power, while the maximum
Fig. 8 shows the power space with small receivers for 1:3 efficiency remains about the same. Using the split transmitter
and for 2:3 (large receivers could not be considered for 1:3 decreases ηc to 0.67. It seems that using multiple transmitters
because of insufficient room on the transmitter). Although the that are spatially separated from each other reduces efficiency
difference is less pronounced than that of the N = 2 condition, and received power as the fringing fields are dissipated into the
it is apparent that the 1:3 power space is more curved, with nearby environment instead of coupling into a neighboring coil.
an upward sweep, while the 2:3 power space is a distinct Table IV gives the maximum Prx and ηc for each test.
rectangular prism. When one receiver is in a high-resistance To investigate the sensitivity to component variation, a Monte
low-power condition, the power received by the other receivers Carlo simulation was run, assuming that the components are
is less in 1:3 than in 2:3. Fig. 8 similarly demonstrates the normally distributed, with means given by the derived compo-
decoupling effect, only with a split transmitter. The effect is the nent formulas and with standard deviations σ such that 3σ is
same as discussed in the preceding paragraph, and for similar the component tolerance. These simulations were carried out
reasons. at tolerance levels of 5%, 10%, and 20%, for the 1:2 and 2:2
configurations, using the large receivers. One receiver was fixed
at 500 Ω, and the other was swept from 60 to 4000 Ω. Fig. 12
C. Impact on Efficiency and Total Received Power
shows the 95% confidence intervals for total received power at
Transmitted power was measured using a current probe the three tolerance levels. Fig. 13 shows the 95% confidence
(Agilent N2783A), a voltage probe (Agilent N2863A), and an intervals for total efficiency at the three tolerance levels. As can
oscilloscope (Agilent DSO 5034A), with measurement accu- be seen, the power is skewed low, with tighter tolerances for
racies of 1% and 0.5%, respectively. This corresponds to an 1:2 than for 2:2. Efficiency is skewed high, with tighter tol-
accuracy of power measurement of 1.5%. Due to temperature erances for the 2:2 system than for the 2:1. This skew low in
effects and the effect of transmission delay on the phase of the power confidence intervals and skew high in the efficiency
measurement, the actual accuracy is estimated to be around 5%. confidence intervals show that the system is not optimized for
Received power was measured using the dc electronic loads maximum power delivery but rather efficiency. This makes
(BK 8500), which have (worst case) accuracies of 0.4% for sense, as all of the component selection for the system is
current and 0.38% for voltage, giving a measurement accuracy done on the basis of efficient operation of the class E. The
for power of about 0.8%. 2:2 system’s efficiency is less sensitive to component variation
Fig. 9 shows the total received power Prx and coupling primarily because of Cout which governs the phase range seen
efficiency (ηc , defined as the total received power over the by the class E and thus its efficiency. Cout is larger in the
transmitted power) for the two-small-receiver tests. It is clear 2:2 system; therefore, its reactance is less sensitive to variations.
from the plot that the impact on efficiency is minimal; the For total received power, the 1:2 system is less sensitive than the
maximum ηc for 1:2 and 2:2 is 0.75 and drops to 0.68 with 2:2 system to component variations, because the two receivers
split transmitters. With large receivers (Fig. 10), the effect of in the 2:2 system can vary more independently due to the
changing from 1:2 to 2:2 is seen as an increase in received decoupling effect.

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Fig. 13. Total efficiency as a function of RL , and its 95% confidence intervals with 5% component tolerance (red lines), 10% component tolerances (blue
dashes), and 20% component tolerances (black dashed–dotted lines), for both (left) 1:2 and (right) 2:2 cases.

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[3] G. Joun and B. Cho, “An energy transmission system for an artificial heart
using leakage inductance compensation of transcutaneous transformer,” Joaquin J. Casanova (S’06) received the B.S. and
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1013–1022, Nov. 1998. M.S. degrees in agricultural and biological engineer-
[4] Y. Jang and M. Jovanovic, “A contactless electrical energy transmis- ing from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in
sion system for portable-telephone battery chargers,” IEEE Trans. Ind. 2006 and 2007, respectively, where he is currently
Electron., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 520–527, Jun. 2003. working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engi-
[5] G. Wang, W. Liu, R. Bashirullah, M. Sivaprakasam, G. Kendir, Y. Ji, neering in the Department of Electrical and Com-
M. Humayun, and J. Weiland, “A closed loop transcutaneous power puter Engineering.
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ISCAS, 2004, vol. 4, pp. 17–20. power transfer, heat and mass transfer, and pat-
[6] J. Acero, D. Navarro, L. Barragan, I. Garde, J. Artigas, and J. Burdio, tern recognition. His previous research included
“FPGA-based power measuring for induction heating appliances using microwave remote sensing of agricultural systems.
sigma–delta A/D conversion,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 4, Mr. Casanova is a member of the American Society of Agricultural and
pp. 1843–1852, Aug. 2007. Biological Engineers.

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Zhen Ning Low (S’01) received the B.Eng. de- Jenshan Lin (S’91–M’94–SM’00) received the
gree under the accelerated bachelor program from B.S. degree from National Chiao Tung University,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1987, and the M.S. and Ph.D.
2005. Since 2006, he has been working toward degrees in electrical engineering from the University
the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), in 1991 and
and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, 1994, respectively.
Gainesville. In 1994, he joined AT&T Bell Labs (later Lucent
In February 2005, he joined the Institute for Info- Bell Labs), Murray Hill, NJ, as a Member of Tech-
comm Research, Singapore as a Research Engineer, nical Staff, where he became the Technical Manager
and was involved in Zigbee wireless sensor networks of RF and High Speed Circuit Design Research in
and ultrawideband position location systems. He is 2000 and was involved in RF integrated circuits
currently the Team Leader of the wireless power-transmission project with the using various technologies for wireless communications. In September 2001,
Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems Research Group. His current research he joined Agere Systems, a spin-off from Lucent Technologies. In July 2003,
interests include wireless power transmission, RF systems, microwave circuits, he joined the University of Florida, Gainesville, as an Associate Professor.
low-power sensor networks, and antenna design. He has authored or coauthored He has been a Full Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer
more than 15 technical publications in refereed journals and conference pro- Engineering since August 2007. His current research interests include sensors
ceedings. He has filed six patent applications in the area of wireless power and biomedical applications of microwave and millimeter-wave technologies,
transmission. wireless energy transmission, RF system-on-chip integration, and integrated
antennas. He has authored or coauthored over 175 technical publications in
refereed journals and conference proceedings. He is the holder of seven patents.
Dr. Lin is an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON M ICRO -
WAVE T HEORY AND T ECHNIQUES . He was the General Chair of the 2008
RFIC Symposium and the Technical Program Chair of the 2009 Radio and
Wireless Symposium. He received the 1994 UCLA Outstanding Ph.D. Award,
the 1997 Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Honorable
Mention Award, and the 2007 IEEE MTT-S N. Walter Cox Award.

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