ES Reviewer 1
ES Reviewer 1
ES Reviewer 1
Many are still easy believers of a catastrophic ozone layer. b. Consumers (or heterotrophs) - cannot
The most recent factor affecting the oxygen cycle of the photosynthesize; acquire energy, and nutrients from
biosphere and the oxygen budget of the earth is the man molecules in the bodies of other organisms which they
himself and selfish attitudes. He doesn't care. Man have consumed.
consumes the oxygen and decreases the oxygen level
and increases the carbon dioxide level as the burn fossil *Ninety-nine percent of protozoans are non-
fuels. photosynthesizers.
ENERGY AND NUTRIENT CYCLE Energy flow through ecosystems begins with
All ecosystems consist of two components: photosynthetic organisms and passes through several
a. biotic or living components - bacteria, fungi, levels of non-photosynthetic organisms that feed on the
protists, plants and animals photosynthesizers or each other.
b. abiotic or non-living physical or chemical
aspects of the environment - such as the climate, light, Energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next
temperature, availability of water, and minerals in the soil. higher level.
Disadvantages of Overpopulation:
1. deterioration in living conditions
2. consumption of natural resources is faster than
rate of regeneration
3. starvation/malnutrition
4. demand for resources by humanity increases
: maximum number of a species
The links between human activity and the environment are an environment can support indefinitely.
complex and varied, but can be grouped into two main : of the environment - the maximum population
types of activity: size of a biological species that can be sustained by that
specific environment, given the food, habitat, water, and
1. use of natural resources such as land, food, water, other resources available.
soils, minerals, plants and animals
2. production of wastes from a range of activities POPULATION DISTRIBUTION
including agriculture, industry : pattern of where people live in transient and
and mining, as well as wastes from our permanent setting
own bodies.
Coevolution and coadaptation POPULATION OF ORGANISMS
: describe the never-ending process of mutual
adjustment and change between human social systems 1. CLUMPED
and the environment. Peoples actions have consequences : Organisms are clustered together in groups. This
on the environment. But also the environment influences may reflect a patchy distribution of resources in the
human activities. Human social systems have to adapt to environment. This is the most common pattern of
their specific environment. population dispersion.
Human Interaction on the environment : product : may result from direct interaction
of human overconfidence on itself : regular form of distribution
: cause the disastrous failure and eventually : organisms are spaced evenly
extinction of humanity. : territories and resources are some of the main
factors of having uniform distribution
Demographers estimated that:
1 second = Five Babies (2 will die and 3 will keep POPULATION DENSITY
growing and multiply) : number of people living in a particular community
That's 180 babies in one minute. usually 1 square mile or 1 sq km and can be referred to as
the total population per land area
Population growth can lead to deforestation, water
PD = Number of people/ Land Area (km2) pollution, and air pollution because more people will be
utilizing resources of the planet.
The major factors that determines population
distribution Fertility Rate - the average number of children a woman
1. Climate gives birth to.
2. Landforms
3. Topography Replacement Level - is the amount of fertility needed to
4. Soil keep the population the same from generation to
5. Energy generation. It refers to the total fertility rate that will result
6. Mineral Resources in a stable population without it increasing or decreasing.
7. Accessibility like distance from sea coast
8. Natural Harbors
9. Navigable Rivers Two Major Impacts of Human to the Environment
10. Cultural Factors 1. Consumable Resources such as Lands, Food, Water,
11. Political Boundaries Air, Fossil Fuels
12. Controls on Migration and trade 2. Mineral Waste products due to consumption such as
13. Workplace air and water pollutants, deadly materials, and greenhouse
14. Government Policies gasses.
15. Types of Business activities
16. Technology (agricultural and transportation Pollution - becoming too difficult to ignore that population
facilities) growth is the biggest threat to the environment. (Soil
17. Social Organization erosion and flooding due to climate change, Pollution due
18. Natural Increase in Migration to uncontrolled usage of fossil fuels)
One of the most environmental issues is Human
Edward Osborne Wilson Population. It is silently pushing behind global warming,
“The constraints of the biosphere are fixed” (He habitat loss, and other issues about the environment.
based his estimates on calculations of the Earth’s
available resources. There are constraints on the amount Environmental Conditions are worsen and the blame is
of food that Earth can produce. put on human activities which could deplete resources of
: an American biologist, naturalist, and writer, the environment such as air, water, soil pollution and the
sociobiologist extinction of wildlife.
: influential biologist who on numerous occasions
has been given the nicknames "The New Darwin",
"Darwin's natural heir" or "The Darwin of the 21st century".
Joel Cohen
“Nitrogen Cycle, available quantities of
phosphorus and atmospheric carbon concentrations limit
the Earth’s carrying capacity.”
: Population Biologist Columbia U.
Slowing Growth
According to UN Population Division, human population
will hit:
around 21st of October - 7 billion
2050 - 9 billion
2100 - 10 billion