PGtE 069 76 Warforged

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Version 1.6.

Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron

Trained from the instant they were constructed, until the moment they were deployed,
warforged were invented and born for war. As the war came to an end, warforged
were recognized and granted their rights as humanoids by the Treaty of Thronehold.
Now, they are soldiers whose only purpose has come to an end and must find meaning
in a world that has abandoned them.

Warforged were created as expendable construct soldiers to fight in the HIT POINTS
last war. 8
You might… Medium
Have scars and wounds from fighting in the last war, dealing with SPEED
old injuries and trauma that has never healed 25 feet
Often misread other creatures' emotions, struggling to understand
their - and your own - feelings
Apply wartime thinking to every situation, analyzing every situation
as a tactical puzzle
Others Probably… Charisma
Believe you do not experience emotions and are incapable of higher LANGUAGES
thinking beyond your programming Common
Are an expendable asset, and to be taken advantage of for your Additional languages equal to 1 +
tireless nature and lack of world experience outside the war your Intelligence modifier (if it's
See you as a valuable ally to have on the battlefield, even if positive). Choose from Dwarvish,
sometimes they struggle to relate to you
Elvish, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling,
and any other common languages
Physical Description… to which you have access (such as
the languages prevalent in your
Warforged exterior is covered in a series of flexible metallic or leather
plates, creating a form of integrated armour which grants them protection
on the battlefield. TRAITS
As constructs, warforged typically don't need to breathe, eat, or sleep; Construct
however, the body of a warforged needs to vent alchemical impurities at a
constant rate. This venting process requires breathable air to prevent a
Your physiological needs are
buildup of impurities in a warforged's alchemical fluids which can seize a different from those of living
warforged's biological components, sometimes to fatal effect. Thus, creatures. You don't need to eat or
warforged can still suffocate much like living creatures, but can in a drink, but can if you choose to for
limited sense hold their breath as other humanoid creatures can. Though the effects of consumable spells
they don't sleep, warforged require a period of restoration to allow the and magic items. You don't need to
alchemical fluids of their body to replenish. Without this process, a sleep, but you still need a daily
warforged is incapable of fully restoring their body and they enter an period of rest. During this period of
inefficient state (similar to a humanoid who doesn't get 8 hours of sleep). rest, you must enter a recuperating
standby state for at least 2 hours,
Society… which is similar to sleeping except
Warforged do not have any established cultures or traditions, or any sort you are aware of your surroundings
of developed place in society. and don't take penalties for being
unconscious. Much like with
sleeping, if you go too long without
entering your standby state, you
become fatigued and can't recover
until you enter standby for 2 hours.
Version 1.6.6

Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron

Alignment and Religion… Your body is formed of both wood
Warforged tend to be neutrally aligned. Warforged similarly tend to be and steel which by the powers of
unreligious. the creation forge are granted life.
This life energy flows through you
Names… much like the blood of humanoids.
Most warforged do not have a name for themselves beyond their creation As a result, you are a living
number such as unit 4859. Others come up with a specific name, typically creature. You don't have the typical
just a single noun or adjective. construct immunities, can be
affected by effects that target a
Sample warforged names living creature, and can recover Hit
Anchor, Banner, Bastion, Blade, Blue, Bow, Cart, Church, Crunch, Points normally via positive energy.
Crystal, Dagger, Dent, Five, Glaive, Hammer, Iron, Lucky, Mace, Oak, Additionally, you are not destroyed
Onyx, Pants, Pierce, Red, Rod, Rusty, Scout, Seven, Shield, Slash, Smith, when reduced to 0 Hit Points.
Spike, Temple, Vault, Wall Instead, your life energy attempts
to keep you active even in dire
straits; you are knocked out and
Integrated Armor begin dying when reduced to 0 Hit
Your heritage grants you one type of integrated armour, as noted below. If
your integrated armour becomes destroyed, it no longer grants an item CONSTRUCTED RESISTANCE
bonus to your AC but remains integrated into your body. However, your Your constructed body has
destroyed integrated armour can still be repaired at a very hard DC for its advantages and disadvantages that
level, losing the destroyed condition when its HP is above 0.
most humanoid creatures do not.
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus
Nominal Integrated Armour to saving throws against diseases
Your body does not have the armour protections afforded to most other
and poisons. However, you are
considered to be a creature
warforged. Though you are still physically wearing integrated armour,
composed entirely of wood and
you are considered unarmored. Your integrated armour is in the leather
metal for the purposes of magical
armour group and has a Dex cap of +5. This armour has no bulk, but you or other effects regardless of your
can never wear other armour or remove your integrated armour; however, integrated armour type. Your
you still don't become fatigued from sleeping. Finally, you can etch integrated armour and physical
armour runes onto your armour as normal. composition do not violate
anathemas - such as the druid's
Light Integrated Armour anathema - against metals.
Your body is designed to be agile with some protection. Your integrated
armour is light armour in the leather armour group that grants a +2 item
Warforged find it difficult to
bonus to AC, a Dex cap of +3, a check penalty of –1, and a Strength value understand and express complex
of 12. This armour has no bulk, but you can never wear other armour or emotions. You take a –1
remove your integrated armour; however, you still don't become fatigued circumstance penalty to Diplomacy,
from sleeping. Finally, you can etch armour runes onto your armour as and Performance checks, and on
normal. Perception checks to Sense Motive.

Medium Integrated Armour

Your body is designed to be particularly resilient. Your integrated armour is medium armour in the plate armour
group that grants a +4 item bonus to AC, a Dex cap of +1, a check penalty of –2, a speed penalty of –5 feet, and
a Strength value of 16. This armour has no bulk, but you can never wear other armour or remove your
integrated armour; however, you still don't become fatigued from sleeping. Finally, you can etch armour runes
onto your armour as normal.
Version 1.6.6

Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron

Heavy Integrated Armour

Your body is designed to be extremely resilient. Your integrated armour is heavy armour in the plate armour
group that grants a +6 item bonus to AC, a Dex cap of 0, a check penalty of –3, a speed penalty of –10 feet, has
the Bulwark trait, and a Strength value of 18. This armour has no bulk, but you can never wear other armour or
remove your integrated armour; however, you still don't become fatigued from sleeping. Finally, you can etch
armour runes onto your armour as normal.

Warforged Heritages
You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among
those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and
can’t change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities
might have more or fewer members from a particular heritage.

Vanguard Warforged
The primary soldier of the warforged armies of the last war, the Vanguard warforged was the most commonly
created of the warforged.

You have medium integrated armour and gain the Weapon Proficiency general feat.

Juggernaut Warforged
Used as shock troops in the last war, they are a heavier version of the Vanguard Warforged but otherwise have
many of the same physical attributes.

You have heavy integrated armour. You gain the Armor Proficiency general feat.

Skirmisher Warforged
Designed as lightly armoured but more mobile warforged, the Skirmisher Warforged were widely deployed
throughout Khorvaire.

You have light integrated armour and gain the fleet general feat.

Skilled Warforged heritage

The Skilled Warforged were a creation with both Military and Civilian purposes in mind.

You have nominal integrated armour and become trained in one lore and one common or uncommon language
of your choice. At 5th level, you become an expert in the selected lore.

Living Wand Warforged heritage

The Living Wand Warforged were an attempt at creating a warforged capable of innate spellcraft.

You have nominal integrated armour, and gain one cantrip from the arcane spell list. You can cast this spell as
an arcane innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.

Prototype Warforged [Uncommon]

Many prototype warforged throughout the war.

As unique warforged design, work with your GM to figure out what you were created for. Select an integrated
armour type, and you become trained in a skill and a 1st level skill feat associated with that skill.
Version 1.6.6

Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron

Warforged Feats EMOTIONLESS FEAT 1

1st level WARFORGED

You have turned what some would consider a great

weakness into a strength. You gain a +1 circumstance
bonus to saving throws against emotion and fear
You release the alchemical impurities building inside effects. If you roll a success on a saving throw against
you to purge yourself of harmful chemicals and toxins. an emotion or fear effect, you get a critical success
Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an instead.
ongoing poison, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1
against a virulent poison. Each critical success you Enhancement You have complete physical control over
achieve against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by your body, if not always your mind. If you would
3, or by 2 against a virulent poison. start your turn confused, controlled, or fleeing due
to a failed Will save, you can attempt a Will save
Enhancement You become immune to poison against the same DC; on a success, you become
altogether, and the effects of Abysium. paralyzed until your next turn, rather than act
ALERT SCOUT FEAT 1 against your will.


You are trained to observe and react to danger. You WARFORGED
gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks You can integrate toolsets as a direct extension of
made as initiative rolls. yourself. You can use a 1-minute activity which has the
manipulate trait to integrate a set of tools you own,
Enhancement You can react no matter the
such as thieves' tools or healer's tools, that weigh a
circumstance. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to
total of 2 Bulk or less into your body. These items
all initiative rolls you make.
count as carried bulk. You can draw or stow this item
DARK VISION FEAT 1 as an Interact action. Creatures don't automatically see
this integrated item when it's stowed and must
actively Seek in order to find it. They take a –2
Your eyes have been magically enhanced to pierce dim
circumstance penalty to any checks to do so. While
light. You gain low-light vision.
you are holding the item, it can't be Disarmed and you
Enhancement Your eyes have been further enhanced can't drop or Release it; you must Interact to store the
to pierce darkness. You gain darkvision. item and free that hand. A creature determined to
retrieve the item can do so, but it requires either 1
minute to remove it or extreme violence to you — such
as physically removing portions of the limb.
Version 1.6.6

Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron

Enhancement Your body has more space for Enhancement You can see mistakes as they happen
integration, or you have become more adept at and rapidly adjust to prevent them. If you use
using your tools. You can now either integrate two Skilled Capability on a skill check and fail, you may
tool kits of 2 bulk or less, or gain a +1 circumstance reroll the triggering check without the +2 status
bonus to a tool kit of your choice when it is bonus from Skilled Capability. If you do so, skilled
integrated into your body. Capability gains the fortune trait. You must use the
new result, even if it's worse than your first roll.
Though it is an extremely uncomfortable process - less WARFORGED

painful but akin to a human replacing their skin - you You gain either a claw or slam unarmed attack. The
can replace your integrated armour. You can remove claw deals 1d4 slashing damage, is in the brawling
the integrated armour that you are wearing, and group, and has the agile, and finesse, and unarmed
replace it with any other set of armour. This activity traits. The slam deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage, is in
takes 1 hour, and while you replace your armour you the brawling group, and has the shove and unarmed
are considered unarmoured and flat-footed. When you traits. This attack is not affected by the material
complete the process, the new armour is incorporated configuration of your integrated armour.
into your body and has no bulk as a result. You can
still never wear other armour on top of this armour, Your weapon can be reconfigured; you can select this
and can only have one integrated armour at a time. feat at any level, and you can retrain into or out of this
While this armour is integrated, you don't become feat or change the type of attack you gain.
fatigued from sleeping in it. As before, you can etch
Enhancement Your attacking part is reinforced.
armour runes onto your armour while you are wearing
Increase the damage die of the unarmed attack you
it as normal.
gain from this feat by one step (from 1d4 to 1d6, or
If you are removing the Integrated Armour from your from 1d8 to 1d10).
Heritage, it is considered worthless scrap metal and WARFORGED LORE FEAT 1
can only be used as armour if you reincorporate it into
your body.
You have come to better understand the process that
Enhancement Your armour becomes more integrated made your body and the magic that powers it. You
into your body. You gain the Chassis Deflection gain the trained proficiency rank in Arcana and
reaction. Crafting. If you would automatically become trained in
one of those skills (from your background or class, for
example), you instead become trained in a skill of your
Trigger A critical hit deals physical damage to you choice. You also become trained in Warforged Lore.
Attempt a DC 17 flat check. If you are successful, the
attack becomes a normal hit. Enhancement You gain a greater understanding of
your creation. Increase your proficiency rank in
either Arcana or Crafting, as well as Warforged
Lore, to expert. If you were already an expert in the
Prerequisites Skilled Warforged heritage chosen skill, increase your rank to master instead.
Frequency once per hour
Trigger You attempt a skill check in which you are at
least trained requiring three actions or fewer.
Your training allows you to rapidly adapt
circumstances to give yourself the best chance of
success. You gain a +2 status bonus to the triggering
skill check.
Version 1.6.6

Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron



Prerequisites Juggernaut Warforged heritage

Trigger You attempt a saving throw
The constructed nature of your body makes it difficult
Frequency once per hour
for outside magic to affect you. You gain the Resist
You brace yourself and your defences. When you
Magic reaction.
attempt a saving throw, you gain a +2 status bonus to
RESIST MAGIC the triggering saving throw.
Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a harmful
magical effect but haven't rolled yet. Enhancement You use your constructed nature to
Your constructed magic protects you. You gain a +1 resist and endure as you were built to do. You can
circumstance bonus to the triggering saving throw. use Incredible Defense once per 10 minutes, rather
Additionally, if the triggering effect is arcane, if you than once per hour.
roll a success, you get a critical success instead. INTEGRATED ARMAMENT FEAT 5
Enhancement Your safeguards improve. When you WARFORGED
Resist Magic, you gain a number of temporary Hit Your mechanical body houses a weapon or shield that
Points equal to the spell level of the triggering you can quickly draw and stow, leaving you prepared
effect. for combat at all times.
DISEASE RESISTANCE FEAT 5 You can use a 1-minute activity, which has the
WARFORGED manipulate trait, to integrate a single, one-handed
Your body rejects diseases with ease. Each time you weapon or shield into one of your arms. You can draw
succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing or stow this item as an Interact action. Creatures don't
disease, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a automatically see this integrated item when it's
virulent disease. Each critical success you achieve stowed and must actively Seek in order to find it. They
against an ongoing disease reduces its stage by 3, or take a –2 circumstance penalty to any checks to do so.
by 2 against a virulent disease. While you are wielding the item, it can't be Disarmed
and you can't drop or Release it; you must Interact to
Enhancement You become immune to diseases store the weapon and free that hand. A creature
altogether. determined to retrieve the item can do so, but it
MAGICAL RESISTANCE FEAT 5 requires either 1 minute to remove it or extreme
violence to your arm—such as physically removing
portions of the limb. You can only have one integrated
Your constructed body provides some defence against armament at a time, though you can use the 1-minute
magical attacks. Choose one of the following energy
activity to replace the item or swap the arm in which
damage types: cold, electricity, or sonic. You gain it's stored.
resistance 5 to that damage type.
Enhancement Your body has more space for
Enhancement You develop deeper resistance to
integration. You can now either integrate two one-
magical attacks, and your resistance improves. handed weapons, a one-handed weapon and a
Choose one of the following benefits: you gain shield, or a single two-handed weapon that is split
resistance 5 to the remaining two damage types across both arms. You can use a single Interact
from the above list, or your chosen resistance action to draw or store both integrated armaments.
increases to a value equal to 1 + half your level.
When you draw a single weapon, you can choose to
hold it with either one hand or both hands.
Version 1.6.6

Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron



Prerequisites Juggernaut Warforged heritage

Frequency once per day
Prerequisites Living Wand Warforged heritage
You manually control and recompose the components
You have attuned with the arcane runes etched into
of your body, healing and repairing your wounds. You
your construction. Select one 1st-level arcane spell and
gain fast healing equal to half your level for 1 minute.
one 2nd-level or lower arcane spell, to which you have
access. You can cast your chosen spells as arcane Enhancement While your Juggernaut Repair is active,
innate spells each once per day. you gain a +1 status bonus to your AC.

Enhancement Your attunement grows stronger. Select LESSER AUGMENTATION FEAT 9

one 5th-level or lower arcane spell and one 6th-level WARFORGED
or lower arcane spell, to which you have access. You
You've focused on enhancing yourself and have
can cast them as arcane innate spells each once per received an improvement to one of your existing
day, in addition to the original spells. abilities. You gain the enhancement benefits of one of
GREENSHADOW FEAT 9 your 1st- or 5th-level warforged ancestry feats.
You are also capable of reconfiguring your
One of the uncommon manifestations of Warforged is augmentations to meet your needs. You can spend one
the ability to change the colour of your body to match week of downtime to change the enhancement you
your surroundings. You can cast blur and invisibility gain with this feat.
each once per day as 2nd-level arcane innate spells.
Enhancement You gain the enhancement benefits of
Enhancement Your camouflage is more potent. Your another 1st- or 5th-level warforged ancestry feat.
blur spell now lasts 10 minutes and when you cast Also, your reconfigurations take less time. You only
invisibility, you can choose to gain the effects of the need to spend 1 day of downtime to change any of
4th-level version of the spell. In addition, you can your enhancements. If you have multiple
now cast blur and invisibility each twice per day. enhancements, changing each one requires a


Your body can internally process the impurities WARFORGED
building in your alchemical fluids for a period of time. Prerequisites Vanguard or Juggernaut Warforged
You can go without access to breathable air for an heritage
hour due to your internal processing. At the end of this Requirements You have a creature grabbed or
hour, your alchemical fluids are saturated with restrained.
impurities, and you must hold your breath as normal. You drive to use the maximum potential of your
Venting the build-up of impurities in your system musculature, empowering your attack as you attempt
takes 10 minutes of exposure to breathable air. to slam your foe into the ground. Attempt an Athletics
check against the foe's Fortitude DC. You take a –2
Enhancement You are entirely capable of functioning
circumstance penalty to your check if the target is one
without access to breathable air. You no longer need
size larger than you and a –4 circumstance penalty if
to breathe at all and are not considered a breathing
it's larger than that. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus
creature unless you so choose.
to your check if the target is one size smaller than you
and a +4 circumstance bonus if it's smaller than that.
Version 1.6.6

Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron

Critical Success You slam the foe down and the force 13th Level
overwhelms it. The creature is knocked prone,
becomes dazzled for 1 round, and takes damage CONSTRUCT REJUVENATION FEAT 13
equal to 2d6 plus your Strength modifier. The foe is WARFORGED

no longer grabbed or restrained by you. Frequency once per day

Success You slam the foe down. The creature is Trigger You have the dying condition and are about to
knocked prone and takes damage equal to your attempt a recovery check.
Strength modifier. The foe is no longer grabbed or Your willpower taps into the physical essence of your
restrained by you. construction to push against the grasp of death and
Failure You are unable to slam the creature, but your allow you to recover consciousness. You're restored to
hold on the creature remains. 1 Hit Point, lose the dying and unconscious conditions,
Critical Failure The creature breaks free and is no and can act normally on this turn. You gain or increase
longer grabbed or restrained by you. the wounded condition as normal when losing the
Enhancement Your arms better channel your core's dying condition in this way.
power. You no longer take penalties for attempting
Enhancement You can push yourself even harder to
to slam larger foes. Your foe takes damage equal to
rise from death, granting you additional benefits.
2d6 plus your Strength modifier on a success (or
When you use Construct Rejuvenation, you also
double that on a critical success).
gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to
WARFORGED OFFENSE FEAT 9 three times your level. These Hit Points remain for 1
Prerequisites Vanguard Warforged heritage ENHANCED LOCOMOTION FEAT 13
Frequency once per hour
Trigger You make an attack roll.
You've modified your body or developed the ability to
Your innate combat ability enables you to strengthen
augment your movement. You gain either a climb
your attack. You gain a +1 status bonus to the
Speed of 20 feet or a swim Speed of 20 feet, your
triggering attack roll.
Enhancement You can execute a series of practised
Enhancement Your body allows for even further forms
blows to take advantage of this surge of strength,
of movement. You can either select the option from
the +1 status bonus applies to each attack roll you
this feat you haven't chosen yet (climb Speed or
make until the start of your next turn.
swim Speed), or you can increase your land Speed
PRECIOUS MATERIAL TRACERY FEAT 9 by 5 feet and increase the Speed you chose from
this feat increase to be equal to your adjusted land
Prerequisite in possession of 1 ingot of the precious
material you select 17th Level
Regardless of your integrated armour type, your body
becomes covered and traced with thin root-like
strands of a precious material as you incorporate it
into your body. Select either Cold Iron or Silver. A You've greatly improved your abilities and your core
creature with weakness to any of these materials is can support further augmentations. You gain the
subject to its effects as if you were wearing armour enhancement benefits of one of your 1st-, 5th-, 9th-, or
made of the precious material. 13th-level warforged ancestry feats.

Enhancement You may select the other precious You are also capable of reconfiguring your
material type and become traced in both. augmentations to meet your needs. You can spend one
week of downtime to change the enhancement you
gain with this feat.

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