MTS 1 Midterm Reviewer

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This encompasses a wide variety

of scientific studies relating to space.
of the changes in the chemical make-up
ENVIRONMENT of the environment.
 French verb environment which
means to “ Encircle or Surrounds”. THE ECOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE
 Can be defined physical, chemical,
and biological. 1. Everything is connected to everyone
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE a. Our actions & decision here in the
 Systematic study of our environment cities, no matter how far away.
and our proper place in it. 2. All life forms are important
 It borrows from several fields of study a. Just as every person has a purpose,
to give a holistic approach in finding each organism fulfills their role in the
solutions to such concern. environment.
 It is an interdisciplinary field that 3. Everything must go somewhere
involves both the physical and a. Matter cannot be created nor
social science. destroyed.
 It encompasses the surrounding b. There’s no really “away”
conditions that affect man and 4. Our is a finite Earth
other organisms. a. Many of the materials that we use
 Natural and Human Resource are from the earth is considered non-
interdependent. renewable.
b. When they are used up,it would
COMPONENTS OF make another millions of years.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE c. Environmental science teaches us to
use our
1. ECOLOGY - Study of organisms and 5. Nature knows Best
environment interacting with one a. Modern humans have been walking
another. on the planet since around 200,000
 Ecologists try to find relation years ago, a tiny speak compared to
between the status of the the planets 4.5 billion years of
environment and the population of existence.
a particular species within the b. Therefore, human must respect the
environment. environment natural resources.
6. Nature is beautiful and we are
2. GEOSCIENCE - Study of geology, soil stewards of God’s creation
science, volcanoes, and earth crust as a. Many religions, not only Christianity
they relate to the environment. The impose a moral obligation to take
Scientists who take part in this field of care of the environment.
study are the soil scientists, physicists, 7. Everything Changes
biologists and geomorphologists. a. Nothing is permanent in the world
except change.
3. ATMOSPHERE SCIENCE - Study of the b. Some changes are linear evolution
earth’s atmosphere. Analyze the relation of species.
of the earth’s atmosphere to the other c. Others are cyclical like the

 Also called the geosphere, is
composed of all the planet's rock,
soil, and minerals.
 It also includes not only the solid part,
but also the molten rock in the Earth's
 It refers to the continuous layer of
17 SUSTAINABLE GOALS rock that forms the solid outer layer
(crust and upper most solid
1. No poverty mantle) of the Earth.
2. Zero Hunger  It is about 100km thick.
3. Good health and Well- being
4. Quality Education Hydrosphere
5. Gender Equality  Contains all of Earth's water in all of
6. Clean water & Sanitation its phases - solid, liquid, and gaseous.
7. Affordable and Clean Energy  It is composed of saltwater,
8. Decent work & Economic Growth freshwater, glaciers, the permafrost,
9. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure and the moisture in the atmosphere.
10. Reduced Inequalities  Covers about 70% of the Earth's
11. Sustainable Cities & Communities surface.
12. Responsible consumption and  97% of the Earth's water supply is in
Production the ocean.
13. Climate Action  About 2% of the water resources is
14. Life Below Water locked in the polar ice caps and
15. Life on land glaciers.
16. Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions  Only about 1% is available as fresh
17. Partnership for the Goals surface water-rivers, lake streams,
and ground water fit to be used for
WEEK 2: human consumption and other uses.
 Water chemistry or the study of the
reactions of chemical species
 The Earth is an integrated system
dissolved in water could easily be
made up of many parts that interact
linked to changes in water
with each other.
 Though these parts are unique and
very different from one another,
they are, nonetheless,
 The layer of gases that
surround Earth.
 One of the major functions of the
atmosphere is to absorb solar
radiation that is harmful to living
organisms and reflect it back to LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MATTER
outer space.  Matter is neither created nor
 It also contains several gases that destroyed. It can only be converted
are essential to life like carbon, to another form.
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.  The atoms that existed since the
 It is divided into different regions beginning of the universe are still the
with their own same atoms that make up the
distinct characteristics such as universe today.
composition and temperature  Energy is also conserved. We cannot
gradient. create energy nor destroy it. But we
can convert it from one form to
Biosphere another.
 Harbors all the living things in the
 Living organisms include all  In a system that undergoes
microbial, animal, and plant life on successive energy transfer or
Earth. transformation, some usable energy
 This sphere is very much dependent is lost in each step.
on all the other three systems.  Think of it as an energy cost for the
 Organisms need the gases from the transformation process.
atmosphere the water from the  With every energy transfer process,
hydrosphere, and the nutrients and you end up with less usable energy
minerals from the lithosphere. than when you started.


The universe is made up of matter and ORGANIZATION
 Matter is the material that makes up
everything while energy gives the
force that can move, hold together,
or rip matter apart.
 Matter makes up the basic unit of life,
the cells, and all living organisms are
made up of cells.
 Energy is necessary for all cells to do
work as well.

Energy can take many forms:

 Potential Energy which is stored in
objects ready to be used.
 Kinetic Energy which is the energy Species
that drives moving objects.  Refers to organisms of the same kind
 Chemical Potential Energy is the that are able to produce fertile off-
form of energy that flows through springs.
the ecosystem and stored in cells.
 Refers to the group of species living
 The population of a certain species prevents broad leaf trees from
has a limit (carry capacity). growing.
 Carry capacity is the b. Cold-blooded animals cannot be
greatest number of individuals found in this biome.
that environment can sustain.
 Limiting Factors that Prevents Biosphere
Overpopulation:  It is the part of the Earth where life
- Lack of resources exists (all biomes).
- Competition
- Predation ECOSYSTEMS

Community Energy flows through an ecosystem in

 Also called as biological community, successive steps with all the energy on
is consisting of populations of the Earth coming ultimately from the Sun.
different organisms interacting in a
particular habitat.
 Each population in a community
has its own niche.
- Predators
- Herbivores
- Omnivores
- Decomposers
 Each population in a community
also has ecological services.

Ecosystems (Ecological System)  Energy from the Sun is absorbed by

 Biotic is affected by abiotic. producers also called the autotrophs,
a. Phosphorus from rocks enters organisms that are capable of
the soil. creating their own food. These
 Abiotic is affected by the biotic. producers build their biological
a. Humans polluting waterways. matter from the inorganic nutrients in
the soil.
Biomes a. Organisms that produce food from
 Contain many ecosystems which light are called photoautotrophs
can be further broken down based while those that utilize chemical
on temperature, soil type, and compounds when light is absent are
organisms that live there. called chemoautotrophs.
 Large area with a distinct climate,
plant, and animal life.  Consumers feed on these producers,
 Major biomes include deserts, absorbing both their matter and
grasslands, tundra, forests, and energy.
aquatic environments.  When these organisms die, they are
 Climate determines where life can broken down by decomposers and
survive. their organic matter are deposited in
a. Taiga biome lack water during their habitat as part of the inorganic
the long cold winter which nutrient pool, waiting to be utilized
again by the producers.
 Consumers and decomposers are  A food web is basically an
classified as heterotrophs as they interconnection of different food
need to consume the organic chains in a single ecosystem.
matter of other organisms to survive. a. Each living thing in an ecosystem
 In each step, heat is lost along the is part of multiple food chains.
way. This is the second law of
thermodynamics at work in nature. Trophic Level
Trophic Level - the feeding positions in a
FOOD CHAINS AND FOOD WEBS food chain or food we

Feeding relationships and energy

transfer in ecosystem are represented
graphically by food chains and food
webs. It can be considered as one way
of maintaining environmental equilibrium.

 A food chain represents a single

series of process of linked feeding
relationships. It graphically shows
who eats whom in an ecosystem.
a. Each level of a food chain
represents a different trophic
level.  The energy pyramid shows that
much of the energy obtained by
organisms from feeding is lost as
 Decomposers break down the
organic matter from all these
organisms when they die and return
these to the soil to be reused as
inorganic nutrients for the
producers.Common examples of
decomposers are fungi and bacteria.
 Evaporation - process by which
water from stores will start to
evaporate into water vapor and
enters the atmosphere.
 Sublimation - when an ice turns
directly into vapor.
 Condensation - the process where
water vapor in the air is changed
into liquid water (formation of
 Precipitation - occurs when water
vapor becomes too much for the
Energy Sources clouds to hold therefore released it in
 Inexhaustible Resources - can never the form of rain, fog, hail, sleet, or
be drained or exhausted under any snow.
 Renewable Resources - can be The precipitated water has 3 different
depleted but easily regenerated. options when it reaches the Earth's
 Non-Renewable Resources - one surface.
that does not regenerate or does
not regenerate quickly enough to  It would come into contact with
serve some human purpose in a trees and plants which can actually
sustainable way. hold and collect some water. This
process is called interception.
WEEK 3:  The water on the droplets might stay
BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLE on the leaves of plants or trees for a
period of time. The trees may also
give up its absorbed water from soil
to the atmosphere through the
process of transpiration.
 The precipitation might come into
contact with the ground surface that
is impermeable like roads.
 It will not infiltrate the water that's
why the water has no choice but to
run over the land surface known as
surface run-off.
The water cycle is primarily driven by the
solar radiation from the Sun. Water
enters the atmosphere through The water will lead itself to drain pipes or
go on directly to other bodies of water.
evaporation and sublimation of water
from the land and oceans, respectively.
 The precipitation might come into
It condenses into clouds and comes
back to the surface through contact with the ground surface that
precipitation, seeping into the soil and is permeable like sand, soil, etc.
becoming groundwater, which may  This type of surface will allow the
water to infiltrate or soak into it
renter the ocean at some point.
through the process of infiltration.
 Once the water has infiltrated the  As the glucose is metabolized, the
ground, it might stay on the soil, consumer releases carbon dioxide
absorbed by trees, evaporate again, back in the air.
or to move through the ground via  Carbon may also be transferred from
percolation. organisms to the atmosphere
 The ground water is not static. through respiration, where living
Eventually, this ground water might organisms inhale oxygen and exhale
do "through flow" in which the carbon dioxide.
ground water will go back to the  Other pathway is that, CO2 can be
body of water. absorbed into the ocean and one
way it is through assimilation by
 Phytoplankton are responsible for
most of the transfer of CO2 from the
atmosphere to the ocean.
 Once the CO2 is absorbed into the
ocean, it can form calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) which builds up
the seashells of some aquatic
 Overtime, as the seashells break
down and get impacted with
Carbon is found pretty much pressure underneath, they can form
everywhere. In the atmosphere, it exists limestone which contains chemical
as carbon dioxide (CO2). In the oceans, elements Calcium, Carbon, and
it is in the form of carbonate (CO32-), Oxygen.
which is also utilized by shelled organisms  When the producer and consumer
and marine producers. On land, it is most die and is broken down by
commonly found in its pure form. decomposers, the carbon falls back
to the soil and buries in the ground.
Plants or autotrophs take the light  During the decomposition process,

energy coming from the sun and some of the carbon might be
use that energy to fix carbon from released. But overtime, this might be
the molecular carbon dioxide (0.04% compressed and be turned into fossil
abundant in the atmosphere), out of fuels (the energy was stored in the
the air to form different molecules organic matter).
like glucose and other molecules  When we burn gasoline which is a
refined part of the oil. The CO2 was
that helps the plant grow. This is the
process of photosynthesis. released by the process of

 Consumers will eat the plants for the

sugar in it (consumption and feeding)  Aside from these natural processes,
as it will give energy to the body to human activities in the past centuries
live and grow. have contributed greatly to the
carbon levels in the atmosphere.
cellular respiration use oxygen in
order to create ATP and release CO2.

 Sunlight produces some oxygen

when sunlight reacts with water
vapor in the atmosphere.
 Decomposition which is the
breakdown of once living organism
uses oxygen and releases carbon
dioxide just like what microbes are
The largest reservoir of the Earth's oxygen  Rusting or oxidation involves oxygen
is found in the lithosphere. Silicate and in order to create the rust on many
oxide minerals of the crust and metal metals.
make up large portions of the  Combustion or burning of objects like
lithosphere and contain oxygen. The coal wood or fossil fuels also requires
atmosphere is made up of roughly 21% oxygen and use some of it up.
oxygen. The hydrosphere which is the
water on Earth is 33% oxygen by volume.
The biosphere which is the sum of all
ecosystem is 22% oxygen and is found
mainly in organic molecules.

 Processes within this cycle are

considered either a source of
oxygen production or a sink which
involves oxygen consumption.

 Photosynthesis by plants
 Sunlight when reacts with water
 Respiration
 Decomposition Nitrogen cycles mainly between the
 Combustion atmosphere, soil bacteria, and living
 Oxidation organisms. Pure is but nitrogen is inert but
 Plants along with phytoplankton and soil bacteria "fix" atmospheric nitrogen
other organisms that carry out into forms that organisms can use to build
photosynthesis release oxygen into amino acids and nucleic acids.
the atmosphere.
 Nitrogen in the atmosphere falls to
the Earth by precipitation such as
 In fact, marine plants produce most rain or snow.
of the oxygen in our atmosphere.  Once in the soil, it will find its way to
 Animals, some bacteria and protists nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the roots
and other organisms that carry out of plants. At the roots, the nitrogen is
combined with hydrogen to make where nutrient surplus causes algal
ammonia (NH3) in a process called overgrowth.
nitrogen fixation and it
spontaneously transform into
ammonium (NH4+).
 A much smaller amount of free
nitrogen is fixed by abiotic means
like lightning (through atmospheric
fixation), ultraviolet radiation, and
electrical equipment.
 Ammonium is further converted by
nitrifying bacteria (Nitrosomonas or
Nitrococcus) to produce nitrites
(NO2 ) and additional nitrifying
bacteria (Nitro bacterium) converts Phosphorus, just like the nitrogen, is a
it into nitrates (NOg) through the major component of nucleic acids,
process of nitrification. especially of adenosine triphosphate
 Plants can now absorb this nitrogen (ATP), which is the molecule that cells use
in the process called assimilation. for energy. Phosphorus is also a necessary
 Animals then ingest these plants, nutrient for all organisms as it is a building
converting them into their own body block of many organic molecules, like
compounds. the phospholipid bilayer membrane for
 However, not all of the nitrates are the cells of more complex organisms.
absorbed but some of it goes to the
bacteria (denitrifying bacteria)  Phosphorus, in the form of phosphate
which converts the nitrates back to (PO43-), is found mainly on rocks,
its pure form, by the process of released through weathering where
denitrification, and re-enters the little chips of rocks break off and
atmosphere. The remains of all crack. After it, the weathered rock
living things - and their waste can possibly erode.
products are decomposed by  Once the phosphorus is in the soil,
microorganisms in the process of producers absorb phosphorus
ammonification, which yields through their roots.
ammonia (NH3) and yields (NH3)  Phosphorus moves up the food chain
ammonium (NH4+). as animals eat producers.
 Human Activities impact the  Decomposers, such us fungus and
nitrogen cycle through the bacteria, obtain phosphorus as they
combustion of fossil fuels, which feed on dead remains.
release various forms of nitrogen  Phosphorus can also be released in
oxides and aggressive use of waste as decomposers also do.
fertilizers.  Phosphorus can also be transferred
 Nitrogen oxides are a common into aquatic ecosystems by surface
cause of acid rain and are runoff or leaching.
considered greenhouse gases while  This phosphorus will now be
nitrogen from fertilizers that run off absorbed by algae, other
into water bodies produce a photosynthetic organisms, and by
phenomenon called eutrophication, aquatic or marine.
 The algae and other aquatic  Marine algae produce dimethyl
organisms will die and bacteria will sulfide that enters the atmosphere as
feed on the dead remains to break tiny droplets.
down and decompose it.  Sulfur dioxide gas also forms when
 These dead organisms will be dimethyl sulfide reacts with oxygen
sedimented underneath the body of gas.
water and the cycle will continue.  The burning of fossil fuels also
 Phosphorus is also a major releases sulfur dioxide into the
component of fertilizers. Hence, they atmosphere.
are also a factor in eutrophication  Sulfur dioxide reacts with the oxygen
due to fertilizer runoffs. Dead zones in the atmosphere and creates sulfur
are formed in areas where the trioxide.
numbers of plants and animals are  The sulfur trioxide reacts with water in
greatly reduced. This may be due to the atmosphere to produce sulfuric
many different factors, like oil spills, acid.
mining, and other human activities,  Sulfur trioxide also reacts with the
but eutrophication is a very ammonia in the atmosphere to
common cause. produce sulfate salts.
 The sulfuric acid and sulfate salts fall
to the Earth by precipitation like
rainfall or snow.
 The soil absorbs the sulfate salts and
then the plants absorb the sulfur.
 Animals in turn absorbs sulfur by
eating the plants and the animals
release sulfur when they decay.
 As animal decays, they release
sulfate salts and hydrogen sulfide.
 Anaerobic bacteria break down the
hydrogen sulfide into sulfur gas and
the aerobic bacteria converts the
Sulfur cycles between the atmosphere, sulfur into sulfate salts which again
lithosphere, hydrosphere, and both the plants absorb.
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Sulfur  Excess sulfur from industrial processes
makes up the disulfide bonds found in have been a major contributing
the amino acid cysteine. Thus, it is factor to human-induced acid rain.
essential in forming proteins, especially This causes damage not only to both
for more complex organisms. terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
but also to man-made structures as
 Sulfur reserves are found in the acid corrodes and degrades
lithosphere and are released by buildings and other structures.
 In addition, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) WEEK 4:
and sulfur dioxide (SO2) are released PROPERTIES OF WATER
in the atmosphere by volcanic
eruptions, hot springs, and the  A water molecule (H2O) is made up of
decay of biological material in three atoms (1 oxygen, 2 hydrogen).
 This molecule has an angular bent WATER CONTAMINATION
shape which gives this type of molecule
a unique properties.
 Water is not always pure. Sometimes,
foreign substances or organisms may
1. Water's Attraction to Other
be in the water bodies.
 These may be harmful to living
Cohesion - water's attraction to other
organisms not only to humans but
water molecules.
even for plants and animals as well.
Adhesion - water's attraction to other
 Water contaminants maybe of
different types:
 Physical
2. Water's High-Specific Heat
 Chemical
 Specific heat is the amount of
 Biological
energy that is absorbed or lost by
one gram of a substance to change
the temperature by 1 degree Celsius.
 Physical contaminants primarily
 The hydrogen bonds between water
impact the physical appearance or
molecules absorb heat when they
other physical properties of water.
break and release heat when they
 Garbage
 Sand
 Water takes a long time to heat up,
 Gravel
and holds temperature longer when
 Sediment
heat is not applied.
3. Water's High Heat of Vaporization
 Nitrates/nitrites and phosphates lead
 It is the amount of heat energy
to eutrophication.
needed to change a gram of liquid
 Nitrates/nitrites react with water to
into gas.
form nitric acid, a major component
 It is the other property of water
of acid rain.These are harmful
responsible for moderating
elements or compounds that are
either naturally occurring or man-
4. Water's High Polarity
 Phosphates
 Water is a polar molecule that has a
 Lead
high level of polarity and attraction
 Arsenic
to ions and other polar molecules.
 Nitrates/Nitrites
 Water can form hydrogen bonds,
 Uranium
which makes it a powerful solvent.
 Mercury
 Exposure to Lead can cause:
5. Density of Water
a. Damage to the brain and nervous
 Unlike other liquids, water is less
dense when it is in solid state
b. Slowed growth and development
 Water is most dense at 4°C
c. Learning growth and Development
 Water contracts until 4°C
d. Hearing and speech problems.
 Water expands from 4°C down to
 Sources of Lead in drinking water are:
a. Faucets
b. Copper pipe with lead solder
c. Lead service Line
d. Galvanized Pipe  Common causes of it are microbes.
e. Lead goose necks  Examples of acute effects are:
 Common sources of mercury a. Nausea
exposure include mining, production, b. Vomiting
and transportation of mercury. c. Diarrhea
 High mercury exposure results in
permanent nervous system and CHRONIC EFFECTS
kidney damage. Common sources  Occur after people consume a
of exposure to higher-than-average contaminant at levels over
levels of arsenic include near or in Environmental Protection Agency
hazardous waste sites, in mining sites (EPA) safety standards through the
for ore smelting, industries that uses course of many years.
arsenic.  Common causes of chronic effects
 Exposure to high levels can cause are chemical agents.
death.  Examples of these chronic effects
 Adverse effects of uranium exposure Include:
have been observed in uranium a. Cancer
mine, mill, and fabrication workers. b. Liver or kidney problems
 Effects include diseases like fibrosis, c. Reproductive difficulties
emphysema, and nephrotoxicity.
 Biological contaminants are  It occurs when contaminants
organisms in water. They are also accumulate and pervade a stream,
referred to as microbes or river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or any
microbiological contaminants. body of water, over time.
 Bacteria  It greatly reduces the water quality
 Viruses and makes it toxic to humans and to
 Parasites the environment.
 Sources are:
CONTAMINATED  Sewage and wastewater
 Oil pollution
When humans are exposed to  Radioactive substances
contaminants, we may experience
acute or chronic effects depending on Agriculture
the duration of our exposure to them  Leading cause of water degradation
and the type of contaminant present. and the biggest consumer of
ACUTE EFFECTS a. 70% of all freshwater is used up for
 Occur within hours or days of the agricultural purposes.
time that a person consumes a  Fertilizers, pesticides, and animal
contaminant. waste wash nutrients and pathogens
 People can suffer acute health into waterways.
effects from almost any  Nutrient pollution that results to
contaminant if they are exposed eutrophication is caused by excess
extraordinarily high levels (as in the nitrogen and phosphorus from
case of spill). fertilizers that are washed away to
water bodies, leading to the death  Groundwater is particularly important
of aquatic organisms in these source of freshwater for humans. It is
habitats. found under the soil after water from
 This will result into aquatic hypoxia. precipitation seeps through fissures
and cracks in the ground.
Sewage and Wastewater  Ground water comprises a big part
 Used water from sinks, showers, of our drinking water both for rural
toilets, and other domestic dwellings. and urban settings.
 Used water from agricultural  It is also used for irrigation in growing
activities. crops and withdrawn for industrial
 More than 80% flows back to the processes.
environment untreated, though the  Water in lakes, streams, and rivers
number rises to 95% for least also get some of their water supply
developed countries. from underground.


 From big oil spills GROUNDWATER
 Oil and gasoline dripping from cars
and trucks. Drinking contaminated groundwater can
 Tanker spills in the ocean and have serious health effects.
regular operations of the shipping  Hepatitis and dysentery may be
industry through both legal and caused by contamination from
illegal discharges. septic tank waste.
 Oil is also naturally released from  Poisoning may be caused by toxins
under the ocean floor through that have leached into well water
fractures known as seeps. supplies.

Radioactive Substances  Certain types of cancer may also

 These are substances that emit result from exposure to polluted
radiation beyond what is naturally groundwater.
released by the environment.
 May come from uranium mining, POTENTIAL SOURCES OF GROUNDWATER
nuclear power plant, and CONTAMINATION
production and testing of military
weapons. Storage Tanks
 May also be released by universities  May contain gasoline, oil, chemicals,
and hospitals that use radioactive or other liquids above and below
materials for research and medicine. ground.
 These tanks may corrode or develop
GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION cracks or leaks overtime and
contaminate the ground water with
 Groundwater contamination occurs their contents.
when man-made products such as
gasoline, oil, road salts and Septic Tanks
chemicals get into the groundwater  Designed to slowly drain away
and cause it to become unsafe and human waste underground at a slow,
unfit for human use. harmless rate.
 An improperly designed, located, households, businesses, industries, and
constructed, or maintained septic farmlands has to go somewhere.
system can leak bacteria, viruses, However, we simply cannot dispose it by
household chemicals, and other dumping them right back to our water
contaminants. bodies. Wastewater has to go through
several processes before it can be
Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste released back to nature.
 May come from radioactive wastes
from industrial sources that pose 1. PRETREATMENT
serious hazards because of certain  Use bar screens/grid screens to filter
characteristics. bigger objects from the wastewater.
 They are usually explosive, corrosive,  Most of the collected objects are
toxic, or radioactive. sent to landfills.

Landfills 2. GRIT CHAMBERS

 Landfills are the places that our  Filters sand and rock from the now
garbage is taken to be buried. viscous water.
 The chemicals from the garbage  Sand and rock might clog or destroy
that we throw in landfills (car battery machinery (that's why it should also
acid, paint, household cleaners, etc.) be removed).
could make its way down into the
groundwater if there is no protective 3. PRIMARY TREATMENT
bottom layer in these landfills or if  Filters out any remaining solid larger
the layer is cracked. than 10 micrometers.
 Slightly treated wastewater is now
Chemicals called effluent.
 Chemicals include products used on
lawns and farm fields to kill weeds 4. SECONDARY TREATMENT
and insects and to fertilize plants,  Starts with aeration basins that pump
and other products used in homes oxygen into the wastewater.
and businesses.  Aerobic bacteria are used to digest
 When it rains, these chemicals can the dissolved and suspended
seep into the ground and eventually organic matter (sugar, fat, etc.) using
into the water. excess oxygen.
 Final removal of solids and larger
Atmospheric Contaminants biological matter.
 Since groundwater is part of the
hydrological cycle, contaminants in 5. TERTIARY TREATMENT (DISINFECTION)
other parts of the cycle, such as the  The effluent should be safe to drink in
atmosphere or bodies of surface most cases that's why there are 3
water, can eventually be transferred different ways of disinfecting.
into our groundwater supplies.  Chlorine Disinfection
 Ozone Disinfection
WASTEWATER TREATMENT  Ultraviolet Disinfection

Treatment of wastewater is important for Chlorine Disinfection

any civilization, especially in the modern  Also called as chemical disinfection
world. All of society's used water from
 Chlorine kills pathogens such as phenomenon is known as ocean
bacteria and viruses by breaking the acidification.
chemical bonds in their molecules.  Passed in 2004, the Clean Water Act
 Disinfectant that are used for this (RA No. 9275) is a law that aims to
purpose consist of chlorine protect all of the country's water
compounds which can exchange resources, including both freshwater
atoms with other compounds, such and saltwater.
as enzymes in bacteria and other  "Sustainable development" is
cells. explicitly stated as one of the goals
 Cl2, is a poisonous gas, hence, it of this act, which means that as early
must be removed before as 2004, the country has already
discharging the treated sewage been mindful of this goal that is
water. There are two ways: being pursued globally.
 With the Clean Water Act,
a. Reverse osmosis water filtration establishments that degrade the
system that incorporates carbon quality of water bodies around them
block filters are an effective way to by pollution are to face fines ranging
remove up to 98% of chlorine in from PHP 20,000 to 200,000. Filipinos
water. are prohibited from disposing their
b. Heating up water to a boil will speed waste improperly into our waters lest
up the chlorine removal process. they face jail time and pay fines.


 Ozone is a strong oxidant.  The importance of clean water has
 It oxidizes organic material which become very apparent with the
rapidly decomposes viruses, spread of COVID-19 into a global
parasites, and bacterial cell wall, pandemic.
killing them.
 UV rays destroys the bacteria DNA
 It sterilizes the bacteria to disable
them from reproducing.

 The treated water is now discharged
into a stream, water, or lake.
 The final treated water is clean
enough to be drank.


 As carbon dioxide accumulates in

the atmosphere, the oceans need
to absorb greater amounts of
carbon dioxide in order to maintain
equilibrium. Over time, carbonic
acid builds up in the water bodies
leading to an overall increase in the
acidity of the oceans. This

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