Summer Training Handbook - April 30

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Summer Training Handbo ok


A practical Guide to Summer Training for MBA students of Lovely Professional University

Vivek Chaturvedi

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I am grateful to Dr Sanjay Modi, Sr Dean, Lovely Faculty of Business and Arts (LFBA), who is the inspiration behind this book, Dr Bhavana Adhikari, Associate Dean, Lovely School of Management, for her unrelenting support, Dr Yuvraj Bhatnagar, Associate Dean, Lovely School of Business, for this sagacious advice and inputs, Mr Suresh Kashyap, Head of Department, Lovely School of Management, for being a constant source of motivation. I am grateful to Mr Syed Tabrej, Mr Nandan Sujati, Mr Susanta Bose, Mr Swapanarang Swain, Ms Monika Kalam and Ms Dalvinder Kaur (all faculty members at LFBA) for contributing to this document. I extend my gratitude to all the management teachers of yesteryears who have contributed to the pool of knowledge and have had a huge impact on curriculum of management education.

(Vivek Chaturvedi) 17.03.2011

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This book is a compendium of sample topics for summer training of MBA students. An attempt has been made to make it as comprehensive and concise as possible. The topics given herein are for the purpose of guiding the students to choose their summer training projects and can be modified as per the requirement of the company. The topics have been classified into areas of specialization for the sake of convenience and clarity. In addition to being a guide for summer training this book can also be used to peek into the job requirements of various specializations and can be used to decide on the right specialization for a student. In addition to sample topics this book contains various guidelines to be followed in order to derive the maximum benefit out of the two months of summer training. It contains the rules of University and the code of conduct the student is expected to observe during the period of internship. The book also contains a section on the activities which are generally done by various departments of a company. This shall help in widening the perspective of the students and also increase the exposure he can receive. All the formats for the various components of the course have been presented in annexure at the end of the book. I wish you all the best for your summer training. Have fun!

(Vivek Chatuvedi)

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Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................2 Preface ......................................................................................................................3 Professional Goals during Summer Training...............................................................7 Code of Conduct......................................................................................................... 8 Marketing...................................................................................................................8 Survey on preferences for insurance companies with special reference to a particular player......................................................................................................8 ICC World Cup Effect on the promotions of various products ..............................9 Impact of price on the buying behavior..................................................................9 Market Survey for a new product launch.................................................................9 Pull Effect in Insurance Sale....................................................................................9 Effect of Packaging on sales of consumer products .............................................10 Marketing Communication needs of Oligopoly Companies....................................10 Consumer perception about the company/product/organization...........................10 Trend analysis of sales during different times of years.........................................10 Effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Plan of the company.................................11 Market positioning of the products........................................................................11 Finance .................................................................................................................... 11 Working capital management at the organization.................................................11 Project financing....................................................................................................12 Ratio analysis to know the financial position of company*....................................12 Budgetary control techniques used by the organization.......................................12 Inventory control techniques used by the company..............................................12 Cash Conversion cycles and its Impact on the profitability...................................13 Receivables management techniques used by the company................................13 Capital budgeting techniques used by the companies..........................................13 Cost reduction techniques used by the company and their effectiveness.............13 NPAs and growing scope of Securitization............................................................14 Risk Management in Life Insurance.......................................................................14 Risk Management in General Insurance................................................................14 Risk Management in Banking................................................................................14 A study on banking procedures.............................................................................14

Page |5 Comparative study of loan procedures followed by banks....................................14 Portfolio Management...........................................................................................14 Hospital and Health Management ...........................................................................15 Study on Patient Satisfaction.................................................................................15 Gap Analysis.......................................................................................................... 15 TAT of Laboratory Procedures ..............................................................................15 Patient Flow in OPD...............................................................................................15 Comparative Study with NABH standards ............................................................15 Medical Audit ........................................................................................................16 Materials and Store Management .........................................................................16 Urinary Catheterization Infection ..........................................................................16 Design and Facilities in the Emergency Casualty Department .............................16 Medical Billing Department ..................................................................................16 Human Resource Management ................................................................................17 Recruitment & Selection process..........................................................................17 Training and Development process.......................................................................17 Impact of remuneration on Motivation..................................................................17 Impact of recession on HR policies........................................................................18 Change management............................................................................................18 Talent management..............................................................................................18 Competency Mapping of particular organization...................................................18 Work life balance...................................................................................................19 Performance management system........................................................................19 Information Technology ..........................................................................................19 Study of Supply Chain Management System of an IT Organization.......................19 E-business and its role in inventory management.................................................19 Total quality management for IT Industry.............................................................19 Brand positioning and advertising of IT Products..................................................19 Impact of Budget and Schedule Pressure on Software Development Cycle Time and Effort............................................................................................................... 20 Consumer buying behavior of e-marketed IT products..........................................20 Implementation of cyber law in IT Organization....................................................20 Retail Management .................................................................................................20

Page |6 Study of effectiveness of merchandise availability and consumer shopping behavior................................................................................................................ 20 Staffing management and flexi timing implemented in Retail stores....................20 Materials handling equipment used for cost reduction on shop floor/warehouse..21 Retail stores and degree of automation used for competitive advantage.............21 Retail stores warehouse management.................................................................21 Study of Retail location and layout .......................................................................21 Customer relationship management ....................................................................21 Visual merchandising and atmospherics ..............................................................21 Security measures for reducing the stores theft..................................................22 International Business .............................................................................................22 Export import policies of the company .................................................................22 Business Unit Strategies........................................................................................22 Market segmentation strategies............................................................................22 Transfer pricing techniques followed by company................................................22 Management Compensation..................................................................................22 Financing of Projects of the companies.................................................................23 The activities of the various departments ...............................................................23 Accounts/ Finance Department ............................................................................23 Human Resource ..................................................................................................25 Marketing & Sales ................................................................................................ 25 ANNEXURE I - Evaluation Parameters.......................................................................27 COURSE EVALUATION :.......................................................................................27 MODEL 1 Research project components ETE......................................................29 MODEL 2 Sale project components ETE..............................................................29 MODEL 3 Community Development Project ETE .................................................30 Annexure III- Important deadlines............................................................................32 ANNEXURE IV- Project Topic Performa......................................................................34 ANNEXURE V- Fortnightly Progress Report ..............................................................35 ANNEXURE VI - Feedback on fortnightly repot by faculty guide (for faculty only)....37 ANNEXURE VII- Industry Feedback Form..................................................................37 ANNEXURE VIII- Attendance Sheet...........................................................................39 ANNEXURE IX - Guidelines for Summer Training Report...........................................41

Page |7 Annexure X References .........................................................................................43

Professional Goals during Summer Training

The purpose of summer training is to acquaint the students with the practices followed in the industry and at the same time give them an opportunity to do research on some relevant topics in their area of specialization.

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1. To undertake a meaningful project 2. To work hard and show initiative to win confidence 3. Work hard to get PPO(PrePlacement Offer) 4. Aim at maximizing learning. 5. Building relations with peers to thoroughly understand the strengths and weaknesses of systems policies and procedures. 6. Understand systems, procedures and policies. 7. Discuss doubts and see, if, you can make suggestions. 8. Try to relate the practice to theory and find out reasons for difference between theory and practice

6. Avoid any conduct that may cause embarrassment or disrepute to the organization. 7. Assure that all actions and behaviors promote the favorable image of the organization. 8. Not taking action which disrupts the normal functioning.

Survey on preferences for insurance companies with special reference to a particular player
Insurance is considered one of the most difficult products to sell. The sale is mostly push sales, driven by the sales agent/ employee. However, the companies spent a lot of money on advertisement and promotions. The student has to identify the key factors driving the sales and should try to come up with some ideal Integrated Marketing Campaign design for the product. The focus has to be on customer interaction and knowing the actual challenges involved in making the deal happen.

Code of Conduct
The students should observe the following guidelines while their summer training.

1. Adhere to a formal dress code. 2. Be punctual in attendance. 3. Avail leave only if authorized by the project head. 4. Adhere to organizations policies and rules. 5. Use appropriate professional language in communication at workplace.

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ICC World Cup Effect on the promotions of various products1

A cricket world cup has always captured the attention of marketers and consumers alike. A lot of research and studies have been done on this topic. Most of these pertain to the large companies. However, this is a gala event which affect business at all levels. The students have to study the impact of the world cup on the business and the sales of the company the student is doing internship with.

Market Survey for a new product launch2

In an ever prospering middle class there is a perpetual need to new products and product categories. Confectioneries and beverage unheard of ten year ago, are now a standard part of our dietary plans. There are studies on the changing demographics of the decision maker in a typical household purchase decision. Any company looking for additional revenue streams keeps on launching new products. The student has to do a survey to identify the need/gap in some category and suggest a new product to be launched in it.

Impact of price on the buying behavior

Pricing has a lot of affect on the buying behavior of individuals. This is reflected in the price discounts offered by the producers and also the convenient pricing (multiples of 5, 10). The topic requires the students to study the effect of the printed price (MRP) on the buying behavior of the customer. After the study the student can suggest some modifications in the price quantity combination in order to maximize the revenue of the product in question.

Pull Effect in Insurance Sale

Within an increase in the private sector jobs the urban consumer has started looking for insurance covers to reduce any and all types of risk. At the same time, the individual does not entertain the calls of the insurance sales agents. This dichotomy creates the need to analyze the key factors affecting the sales and find out the scope of generating pull effect in insurance sales. The student has to find out the effect of marketing communication

This topic can be used by more than one student, varying it as per the company/product in question.

This topic can be used by more than one student, varying it as per the company/product in question.

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in terms of brand recall, in the decision making process of the individual.

Effect of Packaging on sales of consumer products3

There are a lot of products in market which are purchased on impulse or are small ticket buys: bottled water, chips, soaps, eatables etc. in the case of such products the packaging plays an important role. This study should focus on the role of packaging in the sales of the product in question.

Consumer perception about the company/product/organi zation

The consumer perception about a company is a very important factor in the success or failure of any company. Companies spend a fortune to create a good perception. Thus, it is very necessary for any company to know how the consumer perceives it. This study shall focus on the various aspect of consumer perception ranging from brand recall to brand equity and the general opinion of people even if they are not customers right now (potential customers or influencers )

Marketing Communication needs of Oligopoly Companies

There are some companies which have a near monopoly their product segment or at best they can be described as oligopolies. HPCL, BPCL, IOCL are three such examples in the petrol and diesel category. These companies which had a very laidback attitude in the yesteryears have become active advertisers now. The students need to study their marketing communication needs if any and analyze how their needs are different from the players in more competitive product/service categories.

Trend analysis of sales during different times of years

Many products have a cyclical demand, peaking at some peculiar time of the year. If a company is able to predict the trend correctly and timely, they can make good use of this data. The inventory management, staff management and also the promotions can be varied according to the trend. The student shall study the cycles and trends for the product in question and suggest ways to maximize the revenues by making

This topic can be used by more than one student, varying it as per the company/product in question.

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use of this data. The student should draw results from both past and present data.

is a correct positioning or should the company rework its plans for the positioning.

Effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Plan of the company

Now a day the marketing and promotions expenditure forms the major part of the budgets of any company. With the advent of alternative channels of promotions, marketers have increased opportunities for promotional activities. At the same time a large number of avenues add to the already prevailing state of confusion. The purpose of this study is to analyze all the

Working capital management at the organization
Companys big chunk of funds usually gets stuck in working capital. In order to run the business smoothly business needs the appropriate amount of working capital. But working capital at any time should not be more/less than the requirement of the company. Appropriate amount of working capital needs to be maintained. Working capital has three major derivers: Cash Receivables Payables All three need to be properly managed. Cash conversion cycle needs to be minimized, Receivable turnover and payable cycle need to be optimized. All the factors have their effect on profitability of the business. Students will study the working capital management techniques followed by the company so as to maintain the liquidity while maintaining the profitability and suggest means to improve the working capital cycle without hampering profitability.

Market positioning of the products

The positioning of any product defines the marketing campaign it has to follow, its budget, the price of the product and a lot of ancillary activities. Thus, the positioning of the product is a very important decision the company has to take. Many a time it so happens that the company does not know the correct positioning it has in the minds of the consumers. This leads to a mismatch in the actual and the appropriate efforts done by the company. As a part of this study, the student is required to evaluate the positioning of the companys product and judge that whether it

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Project financing
In a business companies have to work on new projects in order to enhance their profitability. But before a new project is taken up its viability has to be checked. It should pass certain parameters. Once the company decides to go up with a project then the problem of its financing comes. How to finance a project? Different financing instruments have to be evaluated. Students will study the financing instruments used by the company for financing a project out of available options. Cause for selecting a particular instruments. They will analyze the available instruments and suggest the company about other profitable options.

Budgetary control techniques used by the organization

Budgeting is a control device in the hands of the company. Different budgets are prepared by the company for the efficient working of the company. Because budgeted figures give a parameter to the company against whom the results have to be evaluated. Students will study the different techniques used by the company for budgetary control, reasons for the use of a specific technique. Outcomes of the technique in the form of increased production, increased sale, less expenditure, reduced labor turn over, improved cash position etc.

Ratio analysis to know the financial position of company*

Ratios tell all about the companys well being. Different ratios are used to get information about companys worth, its profitability, liquidity & solvency. Students will get the information about the different ratios of the company. Their composition and will compare it with their peer group. While analyzing the ratios if they find any flaw in companys working they will suggest the measures to the company to improve their working which will automatically improve the ratios.

Inventory control techniques used by the company

In any production house inventory constitutes the major portion of their working capital. Inventory must be managed properly so as to reduce the chances of shortage as well as excess of inventory. Production houses use various inventory management tools such as ABC analysis, JIT, LIFO FIFO, stock levels etc. Student is required to study the various Inventory control techniques used by the company, reasons behind the use of a particular technique, benefits of using a particular technique. Students will explore the opportunities to use other

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Inventory control techniques not used by the company.

techniques. managing

Whether they are the receivables

Cash Conversion cycles and its Impact on the profitability

Firms typically follow a cycle in which they purchase inventory, sell goods on credit, and then collect accounts receivable. This cycle is referred to as the cash conversion cycle. Sound working capital policy is designed to minimize the time between cash expenditures on materials and the collection of cash on sales. Shortening the cash conversion cycle leads to higher profitability and valuation of the company, provided the other factors are constant. Generally, a drawback of shorter Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) is loss in sales. The students have to study how the companies are achieving these mutually contradicting objectives and suggest means to improve the cash conversion cycle without hampering sales.

themselves or using the factoring techniques. How much

time it takes to convert receivables into cash? Find the possibilities to improve the receivable cycle.

Capital budgeting techniques used by the companies.

Whenever a new project is under taken by a company its financial viability needs to be checked using various capital budgeting techniques. Students will analyze the techniques adopted by the company, reasons behind the adoption of a particular technique (such as payback period, NPV, IRR) its benefits over the rejected techniques.

Cost reduction techniques used by the company and their effectiveness.

Company can increase its profitability by increasing its sale/selling price or by reducing its cost. Its easier for a company to reduce its cost. Students will study the various cost reduction techniques used by the company such as KIZEN and the benefits derived by the company after the use of these techniques.

Receivables management techniques used by the company

A company gets receivables whenever it sells goods on credit. Receivables are an important component of working capital as well of balance sheet. Students are required to analyze the current receivable management

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NPAs and growing scope of Securitization

NPAs are a part and parcel of banking industry. But banks can use these NPAs for their benefit by resorting to the technique of Securitization. Students will be required to study the NPAs of a particular bank, how they are generated and how securitization works in reducing NPAs. Telling complete procedure followed by the bank along with required proofs.

business mainly consists of lending money to people. Lending money implies risk of bad debts. Students are expected to learn about risk management techniques followed by the banks and how these techniques help the banks reducing the risk.

A study on banking procedures

Banking itself is a big industry. It is composed of lot of procedures say, making drafts, clearing, assigning the MICR codes to non MICR bank cheques. A student doing his/her intern in the banking sector is expected to learn all the banking procedures and what is the use of following these procedures.

Risk Management in Life Insurance

Whenever we talk about Risk management it is all about underwriting process. Students are supposed to learn complete underwriting process followed by the life insurance company. They have to find how risk can change the premium requirements.

Comparative study of loan procedures followed by banks

Loans are the life blood of the banking business. A procedure has to be followed to grant a loan. Students will study the procedure followed by banks in granting the loans. They will also compare the loans of different banks issued in same stream. They will be required to find out the possible causes of difference in interest charged by different banks for same kind of loan.

Risk Management in General Insurance

Whenever we talk about Risk management it is all about underwriting process. Students are supposed to learn complete underwriting process followed by the general insurance company. They have to find how risk can change the premium requirements.

Risk Management in Banking

Banking business itself entails a lot of risk, because the banking

Portfolio Management
Portfolio construction is itself a tedious task. It needs consistent rebalancing of the assets as per

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the needs of the investor. Students doing their intern in financial planning will be required to know all about the construction of portfolio, how and why the portfolios are rebalanced. They will also study the effect of rebalancing on the portfolio.

Hospital and Health Management

Study on Patient Satisfaction
Students can work upon various departments like IPD/OPD to measure the satisfaction level of the patients regarding the services provided by the hospital. They can find out the areas in which the patient satisfaction level is low and can develop a model for improving it, thereby helping the hospital to retain customers and increase revenue.

sample for diagnostic test and delivery of report. The students have to record the TAT for a definite time period. They have to find out the average TAT for each procedure and compare with a benchmark. Finally design a model to improve up on the procedures having higher TAT. This will help the hospital to improve the responsiveness parameter of the service delivery process.

Patient Flow in OPD

OPD is the unit of the hospital where patients have the first service encounter. Often it is seen that most of the hospitals face problems of overcrowding and longer waiting time period in OPD. This ultimately leads to the dissatisfaction among patients. Students have to do a detail study on each and every procedure taken in the OPD. They have to find out the lacunae in the service delivery process and finally develop a model for optimum service delivery.

Gap Analysis
Students can use the SERVQUAL scale to measure the service gaps existing in the service delivery system of the hospital. They can find out the causes of the existing gaps. Finally they can develop strategies to close those gaps and thereby improving the service delivery.

Comparative Study with NABH standards

NABH is the body responsible for accreditation of hospitals in India which certifies the quality management practices in the hospitals. NABH has developed certain guidelines and set standards for hospital to be certified. Students have to evaluate

TAT of Laboratory Procedures

Turn Around Time (TAT) is the time period between collection of

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the service delivery system of the hospital as per the NABH guidelines and have to compare the status of the hospital with the benchmark set by NABH. Finally they have to suggest and recommend the hospitals to reach the NABH standards. This will help hospital to attract more patients especially international patients thereby increasing the revenue.

Urinary Catheterization Infection

In most of the hospital infection due to urinary catheterization is very common giving rise to complications and increasing the length of stay of the patients. Students have to develop a check list for all procedures regarding urinary catheterization. They have to keenly observe each procedure during their stay in the hospital. They have to find out the deviations in the standard procedures. Finally they have to develop a training module for the medical and Para-medical staffs for following the best procedure.

Medical Audit
Medical audit is one of the major process for achieving quality healthcare service delivery. Students have to check medical records of the inpatients for a definite time period and also the past records. They have to find out the missing components in the records. Finally they have to develop a check list for maintaining the medical records.

Design and Facilities in the Emergency Casualty Department

Students have to do an in-depth study on the design, existing facilities, process and patient flow in the emergency department of the hospital. They have to find out the lacunae in the above areas. They have to develop an ideal design for the department for smooth operations. This will help hospital to reduce the overcrowding and improve the overall operations of the emergency department.

Materials and Store Management

Students have to study on the parameters for selecting the vendors for hospital supplies. They also have to do an in-depth study on vendor rating system on the existing vendors of the hospital. They can collect the information from the market and help the hospital in getting the best vendors. This will help the hospital in quality assurance and cost cutting by improving the supply chain efficiency.

Medical Billing Department

Students have to do an in-depth study on different billing procedures in the hospital such as

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insurance reimbursement, TPA bills, ESI & CGHS bills etc. They have to also find out the patient satisfaction level regarding billing. They have to find out the areas of improvement and suggest procedures for optimum billing process.

the best practices in both the cases. Training and Development process The Training & Development Scenario in India has undergone a radical overhaul with a sole purpose of augmenting the performance of Individuals & Team members in organizational settings. There has been a growing focus on Human Resource Development and there is constant attempt by organizations to become Learning Organizations. At every step Training & Development has been linked to Strategic goals of the organization to augment the value generated by the program. The students are expected to study the training and development system of a particular organization. In this project, they can analyze the different techniques of training and development being employed along with other critical training and development issues like the proficiency of trainers, expectations from trainees, timing, budget etc.

Human Resource Management

Recruitment & Selection process
Recruitment & Selection encapsulates attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job in an organization. With the changing times there has been a paradigm shift in the Recruitment process with a growth of job search engines & headhunters for executive recruitment. There has been a constant focus on identifying critical competencies while hiring prospects which encompasses not only visible factors like Knowledge, Skills & Abilities but also invisible & belowthe waterline competencies like Traits, Motives, Self-Concept etc. The student is expected to undertake a study on the recruitment & selection process of the particular organization and also study the recruitment & selection technique being followed in the particular industry and compare

Impact of remuneration on Motivation

This topic is an attempt to explore the critical motivation factor for employees over the ages Remuneration & its impact on motivation levels. The students are

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expected to analyze the correlation between Remuneration & Motivation level of employees. Generally it has been opined that higher remuneration has an impact on the motivation levels of employees but it can be different for different industries as well as different levels of management. Students can research the impact of monetary as well as nonmonetary benefits on different levels of management.

Change management
Change management is an indispensable part of any organization. Students can study different techniques adopted by organizations for managing change or for reducing the resistance to change. They can focus on any major change program initiated by the organization and can track the transition during the unfreezing, movement & refreezing stage.

Impact of recession on HR policies

Recession has played major role in business decisions over the years and HR policies form a critical part of it. The recent slowdown in the Indian Economy impacted almost all the critical HR functions be it Hiring Decisions, Training & Development, Compensation etc. The student is expected to analyze and study these impacts & its effects on the sustainability of the organizations in the long term.

Talent management
The students are expected to study the different techniques organization employ to groom the most valuable assets i.e. its employees & how it attempts to build up on its Human Capital by identifying the high-pots. The students can undertake a study on the different initiatives which organizations are taking for maintaining the pool of talent through the Assessment Centres & Development Centres & how organizations are focusing on second line development.

Competency Mapping of particular organization

The student is expected to understand the process of Mapping Competencies for Individuals in the organization & attempt to prepare Competency Models for critical positions in Organization. The linkage with each and every step like Recruitment & Selection,

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Training & Development and Compensation needs to be established after the same to justify the entire process.

Work life balance

Students may study the impact of work life balance techniques on the employees productivity and turnover rate of the organization. Various concepts like Flextime, JobSharing, and Telecommuting etc. may be studied.

and service packages required by end customers of an IT company. The students need to study this network and suggest means to improve its efficiency.

E-business and its role in inventory management

Students study how information and communication technologies (ICT) are utilized in support of all the activities of business in view to control Inventory system. This project should entail studying the impact of better inventory management on the profit of the company.

Performance management system

The students are expected to undertake an in-depth analysis on the Performance Management system in the organization which will encapsulate a detailed study on Performance Planning, Performance Managing, Performance Appraisals, and Performance Monitoring being followed.

Total quality management for IT Industry

TQM is used to reduce the errors produced during the manufacturing or service process, increase customer satisfaction, and streamline supply chain management in IT industry. The student need to study the current processes and suggest improvements if any.

Information Technology
Study of Supply Chain Management System of an IT Organization
There is a network of interconnected businesses involved in the process of providing product

Brand positioning and advertising of IT Products

The positioning of any product defines the marketing campaign it has to follow, its budget, the price of the product and a lot of ancillary activities. Thus, the positioning of the product is a very important decision the company has to take.

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Many a time it so happens that the company does not know the correct positioning it has in the minds of the consumers. This leads to a mismatch in the actual and the appropriate efforts done by the company. The student is required to analyze the positioning of the IT Products and the related advertising campaigns.

provided by companies on internet, and suggest means to increase the reach.

Implementation of cyber law in IT Organization

The students need to analyze the concept of Cyber Laws with special reference to the following issues how much consideration is given by Industry towards this and how it is implemented by the Organization. Some practical implementations can also be discussed.

Impact of Budget and Schedule Pressure on Software Development Cycle Time and Effort
The project requires analyzing the direct and indirect impact of Budget assigned to project by management towards the project on development of software in terms of time and effort. At the end of the study the student should be in a position to critically analyze the effectiveness of the use of the budget.

Retail Management
Study of effectiveness of merchandise availability and consumer shopping behavior
Customers follow a specific pattern of visiting to nearest convenience store. Basically it depends upon type of merchandise a store has. So effect of merchandise selection by a store manager on foot fall of a store should be studied.

Consumer buying behavior of e-marketed IT products

E-commerce has emerged as a low cost and easy medium of selling software products. Though it is cost efficient, companies are still grappling with the issues of reaching the consumers in a much cluttered cyberspace. This study will try to gauge consumer perspective towards the IT product

Staffing management and flexi timing implemented in Retail stores

Retail sector recruits large number of staffs for smooth operation. Issue arises because of extended daily working hours and retail stores are open 7 days a week. So, impact of workforce rotation and

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flexible timing offered to staffs should be studied.

Materials handling equipment used for cost reduction on shop floor/warehouse

consequence all retailers do the automation in phases. Study the degree of automation and future planning for that store so that it more automated.

In a warehouse, space management is based upon types of vehicle and material handling equipment used daily on the shop floor. How it makes the system efficient can be analyzed.

Retail stores and degree of automation used for competitive advantage

Every store wants the highest degree of automation done in their store. But it costs a lot to setup the infrastructure for automation. As a a study of supply chain management which sometime depends on third party vendor.

Retail stores warehouse management

Students need to study how the ware house is coordinates with individual retail stores for effective inventory management. Also, analysis should be done on basis of centralized and decentralized store. Generally the logistics are important factor but largely outsourced. Study about the vari

Study of Retail location and layout

The retail stores decide on the location depending upon the market segment and merchandise mix. Students will study the impact of the decision about a specific site related to a retail/warehouse on the long term strategy. They shall also, the utilization of carpet floor area for inside layout of a retail/warehouse.

Customer relationship management

Customer relation officers are the first ones on the store who interact with the customer and help them in their buying process. The study revolves around the training which is provided to the customer relationship managers and the ways the company uses to keep them updated with various training and development program

Visual merchandising and atmospherics

Visual merchandising can be achieved effectively by working on

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some neglected areas of the shop like floors or walls and even ceilings. This can be studied in detail by the students and some implementable suggestions should be given.

analyze the strategies businesses are using for effective market penetration and profitability in different business units.

Security measures for reducing the stores theft

Various steps are taken by a retail store to ensure safety and minimize shrinkage within a store. Some examples are barcoding/security and tags/RFIDs. Analyze the effectiveness of above methods and suggest some new methods also for enhancing safety and security for the specific company.

Market segmentation strategies

Market segmentation has a key role to play in the strategies formulated by the companies. A product which is mass market product in one country can be treated as a premium product in some other country. The company has to realign its entire marketing plan to accommodate this change. The student will study the market segmentation strategies of the company in two or more different markets.

International Business
Export import policies of the company
The student needs to study the export import policies of the company and relate it with the prevailing geopolitical and economic conditions of the countries of the world. They should also study the effect domestic markets have on these policies.

Transfer pricing techniques followed by company

The student needs to study the transfer price techniques which are being followed by the companies and analyze the same.

Management Compensation
A multinational company has to structure the compensation for the management as per the need of the country. There are a lot of factors that affect this decision. The student has to study the management compensation for a company for different markets.

Business Unit Strategies

Many companies organize themselves as independent business units in different markets. Each unit has its own accounts and strategies. The students need to

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Financing of Projects of the companies

The projects situated in different markets will have different uses and various modes of financing ranging from Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds to loan from local banks - can be used. The student has to study the various options, analyze them and suggest the best option for a given company.

5. Process of issuing Debit and Credit note to the customers and suppliers. 6. How many types of Daily Reports are being Generated and their flow? 7. How many types of costing books are being maintained? 8. The process of Approving of Suppliers Bills on the basis of P/Os. 9. Payment procedures to the suppliers. 10. Process of making Cash Flow and Fund Flow. 11. How do the recoveries maintain? 12. Method Budgeting. of making

The activities of the various departments

In addition to their respective projects, the students are expected to utilize the time spent at the organization they are working with. They need to observe and understand the various activities and processes of the organization. These activities have been classified in three sections as given below.

Accounts/ Finance Department

1. Whether the accounts are computerized or manual? 2. Format of the expenses and adjustment vouchers. 3. Banks transactions and bank reconciliations process.
4. Suppliers and Debtors control

13. Method of calculating the depreciation. (As per Income Tax Act and as per Companies Act) 14. Method of doing the inventory valuation. 15. Method of stocks taking for bank purpose. 16. Method of keeping checks of consumables.
17. Process

ledgers and process maintaining the records.


sanctioning employees imprest and method of adjustments.


P a g e | 24

18. All details required for the finalization of accounts. 19. Important books and records of the company secretary department.

23. B/L Forms and its procurement by the shipping companies etc. 24. CWC formalities and issuance of containers for the bonded warehouses.

20. Important returnsand process of filing the return for ROC. 21. L/C opening procedure and L/C 22. Processing of Export/ Import Documents and their formats.

25. Identification of shipping companies and scheduling the loading and unloading the consignments. 26. Placing the orders to the suppliers to import the goods and formats of all related documents.

P a g e | 25

27. Execution of Export orders and the procedures. 28. ECGC formalities.

9. Any SCR activity and its flow and treatment. 10. Forecasting and Budgeting of CSR activities. 11. Calculation of employee cost to company and product. per the

29. Transit Insurance Guarantees document. 30. L/C & Bill discounting procedures with the banks. 31. Copy of the Excise Gate Pass/ Invoice/ Challans/ Export Invoice.

12. Preparation of monthly salary bill and procedure. 13. Calculation of working days and overtime hours. 14. Specific polices for the motivation of the employees. 15. Compensation polices in case of some accident or mishaps in the organization. 16. Staff welfare activities. and Back

Human Resource
1. Copy of the Standing Orders. 2. Copy of the HR policy. 3. How many statutory returns are being filled on monthly basis (PF/ESI/Labour Dept,/ Gratuity/ Insurance, ) 4. Copy of all challans for the reference. 5. Bonus policy/ increment policy/ policy, Annual incentive

17. Staff Training Development Activities. 18. Monthly Feed System of the staff. 19. 20. Promotion Polices, LTA Polices.

6. Recruitment process and method of obtaining requirements from the respective departments. 7. Appraisal methods by different departments. the

Marketing & Sales

1. Customers Orders Receipts Procedures. 2. Order Processing Procedure. 3. Issue of Requisition, Production

8. Maintaining of comparative statements of the competitors.

P a g e | 26

4. Statement of Inventory in the Bonded warehouse. 5. Dealers and Distributor Appointment Formalities. 6. Procedure of Issue Dispatch advise to dispatch department. 7. Setting of eligibility norms. of the

18. Procedure

maintaining coordination with other departments such as procurement department/ stores/ Production Department/ QT Department/ Dispatch Department etc.



19. Strategies of keeping the pace with Logistic Department. 20. To understand ISO norms and maintaining the procedures. 21. Branding Advertisement Polices. 22. After polices. 23. Market polices, sales &

8. Maintenance of Excise/ VAT records and the formats of all returns. 9. Treatment of rejected goods at the dealers/retailers godowns. 10. Discount Polices.

services Research

11. Pricing policies.

12. Debit Note/ Credit Note issue polices. 13. Invoicing procedure. and

24. Customer Relationship Polices, 25. Back Order treatment polices, 26. Distribution Logistics polices, and

14. Zone wise/ Area wise controlling of sales. 15. Procedure of targeting and sales forecasting. 16. Methods watch on activities. of keeping competitor

27. Sales force compensation policies. 28. Imprest policies. & incentive

17. Statements which are mostly prepared in the department as part of MIS.

P a g e | 27

ANNEXURE I - Evaluation Parameters

COURSE CODE: L 0 T 0 P 5 CREDITS 2 Attendan ce 10 CA 40 MGT 702 COURSE TITLE: Seminar on Summer Project MTE 0 ETE 50

Course Objective: To enable students to develop and relate management theory to practice. To help students in making an informed career choice after exposure to the actual work environment. COURSE EVALUATION : C A Component

P a g e | 28

CLASS PARTICIPATION Number of Relevant Question asked

Range Marks 1.5 6.10 11-15 15 16-20 20 5 1 0



Chairperson 10 Reporter 10 Discipline 10 Company feedback and attendance Feedback from Faculty guide 25 100 25

P a g e | 29

MODEL 1 Research project components ETE

S. no 1 Component PRESENTATION: Body Language Communication skills Content Question Handling Audio/Visual Aids 5 10 15 15 5 2 PROJECT REPORT 50 Marks Total

Introduction-Purpose and Objectives Amount of work done (Literature Review and Research Methodology) Quality of work done(Data Analysis, Data Interpretation, Findings, Recommendations and References)

10 20 20 50



MODEL 2 Sale project components ETE

S. no 1 Component PRESENTATION: Sale demo Communication skills Content- sale strategy, products knowledge, selling process, allocation of resources, Targets achievement, Question Handling Audio/Visual Aids 10 5 15 15 5 2 PROJECT REPORT 50 Marks Total

Introduction to company and Objectives Amount of work done (Theoretical Concepts, Functional process followed) Quality of work done (Data presentation Recommendations, References & Evidences)

10 20 20



P a g e | 30

MODEL 3 Community Development Project ETE

S. no 1 Component PRESENTATION: Marks Total

Body Language Communication Skill Content Question handling Audio/Visual Aids

5 10 15 15 5 50

PROJECT REPORT Introduction and Objectives of the Project Amount of work done (Execution , Data Collection and Documentation) Quality of work done (Analysis, Findings, Recommendation, Quality of report and References) 10 20 20 50



P a g e | 31 Annexure II- Guidelines

1. The evaluation procedure to be completed before MTE as the LTP has been increased to 5. 2. The evaluation panel will consist of two faculty members. The CA component will be evaluated one faculty and the ETE component will be evaluated by two faculty members.
3. Three types of reports

b) Discipline of the class c) Arrangement of LCD , speakers , etc d) Any other work that will ensure smooth presentation 5. The role of reporteur a) Any student from the audience will be asked to perform the role of reporter. b) Critically analyze the presentation with constructive criticism and appreciation. Pedagogy: All the students are required to do summer training for 6 weeks. The students are required to prepare a report on the basis of summer training which should be submitted in the department within one week of completing the summer training. The students will register for the Seminar on Summer Project course for the purpose of evaluation.

a) Research project based report b) Sales based report for those students are engaged in selling during the training. c) Community Development Report- Students those are engaged with the NGO/Public Sector/Reputed Associations, e.g. AIESEC for execution of Community Development Project during the training period. 4. The role of Chairperson: a) Chairperson will introduce the speaker, topic, objectives of the study.

Name , Designation and Sign of Course Planner

Approval of HoD-F

P a g e | 32

Approval of HoF

Annexure III- Important deadlines


Project Topic Performa (Annexure-IV) must be submitted to the faculty guide and training coordinator within seven days after starting the summer mail. Fortnightly Progress training through e





must be sent in soft copy to the

respective faculty guide and

training coordinator by every 15 days reports students. interval. to be Hence send by three the

Report Report submission date

(Annexure-V) (For Training Period from 23rd May to 4th July) 1st report- 23rd May to 6th June 2nd report- 7th June to 21st June 3rd report- 22nd June to 3rd July Fortnightly Progress 7th June 22nd June 4th July

Report Report submission date

(For Training Period from 6th June to 18th July) 1st report- 6th June to 20th June 2nd report- 21st June to 5th July 3rd report- 6th July to 17th July 21st June 6th July 18th July

P a g e | 33 3.

Guide feedback on

would the


evaluation and one for submission to company, if demanded by the company).For guide lines on how to make report refer to annexure-XI.


report (Annuexure-VI) through email within 3 days of students mailing the fortnightly report.

7. The front page of the report must be in the prescribed format. (Annexure-XI).
8. Names and E-mail IDs for training coordinators of different schools are as followsLSM- Mr. Mithun ([email protected])

Hard fortnightly

copy progress




must be submitted at the time of the presentation otherwise the marks for the same would not be given.

The submit



LIM- Ms. Nidhi ([email protected]) LSB- Mr. Lokesh Jasrai ([email protected]) LHSB- Mr. Susanta ([email protected]) A -School- Himanshu Jindal ([email protected]) E and K School- Ashwani Panesar ([email protected]) 9.While sending the reports through e-mail to faculty guide and training coordinator, students are required to follow the title of the subject in emails, as followsRoll no. with section/ Registration no. /Student Name/ Name of the

time of their presentation must Industry Feedback Form (Annexure-VII) and the Attendance sheet (AnnexureVIII) of their stay at industry which has to be signed and stamped by the industry project guide. 6. The final hard copy of the report along with a CD in pdf format must be submitted to person authorized in their respective departments latest by 16 August 2011. Three

Summer Training reports should be made by the students( one is to submit to library, one is self copy which is to be presented at the time of presentation for

P a g e | 34 report(Either project topic report or forthrightly

ANNEXURE IV- Project Topic Performa

(To be sent through email to faculty guide as well as to training coordinator of the respective school by prescribed dates)

Name of The Student Reg. No. Class, Section and Roll No. Mobile No.

Name of the Organization

P a g e | 35

(Address) Date of Joining

Project Topic Location Other Responsibilities: Companys Designated Supervising Authority* Name& Designation Phone No (O) Mobile: E-Mail : Signature of Authority(with stamp)

To be Sent to: the faculty guide through email -

Change of Topic shall not be allowed later on. This information is required to keep track of students performance during summer training through telephonic calls and surprise visits.

ANNEXURE V- Fortnightly Progress Report

(e- mail to faculty guide and training co-ordinator of school)

P a g e | 36

LOVELY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 1. Name of the Student: _________________________

Roll No.______________ Section ________________ class________________

2. Period of Training

: From _____________________ To_________________

3. Name and address of the Organization: ___________________________

Phone No___________________ Fax_____________________ Email____________

4. Name and Designation of the Project In charge in the organization


5. Project Title ____________________________________________________________ Progress during the fortnight (from _________to____________) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Signature of the Student: __________________

P a g e | 37

ANNEXURE VI - Feedback on fortnightly repot by faculty guide (for faculty only)

To be emailed to the student within 3 days of receipt.

Name of student________________ reg no ________________ Project topic_________________________

Suggestion regarding the progress during _____________to______________

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________

ANNEXURE VII- Industry Feedback Form


P a g e | 38

Industry Feedback Form

(To be signed and stamped by the industry Project guide. This is to be submitted at the time of presentation by the students in sealed envelop )

1. Name of the student:___________________________________________ Class, Reg. No section_______________________________________________ 2. Name of the Organization & Address_____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. How do you rank him/her on the following 7 attributes? (Please ) S.N Evaluation Criteria o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Punctuality Adherence to company norms Conduct / Behavior Initiative Eagerness to Learn Approach towards the Project Quality of Project work Very Good Goo d Satisfact ory Poo r Very Poor


What are the prospects of the students of being recruited by the organization on the completion of his degree? High Moderate Low

5.Any specific observations/suggestions for further improvement?

P a g e | 39

_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ Signature Particulars of the Project Incharge of the training: Name & Designation Address(Office) : : ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________ Date

ANNEXURE VIII- Attendance Sheet


P a g e | 40 (To be maintained by industry Project guide. This is to be submitted at the time of presentation by the students)

Name of the student:________________________________________________ Class : ____________________ Term ____________________

Roll No & Reg. No: ________________________________________________ Name of the Organization:__________________________________________ Project :_______________________________________________

Period of Training: From____________________To____________________ June Month Date July August

P a g e | 41

Name and Designation of the industry project guide____________________________________

Signature of the industry project guide

ANNEXURE IX - Guidelines for Summer Training Report


P a g e | 42

Font Size Line Spacing Paper Size Margins : :

: 1.5 :

12 Times New Roman


One inch on all sides of the page

PRESENTATION OF THE REPORT Title/ cover page ( Annexure XII) Certificate by the Project-Incharge iv. Acknowledgements v. Table of contents (including list of tables and illustrations) vi. Abstract/Executive summary * CHAPTER PLAN
ii. iii.

As mentioned in the evaluation parameters in annexureThere can be two types of repots research report and sales report and for evaluation parameters refer to annexure-


Executive Summary/ Abstract: The report should carry an abstract (or executive summary) in the initial pages of the report. It helps the reader to get an overview of the report. The length of the executive summary/ abstract can be upto 3-6 pages and should throw light on the following essential information: Purpose/ objective of the study and its significance Scope of the study and methodology Findings and recommendations

** Bibliography must be presented in the following format:

P a g e | 43

Annexure X References
HOW TO WRITE REFERENCES This section is an introduction to writing references and covers the most common types of material in both print and electronic form: books, chapters in books, conferences and their papers, official publications, dissertations and theses, journal articles, images, pictures and illustrations, maps, internet resources. Make sure that you get all the reference information you need while you still have the source material (e.g. book) in front of you. You will waste a lot of time if you have to have to go back and find this information later. For example: if you make a photocopy check that you have the page numbers; if you interview someone make a note of the date; if you print a web page make a note of the full web

Tip Saving Time

P a g e | 44

address and the date on which you accessed it.

When should I include references in my work? 1. Whenever you quote someone elses work. This does not just include words but tables, charts, pictures, music, etc. 2. When you rewrite or paraphrase someone elses work. 3. When you summarise someone elses work. Why should I give such detailed information? The purpose of the details provided is to make it easy for someone else to follow up and trace the materials which you have used. Without full references, your tutor may be led into thinking you are trying to take credit for someone elses work i.e. plagiarism. 1. Keep it accurate. This means that the marker/tutor does not waste time if they wish to consult the items you have listed. If your list is full of errors you will lose marks. What do I need to include? The most important parts of a reference are as follows: 1. The person(s) who wrote the work: - The Author(s) or Originator(s). 2. Anyone who edited, translated, arranged the item. 3. The name of the work: usually the Title.

Why should I include references in my work? 1. It shows the range of reading which you have done. This gains you marks. 2. You may support your arguments with the opinion of acknowledged experts and use data from reputable sources. This can make your own arguments more convincing. 3. It is a basic academic requirement to show details of the sources of your information, ideas and arguments. Doing so means that you cannot be accused of plagiarism, i.e. stealing from another persons work.

What are the most important points about my list of references? 2. Provide all the relevant details. This makes it is easy for the marker to identify the items which you have listed. Again, if some of the important information is missing you will lose marks. 3. Use a consistent format for your references. This will ensure that it is easy to locate a reference within your reading list.

P a g e | 45

4. Any additional information about the name of the item: usually the Subtitle. 5. The person who puts the work into its physical format: - usually the Publisher. 6. The date when the work was made available or published (not necessarily when it was written, etc.). 7. The place of publication (if known). 8. Physical details of the item such as Vol. No. page numbers etc.. 9. Any additional information helpful to locate the works (such as a web address, a catalogue number, the title of a series, etc.). How do I Cite an Item in the Text of my Project? Researcher need to provide the following information if you or

mention another piece of work, book etc. in your assignment.

(a) When quoting directly from someone elses work give: Author(s) followed year in round brackets. by the

e.g. As with any investment, working capital exposes the business to risk. Verma (2003)

(b) If there is no author give either: A statement that the work is anonymous (Anon)followed by the year in round brackets: e.g. Anon. (2006)

Title followed by the date in round brackets. e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica (2003)

(c) If the author produced more than one work in the same year: Use letters to indicate this (probably it is best to arrange the items alphabetically by their title first): e.g. Singh (2004 a) Singh (2004 b)

(d) When referring to or summarising put both the author(s) and year. e.g. Verma describes (2007) how the

P a g e | 46

business is exposed to risk by working capital.

List the authors as above with a comma after the first and & after the second. e.g. Pryce-Jones, T., Patel, V. & Brown, P. d) More than three authors should be listed with only the first named followed by the Greek term et al. This translates as and others. e.g. Hussain, J. et al.

GENERAL RULES (i). Authors a) Single Author Family name first, then a comma and space and then personal name(s) or initial(s). e.g. Singh, A. b) Two Authors List the authors in the form above with & between them. e.g. Mohammed, A. & Khan, J. c) Three Authors: e.g. Walker, T. (Ed.)

Editors Editors are treated the same as authors except that Ed. or Eds. is put in brackets after the editor or editors names.

Corporate Author A corporate author is a group which takes responsibility for writing a publication. It could be a society and professional body, an international organisation, a government department or any other group. A government (ii) Date The date of publication should be included. If there are a number of different reissues or reprints of the item give

publication should begin with the country, then the department, then any committee or subcommittee. e.g. Department Skills Great Britain. for Education and

e.g. PriceWaterhouseCoopers

the earliest date of the edition you are referring to. e.g. if the information in the book reads 1989 reprinted in 1990,

P a g e | 47

1992, 1989.

1995, 1996, 2000 give (vi) Publisher If the item is published give the name of the publisher as it appears on the item. e.g Sultan Chand & Sons If the item is unpublished it may still be possible to give the name of the body responsible for issuing the work. e.g. Verma , R. (1998). Impact of Market Orientation on Corporate Success. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Himachal Pradesh. (vii) Other Information You may wish to include other information about the item such as its ISBN, physical format (e.g. Lecture, Web Site, E-Mail, internet address, etc.). More detail is given in the section DETAILED EXAMPLES (i) Books (or reports) Information about a book should, if possible, be taken from the title page and the back of the title page.

If it is not possible to ascertain the date put the following: [n.d.] or [undated] or [no date].

(iii) Title The title should be copied from the item itself if possible and should be in italics. If there is no title on the item you may need to invent a descriptive title. In this case you should put it in square brackets [ ].

(iv) Edition If there are different editions of the work you should give details of which edition you are using. e.g 3rd ed

(v) Place Where appropriate you should include the place where the item was published. e.g. New Delhi (India) If there is more than one place of publication given choose the first one. e.g. for Paris, New York, London give Paris

P a g e | 48

It is usually laid out like this:

Kotler, P. (2006), Marketing Management, 12th Ed. New Delhi: Pearson Publishers Ltd., pp. 1-23.

Author Pages

Date of Publication



Place of Publication


(ii) Electronic Books Electronic Books should be treated very similarly to print ones. You need to include the address of the website at which you viewed the work and the date on which you viewed it. e.g. Roshan, P. & Leary, J. (2003) Financial Analysis. Sebastopol, CA: Cisco Press

Publications that are published regularly with the same title and often a volume and/or part number are usually known as serials. These could include publications published annually, quarterly (4 times per year), bimonthly (every 2 months), monthly, weekly or daily. Popular serials e.g. Business World, are usually called magazines but more academic publications are often known as journals.

[available at: The reference from journal should 87050773 viewed on 11/03/2008] be laid out like this: (iii) Journal Articles

P a g e | 49

Author Journal Title


Article Title

Kumar, G. B. (2005) Changes Ahead in Health Care Management. HR Magazine, Vol 50, No 13, pp. 60-61.



Page Numbers

(iv) Web Sites A web page should be treated similarly to a print work in that it may have an author or editor and a title. It may be dated and the main site (of which the page is a part) may also have a publisher and may also give an address in the about us or contact section. You should include the address of the web page and also include the date on which you viewed the page. e.g.

Barger, J. (2000) A biography of Leopold Paula Bloom /jaj/ulysses/bloom.html [viewed 11/07/2006].

Note: All references should be given alphabetically. The literature reviewed should be arranged as per the requirement of theme.

P a g e | 50 ANNEXURE-XI Report on Summer Training


Report on Summer Training [Title] .. .. .. Submitted to Lovely Professional University

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Master of Business Administration Submitted by: Name of the student University Roll No.


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