FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines Full
FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines Full
FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines Full
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Designed as a detailed reference resource, it is essential to read Part One of the guidelines for general
use of the Mark and the term Fairtrade and the relevant sections for specific use according to need.
Please note that the same topic can be covered in different parts of the guidelines and all parts are
complementary with each other.
The comprehensive guidelines contain sections that specify most types of packaging and promotional
usage, but they cannot cover everything. If clarification of any point or further advice on the use of the
FAIRTRADE Mark is needed, please use the contact details on the last page of these guidelines.
Fairtrade’s vision
Fairtrade’s vision is for a world in which all producers can enjoy
secure and sustainable livelihoods, fulfil their potential and
decide on their future.
How to understand
and talk about Fairtrade
Fairtrade is a global Organization working People can overcome disadvantage and Fairtrade’s work is driven by informed
to secure a better deal for farmers and marginalisation if they are empowered consumer choices, and the desire of
workers. to take more control over their work and businesses to meet the expectations of
their lives, if they are better organised, their customers, both of which provide
Fairtrade believes that trade can be a resourced and supported, and can gain crucial support for wider campaigning
fundamental driver of poverty reduction access to mainstream markets under fair to reform international trade rules and
and greater sustainable development, trading conditions. create a fairer economic system.
but only if it is managed for that purpose,
with greater equity and transparency Fairtrade also believes that people, We are creating more ways to work with
than is currently the norm. businesses and civil society institutions Fairtrade and deepen our impact and
in the developed world are supportive of reach, as well as strengthening brand
trading in this way. This is particularly the recognition. This also means providing
case when they understand the needs more transparency for our consumers
of producers and the opportunities that about the composition of the Fairtrade
Fairtrade offers to change and improve products they purchase.
their situation.
Registered trademark
The FAIRTRADE Mark is the intellectual property
of Fairtrade International (Fairtrade Labelling
Organizations International e.V., FI) and is
internationally registered as a trademark.
When space is limited, eg on small packs, tags or
labels, the minimum clear space may be reduced to
the width of 1/4 X.
Fairtrade colours
It’s strongly recommended to use the colour version
of the FAIRTRADE Mark. When using the colour
version of the FAIRTRADE Mark, the colours specified Sky Blue
here must be used. Accurate representation of these CMYK 79. 0. 7. 0
colours is crucial to enhancing consumer recognition of Pantone 306 C, 306 U
the FAIRTRADE Mark on packaging. RGB 0. 185. 228
If a brand or sub-brand is new and is being newly
developed (eg for a Fairtrade product range or for
other purposes), colours that are equal or too similar
to Leaf Green or Sky Blue must not be used on
packaging or promotional materials, in order to protect
the integrity of the Mark as a certification mark. If the
brand already uses greens and blues, including colours
that are close to Leaf Green or Sky Blue, the black & Leaf Green
white version of the Mark must be used. CMYK 28. 0. 92. 0
Pantone 382 C, 380 U
Where colour restrictions apply, the black & white RGB 190. 214. 0
version of rhe Mark may also be used. HTML BED600
Matching colours
Colours may vary depending on paper stock and
printer. Please match colours as closely as possible to
PMS coated swatches.
Standard versions
The FAIRTRADE Mark is available in colour and black
& white versions. The full colour version of the Mark is
the most recognised and is strongly recommended.
If production challenges present themselves with
the colour version of the Mark or when design
considerations apply, the black & white version may be
used. If the brand product colours were already similar
to Fairtrade’s colours before the Mark was ever applied
to them, the black & white version must be used (see
previous page).
Country-specific versions
The FAIRTRADE Mark with a strapline indicating
members of the ‘Max Havelaar’ movement is available
in Colour and Black & White versions.
Incorrect use
of the Mark
It is important that the appearance of the FAIRTRADE
Mark is protected. The Mark must never be altered,
recreated or distorted in any way.
The Mark must not be The Mark must not be The Mark must not be framed Do not remove any elements
stretched or skewed out reproduced in any single nor incorporated into a design, from the Mark
of proportion or have colour other than black or no elements must be added
rounded edges white to it
The Mark on a light, even background. White border on a busy background Extremely busy background, Mark
loses definition
Relationship with
other marks
The points here are a guide to managing relationships
between the FAIRTRADE Mark and other ethical marks Horizontal relationship Vertical relationship
or seals.
In situations where there is more than one mark 1/2 X 1/2 XX 1/2
X X 1/2 X 2X 2X 1/2 X 1/2 XX X X
1/2 1/2 X
supporting or collaborating with the FAIRTRADE Mark,
consistency and clarity are a priority. Our aim is to 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 X
ensure the FAIRTRADE Mark remains independent
at all times to avoid a conflict of interest, potential
mixed messaging or confusion in the marketplace.
The FAIRTRADE Mark must not be placed in such
a way that it could be associated as belonging to
any company or organisation other than Fairtrade
International or its members.
The FAIRTRADE Mark must not be smaller than any 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 X
other certification or ethical mark on the same pack
and must always comply with the size requirements in
these guidelines. See size and proportion on
page 21.
297 mm x 210 mm
210 mm x 148 mm
148 mm x 105 mm
105 mm x 74 mm
74 mm x 52 mm
Elements on pack 2
1 4
Brand (compulsory)
2 Sub-brand (optional)
3 Product title (compulsory)
4 Product descriptor (optional) Fairtrade contributes to
sustainable development for
certified producers by enabling
5 FAIRTRADE Mark (compulsory) fairer trading conditions, social
change and environmental
6 Fairtrade Claim, including website protection. Full coffee content
is Fairtrade certified, traded,
(compulsory). audited and sourced from
Fairtrade producers, total
5 6 100%.
For more information visit
Elements on pack
1 Brand (compulsory) 3
2 Sub-brand (optional) 2
3 Product title (compulsory)
4 Product descriptor (optional)
Brand hierarchy
When placing the FAIRTRADE Mark on product
packaging, it is compulsory to also show the brand
and product title/descriptor on the front of the pack.
A clear hierarchy must always be maintained between
the Mark and the brand. The Mark must not be placed
in such a way that it could be misinterpreted as
belonging to any company or organisation other than
Fairtrade International or its members.
Front of pack
The FAIRTRADE Mark must always be placed on the
front of the pack and be visible to the consumer when
the product is viewed from the front. When positioning
the Mark, the brand hierarchy rules must be followed.
Back of pack
When the FAIRTRADE Mark is on the front of the pack,
an additional FAIRTRADE Mark may be placed on the
back of the packaging next to the Fairtrade Claim.
5 mm 5 mm
5 mm 1/2 X 1/2 X 5 mm
Retail packaging
The FAIRTRADE Mark must be applied to any shelf
trays, counter display units and boxes that contain
Brand name
loose Fairtrade certified products for sale in a
consumer-facing environment. However, it must only
be used on units where all items in the container are
Fairtrade certified.
02 Shipping box
The use of the Black
Mark is only acceptable
on consumer-facing
packaging when applied
on light or neutral
Artwork Approval
Written approval must be received from from Product packaging - Checklist
your National Fairtrade Organization or Fairtrade
International artwork team prior to printing or public
distribution of any packaging that displays the Products displayed or sold as Fairtrade certified must have a FAIRTRADE Mark. The full colour version of the
FAIRTRADE Mark. Mark is recommended. Page 13.
Double check artwork before submitting to keep
re-submissions to a minimum as errors will delay the The Mark must be placed on the front face of the packaging or product and be visible to the consumer. The
approval process. These guidelines can be applied Mark should preferably be positioned near the left or right bottom edge or corner. Pages 25 and 26.
to most types of packaging but they do not cover
everything. If clarification is required on any of these
points, or for further advice, go to the last page of
The Mark must always appear as an independent product certification mark. It is not to be confused with the
these guidelines for contact details. brand name or identity. It must be less prominent than the brand and positioned away from it. Pages 25 and
The Mark must be used at a size that is in proportion with the size of the packaging and the other elements
on the front face. Pages 21 and 22.
In addition to the above, a product title and descriptor, the product owner (eg Licensee) and the producer
FLO ID or NFO reference code on the package iare recommended on the packaging. An NFO reference code
is compulsory is some markets and exceptions where the FLO ID is compulsory are mentioned in the relevant
The Fairtrade Claim must be placed on any packaged consumer product that is Fairtrade certified. Pages 25
and 26.
And remember, never alter the FAIRTRADE Mark, no elements may be subtracted or added.
For artwork approval first contact your local NFO (info.fairtrade.net) or Fairtrade International at artwork@
fairtrade.net for countries without an NFO. Most NFOs and Fairtrade International manage artwork approval
via a system called Connect, please contact your licensing body.
2.2 Specific
This section covers use of the
FAIRTRADE Mark on food and
drinks. A separate section
covers non-food: flowers and
plants, and sports balls.
The producer organizations may only apply stickers for FLO-ID 56789
FLO-ID 12345
Fairtrade sales and on behalf of a licensee (please refer FLO-ID 56789 FLO-ID 34567
Compulsory information
• Country of origin *
• Producer organization FLO-ID *
The producer organizations may only apply stickers for FLO-ID 01234 FLO-ID 01234
Compulsory information
• Brand or product owner name 02 Display box
• FAIRTRADE Mark Fruit and vegetables that
• The Fairtrade Claim (see page 58) are too small or rough to be
• It may be placed on the tag’s flip side. labelled individually must be
sold in a display box, punnet
Recommended: Producer FLO-ID, * country of origin or bag. Fairtrade Claim and
* and product title. An NFO reference code may also Producer FLO ID can be on
be used. This referencfe code is compulsory in some the same side as the Mark or
on a different side.
markets, your NFO will provide guidance.
Mark size
The width of the Mark is measured black edge to
black edge, see page 22 for a size table. The words
FAIRTRADE (and MAX HAVELAAR where applicable)
must be legible.
The Mark
The Mark must be reproduced accurately and clearly
using the correct colour references (see page 13). Only
the files of the Mark provided by Fairtrade are to be
used, without alterations.
The producer organizations may only apply these
examples for Fairtrade sales and on behalf of a Other information this information may only
licensee (please refer to the Fairtrtrade Standard). Other information, eg be on the side or a different
product information, bar page if a fold tag is used.
codes, etc may be added to
* Overprinting may be used where applicable. the display box provided it’s
distinct and separate from
the Mark;
on hang tags and collar tags,
Multiple full-colour FAIRTRADE Marks may be applied
to plastic bags in a ‘wallpaper’ style, printed or as
machine-applied stickers. This does not replace the
requirement for the FAIRTRADE Mark to be on the
main front label area. Allow a clear space of at least
200 % of the Mark’s width between each Mark.
Same principle as in previous fruit and vegetable pages
03 Package or box Other information
If used, the Mark must be positioned on the Other information, eg product
* Overprinting may be used where applicable. front face of point of sale packaging, clearly information, bar codes, etc may be
visible to the consumer. See pages 32 and added to the display box provided it’s
33. distinct and separate from the Mark.
The FAIRTRADE Mark must be printed on all types
of container that drinks can be sold in, for example
bottles, pouches, tetra-pak containers, boxes or cans.
The Mark must always be placed on the front of the
package. Please make sure it is placed away from the
brand and clear of folds, seams, edges or seals.
Compulsory information
• Front of pack: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand,
product title/descriptor
• Back of pack: Fairtrade Claim, NFO reference
code (in some markets)
Optional information
Producer FLO ID
The FAIRTRADE Mark may be applied to multiple
package faces, but it must be applied to any face that
may be considered the front, depending on the display
options and packaging design.
Bottle Labels
On bottles, e.g. for wine, the FAIRTRADE Mark can
be printed directly onto the front and back labels.
Alternatively it can be placed on a separate band label, 01 Front of bottle
as shown on the next page. The Mark must be clearly
visible when viewed from
Front label the front
On the front of the bottle, the Mark should be
positioned on the main product label, away from the
brand. The Mark must be clearly visible when looking
at the front of the bottle. The Mark may be placed in a
separate band that sits directly below the main label. 02 Fairtrade Claim
The Fairtrade Claim must
always be included, on
Back label the back label but also
The Fairtrade Claim and website must be printed on on the front or band
the back label, clearly separated from the product
description. The Mark may be repeated on the back
label. However, this is not compulsory.
03 Collar tag
Compulsory information The Mark may only be
• Front of pack: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, used on a collar tag
product title/descriptor consectetur adipiscing elit. when the brand name
Ut quis sapien metus. Morbi and the Mark are also
• Back of pack: Fairtrade Claim eget ex sed nisl sagittis printed on the bottle
efficitur sit amet quis est. label. The producer FLO
Size Maecenas fringilla eget ipsum ID or NFO reference
at condimentum. code (where applicable)
The Mark must be between 11mm and 13mm in width
on 750ml bottle labels. For smaller sizes, please refer must also be on the
collar tag
to the size guide on page 21.
01 02 03
Band labels
When the FAIRTRADE Mark cannot be printed directly
onto the product label, e.g. for wine bottles, it may
be placed on a separate band label underneath the 01 Front label
product label. When printing the Mark
on a separate band
The height of the band label will be determined by the label, it must be placed
Mark’s clear space, while the width of the band label underneath the main
must follow the size of the product label.
When placed on the band label of a 750 ml bottle, the
size of the Mark should be no larger than 13 mm wide. 03 Positioning
of the Mark
Compulsory information Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, The Mark must not be
• Front label: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, product consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut placed around the bottle
quis sapien metus. Morbi eget neck. A rectangular or
title/descriptor ex sed nisl sagittis efficitur sit square sticker with just
• Back label: The Fairtrade Claim must be on amet quis est. Maecenas fringilla the Mark is not allowed
the back label which can be a separate band. eget ipsum at condimentum.
The FAIRTRADE Mark on the back label.
The front and back band labels must be applied
machine-applied, not by hand.
01 02 03
Alcoholic compisite with the Alcoholic compisite with the The back (label or print) must
full colour Mark black & white Mark have the Fairtrade Claim
Fairtrade Claim
Where space is available, the Fairtrade Claim for Adhesive label
flowers should be placed on the single stem label The single stem adhesive
(see page 50). Because of limited space, it is not label must have the producer
compulsory to put the Fairtrade Claim on small labels. FLO ID. An NFO reference
code may also be included (it’s
Compulsory information compulsory in some markets)
On the single stem label: Producer FLO ID or NFO It must be applied by the
reference code (in some markets). Licensee or by the producer
organisation on behalf of the
Optional information Licensee.
Fairtrade Claim or only the Fairtrade URL.
The producer organizations may only apply these
examples for Fairtrade sales and on behalf of a
licensee (please refer to the Fairtrtrade Standard).
These are pre-packaged bouquets, coming from the
Fairtrade producers through a Fairtrade supply chain.
The Mark must not be used on bouquets or bunches
which are reformulated to include uncertified flowers
or foliage, eg at a retailer or florist, and they cannot be All of the stems in this bouquet are
referenced as Fairtrade. Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
sourced from Fairtrade producers.
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
Compulsory information
On the packaging: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, product 02
title/descriptor, producer FLO ID and NFO reference
code where required, Fairtrade Claim:
01 Placement of the Mark
To ensure the Mark is visible when the flowers
All of the stems in this bouquet are Fairtrade are displayed in a bucket, it must be placed in
certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade the top third of the packaging
producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
Optional information
Product owner (eg Licensee) 02 Adhesive label
All compulsory information must be printed
Optional Fairtrade Claims onto a sleeve wrap or on an adhesive label
01 attached to the sleeve
Additionaly, the optional claims on page 58 may also
be used.
Uncertified flowers
If not all flowers in the bouquet or bunch are certified,
no Mark is allowed on the packaging.
Compulsory information
• On the packaging: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand,
product title/descriptor, producer FLO ID and
NFO reference code where required Foliage from conventional farms
• Fairtrade Claim for flowers, see page 50.
02 Disclaimer
If the flowers are certified but foliage isn’t, a
disclaimer statement must be added
Please note that this 50% rule does not apply to florists
and other vendors who are not certified.
Compulsory information
• On the packaging: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, 03
product title/descriptor, producer FLO ID and
NFO reference code where required
• Fairtrade Claim for flowers. See right and Tulips from the xx region in the
04 Netherlands, total 50%
page 50.
50% of the stems [and foliage[ in this
Optional disclaimer bouquet are Fairtrade certified, traded,
05 audited and sourced from Fairtrade
When the origin of locally sourced, non-certified producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
flowers and/or foliage is known. For example:
• “Tulips from the xx region in the Netherlands,
total 50%” 01 When the flowers are not named in the
• “Flowers and foliage from Italian sources, Claim
total 50%”.
01- 100% Fairtrade composition (page 47) All of of the stems in this bouquet are
All of of the stems in this bouquet are Fairtrade Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade sourced from Fairtrade producers.
producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
FLO ID 12345
02- Between 50% and 100% Fairtrade
composition, see to the right
Example: 75% of the stems in this bouquet are
Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and sourced from
Fairtrade producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
Optional: Flowers and foliage from [destination
market]** sources, total 25%.
Flowers and foliage from [destination
03- 50% Fairtrade composition (page 49) market] sources. Total 25%.
50% of the stems in this bouquet are Fairtrade 75% of the stems in this bouquet are
certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net sourced from Fairtrade producers. Visit
Optional: Flowers and foliage from [destination FLO ID 12345
market]** sources, total 50%. 02
Compulsory information
On the packaging or plant label:
• FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, product title/
descriptor, producer FLO ID and NFO
reference code where required
• Fairtrade Claim for plants.
Optional information
Country of origin.
02 Adhesive labels
The FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade Claim for
plants can be placed on a label
Flower bulbs
Fairtrade certified bulbs, sold either loose or pre-
packaged, must have FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade
Claim on the box. The individual bulbs are not labelled.
Packaged bulbs
Flower bulbs sold in a net or bag must have an
adhesive label or giro band with the compulsory and
optional information.
Compulsory information
• On the box or label: FAIRTRADE Mark,
brand, product title/descriptor, producer FLO
ID and NFO reference code where required
• Fairtrade Claim below.
Optional information
Country of origin.
Sports Balls
Sports balls that are Fairtrade stitched or assembled
must have a brand or club name, the FAIRTRADE
Mark, an accompanying statement and NFO reference
code (where required) printed directly onto the panels
of the ball. The Mark should be visible from any angle
and must not be printed more than three times on the
ball. 01 Fairtrade Claim for
sports balls
Compulsory information The accompanying statement
must be printed directly below
A brand or club name is compulsory on the surface of Fairtrade assembled football
each Mark
FLO ID 12345 / NFO Ref code
the ball and must be more prominent than the Mark.
The Mark must have an accompanying statement
specifying the type of sports ball:
Fairtrade (assembled/stitched) (type of ball), eg
Fairtrade assembled football.
Optional information
The Fairtrade Claim for sports balls is optional. 02 Reference code
The FLO ID or NFO reference
The producer FLO ID and/or NFO reference code can code may be printed on
be placed underneath the sports ball accompanying the sports ball. It can appear
FLO ID 12345 / NFO Ref code below the statement or on
statement. One or both may be compulsory in some a separate panel. A FLO ID
markets. and/or NFO reference code
may be compulsory in some
Fairtrade Claim for sports balls markets
Fairtrade certification enables improved living and
working conditions for the workers assembling this 02
sports ball. www.info.fairtrade.net
Compulsory information
Brand or club name, FAIRTRADE Mark, Fairtrade Claim
for sports balls.
Applicable for: 1. Short version – when space is limited An optional additional sentence may be added to the
Fairtrade Claim, if space allows. This sentence can reinforce
Composite or single-ingredient product. [Name(s) of Fairtrade traceable ingredient (s)] is/are Fairtrade the purchaser’s assurance of supporting Fairtrade producers.
certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade
Due to European Union regulations, Fairtrade ingredients producers, total xx%. Examples:
and/or percentages of Fairtrade ingredients must be For more visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
identified in a list that is separate from the product ingredient Purchasing
listing on pack. Example: A. Buying products from Fairtrade producers enables them
Cashew nuts, raisins, almonds are Fairtrade certified, traded, to obtain fair prices for their crops and have decent working
Written or pictorial identifying elements, for example bold font audited and sourced from Fairtrade producers, total 65%%. conditions.
type or symbols, must not be used within the main product For more visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
ingredient listing to denote Fairtrade ingredients and/or B. By purchasing this product, you contribute to Fairtrade’s
percentages of ingredients. efforts to empower Fairtrade [name of ingredient] producers
2. Preferred version to gain access to significant new market opportunities
As stated in 2.2 of the Fairtrade Trader Standard, the with the potential to deliver major social and environmental
Fairtrade content of the food composite product must be Fairtrade contributes to sustainable development for certified impact in their farms and communities.
identified on pack as a percentage, unless it contradicts producers by enabling fairer trading conditions, social
national law. Fairtrade ingredients that are granted an change and environmental protection. [Name(s) of Fairtrade Support to community
exception (section 2.2.4) are to be identified separately on traceable ingredient (s)] is/are Fairtrade certified, traded, A proportion of the purchasing price of products traded on
the packaging. audited and sourced from Fairtrade producers, total xx%. For Fairtrade terms is invested by farmers and workers in social,
more {information} visit environmental and economic development projects.
It is recommended that information about the Fairtrade info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
ingredients and/or percentages of the ingredients within Sustainability
a product should be provided in a Licensee and/or brand Example: A. There are strict Fairtrade standards designed to improve
hosted web page. Contents of this page must be submitted Fairtrade contributes to sustainable development for certified social sustainability and protect the environment where
to the licensing body for approval. producers by enabling fairer trading conditions, social Fairtrade products are grown.
change and environmental protection. Coffee is Fairtrade
Please note that It is the responsibility of the licensee to certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade B. Selling more of their [Fairtrade ingredient] on Fairtrade
ensure that product packaging complies with all relevant producers, total 100%. For more {information} visit info. terms enables Fairtrade producers to get fairer trading
labelling laws within the jurisdiction of the area(s) where the fairtrade.net/sourcing conditions, stimulate social change and engage in
product is being sold. environmental protection.
A licensing body approved Licensee-drafted text may be
* Text inside { } is optional. included to indicate the source of the ingredient(s).
* Text inside [ ] is to be substituted by the name
or information.
* Text in ( ) brackets is compulsory, e.g. (mass balance)
Written or pictorial identifying elements, for example bold font The quantity of [mass balance ingredient] required for
type or symbols, must not be used within the main product this product is sourced, traded and audited as Fairtrade,
ingredient listing to denote Fairtrade ingredients and/or ensuring [mass balance ingredient name] producers receive * Text inside { } is optional.
percentages of ingredients. Fairtrade terms. It may be mixed {during processing} with * Text inside [ ] is to be substituted by the name
non-certified [mass balance ingredient], so that the total or information.
As stated in 2.2.3 of the Fairtrade Trader Standard, the matches the amount sourced as Fairtrade (mass balance), * Text in ( ) brackets is compulsory, e.g. (mass balance)
Fairtrade content of the food composite product must be total xx%. For more {information} visit info.fairtrade.net/
identified on pack as a percentage, unless it contradicts sourcing
national law. Fairtrade ingredients that are granted an
exception (section 2.2.4) are to be identified separately on
The quantity of cocoa and sugar required for this product
the packaging.
are sourced, traded and audited as Fairtrade, ensuring
cocoa and sugar producers receive Fairtrade terms. They
The Fairtrade ingredients identified in the mass balance claim may be mixed {during processing} with non-certified cocoa
are the ingredients that have been sourced on Fairtrade and sugar, so that the total matches the amount sourced as
terms. The claim or packaging must not imply that an Fairtrade (mass balance), total 68%. For more {information}
ingredient sourced using mass balance is physically in the visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
3. Extra short version (when space on pack is limited
It is recommended that information about the Fairtrade e.g. when several languages are required on-pack)
ingredients and/or percentages of the ingredients within
a product should be provided in a Licensee and/or brand Fairtrade cocoa and sugar: mass balance is used to match
hosted web page. Contents of this page must be submitted Fairtrade sourcing, total xx%. Visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
to the licensing body for approval.
Mass balance ingredients than 50% liquids • The Licensee and/or brand owner (if different) is
responsible for any claim made on pack about
Please note: For products with >50% added water or dairy, Licensees
benefits to specific Fairtrade producer organisations
are allowed to exclude all added water and/or dairy from
and these must be substantiated.
• The Licensee and/or brand owner (if different) is the percentage calculations. This also applies to juices from
• Information about the claim has to be made readily
responsible for any claim made on pack about concentrate but not fresh juices.
available to the consumer in a Licensee and/or
benefits to specific Fairtrade producer organisations
brand hosted web page.
and these must be substantiated. ‘Excluding water’, ‘Excluding dairy’, ‘Excluding milk’,
• The Licensee and/or brand hosted website has to
• Information about the claim has to be made readily ‘Excluding yoghurt’, ‘Excluding (name liquid ingredient
be on the packaging.
available to the consumer in a Licensee and/or being excluded)’ must be added next to Fairtrade ingredient
• No claims are to be made on pack without a web
brand hosted web page. percentage if this is calculated excluding the added water
page with the relevant information.
• The Licensee and/or brand hosted website has to or dairy.
• Contents of this page must be submitted to the
be on the packaging.
licensing body for approval. See last page for
• No claims are to be made on pack without a web Please refer to the Trader Standard, section 2.2.2.
contact information.
page with the relevant information.
• Contents of this page must be submitted to the The Fairtrade Claim for the corresponding traceability type is
licensing body for approval. See last page for to be used.
contact information. Applicability
Section ‘2.1 Traceability’ of the Trader Standard applies to all
If the percentage of sugar in a soda drink has been
Fairtrade operators.
It is allowed to communicate benefits for Fairtrade producers calculated to be 85% without including the water content,
in a specific country on packaging, providing that no it must be indicated on pack that this calculation has been
Section ‘2.2 Product Composition’ applies to all Food
reference to the ingredient is made. made excluding water.
Composite Products certified from the 1st July 2011
onwards. Products certified before the 1st July had a two
Allowed, for example: Fairtrade sugar may be mixed {during processing} with non-
certified sugar on a mass balance basis, total 85%, excluding year transition period.
(Only when substantiated)
Fairtrade producers in Ghana have used the Fairtrade Visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing For changes in the Fairtrade Standards, the transition period
Premium to build a school. to apply labelling that complies with the current Trader
Standard is governed by your licence contract. Please
contact your licensing body for more information.
3.1 Promoting
Fairtrade products
This section covers use of
the FAIRTRADE Mark when
communicating about it in
retail and ‘out-of-home’
environments , printed
and online advertising and
Please remember that all products that are identified
and promoted as Fairtrade must be Fairtrade certified
and carry the relevant FAIRTRADE Mark. Application 01 Fairtrade elements
of the Mark on promotional items used in hotels, The Fairtrade elements must
be grouped together and
restaurants, cafés, independent confectionery shops
be less prominent than the
and on vending machines is covered here. brand
The Fairtrade elements on a promotional item must 02 Brand name
On promotional materials
be positioned or grouped together, see page 28. All our bananas are a brand name and/or brand
All our coffee is
They must always be less prominent than the brand now Fairtrade certified Fairtrade certified logo must always be clearly
and must never be used to imply endorsement displayed
or sponsorship of an event or brand by Fairtrade
International or the National Fairtrade Organization
(NFO) unless written permission is given. The 03 Messaging
Make sure the messaging
promotional materials should be positioned in close about the Fairtrade product
proximity to the relevant information on Fairtrade 02 is clear
products and to the products themselves.
Optional information
The Fairtrade URL All our coffee is
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net Fairtrade certified
The Mark must not refer to products that are not * Fairtrade certified coffee and Oolong tea 4 We sell Fairtrade certified products
Fairtrade certified.
02 Tent cards
Hotels, restaurants and cafés (also
those inside retailer shops) can
promote their Fairtrade products
with a leaflet, poster or tent card
Action statement
An action statement such as Buy products with this
Mark may also be used.
Press articles
In order for the FAIRTRADE Mark to be used in a press
article, it must be appropriately positioned adjacent
to the relevant part of the article that talks about
Accompanying straplines
A strapline close to the Mark can be an action See our range 1
statement or a statement about the Fairtrade offer, eg of Fairtrade
Before going live with your website, submit a draft
sample of your home page and a product page or a
link to your unpublished website page or pages to your
licensing body for written approval. 1 Strapline
When applying the Mark, you must also
As an exception, the Mark may be placed
apply one of the accompanying straplines. in the header bar or in the footer if other
You can also ask your NFO, FMO or FI if you can Ensure the strapline and call to action are certification marks or logos are also
create a link to a relevant web page on their site to positioned next to or near the Mark. featured on the site and that is where they
are located
further explain Fairtrade. If less than 100% of the offer is Fairtrade
certified, a statement is needed, eg ‘Look
for our Fairtrade certified products’ or ‘See
our range of Fairtrade coffees’
4.1 APpendices
This section includes advice on:
Artwork approval
Licensee responsibilities
Protecting the Mark
Use of Fairtrade terms and glossary
Credit and Contact details
The Licensee is responsible for ensuring the correct use
Fairtrade International licenses the use of the FAIRTRADE
of the Mark and word Fairtrade on packaging and
Mark (‘the Mark’) to companies on products which meet
promotional materials at all times. Fairtrade International,
international Fairtrade Standards.
or the relevant NFO, is not the seller and does not take
responsibility for any other claims made on packaging or
The right to apply the Mark is granted only for certified
related to the product otherwise and makes no warranties
products that are listed in the Licensing Agreement and
whether express or implied (including without limitation,
does not make any statement about the companies or
implied warrant of merchantability) as to the product sold
organisations selling them.
by the Licensee or seller.
The licensing of a company to use the Mark by Fairtrade
Certification means only that, at the time of certification,
International or a National Fairtrade Organization is subject to
the product, its composition and packaging conformed to
the company signing and complying with the requirements
the requirements and procedures specified in the Licensing
of the Licensing Agreement. The approved use of the Mark
Agreement and Fairtrade Standards.
is not valid for any product other than the certified product/s
that is/are specified in the Licensing Agreement.
The following words must be written as follows at all times: CMYK: 4 colour print process
FAIRTRADE Mark: uppercase for FAIRTRADE and capital EPS/Illustrator EPS: vector file of the FAIRTRADE Mark
M for Mark supplied by Fairtrade for professional printing
‘Fairtrade’ in relation to the Fairtrade certification Pantone Matching System®: PMS, the international
system: one word (not two) with a capital F system used by the printing industry to classify specific
Fairtrade Standards: capital F for Fairtrade, capital S for
Standards PDF: Portable Document Format, the preferred format for
submitted artwork
Fairtrade Premium: capital F for Fairtrade, capital P for