DLL Grade 10 Q1 Week2 Textual Aids
DLL Grade 10 Q1 Week2 Textual Aids
DLL Grade 10 Q1 Week2 Textual Aids
School: HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level: 10
C. Learning Determine the effect Determine the effect of Determine the effect Determine the effect of Determine the effect
Competencies/Objectives: of textual aids like textual aids like of textual aids like textual aids like advance of textual aids like
advance organizers, advance organizers, advance organizers, organizers, titles, non- advance organizers,
titles, non-linear titles, non-linear titles, non-linear linear illustrations, etc. on titles, non-linear
illustrations, etc. on illustrations, etc. on theillustrations, etc. on the understanding of the illustrations, etc. on
the understanding of understanding of the the understanding of text the understanding of
the text text the text read the text
Define textual identify the types use various comprehensively Create textual
aids, titles and of textual aids textual aids in the story, aids to express
non-linear determine the understanding Daedalus and understanding of
illustrations effects of textual a text Icarus the text
identify the types aids in Present
determine the use various textual
of textual aids understanding the understanding
effects of these aids in
determine the text on the events
effects of textual Create textual textual aids in understanding the and other
aids in aids to express understanding story, Daedalus elements of the
understanding understanding of a text. and Icarus story read
the text the text Create textual determine the
aids to express effects of these
understanding of textual aids in
the text understanding a
Create textual aids
to express
understanding of the
Determining the Effect Determining the Effect Determining the Effect Determining the Effect of Determining the Effect
of Textual Aids on the of Textual Aids on the of Textual Aids on the Textual Aids on the of Textual Aids on the
II. CONTENT Understanding of a Understanding of a Understanding of a Understanding of a Text Understanding of a
Text Text Text Text
Reviewing previous Reviewing the definition Presenting their Reviewing the first segment Reviewing the important
lesson and functions of textual learnings on textual aids of the story through the events in the story
A. Reviewing previous lesson aids and the distinction of through an effective and storyboard the learners previously read through
or presenting the new lesson Making list of key ideas their types appropriate textual aid constructed in the last illustrating its plot
from the recap such as a graphic meeting
organizer of certain type
Presenting key ideas Presenting the other type Viewing a short video What do you think Determining the use
(about informational of textual aid— the on the story, Ang happened next? and effects of the
B. Establishing a purpose for
listening) from the list in graphic (or advance) Gamo-gamo by Dr. graphic organizers
the lesson
a concept or mind organizers Jose Rizal made for the story,
mapping Daedalus and Icarus
Mentioning that the Showing images of What does the story in Did Daedalus and Icarus Emphasizing the
C. Presenting examples/ mapping made is an sample graphic the video present? had a successful flight? importance of these
instances of the new lesson example of an aid in organizers to stimulate textual aids to better
understanding a their background Presenting the title of understand the story
text/discussion listened knowledge about them the main story to be read
to or read read, Daedalus and
G. Finding Practical Determining the effects Determining the effects Which part of the story What lesson in life did you In what situation
Applications of Concepts and of textual aids in of graphic organizers as gave you the most gain from the story, obedience is best
understanding textual aids in excitement or made you specifically from the applied in your life?
information presented in understanding relate to your own characters of Daedalus and
a text read information presented in experience with Icarus?
a text read
Skills in Daily Living
How do you use your
knowledge on the use of
textual aids in your life
as a student?
Capsulizing the Letting the learners make Facilitating learners’ Letting the learners do How are the story of
definition and functions a recap of what they synthesis on the first collaborative summarizing Gamu-gamu and
H. Making Generalizations and
of textual aids and their learned for the day segment of the story of the story, Daedalus and Daedalus and Icarus
Abstractions About the Lesson
types with the learners through the storyboard Icarus related?
previously constructed
Assessment on concepts Post Assessment
discussed for both use of textual
I. Evaluating Learning
aids and on the story,
Daedalus and Icarus
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
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