Case Study1 2 en V3
Case Study1 2 en V3
Case Study1 2 en V3
Improving a community’s capacity to adapt to
climate change in Seang Kveang commune,
Kamchay Mear district, Prey Veng province
This publication is made possible through the kind support of theSwedish International Development Agency
(SIDA) and theAustralian Agency for Internal Development (AusAID), through thestrategic guidance of United
Nations Development Programme, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme, and input
from the Cambodia Community Base Adaptation Programme (CCBAP) team, CCBAP grantees, Cambodian
government representatives and community level beneficiaries. The case study report was written by a
Consultant Dr. Oeurng Chantha.
Case Study 1:
Development of water supply for promotion of local livelihood of
Kraing Serei Community Forestry in Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia
4. Main Challenges 17
7. References 20
Kampong Speu province is an area of Cambodia frequently season. According to a Vulnerability Reduction Assessment
affected by drought. Specific characteristics of climate (VRA) conducted in September 2011, Krang Serei village has
change have been observed in the province, including been affected by increasing droughts and irregular rainfall
unpredictable delays in the arrival of rainfall in the early wet since the 1980s. Consequently, the whole community
season; erratic variations in the arrival of wet-season rainfall; has faced difficulties due to water scarcity, including for
the amount of rainfall or duration of the season; and the farming, cooking, bathing, home gardening and livestock
early end of the wet season. Mini droughts have occurred raising3.
almost twice every year for the last 20 years between
Due to the geographical area of the village, being bordered
July and August and between October and November1,
mainly by Kiriwoan Mountains, drilling wells for domestic
causing stress on the water supply for domestic use and
water supply in the dry season is expensive and is not
agricultural crop production. Among the 420 communes
successful. Some villagers spent an average of four hours
affected by the 2002 drought, Kampong Speu province
per day fetching water from a public pond some four to
was most severely affected2. Farmers recognize that
five kilometres away for cooking and drinking. As their
droughts have had a significant negative impact on their
children were also responsible for fetching water from the
livelihood (including poor health, family violence, irregular
ponds so far away, they could not attend school regularly.
school attendance by their children, few opportunities to
Community members without labour or transport had
generate income, lack of community solidarity and lack
to buy water from another. They paid US$2 for 400 litres
of food security). Farmers face challenges in finding other
of water, which was only one day’s consumption for
livelihood options, as the surrounding environment is not
each family. This was a significant financial burden for the
abundant in natural resources.
villagers, considering the Cambodian poverty line is 3,871
Surrounded by mountains, Krang Serei village is located riels (less than US$1)4. The major challenges for the Kraing
in Kiriwoan commune, Phnom Srouch district, Kampong Serei community included insufficient water for their
Speu province. There are 67 families and a population of crops, livestock and farming, and particularly for domestic
335 people (179 females). The villagers’ occupations are consumption and sanitation. Hence, the community has
farming, collecting wood, hunting and collecting non- faced food shortages, disease and low levels of hygiene.
timber forest products (NTFP). However, hunting and forest These problems negatively affect the community’s welfare
clearing stopped after the Kraing Serei Community Forestry and particularly make small children, housewives and the
(KCF) for natural resource management was established elderly susceptible to hygiene-related diseases. Some
in 2004. The community members say their livelihood women and children have poor health due to lack of water
problems have been exacerbated by water shortages for sanitation (Vong, 2014).
for both humans and animals, particularly during the dry
1 NGO Forum. 2012. “Impact of climate change on rice production in Cambodia”. NGO Forum on Cambodia: Phnom Penh.
2 National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM). 2008.
3 VRA Report. 2011. Vulnerability Reduction Assessment in Kraing Serei Community Forestry, Kampong Speu, p.25
4 Vong, M. 2014. Project “Water Supply System Development and Livelihood Improvement- (WSSDLI) for Krang Serei Community Forestry
members”. Paper nominated for Equator Prize 2014, p.6
KCF members were informed about climate change and a water management committee to manage the reservoir
its impacts on the community. KCF conducted the VRA in and water pipelines; strengthening local knowledge on
collaboration with the commune authorities to identify climate change; increased support to saving groups;
climate change impacts and priority needs. Working and improved tree planting and training on agricultural
within the constraints they faced in their community, resilience techniques and animal raising for diversifying
members said the priority activities needed to include: the livelihood options.
construction of a water reservoir; building the capacity of
The committee played an important role ensuring the the reservoir, monitoring the piped water network and
management and maintenance of the reservoir and piped collecting water fees from the community beneficiaries.
water system, including water meters, during and at the end Water usage fees (US$0.12 per cubic metre) went directly to
of the project. They also had to ensure fair water distribution the committee and were used to finance the maintenance
to community members and sustainable water use for one of the pipe network and other community development
year in the village. They created water-use regulations with activities.
eight chapters and 20 articles. Their tasks include operating
The project provided capacity building to the water implementation, villagers were trained on using water
management committee and community members by from the piped system, agricultural techniques and
training them on finance and reporting so they could raising livestock.
perform their duties transparently. During the project
During the wet season, water for household consumption, During the rainy season, water flows from a catchment
crops and animals is not a major problem, as people area of 15 hectares into the reservoir, which is generally full
generally use rainwater. However, water shortages for both during September. This means the community could have
domestic use and crop cultivation during the dry season water security during the dry season, especially when there
have caused problems for the Kraing Serei community. is erratic rainfall, prolonged drought and little water from
The construction of the reservoir, which has a storage nearby natural ponds. The newly constructed reservoir has
capacity of 25,000 cubic metres, has given new hope to the supported 67 KCF households.
community for coping with the impacts of climate change.
After providing training on managing the water supply The community reported that after the project ended in
system, as well as basic financial management and late 2012, more families were adopting home gardening
reporting, a sub-committee to manage the water supply and animal raising for their own family consumption,
system was created and functioning well. The sub- while selling any surplus at the market. It was observed
committee had its own regulations and was created using that knowledge provided to the community helped them
a participatory approach involving representatives of each manage and improve their living conditions and cope with
household in the village. Several training sessions were the difficulties resulting from climate change.
held on vegetable gardening techniques, animal raising
methods and skills for micro-businesses. Twenty-eight
members were trained for two days to help them improve
their alternative business activities.
KCF members found it difficult to find water for both human water from other places. Before, they paid US$2 for 400
and animal consumption before the project. Community litres of water (0.4 m3), which would last only one day. Based
members would have to stay overnight at remote water on the regulations established by the water management
springs far from the village to collect as much water as committee, the KCF villagers now spend only 500 riels
possible. Sometimes, this led to conflict and violence (US$0.12) for one cubic metre (1 m3) of water and each
among others in search of water, as well as within families. family can consume a maximum of 15 cubic metres per
These difficulties meant people wasted valuable time month. Therefore, they need to spend only US$1.87 per
looking for water, rather that creating income-generating month for 15 cubic metres.
opportunities. The water supply from the reservoir has not
Before the project, 10 households bought water from
only supported KCF for domestic use but also for home
the neighbouring village for a three-month period when
gardens and livestock.
there was no rainfall or any water source. They spent US$5
Before the project, villagers did not have enough water per cubic metre, while 50 to 60 households transported
for personal consumption, making it very hard to pursue water themselves and spent at least US$10 per month on
alternative livelihood options. If they bought enough water motorbike transport. Most households now spend less
for one month, they would spend too much money and than US$2.50 per month on water fees, even during the dry
create a financial burden. Since the project, villagers have season. This could save some households up to US$58 per
not needed to spend money buying and transporting month (Table 1).
Table 1: Budget spent by a household on water fees before and after project implementation
This project has significantly improved livelihoods within them to focus on livelihood-improving activities. Some
KCF communities, particularly the 67 households which families have started to grow vegetables and crops near
stand to save between US$1,000 and US$1,500 per month their houses and some raise animals. More than 50 percent
(US$6,000 to US$9,000 in total for six months in the dry of total households use piped water to grow vegetables
season). In the second year of implementation, the project during the dry season from November to June and some 30
also helped two neighbouring villages of 57 households to percent use piped water for raising animals. These income-
access the piped water supply. Currently, 124 families have generating activities help them improve their adaptive
benefited from this project. capacities in response to frequent droughts, in both the
rainy and dry seasons, in their community.
Since the project began, KCF people no longer need to
search for water. This saves them a lot of time and allows
Improving crop cultivation and animal raising using community water supply system
The project supported community members to improve prolonged droughts. By early 2015, the savings in the four
four existing saving groups. Each saving group received groups increased (see Table 2). Without the saving group,
start-up capital of US$500. Each member contributed community members would have to take loans from private
between US$2.50 and US$7.50 per month to the saving moneylenders or local banks, where interest was much
groups. Members could pool the money in case of higher. There was an increase in borrowing from saving
emergency and get low-interest loans to start a small group members to finance livelihood-improving activities
business, buy agricultural materials and pay for health care. (19 percent used loans for business capital, 13 percent for
Community members agree that the saving groups are easy animal-raising capital, 43 percent to buy agricultural inputs
sources of loans at affordable interest, which can give them and materials, 28 percent for health care and 14 percent to
additional support during natural disasters, particularly send children to school)5.
Saving group Establishment date Start-up fund Total saving fund (at February 2015)
5 Evaluation Report. 2012. Water Supply System Development and Livelihood Improvement (WSSDLI) for Krang Serei Community Forestry
Members, p.24.
Since the project was implemented, there have been Having access to pipe water from the community water
remarkable changes in social and environmental issues. supply system has led to significant improvements in
Before the project, the community faced family violence, sanitation in the village, and children are going to school
poor health, irregular school attendance and time lost in regularly. The majority of community members did not
fetching water. have toilets before the project was implemented, and
practiced open defecation. Now, of 65 households, 40 have
toilets with a piped water connection, compared to only
two before the project. The local people can now take a
bath more often than before. They can also consume
healthier food as they now grow vegetables during the
dry season for their own consumption and for sale. It was
observed that the number of people visiting the local
health centre for water-related diseases such as diarrhoea
and strep throat has decreased by nearly 70 percent (Vong,
2014). School teachers reported that children now attend
class full-time and more regularly as they no longer need
to spend time fetching water for their family. Deforestation
has reduced as community members have turned their
Access to clean toilets using the community water supply system attention to income-generating activities.
The water management committee is the principle fees, as well as borrowing money from its network. The
mechanism to ensure project sustainability. The committee committee used water fees for various purposes. In 2013,
has played an important role in ensuring good management spending/saving for operation and maintenance (O&M)
and maintenance of the reservoir and piped water systems, of the water supply system was estimated at US$100. The
including water meters, both during and after the project. remaining money from O&M was used to top up the saving
The training they received will enable them to manage group. Another portion of the water fees was allocated to
this system in the long term. For example, the water supporting volunteers to patrol the forest for illegal loggers
management committee was able to extend the water and prevent forest fires.
pipeline to other villages using money collected from water
Even though this project was successful, there were The quality of the water in the reservoir will need to be
challenges. There should be more technical support and monitored if community members begin to cultivate
time allocated to the water management committee to crops upstream using chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
practice their role and work professionally. The construction Poor-quality water from the reservoir could cause diseases
of the reservoir helped community members improve if the water is untreated. Regarding fee collection for the
their livelihoods. If these members use water for irrigation water system (500 riels or US$0.12 per cubic metre), the
and animal raising, the water management committee management committee will need to develop a budget if
could encounter new challenges, such as management it wants to expand to other villages, as the current fees are
of water use and water pollution from these activities. low. These fees would not cover severe damage, should it
Some community members did not comply with the occur. The water management committee receives a very
water use regulations and used too much water to irrigate low incentive to manage the system (5,000 riels or US$1.25
their plantations and rice fields. The rising number of per month). Therefore, it is doubtful that members would
beneficiaries each year (67 families in 2012; 20 families in want to volunteer long-term to manage the water supply.
2013; and 35 families in early 2015) could pose challenges
for the committee in managing distribution and income.
Even though the project has only been implemented for reservoir turned a water-scarce community into a
one year, there have been some visible good practices and community with surplus water for domestic use and
lessons learned. alternative livelihood options, such as home gardening
and raising animals.
Good practices:
Highlighting the real challenges of the community
Cooperating with partners who supported the
(shortage of water for household use) attracted
project. For instance, the Mlub Baitong organization
donors who supported the project and encouraged
facilitated the VRA process and assisted in developing
the community to own it.
the proposal and writing the report during the project
implementation. World Vision Cambodia contributed Good management of the water committee led to an
to the installation of the pipeline. The commune increase in the number of project beneficiaries, from
council played a role in the project implementation 67 households to 124 households. The experience can
and worked closely with the community forest be replicated in other project sites.
committee to collect contributions from villagers to
The availability of piped water improved the sanitation
connect from the main pipeline to their houses.
standards of families. Many families built toilets and
Selection of project site: water flowed by gravity, bathrooms and ceased practicing open defecation.
alleviating the need for a pump.
Good cooperation with local authorities made the
Regular meetings with project beneficiaries to reflect project sustainable.
on the status of the water management system and
The project enabled villagers and other donors to
budget management. This avoided internal conflict
support community development, such as constructing
and conflicts of interest.
toilets, without funds from outside. It taught agricultural
Promoting ownership and providing capacity techniques that the community could put into practice,
building to improve decision-making during project using the water for irrigation. The project demonstrated a
implementation. good model for managing water and adapting to drought
in higher areas, and provided a good example to replicate
Strong support from local authorities for the project
to other projects, such as those under Word Vision and
implementation and working closely with the water
RWC. In addition, KCF had an opportunity to build capacity
management committee to collect funds from each
in managing small businesses and community-based
villager to connect from the main pipeline to their
water supply.
houses. Strong support from elders in the village
increased solidarity. Since the end of the project, the commune authority has
observed improvements in people’s livelihoods and is willing
Provision of technical skills to the chief of KCF
to support them in the long-term. The commune chief
to become a technical expert in water pipeline
requested that the project donor consider implementing a
connection and management. He was then able to
similar project in a nearby community forestry that had been
share his expertise with one World Vision project and
suffering from water scarcity and livelihood difficulties. The
two Rain Water Cambodia (RWC) projects.
achievements and socio-economic benefits of the project
Lesson learned: inspired commune authorities to integrate climate change
adaptation into commune development programmes.
Development of a piped water supply from a gravity
The project had positive impacts, accomplished the fee from each household to support the maintenance
general objective and ensured its sustainability. The of the reservoir and the piped system. The initiative
outcomes respond well to the needs of the community enjoys the recognition, support and participation of the
and beneficiaries. KCF has the capacity to manage the villagers and commune authorities. KCF worked closely
community water supply and is supported by the local with the commune council when managing the saving
authority. The project can be considered a good model for group and helped guard against financial conflict within
other communities with similar geographical conditions. the community. This displayed cooperation in solving
communal problems and other issues, and the commune
Water security was identified as a main challenge in the
authority has now considered including this type of project
community and this project is recognized as a long-term
in its commune development plan.
solution to reducing poverty among KCF members. The
construction of the water reservoir and installation of the Recommendations for improving similar projects or
piped water system have reduced the stress of drought continuing existing projects:
and water scarcity for all the community members.
Produce a map of the piped water network to improve
Managing water from upstream can help the community
maintenance work.
adapt to irregular rainfall, changing rain patterns and
prolonged drought. There is now sufficient water supply for Develop a budget management plan for efficient use
household use for the whole year. The project has turned of fees.
the community around, from suffering water shortages to
having a surplus that could supply other villages. Several Monitor the reservoir’s capacity and take immediate
training sessions, including management of the water action to regulate water consumption when the water
supply system, basic financial management, report writing, supply falls to a level where only consumption for
home gardening and livestock raising, were provided to basic needs is allowed.
the committee and community members to enhance Improve water use regulations for other purposes,
their capacity for alternative livelihood options. They have such as irrigation and animal raising in order to reduce
reduced the time they spend collecting water, enabling conflicts due to benefit sharing among community
them to pursue alternative livelihood options. As a result, members.
the livelihood of the community has been improved and
they have increased their adaptive capacity to cope with Promote catchment management to maintain health
prolonged droughts resulting from climate change. and water quality by improving forest cover and
reducing external pollutants that can eventually reach
From the beginning, the community members identified household taps. Likely pollutants are from fertilizers
this project as their top priority. They formulated the and pesticides used in farmlands around and upstream
project by integrating their priority needs into the project of the reservoir. It is highly recommended that KCF
implementation. This promoted ownership and active create a mechanism to control this possible pollution.
participation after the VRA consultation. The VRA process
involved all villagers in making decisions on what they Replicate the project to other nearby communities
needed and what they would do next. The community where there is a potential location for construction of
took ownership in deciding on the appropriate water a reservoir and gravity water supply distribution.
2.4. Formulating farmer water user committee (FWUC) and rice bank 30
3.2. Capacity building on canal and rice bank management, and agricultural techniques 35
3.3. Successful approach in canal operation and maintenance (O&M) and rice bank management 35
4. Main Challenges 40
7. References 43
1. Background and objectives
Prey Veng province is 90km from Phnom Penh, in southeast 2011, which were above 1,700mm annually” (NGOF, June
Cambodia. It has a total land area of 4,883km2, of which 2014)4.
some 63 percent is agricultural land and 4 percent is forest1.
There were 13 villages in Seang Kveang commune,
The most severe impacts of climate change witnessed here
Kamchay Mear district, Prey Veng province selected as
are floods and droughts, low crop yields, water shortages
the project target area. They include the villages of Lvea,
and water-borne diseases2. Prey Veng was identified as
Sangkae, Opakma, Leak Nuem, Tnaot, Bos, Ruessei Chuk Ty
the province most vulnerable to floods and second-most
Mouy, Ruessei Chuk Ty Pir, Chong Boeng, Toul Sophi, Bayab,
vulnerable to droughts. Prey Veng was highlighted among
Krous and Chuk. There are 2,757 families with a population
17 provinces in Cambodia as most vulnerable to climate
of 10,635 people (5,483 women)5. The main occupation is
change in the Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for
rice cultivation with 97 percent of total families doing this,
Southeast Asia3.
while the other 3 percent are involved in small enterprises
“The average mean temperature for 25 years from 1987 or middle-man activities6. They also grow vegetables,
to 2011 was 28.2oC, the maximum mean temperature raise animals, work as labourers in the local area (spraying
was about 33oC and the minimum mean temperature pesticide and cropping) or migrate to other provinces
was 23.3oC. The average annual rainfall for the 27 years and cities for factory work. Some, particularly the young,
from 1985 to 2011 has fluctuated between 949mm and migrate to Thailand or Malaysia.
1,867mm, based on peak years of 1996, 2000, 2010 and
7 CRID proposal on “Community’s capacity improvement for adaptation to CC in Seang Kveang, Kamchay Mear district, Prey Veng province”,
December 2011.
Based on the VRA, common climate change-related priority activities would include canal rehabilitation, a
problems faced by the target communities were: water canal management committee, capacity building on
shortages for agricultural practices, such as improving the improved agriculture technologies (particularly System of
number of rice crops and raising livestock, limited access Rice Intensification (SRI)), a rice bank and a saving group to
to farmland and traditional farming methods. To respond support each other’s livelihood improvement.
to these issues, the target communities agreed that the
The involvement of all relevant stakeholders, especially people at the right time. The commune council promised
community members, commune authorities, technical to contribute commune funds for canal and road operation
line departments at sub-national level and NGOs was a and maintenance (O&M), PDA provided technical support
key factor in the project’s success. The project engaged to ensure communities could apply knowledge learnt
beneficiaries to implement interventions in all stages in training sessions to their agricultural activities, and
including project development, planning, implementing, PDOWRAM cooperated with the organization to provide
monitoring and evaluation. Farmer beneficiaries, technical support for canal construction and to establish
including men and women-headed households, worked the canal management committee. This ensured the
collaboratively to identify the problems caused by climate functioning and distribution of irrigated water, as well as
change and set the priority needs to improve their living conflict resolution. The Development Khmer Community
conditions. They contributed their own money and labour (DKC) organization provided saplings to plant along the
for canal rehabilitation, road construction and maintenance, dike to prevent soil erosion and improve the environment
they planted saplings on the dike and contributed rice in the canal area. There was close collaboration between
seed for rice bank sustainability. The local authorities, CRID staff, local authorities (including the village chiefs of
including the commune council, village chief and technical the target areas) and the Seang Kveang commune council
line departments (PDA and PDOWRAM) worked closely to form a procurement committee to select a contractor.
with each other to ensure the project benefited the right This was done with transparency and accountability.
The excavated soil was turned into a dam along the both
sides of the canal to manage the water in the canal. The
dam became an important road (see picture) for villagers
to access their rice fields and other villages in the area. The
dam along the canal will be used to collect run-off water
from upland areas. This road connects Seang Kveang to Chi
Klang commune, making it easy for farmers to access their
land and transport their agriculture products.
Forming a saving group was another mechanism to an additional budget of US$568. This totalled US$2,568 in
maintain livelihood stability and climate change adaption the fund and US$356 in interest from the project and the
in the targeted communities. There were four groups of saving fund contribution. This approach led to a significant
20 people each. The saving group committee was elected livelihood improvement for villagers involved in the groups,
by the villagers and was recognized by the commune as they could repay the money they had borrowed at high
council. Four training sessions on borrowing, saving and interest rates from micro finance institutions in their area.
returning processes were provided to the saving group Five households borrowed money from the saving group to
committee and the 80 members (64 women). In January raise hens (8 hens), while another 11 households borrowed
2013, each saving group (in Lvea, Oub-ma, Doun Yu and money to raise pigs (11 pigs).
Prey Rusey villages) was given US$500 by the project, with
Before the project implementation, farmers in the target irrigated water provided by the project, they can start their
area (320 ha) only cropped rice once, in July, the middle of rice farming in May for the first crop, continue in August for
the rainy season. They had to wait until there was sufficient the second crop, and do a third round in early November
water in their fields, but they often faced long periods of (see Table 1) by pumping water from the canal. Around 20
drought. Since the project, 60 households with rice fields to 30 households who were previously not confident of
of some 53 hectares next to the canal in Lvea village can achieving even one crop per year can now look forward to
access water during the prolonged drought periods cultivating three times per year.
occurring in late July to early August. With the access to
Table 1: Change in farming activities before and after the project implementation
Agricultural practice May June July August September October November December January February
The project improved the livelihood of farmers in the target has around one hectare of land). Seven households out of
area by changing agricultural practices (one cropping 20 that apply the SRI method reached yields of up to four
per year). Farmers in this area usually practiced traditional tons per hectare, compared with the previous year of only
rice cropping, which could not be adapted to the current 2.6 tons per hectare. However, SRI is only suitable for small
climate change patterns (drought). As a result, they had a plots, as this method requires a lot of labour.
low standard of living9.
In the early rainy season, about 15 hectares could be
Rehabilitating the canal had a positive impact in this area, cultivated using the supplementary water from this
with improved access to water for rice fields, particularly the irrigation canal. Farmers could cultivate about 10-15
fields along the renovated canal, and changes in farming hectares by the end of the rainy season. Generally, about
activities (early rainy season, middle and late cropping). four tons have been harvested per hectare, with average
Managing the water in the canal has increased soil moisture production costs of around US$500 per hectare (Table 2).
around the canal and changed soil structure. The community Thus, farmers could earn between US$250-350 per hectare
now has an opportunity to cultivate other crops such as (if 1kg of rice = $0.2 or 800 riels).
watermelon or cucumber in the early dry season, after
The newly constructed canal can generate rice profits in
harvesting rice in December. With seed loans from the rice
both early and late wet season of between US$7,000 and
bank, the saving group and the application of SRI method,
US$10,000 per year (newly cultivated land in early and late
farmers can improve rice production at affordable prices
wet season of 20-30 hectares). If the canal can produce
and they understand that SRI is a good method for rice seed
between 200 and 300 hectares of wet season rice in the
purification. They only need to use around 15-20kg of rice
target area during periods of mini drought, the canal
seed per hectare of cropping. On average, three tons of dry
rehabilitation can be considered extremely cost effective
season rice has been produced from 15 hectares of land
for community-based adaption.
belonging to 17 households in Lvea village (each household
Dry reason rice cropping using irrigated water from the canal (10-15 ha)
9 CRID, 2011. Full proposal on “Community’s capacity improvement for adaptation to climate change in Seang Kveang, Kamchay Mear district,
Prey Veng province”.
A new 4km road (width 3m) was constructed after the canal
rehabilitation. This can connect to another road at the end
of the canal, making it easier for farmers to access their rice
fields (not set as a project indicator). Before the project, it
took farmers around 30 minutes to commute from home
to their fields. They also had to use the rice field dike as the
main road for transporting seeds (for broadcasting and
after harvesting) and fertilizers. Some farmers had to drive
15-18km to reach the district market. But with the new
road along the canal, they now spend only 5-10 minutes
commuting from home and it is now only nine kilometres
from the village to Svay Antor market. Two years after the
project, new houses have been built along this road, saving
farmers even more time. They can use this time to explore
alternative livelihood options such as home gardening,
Farmers use the new road to access their land and district markets
other cropping activities, and/or animal raising to improve
their living conditions.
With more and deeper water in the canal, farmers have around US$600 to US$900 per household per year. The total
observed environmental and ecological improvements, income from fishing could reach US$10,000 per year for the
including more fish. About 10-20 households can now 10-20 households. This is an indirect benefit of the project,
catch an average of two kilograms of fish per day, earning where the canal has turned threats into opportunities,
them some US$5 per day each. The fishing season runs allowing farmers to build their adaptive capacity to
for four to six months per year (June to November), so this cope with climate change impacts and to improve their
alternative livelihood option has the potential to generate livelihoods through fishing.
This project not only had socio-economic benefits for the participatory approach to community-based adaptation.
target beneficiaries, but built cooperation and commitment Management committees supported their communities
among villagers, local authorities, technical departments on a voluntary basis, using their own time, mobilizing funds
and other local organizations based in the area. The role in the community for O&M and ensuring the rice bank was
of women on the management committee was a catalyst meeting farmers’ needs.
for the integrated participatory approach. Women were
The most successful approach was seeking in-kind
involved in the design and intervention of the project which
cooperation with relevant stakeholders. Communities
benefited both men and women. The project also involved
themselves contributed their own farm land and labour
women in leadership positions from its early stages,
for canal rehabilitation, road construction and sapling
with two women being elected to the six-member
planting, as they believed their contribution would improve
canal and rice bank management committee. Their
their livelihoods. The integrated participatory approach for
involvement, commitment and knowledge from the
project sustainability saw:
project demonstrated the benefits of the integrated
Both women and men were involved in all stages of the project
Both women and men were involved in all stages of the project
The rehabilitated canal can only be used for a few years, rice fields, thus, if there is no rainfall, it is likely to be dry. It
and can only supply water to farms nearby. Irrigated water will be a challenge for the FWUC to manage any expansion
from the canal rehabilitation could only be distributed to of rice fields in the late rainy season if the irrigated area is
the rice fields in Lvea village, which is nearest the canal; increased to more than 20 hectares. Conflicts could arise
others could not access the water. Only 10 percent of with regard to sharing water.
the target beneficiaries could access the water. While this
The duration of the project (only one year) was too short for
strategy can help communities adapt to climate change
target beneficiaries. The canal and rice bank management
during prolonged droughts in the rainy season, a cement
committee struggled to adapt and be independent in
canal would be the best method of adaptation in the long
choosing which method of agricultural cultivation and O&M
term. However, it would be expensive.
was best for sustainability. The ability of the FWUC and rice
If farmers need more water from the district canal to bank management committee to manage their roles and
increase the number of crop cultivation cycles, they will responsibilities is still limited. This is particularly true with
need to use a pump. This would make rice production regard to collecting water fees for O&M and providing clear
more expensive. The rehabilitation of the canal did not guidelines to farmers on how to select the best rice seed
help farmers whose land was further than 500m from the to return to rice bank. This can affect the quality of seed
canal. It is important to build a sub-canal that could bring used in the next cropping season by the next borrower. The
more water to support the downstream rice fields that are training provided on SRI did not fit the needs of the people,
far away from the main canal. This canal primarily depends as they had less labour available to them and large farms;
on rainfall, and mainly drains run-off water from upland 50 percent of trained farmers could not apply SRI.
Choosing to rehabilitate two canals/dams along the canal A significant success of the project was the collaboration
proved successful in harvesting and managing water in the and participation among the communities, local authorities
canal. The areas up and downstream can keep soil moist and relevant technical departments. They will consider
longer during prolonged droughts in the rainy season. The using the commune fund and in-kind support of the
dam has become the main road in the target area to access villagers for future development activities.
rice fields and neighbouring communes and districts. This
Some recommendations for future improvement of similar
reduces the time and cost of transporting material inputs
projects or the continuation of existing projects are:
to the rice fields and transportation to outside. There were
unexpected outputs, such as increased numbers of fish The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic
in the canal, additional crop cultivation (watermelons or and Time-bound) approach is the key factor in achieving
cucumbers) and new residential areas for the villagers. The success within a short time period.
community increased their income and freed themselves
from debt. Some families can now send their children to Consider extending the project period from one to two
study at university in Phnom Penh. years, as either the project staff or beneficiaries (canal and
rice bank management committee, local authority and
The intervention responded to adaptation measures, with farmers) could strengthen their capacity and be able to
the community ensuring food security through harvesting adapt to climate change vulnerabilities in their area.
and managing water, and having enough water to cultivate
rice in the rainy season. Farmers closest to the canal could It is crucial to understand water sources, requirements,
increase their crop cultivation from one to three times per potential irrigated land for proposed irrigation projects,
year, fisheries improved, and there was enough rice seed identify canal dimensions and prepare sound water
stored in the rice bank. The saving group mechanism resources. It is important to strengthen the capacity of the
proved successful, with more money in the village fund, FWUC to push for more responsibility and for commune
and the new road improved accessibility to the rice fields authorities to be functioning well on canal O&M. Irrigated
and the market. water sharing must be well planned to avoid conflicts of
Through capacity building provided by the project,
including raising awareness on climate change, It would be more successful if the possibility existed to
management methods on canal O&M and rice bank build a sub-canal to bring more water from the upstream
processing, the communities and commune council have lake, and build another sub-canal to help farmers whose
been strengthened and have greater ownership to push for rice fields are located downstream far from the main canal.
socio-economic development in their area. This adaptive Many people, particularly young people, leave this area
approach has supported farmers to feel confident and in search of work in urban areas or other countries. This
change the way the cultivate crops, increasing cultivation decreases the amount of labour available for agricultural
and diversifying the way they farm. The fishery is increasing, work. Keeping the young generation nearby and
with the good environment and ecosystem in the canal providing them with more opportunities is an important
draining more water from upland rice fields. This has the consideration. If they can earn enough, they will stay in
potential to become a way for communities to generate their own country with their family.
retrieved on 20 November 2014.