9 класс поурочки Excel

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Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 1

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Topic: Attributes and personality.

9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

Learning objectives(s) that
this lesson is contributing 9.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular
to topics

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:
 Comprehend comparisons to compare and contrast people and the things
they do.
Some learners will be able to:
 Produce a clear, coherent description of a person they know.
Planned activities
Planned Marks
Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Resources

Beginning the When you want to get to know

lesson someone, ask about their hobbies
and interests. Talking about
hobbies means you can share
details about yourself – and Answer the teacher’s
Students bo
discover shared interests and free- question
time activities.

Here are some phrases you can

Questions you can ask
What do you like doing?
What sort of hobbies do you have?
How to reply
Middle In my free time I… Pictures,
Make a sentence and write it
This short video will give you an
opportunity to learn comparison
of adverbs.

Ending the Reflection



attach their boat in the appropriate
area of the map that reflects their
emotions and mood after the

Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 2

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Reading: Comparing generations.

Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.R2
contributing to 9.UE14

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

you will be able to comprehend the concept of generation differences.
Most learners will be able to:
use, pronounce and spell most target vocabulary accurately in production tasks and integrate
with some success in extended writing task
Some learners will be able to:
use, pronounce and spell a range of target vocabulary accurately in production tasks and
integrate to good effect in extended writing task
Planned activities
Planned Pupil’s Marks
Teacher’s activities Resources
timings activities
Warm up. Answer the Emoticon
Beginning the teacher’s
1/ Describe the
lesson question

given picture.

2/ What is the message conveyed by it?

Middle ask: What were their clothes like? What were their
hairstyle like?
 Ask: What do you think life was like in the
1950s? Make a
 Ex.2 p.10. Justifying True/False statements Pictures, book
sentence and
with reference to the text.
write it
What do you think life was like in the 1950s?


Ending the

Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 3

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Topic: Past perfect & past simple.

Learning objectives(s) 9.W3

that this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Identify the difference between the past perfect and past simple.
Most learners will be able to:
Construct the sentences using past perfect and past simple with support
Some learners will be able to:
Apply past perfect and past simple to talk about events at different times in the past without
Planned activities
Planned Pupil’s Marks
Teacher’s activities Resources
timings activities
The past perfect simple (had + past participle) is used to
Beginning talk about past actions or situations that
the lesson happened before a specific time in the Answer the
teacher’s Emoticon


Watch a video to learn how to use the past perfect and

past simple tenses together in English.

Then test your understanding of the English lesson by

Middle answering the questions. You will get the answers and
Make a Pictures,
your score at the end of the quiz.
sentence and book
https://www.engvid.com/past-simple-past-perfect/ write it

To have more practice play quiz game.


Ending the How well do I understand?
4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.

3 - I understand and can do this by myself.

2 - I need more practice.

1 - I don't understand this yet.

Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 4

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Topic: Vocabulary and listening: Uses of get.

Learning objectives(s) 9.S5

that this lesson is
contributing to 9.UE1

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

Identify the meaning of the dialogues "People talking about the past".
Most learners will be able to:
Synthesize information from the dialogues and use it as the basis for discussion.
Some learners will be able to:
Produce a clear, coherent description of their memories.
Planned activities
Planned Pupil’s Mark
Teacher’s activities Resources
timings activities s
Fill in the table with the names of hobbies: doing things,
collecting things, making things, learning things.
doing collecting things making things learning
things things
1) sports 1) stamps 1) 1) reading
Beginning 2) 2) photos drawing/paintin books
the lesson travellin 3)pictures/ g 2) leaning
g posters 2) cooking languages
3) 4)coins 3) 3) watching Handouts Emoticon
shopping knitting/sewing TV with task
4) 4) making 4) reading
singing models/ books,
5) designing newspapers
dancing costumes , magazines
6) 5) surfing
playing the Interne
the piano
Complete the sentences for you. You may use a dictionary if
1. The last time I (or a friend) got a
Middle detention …
2. I got some fantastic presents … Make a Pictures,
3. I get the impression that … sentence book
4. I got a terrible shock when … and write it
5. The last time I got ill …
6. My cousins and I get together …
7. I get on really well with …

Ending Reflection
the lesson
Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 5

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Topic: Past simple and continuous.

Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.W2
contributing to 9.UE9

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

Identify the difference between past simple and continuous.
Most learners will be able to:
Construct the sentences using past simple and continuous with minimal support.
Some learners will be able to:
Apply past simple and continuous to talk about past events and memories without support.
Planned activities
Planned Pupil’s Marks
Teacher’s activities Resources
timings activities
. Internet Emoticon
Beginning Presentation Presentation
the lesson Video and
Handouts with

 To have some practice play gameshow

 https://wordwall.net/resource/824264/

Middle Make a sentence Pictures, book

and write it

Giving the hometask. WB p.9

Ending the Self-assessment.

How well do I understand?

4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.

3 - I understand and can do this by myself.

2 - I need more practice.

1 - I don't understand this yet.

Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 6

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Talking about past events.
Learning objectives(s) 9.L1
that this lesson is
contributing to 9.S7

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

Recognize and use key phrases for talking about events in the past.

Most learners will be able to:

Create their own dialogues based on the given situations.
Some learners will be able to:
Perform situations talking about events in the past without support.
Planned activities
Pupil’s Marks
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources

Look at the photo from SB p.14 ex.1 and

answer the questions.
Beginning the lesson
Read the dialogue in SB p.14 ex.2. Then Answer the
practise it. teacher’s Emoticon
Complete the dialogue with the phrases. question

It was around fifty What happened then?

Did I ever tell you about
The best bit was have a good time

Prepare a dialogue. Imagine you want to tell

your friend about an event.
A Ask if you’ve told them about the event
Middle B Say no and ask what it was like.
A Describe the event.
B Ask if A had a good time.
A Reply and tell B about the best bit.
B Ask what happened then.
A Tell B how it ended.
B Say it sounds great.

Ending the lesson Reflection

“Cinquain” is a five-line poem based on the content
of the material under the study.

Line 1 – One-word title.

Line 2 – Two adjectives for describing that word.

Line 3 – Three verbs.

Line 4 – Four feeling words.

Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 7

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Topic: Describing a decade.

Learning objectives(s) 9.S7

that this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Examine the general writing structure of an account of a decade.
Most learners will be able to:
Summarize an account of a decade in accordance with the writing guide
Some learners will be able to:
Express their ideas in writing an account of a decade without support

Planned activities
Planned Pupil’s Marks
Teacher’s activities Resources
timings activities
Back to the Sixties Answer the Emoticon
Beginning http://objflicks.com/ teacher’s
the lesson TakeMeBackToTheSixties.htm question
Watch the video and answer the questions:
1. How much was a McDonald’s hamburger in the
2. Which dance was popular in the sixties?
3. Which TV shows were popular?
4. Which musicians and bands were popular?
5. Which water sport became popular on America’s
west coast?
6. What was invented in the sixties?
7. What did fashionable people wear in the sixties?
8. Name a leader of the Civil Rights Movement:
9. Which country did America go to war with?
10. Which were the two main countries involved in the
cold war?
11. Name one American president in the sixties:
12. Who expressed peace and love and often wore
casual, loose clothing, headbands, beads and

. Now use the time phrases to compare life

in the sixties with life in the Noughties
Middle (2000-2009). Think about fashions,
transport and travel, technology, music Make a Pictures,
and films, food. sentence and
write it
Life in the sixties

Ending the


Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 8

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Topic: Comparing generations
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.R9
contributing to 9.UE3

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

• Demonstrate the correct use of "used to" talking about the past.
Most learners will be able to:
• Analyze a text comparing the lifestyles and hobbies of different generations.
Some learners will be able to:
• Produce a clear, coherent description of hobbies and interests they used to have.
Planned activities
Pupil’s Mark
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources
activities s
To compare the lifestyles and hobbies of
different generations turn to your SB p.16
Grammar presentation.
Beginning the lesson
Answer the
teacher’s Emoticon

Watch a lovely and tender video about the life of

two people who met when they were children and
the moments they have shared. Presentation
Complete the sentences, put the sentence in order, Video and
multiple choice, answer the questions. images

Ending the lesson Giving the hometask. SB ex.7 p.16 (a dialogue)

“Cinquain” is a five-line poem based on the content of
the material under the study.
Line 1 – One-word title.
Line 2 – Two adjectives for describing that word.
Line 3 – Three verbs.
Line 4 – Four feeling words.
Line 5 – A synonym for the title word.

Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 9

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Topic: The British sense of humour.
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.S3
contributing to 9.S7

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

 Recognize and use vocabulary to do with humour.

Most learners will be able to:

• Analyze a text about the British sense of humour.
Some learners will be able to:
• Express their ideas about sense of humour in KZ building extended sentences.
Planned activities
Planned Marks
Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Resources
Read the quotation by Charlie Chaplin “A day without
Beginning the laughter is a day wasted “. What

Answer the teacher’s


does it
mean? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Watch the
Middle “Health
benefits of
Make a sentence and Pictures
write it
and do the quiz.


Ending the Reflection


Know Want to know Learnt

Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 10

Teacher’s name:
Grade: Number present: absent:
Topic: CLIL: Media studies. The British sense of humour.
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.S3
contributing to 9.S7

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

Reproduce taught material in listening, speaking, writing.
Most learners will be able to:
you will be able to use taught vocabulary and grammar with accuracy.
Some learners will be able to:
Use taught vocabulary and grammar with accuracy.
Planned activities
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities
Answer the Emoticon
Beginning the lesson used to teacher’s question
Complete the sentences with used
to or didn’t use to and the verbs.
1. My dad didn’t use to drive (not
drive) to work.
2. My gran __________ (wear)
platform boots in the 1970s.
3. Children __________ (not play)
with electronic toys.
4. My dad __________ (have) a black-
and-white TV.
5. I __________ (not speak) to my
friends on a mobile phone.
6. __________ (you/wear) a different
hairstyle when you were younger?
Past perfect and past simple
Choose the correct forms.
1. Our clothes had been / were wet
because it had rained/ rained.
2. I hadn’t left / didn’t leave England Internet
until I had gone / went to Spain last year.
Middle 3. The teacher had been / was angry Presentation
because Kate hadn’t done / didn’t do her
homework. Video and images
4. When I had got / got on the bus, I
discovered that I forgot / had forgotten
my money.
5. The school had been / was quiet
because all the students had gone / went

Pair share

Ending the lesson At the end of a lesson learners share with

their partner:
 Three new things they have
 Whattheyfoundeasy
 Whattheyfounddifficult
Something they would like to learn in the

Unit: LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 11

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Topic: Project. An interview summary: teenage years.
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.S7
contributing to 9.UE3

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

• Reproduce taught material in listening, speaking, writing.
Most learners will be able to:
• Demonstrate learned grammar and vocabulary about hobbies and qualities with sure
Some learners will be able to:
• Use taught vocabulary and grammar with accuracy.

Planned activities
Planned Marks
Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Resources
Read the interview summary and match
Beginning the paragraphs A-E with interview questions 1-
lesson 5. It’s ex.1 p.19 (SB).

Interview a parent, grandparent, or older Answer the

family friend who is a member of another teacher’s question Emoticon
generation. By getting them to talk about their
past, you will open a door into a new world.
You might be astonished at how different their
lives were in the past and how different their
attitudes are today because of it.

.You may use the following questions:

1. What were your favorite activities? Who did you
do them with?
2. If you had free time on a Saturday afternoon, how
would you spend it?
3. If there was something you were interested in,
Middle how would you learn more about it?
4. What global events were the most memorable for Make a sentence Pictures,
you? How did these affect your attitudes about the
and write it
5. How did you communicate with your friends?
What were the advantages and disadvantages of
those methods?
6. What kinds of technology did you use on a daily
basis? What do you think of today’s technology?


Pair share
Ending the lesson
At the end of a lesson learners share with their

 Three new things they have learnt:

 Whattheyfoundeasy
 Whattheyfounddifficult
Something they would like to learn in the

Unit assessment 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

Learning objectives 9.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics
9.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and
curricular topics
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
wide increased range of general and curricular topics
Assessmentcriteria Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with some
Express thoughts about the given topic in the conversations
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging
words and phrases into well-formed sentences
Levelofthinkingskills Application
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes

Listening (Link)
Task 1. Listen to four people talking about their hobbies. For questions 1 - 4, name the
hobby and choose from the list (A-E) what each person says about it. Use the letters only
once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A It teaches you about other cultures. Speaker 1:_
В You learn to work with others. Speaker 2:_
С It demands a lot of free time. Speaker 3:_
D It can be stressful at times. Speaker 4:_
E It helps you to stop worrying.

Task 2. An individual interview on the suggested topic for approximately 2 minutes for each
Card 1
1. What kinds of hobbies do you know?
2. How can hobby reflect our personality?
3. Do you have any hobby/pastime activity? If so, what is it?
4. How long have you had this hobby? Why do you like it?
5. Are there any activities that you used to do and that you don’t do anymore?
6. How does hobby influence a person's life?

Card 2
1. Which hobbies are the most popular among teenagers?
2. Do you have any hobby/pastime activity? If so, what is it?
3. When did you first develop this hobby?
4. How much time do you spend on your hobby? Is this enough? Please explain.
5. Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
6. Why do people need hobbies?

Card 3
1. Why do we have different kinds of hobbies?
2. What factors influence your choice of a hobby/pastime activity?
3. What is your favourite hobby/pastime activity? Why?
4. What hobbies used to be popular, but aren’t common now? Why have they gone out of
5. What are some of the advantages of having a hobby?
6. Can your hobby become your profession and vice versa? Can you think of any examples?

Card 4
1. Do you have any hobby/pastime activity? If so, what is it?
2. How did you become interested in your hobby? Please explain.
3. What have you tried but didn't like? Please explain.
4. What hobby would you want to try someday? Why?
5. What do hobbies and interests tell about a person?
6. What do your hobbies and interests tell about you?

Card 5
1. Why it is important for people to have time for leisure activities?
2. Do you have any hobby/pastime activity? If so, what is it?
3. Why are some leisure activities more popular than others?
4. What types of leisure activities may become more popular in the future?
5. What type of leisure activities helpful for teenagers? Why?
6. Some people do not have any leisure activity. Why it is the case?

Assessment criteria Task Mark
A learner

Identify the position of 1D - karate 1

speakers in an extended 2B - basketball 1
3A - watching TV 1
talk with some support. 4E - drawing 1

Express thoughts about gives proper answers to the questions; 1

the given topic in the expresses his/her opinion on topic; 1
Apply topic related uses vocabulary words on the topic; 1
vocabulary in speech
appropriately arranging pronounces words and phrases correctly; 1
words and phrases into
well-formed sentences. uses grammatically correct sentences in a talk. 1
Total marks 9

Transript 1
Speaker I
I suppose I've been doing it for about four years now. The thing with karate is that you have to
practise constantly. I found that quite hard at first because I wasn't used to it, but now I quite
enjoy doing my exercises these days. A lot of it is in the mind. You have to be able to
concentrate and to stay calm. The end result should be perfect harmony between mind and body.
It can be difficult to stay calm, though, when you're trying to get the next belt. There's a lot of
pressure on you to do all the moves perfectly.
Speaker 2
Basketball is a wonderful game. My uncle got me my first basketball and I've been playing ever
since. From the moment I picked it up, I loved the game. I joined a team when I was old enough
and now I play matches every weekend and train about three times a week. It's a sport that
teaches you a lot about teamwork - you have to learn how to cooperate well with other people.
Some people don't like that, but I think it's what sport is about.
Speaker 3
I don't know if you'd call it a hobby exactly, but I do watch a lot of TV. I find it entertains me
when I haven't got anything better to do. I'll watch whatever's on, really, although I'm not so
interested in sports. I know some people think it's a waste of time, but I'm not embarrassed. I
think I've learned a huge amount from television, and not just watching documentaries. Watching
foreign programmes can help your English, and you learn about how people live in other
countries much better than you can from a book. That's where you'll find me most weekends, in
front of the TV.
Speaker 4
I like spending time on my own, so drawing is the ideal hobby for mе. I started drawing when I
was very young, like most people, and I found that I was quite good at it. I don't know. I can just
look at something and I know how to put it onto paper Mostly, I draw things that I see around
me, but sometimes I just make things up from my imagination. I can escape from my everyday
problems that way. And the good thing is that when you've finished you've got a work of art that
you can hang on your wall, or give to somebody.

Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment

for the unit «Hobbies and qualities»

Learner's name ______________________________________________

Assessment Level of learning achievements

criteria Low Middle High
Identify the Experiences Experiences some Confidently identifies the
position of difficulties in difficulties in speaker's position while listening
speakers in an identifying the identifying the the text.
extended talk speaker's position speaker's position while Completesthetaskmostlycorrectl
with some while listening the listening the text. y.
support. text. Completes Makes some mistakes
the task mostly in answers.
Express Experiences States his/her point of Presents ideas clearly with
thoughts about difficulties in view uncertainly accurate pronunciation of the
the given topic answering without good words. Uses a range of simple
in the questions with reasoning. Makes some and some complex grammatical
conversations. appropriate mistakes in forms. Demonstrates a wide
Apply topic grammar and pronunciation and in choice of topical vocabulary.
related vocabulary. using topical Answers the questions with
vocabulary in Attempts to vocabulary and justification.
speech answer the grammatical structures.
appropriately questions, but
arranging most of the time
words and the answers are
phrases into inappropriate. Has
well-formed a frequent
sentences. problem with

Unit: Exercise and School: Kaztalov school lyceum

Date: 2.10 Teacher’s name:Adilgereyeva Zh

Grade: 9 ә Number present: absent:

Topic: Fun races
Learning objectives(s) 9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of general and curricular topics
that this lesson is 9.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
contributing to
Talk about different types of sport
Lesson objectives use a wide range of language from the module to express views
write a range of relevant questions accurately

Planned activities
Pupil’s Marks
Planned timings Teacher’s activities
activities Resources

Beginning the lesson

Before doing the Heath and exercise quiz form
your SB ex. 3 p.20 play flashcards games to help
you remember new words. Answer the
https://quizlet.com/510957638/unit-2-flash- teacher’s Emoticon
cards/ question

Turn to ex.3 p.20. Look at the sentences and

decide if they are true or false.

Grammar presentation

Ending the lesson

"Message". Pupils write 7 words of the greatest
importance for the topic of the lesson.
Unit:2 Exercise and School: Kaztalov school lyceum
Teacher’s name:Adilgereyeva Zh
Date: 2.10
Grade: 9 ә Number present: absent:
Topic: Fun races
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of general and curricular topics
Learning objectives(s) 9.W3 write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
that this lesson is
contributing to

Talk about different types of sport

use a wide range of language from the module to express views
Lesson objectives write a range of relevant questions accurately
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in controlled tasks with little support
Planned activities
Planned Marks Resourc
Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities
timings es

Look at the photos and answer the questions.

 What are the people doing?
 How do you think the activities in each
picture are helping keep them healthy?

Answer the
teacher’s question

the lesson

Middle Read again and answer the questions.

1. What could an unhealthy weight lead to? Emoticon
2. How does physical activity benefit our
muscles and bones?
3. What does our heart do?
4. How are low-intensity and moderate-intensity
activities different?
5. How does a person feel during a high-intensity

To Nurdaulet
Ending the
My My feelings My Valuable
participatio and difficulties thoughts for
n in the emotions me from the
lesson during the lesson
Unit: LESSON: Module 2Lesson 15

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Topic: May, might, could, must, can’t.
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.C9
contributing to 9.W3

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

identify some specific information in reading text and use some target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in reading text and use most target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in reading text and use most target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with little support

Planned activities
Pupil’s Marks
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources
 .Presentation
 This lesson is focused on using modal verbs
Beginning the lesson
for certainty, probability, and deduction.
“Deduction” means using the information available to
make a guess or draw a conclusion about the facts Answer the
teacher’s Emoticon

In these exercises (1-3) you will practise using

Middle modal verbs to express certainty, Answer the
probability, and deduction: must, can’t, could,
may, might.
https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/ question Emoticon

Ending the lesson Self-assessment.How well do I understand?

4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.

Unit: LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 16

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Phrasal verbs (a healthy lifestyle).
Learning objectives(s) 9.L6
that this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use and pronounce some target language accurately in response to prompts and in controlled
tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to prompts and in controlled
tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to prompts and in controlled
tasks with little support
Planned activities
Pupil’s Marks
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources
Turn to your SB p.24 ex.1 and match the phrasal
Beginning the lesson verbs in blue in The eight-point health plan with
synonyms a-h. Answer the
teacher’s Emoticon
Complete the dialogue with the phrasal verbs in
the box. question
carry on with * get rid of * start off with * stay away
from * stick to * taken up * try out

Who is the oldest person you know? How old are they? Make a Pictures,
How healthy is their lifestyle? sentence and
write it
Read the article below. Answer the questions.
1 Why are the people of Okinawa famous?
2 What are the reasons for their good health?
Ending the lesson

Summary sentence

Ask learners to write one sentence to summarize

what they know about the topic.

Unit: LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 17

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Topic: Past modals.
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.L4
contributing to 9.W2

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

use and pronounce some target language accurately in response to prompts and in controlled
tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to prompts and in controlled
tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to prompts and in controlled
tasks with little support
Planned activities
Pupil’s Marks
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources
Beginning the lesson Answer the Emoticon
 In these exercises (1-3) you will practise using
past modals of deduction and speculation. Make a sentence Pictures,
 https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1- and write it

Ending the lesson

 Self-assessment.
 How well do I understand?
 4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.
 3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
 2 - I need more practice.
 1 - I don't understand this yet.

Unit: LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 18

Teacher’s name:
Grade:9 Number present: absent:

Exchanging opinions.
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.S5
contributing to 9.S7

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

identify some specific information in reading text and use some target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in reading text and use most target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in reading text and use most target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with little support
Planned activities
Pupil’s Marks
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources
Beginning the Performance-enhancing drugs are known as doping. These are
lesson taken to gain an unfair advantage. It is illegal & is often Answer
harmful. All of these drugs are banned. the
Why do performers take drugs? Emoticon
Physiological Reasons: to build muscles, increase energy, question
lose weight, reduce tiredness
Social Reasons: Pressure to win, earn money, fear of losin

Make a
sentence Pictures,
and write
Look through the model dialogue in your SB p.26 ex.2. it
Pay attention to the key phrases for exchanging opinions.

Ending the lesson
How well do I understand?
4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.

Unit: LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 19

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Topic: A discussion essay.
Learning objectives(s) 9.S7
that this lesson is
contributing to 9.R6

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

identify some specific information in reading text and use some target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in reading text and use most target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in reading text and use most target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with little support
Planned activities
Pupil’s Mark
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources
activities s
Beginning the lesson
List the following people in order of income, from the Answer the
highest earning (1) to the lowest (4). Then list them in the teacher’s Emoticon
order you think they should be. Are your lists different?
a P.E. teacher * a top footballer * a TV sports commentator * question
a top triathlet

 Put the paragraph topics from the essay in the correct Make a
order. Pictures,
Middle sentence and
 Conclusion – writer’s opinion
write it
 Introduction – the situation
 Arguments for footballers’ high salaries
 Arguments against footballers’ high salaries
Ending the lesson
How well do I understand?
4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.

Unit: LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 20

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Sport stars of Kazakhstan.
Learning objectives(s) 9.S7
that this lesson is
contributing to

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

identify some specific information in texts and research and write short organised text
for display using some of their own words
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in texts and research and write short organised text
for display using a range of their own words
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in texts and research and write more extended
organised text for display using a range of their own words
Planned activities
Pupil’s Marks
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources
Beginning the lesson
Read the text form your SB p.28 ex.2 and complete the the
sentences with the names of the people. teacher’s

 Choose a sports star of Kazakhstan, create

his/her profile and include the following
 name Make a
 date of birth sentence Pictures,
 place of birth and write
 sport it
 at least 2 pictures
 achievements
 interestingfacts.

Ending the lesson

How well do I understand?
4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.
Unit: LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 21

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

CLIL. Biology: Healthy eating.
Learning objectives(s) 9.R1
that this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Recognize and use vocabulary connected with success in sport

Most learners will be able to:

Synthesize the information from the text about Kazakh sportspeople and use it as the
basis for discussion
Some learners will be able to:
Talk with fluency about famous sportspeople in Kazakhstan
Planned activities
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities
s Resources
What do you think makes a healthy diet?
Beginning the lesson Look at the ‘eatwell’ plate. What does it suggest
we eat the most / least of? Answer the
teacher’s question

Plan what you will eat and drink for a day. Look
at the Eatwell Guide for ideas.
Make a sentence Pictures,
Middle Breakfast
and write it
Snacks and
other drinks
Ending the lesson

Most ……. thing

Ask learners what was the most, e.g. useful,

interesting, surprising, etc. thing they learned

Unit: LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 22

Teacher’s name:
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:

Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is 9.S5
contributing to 9.S7

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

you will be able to use taught vocabulary and grammar with accuracy.
Most learners will be able to:
Create their own dialogues based on the given situations.
Some learners will be able to:
Provide unprepared speech talking about adventure sports
Planned activities
Pupil’s Mark
Planned timings Teacher’s activities Resources
activities s
Beginning the lesson
can, could, will be able to
Choose the correct words. Answer the
teacher’s Emoticon
may, might, could, must, can’t question
Choose the correct words, a, b or c.

Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in the

cut down on * get over * give-up * take up * work out

Tomorrow, I’m going to give upjunk food. This is my last burger! Make a
1. I __________ at the gym every day. Pictures,
Middle sentence
2. Joe’s dentist wants him to __________ sugary foods and
brush his teeth more often. and write it
3. I need a hobby. I think I’ll __________ tennis.
4. When my girlfriend finished with me, my friends helped me
to __________ it.

Ending the lesson Peer-assessment.

Two stars and a wish.

 You did a really good job on ...

 I really like how you ...
Maybe you could ...

Unit assessment 2 "Exercise and sport"

Learning objectives 9.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

9.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
9.W2 write independently about factual and imaginary past events,
activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and curricular
9.UE13 use a variety of modal forms for different functions and a limited
number of past modal forms including should/ shouldn’t have to express
regret and criticism on range of familiar general and curricular topics
Assessmentcriteria Form ideas effectively and demonstrate the ability to express them
Find particular facts and parts in reading passage
Write sentences about real and imaginary past events, activities and
experiences connecting sentences into paragraphs
Distinguish the difference in the usage of modal verbs for different
functions (obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests,
suggestions, prohibition)
Levelofthinkingskills Application
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes

Task 1. Read the text.
Keeping Fit
Good health is not something we are able to buy at the chemist’s and we can get back with a
quick visit to the doctor when we are ill. We often ruin our health by poor diet, stress, a bad
working environment, and carelessness. By keeping fit, changing bad habits or the surrounding
conditions we can make our body last without major problems. And what are the ways to keep
First of all you must miss no chance of outdoor activities. Skating or skiing in winter and
swimming in summer must become part of your everyday life. Second, exercise. You must
exercise whenever you can – in the morning or in the evening. Third, regular meals are a must if
you want to keep fit. Try to avoid going without any food for hours.
The Romans spoke of health in a proverb: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” In addition
to physical health, an understanding of mental health is also important. The body does a great
deal to take care of itself, but by learning a few important health rules, it is possible to help the
body to work at its best.
Nowadays, health specialists promote the idea of wellness for everybody. Wellness means
achieving the best possible health within the limits of your body. Some people prefer a lot easier
exercise to more strenuous exercise. Some people like playing three sweaty, competitive games
of tennis.
The English people in the 1990’s have become very concerned about their health. In fact,
fitness has become almost a national obsession. In large cities and small towns alike, people jog
regularly, join sports teams and go to health clubs and Fitness Centers to work out.

Put the sentences in the right order according to the text.

1. The ideas of health specialists.
2. Waysofkeepingfit.
3. How English people take care about their health.
4. The reasons of poor health.
5. The importance of physical and mental health.

Task 2. Look at the pictures and write a story to go with them. Use the following plan.
Paragraph A: introduction
Paragraph B: background information
Paragraph C: main events
Paragraph D: conclusion.

Thinks about these things.

What happened? Why? Who was involved? When and where? How did you/other people feel?
What happened in the end?

1 4


3 6
Assessment criteria Task Mark
A leaner

chooses "The reasons of poor health" for the 1st

chooses "Ways of keeping fit" for the 2nd
Find particular facts and chooses "The importance of physical and mental
1 1
parts in reading passage. health" for the 3rd paragraph.
chooses "The ideas of health specialists" for the
4th paragraph.
chooses "How English people take care about
their health" for the 5th paragraph.
Write sentences about real writes a story according to the plan; 1
and imaginary past events,
uses appropriate vocabularywith correct
activities and experiences 1
connecting sentences into
links sentences into paragraphs logically using
paragraphs. 1
proper connectors;
Form ideas effectively and 2
uses grammatically correct sentences;
demonstrate the ability to 1
including modal verbs;
express them clearly.
Distinguish the difference in
the usage of modal verbs for conveysideasclearly. 1
different functions.
Total marks 10
Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment
for the unit «Exercise and sport»

Learner's name ______________________________________________

Assessment Level of learning achievements

criteria Low Middle High
Find particular facts Experiences Experiences some Confidently finds
and parts in reading difficulties in finding difficulties in finding particular facts and parts
passage. particular facts and particular facts and parts in in reading passage.
parts in reading reading passage. Makes Completes the task
passage. Completes some mistakes in correctly.
the task mostly completing the task.

Write sentences Lacks in writing a Makes some mistakes in Uses appropriate

about real and story based on the grammatical structures,
imaginary past plan, has difficulties writing a story based on the
vocabulary, basic
events, activities in conveying ideas plan/ in presenting ideas conjunctions and
and experiences clearly and logically, logically and clearly/ in linking words within the
connecting in using appropriate
sentences into vocabulary, basic using appropriate task set, ideas fulfill the
requirements of the
paragraphs. conjunctions and vocabulary / grammar
Form ideas linking words, in (modal verbs) /
effectively and using grammar
conjunctions and linking
demonstrate the (modal verbs).
ability to express words.
them clearly.
Distinguish the
difference in the
usage of modal
verbs for different

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