Wolf Hounds
Wolf Hounds
Wolf Hounds
Devin Fortman / Hare Trigger Games, April 2021, v1.1
Inspiration: John Harper, Emanuele Galletto, Call of Cthulhu, Vaesen, The Witcher.
Intro music: Transylvania, by Iron Maiden.
Artwork by Jakub Rozalski, used with permission.
Title and logo fonts courtesy of HPLHS Inc.
This game is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Thanks to the Wild Clump for playtesting and proofreading.
“Those that men call Werewolves or Lycanthropes call themselves the
Hounds of God, as they claim their transformation is a gift from their
creator, and they repay the gift with their tenacity, for they will pursue
an evildoer to the very gates of Hell.”
The Benandanti (“Good Walkers”) are a pact with Satan, and were to be burned
society of werewolves who see their at the stake. Even under torture,
abilities as divine gifts, and use them to captured Benandanti insisted that they
protect their communities from weren’t in league with the Devil, but
Malandanti (“Evil Walkers”), such as were fighting against Hell and its
demons, sorcerers, and undead. They minions. The Inquisition couldn’t find
form a loose network scattered across an argument with their reasoning, and
Southern and Eastern Europe, mainly eventually had to give up and look the
around the Baltic and Mediterranean. other way.
Packs hold rituals on the solstices and
equinoxes, when they journey to the
Underworld to battle demons. If they CHARACTER CREATION
fight well, they can drive the demons
away from their village, bringing good 1. Concept: Most Benandanti are
fortune and a strong harvest. If not, the werewolves (known as “Hounds”), but
village will be plagued with bad luck not all are. Some, called “Seers” or
and famine until the Benandanti can “Witches” are not shapeshifters, but
defeat the demons again. have other magical talents such as
casting rituals and dealing with spirits.
Other sorts of werecreatures might
In the Middle Ages, the Benandanti appear in a campaign, such as a Norse
were an open secret, known and Barsark, or another wandering
respected in the communities they shapeshifter from more distant lands.
served. Even so, their supernatural foes The Benandanti are often supported by
were not the only threat that packs had their mundane neighbors as well,
to face: The Inquisition first usually indirectly, but there is nothing
encountered the group in northern Italy, stopping a normal human from fighting
and accused them of witchcraft and alongside the pack. Write down your
heresy; as Church dogma stated that character’s name, plus a few words
werewolves got their powers through a
about their background and appearance. HOUND TALENTS
If they are a shapeshifter, decide
whether they transform into a normal Ghost Fang: Your teeth and claws in
looking animal, or a bipedal hybrid werewolf form overcome
form. supernatural damage resistance as if
they were pure iron, and can also
damage incorporeal foes.
2. Attributes: Scores can be from -1 to Iron Pelt: You have +1 armor in
+4, with high scores being better. The werewolf form, and add one die to
three scores start with a sum total of +1, your healing rolls in either form.
so you could have +1/+0/+0; +1/+1/-1; These bonuses do not apply to
+2/+0/-1; or even +3/-1/-1. wounds caused by iron weapons.
Might is used for strength, Refined Shifting: Instead of having
toughness, intimidation, and melee just an animal or hybrid form, you
combat. can transform into either, or change
Agility covers dexterity, reflexes, only specific parts of your body,
stealth, and ranged combat. such as growing claws while in
human form.
Insight represents awareness,
knowledge, cunning, and willpower. Discerning Nose: You have
advantage on tracking rolls, can
You also start with 6 Hit Points (HP) always recognize scents you’ve
and 2 Grit. encountered before, and can learn
detailed information from scent with
an Insight roll.
3. Talents: Pick two Talents for your
character. Hounds and Seers each have Night Terror: With a Might roll, you
access to their own Talent lists, while can terrify onlookers, usually
any character can pick General Talents. causing them to flee in panic. This
Other shapeshifters use the Hound list. roll has disadvantage against most
Players can also work with their GM to supernatural beings, and some are
adjust or create new Talents to suit their completely immune.
character concept, if necessary. You can Shade Cloak: The shadows come
add more flavor to your character by alive to hide you, granting
describing what it looks like when they advantage on stealth rolls. You can
use their Talents, rather than just saying also take advantage of this to stoke
“I cast Shielding on Ondrej; he has three paranoia in a target you’re stalking.
points of armor.”
Forest Runner: You have advantage
on rolls involving chasing, fleeing, or
traversing obstacles. You also do not
leave a visible trail unless you
choose to.
Witch Sight: You can sense the Signature Weapon: Pick one type of
presence of nearby spirits, and with weapon (including teeth/claws).
an Insight roll you can see them, get You gain +1 damage with it, and one
an idea of their mood, and possibly other perk, such as: armor piercing,
communicate with them. long reach, or sweep/area attack.
Ghost Walk: You can go into a Herbalist: You know which plants
trance to project your soul out of and fungi are edible, and can create a
your body, effectively acting as a variety of remedies, potions, and
ghost for a short while. Allows you poultices with an Insight roll. You
to directly engage ghosts and spirits can also heal one person +1d6 HP
– and vice versa. each rest.
Shielding: You can summon three Folklorist: You are well versed in
“floating” points of armor to fairy stories, legends, and “old
distribute amongst yourself and wives’ tales”, and have advantage on
your allies. Requires concentration, rolls to recall or research information
giving you disadvantage on other about supernatural creatures.
rolls while active.
Sheep’s Clothing: You have a knack
Guards and Wards: Anyone can for blending in with a crowd,
make a salt circle or ward a smoothing out social mishaps, and
doorway, but you can create magical generally pretending to be a normal
defenses strong enough to keep human; gain advantage on any
more powerful supernatural beings related rolls.
at bay... at least for a while.
Animal Empathy: You can
Suggestion: With some brief communicate with animals on a
conversation and an Insight roll, you basic level, and may convince them
can cloud one person’s mind to issue to aid you with an Insight roll and
a simple command, such as “Forget the right incentive (often food).
you saw me” or “Let us pass”.
Strength of the Pack: You are
Sending: You can concentrate to always ready to help a packmate in
form a brief mental link with one need. When you roll to assist another
other character at a time. You can character or take a hit for them, gain
send them a short message, and they advantage on your roll.
can reply if they pass an Insight roll.
Artificer: You have a knack for
Familiar: You have a companion in tinkering and working with metal.
the form of a small animal or minor You can modify your pack's
spirit. It is loyal, fairly intelligent, equipment, or create specialized
and you can communicate with it tools, traps, and weapons.
4. Leveling up: Advancing a level ROLLING THE DICE
requires a number of Experience (Exp)
equal to the next level. Going to level 2 When your character tries to do
requires 2 Exp, level 3 requires 3 more something risky, or resist danger, the
Exp, and so on. At each level you gain 1 game master will ask for an attribute
Attribute point, 1 Talent, 4 Hit Points, roll based on the situation. The GM does
and 1 Grit. Characters can reach a not roll dice for enemies in combat, so
maximum of level 6, although they can your roll represents both your
keep adventuring until they decide character’s and your opponent’s “turn”.
they’re too old for “active duty”. Roll two dice (2d6) and add the relevant
attribute (Might, Agility, or Insight) to
find out how well it goes.
PACK CREATION A total of 1 or less is a critical miss:
the attempt fails terribly.
Before starting a campaign, players
should introduce their character A total of 6 or less is a miss: you fail
concepts, discuss everybody’s place in the attempt and something bad
the group, and come up with a shared happens as a result.
background for their characters.
A total of 7-9 is a partial success: you
Consider taking inspiration from real
succeed, but with a complication or
wolf packs: the “alpha/beta/omega”
reduced effect.
terminology is somewhat outdated, but
there is still a clear structure, and each A total of 10-12 is a normal success:
wolf has its own role in the hunt. you do what you were trying to do.
The players and game master should A total of 13 or higher is a critical
work together to decide the status of the success: you succeed with increased
pack when the campaign opens. Do they effect or an extra benefit.
have a home town and territory to
defend, or do they wander the No matter your attributes, rolling a 1 on
countryside seeking new prey? Do they both dice is a critical miss, and rolling a
have ready access to equipment, or do 6 on both dice is a critical success. In
they need to scrounge for basic combat, a success generally means you
supplies? What allies can the pack rely deal 1d6 damage plus your Attribute
on, and what enemies are especially modifier; double damage on a critical
persistent – human or otherwise? The success. On a miss, your opponent deals
GM may have a specific type of damage to you, and on a partial success
campaign laid out, but players are you both deal damage to each other.
encouraged to contribute toward world-
building, both before and during a
game, and should suggest any themes
or elements they especially want to see
expanded upon.
The GM may decide that a dice roll Characters have points of Grit equal to
should be tougher or easier based on the their level plus 1, which can be spent to
situation. If the character has a reroll or gain advantage on any one roll.
significant advantage, roll three dice You must decide to reroll your action
and take the two highest. If they are at a before damage is rolled, but afterward
significant disadvantage, roll three dice you may use Grit to reroll damage for
and take the two lowest. Situations that yourself or your opponent. You can also
could grant advantage include: spend Grit to introduce some element of
attacking from surprise or a good good fortune for your character, subject
position, using the perfect tool or to GM approval: “I’ve been to this town
weapon for the job, or being assisted by before, I know someone who might help
a packmate. Situations that could us out”, or “Lucky thing there’s a table
impose disadvantage include: being leg here I could break off to stake this
surprised by an enemy, bad terrain or vampire!” Besides this, Grit is used for
visibility, or using unsuitable or recovering HP, and refreshes when you
improvised equipment. If advantage rest; see below.
and disadvantage both apply to a roll,
If the GM wishes, they can award Grit
they cancel out and you roll two dice as
to players for things like coming up
with a great idea, or excellent
roleplaying moments. This “bonus” Grit
can go over the character’s normal
WORKING TOGETHER maximum, but is not regained during a
Teamwork is as important for the rest, and it disappears at the end of the
Benandanti as it is for any wolf pack. session. You can use poker chips, coins,
Before another player rolls, you may roll beads, or other tokens to represent
to assist, granting them advantage if points of Grit.
you succeed. After someone else fails a
roll, you may roll with disadvantage to
try to mitigate the consequences, or take DAMAGE AND HEALING
the hit for them. For instance, Lukaž is
Failed or partially failed rolls can result
trying to fast-talk a suspicious
in damage to your character’s Hit
Inquisitor, and Nadja steps in to back up
Points, especially in combat. Most
his story. She rolls successfully, so
enemies deal 1d6 damage, weak
Lukaž gains advantage on his attempt.
enemies or minor damage deal 1d3, and
If he fails anyway, Ondrej might try
powerful enemies or serious sources of
offering the Inquisitor a bribe; rolling
damage may deal 2d6 or more.
with disadvantage to intervene before
Lukaž puts his foot in his mouth. Wearing light armor such as leather
reduces physical damage by 1. Heavier
metal armor reduces damage by 2, but
slows you down and imposes In game terms, a character’s stats don’t
disadvantage on most Agility rolls. Any change when they shapeshift, but in
armor impedes shapeshifting, unless it animal form they can attempt feats that
is specially tailored to fit both forms. would be impossible as a human (and
vice versa). GMs should feel free to
When your group rests for a while, you
apply advantage or disadvantage on
can heal 1d6 HP for each point of Grit
rolls depending on what shape the
remaining, then recover any spent Grit,
character is in. For combat rolls, simply
and any temporary Attribute damage
being in werewolf form is probably not
you may have taken.
enough to grant advantage, unless the
When you are reduced to 0 HP, make a GM intends for a high-action game
Might roll to see how badly you fare. On style. Shifting will have narrative effects
a failure, your character dies, or suffers as well; for instance, a character in four-
some long-lasting consequence, legged form can run much faster than a
depending on the source of the damage. human, but will be unable to hold
With a successful roll, you are merely weapons.
unconscious, or otherwise out of the
Silver weapons have no extra effect on
action until you are healed.
werecreatures (another Hollywood
When critically wounded, you can avoid invention), but injuries sustained in one
death three times by taking a permanent form carry over to the other – a trait
Scar: Hazy (-1 Might, Agility, or often exploited by witch-finders to
Insight), Weary (-1 Grit), or Broken (-4 determine the identity of a hunted
max HP). Once you’ve taken all three shapeshifter.
Scars, you can’t cheat death again.
SHAPESHIFTING Pure iron is anathema to many
Contrary to the popular Hollywood supernatural creatures, so most
image of werewolves (which mostly Benandanti carry some kind of weapon
comes from French folklore, spread by incorporating it; ranging from simple
the medieval church), the Benandanti do iron-shod clubs and staves, to sabers,
not turn into bloodthirsty lunatics at the musket balls, and more exotic items like
full moon. They are born as iron-studded whips. At minimum, they
werewolves, not cursed, and they retain keep a sturdy iron knife at hand for
their identity when transformed, albeit a fighting, utility, and ritual use. They
little more “feral”, focused on senses also employ many traditional remedies
and instinct. They can shapeshift at any for the supernatural, such as protective
time, either into a normal looking wolf, amulets, charms, and herbs – albeit not
or a bipedal hybrid form with a canine always in their traditional forms, such
head, tail, fur, and digitigrade legs. as a salt-filled shotgun for driving off
Players should write down a few difficult they make the obstacles and
signature items for their character; they enemies. Don’t be afraid to challenge the
always have those items, as well as basic players: finding solutions for seemingly
“monster-hunting” equipment, and they impassable problems is part of the
don’t need to track supplies unless there game, and they have plenty of
is a shortage for some reason. mechanical options for when things get
tough, including teamwork, Grit, and
RUNNING THE GAME Metaphysics are flexible as well, and left
There are three main themes to the to GMs and players to build upon.
adventures of the Benandanti: Magic in your game might be readily
Investigating mystery, hunting prey, available and easy to use (both for
and evading persecution. Any given characters and their enemies), or even
game session should emphasize one of things like shapeshifting and basic
these themes, but there will usually be spells could require lengthy rituals. As
elements of all three. The adventure is for supernatural beliefs, the Benandanti
often kicked off with some type of originated from prehistoric shamanic
mystery to unravel: suspicious traditions, but by the Middle Ages most
disappearances, unexplained maladies, are Christian (although certainly non-
or other strange events occur, and the orthodox), while some keep the old
pack needs to find the source of the Pagan faith alive.
problem. Then, they must find their
enemies’ vulnerabilities, and formulate
a plan of attack to turn the tables and PROGRESS CLOCKS
bring down their prey. And at all times
To depict progress toward a
they need to be careful to not become
long term outcome, the GM
hunted themselves: whether by
can draw a “clock” with
powerful supernatural foes, agents of
four to eight segments. This
the Inquisition, or an old fashioned
can represent a goal the PCs are trying
torch-and-pitchfork mob.
to accomplish, like a complex ritual; or
The power level of the game is kept something they want to stop, like a slow
deliberately vague, so GMs have a lot of poison or an enemy rallying their
flexibility setting the tone of a strength. Fill in or erase segments based
campaign. This could range from high on the passage of time or the players’
action-adventure with the characters rolls (two segments on a critical roll),
carving through hordes of undead and and when all segments are filled the
easily slipping past the Inquisition, to event is complete.
gritty “realism” where one rogue spirit
or dedicated witch-finder could severely
test the pack’s skills and resources. It
depends on what elements of the world
the GM wants to emphasize, and how
The GM doesn’t usually roll dice, but Take inspiration from the native
sometimes they need a quick answer to mythology of whatever area the PCs are
a question of random chance, or NPC in: If they are based in Eastern Europe,
reactions. When that happens, roll a they will mainly be dealing with figures
couple of dice and decide the outcome from Slavic folklore, but a traveling
based on the result. You can apply pack could face creatures more familiar
advantage or disadvantage, if to Western European or Scandinavian
appropriate. How many Inquisitors are fantasy, or more exotic beings
heading towards the party? Roll the depending on how far they wander. Do
Fortune Dice. How suspicious are they? not just throw monsters at the party for
Roll the Fortune Dice. (Trick question. the sake of it; even a minor foe will have
Inquisitors are always suspicious.) a reason for being there that relates to
the bigger picture.
Supernatural beings are not necessarily
GAME STRUCTURE evil, even if their actions are sometimes
Game sessions are like episodes in a TV harmful toward humans. Most are
show. You can run a series of “monster simply trying to survive and take care of
of the week” adventures without much their own needs, and some are even
connection between episodes, or plan a helpful to humans. Many of these
more structured storyline that builds up beings have their own ecology,
to a “season finale”. Ideally, try to mix coexisting with the mundane world, and
both styles, with some episodes directly only start causing problems when
tied to an overarching plotline, and humans do something to upset the
some side stories for variety (which can balance. Often, an apparently
also include elements that relate back to supernatural threat is deliberately or
the main plot). The major villain or indirectly caused by human action; and
threat of the season should be a seemingly mundane problem will
introduced or at least hinted at within often have a supernatural twist.
the first couple episodes, at which point Spirits: Incorporeal living beings
it is too powerful, distant, or mysterious native to this world. Most are
to confront. As the story progresses, the repelled by iron, but cannot be
characters will learn more about the harmed directly by normal means.
antagonist while dealing with its Often tied to a certain place or item,
minions or other fallout. By the finale, which is where it’s vulnerable.
they have the strength and knowledge
to either hunt down their enemy in its Demons: Unnatural creatures from
lair or prepare for its final attack, and other planes of existence, usually
destroy it for good... unless it manages summoned to this world by a
to escape for the next season! sorcerer. Some can be directly
harmed by iron weapons; others
must be banished or exorcised.
Undead: Walking corpses, scheming astronomical events can also weaken the
vampires, lost ghosts, and anything barriers between worlds; in particular
in between. Even the corporeal ones the solstices and equinoxes.
are usually resistant to conventional
The exact nature of the other worlds will
weapons, but fire, silver, or salt may
depend on where the pack’s adventures
prove more effective.
take them. There may be many separate
Creatures: Many different types of planes of existence, or all of the
more-or-less natural beings with “worlds” could be different locations
supernatural abilities; the Hounds within one plane. Either way, space and
themselves arguably belong in this time are highly fluid in these realms,
category. Many are harmed more by and they tend to be very dangerous for
iron than steel. non-natives, even the Benandanti.
Inhabitants that cannot be directly
Sorcerers: There are many benign
harmed on Earth can be engaged here,
witches, sages, and seers, but a few
but they still have the home field
individuals or cults are too hungry
for power. They often summon or
manipulate other beings to further The plane that the Benandanti are
their own schemes. generally most concerned with is the
Underworld: realm of unfortunate dead
Humans: Suspicious townsfolk and
souls and home to countless demons
guardsmen, plotting rulers and rival
that plague Earth when given the
fiefdoms, hapless fools accidentally
chance. At the solstices and equinoxes,
stirring up trouble, and the looming
all Benandanti who are able gather their
threat of the Inquisition.
packs for the quarterly ritual: either
defending their villages from
encroaching demons, or launching an
OTHER WORLDS attack into the Underworld to stop the
invaders at their source.
The “Good Walkers” are named for
their penchant for walking between
worlds, traveling to other planes of
reality than our own familiar one. Such OTHER SETTINGS
worlds may be accessed at certain places
The Benandanti were active into the
where they intersect with Earth; either
18th century before fading out,
on purpose by those knowledgeable
displaced by mainstream religion and
about such things, or accidentally by an
modern rationality... or did they simply
unwary traveler. These portals are not
become more secretive, hiding in plain
one-way doors, and inhabitants from
sight while continuing their mission? In
the other side sometimes cross over to
the 20th century, expansion of the Soviet
Earth, often upsetting the natural order
Union forced the Benandanti to go
until they are banished and the rift
further underground, but they also
sealed. Certain times of year or
dispersed across the world, as emigrants
carried their traditions with them. The innocent men and women were killed
core of the group is still Eastern this way, and even into the eighteenth
European, but it’s become a global century people would stand up in court
organization for any like-minded and accuse their neighbor of
shapeshifters. They network, share transforming into a wolf for nefarious
intelligence, and call for reinforcements purposes. Real wolves were also
through an online forum – disguised as brutally exterminated from large
a fan site for a popular “dark” portions of Europe; thought to be literal
roleplaying game: “Our group’s servants of Satan.
planning a big adventure next weekend,
The Benandanti were real groups of
but we could use a few more players.
people all over Southern and Eastern
Who’s up for game night?”
Europe, who claimed they could
The standard setting is Southern or shapeshift into werewolves (either in
Eastern Europe in the 16th-17th century, physical or spiritual form), and held
but the Benandanti had their roots in rituals throughout the year to protect
prehistory, and could exist into the their villages from demonic attack. They
modern period. Thus, campaigns can were supported by their communities,
take place at pretty much any time in but hunted by the Roman Catholic
history. They need not be limited to Inquisition. On trial, the Benandanti
Europe either, or even to werewolves. stuck to their argument that they were
There are stories all over the world of fighting against the forces of Hell, and
shapeshifter societies, such as the Inquisition gave up on them after
Scandinavian bear-skins, African more than a century of torture and
leopard men, and South American persecution.
jaguar warriors. The enterprising GM
Although werewolf trials are now a
will need to do their own historical
thing of the past, real wolves are still in
research for those, however.
trouble in many regions of the world.
Countless people cling to the medieval
image of the wolf, slaughtering them at
HISTORICAL NOTE any given opportunity. You can help
Belief in werewolves was widespread in support wolves and science-based
medieval Europe, and made up a lesser conservation through groups such as
known part of the witchcraft trials. In the International Wolf Center and
fact, accused witches were usually Defenders of Wildlife; and local
hanged, while the infamous burning at sanctuaries like The Wolf Mountain
the stake was more often reserved for Nature Center.
suspected werewolves. Thousands of
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LITHUANIA, DECEMBER 1608. One of the PCs receives a carrier pigeon from their cousin,
a healer in a nearby town, detailing an unknown sickness and livestock attacks. This
adventure is meant to be relatively straightforward, and should take about two sessions
to complete. It can be stretched out by adding more combat encounters or red herrings,
or trimmed down to one session by being more generous with clues and removing
some elements such as the Inquisitors.
Cousin, I hope this note finds you and your associates well. I cannot say
as much for my own town. A strange malady has left many of my
patients bedridden with no cause that I can discern. Surrounding farms
have been ravaged, but by no creature that I know of. And worst, our
officials dismiss these problems as fantasy, refusing to take action. I am
at a loss, but I think this may be within your field of expertise. Please
visit Selburg soon; I would be very glad to see you. Be careful. – Kaja
SELBURG is a large town in the Duchy of concerned for her patients. She knows
Livonia, located near the Russian the general idea of what her cousin’s
border, a couple days away from the “associates” do; they have helped her
pack’s home village. At the time, before, and she trusts them. Kaja will
Livonia is part of the Polish-Lithuanian tell the PCs everything she knows about
Commonwealth, although the ruling the affliction, and can show them some
class is mainly German, as is the official of the patients, but she has no idea as to
language. The territory has changed the cause, only the symptoms.
hands many times, but relations with
the neighbors are quiet for now. There is
no local Benandanti pack in town, but THE ILLNESS: Dozens of villagers are
the PCs visit occasionally, and have a sluggish and lethargic, but numbly go
few contacts and allies such as Kaja. about their business. More serious cases
are completely bedridden, culminating
in about a dozen deaths so far. All of the
KAJA VARNIŠKIS is an expert apothecary
victims are otherwise healthy adults,
and healer; intelligent and deeply
but there is no other apparent pattern
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that Kaja can discern. What really are no animal tracks or scent. Most of
puzzles her about the disease is that it the farmers blame wolves by default,
does not seem to spread through a but some realize it wasn’t the work of a
household: in most cases, only one normal predator. The newly spawned
family member is stricken. The sufferers Upyr are responsible, but they are
have been afflicted by the merchant and getting tired of feeding on livestock, and
necromancer Kirill Sakharov while will start attacking farmers, travelers,
visiting his shop, and many of the and PCs when given the chance.
deceased have risen from their graves as
vampires under his control.
TOWN HALL: Most government officials
seem unaffected by the disease, and
UPYR: Lesser vampires known to Slavic dismiss the problems as normal sickness
folklore, appearing as feral corpses and wolf attacks. Burgomeister Albrecht
covered in grave dirt. They are mostly von Selburg and a handful of other
unintelligent, but can coordinate officials have been enthralled by the
ambushes, and turn to mist to infiltrate necromancer, and will interfere with the
or escape combat. They avoid bright PCs’ investigations if they get too nosey.
sunlight, but cloud cover, thick forests, The pack may run into Sakharov here,
and buildings are fine for them. All concluding a meeting with Albrecht. A
Upyr take half damage from normal clerk, Šimon Palkas, knows that
weapons, but double damage from fire Sakharov has some kind of influence
or silver. May be repelled by garlic, and over the burgomeister, although he
a stake to the heart paralyzes them. believes it to be blackmail. He will try to
When they bite an opponent, the victim give the pack hints, but may get killed
must make a Might save, or lose 1 or enthralled if he sticks his neck out too
temporary point of Might. Advanced much (i.e. if the PCs rely on him too
Upyr are somewhat more intelligent, much).
less decayed-looking, and much faster.
Town Guards: 6 HP, 1 armor,
Upyr: 6 HP, claws/improvised halberds and matchlock muskets
weapons (1d6-1), or bite (1d3 armor (1d6).
piercing, Might drain).
Guard Officer: 8 HP, 1 armor, saber
Advanced Upyr: 10 HP, and wheellock pistol (1d6).
crossbow/saber (1d6) or bite (1d3
AP, Might drain).
THE INN: Owner Nataža Straižys will
talk to any customers, providing local
LIVESTOCK ATTACKS: Sheep and cattle news and directions around town. She is
in surrounding farms have been killed a little familiar with the Benandanti; the
with their throats ripped out, but there PCs have stayed at her inn before, and
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she knows they are here to help. Nataža Br. Bernhard: 10 HP, mace and
takes no nonsense at her establishment, crossbow (1d6).
and keeps a crossbow behind the bar for
THE NECROMANCER: A merchant and
minor sorcerer, Kirill Sakharov, is at the
root of the troubles in Selburg. He
THE CHURCH: Father Eckhart is worried
arrived in town half a year ago,
for his congregation, and is sure that the
ostensibly to sell honey, mead, and wax
illness and attacks are the work of evil
imported from Russia. He appears
spirits. He knows vaguely of the
healthy and richly dressed, and carries a
Benandanti, and is curious but wary of
cane of black ash with silver inlays, the
them. Could be a useful ally for the pack
source of his powers. The players may
if approached the right way, but he may
assume him to be a vampire; do not
turn against them if pressured by the
disabuse them of the idea. He is not
Inquisitors, who are technically his
undead, nor even especially powerful:
superiors. A thoughtful man, not
he is using an artifact granted by his
typically a firebrand, but he could stir
master allowing him to enthrall victims,
up a mob with the right push.
or afflict them with a life-draining
illness. Any persons killed by this
INQUISITORS: Brother Reinhold and power can then be raised as Upyr under
Brother Bernhard show up not long his control. Sakharov tries to stay in the
after the pack arrives, ordered to background, misdirecting suspicion,
investigate the same problems. Reinhold having his thralls interfere, and sending
is the more senior, and does most of the Upyr after those who get too close.
talking; Bernhard is less experienced, When finally confronted he is likely to
but provides extra muscle. They swiftly run, but he always has a couple of
come to the conclusion of werewolf advanced Upyr “on call” for protection.
attacks and witchcraft, and will be
Sakharov: 6 HP, cursed dagger
highly suspicious of the PCs (as
(d3+1 AP). Ash cane: Target makes
outsiders to Selburg), and even Kaja (as
an Insight save each round (Miss:
an associate of the PCs). Their piety is
obey orders, Partial: stand dazed,
matched only by their disdain for the
Success: break free). If used outside
villagers, most of whom would be glad
of combat, the victim makes a save
to see them go, but are too intimidated
when first targeted, or when ordered
to say so.
to do something highly dangerous or
Br. Reinhold: 8 HP, 1 armor, rapier out of character.
and two wheellock pistols (1d6).
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SAMPLE TIMELINE: After receiving or find another town to victimize. The
Nadja’s message, the pack takes a roads are muddy and the cart is laden
couple days to prepare and travel to with merchandise, so the PCs should be
Selburg. After seeing Nadja, they may able to catch up if they hurry.
want to talk to some town officials, and
At any point when the GM wants to
investigate the livestock attacks. If the
shake things up, the two witch-finders
pack visits one of the outlying farms,
can arrive unexpectedly, demanding
they can find some good clues, but will
answers. When the pack returns from
be ambushed by a handful of Upyr on
the farm, the pair could already be in
the way back to town. Whatever
town; or they could interrupt dinner at
officials they talk to will be dismissive
the inn, wanting to hear what the
and unhelpful, but the clerk Šimon will
strangers know about the “werewolf”
try to hint at what’s wrong, and ask to
attacks. Alternately, they might seize
meet later. Šimon will be killed,
Kaja for interrogation, on suspicion of
enthralled, or sickened either before or
using witchcraft to sicken her patients.
after the meeting; depending on how
much information the GM wants him to
give out. The group will be attacked by CAMPAIGN HOOK: Optionally, the
several advanced Upyr at the meeting, necromancer’s residence (or carriage, or
or after leaving. corpse) contains a letter with
instructions from his master, Bishop
Either way, the evidence should point
Nicolai Voronin, an ambitious Russian
them in Sakharov’s direction. When
vampire who can become a recurring
they get to the necromancer’s shop/
enemy for the pack. In an extended
townhouse, he is gone, and the place
campaign, Voronin’s forces will
shows signs of a recent hasty departure:
continue to create trouble in the region,
Sakharov has fled town in a carriage,
until the pack can confront him in his
and the pack must hunt him down to
home territory and permanently end his
make sure he doesn’t return to Selburg,
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1-1 Antanas Anna Algirdas
1-2 Henrik Astrid Brotze
1-3 Jakub Dalia Czapnik
1-4 Johann Dijana Daukša
1-5 Jonas Elena Dönhoff
1-6 Jürgen Emilija Grybas
2-1 Justinas Greta Hirsch
2-2 Konrad Karolina Kleinas
2-3 Magnus Kasia Kozicki
2-4 Martynas Kristina Kruger
2-5 Matthias Ludmilla Lešniak
2-6 Mykolaž Magritta Mažvydas
3-1 Ondrej Marija Novak
3-2 Pavel Nadja Pulaski
3-3 Piotr Natalia Schultz
3-4 Stefan Petra Skorupka
3-5 Tomaž Renata Strauss
3-6 Vytautas Zofia Ušinskas
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Might Exp
Insight Level
- 16 -
A historical fantasy roleplaying game about the Benandanti, a society of
werewolves dedicated to protecting their communities from supernatural
threats. Uses a lightweight Apocalypse system based on John Harper’s
World of Dungeons. You will need a game master, some players, writing
materials, and a few six-sided dice.