Research Proposal Chapter 1

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Office of Research and Development

Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

I. Research Title
Significance of Accounting Literacy among selected Micro-Businesses in Burauen, Leyte.

II. Name of Researcher(s):

Jabillo, Kien Samon L.

Flores Melasil
Ententa, Julie Ann B.
Corpiz, Marvy J.
Impil, Christ Joy
Fernandez, Jillian Mae

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Specialization: Accounting Research Methods
Contact Detail(s): 09704523445
Research Adviser: Dominador Pagliawan

III. Research Proposal

Abstract (150 words)

1. The Research Problem and Its Scope

1.1 Background and Rationale of the Research

In recent years, there has been an increasing acknowledgement of the significance of

accounting literacy within the context of micro-businesses. Despite its considerable importance,
a substantial number of entrepreneurs exhibit a deficiency in the requisite knowledge and
abilities pertaining to accounting, resulting in the mismanagement of finances, complications in
cash flow, and perhaps culminating in the loss of their businesses. The situation is further
exacerbated by the limited availability of financial resources and educational opportunities.

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

Micro-enterprises are of great importance in the global economy as they provide

substantial contributions to the generation of employment opportunities and the growth of local
economies. Nevertheless, these enterprises frequently encounter difficulties in efficiently
managing their financial resources, resulting in predicaments such as cash flow constraints,
restricted loan availability, and overarching apprehensions over long-term viability. One primary
element that contributes to these issues is the insufficient level of accounting literacy among
micro-entrepreneurs. A comprehensive grasp of fundamental accounting principles is important
in order to make well-informed financial decisions, effectively manage resources, and promote
sustainable corporate expansion.
Accounting literacy, particularly in the area of record keeping, holds significant
importance since it serves as a crucial determinant of a business's success or failure. Effective
record keeping is an essential competency that business owners must possess, given the crucial
role of accounting information in facilitating informed decision-making processes. A
comprehensive understanding of accounting is crucial for businesses of all types, as it enables
effective planning and management of financial affairs. The utilization of accounting systems to
document and communicate everyday business activities enables owners to discern the flow of
cash, ascertain the cost of production, and evaluate assets and liabilities (Umeji & Obi, 2014). In
addition to this, accounting information holds significance for external entities such as financial
institutions and creditors, as it aids in their decision-making processes regarding loan
disbursement. Furthermore, potential investors rely on accounting information to conduct
evaluations for potential investments. The significance of accounting notwithstanding, small
business owners have failed to adopt its use for reporting transactions, as they are not legally
obligated to maintain accurate financial records. Currently, Small and Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) have a significant impact on the overall economic development of a nation.
The findings of a recent survey done by Intuit revealed unexpected outcomes among
small business owners. The research revealed that a significant proportion of small business
proprietors, specifically 40%, perceive themselves as lacking proficiency in financial matters.
Simultaneously, it is noteworthy that 81% of these individuals are personally managing the
financial aspects of their respective businesses. According to Milikowsky (2017), if 40% of
individuals lack financial literacy and 81% are responsible for managing their own finances, it
may be inferred that around 32.4% of those individuals who are in charge of their own finances
are inadequately prepared to do so. While it is not obligatory for small firms to generate financial
reports, they nonetheless require an accounting system to assess their business performance and
fulfill tax obligations. Typically, the responsibility for this role is delegated to external
accounting companies. As per accounting authorities, the primary concerns for accounting
practitioners when dealing with accounting tasks for small enterprises revolve around the aspects
of measurement and disclosures.
According to Christie and Brozovsky (2010), the separation of personal problems from
business funds is a significant accounting concern for small enterprises. The International Journal

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2018, has
an Electronic ISSN of 2222-6990. The content provided in this document is the intellectual
property of HRMARS and was published in the year 2018. The acquisition of loans from
commercial banks is widely regarded as the primary means of securing funding for small
businesses. In this study, Robb et al. (2014) investigate the capital structure of small enterprises
during their initial year of operation. The researchers see a notable reliance on debt financing as
the primary source of capital for these businesses. According to a study conducted by Cole
(2013), it was observed that small enterprises tend to focus their external borrowing activities
mostly on commercial banks. Given that debt financing has emerged as the primary means of
funding, it is imperative for business owners to compile a comprehensive set of financial
accounts to be submitted to the bank. This facilitates the bank's evaluation process, enabling
them to determine whether or not to grant the requested loan. Nevertheless, it has been
demonstrated in prior research that a significant proportion of accounting professionals hold the
belief that their educational background does not adequately equip them to address the specific
accounting requirements and challenges encountered in the context of small businesses (Burke,
Gandolfi, Training, & Associates, 2014).
Insufficient assistance and direction for small enterprises in documenting business
processes and effectively managing and preserving corresponding documents have been
identified as contributing factors to subpar accounting procedures within this sector, as indicated
by research findings. Inadequate accounting practices result in financial obscurity, which poses a
significant barrier to accessing financial assistance, such as loans and credit facilities,
particularly from banking institutions (Ajibade, Khayundi, & Africa, 2017). A business owner
who possesses a strong understanding of accounting principles is more likely to exert complete
control over their business operations. Individuals lacking a strong foundation in accounting
literature have experienced tangible advantages through the implementation of simplified
accounting training, resulting in enhanced financial practices and increased quality of financial
reporting (Drexler, Fischer, & Schoar, 2014).
The level of accounting literacy plays a crucial role in shaping the decision-making
process of small business owners in Pakistan, leading them to utilize financial accounts for
economic purposes (Akhtar & Liu, 2018). Acquiring comprehension of the concepts of
Statement of financial position provide a comprehensive perspective on the financial condition of
a firm, hence enabling more informed and strategic business decision-making. Familiarizing
oneself with the fundamental principles of accountancy helps equip business owners with the
necessary skills to navigate the various problems that are bound to arise in the course of their
operations. This will enable the enterprise to capitalize on emerging opportunities and enhance
its prospects for success. Conversely, in the event that the proprietor of the enterprise lacks
proficiency in accounting, the corporation is likely to encounter challenges, such as the
escalation of expenses to a level that significantly diminishes profits. According to Dickins,
Gibson, Harris, and Mcdowell (2016), prior research indicates that while many small business

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

owners express overall satisfaction with their business performance, they lack proficiency in
fundamental accounting and financial literacy skills that are crucial for achieving sustained
success in their enterprises.
Accounting is commonly perceived as a complex procedure, particularly among small
organizations, owing to its inherent problems. The significance of offering sufficient financial
education to small business owners in order to improve their effectiveness as leaders in the
business realm is emphasized by Fernandes (2015). Akhtar and Liu (2018) claim that accounting
literacy plays a pivotal role in shaping the decision-making process of small business owners in
Pakistan, particularly in their utilization of financial statements for economic purposes. The
research conducted by Sucuahi (2013) centered on examining the factors that influence the level
of financial literacy among micro entrepreneurs. This study pertains to the four major areas of
financial literacy, namely record keeping, budgeting, personal finance, and saving. The study
revealed that a significant proportion of the participants in Davao City continued to utilize
notebooks and paper for documenting their business activities.
Micro-business owners face challenges in financial management due to a lack of
accounting knowledge. Entrepreneurs encounter challenges when it comes to the allocation of
financial resources, determining appropriate pricing strategies for their offerings, effectively
controlling costs, and comprehending the financial consequences of their strategic choices. The
aforementioned difficulties have the potential to result in financial instability and impede the
progress of businesses. Enhancing accounting literacy among micro-entrepreneurs has the
potential to empower them in making more informed financial decisions. The implementation of
focused training programs and educational activities has the potential to augment individuals'
comprehension of fundamental accounting principles, so equipping them with the ability to
maintain precise records, oversee cash flows, and evaluate financial accounts. Consequently,
micro-entrepreneurs have the potential to enhance their financial management strategies,
facilitate more accessibility to finance, and cultivate sustainable expansion. The enhancement of
accounting literacy has the potential to facilitate sustainable growth for micro-businesses.
Organizations have the ability to engage in strategic investments, broaden their operational
scope, and generate job prospects. Furthermore, micro-businesses that possess a strong financial
foundation are more adept at navigating economic adversities and making valuable contributions
to their localities.
The primary objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between accounting
literacy, financial management, and sustainable growth within the context of micro-businesses.
This research aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of the difficulties encountered by
micro-entrepreneurs and the influence of accounting literacy on their business operations. The
objective is to offer valuable insights that can inform the design and implementation of tailored
educational initiatives. The provision of accounting expertise to micro-business owners can
facilitate the adoption of more robust financial management practices, hence fostering enhanced
stability, growth, and overall economic development.

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the significance of accounting literacy as well as its role and
contribution among selected Micro-businesses in Burauen, Leyte.

Specifically, this will opt to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following;

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Marital Status
1.4 Level of Education
1.5 Occupation
1.6 Business Experience

2. What is the background of the business in terms of the following;

2.1 Business experience (in years)
2.2 Status of business
2.3 Number of employee/ workers
2.4 Type of Goods sold

3. What is the impact of accounting literacy in micro-businesses?

4. To what extent is accounting literacy implemented and applied in micro-businesses?
5. What are the types of accounting records being kept and maintained by micro-busi-
6. To what extent is accounting literacy is being used as a financial tool for measuring of fi-
nancial performance
7. What is the significance of accounting literacy among selected Micro-businesses in Bu-
rauen, Leyte?

1.3Theoretical Framework

This study will adhere to the Human Capital Theory proposed by Gary Becker. The
aforementioned theory was formulated during the 1960s, and its proponent was awarded the
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1992 for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of
human capital. Becker's scholarly investigations and written works, notably his publication titled
"Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education"
(1964), established the fundamental principles for the economic examination of human capital.

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

These principles underscore the significance of education, training, and knowledge as valuable
resources that enhance productivity and foster economic advancement.
The Human Capital Theory places significant emphasis on the notion that expenditures
made in education, training, and the acquisition of knowledge result in heightened levels of
production and foster economic progress. Within the realm of micro-businesses, accounting
literacy functions as a type of human capital for both business proprietors and staff. Accounting
literacy enables micro-business proprietors to acquire essential competencies in comprehending
financial accounts, evaluating patterns, and formulating well-informed judgments. This kind of
information significantly boosts individuals' capacity to properly manage financial resources and
make informed strategic decisions for the organization.
A workforce that possesses a strong understanding of accounting principles is capable of
making more informed financial decisions, encompassing areas such as budgeting, pricing
tactics, and investment planning. The process of informed decision-making plays a significant
role in enhancing the overall efficiency and profitability of micro-companies. The promotion of
accounting literacy fosters a climate conducive to the development and implementation of
innovative financial management methods. There is a positive correlation between the financial
literacy of employees in microenterprises and their propensity to adopt new accounting
technology and processes. This inclination towards embracing novel accounting practices
enables these businesses to effectively respond to evolving market needs, hence enhancing their
The comprehension of accounting principles empowers micro-business proprietors to
effectively evaluate financial hazards. By utilizing this knowledge, individuals may effectively
execute risk mitigation plans, including the establishment of financial reserves and the
optimization of cash flow, thus enhancing the business's ability to withstand economic risks.
Entrepreneurs who possess a strong understanding of financial matters are more inclined to
attract potential investors and successfully obtain loans. Lenders and investors exhibit enhanced
confidence in enterprises when owners exhibit a robust comprehension of accounting concepts,
resulting in augmented availability of capital and resources. Microenterprises that prioritize the
development of accounting literacy are more likely to achieve long-term viability. Through
proficient financial management, these enterprises may successfully navigate economic
adversities, capitalize on prospects for expansion, and make constructive contributions to the
regional economy.
In brief, Human Capital Theory offers a robust conceptual framework for
comprehending the importance of accounting literacy within the context of micro-business.
When considering accounting knowledge as a fundamental type of human capital, it becomes
evident that investing in financial education has a favorable influence on the effectiveness,
creativity, and long-term viability of small-scale enterprises.

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research paper aims to examine the importance of accounting literacy within a
specific sample of micro-businesses located in Burauen, Leyte. The findings of this study have
the potential to yield advantages for the subsequent demographic:

Microenterprise Owners. This research aims to provide micro-business owners with a

comprehensive understanding of the importance of accounting literacy in the operation of their
businesses. It seeks to demonstrate how accounting literacy can facilitate efficient financial
management and ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations, thereby mitigating the risk of
legal complications and penalties. This study aims to examine the significance of maintaining
precise financial records as a means to foster trust among possible investors or lenders, hence
enhancing the probability of obtaining money for business expansion.

Students. This study would offer valuable insights to students by examining the impact
of accounting literacy on the efficient operation of firms. As students, they would also recognize
the advantageous position that accounting literacy holds in the job market, given that
organizations of all sizes actively recruit individuals with a strong understanding of financial
principles. Moreover, a comprehensive comprehension of accounting is crucial for students who
aspire to become entrepreneurs. The acquisition of financial management skills enhances the
likelihood of success in entrepreneurial endeavors. This study aims to demonstrate that
accounting fosters the development of analytical thinking abilities, enabling students to
effectively evaluate financial facts, make well-informed judgments, and address intricate
challenges. These competencies are very relevant across a range of professional fields.

Local Government Unit (LGU) of Burauen. The discovery made in this study can
provide valuable insights for the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Burauen regarding the
importance of accounting literacy within the micro-business sector. This comprehension can aid
the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Burauen and the local administration in the execution of
policies and initiatives pertaining to enhancing accounting literacy and awareness among specific
micro-businesses in Burauen.

Prospective Micro-Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs intending to create micro-businesses

in Burauen might employ the outcomes of this study as a benchmark for evaluating the
importance and influence of accounting literacy in maintaining business growth and
sustainability. Moreover, via emphasizing the significance of accounting literacy in micro-
businesses, prospective entrepreneurs will be motivated to give priority to and allocate resources
towards accounting education, as well as actively seek out other means to augment their

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

Future researchers. This study can be utilized as a point of reference for future
researchers who are doing analogous investigations in their own developing municipalities. By
comprehending the methods employed in this research, prospective researchers might acquire
valuable insights into the effective execution of comparable investigations.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation

This research paper focuses on the micro-businesses located in Burauen, Leyte.

Convenience sampling would be employed to select the sample unit from a population with a
total count of 439 individuals. The sample comprises various types of enterprises located in
Districts 1 to 9 of the municipality, with asset sizes that are lower than or equal to 200,000 pesos,
as determined by the Local Government Unit of Burauen. This research excludes non-profit
businesses, subsidiaries of other businesses, branches of other businesses, firms with an asset
size over 200,000 pesos, and businesses that have not yet obtained legal registration..

1.7 Definition of Terms

Accounting Literacy. Accounting literacy refers to the ability to understand, interpret,

and use financial information effectively. It involves understanding key accounting concepts,
principles, and techniques used to record, analyze, and report financial transactions.

Micro-business. Micro-business, also known as a micro-enterprise, is a small-scale

business venture that operates on a limited scale, often with a small number of employees, low
capital investment, and a narrow focus on a specific product or service. Micro businesses are
typically characterized by their small size, minimal resources, and localized operations.

Financial obscurity. Financial obscurity is not a widely recognized or standard term in

the field of finance or economics. However, it can be interpreted to describe a situation where
financial information is unclear, complex, or difficult to understand. In such cases, individuals or
entities may struggle to grasp the financial details of a particular situation, making it challenging
to make informed decisions.

Financial Position. Financial Position, also known as the Balance Sheet, is a snapshot of
a company's financial condition at a specific point in time. It provides an overview of a
company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity.

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

Statement of Profit or Loss. Statement of Profit or Loss also known as the Income
Statement, presents a summary of a company's revenues, costs, and expenses over a specific
period, typically a fiscal quarter or a year.

Financial Management. Financial management refers to the strategic planning,

organizing, directing, and controlling of an organization's financial resources. It involves
applying management principles to the financial assets of an organization to achieve its goals and
objectives effectively.

References: (APA 7th Edition)

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

Akhtar, S., & Liu, Y. (2018). SMEs’ Use of Financial Statements for Decision Making: Evi-
dence from Pakistan. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 34(2), 381–392.

Ajibade, P., & Khayundi, F. E. (2017). The role of records management in small Micro and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa and its implications for business sustainability.
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, Vol. 27 No. 2 (2017)(Issues
6–8, August 1998), Pages959-977.

Burke, M. M., Gandolfi, W. R., Training, S., & Associates, C. (2014). U.S. Accounting Edu-
cation: Misalignment with The Needs of Small and Medium Companies, 7(4), 339–349.

Christie, B. N., & Brozovsky, J. (2010). Accounting for Small Businesses: The Role of IFRS,
(JULY), 40– 44.

Cole, R. A. (2013). The importance of relationships to the availability of credit. Journal of

Banking & Finance, Volume 22(Issues 6–8, August 1998), Pages959-977.

Dickins, D., Gibson, S. G., Harris, M. L., & Mcdowell, W. C. (2016). Financial Literacy in
Family Firms for Business Owners and Student Learning, 21(3), 57–73.

Drexler, A., Fischer, G., & Schoar, A. (2014). Keeping It Simple: Financial Literacy and

Isabel, T., & Fernandes, M. (2015). “Financial Literacy Levels of Small Businesses Owners
and its Correlation with Firms’ Operating Performance” by Master in Finance Dissertation.

Robb, Alicia & Robinson, David. (2010). The Capital Structure Decisions of New Firms. Na-
tional Bureau of Economic Research, Inc, NBER Working Papers. 27. 10.2139/

Roslan, N., Pauzi, N. F. M., Ahmad, K., Shamsudin, A., Karim, M. S., & Ibrahim, S. N. S.
(2018). Preliminary Investigation: Accounting Literacy among Small Business Owners. In-
ternational Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 32–47.

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

Sucuahi, William. (2013). Determinants of Financial Literacy of Micro Entrepreneurs in

Davao City. International Journal of Accounting Research. 1. 44-51. 10.12816/0001127.

Umeji, Anthonia & Obi, Chiaka. (2014). Cost Accounting Skills Needs of Small Business
Operators. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 04. 246-257.

2. Review of Related Literature

2.1 Related Literature
2.2 Related Studies
3. Research Methodology

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Sample Units
3.3 Sampling Technique
3.4 Research Locale
3.5 Research Instruments
3.6 Data Gathering Procedure
3.7 Ethical Consideration
3.8 Data Analysis Procedure

4. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

4.1 Results
4.2 Analysis
4.3 Interpretation
4.4 Discussion

5. Conclusions, Recommendations, and Limitations

5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Limitations

References: (APA 7th Edition)

Appendix A – Letter to the Organization
Appendix B – Travel Letter
Appendix C – Informed Consent
Appendix D – Instrument
Appendix E – Interview Transcript (Qualitative) or Raw Data (Quantitative)

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.
Office of Research and Development
Burauen, Leyte
Title of Form: Control No. BCCORD-F1-URPF
Undergraduate Research Revision No. 4
Proposal Form
Date June 2023

IV. Curriculum Vitae of the Researcher(s)


A. Personal Background
Birth Date:
Place of Birth:
Email Address:

B. Educational Attainment

C. Academic Experience

D. Organizations/Affiliations

E. Eligibilities

Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local Burauen Community College offers a holistic, and outcomes-
public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is based experiential learning to develop the youth to be
responsive to the needs of the community, and develops students responsible individuals with integrity and service as agents of
to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges as equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of
active participants in shaping the world of the future. individuals in the areas of academics, research, community
extension and innovative technology.

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