Collaborative Autonomy For Manned/Unmanned Teams
Collaborative Autonomy For Manned/Unmanned Teams
Collaborative Autonomy For Manned/Unmanned Teams
Steve Jameson and Jerry Franke Robert Szczerba and Sandy Stockdale
Lockheed Martin - Advanced Technology Lockheed Martin Systems Integration – Owego
Laboratories [email protected]
[email protected]
UAVs offer tantalizing capabilities to the warfighter, such as tireless observation, quick recognition, and rapid reaction to
today’s changing battlespace. These trends are important because they aid Warfighter in their duties. Today, unmanned
systems exist that extend the vision and the reach of the Warfighter. However, they spend so much time managing these
assets that they lose effectiveness as a Warfighter. This is a particular problem if the warfighter’s role is one demanding
continuous sensory and mental workload, such as the Co-Pilot/Gunner (CPG) of an Apache Longbow attack helicopter.
Autonomy, the ability of vehicles to conduct most of their operation without human supervision, can help relieve the burden
of providing continuous oversight of the UAV’s operation. This moves the Warfighter’s role from control to command,
enabling them to perform their duties more effectively and successfully. Collaboration, the ability of teams of vehicles to
coordinate their activities without human oversight, moves unmanned systems to the level of a true force multiplier, giving
a single human warfighter the power of multiple coordinated, intelligent platforms.
Lockheed Martin has developed a general architecture for
Collaborative Autonomy that provides both the Autonomy
and the Collaboration necessary to achieve this force
multiplication. This architecture provides the capability for
individual unmanned vehicles to operate with unparalleled
degrees of intelligence and autonomy, and for groups of
unmanned vehicles to operate together effectively as a
team, providing greater effectiveness than an equal number
of vehicles operating independently. Collaborative
Autonomy allows the human warfighter to command the
unmanned vehicles as an active member of a warfighting
team, rather than as a detached controller (Figure 1).
Central to the architecture are state-of-the-art software
Figure 1. Unmanned Vehicle Teams on the digital
components for Mission Planning, Collaboration,
battlefield can act as a force multiplier if they
Contingency Management, Situational Awareness,
have the autonomy and collaboration capabilities
Communications Management, Resource Meta-Controller,
necessary to operate in teams without extensive
and Vehicle Management. Lockheed Martin is currently
human supervision.
employing and expanding this architecture to turn state-of-
the-art unmanned vehicles into transformational and the unmanned vehicle – the Manned/Unmanned Team –
warfighting teams. to perform tasks more effectively or more safely than a
human warfighter can alone. This trend is certain to
continue, since UVs have proven their effectiveness
The U.S. Military relies heavily on the use of unmanned
repeatedly in conflicts from Bosnia and Kosovo to
vehicles (UVs) for a variety of tasks, including surveillance
Afghanistan and Iraq. For a variety of reasons, it is not
and reconnaissance, explosive ordnance disposal, and to an
likely that we will see unmanned vehicles operating with
increasing degree for strike against terrorist and other
full autonomy in most military applications in the
targets. In all cases, the unmanned vehicle operates under
foreseeable future, and so the paradigm of
the direct supervision or control of a human warfighter. The
Manned/Unmanned Teaming will continue to be the
goal of the unmanned vehicles is to provide a force
dominant approach to the deployment of UVs in military
multiplier for the human warfighter that enables the human
1 One of the domains of particular interest is the teaming of
Presented at the American Helicopter Society 61th Annual Forum, Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) with human pilots in a
Grapevine, TX, June 1-3, 2005. Copyright © 2005 by the American
Helicopter Society International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
scout or attack helicopter such as an Apache Longbow. The
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution US Army, US Navy, and DARPA have pursued the
Unlimited. development of manned/unmanned teaming with human
helicopter pilots on several programs, including the Army’s already has a demanding workload. This collaborative
Airborne Manned/Unmanned System Technology autonomy approach enables an unmanned vehicle team to
Demonstration (AMUST-D) and Hunter Standoff Killer be truly transformational by enabling the following five
Team (HSKT) ACTD, the Navy’s Intelligent Autonomy critical attributes (Figure 2):
Future Naval Capability (IA-FNC) program, and the
DARPA/Army Unmanned Combat Armed Rotorcraft • Intelligent – Autonomous Mission Planning and
(UCAR) program, with Lockheed Martin as a participant. Execution rapidly finds and implements the best
To meet the demanding requirements of achieving a robust solution to complex tactical problems, ensuring
force multiplier capability while limiting human workload mission success on a dynamic battlefield.
demands, Lockheed Martin has developed an architecture • Collaborative – Collaboration and Teaming
and a set of technologies for Collaborative Autonomy which capabilities produce a lethal warfighting team that
provides: shares information, responsibilities, and tasks. It
interacts with human warfighters and other systems as
• A high degree of autonomy for each individual a team and not as separate individuals.
vehicle, enabling robust and sophisticated capabilities • Aware – Comprehensive, shared, and predictive
with limited human intervention Situational Awareness overcomes the “fog of war” to
• Collaborative team operations, enabling multiple enable precision engagements with precision
vehicles to operate as a team with the human information.
warfighter; allowing a single human to command • Responsive – Holistic Contingency Management
multiple vehicles with no more workload than a single ensures survival and mission effectiveness of UVs
vehicle. teams in the face of the unexpected, including a
In this paper, we provide an overview of the Collaborative “reflexive response” capability that allows intelligent
Autonomy approach, describe the details of the “short-circuiting” of higher level planning functionality
Collaborative Autonomy components, and describe a for rapidly changing battlefield conditions.
prototype implementation of the Collaborative Autonomy • Agile – Tactile Maneuvering exploits terrain and
architecture as a Manned/Unmanned teaming avoids obstacles, enabling the unmanned vehicle to
demonstration. survive and surprise.
Collaborative Autonomy
Mission Management
Functional Modules
Mission Planning
Awareness Intelligent Agents
Air Vehicle Management Models
Communications Management
Air Vehicle
Figure 3. Collaborative Autonomy is achieved through a Mission Management system made up
of a set of intelligent components that implement higher-level functions on top of the vehicle
Mission Planning capabilities), and vehicle/team and external asset capability
Mission Planning onboard the autonomous system performs information (e.g. payload availability and mobility models)
pre-mission and dynamic in-mission replanning for the are used. Mission planning generates mission plans
collaborative team. Mission planning develops including travel plans, sensor plans, communications plans,
collaborative synchronized plans for sensor employment, and weapon plans. At the team level, task objectives and
flight paths, communications, and engagements. constraints are generated for lower level mission planning
to honor. It then accepts, combines, and deconflicts those
Generally, most existing mission planning systems are
plans when lower level mission planning responds.
monolithic in nature. These systems are very good at
planning for specific situations that are predetermined, but Collaboration
are poor reacting to unforeseen events. Unfortunately, it is Collaboration, i.e. the ability of multiple vehicles to interact
unrealistic for a mission planning system to have planners to carry out a team mission, is inherent in the Collaborative
to handle all situations and all contingencies. To address Autonomy architecture. Most components, including
these shortcomings, Lockheed Martin has developed a Mission Planning, Contingency Management, Situational
revolutionary approach to handle this problem via the Awareness, and Communications Management are
Mission Planning Toolkit [2]. In this toolkit, planning designed to facilitate the collaborative operations of a team
algorithms are broken down into their smallest functional of vehicles.
subcomponents, called “primitives”. The algorithm
The Collaboration component embodies several functions
primitives are then collected into a library of modules, each
(Figure 4) that are uniquely required in order to support this
with specific inputs, outputs and functionalities. The toolkit
operation. These include:
is used to construct a specific planning system on the fly,
based on the current situational awareness. This allows for • Sharing Information and tasks
the dynamic construction of mission planners, as opposed • Allocating Roles and Responsibilities
to just mission plans, to handle unpredicted events. For • Coordinating Task Execution
anticipated or common mission scenarios, reconstructed • Dynamically forming teams
planner templates can be used for an even faster response • Interacting with external assets
times. • Interacting with human Warfighter.
During operation, the Mission Planning Toolkit works in a Two main technology elements of the Collaboration
hierarchical fashion with mission plans at the highest level component are the Grapevine information sharing
– such as Teams A and B recon area ZEBRA, team plans at technology, and the Dynamic team formation and
the next level, and individual vehicle plans at the lowest management.
level. These plans optimize and/or account for factors such
as: Grapevine information sharing [3] handles the aspects of
collaboration that deal with information sharing and
• High level mission objectives and constraints coordination between unmanned team members, between
• Resource allocation for the number of vehicles unmanned systems and the human Warfighter, and between
• Payload configuration for different mission objectives the unmanned team and external systems such as C4ISR
• Collaborative use of onboard sensors and external ISR and Networked Fires. On every unmanned vehicle, the
assets to detect, identify, and geo-locate vehicle and Collaboration component sets up intelligent agents known
dismounted infantry targets of interest as Proxies to represent each other manned or unmanned
• Communication events that support the teams' entity that vehicle needs to communicate with. Each Proxy
information dissemination and synchronization agent contains a set of criteria that are used to select and
requirements prioritize information for dissemination to the entity
• Routes that support the planned use of sensors and represented by the Proxy, known as the Client. The set of
communications while minimizing threat exposure Proxy agents are continually evaluating the information
• Target engagement planning and weapon deployment available to the Collaborative Autonomy system and
sequencing. selecting and prioritizing information for dissemination to
other manned and unmanned team members. The Proxy
Mission planning accepts objectives and constraints for
agent’s criteria are updated in response to changing
planning missions as well as alerts indicating that
conditions, such as new team members, changes in team
replanning is required. Geographic information (e.g. terrain,
member roles, or changes in mission tasking, and can also
obstacle, and cultural), environmental information (e.g.
be updated to reflect explicit requests for information from
weather), situational information (e.g. threat locations and
a human Warfighter or external system.
SA Lead
• C4ISR Gatew ay
• Netw orked Fires
• Information
• Command
• C2 Handoff
• Status
• Plans
External • CROP
Gatew ay
Sharing Information
Assigning Team Responsibilities
Warfighter Interaction
Team Lead Coordinating Tasks
External System Interaction
Figure 4. Collaboration performs the functions necessary to enable a team of unmanned vehicles
to function as a team of human warfighters.
One important aspect of the Grapevine is the sharing of Contingency Management
Situational Awareness information to form a Common A key challenge to successful autonomous operations is
Relevant Operational Picture (CROP) across the team. The detection and reaction to unplanned events that affect the
Collaboration component handles the information sharing execution of the vehicle system’s mission. Contingency
operations needed to construct the CROP, and the Management watches for unexpected influences that affect
Situational Awareness component does the information team plan success, such as payload failure, modified orders,
fusion and deconfliction necessary to assemble the shared new operational constraints, changing environmental
information into a CROP. conditions and other unexpected changes in the battlespace
(see Figure 5). It works with the Mission Planning
Dynamic Team Formation accommodates the formation
component to generate an effective response to the
and reformation of unmanned vehicle teams as required to
contingency so the mission can be continued.
meet the mission requirements. At the beginning of the
mission, the Collaboration component identifies the set of The Contingency Management component is implemented
team members required to meet the mission requirements, based on Lockheed Martin’s MENSA technology [4].
and these vehicles exchange information to set up a team. MENSA takes each new or updated mission plan and
Setting up a team includes determination and distribution to applies algorithms to identify plan dependencies and
all team members of the team membership, team structure, constraints. Based on these dependencies and constraints, it
and allocation of roles within the team. An important sets up monitoring agents to check for conditions that
element of the team is the allocation of roles to team violate those dependencies and constraints. During
members to perform responsibilities on behalf of the team, execution of the plan, these agents continually monitor
such as coordinating interaction with the human warfighter. available information to determine if their assigned
When a team member is lost or damaged, new team conditions are met. If the conditions are met, the agent
members become available, or when the mission changes, signals that the contingency has occurred and the reasons
the team members interact to reform the team and reallocate about the impact of that contingency on the mission plan. If
roles. Reforming the team can include splitting the team necessary, the Mission Planning component is requested to
into two smaller teams to accomplish separate mission modify the plan to take into account the contingency.
tasks, or merging two or more teams into a single combined
For example, vehicle health updates are related to vehicle
operational capabilities (such as maximum endurance)
before being compared to the requirements of the executing
Failure by Needed Loss of Contact
External Asset With Operator(s)
of Teammate
Vehicle System
or Payload
Unexpected Developments
in the Battlespace
Changes in Orders and
Operational Constraints
Figure 5. Contingency Management Handles Unexpected Influences that Affect Mission Plan
plan to determine if the vehicle can perform its mission as Contingency Management detects a contingency, assesses
planned. Pop-up threats are assessed with respect to their the impact and identifies a plan violation, then:
influence on the planned route that the vehicles will take
1. The affected vehicle locally performs a replan which
through threatened territory. This mission-centric approach
may resolve the problem
to contingency management focuses computational
2. If there are tasks that could not be re-planned locally,
resources toward those problems that have real mission
contingency management then collaborates with other
impact and reduces the number of false alarms and
team members to reallocate tasks
unnecessary replans that occur.
3. If there is a reallocation failure, a team replan is
Contingency Management implements contingency triggered
monitoring and plan impact analysis for most contingency 4. If a team replan cannot resolve the situation,
types, including air vehicle flight capability degradation, contingency management alerts the controlling element
pop-up threats and targets of opportunity, friendly and (typically a manned asset) of a team planning failure
neutral movement within the battle space, loss of team and awaits updated guidance.
members, and mission equipment failures. Contingency
Situational Awareness
Management can also determine when an emergency
The Situational Awareness (SA) component gathers data on
mission abort is required and provides the controlling
the external tactical and environmental situation and
element with control over the level/type of contingency
processes it into a CROP, which the other Mission
monitoring performed. Contingency Management takes in
Management components use to make their decisions. A
mission plans and information regarding the changing
pilot or crewmember needs good situational awareness to
situation (e.g. new objectives, new constraints, new
perform effectively in a manned system. Intelligent
obstacles, new threats, new targets, and changes in
autonomous systems also require complete, timely, specific,
vehicle/team capabilities). It issues alerts when plans will
and relevant information to make good “decisions”.
no longer satisfy objectives and constraints. At the team
level, it takes in alerts of contingencies that cannot be The Situational Awareness (SA) module is implemented by
handled at a vehicle level and issues alerts to team mission leveraging Lockheed Martin’s technology for Level 1 Data
planning for replanning. Fusion [6] and Battlefield Assessment, originally developed
on the Rotorcraft Pilot’s Associate program. SA performs
Our contingency management approach features a team-
multiple levels of assessment of the data [5] from onboard
wide contingency resolution escalation process where
C4ISR Netw ork
Situational Aw areness
Level 1 Level 3
Predictive • Mobility
Battlespace • Intent
Sensor Coverage SA
• Threat
Clustering ID Intervisibility
13 • Threat Priorities
Team Shared
2 2 CROP
• Obstacles
• Weather
Threat Relationships
Team of Unmanned
Air Team Commander Vehicles
Ground Team