TH 01
TH 01
TH 01
Faculty of Arts,
University of Groningen,
The Netherlands
University of Malta,
Liqin Zhang
Email: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. John Nerbonne
University of Groningen
Prof. Ray Fabri
University of Malta
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Linguistic Background ........................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Related Work ......................................................................................................................................................4
2. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Overall Design of the Experiment .......................................................................................................................6
2.2 Algorithms...........................................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Data ...................................................................................................................................................................11
3. PMI-BASED LEVENSHTEIN ALGORITHM FOR MEASURING SOUND DISTANCE ...................................................... 12
3.1 Introduction to PMI-based Levenshtein Algorithm ...........................................................................................13
3.2 Realizing PMI-based Levenshtein Algorithm ...................................................................................................14
3.3 Results and Evaluation ......................................................................................................................................20
3.3.1 Determining the Threshold ........................................................................................................................21
3.3.2 Cross Validation ........................................................................................................................................24
3.4 Discussion .........................................................................................................................................................25
4.1 Introduction to Spectrogram-based Levenshtein Algorithm .............................................................................28
4.1.1 Barkfilter, Cochleagram, and Formant Tracks ..........................................................................................28
4.1.2. Measuring Segment Distances Acoustically .............................................................................................30
4.1.3 Applying Segments Distance to the Levenshtein Algorithm .......................................................................31
4.2 Realizing Spectrogram-based Levenshtein Distance.........................................................................................31
4.3 Result and Evaluation........................................................................................................................................34
4.4 Cross Validation ................................................................................................................................................36
4.5 Discussion .........................................................................................................................................................36
5. SCA SOUND ALGORITHM FOR MEASURING SOUND DISTANCE ................................................................................. 37
5.1 Introduction to the SCA Sound Distance Algorithm .........................................................................................37
5.1.1 Alignment- introduction to PSA .................................................................................................................38
5.1.2 Distance- ALINE Algorithm and its Modification......................................................................................40
5.2 Realizing SCA Sound Distance Algorithm .......................................................................................................41
5.3 Result and Evaluation........................................................................................................................................43
5.3.1 Determining Threshold ..............................................................................................................................44
5.3.2 Cross Validation ........................................................................................................................................44
5.4 Discussion .........................................................................................................................................................45
6. COMPARISON OF THE THREE ALGORITHMS ................................................................................................................... 45
6.1 Comparing Performances ..................................................................................................................................45
6.1.1 Thresholds and Performances ...................................................................................................................45
6.1.2 Determining Threshold Using Lover Outlier Boundary ............................................................................48
6.1.3 Cross Validation ........................................................................................................................................49
6.2 Comparing Distribution of Distance Values .....................................................................................................50
6.3 Comparing Results of Detected Loanwords ......................................................................................................51
6.3.1 Result Analysis ...........................................................................................................................................51
7. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................................................................... 54
BIBILOGRAPHY........................................................................................................................................................................... 56
is represented by the edit distance between the two phonetic transcriptions. The pitfall of applying
the Levenshtein distance directly to represent pronunciation distance is that it fails to reflect the
actual “dissimilarity” between two pronunciations. For instance, the sound distance between /dɔɡ/
and /dɒt/ is two, while between /dɔɡ/ and /dɪɡ/ is one if the Levenshtein distance is applied. But
/dɔɡ/ is more similar to /dɒt/ than to /dɪɡ/ according to human perception. Hence, refined
Levenshtein algorithms are desirable for the purpose of representing sound distance.
Although a simple Levenshtein distance can be used in loanword detection, the performance is not
satisfactory because of the error rate (Van den Ark et al., 2007; Mennecier et al., 2016). The edit
distance of phonetic transcriptions between two words is decisive in loanword detection, and
applying different (or refined) edit distance algorithms should lead to different results. In order to
explore the possibility of improving the performance in loanword detection, three refined
Levenshtein algorithms are evaluated in the application of loanwords detection. They are the
pointwise-mutual-information-based algorithm (Wieling et al., 2009), the Spectrogram-based
algorithm (Heerigna, 2004), and the sound-classes-based algorithm (List, 2012).
These algorithms have been applied in various areas, including dialectometry, accent measurement,
and language relatedness (Wieling & Nerbonne, 2015; Wieling et al., 2014; Mennecier et al., 2016).
Hence, the purpose of this experiment is to compare the performances of above-mentioned
algorithms in the application of loanword detection. It should be noticed that this method cannot
be used to identify the donor language (the language that “gives” the word) because the distance
between two pronunciations is not directed. Also, the method fails to determine if a third language
is involved, since there is a possibility that a detected loanword is a cognate from a third language
rather than one of these two. For instance, the English word ‘tofu’ is borrowed from Japanese, but
the Japanese word originates from Chinese (Table 1).
Word Pronunciation in IPA
English tofu /'təʊfuː/
Japanese とうふ /to̞ːɸɯᵝ/
Chinese 豆腐 /toufu/
Table 1. The concept "tofu" written in English, Japanese, and Chinese, and their respect pronunciation.
It is possible to detect that one of the three words representing the concept “tofu” is a loanword
when any two of these three languages are compared, but it is impossible to determine the donor
language of this word and identify the origin of ‘tofu’ without considering the related facts about
The description of the linguistic background is below in this chapter. This is followed by a
discussion of related works in loanword detection, as well as works in which refined Levenshtein
algorithms are applied to calculate sound distances and other purposes. The second chapter,
methodology, starts with the overall design of the experiment. The data used in this project is
explained in the methodology section as well. The last part in the methodology chapter briefly
introduces the algorithms used in this project, as well as the fundamental Levenshtein algorithm.
The following three chapters explain the three refined algorithms in detail, along with their
realization and performance in loanword detection. Results, evaluations, and simple discussions
are included in these three chapters. Finally, there is a chapter for comparing the performances of
the algorithms, and the conclusions of the project.
Before going further, here are several terms used in this dissertation. They are explained for the
sake of clarity.
Concepts: the concepts of word meanings in different languages. For instance, /mɔdar/ and
/ɔna/ are pronunciations in Uzbek and Tajik, respectively, and they both mean ‘mother’.
Here, ‘mother’ is the concept. The concepts are in English in the dataset used in this
Segment: a phonetic unit such as /a/, /ɔ/, or /p/.
Phonetic symbol: is a symbol belonging to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). IPA
symbols are used to represent the pronunciation of phonetic segments.
Phonetic transcription: the representation of word pronunciation. A phonetic transcription
is a sequence of phonetic symbols (/mɔdar/ is a phonetic transcription for instance).
Segment distance: the distance between two phonetic symbols according to various
features, such as phonological features, phonetic features, or acoustic features (intensity,
frequency, etc.).
‘巴士’ is a loanword from English ‘bus’. ‘跳蚤市场’ is a calque, which is the result of literal
translation of ‘flea’ (‘跳蚤’) and ‘market’ (‘市场’). The verb ‘book’ is code-switch using English
‘book’ (as a verb) in the Cantonese sentence directly. The example of concept ‘bus’ in Cantonese
shows that the loanword is similar to the original word phonologically without semantic adoption
(/pa:siː/ in Cantonese vs. /bʌs/ in English), since neither the meaning of /pa:/ (巴) nor /si:/ (士) is
related to bus1. Hence, the phonological similarity is a feature of loanword, and the loanword is
“highly predictable from a phonological perspective” (Paradis & LaCharité, 1997). This feature
supports the principal hypothesis of the project mentioned above.
An example of loanwords in Cantonese with both phonological and semantic adaptation is “啤酒”, meaning “beer”
in English. In this case, “啤” (/pɛː/) is the phonological adaptation of /bɪə/ (beer), and “酒” (/tsou/) means alcohol.
Necessity of loanword detection
Language contact is one of the main concerns in historical linguistics, and it reflects the
interactions between language and ethnic groups. Loanwords arise as a consequence of language
contact, and the study of loanwords contributes to the understanding of language history and word
origin. Besides, the loanwords can influence a recipient language in various aspects, such as syntax,
morphology, phonology and writing system. Maltese is a typical example reflecting how the study
of loanwords is beneficial to the study of a language’s development.
Maltese originated from Siculo-Arabic in the 11th century when settlers from Sicily moved to
Malta. After expelling the Muslims in the 13th century, Maltese was separated from Arabic and it
became an isolated language. It has developed along with Sicilian and Italian since then. From the
colonization of Britain in the 19th century until now, Maltese had been influenced greatly by
English. Consequently, over 50% of the vocabulary in Maltese are derived from either Italian,
Sicilian, or English.
The many loanwords influence the language in various aspects. For instance, new sounds are
introduced to Maltese. “televiżjoni” is a loanword from English “television”, and /ʒ/ is introduced
in Maltese phonology system through the borrowing of the word ‘television’. The writing system
is influenced as well. Controversy has been raised arguing whether Maltese spelling, “televiżjoni”,
or English spelling, “television” should be used in Maltese. Meanwhile, loanwords influence the
syntax of a language. The Maltese word of “to park” is “ipparkja” which is borrowed from English
“park”. A new rule is designed to include English verbs in Maltese by adding prefix “ip-” and
suffix “-ja”, which is different from the morphology rule applied to Maltese verbs. The syntactic
adoption and the phonology adoption mentioned above lead to decreasing similarity between a
loanword in the recipient language and the corresponding borrowed word in the donor language
with time.
To a great extent, the development of Maltese involves borrowing words from other languages,
and the loanwords have been an important component of Maltese. Therefore, Maltese speakers
probably fail to distinguish loanwords from original Maltese words. On the other hand, it is
controversial to classify a loanword if the word has been part of a language for a long period.
Loanword detection is one of the most important steps to study the phenomenon and solve these
Loanwords can be detected manually, but it is time-consuming and occasionally controversial. A
more efficient method to detect loanword is desired. Hence, there is no doubt that applying a
computational approach can be effective and efficient to detect loanwords.
Previous work on applying sound distance to loanword detection
Van den Ark et al. (2007) calculate sound distances with a VC-sensitive Levenshtein algorithm in
which the cost of substituting a vowel for a consonant (or vice versa) is higher than a vowel for a
vowel (or a consonant for a consonant). Their work aims to classify groups of the languages in
Central Asia and detect loanwords. In terms of loanword detection, the result shows that using
Levenshtein distance for loanword detection is not perfect due to the tradeoff of precision and
recall. Another work in which sound distance is applied is conducted by Mennecier et al. (2016),
in which pronunciations of central Asian languages are collected and applied to measure language
relatedness and loanword detection. It applies the same method as that in van den Ark et al. (2007)
to detect loanwords. Comparing to the work of van den Ark et al. (2007), the data used by
Mennecier et al. (2016) is more suitable for loanword detection (the dataset is also used in this
dissertation and will be discussed in the later section). However, the results show that there is room
for improvement. Around 30%-50% of the loans fail to be detected.
Previous work on sound distance
Sound distances between words have been utilized in different linguistic topics for years, and the
Levenshtein algorithm is the main algorithm to calculate sound distance. Moreover, refined
algorithms have been introduced in order to provide more sensitive sound distance measurement.
This method has been commonly used in the study of dialects, including relatedness and
classification (Nerbonne et al., 1996; Nerbonne et al., 1999; Nerbonne & Kretzschmar, 2003;
Heeringa, 2004). Van der Ark et al. (2007) apply the Levenshtein algorithm to obtain sound
distances for language classifications instead of dialect classification. Also, a refined Levenshtein
algorithm is applied to measure foreign accents strength (Wieling et al., 2014).
Loanword detection has been pursued by previous studies, but there are plenty of rooms for
improvements upon the previous studies. Comparing the above mentioned works, the approaches
used by Köllner & Dellert (2016) and Mi et al. (2014) to detect loanwords might not be as effective
as applying sound distance. The work of Köllner & Dellert (2016) has shown that the performance
of applying ancestral state reconstruction to detect loanword is not good. On one hand, the success
of applying ancestral state reconstruction for loanword detection highly rely on the accuracy of the
expert notations in the database. On the other hand, Köllner & Dellert (2016) states that purely
considering cognate class is not sufficient to detect loanwords. Hence, considering phonological
representations instead of cognate class is encourage by Köllner & Dellert (2016). In the case of
Mi et al. (2014), using the phonetic transcriptions of the words might be more representative of
the pronunciations of the words than strings. In other words, calculating the sound distance directly
from the phonetic transcriptions is more accurate than string similarity used by Mi et al. (2014).
Van der Ark et al. (2007) and Mennecier et al. (2016) apply Levenshtein algorithm to calculate the
sound distance between words to detect loanwords. However, loanword detection is not the
primary purpose of applying Levenshtein algorithms to measure sound distances in these two
studies. Moreover, the performance of applying the original Levenshtein algorithm is not
satisfactory, even when taking care to avoid aligning vowels and consonants. Since more refined
algorithms have not been applied to loanword detection yet, the purpose of this dissertation is to
explore the possible improvement of applying refined Levenshtein algorithms. Nevertheless,
Mennecier et al. (2016) state that the Levenshtein algorithm has no bias to words in one language
group. Meanwhile, Mennecier et al. (2016) suggest applying more sensitive measurements of
sound distances in loanword detection.
2.1 Overall Design of the Experiment
The data used in this experiment consists of phonetic transcriptions of words from various
locations in Central Asia. The concepts underlying these words are from the Swadesh list, a list
containing approximately 200 concepts that are argued to exist in all languages. The data are from
two language families, Turkic and Indo-Iranian. This experiment aims at comparing the
performances of three edit distance algorithms in detecting loanwords between these two language
families. There is more than one pronunciation per word per language family because there are
various languages in a language family and various recordings of multiple informants at each data
collection site. The pronunciation of every word of every informant in Turkic family is compared
to every pronunciation in the Indo-Iranian family. The sound distance between two pronunciations
from either language family is calculated by three different algorithms. For each algorithm, a list
of tuples is generated containing the information of concept, the distance value, and a pair of
phonetic transcriptions (Table 2). To generalize, the pairs of pronunciations of words for a concept,
𝑐, is represented as:
(𝑡1 , 𝑖1 ) , (𝑡1 , 𝑖2 ), … , (𝑡1 , 𝑖𝑛−1 ) , (𝑡1 , 𝑖𝑛 ), (𝑡2 , 𝑖1 ), … , (𝑡𝑚−1 , 𝑖1 ), (𝑡𝑚−1 , 𝑖2 ), … , (𝑡𝑚 , 𝑖𝑛−1 ), (𝑡𝑚 , 𝑖𝑛 )
𝑡: Phonetic transcription of the word for 𝑐 in the Turkic family;
𝑚: The number of phonetic transcriptions of the words for 𝑐 in the Turkic family;
𝑖: Phonetic transcription of the word for 𝑐 in the Indo-Iranian family.
𝑛: The number of phonetic transcriptions of the words for 𝑐 in the Indo-Iranian family.
('animal', '0.0273098', 'ʒanwar', 'hajvɔn')
('animal', '0.0277859', 'ʒanwar', 'hajβɔn')
('animal', '0.0228481', 'ʒanwar', 'hajwɔn')
('animal', '0.0312264', 'ʒanwar', 'zindene')
('animal', '0.00959365', 'hajwan', 'hajvɔn')
('animal', '0.0100698', 'hajwan', 'hajβɔn')
('animal', '0.005132', 'hajwan', 'hajwɔn')
('animal', '0.0309691', 'hajwan', 'zindene')
('back', '0.0362989', 'arqa', 'puʃt')
('back', '0.0346792', 'arqa', 'mijʊn')
('back', '0.0364408', 'arqa', 'pəʃt')
('back', '0.0342844', 'arqa', 'mijɔn')
Table 2. An example of results when applying the PMI-based algorithms to calculate edit distance.
2.2 Algorithms
The Levenshtein algorithm is the basis of the refined algorithms used in this dissertation. The
Levenshtein distance is a popular algorithm to measure the edit distance between two strings as
well as determine the alignment (Levenshtein, 1965). The edit distance between two strings is
represented by the minimal operations to transform one string to another. There are three different
operations: insertions, deletions, and substitutions in the simplest version of the algorithm. Each
operation is assigned a cost of 1. The algorithm proceeds as follows. A matrix is created, with the
source string being placed in the column vertically, and the target string placed in the row
horizontally (Table 2). An extra symbol ‘#’ in added in the first place of each string. Denote s1 as
the source string with a length of m, s2 as the target string with a length of n, i as an index in s1, j
as an index in s2, and d[i,j] as a cell in the matrix. d[i,j] represents the string distance between sub-
string of s1 from 0 to the ith character, and sub-string of s2 from 0 to the jth character. In the first
row (d[0,j], as j is 0 to n) and first column (d[i,0], as i=0 to m) of the matrix, fill in the integer from
0 to n, and 0 to m, respectively. For each value of d[i,j] (as i=1..m, j=1..n), it is equal to the
minimum value of the values adjacent, or diagonal to it (specifically d[i-1,j], d[i,j-1], and d[i-1,j-
1]), plus the substitution cost. Substitution cost is 0 if s1[i]=s2[j], otherwise it is 1. This procedure
iterates until the matrix is completely filled. The value in the right bottom corner (d[m,n]) is the
Levenshtein distance between these two strings. Tracing back to the path leading to the
Levenshtein distance in d[m,n] can extract the alignment of the strings as well as the operations
used to obtain the result. The pseudo-code for realizing Levenshtein algorithm is presented in Code
function LevenshteinDistance(string s1, string s2):
#This function shows the transfer from s1 to s2
#Define a table d[i,j] with a size of (m+1)X(n+1).
for i from 0 to m:
for j from 0 to n:
#d[i,j]represents the distance between string s1[:i] and string s2[:j].
declare int (d[i,j])
for i from 0 to m:
for j from 0 to n:
for j from 1 to n:
for i from 1 to m:
if s[i]=s[j]:
d[i,j]:=min(d[i-1,j]+1, #deletion
d[i,j-1]+1, #insertion
d[i-1,j-1]+sub_cost) #subsitution
return d[m,n]
The following example shows the application of Levenshtein distance on an IPA transcription
(Table 3). In this example, it takes at least three operations to transform “/mɔdar/” to “/ɔna/”
(deleting [m], replacing [d] by [n], and deleting [r], yielding the alignment shown as below). Hence,
the edit distance between /mɔdar/ to /ɔna/ is 3. The algorithm guarantees that the minimal-cost
alignment is found.
# ɔ n a
# 0 1 2 3
m 1 1 2 3
m ɔ d a r
ɔ 2 1 2 3
ɔ n a
d 3 2 2 3
a 4 3 3 2 1 0 1 0 1
r 5 4 4 3
Table 3. Applying the Levenshtein algorithm to transform phonetic transcript /mɔdar/ (“mother” in Tajik) to /ɔna/
(“mother” in Uzbek). The gray boxes in the table indicate the path of transformation from one string to the other.
Obviously, the Levenshtein distance fails to reflect the pronunciation distance between two words
in fine detail. For example, the Levenshtein distance between /modar/ and /mɔdar/ is the same as
the Levenshtein distance between /modar/ and /mʊdar/. However, the pronunciation of /modar/ is
more similar to /mɔdar/ than to /mʊdar/ in people’s perception. The cost of substituting /o/ for /ɔ/
should be smaller than the cost of substituting it for /ʊ/. Hence, it is necessary to modify operation
cost in Levenshtein algorithms so that a more sensitive edit distance can be applied to measure
pronunciation distance. The refined algorithms used in this project change the cost of the
operations in Levenshtein algorithms by considering various aspects related to pronunciation
measurement. For instance, Heeringa (2004) proposed a VC-sensitive2 Levenshtein algorithm,
which avoids the substitution between vowel and consonant. This is realized by increasing the
substitution cost between vowel and consonant to 2, for instance (Code 2).
for i from 0 to m:
for j from 0 to n:
for j from 1 to n:
for i from 1 to m:
if s[i]=s[j]:
else if check_vowel_consonant(s[i],s[j])==True:
d[i,j]:=min(d[i-1,j]+1, #deletion
d[i,j-1]+1, #insertion
d[i-1,j-1]+sub_cost) #subsitution
return d[m,n]
The VC-sensitive Levenshtein algorithm needs improvement. The example of /modar/, /mɔdar/,
and /mʊdar/ shows that the substitution of vowels for vowels should be discriminated more finely.
This is the reason a more sensitive sound distance algorithm that explores more features must be
used. Heeringa (2004) utilizes spectrograms to reflect phonetic and acoustic features which are
applied to measure segment distance, and other variants are motivated in similar ways.
VC-sensitive means vowel and consonant sensitive.
The substitution cost in the Levenshtein algorithm is 1, but the refinements vary the substitution
costs instead of always using one. Actually, insertion or deletion is considered a substitution
between a segment and an empty segment. Basically, the substitution cost is decided according to
the segment distance between two segments involved in the substitution. They are summarized as
PMI-based Levenshtein algorithm (Wieling et al., 2009): the segment distance is decided
by pointwise mutual information (PMI) value between two segments. The PMI value
depends on the strength of co-occurrence of two segments in a corpus of alignments.
Spectrogram-based Levenshtein algorithm (Heeringa, 2004): the segment distance is
decided by the acoustic features of those segments. Acoustic features of a sound are related
to the intensity or loudness of various frequencies at a specific time, and these features are
normally visualized in a spectrogram.
Sound-Class-Based Levenshtein algorithm (List, 2012): Segment distance is decided by
the “sound class” of segments. Sounds are grouped into different sound classes according
to specific phonetic and phonology theories. Segment distances vary according to the
substitution within or between sound classes.
2.3 Data
Mennecier et al. (2016) conducted a survey to explore the language variety of the Central Asian
region and utilized the data to measure the relatedness of languages and detect loanwords. The
data is documented and it is publicly available for the study of loanwords detection in this
experiment. The data was collected from 23 sites in three Central Asian countries, namely
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. These sites are regarded as displaying “complex human
and linguistic geography”. There are 88 informants and they are from the three countries. Generally,
the informants are males who are over 40 years old, for genetic testing reasons. Genetic testing is
a common strategy in collecting similar data. It allows tracing the linguistic history and genetic
signal of an informant to determine the common genetic history, the similarity of culture
(language), and the degree to which the two signals match. The mother tongues of these informants
are: Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Karakalpak, Uzbek, Tajik, and Yaghnobi. These languages are from two
language families, Turkic and Indo-Iranian. (Table 4). Besides their mother tongues, these
informants also understood Russian well since they all went to school during the times of the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).
A 200-word extended Swadesh list in Russian is shown to the informants and they are required to
translate the words in the list orally into their mother tongues. Each word in the Swadesh list
represents a concept. The pronunciations are digitally recorded and manually transformed into
phonetic transcription. In total, each informant produces 200 pronunciations, resulting in more
than 17000 recordings. There are approximately 88 phonetic transcriptions for a Russian word
representing a concept. Sometimes, the number of pronunciations for a word is lower than 88
because the data is not valid. For example, some informants did not pronounce the word related to
the concept properly.
Turkic Indo-Iranian
Kazakh Tajik
Kyrgyz Yaghnobi
Table 4. The languages in the dataset and their classification in language families.
The expert classification is marked in the dataset as well. Within a concept, each pronunciation is
marked with a letter and the pronunciations with identical letters are considered cognates. Hence,
a word from the Turkic family (or the Indo-Iranian) bearing the same letter as another word in the
Indo-Iranian family (or the Turkic) means that one of the words is a loanword3. Notably, it is
common that pronunciations of a concept in one language family are assigned to different cognate
classes, because there are multiple languages in a language family, and informants may know
multiple ways to translate a Russian word representing a concept. In this dissertation, within one
concept, if a word from the Turkic family and a word from the Indo-Iranian family share the same
cognate, it means that one of the words is loaned from the other language. This is the gold standard
presented in the data.
The concepts in the Swadesh list include numbers, adjectives, nouns, verbs, and pronouns. It
should be noted that the order of the concepts in the data is arranged in a certain pattern. For
example, numbers come first in the list, and they are followed by commonly seen adjectives (such
as “big” and “long”). Appendix I is the list of the concepts in the data used in this dissertation.
s o ʊ f a s o ʊ f a s o ʊ f a
ʂ a f a ʂ a f a ʂ a f a
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
All the edit distances of alignments are three if the operation cost is always one. However, it is
obvious that alignment A is not appropriate since /o/ aligns with /ʂ/. A slight modification (VC-
sensitive Levenshtein algorithm) is applied to forbid a vowel from being aligned to a consonant
by raising the cost of substitution between vowel and consonant, so that situation A can be avoided
(Heeringa, 2004). Unfortunately, this slight improvement fails to offer preference in case of
Normally, “cognate” is different from “loanword”. However, Mennecier et al. (2016) indicate that “cognate”
includes “borrowing” in this case because they use the word “cognate” loosely.
alignment B or C. Therefore, more features should be included to make a decision. In addition to
this VC-sensitive Levenshtein algorithm, Wieling et al. (2009) introduce pointwise mutual
information (PMI) as a segment weighting to generate edit distance between phonetic
transcriptions. The core of the algorithm is that the substitution cost is decided by PMI-based
segment distances rather than one. Further in this chapter include the introduction of this PMI-
based Levenshtein algorithm, followed by its implementation. The application of PMI-based
Levenshtein algorithm in the sound distance is explained in detail. Finally, the result and
evaluation of the algorithm are presented.
A greater PMI value indicates more frequent co-occurrence of two segments. It is intuitive that a
more frequent co-occurrence of two segments reflects smaller segment distance between them. In
other words, a greater PMI value indicates a smaller segment distance as well as smaller edit cost.
Normalization is used to scale the PMI value to represent segment distance. The PMI values of
each segment pair are subtracted from the maximum PMI value so that the minimum segment
distance is 0 and the values can represent segment distance intuitively (Table 5). When substituting
one segment with the other, the substitution cost is the segment distance led by PMI value. The
operation of insertion and deletion can be regarded as special cases of substitution, which is
substituting an empty segment with a segment (insertion), or substituting a segment with an empty
segment (deletion).
Applying PMI values and segment distances extracted from it can lead to a more accurate
alignment and a more sensitive sound distance between two phonetic transcriptions. Wieling et al.
(2009) introduce the procedure to obtain the alignments with PMI values. The first step is to create
string alignments using the VC-sensitive Levenshtein algorithm. With these alignments, the PMI
values of each segment pairs are calculated and normalized to segment distance using the method
introduced above. The Levenshtein algorithm is applied again to generate new alignment pairs,
using the new segment distances as substitution cost. Iteratively calculating PMI values and
segment distances over the new alignment, and generating new alignments with new segment
distances can lead to better alignment coverage. This means that the procedure stops when
alignments remain unchanged.
abcd dabc bdca dbac dbac dbac dabc dbac abcd cabd
acbb bcda dcab dcab badb dcab dcab acdb dcab dbca
Consider again the example of “sofa” in English and Chinese, in order to determine a more suitable
alignment between alignment B and C, it is possible to utilize a PMI-based segment distances list
generated from a big data set. Initially, the substitution cost is always one in any circumstance.
Assume there is a dataset containing a list of English and Chinese words in phonetic transcriptions.
Applying the VC-sensitive algorithm can generate a list of word alignments from English and
Chinese, respectively. After that, PMI-based segment distances are calculated according to these
alignments. Applying the Levenshtein algorithm again with new segment distances generates new
word alignments. This procedure is iterated until the alignments remained unchanged.
Simultaneously a list of segment distances is generated as well. The segment distance between [a]
and [ʊ], and between [a] and [o] should be included. If the segment distance between [a] and [ʊ]
is smaller than [a] and [o], the substitution cost to use [a] to substitute [ʊ] is smaller than to
substitute [o]. In other words, alignment C should be the alignment of /soʊfa/ and /ʂafa/ because
the total cost of operation is smaller than alignment B. Code 3 is the pseudo-code presenting the
algorithm which results in the most appropriate alignment between two strings.
Levenshtein algorithm is based on the work of Wieling et al. (2014), in which they apply the
algorithm to measure foreign accents strength in English. Since RuG/L04 allows defining the
operation cost, the operation cost is defined by PMI values to realize the PMI-based Levenshtein
dataset=[string a, string b, string c, ...]
new_alignment_list doesn't change anymore.
Code 3. PMI-based Levenshtein algorithm for generating alignment between two strings.
In this dissertation, the two language families, Turkic and Indo-Iranian, play the role of “locations”
in RuG/L04. The various phonetic transcriptions under each concept in the dataset are considered
different “dialects” in each “location”. The purpose of this experiment is to identify loanwords at
the word level. A detected loanword is one of the phonetic transcriptions in a pair of phonetic
transcriptions. In other words, one of the words in the detected pairs is loaned. Hence, the
“locations” should contain only one pronunciation so that the distance is calculated by a pair of
phonetic transcriptions rather than a pair of “phonetic transcription lists”.
Defining initial operation cost is required beforehand in RuG/L04. The initial operation cost
satisfies the requirement of VC-sensitive algorithms. All operations cost one, except the case of
substitution between vowel and consonant (the cost is higher than one). According to Wieling et
al.’s (2009) method, a VC-sensitive Levenshtein algorithm is applied to the whole dataset so that
a list of PMI-based segment distances is outputted. In the case of substitution, the PMI value is a
measurement of co-occurrence of two segments. Insertion and deletion are considered as a special
case of substitution, that one of the segment is an empty string. The newly generated PMI-based
segment distances are used as the operations costs to calculate the pronunciation difference of each
phonetic transcription pairs between Turkic and Indo-Iranian. Eventually, a list of pronunciation
distances is generated.
In this pair, a collection of phonetic transcriptions of words from Central Asian languages in the
Swadesh list is used. It is worth noticing that the diacritics in the phonetic transcriptions have been
ignored for the sake of effectiveness (Wieling et al., 2014). It means there is no difference among
[z̥], [z̩] and [z]. Following the above procedure, there are two sections to calculate the distance
between phonetic transcriptions: generating PMI-based segment distances, and calculating
distances. There are four steps to generate PMI-based segment distances:
1. Transforming the original data file to the appropriate format. As mentioned above, a list of
PMI-based segment distances should be generated with the whole dataset. The data
arrangement is designed as Table 6. The first column is the name of the two language
families, and the first row is the 183 concepts in English (only three concepts are shown in
Table 6). The phonetic transcripts are filled in the cells and they are split by ‘/’. Missing
data exists and it is filled with empty space. For example, there is missing data in the cell
of concept ‘one’ in Turkic. Hence, two consecutive “/” are found in the cell because of
missing data between “/”.
2. Generating a csv file for each concept. Based on the data format in Table 6, a csv file is
generated for each concept by a provided python script in RuG/L04. A csv file of a concept
contains the phonetic transcripts for that concept in both language families (Table 7 left).
3. Tokenizing data and generating initial segment distances. Each phonetic symbol in the data
files is transformed to be represented by an integer (Table 7 right). Meanwhile, initial
segment distances are calculated according to feature values considering all phonetic
transcriptions in the dataset.
4. Generating the PMI-based segment distance. In order to generate PMI-based segment
distance, an initial distance value, which is generated in the last step, should be provided.
The program “leven” not only outputs the distance between two “locations” but also
updates segment distance table by outputting a file containing the PMI-based segment
distances. Meanwhile, “leven” allows setting a parameter of small fraction number. This
number is added to the frequency avoiding frequency of zero (1e-80 is used as shown in
the tool manual). The file containing PMI-based segment distances is used for calculating
the distance between phonetic transcriptions.
In summary, RuG/L04 requires data in the format of Table 6. Each concept in Table 6 has its own
file as shown in Table 7. RuG/L04 compares the sound between the Turkic and the Indo-Iranian
family per concept. In Table 6, there is more than one pronunciation under a family. Applying
“leven” to those concepts actually outputs the distance between two groups of pronunciations. In
other words, the distance is calculated in the concept level (later in this chapter). In order to
calculate the distance between two pronunciations, the data needs to be rearranged so that there is
only one pronunciation under a family per concept.
‘one’ ‘two’ ‘three’ …
Turkic bɪr / brɪw / bɪrɪw / / brɪw / jekə / jekə / jɪkjew / jɪkə / ʉʃʲ / ʉʃʲ / ʉʃʲjʊː / ʉʃ / ʉʃ / …
brɪw / bɪr / bər / bər / bər / jeka / jekʲew / jɪkə / jikə / ʃuː / ʉʃ / yʃ / yʧ / øʃ / ʉʃ /
bər / bir / bir / bir / bir̯ / bir̯ / jɪkə / jɪke / jɪkə / jeki / jeki / yʧ / yʧ / yʧ / yʧ / yʧ / yʧ
bir / bir / bir / bir / bɪr / bər / jeki / jekɪ / jeki / jeki / jeki / / yʧ / yʧ / yʧ / ʉʧ / yʧ / yʧ
bɪʃ / biʃ / bir / bər / bər / bər jeki / jeki / jikʲe / ɛkkɪ / ɛkʲɪ / / yʧ / yʧ / ʉʃ / ʉʃ / ʉʃ / yʧ
/ bər / bər / bər / bər / bər / ɛkkʲɪ / jeke / jɪkɐ / jɪkɐ / jɪkə / ʉʃ / yʧ / ʉʃ / ʉʃ / ʉʃ / ʉʃ /
bər̯ / bər / bər / bɪr / ber / bər / jekke / jika / jɪkʲe / jekə / ʉʃ / yʧ / ʉʧ / ʉʃ / uʧ / yʧ /
/ bɪr / bər / bər / bər / bɪr / bɪr jɪkɐ / jɪkɐ / jɪkɐ / jɪkɐ / jɪkə / yʧ / yʧ / ʉʧ / uʃta / ʉʧ / ʉʧ
/ bɪr / bɪr / bɪr / bər / jɪkɐ / jɪkɐ / ikkʲe / ikkʲe / ikkʲe / uʧ / uʧ /
/ ikkʲe / ikkʲe / ikta / ikkʲe /
ikkʲɪ / ikki / ikkʲe /
Indo- jak / jak / jak / jakta / jak / du / du / du / duttə / dʊ / dø sʲɛ / se / se / setta / sʲe / se …
Iranian jak / jak / jak / jak / jak / jak / dʊ / dø / dø / dø / du / dutɐ / sɛ / se / sʲe / sʲɛ / se / sʲetɐ
/ jaktə / jaktɐ / jak / jak / jak / dʉtɐ / dʊ / du / dʊ / də / / sʲetɐ / se / se / se / se /
/ jak / jakta / jak / jak / jak / dutta / du / dø / du / dø / dø / sʲeta / se / se / se / se / sʲe
jak / jak / jak / jaktə / jak / du / dyttə / døː / døtta / døː / / se / sʲeta / seː / seˑta / sʲeː
jakta / jak / jak / jak / jaktɒ / du / du / døttɒ / dyː / duttɐ / / se / se / seta / se / sʲeta /
jak / jakta / jak / iː / iː / iː / iː du / dʊː / døː / dʊ / dʉ / dʊː / sʲe / saraj / traj / tʲiraj / traj
/ iː / / tɪraj /
Table 6. The first few columns of the arrangement of data used by RuG/L04.
%utf8 %utf8
: turkic : turkic
- bɪr + 36 34 5
- brɪw + 36 5 34 4
- bɪrɪw + 36 34 5 34 4
- brɪw + 36 5 34 4
- brɪw + 36 5 34 4
- bɪr + 36 34 5
- bər + 36 39 5
… …
: iranian : iranian
- jak + 7 2 23
- jak + 7 2 23
- jak + 7 2 23
- jakta + 7 2 23 32 2
- jak + 7 2 23
- jak + 7 2 23
… …
Table 7. Every concept has its own file. This is an example of concept ‘one’. Phonetic transcripts for concept ‘one’
(left), and its transformation in integers (right). Notice that there is missing data on the left, and it is ignored in integer
With the generated PMI-based segment distances, the distance between phonetic transcriptions
can be calculated. Another data arrangement is designed as Table 8. Importantly, the duplicate
phonetic transcriptions in a language family per concept need to be deleted to avoid repetition
results. The first row is the title showing the concepts and indexes. The title is indicated as index-
concept-title here. For instance, the title ‘0_0_one’ represents a phonetic transcription pair, /bɪr/
and /jakta/, the first phonetic transcriptions in the Turkic family of concept ‘one’, and the first
phonetic transcriptions in the Indo-Iranian family of concept ‘one’ (the index starting from 0). In
total, there are more than 25 thousand unique phonetic transcription pairs. Based on the data format
presented in Table 8, a group of csv files are generated by the python script as mentioned above.
The content of the file is a pair of phonetic transcriptions corresponding to the index-concept title
(Table 9, the first column of each title). Each unique phonetic symbol in the data files is
transformed to be represented by a unique integer (Table 9, the second column of each title)5. The
distances of those 25+ thousand unique phonetic transcription pairs are calculated with the “integer
data” and the PMI-based segment distances.
‘0_0_one’ ‘0_1_one’ … ‘1_0_one’ ‘1_1_one’ …
Turkic bɪr bɪr … brɪw brɪw …
Indo-Iranian jakta jaktə … jakta jaktə …
Table 8. For concept ‘one’, the arrangement of data used by RuG/L04.
“0_0_one” “0_1_one” …
%utf8 %utf8 %utf8 %utf8
: indo_iranian : indo_iranian : indo_iranian : indo_iranian
- bɪr + 36 34 5 - bɪr + 36 34 5
: turkic : turkic : turkic : turkic
- jak + 7 2 23 - jakta + 7 2 23 32 2
Table 9. The first column of “0_0_one” and “0_1_one” is the content of the csv file “0_0_one” and “0_1_one”
respectively. They are the phonetic transcriptions pairs corresponding to their respective index-concept title. The
second column is the content of the files containing integers corresponding to phonetic segments.
The “leven” program is applied to each phonetic transcription pair inputting the PMI-based
segment distance and integer data. There are more than 25 thousand files containing one pair of
phonetic transcriptions in each of them. As a result, more than 25 thousand pronunciation distances
are generated (Code 4). For the purpose of future evaluation, the distance values, concepts, and
phonetic transcription pairs are arranged in tuples as shown in Table 1, such as:
('one', '0.0355222', 'bɪr', 'jak')
Besides considering the pronunciation distance of a pair of single phonetic transcriptions, it is also
worthwhile to explore the loanwords on the concept level by considering pronunciation distance
between language families per concept. “On the concept level” means to discover the concept that
is “borrowed” from a language. For instance, most of the words representing the concept “person”
are loanwords (either from Turkic family to Indo-Iranian family, or opposite). Hence, the concept
5 In practice, the integer data can be extracted based on the integer data in Table 7 by deleting the duplicated
integers and rearranging them into the format of Table 9.
“person” is considered as a “borrowed concept” in a language. As mentioned previously, the
various phonetic transcriptions per concept in the dataset are treated as different “dialects” in each
“locations” as regards the software. Therefore, each concept is possibly represented by a
pronunciation distance between “dialects” in Turkic and “dialects” in Indo-Iranian family. In other
word, there is more than one phonetic transcription per language family per concept, which means
there are multiple variants within one language family per concept. Hence, the phonetic
transcriptions in a family are grouped together per concept, and each concept can be associated
with a (mean) distance value as a result. Similarly, if the distance value of a concept is small
enough, the word representing the concept in the Turkic family is probably borrowed from the
Indo-Iranian family, or vice versa.
It should be noticed that, when there is a list of phonetic transcriptions representing a concept in a
language, the distances of a concept between two language families is related to the distances of
natural pairs and the number of phonetic transcriptions representing the concept from each family.
A natural pair is a pair of transcripts formed by one transcript from each list, and it has the smallest
sound distance among all possible pairs. In RuG/L04, the distance between two language families
per concept is equal to the minimal non-zero distance of natural pair divided by the number of
natural pairs6 (Nerbonne & Kleiweg, 2003).
More details are introduced in Nerbonne & Kleiweg (2003).
#Use the python script in RuG/L04 to transform the dataset(as in Table 5).
#one,two...are the concept titles.
#The integer format of the data are generated, as well as the initial segment
one.integer, two.integer,...,initial_distance:=
tokenize([,,,...], configuration_file):
0_0_one.integer, 0_1_one.integer,…,0_0_two.integer,0_1_two.integer,…:=
deleting duplicated phonetic transcriptions and rearranging[one.inte-
Code 4. The procedure of realizing PMI-based Levenshtein algorithm using RuG/L04, and calculating distance
between phonetic transcription pairs.
Figure 1 is the histogram of sound distances derived from all the word pairs between Turkic and
Indo-Iranian generated by all concepts. The figure shows that the distribution of sound distances
is skewed to the right, which means that most distance values are relatively large. According to
our assumption of determining loanwords using sound distances, loanwords are the minority on
the left side of the histogram. This corresponds to the fact that the loanwords are the minority
according to expert classification. In this experiment, two approaches are applied to determine the
threshold which is the boundary of loanwords or not. One is determining the threshold by
examining several hundred potential thresholds. The other one is to calculate the outlier and use it
as the threshold.
Inspired by Mennecier et al. (2016) and Van der Ark et al. (2007), a group of evenly spaced values
over an interval between the minimum value (other than 0) and the average value of the distance
list are chosen as potential thresholds in order to spot a suitable threshold. Since the histogram
skews to the right, it is a reasonable assumption that using the mean value (or above mean) as
threshold leads to a low possibility to achieve the best performance. Theoretically, using a larger
number to divide the potential threshold interval ensures that the most suitable threshold is
obtained because of its coverage of more threshold values. However, it raises the cost of
computation simultaneously. In this case, there are 200 potential thresholds chosen from the
interval between 0.0037 (the minimum value other than 0) and 0.0311 (average value). Figure 2 is
the plot of precision, recall, and F1 score against 200 potential threshold values.
Figure 2.Precision, recall, and F1 score against the 200 potential thresholds.
Precision is over 0.974 at the small threshold value, while recall is very low. In fact, only around
6% loanwords from the gold standard are detected at the low threshold. Precision slightly drops
with the rising of the threshold, while the recall value climbs dramatically. The absolute slope
value of recall is obviously greater than precision. At a threshold value of around 0.02, Precision
suddenly drops significantly, and the recall keeps climbing steadily. After the interaction between
precision and recall, precision keeps dropping and recall almost reaches 1.0 at a threshold of over
0.03. As for the value of the F1 score, it climbs in the same way as recall before intersection of the
lines and drops in the same way as precision after the interaction.
Figure 2 shows that a tradeoff exists between precision and recall: the higher the recall, the smaller
the precision. Meanwhile, the threshold value is positively correlated to recall because a higher
threshold value has a higher tolerance and allows more words to be classified as loanwords. It is
difficult to determine the performance of loanword detection by solely applying precision or recall.
Hence, the F1 score is used to reflect the performance. F1 score peaks at 0.784 at the threshold
0.021. The precision and recall are 0.846 and 0.730, respectively. It is summarized as:
Best threshold 0.021
F1 score 0.784
Precision 0.846
Recall 0.730
Table 11. Summary of the performance using the PMI-based Levenshtein algorithm to detect loanwords in the data
including all the concepts.
Meanwhile, the loanwords at the concept level are detected as well (as mentioned at the end of
Section 3.2). The detected concepts which are considered “loanwords” are reflected at the word
levels. Each phonetic transcription pair is represented by a concept in English. Among the phonetic
transcription pairs predicted as loanwords, the concepts presenting those phonetic transcriptions
are analyzed. The distribution of the number of concepts existing in the predicted loanwords set
shows that the concepts appearing frequently are the concepts predicted as being represented by
Which loanwords fail to be found and which words are incorrectly classified as loanwords? Table
12 presents several randomly-chosen examples of these two situations. In general, the reason for
failing to detect the loanwords is that the pronunciations of the relevant words are significantly
different. The first part of the table shows that the phonetic transcriptions of the words are not
similar, which leads to a large sound distance. This shows that the phonological adaptation of
loanwords possibly results in a huge pronunciation difference. Meanwhile, the idiosyncratic
pronunciation of the informants contributing to the data might affect the result as well. For instance,
the words for the concept “flower” are generally loanwords, and most of the pronunciations are
/gul/, /gyl/, or /gʉł/. However, one of the informants whose mother tongue is Tajik says /kul/,
which is not detected. There are also words which are incorrectly classified as loanwords. The
second part of Table 12 presents words with similar pronunciations which are not loanwords.
Actually, the sound distances of these phonetic transcription pairs are quite close to the threshold
(0.021), and this is probably the reason of misclassification (for instance, the distance between
/bajlaʊ/ and /bastak/ is 0.0205; the distance between /pustlɔq/ and /pust/ is 0.0167).
3.3.2 Cross Validation
In order to evaluate the performance of the model when it deals with independent data, a cross
validation is conducted. Cross validation is a commonly used model validation technique. Assume
a k-fold cross validation is conducted. Firstly, the dataset is split equally into k pieces. One of the
pieces is used as a testing set, and the other k-1 pieces are used as a training set. After the model
is trained by the training set, the testing set is applied to the model to evaluate its performance.
The procedure is iterated for k times, and a different piece is used as the testing set each time.
Eventually, there are k evaluation results (precision, recall, or F1 score).
In this experiment, a 10-fold cross validation is conducted. The dataset is shuffled before being
split because the concept is arranged in a specific order. For instance, the first five concepts in the
data are numbers; at the end of the data, the concepts are mainly pronounced and interrogatives.
After the dataset is split into a training set and a testing set, the phonetic transcription pairs in the
training set are used to find the threshold outputting the highest F1 score using the method
introduced in Section 3.4. For the sake of computational cost, the “best threshold” is found by
investigating 10 potential thresholds rather than 200. The “best threshold” is then used to decide
the loanwords in the testing set. Comparing the predicted loanwords against the expert-classified
loanwords in the testing set returns evaluation results including ten precision values, ten recall
values, and ten F1 score values. Finally, the mean values of the ten precisions, the ten recalls, and
the ten F1 scores are the results that reflect the performance of the model. Figure 3 is a diagram
illustrating this process. The result of the 10-fold cross validation is shown in Table 13.
Precision 0.760
Recall 0.795
F1 score 0.768
Table 13. Mean scores in 10-fold cross validation for the PMI-based Levenshtein algorithm.
Iteration 10 Iteration 2 Iteration 1
Set Evaluation
… Best
3.4 Discussion
Generally, choosing an appropriate threshold for this task is not that intuitive. Van der Ark et al.
(2007) detect loanwords at the word level with a similar method and dataset but applying a simple
Levenshtein distance rather than a PMI-based sound distance. Van der Ark et al. (2007) suggests
that the determination of the threshold relies on the tolerance of “noise”. Since this experiment
aims to compare the performances of various sound distance calculation algorithms in detecting
loanwords, the F1 score is an appropriate indicator of algorithm performance because of its
consideration of precision and recall simultaneously. The approach applied in this experiment to
determine the threshold is computationally expensive. An alternative is to detect the outliers in the
set of distance values. Then the threshold is simply equal to first quartile minus 1.5 times the
difference between the first quartile and the third quartile (the lower outlier boundary). Although
the threshold leading to the highest F1 score value is not guaranteed, it reduces the cost of
Using the original Levenshtein algorithm fails to reflect the sound features of phonetic
transcriptions. Heeringa (2004) introduces a so-called VC-sensitive sound distance which raises
the penalty of substituting a vowel with a consonant, and vice versa. However, it is necessary to
consider more features for the sake of determining segment distances between vowels and between
consonants, as well (See the “sofa” example in Chapter 3). Hence, Heeringa (2004) takes
advantage of the spectrogram to investigate the acoustic representation of vowels and consonants
so that a more sensitive sound distance scheme between phonetic transcriptions can be realized.
Speech sounds have their specific acoustic characteristics (Reetz & Jongman, 2011), and the
spectrogram is an ideal visualization of the acoustic features of sound samples.
Similar to the PMI-based algorithm (Wieling et al., 2009), Heeringa (2004) determines the
segment distances between two phonetic symbols based on their acoustic features and applies the
segment distances to the Levenshtein algorithm. Three sound representations based on a
spectrogram are introduced by Heeringa (2004) in order to measure segment distances acoustically.
Instead of a common spectrogram, two variants of the spectrogram are applied as acoustic
representations of sounds. The first variant is Barkfilter, in which Bark-scale is used in the y-axis
of a spectrogram rather than linear Hertz scale as in a normal spectrogram. Bark-scale has merit in
matching the human perception of sound frequency. The second variant is cochleagram, a
modification of Barkfilter. Bark-scale is used in cochleagram as well, but the loudness of each
frequency is given instead of intensity. Besides these two variants of the spectrogram, formant
track is used to represent acoustic features of sounds by giving formants values of each time step
as the representation of sounds (Figure 4). In this part of the experiment, these three spectrogram-
based representations of sounds are implemented to measure the segment distances and apply those
segment distances in Levenshtein algorithms for loanwords detection. The sound distances
calculated by these three representations of sounds are called spectrogram-based sound distances.
Further in this chapter, the mechanism of measuring spectrogram-based segment distance is
introduced. Furthermore, a tool for implementing the spectrogram-based Levenshtein algorithm is
explained by presenting the procedure of applying the tool to calculate the sound distances between
the Turkic and the Indo-Iranian family per concept. Finally, the result of the predicted loanwords
based on the spectrogram-based sound distances is presented and analyzed so that the performance
in loanword detection is evaluated.
Figure 4. Different acoustic representation of sounds pronounced by John Wells (Figure Heeringa, 2004). There
are four different sounds represented in the (from top to bottom) spectrogram, Barkfilters, cochleagrams, and
sound tracks respectively. The x-axis of the graphs is time. The y-axis of the graphs is frequency in Hertz (in
case of Spectrogram and formant tracks) or Bark (in case of Barkfilter and cochleagram).
4.1 Introduction to Spectrogram-based Levenshtein Algorithm
A spectrogram is a three-dimensional visual representation of a sound sample (Figure 4 Row 1).
The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents frequency in Hertz. The darkness of the colors
reflects the intensity of frequency at a specific time. One of the applications of a spectrogram is to
identify sounds phonetically since different sounds have different acoustic features reflected in a
spectrogram. For instance, the distance between formants in the lowest band (F1) and the second
lowest band (F2) varies in different sounds (Figure 5, see section 4.1.1 about formants), which
means formant values are representative of some sounds. Hence, the acoustic features of sounds
can be utilized to calculate the segment distances and these segments distances are applied in the
Levenshtein algorithm. As mentioned above, Heeringa (2004) introduces two modifications of
spectrograms, Barkfilter and cochleagram, to measure segment distances.
4.1.1 Barkfilter, Cochleagram, and Formant Tracks
The common spectrogram represents frequencies in linear Hertz scale. However, the human
perception of frequency is not linear, but logarithmic. Therefore, Heeringa (2004) uses the
Barkfilter as sound representation (Figure 4, Row 2). In Barkfilter, the Bark-scale is used instead
of a linear scale, because the Bark-scale is closer to human perception of frequency. Heeringa
(2004) uses the software Praat7 to obtain intensity values in Bark-scale, and the intensity values
are used to calculate the sound distances. In Praat, Schroeder et al.’s (1979) formula is used for the
purpose of transforming Hertz values into Bark-scale values:
𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑧 𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑧 2
𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑘 = 7 × ln ( + √1 + ( ) )
650 650
Figure 6 is a plot of Bark value against linear Hertz frequency. The plot shows that the Bark scale
is linear below 1000Hz, and becomes approximately logarithmic over 1000Hz. This matches the
way a human would perceive the frequency of sounds.
Besides Barkfilters, Heeringa (2004) uses cochleagrams to represent sounds (Figure 4 Row 3). A
cochleagram is similar to the Barkfilter in that they both use the Bark-scale, but in a cochleagram
it returns the loudness of frequencies in time instead of intensity. Loudness is what people actually
perceive, and it is related to intensity as well as frequency. Similar to the Barkfilter, Heeringa
(2004) uses Praat to obtain the loudness values of sounds. In Praat, the same formula is used to
calculate the Bark-scale in cochleagrams.
Praat is a software for phonetic analysis of speech. More information:
Figure 5. This figure shows the F1 and F2 of three different vowels [i], [u], and [a]. The distance between F1 and F2
of [i] is greater than [u], and [u] is greater than [a] (image created by Wikipedia user ish ishwar in 2005).
Formant track is the third representation of sounds used by Heeringa (2004). In a spectrogram, the
use of small analysis windows makes individual harmonic blends and bands appear. The middle
frequency of a band at a point of time is a formant, and a formant track is formed by connecting
formants at a range of continuous time (Figure 4 Row 4). A formant in the lowest band is called
F1, a formant in the second lowest band is called F2, etc. (Figure 5). Heeringa (2004) uses the
formants from F1 and F2 to represents sounds since different sounds have their own specific F1
and F2 (Rietveld and Van Heuven, 1997). The Bark-scale is used in this case as well, but the
transformation is conducted by the formula of Traunmüller (1990), which is:
26.81 × 𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑧
𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑘 = − 0.53
1960 + 𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑧
The formula is recommended for the phonetic project. The plot of this formula is shown in Figure
Figure 6. Plot of Schroeder et al. (1979) formula (upper line) and Traunmüller (1990) formula (lower line) (Heeringa,
4.1.2. Measuring Segment Distances Acoustically
In order to measure segment distances acoustically for all sounds in the IPA alphabet, sound
samples are required. A tape called The Sounds of the International Phonetic Alphabet on which
all sounds in IPA alphabet are produced by John Wells and Jill House is available and Heeringa
(2004) uses it to extract acoustic data for all the sounds. Spectrogram-based segment distances are
measured by considering the spectrogram or formant track representation of sounds. Related
values, including intensity, loudness, and formants, can be extracted for every sound in the IPA
alphabet applying the above mentioned methods. It is notable that the sound sample used by
Heeringa (2004) is canonical, and the sounds may be different from the sounds in the Central Asian
data collection.
The spectrogram-based representations of sounds are related to the duration of pronouncing a
sound. It is important to normalize the duration of sound to ensure the sounds are comparable.
Hence, the sound is analyzed in a unit of the time step. A spectrogram divided by units of the time
step is called a spectrum, and a formant track divided by units of the time step is called a formant
bundle. Here a spectrum or a formant bundle is called a slice. Within a slice, there are numerous
intensity, loudness, or formants values depending on the Barkfilter, cochleagram, or formant tracks
that are applied. Assume there are two segments, s1 and s2, and they have m and n slices,
respectively. The collections of slices are:
𝑠1 = {𝑠11 , 𝑠12 , … , 𝑠1𝑚 }
𝑠2 = {𝑠21 , 𝑠22 , … , 𝑠2𝑛 }
In order to normalize the length of duration, s1 is duplicated n times and s2 is duplicated m times.
As a result, there are 𝑚 × 𝑛 slices in each segment.
𝑠1 = {𝑠111 , 𝑠112 , … , 𝑠11𝑛, 𝑠121 , 𝑠122 … , 𝑠12𝑛 , … , 𝑠1𝑚1, 𝑠1𝑚2,… , 𝑠1𝑚𝑛 }
𝑎 𝑎 2
𝑑(𝑠1𝑖𝑗 , 𝑠2𝑘𝑙 ) = √∑(𝑠1𝑖𝑗 − 𝑠2𝑘𝑙 ) (𝑖 ∈ [1, 𝑚], 𝑗 ∈ [1, 𝑛], 𝑘 ∈ [1, 𝑛], 𝑙 ∈ [1, 𝑚])
The distance between two segments 𝑠1 , 𝑠2 , is equal to the sum of the Euclidean distances between
each pair of corresponding slices, divided by the number of slices 𝑀 × 𝑁.
4.1.3 Applying Segments Distance to the Levenshtein Algorithm
The purpose of introducing spectrogram-based segment distances is to provide more sensitive
segment distances leading to a more precise representation of sound distance between two phonetic
transcriptions. The spectrogram-based segment distance is applied to the operation weights in the
Levenshtein algorithm. There are three operations to transform one transcript to another in the
Levenshtein algorithm, and all three operations cost one in the default algorithm. Similar to the
PMI-based Levenshtein algorithm, determining a suitable alignment between two phonetic
transcriptions is important to decide the minimum edit distance between them, and using more
sensitive segment distances in operation weights is beneficial in the determination. Considering
again the example of ‘sofa’ in English and Chinese, which the potential alignments repeated below:
s o ʊ f a s o ʊ f a s o ʊ f a
ʂ a f a ʂ a f a ʂ a f a
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
The VC-sensitive algorithm avoids alignment A, which matches a vowel to a consonant, but fails
to choose between B and C. Applying spectrogram-based segment distances can determine which
is the more suitable alignment between B and C, given that the segment distance between [o] and
[a] is different from the distance between [ʊ] and [a]. As long as a suitable alignment is found, the
sound distance between two phonetic transcriptions is determined by summing the operation cost.
Deletions and insertions are regarded as a segment pair between a normal sound and a silent sound.
A silent sound indicates that the values within a spectrum or formant bundle are zero.
See for more details about X-SAMPA.
IPA X-SAMPA /ʒwɒn/
ʒ Z
w w
ɒ Q
n n
The input of the tool is two files, in which the phonetic transcriptions are stored and compared
against each other. Table 14 is the data format used in the tool for outputting spectrogram-based
sound distance. Phonetic transcripts per concept per family are separated by a “/” and concepts in
a family are separated by a new line tag “\n”. Two data files are generated for Turkic and Indo-
Iranian family respectively using Python. The tool requires these two files as input, and the
distances are calculated by comparing the phonetic transcriptions from each file in the same line
(e.g. the phonetic transcriptions in Line One in Turkic file compares to the ones in Line Two in
the Indo-Iranian file). If there are five lines (in other words, five concepts in this case), for instance,
of phonetic transcriptions in both files, five distance values (between pronunciations of the same
concept) are calculated.
Concept Turkic family Indo-Iranian family
‘one’ 1 bIr / 1 brIw / 1 bIrIw / 1 brIw / … 1 jak / 1 jak / 1 jak / 1 jakta / 1 jak / …
‘two’ 1 jek@\ / 1 jek@\ / 1 jIkjew / 1 jIk@\ / … 1 s_hE / 1 se / 1 se / 1 setta / 1 s_he / …
‘three’ 1 }s_h / 1 }s_h / 1 }s_hju: / 1 }s / 1 }s / … 1 tSahOr / 1 tSOr / 1 tSOr / 1 tSOrta / …
‘four’ 1 t2rt / 1 t2rt / 1 tw2rt / 1 t_h2rt / 1 t2rt / … 1 pandZ / 1 panZ / 1 panZ / 1 panZta / …
‘five’ 1 b_hIs / 1 b_hIs / 1 b_hes / 1 b_hIs / … 1 kalOn / 1 kalOn / 1 kalOn / 1 kalOn / …
… … …
Table 14. This table shows part of the pronunciations in X-SAMPA format of five concepts (‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’, ’four’,
and ‘five’) from the Turkic family and Indo-Iranian family. Each concept is represented in one line, and the
pronunciations are separated by “/”. The number “1” in front of each pronunciation functions as a label and it has
no influence on the result. The 183 concepts are listed line by line in each file.
As shown in Table 14, there is more than one pronunciation in every line in either file. Applying
the tool to this data format generates distances on the concept level (later in this chapter). In order
to generate distances on the word level, there should be only one pronunciation in every line.
Hence, the data should be rearranged in another format. The duplicated data in a language family
per concept is deleted to avoid repeated phonetic transcription pairs. A file containing the phonetic
transcriptions in the Turkic family and a file containing the phonetic transcriptions in the Indo-
Iranian family are created for each concept. Hence, concept ‘one, for instance, has two files called
‘one_turkic’ and ‘one_indoiranian’ respectively, and the content of each file is:
‘one_turkic’ ‘one_indoiranian’
1 bIr 1 jak
1 brIw 1 jakta
1 bIrIw 1 jakt@\
1 b@\r 1 jakt6
1 bir 1 jaktQ
1 bIS 1 i:
1 biS
Table 15. The content of file ‘one_turkic’ and ‘one_indoiranian’ for the Spectrogram-based algorithm.
In order to ensure that every phonetic transcription in a family is compared to every phonetic
transcription in the other family, the phonetic transcriptions are arranged in a certain way. Assume
there are 𝑚 unique phonetic transcriptions denoted as 𝑡𝑥 (𝑥 = 1,2, … , 𝑚) in the Turkic family, and
𝑛 unique phonetic transcriptions denoted as 𝑖𝑦 (𝑦 = 1,2, … , 𝑛) in the Indo-Iranian family for the
given concept. Each phonetic transcription in the Turkic family is duplicated n times one by one,
while all the phonetic transcriptions in the Indo-Iranian family are duplicated together for m times.
In general, the data per concept is arranged as in Table 16. Table 17 is an example showing the
data arrangement of concept ‘one’.
Turkic Indo-Iranian Turkic file after Indo-Iranian file Phonetic transcription
duplication after duplication pairs
𝑡1 𝑖1 𝑡1 𝑖1 𝑡1 , 𝑖1
𝑡2 𝑖2 𝑡1 𝑖2 𝑡1 , 𝑖2
𝑡3 𝑖3 𝑡1 𝑛 𝑖3 𝑡1 , 𝑖3
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝑡𝑥 𝑖𝑥 𝑡1 𝑖𝑛 𝑡1 , 𝑖𝑛
⋮ ⋮ 𝑡2 , 𝑖1
𝑡𝑚 𝑖𝑛 𝑡2 𝑖1 𝑡2 , 𝑖2
𝑡2 𝑖2 ⋮
𝑡2 𝑛 𝑖3 𝑡2 , 𝑖𝑛
⋮ ⋮
𝑡2 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑛 , 𝑖𝑚
⋮ ⋮
𝑡𝑚 𝑖1
𝑡𝑚 𝑛
⋮ 𝑖3
𝑡𝑚 ⋮
Table 16. The data arrangement for using the tool to output spectrogram-based distance.
The two files of a concept are used as the input of the tool. The output is a list of pronunciation
distances between phonetic transcription pairs per concept. This procedure is iterated for all the
concepts. Eventually, every concept has its list of distance values. Various spectrogram-based
segment distances are prepared in advance. Three sets of sound distances using Barkfilter,
cochleagram, and formant tracks as acoustic representations are generated by changing the
parameter in the executable file. Similar to the PMI-based method, the diacritics in the transcripts
are ignored for the sake of simplification in this case. For the purpose of further evaluation, the
distance values, concepts, and phonetic transcription pairs are arranged in tuples as shown in Table
2, as follow:
('animal', 3.6941, 'ʒanwar', 'hajvɔn')
Turkic file of concept ‘one’ Indo-Iranian file of concept ‘one’ pairs
1 bIr 1 jak bIr, jak
1 bIr 1 jakta bIr, jakta
1 bIr 1 jakt@\ bIr, jakt@\
1 bIr 1 jakt6 bIr, jakt6
1 bIr 1 jaktQ bIr, jaktQ
1 bIr 1 i: bIr, i:
1 brIw 1 jak brIw, jak
1 brIw 1 jakta brIw, jakta
1 brIw 1 jakt@\ brIw, jakt@\
1 brIw 1 jakt6 brIw, jakt6
1 brIw 1 jaktQ brIw, jaktQ
1 brIw 1 i: brIw, i:
… … …
Table 17. Data arrangement for concept “one” for generating distance based on the spectrogram-based algorithm.
Moreover, it is possible that the loanword is detected on the concept level. In this case, the sound
distance is calculated between two lists of phonetic transcriptions, instead of between two phonetic
transcriptions. Heerigna (2004) calculates the distance between two lists of phonetic transcriptions
by finding natural pairs from two lists, as well. The distance between two lists of phonetic
transcriptions is then determined by the distances of natural pairs and the number of phonetic
transcriptions. Unlike the method used in Nerbonne & Kleiweg (2003), the sum of the distances
of natural pairs is divided by the number of phonetic transcriptions9.
See Heeringa (2004) Chapter 5 for more details.
A word from a phonetic transcription pair is classified as a loanword if the sound distance between
these two phonetic transcriptions is smaller than a chosen threshold. An interval between the mean
value and the minimum value of a list of sound distance values is divided into evenly spaced values,
and these values are the potential thresholds. As a result, a predicted loanword list is generated for
each acoustic representation. The predicted loanwords are compared against the gold standard,
loanword classifications determined by an expert. Also, a 10-fold cross validation is conducted to
explore the performance with independent data.
Barkfilter Cochleagram Formant Tracks
Table 18. Statistical description and visualizations of sound distances between phonetic transcriptions of the words
from the Turkic and Indo-Iranian families by applying Barkfilter, cochleagram, and formant tracks to measure
segment distance.
Table 19 presents selected thresholds achieving the highest F1 scores, and the corresponding
precision/recall score. (the explanation of these values is in Chapter 3). Simultaneously, a graph is
created for the result of each acoustic representation, which shows the plot of the evaluation results
against 200 potential thresholds between mean and minimum.
The results of using the Barkfilter and cochleagram are similar, and the plots of the Barkfilter and
cochleagram can be considered as identical. On the other hand, the F1 score of using formant
tracks has a tiny disadvantage compared to the ones of the other two. In addition, using the formant
track representation provides higher precision since the threshold is significantly lower than the
other two representations. Although there is a difference between the plot of formant tracks and
the plot of the Barkfilter or cochleagram, the trends of all three plots are similar.
At the low threshold values, the precision is as high as around 0.95 while recall is very low. With
the rise of threshold values, precision drops slowly, but there is a significant drop at threshold
value of around 1.5 for the Barkfilter and the Cochleagram, while precision keeps smoothly
dropping for the formant tracks. A similar development may be seen for recall. For the Barkfilter
and Cochleagram, recall rises sharply but suddenly remains flat at a threshold value of around 1.0,
and begins to climb again at a threshold value of around 1.5. But recall keeps rising in a similar
slope for formant tracks. After the intersection of the lines, precision drops steadily and recall
keeps climbing, reaching a value of almost 1.0. This phenomenon has been explained as the
tradeoff between precision and recall. The trend for F1 score line is similar to the trend for recall.
The F1 score peaks at 0.7427, 0.7441, and 0.7364 using Barkfilter, cochleagram, and formant track.
Although the peak F1 scores are not very different, using formant tracks tends to return higher
precision, while the other two tend to favor recall.
Barkfilter Cochleagram Formant Tracks
Threshold 2.1381 2.1560 1.5585
Precision 0.7467 0.7332 0.7915
Recall 0.7387 0.7553 0.6884
F1 score 0.7427 0.7441 0.7364
recall, and
f1 score
Table 19. Results and evaluation of applying Barkfilter, cochleagram, and formant tracks to detect loanwords.
4.5 Discussion
As argued in Chapter 3, the F1 score is the standard of deciding the “good performance” of an
algorithm in loanword detection. The performance of formant track is not as good as the other two
representations. Since using the Barkfilter and the cochleagram return nearly identical F1 scores,
either Barkfilter or cochleagram is an appropriate representative of the spectrogram-based
Levenshtein algorithm in loanword detection. Besides, the results also show that there is almost
no difference between using Barkfilter and Cochleagram. This means that considering human
perception in the representation of sound distances has little effect on loanword detection. On the
other hand, the results in cross validation show that the Barkfilter representation has the highest
F1 score with 0.7379, which means the Barkfilter performs better than the other two
representations when dealing with independent data.
1) Tokenization: phonetic transcription is tokenized into phonetic segments.
2) Class conversion: phonetic segments are converted to be represented by sound classes and
prosodic profiles through an SCA sequence model.
3) Alignment analysis: List (2012) applies DIALIGN, an extension of PSA, for alignment
4) IPA conversion: The sound classes are converted back to phonetic segments.
After two phonetic transcriptions are aligned, the distance between them is calculated. The
algorithm used to calculate the distance is proposed by Downey et al. (2008), and the algorithm is
a modification of ALINE algorithm.
5.1.1 Alignment- introduction to PSA
-Sequence modeling in SCA
The sequence model in SCA consists of sound classes, scoring function, and prosodic profiles10.
Sound classes are used to represent phonetic segments in PSA due to the disadvantages of using
phonetic sequences directly. Although using phonetic segments in PSA is intuitive, the
disadvantage is that different languages might have completely different pronunciation systems,
which makes the alignment language dependent. The concept of sound class is proposed by
Dolgopolsky (1964), and the main idea is that sounds are divided into different classes according
to their phonetic correspondences. In other words, sounds in a given class regularly appear in
phonetic correspondence. The sound class model of Dolgopolsky has been used for automatic
cognate identification, by investigating the sound classes of the first two consonants of the words
(Turchin et al., 2010). Originally, Dolgopolsky introduces ten sound classes, while List (2012)
applied an extension Dolgopolsky model with 28 sound classes (Table 21).
No. CI. Description Examples No. CI. Description Examples
1 A unrounded back vowels a, α 15 P labial plosives p, b
2 B labial fricative f, β 16 R trills, taps, flaps r
3 C dental / alveolar affricates ʦ, ʣ, ʧ, ʤ 17 S sibilant fricatives s, z, ʃ, ʒ
4 D dental fricatives θ 18 T dental / alveolar plosives t, d
5 E unrounded mid vowels e, ε 19 U rounded mid vowels ɔ, o
6 G velar and uvual fricatives ɣ, x 20 W labial approx. / fricative v, w
7 H laryngeals h, ʔ 21 Y rounded front vowels u, ʊ, y
8 I unrounded close vowels i, ɪ 22 0 low even tones 11, 22
9 J palatal approximant j 23 1 rising tones 13, 35
10 K velare and uvular plosives k, g 24 2 falling tones 51, 53
11 L lateral approximants l 25 3 mid even tones 33
12 M labial nasal m 26 4 high even tones 44, 55
13 N nasal n, ŋ 27 5 short tones 1, 2
14 O rounded back vowels ɶ, ɒ 28 6 complex tones 214
Table 21. An extension of Dolgopolsky model with 28 sound classes used in List (2012).
Dolgopolsky’s approach forbids the transitions between sound classes despite the fact that they
occur. Scoring functions are designed to represent the probabilities of transition from one sound
Secondary sequence structure is also part of sequence modelling in SCA. It segments a word into syllables rather
than sound units. It is useful in monosyllabic languages like Chinese.
class to another. List (2012) applies a theoretical approach to derive the scoring functions11. It
considers the directionality of sound changes. The directionality of sound changes means changing
from class A to class B is observed while the reverse direction (from B to A) is hardly ever seen.
For instance, velar plosives are easily palatalized to affricates, and then to sibilants ([k] or [g] is
palatalized to [ʧ], [ʦ], [ʤ], [ʣ], then to [ʃ], [ʒ], [z], [s]). But the opposite direction (changing from
[ʃ], [ʒ], or [ʧ], [ʦ] to [k], [g]) is rare. A directed weighted graph is used to derive scoring function.
Generally, any two closely connected sound classes are connected by a directed edge with a weight,
and the weight reflects the probability of changing between those two sound classes. A smaller
weight means a higher changing probability. Figure 7 illustrates the direction of changing dentals
to affricates weights as 2 while changing from dentals to fricatives weights 4. Hence, the
probability of changing dentals to affricates is higher than the probability of changing dentals to
Scoring function can be derived by an empirical approach, in which the probabilities are derived according to the
sound correspondence frequencies in the language of the world (Brown et al., 2013).
Phonetic transcriptions j a b ə l k a
Sound classes J A P E L K A
Prosodic profile 6 7 1 7 5 1 7
Prosodic environment # v C v c C w
Relative weight 7 3 5 3 4 5 1
Relative scores for Sonority (Prosodic profile): plosives (1), affricates (2), fricatives (3), nasals
(4), liquids (5), glides (6), and vowels (7)
Prosodic environment and hierarchy (Relative weight value in the bracket): #(7, word-initial
consonant) > V(6, word-initial vowel)> C(5, ascending sonority)> c(4, descending sonority)>
v(3, sonority peak)>$(2, word-final consonant)> w(1, word-final vowel)
Table 22. An example of converting phonetic transcriptions to sound classes, and assigning relative weights. The
bottom two rows are sonority hierarchy and prosodic environment hierarchy respectively.
various categories, such as vowel length, phonation etc., and these features are applied to generate
similarity scores between phonetic transcriptions 13 . One of the main disadvantages of ALINE
algorithm is that the raw score is not appropriate for comparison between pairs. For instance, the
similarity score between /pu/ and /pu/ (50) is different from the similarity score between
/tausebasai/ and /tausebasai/ (230), despite the fact that each pair has identical pronunciations.
Normalization is required in order to overcome the above-mentioned disadvantage of ALINE
algorithm. Downey et al. (2008) improve the algorithm via normalizing the score by the average
score of word self-comparisons. Assume two phonetic transcriptions 𝑝1and 𝑝2 , and the similarity
score between them is 𝑠. The similarity score between 𝑝1(or 𝑝2 ) and itself is 𝑠1 (or 𝑠2 ).
The normalized similarity score 𝑠𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 between 𝑝1and 𝑝2 is:
𝑠𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 =
𝑠1 + 𝑠2
The formula is changed to represent distance (dissimilarity) rather than similarly:
𝑑 =1−
𝑠1 + 𝑠2
The distance ranges from 0 to 1 while converging to 1 implies that the two phonetic transcriptions
become more similar. The normalization considers the lengths of phonetic transcriptions and
penalty of mismatching.
The pair is aligned and the parameters indicate that the distance value is outputted and the SCA
method is used:
align_pair_ipa.align(distance=True, method='sca')
Detail is in Kondrak (2000).
As noted above, the SCA model allows three extensions of PSA which are global, local, and
DIALIGN respectively. In this experiment, “global” is applied, which is the common method to
treat every segment equally like the other distance algorithms used in this dissertation.
The distance is extracted by
from lingpy import *
It is notable that distance between phonetic transcriptions generated by LingPy is possibly higher
than 1, which contradicts the formula of Downey et al. (2008). The reason is that the VC sensitive
algorithm (introduced in section 2.2) is applied by LingPy, and the SCA algorithm is realized upon
the VC sensitive algorithm. It means that substituting a vowel for a vowel or consonant affects the
distance derived by the SCA-based algorithm because VC sensitive algorithm avoids the
substitution between consonant and vowel. This causes the possibility of obtaining a negative
similarity value. In other words, the distance value may be more than 1 according to the distance
It is straightforward to build an appropriate data structure to store the phonetic transcription pairs
so that the data structure is applied in Code 5. Each pair is represented as a three-element tuple
including concept and the two phonetic transcriptions. More than 25 thousands pairs are generated
and they are put in a list, as:
[('one', 'bɪr', 'jak'),
('one', 'bɪr', 'jakta'),
('one', 'bɪr', 'jaktə'),
('one', 'bɪr', 'jaktɐ'),
('other', 'boʃqa', 'diga'),
('other', 'boʃqa', 'ani'),
('other', 'boʃqa', 'axti')]
Eventually, a list of tuples is generated. Each tuple consists of the concept, a pair of phonetic
transcriptions, where one transcription comes from a Turkic family language and the other from
an Indo-Iranian family language, and the distance value between them. Each generated pair
consists of one phonetic transcription in one language family, and one from the other per concept
(as mentioned in Section 2.1). There are more than 25 thousands tuples in the result list, and each
tuple is in the format of:
('animal', 0.60769, 'ʒanwar', 'hajvɔn')
Figure 8 is the histogram presenting the distribution of distance values. In general, the distribution
is slightly skewed to the right. The majority of the values are between 0.6 and 0.9. Both extremely
low distance values and extremely high values are not common. This histogram is similar to the
one generated by the PMI-based algorithm (Figure 1). The notable feature is that there is a small
“peak” at the values below 0.1, and those values are regarded as potential loanwords. This fact
might lead the algorithm to detecting more loanwords compared to the MI-based algorithm.
Figure 8. Histogram of sound distances between phonetic transcriptions from the Turkic and Indo-Iranian family
using SCA distance algorithm.
5.3.1 Determining Threshold
The word represented by one of the phonetic transcriptions in a pair is classified as loanword if
the sound distance of the pair is smaller than a selected threshold. Using the methods above, 200
potential threshold values are generated by evenly dividing an interval between smallest distance
values other than zero (0.1667) and the mean of the distance values (0.6642) into 200 pieces. The
threshold leading to the highest F1 score value is the most suitable threshold. F1 score and other
evaluation values are calculated by comparing detected loanwords to the gold standard. Figure 8
is a plot presenting the precision, recall, and F1 scores under the 200 potential thresholds. Similar
to the plots generated by PMI-based and spectrogram-based methods, there is a tradeoff between
precision and recall values. Precision drops down from the high value at small threshold values,
while recall climbs up from the low value to high along with the increasing of thresholds. It is
notable that recall increases rapidly under threshold value of 0.1, while precision drops in a stable
manner. This fact is reflected by the gathering of low distance values under 0.1 in the histogram
(Figure 7). Recall rises more moderately after threshold is higher than 0.1, but the absolute slope
value is still greater than the one of precision dropping. The intersection is at the threshold value
of around 0.31. Precision keeps declining to a low level, and recall remains rising to almost 1 with
the rising of threshold values. The F1 score is used to reflect the performance of the algorithm. It
climbs up in a similar way as recall climbs before the intersection, and drops down afterward. The
highest F1 score is at the threshold of 0.297. The evaluation values are summarized below:
Threshold 0.297
F1 score 0.8512
Precision 0.8834
Recall 0.8213
Table 24. Summary of the performance using SCA-based algorithm.
Figure 9. Precision, recall, and F1 score against the 200 potential thresholds.
Precision 0.8346
Recall 0.8019
F1 score 0.8128
Table 25. Mean scores in 10-fold cross validation for the PMI-based Levenshtein algorithm.
5.4 Discussion
The SCA distance algorithm outperforms PMI-based Levenshtein algorithm and spectrogram-
based Levenshtein algorithm when comparing F1 score. While applying LingPy to tokenize
phonetic transcriptions, certain segments fail to be segmented probably. For instance, /pf/ is
probably /p͡f / and LingPy is capable of segmenting /p͡f / as a sound unit, but LingPy treats /pf/ as
two separated units. This might slightly affect the distance values. Since /pf/ is used in the other
algorithms, the side effect caused by this pitfall is negligible.
evaluation values along with the increase of threshold values. In general, precision is positively
correlated to the threshold, while recall is negatively correlated to the threshold. The graphs of
each algorithm in the right column of Table 26 show that precision is high (almost 1.0) at small
threshold values, and it keeps declining while the threshold increases. In contrast, recall is low at
the smaller threshold values, and it keeps climbing while the threshold increases. The F1 score is
the result of considering both precision and recall. The F1 score climbs along with the increasing
of thresholds, peaks at a certain point (the best threshold), and keeps dropping after the peak.
Although the shape of the lines varies in each algorithm, the trends are identical as described above.
Evidently, the SCA-based edit distance algorithm outperforms the other two. The F1 score of
applying the SCA-based algorithm to detect loanwords is more than 0.85, which is significantly
higher than the F1 score derived from PMI-based algorithms (0.7847) or Barkfilter algorithm
(0.7427). Meanwhile, both corresponding precision and recall values of the SCA-based algorithm
are higher than the other two as well (Table 27).
Distribution P/R, Fl score against 200 potential
(Solid line: the position of best thresholds
threshold. (Blue solid line: precision;
Dash line: the position of lower Red dash line: Fl score;
outlier boundary.) Green mixed solid and dash line:
PMI Spectrogram SCA
F1 score 0.7847 0.7427 0.8513
Precision 0.8405 0.7467 0.8831
Recall 0.7357 0.7387 0.8218
Table 27. F1 score, precision, and recall of the three algorithms when the best threshold is used. In other words, the
highest F1 score of each algorithm and their corresponding precision and recall.
PMI Barkfilter SCA
Lower Outlier boundary value/ 0.01934/0.7516 0.71/0.2971 0.22595/0.7867
its corresponding F1 score
Best threshold value/ 0.021/0.7847 2.1381/0.7427 0.297/0.8513
its corresponding F1 score
Table 28. Comparison of performances between using lower outlier boundary as the threshold and using best
threshold value as the threshold.
It should be noticed that the cross validation result of the PMI-based algorithm may not accurately
reflect the actual ability to deal with independent data. The reason is that the PMI value between
segments should be calculated based on the data in training set rather than all data. Hence, simply
using distance values calculated according to the PMI values derived from the whole data set may
affect the result of cross validation in this case. There is a possible solution. In each iteration, PMI
values between all segment pairs are calculated based on the word pairs in training set, and the
distance values of the word pairs in training set and testing set should be calculated based on that
PMI values. Considering the size of this dissertation, this is suggested in future works.
Table 31 provides a statistical summary of the distance values derived by the three algorithms. The
statistical descriptions include features of distance values, such as mean, median, etc., and these
features offer an overview of the data distribution with concrete digits. Since the mechanisms of
calculating distance are different from each other, it is meaningless to compare the statistical
description among the three algorithms quantitatively. In order to compare the distribution of the
distance values, using histograms is more appropriate.
PMI Barkfilter SCA
Min. 0 0 0
1st Qu. 0.02909 3.389 0.5789
Median 0.03325 4.254 0.7077
Mean 0.03113 4.319 0.6642
3rd Qu. 0.03559 5.175 0.8142
Max. 0.04420 9.581 1.1670
Table 31. Statistical descriptions of sound distances derived from each algorithm.
A histogram is commonly used to visualize the distribution of data. Hence, observing the
histogram contributes to interpreting the distance values generated from an algorithm. Meanwhile,
it is intuitive to realize the approximate percentage of loanwords focusing on the low distance
values. The first column of Table 26 shows the histogram of each algorithm. The distributions of
the distance values extracted from the PMI algorithm and the SCA algorithm are similar in that
the two histograms are skewed to the right. Hence, the low distance values are not common in
these two situations, and the majority of the distance values gather in a narrow interval covering
relatively high values. On the other hand, the distance values derived from spectrogram-based
algorithm are normally distributed, where both low and high distance values are infrequent. The
majority of the distance values cluster around the mean of the distance values. In the case of SCA,
it is notable that there is a small peak at the position of extreme small distance values in its
histogram, while the number of distance values increases along with the increase of distance values
until they peak at a certain point in the other two cases.
The position of the best threshold of each algorithm is marked as a solid line in the respective
histogram (Table 26 first column). In the histogram generated from the PMI-based algorithm, the
best threshold is at the middle of the interval between the minimum value and the mean value. In
the case of the other two algorithms, the best thresholds are closer to the smallest distance value.
Obviously, the best threshold affects the number of detected loanwords per algorithm (Table 32).
It is intuitive to estimate the number of detected loanwords derived from each algorithm by
observing the distribution before the best threshold line in the respective histogram. In the case of
the PMI-based algorithm, although the best threshold is more to the middle of the histogram than
the SCA-based algorithm, there are fewer word pairs classified as containing loanwords.
Meanwhile, the number of word pairs classified as containing loanwords in the case of the
Barkfilter-based algorithm is less than the one in the case of the SCA-based algorithm in spite of
the similar positions of their best threshold.
Algorithm Number of detected loanwords
PMI 1815
Barkfilter 1661
SCA 1984
Table 32. The number of predicted loanwords generated by each algorithm using their respective best threshold.
Epenthesis or deletion means that a segment is added or deleted when a word is borrowed by
recipient language (Table 33), while substitution means a segment is substituted with one or more
segments. Notably, the major operation is the substitution.
Gold standard
PMI Spectrogram
Figure 10. Venn diagram showing schematically the overlap between the genuine loanwords and those predicted by
the algorithms. For instance, the intersection between the set of gold standard and any one of the algorithm set
represents the correctly predicted loanwords of each algorithm. The part of the intersection of the three algorithm
sets outside gold standard represents the loanwords that incorrectly detected by all the three algorithms.
The substitution of some segments for others is regular. For instance, [a] is commonly substituted
for (or by) [e], [ɔ], and [ɒ], but it is rarely substituted for (or by) [u]. Table 34 is the summary of
the substitution patterns. The segments that are interchangeable share similar pronunciations (at
least their pronunciations are similar according to human perception). More importantly, Table 34
shows that the sound segments are divided into groups to some degree. It implies that the lower
distance value between any two segments within a group can raise the probability of detecting
loanwords correctly.
Commonly seen Segments Examples (a,b,c) from gold standard
that are interchanged a: concept
b: phonetic transcription in Turkic family
c: phonetic transcription in Indo-Iranian family
Vowels [a], [e], [ɔ], [ɒ] ('animal', 'hajβan', 'hajβɔn')
('short', 'kʲelte', 'kalta')
('fruit', 'miβe', 'meva')
('breast', 'køkrʲek', 'kukrak')
('wing', 'qanat', 'qanɔt')
('wind', 'ʃamɒl', 'samɔl')
[i] ,[ɨ], [ɪ], [ə] ('smooth', 'silləq', 'siłłɪq')
'smooth', 'tekɪs', 'tɛkkəz')
('correct', 'tuːrə', 'tuɣri')
('root', 'tɒmɨr', 'tɒmər')
('fruit', 'mʲɪva', 'miva')
('straight', 'tʊrɨ', 'tɔɣri')
('louse', 'bɪt', 'bit')
('breast', 'kukrɨk', 'qʊqrak')
[ə], [u], [ɜ], [ʉ],[ø], [ʊ],[ɔ] ('egg', 'tuxum', 'txəm')
('egg', 'tqʊm', 'txəm')
('dog', 'kəʧək', 'kuʧuk')
('louse', 'ʃubəʃ', 'ʃʊpʊʃ')
('forest', 'wɔrman', 'urmʊn')
('flower', 'gul', 'gøl')
('forest', 'wɔrman', 'ørmɔn')
('breast', 'køkrøk', 'kʉkrak')
Consonants [k], [q], [g] ('leaf', 'parak', 'barg')
('breast', 'køkrɛk', 'kukraq')
[q], [x], [χ] ('blood', 'qan', 'xun')
('back', 'ɔrqa', 'arχa')
[t], [d] ('tree', 'tʲerɛk', 'daraxt')
('sea', 'tʲeŋɪz̥', 'deŋiz̥')
[β], [v], [w], [f] ('animal', 'ajβan', 'hajvɔn')
('animal', 'hajβan', 'hajwon')
('to dig', 'kaβlɛm', 'kɔftan')
('fruit', 'miwe', 'mʲeva')
[ʧ],[ʃ], [ʤ], [j], [s] ('dust', 'ʃaŋ', 'ʧaŋ')
('to live', 'ʤaʃa', 'jaʃam')
('star', 'ʤɨldɨz̥', 'jɨldɨz̥')
('bird', 'qʉs', 'kuʃ')
('star', 'ʃʉldɨz̥', 'jɨldɨz̥')
Table 34. Summary of segment substitution between loanwords in the gold standard from the data of Central Asian
The importance of regular segment substitution is reflected in the PMI-based algorithm, the
spectrogram-based algorithm, and the SCA- based algorithm. The segment distance in the PMI-
based algorithm is based on the probability of two-segment alignment. On the other hand, the
segments in the same group in Table 34 may have similar acoustic features due to the similar
pronunciations of the segments in the same group. In the case of the SCA-based algorithm, the
division is similar to the division generated by sound classes (Table 21). Since all these three
algorithms reflect the features of segment substitution in loanwords, why does the SCA-based
algorithm outperform the other two? The reason may be related to two aspects.
The first reason is that the SCA-based algorithm uses DIALIGN alignment (considering full and
partial sequence) between two sequences before calculating the distance, while the sequence
alignments of the other two algorithms are based exclusively on segment distance. Hence,
alignment and distance calculation are more independent in the SCA-based algorithm.
The second reason is the method of distance calculation. In the SCA-algorithm, the distance
between two segments within a sound class is zero, and the distance between two segments from
different sound classes has a fixed distance according to which two sound classes are compared.
This is the reason for the small peak at the low value in the histogram of SCA-algorithm result
(Figure 8) probably. Also, it explains the frequent appearance of identical sound distance values.
Moreover, the distance between segments from two varied sound classes is larger than the two
from the same sound class. In the case of the other two algorithms, the distance between any two
segments is unique and more concrete in general. Unlike the SCA-based algorithm, the distance
between two segments within a sound class is almost never zero. Nevertheless, the distance
between any two segments within a group is smaller than two from two different groups.
In summary, although PMI-based algorithm and spectrogram-based algorithm provide more
concrete sound distances between two segments than what SCA-based algorithm does theoretically,
the distance calculation scheme of the SCA-based algorithm is superior in detecting loanwords.
Assigning “zero distance” to any two segments within a sound class is more appropriate given the
fact that substitution within a sound class models the phonological adaptation of loanwords
between Turkic language family and Indo-Iranian language family. The smaller difference
between two segments within a sound class raises the probability of classifying two sequences
involving those two segments as containing loanword.
There are various refined edit distance algorithms which are sensitive in measuring the sound
distance between two words, and loanwords can be detected by comparing distances between pairs
of words. This dissertation attempts to compare the performance of applying three refined edit
distance algorithms to measure sound distance, and the derived distance values are applied to
detect loanwords. The algorithms used in this dissertation are the PMI-based edit distance
algorithm, the spectrogram-based edit distance algorithm, and the SCA edit distance algorithm.
The performance evaluations of the three algorithms in loanword detection show that the SCA-
based algorithm outperforms the PMI-based algorithm and the spectrogram-based algorithm, and
the PMI-based algorithm is slightly better than the spectrogram-based algorithm. Moreover,
realizing SCA-based algorithm is more convenient than the other two algorithms. The tools used
to calculate the PMI-based distance and spectrogram-based distance require the tedious
preparation of pre-processing the data, and it is complicated to use those tools is complicated since
they are based on a non-popular platform. In contrast, SCA-based distance is released by a Python
library, which is efficient, and the pre-processing of data is straightforward. The convenience of
calculating SCA-based distance is beneficial to the development of an application for loanwords
detection. In conclusion, the result shows that it is feasible to apply Levenshtein distance to
represent the sound distance between two words written in phonetic transcriptions, and it is
effective to apply the sound distance between words for loanword detection between two unrelated
languages. Amongst the algorithms investigated in this dissertation, applying the SCA-based
algorithm is appropriate to detect loanwords, and it outperforms algorithms and methods (such as
ancestral state reconstruction (Köllner & Dellert, 2016) and string similarity (Mi et al., 2014)) used
in previous studies as well.
Each pair of words is assigned a distance value representing the sound distance between the words
in a pair. The model introduced in this dissertation classifies the loanwords by an empirically
determined threshold. In other words, if the distance value of a pair is lower than the threshold, the
pair is classified as containing loanword, otherwise, it is not. Determining an appropriate threshold
is core to classifying loanwords. Using the “200 potential thresholds” method we are able to find
the best threshold which leads to the highest F1 score. The pitfall is that the computational expense
is high since the model needs to be run for 200 times.
In practice, the search for the best thresholds from the potential thresholds can be terminated as
soon as the F1 score begins to decline because there is only one extremum in the line of the F1
score. “Only one extremum” implies that the highest value before value declines is the highest
value globally. Obviously, early termination of the investigation of potential thresholds reduces
the cost of computation. An alternative method is simply to use lower outlier boundary as a
threshold. Although the best performance may not be reached, the computational expense is
reduced significantly. It is notable that the F1 score is not the only indicator of reflecting the
performance because the highest F1 score is not always desired. High precision may be desired if
incorrect detection is not tolerated, while high recall may be desired if it is required to detect more
loanwords. Therefore, using F1 score as an indicator of performance is not always appropriate.
It is possible that the pronunciation of word w1 from language A is similar to the pronunciation of
word w2 from language B, but neither w1 nor w2 is a loanword. For instance, the comparison
section above shows that all the pairs of some words are expertly classified as “not loanword”, but
they are predicted as loanwords whatever algorithm is used. The concept “I” is mainly pronounced
as /mʲen/ in Turkic family, and /man/ in the Indo-Iranian family. These two pronunciations are not
cognates. However, their pronunciation is similar enough that the models developed by all the
three algorithms classify this pair containing a loanword (Table 10).
Distance Lower outlier boundary Best threshold
PMI 0.0106 0.0193 0.021
Barkfilter 0.7628 0.71 2.1381
SCA 0.04 0.22595 0.297
Table 35. The distance between /mʲen/ (Turkic family) and /man/ (Indo-Iranian family) generated from the three
algorithms. Comparing with the respective lower outlier boundary and best threshold, the distances are lower or a
little higher than lower outlier boundary. Hence, /mʲen/ and /man/ have similar pronunciation.)
If a pair of words are not cognates but share similar pronunciation and meaning, they are called
false cognates. Examples of false cognates are ‘saint’ (/sɛ/̃ ) in French and ‘聖 (sheng)’ (/ʂəŋ/) in
Mandarin (meaning “saint”), ‘斬る (kiru)’ / kʲirɯ/ in Japanese and ‘kill’ /kɪl/ in English. The words
representing the concept “I” in Turkic family and Indo-Iranian family are probably false cognates.
The existence of false cognates may influence the principal hypothesis of this dissertation. The
result of applying the model introduced in this dissertation shows that there are only 48 pairs of
words (accounting for less than 0.2% of the total pairs of words) are incorrectly detected as
containing loanwords no matter which algorithm is used. Although detecting loanwords via the
sound similarities between words is not always reliable, false cognates has little effect to the
performance of the model due to their low proportion.
A sensitive distance value is important to accurately represent the sound difference between words,
and this is one of the reasons for applying the refined algorithm to calculate sound distance.
However, the algorithms used in this experiment are not perfect. For instance, the sound samples
used in the spectrogram-based algorithm for extracting acoustic features may not be representative,
meaning that the data might fail to reflect the acoustic features of pronunciation in at least some
As for PMI-based algorithm, the PMI of two segments is influenced by the dataset itself because
the calculation of PMI depends on the available data. The performance of the algorithm in
loanword detection may be worse than the cross validation result. The pitfall of the algorithms
may influence the performance of the algorithm in loanwords detection.
For the purpose of loanword detection, these algorithms can be improved in future study. For
instance, the sound samples used in the spectrogram-based algorithm might be collected by other
people with different mother tongue so that the bias to certain accents is diminished.
It is possible that the performance of these algorithms in loanword detection could vary if evaluated
on similar data of other languages instead of languages in Central Asia. Applying the model to
other languages would be useful in order to examine the universality of the model. Besides, the
evaluation of the performance of the refined edit distance algorithms in loanword detection would
be more convincing. Moreover, an application can be developed properly for loanword detection
between two unrelated languages, for instance an application with user-friendly interface. Such an
application would be useful for the studies in historical linguistics.
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Appendix I
List of concepts from the extended Swadesh list in the data used in this dissertation.
one rope to think rain round
two skin to smell river sharp
three meat to fear lake dull
four blood to sleep sea smooth
five bone to live salt wet
big fat to die stone dry
long egg to kill sand correct
wide horn to fight dust near
thick tail to hunt earth far
heavy feather to hit cloud right
small hair to cut fog left
short head to pull sky name
narrow ear to scratch wind I
thin eye to dig snow you
woman nose to swim ice he
man mouth to fly smoke we
person tooth to walk fire you
child tongue to come ashes they
wife nail to lie to burn who ?
husband leg to sit road what ?
mother knee to stand mountain where ?
father hand to turn red when ?
animal wing to fall green how ?
fish belly to give yellow not
bird neck to hold white other
dog back to squeeze black
louse breast to wash night
butterfly heart to wipe day
snake liver to pull year
worm to drink to throw autumn
tree to eat to tie warm
forest to bite to sew cold
stick to suck to say full
fruit to spit to sing new
seed to blow to play old
leaf to breathe to freeze good
root to laugh sun bad
bark to see moon rotten
flower to hear star dirty
grass to know water straight