FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines Full

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Issue 2 – Spring 2018

Fairtrade International

About these guidelines

The FAIRTRADE Mark is the most widely recognised ethical mark globally. These guidelines are here
to provide direction on how to use the Mark and the term Fairtrade. They have been created to protect
the integrity and values of the FAIRTRADE Mark. The Mark represents a message of impact and
empowerment of producers, helping them to create better lives for their families and communities. It is
important to use it correctly.

Designed as a detailed reference resource, it is essential to read Part One of the guidelines for general
use of the Mark and the term Fairtrade and the relevant sections for specific use according to need.
Please note that the same topic can be covered in different parts of the guidelines and all parts are
complementary with each other.

The comprehensive guidelines contain sections that specify most types of packaging and promotional
usage, but they cannot cover everything. If clarification of any point or further advice on the use of the
FAIRTRADE Mark is needed, please use the contact details on the last page of these guidelines.

The instructions given in these guidelines must be followed.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 1


Part One Part Two Part Two Part Four

BASIC GUIDELINES Packaging guidelineS Continued Essential information
1.1 About Fairtrade 2.1 Key packaging elements 24 2.3 FAIRTRADE Mark on-pack Claims 56 4.1 Appendices 74
Fairtrade’s vision 04 Key elements on pack 25 Overview 57 Artwork approval 76
Fairtrade’s values 05 Overview of packaging elements 27 Physical traceability 58 Licensee responsibilties 76
Structure of the Organization 06 Positioning of the Mark – brand Mass balance 59 Disclaimer 77
Fairtrade system 07 hierarchy 28 Mixed traceability 60 Protecting the Mark 78
FAIRTRADE Mark 08 Positioning of the Mark – front of pack 29 Fairtrade and artwork terms 79
Positioning of the Mark – edge of pack 30
FSI Mark 09
Product title and descriptor 31
Part Three Glossary 80
Contact details 81
Consumer facing bulk packaging 32
PROMOTIonal Guidelines
1.2 FAIRTRADE Mark 10
Meaning of the Mark 11 Transportation 33
3.1 Promoting Fairtrade products 62
Clear space 12 Packaging requirements – checklist 34
Out of home - Overview 63
Colours 13
Out-of-home 64
International versions 14 2.2 Specific requirements 35
Out-of-home, Retail 66
Max Havelaar versions 16 Food and drink
Retail 67
Maintaining the Mark 18 Fruit and vegetables 36
Vending machines 68
Use on different backgrounds 19 Drinks 41
Print and online advertising 71
Relationship with other marks 20 Alcoholic drinks 43
Press and events 72
Size and proportion 21
Digital use 73
Size guide 22 Non-Food
Flowers 46
Plants and trees 51
Flower bulbs 52
Young plant material 53
Sports balls 54

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 2

Part one

1.1 About Fairtrade

This section explains how
Fairtrade would like to be
seen and understood globally.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 3

About Fairtrade
Fairtrade’s vision

Fairtrade’s vision
Fairtrade’s vision is for a world in which all producers can enjoy
secure and sustainable livelihoods, fulfil their potential and
decide on their future.

Our aspiration is to transform global trade by promoting fairer

trading conditions. To achieve this, Fairtrade will be positioned
as the guiding light for sustainable development, touching more
lives more deeply than any other ethical certification scheme.

How to understand
and talk about Fairtrade

Fairtrade is a global Organization working People can overcome disadvantage and Fairtrade’s work is driven by informed
to secure a better deal for farmers and marginalisation if they are empowered consumer choices, and the desire of
workers. to take more control over their work and businesses to meet the expectations of
their lives, if they are better organised, their customers, both of which provide
Fairtrade believes that trade can be a resourced and supported, and can gain crucial support for wider campaigning
fundamental driver of poverty reduction access to mainstream markets under fair to reform international trade rules and
and greater sustainable development, trading conditions. create a fairer economic system.
but only if it is managed for that purpose,
with greater equity and transparency Fairtrade also believes that people, We are creating more ways to work with
than is currently the norm. businesses and civil society institutions Fairtrade and deepen our impact and
in the developed world are supportive of reach, as well as strengthening brand
trading in this way. This is particularly the recognition. This also means providing
case when they understand the needs more transparency for our consumers
of producers and the opportunities that about the composition of the Fairtrade
Fairtrade offers to change and improve products they purchase.
their situation.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 4

About Fairtrade
Fairtrade’s Values

Fairtrade’s values are


Creating shared belief Action Respect

We get the right things done, efficiently We treat everyone with dignity and
Fairtrade’s work is about empowerment. and effectively. Our focus and understanding. We value the diversity of
Fairtrade values sit at the heart of the determination are evident in the practical our own people and those with whom
Organization to drive decision-making ways we deliver services to achieve we relate.
and actions. maximum impact for people and
Integrity We strive to dramatically increase
To nurture and promote fairness the impact of our work. We set the
and justice in trade, we are honest, agenda for fairness in trade by creating
trustworthy and transparent, operating benchmarks, encouraging innovation
to the highest ethical standards with and community involvement.
absolute integrity.
We believe we can make life better.
We cultivate ideas, seek out
opportunities and face the future with

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 5

About Fairtrade
Organizational structure

The following entities make up

the Fairtrade Organization:

Fairtrade International (FI) Fairtrade Producer Networks Fairtrade Marketing Organizations

Organization system and movement Fairtrade International is a non-profit, These are associations that Fairtrade (FMO)
multi-stakeholder body that is certified producer groups may join. There These are national Organizations that
Fairtrade is an alternative approach to conventional responsible for the strategic direction are currently three Producer Networks market and promote Fairtrade in their
trade and is based on a partnership between of Fairtrade, sets Fairtrade Standards representing producers in Africa, country, similar to National Fairtrade
producers and consumers. Fairtrade offers producers and supports producers. FI owns the Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Organizations. FI directly licenses
a better deal and improved terms of trade. This allows FAIRTRADE trademarks and certification Caribbean. Through these networks, companies in these countries to use the
producers the opportunity to improve their lives and marks and sublicenses them to the Fairtrade producers can influence FAIRTRADE Marks. There are currently
plan for their future. Fairtrade offers consumers a National Fairtrade Organizations that are decisions that affect their future. Fairtrade Marketing Organizations in
powerful way to reduce poverty through their everyday FI members. Brazil, Czech Republic and Slovakia,
shopping. Hong Kong, India, Philippines, Poland,

When a product carries the FAIRTRADE Mark it

National Fairtrade Organization South Korea, and Taiwan.
means the producers and traders have met Fairtrade FLOCERT is an independent certification These are national Organizations that
Standards. The standards are designed to address the company, owned by FI. FLOCERT market Fairtrade in their country. There
imbalance of power in trading relationships, unstable inspects producers and traders to ensure are currently 19 National Fairtrade
markets and the injustices of conventional trade. they comply with Fairtrade Standards. Organizations covering 25 countries in
Europe, North America, Japan, Australia
The fair trade movement varies from country to country
and New Zealand. These Organizations
and represents the collective voice of shoppers
also license companies in their country to
concerned about imbalances in supply chain and are
use the FAIRTRADE Marks.
committed to changing the status quo. From intimate
gathering of friends discussing why they buy what they
buy, to civic society movements organising within their
communities, to voters petitioning their government,
they advocate for a fairer trade that benefits those who
grow the products we consume.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 6

About Fairtrade
The Fairtrade system

The FAIRTRADE system

The FAIRTRADE Mark means that products meet the
social, economic and environmental standards set by Community
Fairtrade International. The Mark certifies products
not companies. It does not cover the companies or
organisations selling the products.

The Mark represents an international system of

alternative trade that assures consumers that the
farmers and workers have been paid a fair and stable
price for their produce. This fair price covers the
cost of sustainable production. When consumers
Producer Consumer
buy products with the Mark, they make a positive
difference to the livelihoods of small-scale producers
and farmers around the world.

The Fairtrade Premium enables producers and farmers

to invest in developing their businesses and to improve
the quality of their communities. It is paid on top of Product
the agreed Fairtrade price and producers decide
democratically how to use it.

As Fairtrade has developed its approach over the BRAND

past 30 years, it has highlighted five key areas which
are critical for farmers, workers and consumers. They
are: Gender Inequality, Workers’ Rights, Climate
Change, Child and vulnerable adult protection and ROAST
Living Income/Living Wage. Through developing FAIRTRADE
and monitoring Fairtrade Standards, implementing COFFEE
focused interventions and supplemental funding with
contributions from private and public society, Fairtrade
addresses these challenges.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 7

About Fairtrade
The Fairtrade Marks


The FAIRTRADE Mark is an independent, trusted and
widely recognised product certification that reinforces
the message that Fairtrade producers have received
Fairtrade terms when selling their products.

The FAIRTRADE Mark on-pack signifies that the retail

products have been verified against international
Fairtrade Standards and that these have been met.
The Mark offers consumers a positive way to buy
products in solidarity with those who produced them.
Buying Fairtrade products helps producers struggling
to improve their livelihoods and communities. Products
carrying the FAIRTRADE Mark are now available in over
50 countries.

We have updated this well-known FAIRTRADE Mark

by bringing the ® inside. The Mark top left signifies that
the product is 100% Fairtrade and physically traceable,
like coffee. The Mark bottom left means that the
product that is 100% Fairtrade such as tea, has been
traded under mass balance conditions.

In a product with multiple ingredients like a chocolate

bar, all the ingredients in the product that can be
Fairtrade are purchased on Fairtrade terms, “all that
can be Fairtrade, is Fairtrade”. In this case, the Mark
bottom left prompts consumers to look at the back
of pack for more information about the Mark and the
Fairtrade ingredients, where the arrow appears again
next to the claim.

Registered trademark
The FAIRTRADE Mark is the intellectual property
of Fairtrade International (Fairtrade Labelling
Organizations International e.V., FI) and is
internationally registered as a trademark.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 8

About Fairtrade
The Fairtrade Marks

The FSI Mark The FAIRTRADE Program

Marks for cocoa, sugar
The FSI Mark aligns with the design of the FAIRTRADE and cotton will be phased
out by the end of 2020
Mark, thus making it more recognisable to consumers,
but also to differentiate from it as the expression of an
innovative Fairtrade model. The design also acts as
a follow-through from the three FAIRTRADE Program
Marks and reflects the growth of Fairtrade ingredient
models on the ground that started with those
programs, cocoa, sugar and cotton. The separated
ingredient tab provides the flexibility necessary for the Multi-ingredient product
with one Fairtrade
FSI model to include all Fairtrade commodities, except ingredient, labelled with
coffee and bananas. the FSI Mark

Products can be labelled with the FSI Mark when the

company has signed an FSI license contract and the
products have been approved by an NFO or FI. If
companies choose to communicate off-pack, then the
volumes must be verified before using the FSI Mark in
B2B applications.

The arrow on the tab indicates to consumers to look

for more information on the back or side of pack. Here
the arrow refers to the ingredient being traded under
mass balance conditions.

The FSI Marks will co-exist on the shelves for a

transitional period of time with the FAIRTRADE
Program Marks, but will continue to be seen with the
FAIRTRADE Mark wherever FSI products are launched.
Companies currently using the Cocoa, Sugar or Cotton
Program Marks, which will be phased out, have a
maximum of two years to make the transition to the
new FSI Mark. If new packaging is developed and
launched before the two year period, it must already
have the FSI Mark.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 9

Part one

1.2 Fairtrade Mark

This section gives an overview
of how the FAIRTRADE Mark
must be used.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 10

Fairtrade Mark
Meaning of the Mark


The FAIRTRADE Mark was created in 2002 to replace
the variety of different national marks used by Fairtrade
Organizations. It was updated in January of 2011 to
refine and simplify the design, to achieve clearer stand-
out and increased legibility on pack and to enhance
Fairtrade awareness and once again in the Spring of
2018 in order to provide greater transparency about
the product content (see page 8).

The Mark symbolises the optimism of producers,

linking the everyday determination of people in
developing countries with the aspiration of consumers
everywhere to make a difference. In the design of
the Mark, the blue sky of potential is connected to
the fresh green of new growth by the symbol of the
producer with an arm raised in celebration of human
endeavour and empowerment.

Registered certification mark and trademark

White keyline
The FAIRTRADE Mark is the intellectual property Registered symbol
of Fairtrade International (Fairtrade Labelling
Organizations International e.V., FI). It’s being registered
as a certification mark in the European Union and is
internationally registered as a trademark, including Roundel
the EU. The Mark must not be altered, copied,
reproduced or otherwise used without receiving prior
written permission from Fairtrade International or its Arrow
designated sub-licensing bodies (National Fairtrade
Organizations – NFOs).


FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 11

Fairtrade Mark
Clear space

Minimum clear space

To preserve the visual independence of the
FAIRTRADE Mark when sitting next to text or graphics,
a clear space must be maintained around the Mark Measuring the Mark
which is equal to half the width of the Mark, defined as The width of the FAIRTRADE Mark
is measured from edge to edge,
including the white keyline

To ensure that the impact of the Mark is not diminished

by other design elements or logos, no text or graphic
must touch the Mark or enter the clear space.
The Mark must remain uncluttered. It must not be
integrated into any other image, text or graphic, even if
the clear space is respected.

When space is limited, eg on small packs, tags or
labels, the minimum clear space may be reduced to
the width of 1/4 X.

Mark with arrow

The clear space must take the
arrow into consideration, so that the
clear space begins to its right

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 12

Fairtrade Mark

Fairtrade colours
It’s strongly recommended to use the colour version
of the FAIRTRADE Mark. When using the colour
version of the FAIRTRADE Mark, the colours specified Sky Blue
here must be used. Accurate representation of these CMYK 79. 0. 7. 0
colours is crucial to enhancing consumer recognition of Pantone 306 C, 306 U
the FAIRTRADE Mark on packaging. RGB 0. 185. 228
If a brand or sub-brand is new and is being newly
developed (eg for a Fairtrade product range or for
other purposes), colours that are equal or too similar
to Leaf Green or Sky Blue must not be used on
packaging or promotional materials, in order to protect
the integrity of the Mark as a certification mark. If the
brand already uses greens and blues, including colours
that are close to Leaf Green or Sky Blue, the black & Leaf Green
white version of the Mark must be used. CMYK 28. 0. 92. 0
Pantone 382 C, 380 U
Where colour restrictions apply, the black & white RGB 190. 214. 0
version of rhe Mark may also be used. HTML BED600

Matching colours
Colours may vary depending on paper stock and
printer. Please match colours as closely as possible to
PMS coated swatches.

White Rich Black

CMYK 0. 0. 0. 0 CMYK 50. 50. 50. 100
Pantone N/A Pantone Process Black
RGB 255. 255. 255 C, Black U
HTML #FFFFFF RGB 30. 30. 30

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 13

Fairtrade Mark
International version

Standard versions
The FAIRTRADE Mark is available in colour and black
& white versions. The full colour version of the Mark is
the most recognised and is strongly recommended.
If production challenges present themselves with
the colour version of the Mark or when design
considerations apply, the black & white version may be
used. If the brand product colours were already similar
to Fairtrade’s colours before the Mark was ever applied
to them, the black & white version must be used (see
previous page).

Printing on coloured substrate

When printing the Mark onto a coloured or transparent Colour Mark B&W Mark
substrate, the white keyline and FAIRTRADE wordmark
must be printed in white as a spot colour. EPS files: EPS files:
The FAIRTRADE Mark files provided by Fairtrade
International are the only versions that can be used.
Use of any other colours or adaptations is not allowed.

To request an Illustrator EPS file of the FAIRTRADE

Mark, see the last page for contact details. For
versions with the Max Havelaar strapline, see page 17.

Mark with arrow

The arrow attached to the FAIRTRADE Mark indicates
to consumers to look for more information about the
labelled product on back or side of the packaging,
where the arrow will be repeated.

Colour Arrow Mark B&W Arrow Mark

EPS files: EPS files:
FM_Arrow_PMS FM_Arrow_BW

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 14

Fairtrade Mark
International version

Limited use versions

It might not always be possible to print the FAIRTRADE
Mark in full colour, for example when printing is
restricted to one colour or when printing onto rough or
absorbent surfaces like shipping boxes or textiles.

The Black Mark and White Mark have been created

as an exception when the overall printing is restricted
to one colour and that colour is black or white. Use
of the full colour version of the Mark is still strongly
recommended, whenever possible.
Black Mark EPS files: White Mark EPS files:
Single colour Mark black FM_Black, FM_Arrow_Black Single colour Mark white FM_White, FM_Arrow_White
The Black Mark and the White Mark may only be
printed in black and in white. They are not allowed to
be printed in any other colour.

Printing on coloured background

Both Marks may be printed on a coloured, preferably
neutral background provided there is sufficient contrast
between the background colour and all the elements
of the Mark. The Mark must not be printed onto
patterns, busy backgrounds or bright background
What to avoid What to avoid
The Black Mark must The Black Mark or the
To request an Illustrator EPS file of the FAIRTRADE not be printed in white White Mark must never
Black Mark or the FAIRTRADE White Mark, see last as it will result in a be printed in any colour
page of these guidelines for contact details. negative version of the other than black or white

What to avoid What to avoid

The Black Mark must The Black Mark must
not be printed on bright not be printed onto
background colours patterns or busy

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 15

Fairtrade Mark
Max Havelaar version

Country-specific versions
The FAIRTRADE Mark with a strapline indicating
members of the ‘Max Havelaar’ movement is available
in Colour and Black & White versions.

These versions of the Mark may only be used for

products sold primarily in France, The Netherlands and
Switzerland by companies based in these countries.

The FAIRTRADE Mark Max Havelaar files provided by

Fairtrade International are the only versions that can be
used. Use of any other colours or adaptations is not

All guidelines for the standard (international) versions of

Colour Mark MH B&W Mark MH
the Mark apply.
EPS files: EPS files:
To request an Illustrator EPS file of the FAIRTRADE FM_MH_PMS FM_MH_BW
Mark Max Havelaar, see last page of these guidelines FM_MH_RGB
for contact details.

Colour Arrow Mark MH B&W Arrow Mark MH

EPS files: EPS files:


FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 16

Fairtrade Mark
Max Havelaar version

Limited use versions

It might not always be possible to print the FAIRTRADE
Mark in full colour, for example when printing is
restricted to one colour or when printing onto rough or
absorbent surfaces like shipping boxes or textiles.

The Black Mark and White Mark have been created

as an exception when the overall printing is restricted
to one colour and that colour is black or white. Use
of the full colour version of the Mark is still strongly
recommended, whenever possible.
Black Mark MH EPS files: White Mark MH EPS files:
Single colour Mark black FM_MH_Black, FM_MH_ Single colour Mark white FM_MH_White, FM_MH_
The Black Mark and the White Mark may only be Arrow_Black Arrow_White
printed in black and in white. They are not allowed to
be printed in any other colour.

Printing on coloured background

Both Marks may be printed on a coloured, preferably
neutral background provided there is sufficient contrast
between the background colour and all the elements
of the Mark. The Mark must not be printed onto
patterns, busy backgrounds or bright background
What to avoid What to avoid
The Black Mark must The Black Mark or the
To request an Illustrator EPS file of the FAIRTRADE not be printed in white White Mark must never
Black Mark or the FAIRTRADE White Mark, see last as it will result in a be printed in any colour
page of these guidelines for contact details. negative version of the other than black or white

What to avoid What to avoid

The Black Mark must The Black Mark must
not be printed on bright not be printed onto
background colours patterns or busy

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 17

Fairtrade Mark
Maintaining the Mark

Incorrect use
of the Mark
It is important that the appearance of the FAIRTRADE
Mark is protected. The Mark must never be altered,
recreated or distorted in any way.

The Mark has a registered trademark symbol ®, which

must always appear and is now positioned inside the
black rectangle instead of outside.

The FAIRTRADE Mark files provided by Fairtrade

International are the only versions that can be used. Do not use old versions The colours, type and The Mark must always be The Mark must not be
of the Mark with a black trademark symbol must shown in an upright position changed in any way
Old versions of the Mark keyline inside the roundel never be changed and never tilted. Only to fit a shape or design
(discontinued since 01/2011) exception: When all of the
Please make sure to use the most recent version of
layout is tilted in the same
the Mark. The Mark has been updated in 2018 and direction
all previous versions of the Mark must be replaced by

The Mark must not be The Mark must not be The Mark must not be framed Do not remove any elements
stretched or skewed out reproduced in any single nor incorporated into a design, from the Mark
of proportion or have colour other than black or no elements must be added
rounded edges white to it

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 18

The Fairtrade Mark
Use on different

Use on backgrounds of Different

colours and Patterns
The FAIRTRADE Mark, including the registered
trademark symbol ®, must always be clearly visible
and not be obscured by any other graphic or
background pattern. When printing the Mark against a
background other than white, the Mark’s white keyline
must not be removed and the registered symbol must
be legible.

The appropriate use of the Mark on different

backgrounds should result in the highest possible
contrast between the Mark, the registered trademark
symbol ® and the background. The Mark on a dark but even background. White border on a busy background Extremely busy background, Mark
loses definition
Busy backgrounds
If the Mark is used against an extremely busy
background, an even border must be added to
surround the Mark. The border should be half of the
minimum clear space (1/4 X, see page 12) and can
be a solid white or white with degrees of transparency
to achieve maximum effect. The border can also be
black, but no other colours are allowed.

The Mark on a light, even background. White border on a busy background Extremely busy background, Mark
loses definition

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 19

Multiple Marks

Relationship with
other marks
The points here are a guide to managing relationships
between the FAIRTRADE Mark and other ethical marks Horizontal relationship Vertical relationship
or seals.

In situations where there is more than one mark 1/2 X 1/2 XX 1/2
X X 1/2 X 2X 2X 1/2 X 1/2 XX X X
1/2 1/2 X
supporting or collaborating with the FAIRTRADE Mark,
consistency and clarity are a priority. Our aim is to 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 X
ensure the FAIRTRADE Mark remains independent
at all times to avoid a conflict of interest, potential
mixed messaging or confusion in the marketplace.
The FAIRTRADE Mark must not be placed in such
a way that it could be associated as belonging to
any company or organisation other than Fairtrade
International or its members.

The FAIRTRADE Mark must not be smaller than any 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 X
other certification or ethical mark on the same pack
and must always comply with the size requirements in
these guidelines. See size and proportion on
page 21.

The distance between the FAIRTRADE Mark and other

certification or ethical marks should be at least half
the width of the Mark (1/2 X) so that they are seen as
independent of each other.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 20

Fairtrade Mark
Size and Proportion

Size of the Mark

The FAIRTRADE Mark must be used in a size that
is in proportion with the size of the packaging or
promotional item. This size guide has been designed A4: 21 mm A5: 17 mm A6: 15 mm A7: 13 mm A8: 11 mm Min: 7 mm
to support selection of the correct size of the Mark
on these items. It must be used as a guide to the
recommended maximum and minimum size of the
Mark allowed on different packaging or promotional
item sizes. The minimum sizes shown on this page aim
to ensure reproduction and appropriate scale of the
Mark. For certain products or promotions, the sizing
may differ from the matrix presented here. When this is
the case, an average can be used.
Size guide Example Maximum Mark size Minimum Mark size
Minimum size
To ensure legibility, extra care must be taken when (ISO 216 – A series) Application examples (Width) (Width)
producing the FAIRTRADE Mark in small sizes. As a
guide, the Mark should not be reproduced in sizes A1 (594 x 841 mm) Posters, display stands 66 mm 60 mm
smaller than 7 mm wide for printed materials, providing
the type is still legible.
A2 (420 x 594 mm) Display stands, POS 46 mm 42 mm
Measuring the Mark
The width of the Mark is measured from edge to edge, A3 (297 x 420 mm) Posters, POS, flower bunches 33 mm 31 mm
including the white keyline, see page 12.

A4 (210 x 297 mm) Large packs, 1 litre cartons 21 mm 19 mm

A5 (148 x 210 mm) Packs and labels 17 mm 15 mm

A6 (105 x 148 mm) 20-50 bag tea pack 15 mm 13 mm

A7 (74 x 105 mm) 750 ml bottle labels 13 mm 11 mm

A8 (52 x 74 mm) Labels and hang tags 11 mm 7 mm

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 21

Fairtrade Mark
Size guide

297 mm x 210 mm
210 mm x 148 mm

148 mm x 105 mm

105 mm x 74 mm

74 mm x 52 mm

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 22

Part two

2.1 Key Packaging

This section provides an
overview of how and where to
place the FAIRTRADE Mark on
packaging. Individual sections
that follow cover specific
product type packaging.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 24

Product packaging
Key elements on pack


When placing the FAIRTRADE Mark on product Front of pack Back of pack
packaging, it is important that consumers are clear
about the role of the Mark in relation to the branding.

The following pages outline the rules that must be

followed when using the Mark and the name Fairtrade
on any product packaging.

The FAIRTRADE Mark must be placed on the front

face of the product, clearly visible to consumers at 1
point of sale.
The Fairtrade Claim can be placed next to the Mark or
on back or side of pack.

Elements on pack 2

1 4
Brand (compulsory)
2 Sub-brand (optional)
3 Product title (compulsory)
4 Product descriptor (optional) Fairtrade contributes to
sustainable development for
certified producers by enabling
5 FAIRTRADE Mark (compulsory) fairer trading conditions, social
change and environmental
6 Fairtrade Claim, including website protection. Full coffee content
is Fairtrade certified, traded,
(compulsory). audited and sourced from
Fairtrade producers, total
5 6 100%.
For more information visit

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 25

Product packaging
Key elements on pack


The same applies when the FAIRTRADE Mark with Front of pack Back of pack
the arrow prompting consumers to look at the back
of pack for more information about the Mark and the
Fairtrade ingredients.

The FAIRTRADE Mark must be ´laced on the front face

of the product, clearly visible to consumers at point of

The Fairtrade Claim can be placed next to the Mark or

on back or side of pack.

Elements on pack

1 Brand (compulsory) 3

2 Sub-brand (optional) 2
3 Product title (compulsory)
4 Product descriptor (optional)

5 FAIRTRADE Mark (compulsory)

6 Fairtrade Claim, including website


7 Mark arrow (compulsory) The quantity of orange juice

required for this product is
7 sourced, traded and audited
as Fairtrade, ensuring orange
If it’s not possible to insert the arrow from the Mark, producers receive Fairtrade terms.
a generic arrow or a triangle pointing to the Fairtrade It may be mixed during processing
Claim is allowed. with non-certified orange juice, so
that the total matches the amount
sourced as Fairtrade (mass
5 6 balance). For more information visit

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 26

Product packaging

Overview of packaging elements

The chart on the right provides a summary of all
the elements that must be considered for product


The FAIRTRADE Mark must appear on the front of the FACING
pack together with the brand. The Fairtrade ingredients
and the Fairtrade Claim must appear on the side of the Brand name Compulsory Page 25 Compulsory
pack that has the ingredient information. The Fairtrade
Claim must be placed on any packaged consumer FAIRTRADE Mark Compulsory Page 25 Compulsory
product that is Fairtrade certified. The use of the
Fairtrade in product
Fairtrade website in the Claim is also compulsory. Useful advice Pages 25, 31 Useful advice
A Fairtrade NFO licensee reference code or producer
Licensee company name Useful advice Page 25 Compulsory
FLO ID are compulsory for certain products and
markets, please ask your NFO or FI. Useful advice
Producer FLO-ID (compulsory for fresh Page 36 Compulsory
For example in the UK only, the NFO reference code fruit)
“FFL code” is compulsory when the licensee is not the
brand owner. Compulsory for some See left and Compulsory for some
NFO reference code
markets page 80 markets
Artwork approval
Packaging artwork must be approved by Fairtrade as Fairtrade ingredients list Compulsory Page 57 Useful advice
part of the design and production process. Please see
the contact details for artwork approval on the last Fairtrade Claim Compulsory Pages 57-60 Useful advice
page of these guidelines.
Fairtrade website Compulsory Pages 57-60 Useful advice
Please note that promotion cannot take place before
a product is registered with the licensing body and the
packaging has been approved.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 27

Product packaging
Positioning of the Mark

Brand hierarchy
When placing the FAIRTRADE Mark on product
packaging, it is compulsory to also show the brand
and product title/descriptor on the front of the pack.
A clear hierarchy must always be maintained between
the Mark and the brand. The Mark must not be placed
in such a way that it could be misinterpreted as
belonging to any company or organisation other than
Fairtrade International or its members.

The brand should always be larger or at least more

prominent than the Mark, which should ideally be
positioned near the bottom of the pack, away from the
brand. The two must be independent of each other
and it is not permitted to use Fairtrade or the name of
a National Fairtrade Organization (NFO) as part of the
product’s brand name. The FAIRTRADE Mark must
never appear on unbranded retail products.

Which Mark to use

The Mark without arrow for single ingredient products
that have physical traceability.

The Mark with an arrow for single ingredient products

that are traded under mass balance.

The Mark with arrow for multiple ingredient products,

irrespective of the trading model, physical traceability
or mass balance (see page 8).

Brand colours 01 Correct use

The Mark must be placed on the front
02 Hierarchy 03 Unbranded products
When brand or defining packaging colours are similar The Mark must not be more prominent than The Mark must not appear
to the FAIRTRADE Mark colours, the full colour Mark of the pack, away from the brand
the brand or identity on unbranded retail products
must not be used, the black & white version is to be
used instead. The exact Mark colours Fairtrade Leaf
Green and Fairtrade Sky Blue must not be included in
the brand or sub-brand or used as the defining colour
of the packaging (for more, see page 13).

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 28

Product packaging
Positioning of the Mark

Front of pack
The FAIRTRADE Mark must always be placed on the
front of the pack and be visible to the consumer when
the product is viewed from the front. When positioning
the Mark, the brand hierarchy rules must be followed.

The Mark must be less prominent than the brand and

positioned away from it. It should be placed in the
bottom left or right corner of the pack and may also
be centred horizontally. Brand
Please note
If the product is to be merchandised in a shelf tray or
counter display unit, this must be taken into account
in positioning the Mark. In case the Mark is obscured
by the shelf tray or unit, it must be re-positioned or an
additional Mark must be placed on the shelf tray or
counter display unit. Please see page 32.

Back of pack
When the FAIRTRADE Mark is on the front of the pack,
an additional FAIRTRADE Mark may be placed on the
back of the packaging next to the Fairtrade Claim.

01 Position of the Mark

The Mark should preferably be 02 Cylindrical objects 03 Multiple front faces
positioned in the bottom left or right On round or cylindrical objects, it is allowed On packs or boxes with multiple
corner, or centred horizontally to move the Mark half out of the line of vision faces, the Mark must appear on any
but at least half of the Mark must always be side of the packaging that can be
seen when the pack is viewed from the front regarded as the front of the pack,
respecting the size guide on page 22

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 29

Product packaging
Positioning of the Mark

To ensure visual impact and legibility, the positioning

of the FAIRTRADE Mark on the pack must be carefully
considered. The brand hierarchy must be maintained.
The Mark should not be printed too close to any
area that will be seamed, sealed or cut. If no other
placement is possible, the Mark may be positioned
there as long as it’s perfectly visible at point of sale and
not distorted or creased.

Distance from edge of pack

When positioning the Mark on the pack, a minimum of
5 mm should always be maintained between the Mark
and the edge of the pack (A), or any seals, seams or
creasing lines, to allow for production tolerances. The
minimum clear space (1/2 X) applies to the other sides
of the Mark (B), see page 12.

The trademark symbol

All versions of the Mark have the registered certification
mark symbol ®, which must not be moved or deleted.
1/2 X 1/2 X

5 mm 5 mm

5 mm 1/2 X 1/2 X 5 mm

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 30

Product packaging
POroduct title and

Product title and descriptor

As an option, the term Fairtrade can be used in a Single Fairtrade Product Composite Fairtrade ingredients
product title or product descriptor, providing it is not
used as a brand or sub-brand. It is not allowed to use
the name of an NFO, for example ‘Max Havelaar’, as Acceptable product title:
Acceptable product title:
part of the product title.

Single product Fairtrade bananas Fairtrade coffee cappuccino

Products made using only one ingredient and that Cappuccino with Fairtrade coffee
ingredient is Fairtrade, eg coffee. Fairtrade Cabernet Sauvignon
Name: Fairtrade coffee
Fairtrade rich roast coffee Rum with Fairtrade sugar
Composite product with all Fairtrade
Fairtrade black Ceylon tea Muffin with Fairtrade cocoa, sugar and
ingredients bananas
Certified composite products being made solely
from Fairtrade ingredients according to the Fairtrade Drink with Fairtrade chocolate
Standard, eg chocolate (made with Fairtrade cocoa,
Fairtrade sugar and other relevant ingredients). Product title not acceptable:
Product title not acceptable:
Name: Fairtrade chocolate Use of the term Fairtrade is not permitted when it is not
Use of the term Fairtrade is not permitted when it is
clear which ingredient is Fairtrade certified:
used as a brand or sub-brand:
Composite product with some Fairtrade
Products with Fairtrade ingredients and ingredients Fairtrade (Brand Name) Cabernet Fairtrade cappuccino
that are not Fairtrade, eg chocolate cake. Fairtrade Sauvignon
must only be used in the product title/descriptor to Fairtrade rum
identify the significant or characterising Fairtrade
Fairtrade muffin with chocolate
Name: Cake with Fairtrade cocoa Max Havelaar coffee
and sugar

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 31

Product packaging
Consumer-facing Bulk

Retail packaging
The FAIRTRADE Mark must be applied to any shelf
trays, counter display units and boxes that contain
Brand name
loose Fairtrade certified products for sale in a
consumer-facing environment. However, it must only
be used on units where all items in the container are
Fairtrade certified.

Shelf trays and counter display units

When placing the Mark on a tray or display unit, the
same brand and product title/descriptor that is on the cookies
product must also be shown on the unit. For more information visit info.fairtrade.net

The Mark does not need to be printed on the unit if at 01 03

least one Mark on a product within a unit is visible.

See the point of sale section on page 67 for more

Brand name
Boxes for loose sale
Any boxes or containers that are used for the sale
of products in a consumer-facing environment must
include a brand name and the FAIRTRADE Mark.
Product title/descriptor, FLO-ID or NFO reference
code and Licensee name and country of origin are
recommended. (In some markets, an NFO reference
code is compulsory).
For more information visit info.fairtrade.net
Some supply chains also require listing at least 3 FLO-
IDs, the packager’s plus one ID up and one ID down 02 04
the supply chain. Your licensing body or FLOCERT can
provide this information. The same requirements apply 01 Display units 02 Display units 03 Containers for loose Certified and uncertified
when the product itself carries the Mark. This applies If the Mark on the If at least one Mark on a sale products
product pack is obscured product within the unit is Any boxes or containers Use of the FAIRTRADE Mark is
for instance to shipping boxes that are also used in a by the unit, the Mark, visible the Mark does not used for the loose sale of not allowed if not all products
retail environment, eg for bananas. The Mark must not brand and product title/ need to be printed on the Fairtrade certified products in a within one container are
be used if not all of the products are certified. descriptor must be unit. In this example, the consumer-facing environment Fairtrade certified
printed on the unit brand name is obscured by must carry the Mark
the unit

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 32

Product packaging

Shipping and bulk packaging

All boxes or containers used for transportation of
Fairtrade certified products that will be placed in
a consumer-facing environment must include the
following: The brand or product owner, the Mark and
a product title or descriptor. Recommended: Fairtrade
Claim and URL. The above can be printed directly on
the box or on adhesive labels to be used on the box.

A Licensee name or NFO reference code is required in

some markets, please consult with your NFO.

The FLO-ID may be a compiulsory requirement 01 Bulk packaging

in some supply chains, so please make sure that Packaging that might
the transport box or labels comply with FLOCERT be used for shipping but
requirements. also in a consumer-facing
environment, eg wine
boxes, should show the
Exceptions colour Mark
The use of the monochrome Black Mark is only
acceptable on consumer-facing containers when
printed on a light or neutral background, see pages 15
and 17.

For communicating that transport cartons contain

certified products, a text claim can be used instead of
printing the Mark, for example 100% Fairtrade coffee
or Fairtrade certified bananas.

02 Shipping box
The use of the Black
Mark is only acceptable
on consumer-facing
packaging when applied
on light or neutral

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 33

Product packaging
Packaging requirements

Artwork Approval
Written approval must be received from from Product packaging - Checklist
your National Fairtrade Organization or Fairtrade
International artwork team prior to printing or public
distribution of any packaging that displays the Products displayed or sold as Fairtrade certified must have a FAIRTRADE Mark. The full colour version of the
FAIRTRADE Mark. Mark is recommended. Page 13.
Double check artwork before submitting to keep
re-submissions to a minimum as errors will delay the The Mark must be placed on the front face of the packaging or product and be visible to the consumer. The
approval process. These guidelines can be applied Mark should preferably be positioned near the left or right bottom edge or corner. Pages 25 and 26.
to most types of packaging but they do not cover
everything. If clarification is required on any of these
points, or for further advice, go to the last page of
The Mark must always appear as an independent product certification mark. It is not to be confused with the
these guidelines for contact details. brand name or identity. It must be less prominent than the brand and positioned away from it. Pages 25 and

The Mark must be used at a size that is in proportion with the size of the packaging and the other elements
on the front face. Pages 21 and 22.

In addition to the above, a product title and descriptor, the product owner (eg Licensee) and the producer
FLO ID or NFO reference code on the package iare recommended on the packaging. An NFO reference code
is compulsory is some markets and exceptions where the FLO ID is compulsory are mentioned in the relevant

The Fairtrade Claim must be placed on any packaged consumer product that is Fairtrade certified. Pages 25
and 26.

And remember, never alter the FAIRTRADE Mark, no elements may be subtracted or added.

For artwork approval first contact your local NFO (info.fairtrade.net) or Fairtrade International at artwork@
fairtrade.net for countries without an NFO. Most NFOs and Fairtrade International manage artwork approval
via a system called Connect, please contact your licensing body.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 34

Part two

2.2 Specific
This section covers use of the
FAIRTRADE Mark on food and
drinks. A separate section
covers non-food: flowers and
plants, and sports balls.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 35

Food and drinks
Fruit and vegetables
sold loose
Fruit or vegetables, sold loose or in multiples of the
same type, must be labelled individually with the X X
FAIRTRADE Mark. If multiples of one fruit are sold as
a unit, eg a bunch of bananas, each unit must have at 02 Exception
least one adhesive label applied. These adhesive labels COUNTRY For fruit stickers only:
must not be used for any other purpose. See next OF ORIGIN Allow a clear space of at least
At least 12 % of X
page also. 12 % of the width of the Mark,
(measured edge to edge)
between the Mark and the text.
Adhesive labels without a brand
Labels can be in the shape of a rounded rectangle or At least 12 % of X FLO-ID 01234
an oval as long as the Mark itself remains unaltered.
They must not be used for any other purpose.

Compulsory information 01 Size Layout example of a

• FAIRTRADE Mark Depending on the size of the 28.4 mm x 19 mm sticker,
• Country of origin * adhesive label, a width between for illustration purposes only.
7 mm and 11 mm, measured Sticker templates can be
• Producer organization FLO-ID * edge to edge, defined as “X”. provided by the relevant NFO.

The Mark and size

The Mark must be reproduced accurately and clearly
using the correct colour references (see page 13). Only
the Mark files Mark provided by Fairtrade are to be
used, without alterations. The Mark must not be less
than 7 mm and no more than 11 mm wide, measured PERU REPUBLIC DOMINICAN PANAMA
edge to edge. The words FAIRTRADE and MAX
HAVELAAR where applicable must be legible.

The producer organizations may only apply stickers for FLO-ID 56789
FLO-ID 12345
Fairtrade sales and on behalf of a licensee (please refer FLO-ID 56789 FLO-ID 34567

to the Fairtrtrade Standard).

03 Example stickers The typeface may be Arial or 04 Example stickers

* Overprinting may be used where applicable Example Fairtrade and Fairtrade Arial Narrow, depending on the Example Fairtrade and Fairtrade
Max Havelaar stickers with country name. The size of the Max Havelaar stickers with
country names in one and type may be adjusted to fit. The country names in one and in
in two lines, on a rounded type colour must be black or a two lines, on an oval shape.
rectangle. dark tone of grey.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 36

Food and drinks
Fruit and vegetables
sold loose

Adhesive labels for bananas

These labels can be branded or unbranded. The
preferred shape for banana unbranded adhesive labels
is a rounded rectangle. Your NFO can provide the Unbranded stickers
artwork for these labels. Example of unbranded stickers
applied to bananas. The preferred
Each bunch of bananas must have at least one sticker shape for bananas is a
rounded rectangle
adhesive label applied. These adhesive labels must
not be used for any other purpose. Multiple labels can
also be applied to a single bunch, but no more than 3,
except when tape is used to hold the bunch together,
see right.

If a flowpack is used, please refer to page 40.

Compulsory information
• Country of origin *
• Producer organization FLO-ID *

The Mark and size

The Mark must be reproduced accurately and clearly
using the correct colour references (see page 13). Only
the Mark files Mark provided by Fairtrade are to be
used, without alterations. The Mark must not be less
than 7 mm and no more than 11 mm wide, measured
black edge to black edge. The words FAIRTRADE and
MAX HAVELAAR where applicable must be legible.

Application Use of tape to hold bunches together

The producer organizations may only apply stickers for Tape around bunches of bananas can reduce use If retailers allow the removal of single bananas
Fairtrade sales and on behalf of a licensee (please refer of plasic bags and it’s allowed. The FAIRTRADE from a taped bunch, it is recommended to place a
to the Fairtrtrade Standard). Mark, Claim, producer FLO ID and NFO Code (if stcker on each banana with the Mark, country of
required) must be together on the tape at a legible origin and producer FLO ID so the right product is
size that can be clearly seen on shelf identified at checkout
* Overprinting may be used where applicable.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 37

Food and drinks
Fruit and vegetables
sold loose

Adhesive labels with a brand X X

Adhesive labels can be in the shape of a rounded
rectangle or an oval as long as the Mark itself remains Exception
unaltered. If multiples of one fruit are sold as a unit, BRAND For fruit stickers only:
eg a bunch of bananas, each unit must have at least At least 12 % of X Product title Allow a clear space of at least
one adhesive label applied (see previous page). The COUNTRY
12 % of the width of the Mark,
OF ORIGIN (measured black edge to black
design for these adhesive labels must not be used for edge) between the Mark and
any other purpose. For branded labels applied to flow the text.
packs or other forms of packaging, see page 40. At least 12 % of X

Compulsory information FLO-ID 01234

• Brand name (not producer name)

• Graphic dividing element, eg a line Size Layout example of a
Depending on the size of the branded sticker, for illustration
• FAIRTRADE Mark adhesive label, a width between purposes only. Sticker
• Country of origin * 7 mm and 11 mm, measured templates can be provided by
• Producer organization FLO-ID * black edge to black edge, the relevant NFO.
defined as “X”.
Recommended: Product title

The Mark and size

The Mark must be reproduced accurately and clearly Branded stickers
using the correct colour references (see page 13). Only Example of branded
the files of the Mark provided by Fairtrade are to be stickers applied on fruit.
used, without alterations. The Mark must not be less Product title Product title
than 7 mm and no more than 11 mm wide, measured COUNTRY ECUADOR
black edge to black edge. The words FAIRTRADE and
MAX HAVELAAR where applicable must be legible.

The producer organizations may only apply stickers for FLO-ID 01234 FLO-ID 01234

Fairtrade sales and on behalf of a licensee (please refer

to the Fairtrtrade Standard). Example stickers The typeface for the country
Example of branded stickers name and the FLO-ID may be
* Overprinting may be used where applicable. (Fairtrade and Max Havelaar) Arial or Arial Narrow, depending
with country names in one and on the country name. The size
in two lines. of the type may be adjusted
to fit. The type colour must be
black or a dark tone of grey.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 38

Food and drinks
Small sized and/or rough
surfaced Fruit and vegetables
Fairtrade certified fruit and vegetables too small or too
rough to be labelled individually, eg grapes or lychees, 01 Collar or hang tag
must be displayed in a box, punnet or bag. Those with Fruit or vegetables with a
a rough surface, eg pineapples, must be labelled with rough surface (eg pineapples)
a hang tag or collar tag. The bulk packaging guidelines have a hang tag or collar tag.
apply (see pages 32 and 33).

Compulsory information
• Brand or product owner name 02 Display box
• FAIRTRADE Mark Fruit and vegetables that
• The Fairtrade Claim (see page 58) are too small or rough to be
• It may be placed on the tag’s flip side. labelled individually must be
sold in a display box, punnet
Recommended: Producer FLO-ID, * country of origin or bag. Fairtrade Claim and
* and product title. An NFO reference code may also Producer FLO ID can be on
be used. This referencfe code is compulsory in some the same side as the Mark or
on a different side.
markets, your NFO will provide guidance.

Mark size
The width of the Mark is measured black edge to
black edge, see page 22 for a size table. The words
FAIRTRADE (and MAX HAVELAAR where applicable)
must be legible.

The Mark
The Mark must be reproduced accurately and clearly
using the correct colour references (see page 13). Only
the files of the Mark provided by Fairtrade are to be
used, without alterations.

The producer organizations may only apply these
examples for Fairtrade sales and on behalf of a Other information this information may only
licensee (please refer to the Fairtrtrade Standard). Other information, eg be on the side or a different
product information, bar page if a fold tag is used.
codes, etc may be added to
* Overprinting may be used where applicable. the display box provided it’s
distinct and separate from
the Mark;
on hang tags and collar tags,

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 39

Food and drinks
Packaged Fruit
and vegetables
Packed fruit or vegetables must have the FAIRTRADE
Mark on the net, package, bag or box. Each unit must 01 Giroband
On giro bands wrapped
have at least one Mark applied to what is considered around net bags, the Mark
the front of the pack. and compulsory elements
may be repeated for the
Compulsory information length of the band.
• Brand or product owner name
• FAIRTRADE Mark 02 Plastic bag
• The Fairtrade Claim (see page 58) The Mark with the Fairtade Claim
can be printed directly onto the
Recommended: Producer FLO-ID, country of origin bag or an adhesive label or a
combination of the two.
and product title. An NFO reference code may also
be used. This reference code is compulsory in some
markets, your NFO will provide guidance.
Brand Name
Product title 03 Exception
Country of origin FLO ID 12345
Multiple FAIRTRADE Marks may be
The Mark and size Fairtrade Claim
printed to fruit and vegetable bags.
See previous page.
Reference code
A diagonal orientation is allowed as
long as all Marks are all tilted in the
same direction.
Clear plastic bags
When printing directly onto a transparent substrate, 01 02
eg plastic bag, the white parts of the Mark must be
printed, see pages 11 and 14.

Multiple full-colour FAIRTRADE Marks may be applied
to plastic bags in a ‘wallpaper’ style, printed or as
machine-applied stickers. This does not replace the
requirement for the FAIRTRADE Mark to be on the
main front label area. Allow a clear space of at least
200 % of the Mark’s width between each Mark.

Same principle as in previous fruit and vegetable pages
03 Package or box Other information
If used, the Mark must be positioned on the Other information, eg product
* Overprinting may be used where applicable. front face of point of sale packaging, clearly information, bar codes, etc may be
visible to the consumer. See pages 32 and added to the display box provided it’s
33. distinct and separate from the Mark.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 40

Food and drinks

The FAIRTRADE Mark must be printed on all types
of container that drinks can be sold in, for example
bottles, pouches, tetra-pak containers, boxes or cans.
The Mark must always be placed on the front of the
package. Please make sure it is placed away from the
brand and clear of folds, seams, edges or seals.

These guidelines also apply to any other packaging

such as gift boxes and bulk packaging that will appear Brand
in retail outlets.

Labels with the Mark must be machine-applied (not

hand-applied) to bottles or packs.

Compulsory information
• Front of pack: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand,
product title/descriptor
• Back of pack: Fairtrade Claim, NFO reference
code (in some markets)

Optional information
Producer FLO ID

Seamed, sealed Bottles and Multiple front faces

or cut edges cylindrical objects On packs or boxes with multiple
On pouches, boxes or tetra-pak On bottles, the Mark must be clearly faces, the Mark must appear on
containers, the Mark must be on visible when viewed from the front. It any side of the packaging that
the front and must not be placed can printed on the main adhesive label. can be regarded as the front of
on folds, seams, edges or seals See page 29 also the pack

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 41

Food and drinks

The FAIRTRADE Mark may be applied to multiple
package faces, but it must be applied to any face that
may be considered the front, depending on the display
options and packaging design.

When packaging blocks the view of the FAIRTRADE

Mark applied to the bottles themselves, at least one
Mark on the front face must be printed.

When using recycled materials in a light or neutral

colour and when colour restrictions apply, the White
Mark or the Black Mark may be used as an exception.
Colour restrictions must be presented to the licensing
body upon request.

The Mark can be printed directly on a glass or plastic

bottle, in full colour, black & white or single-colour
black or white. No other colours may be used.

Other colours may be applied if the licensing body

grants this exceptional use of the FAIRTRADE Mark
due to restrictions in printing or application.

The Fairtrade Claim is cumpolsory on the outer

packaging or on the bottle; it can be on front, side or
back. Adhesive labels may also be used.

Outer packaging for drinks Glass and plastic

The Mark can be printed on the bottles
front or on multiple sides. It must The Mark can be printed
be printed when the Mark is not directly on the glass or plastic
visible on the drinks themselves.
The Black Mark may be used
on light or neuttral coloured,
recycled materials

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 42

Food and drinks
Alcoholic Drinks

Bottle Labels
On bottles, e.g. for wine, the FAIRTRADE Mark can
be printed directly onto the front and back labels.
Alternatively it can be placed on a separate band label, 01 Front of bottle
as shown on the next page. The Mark must be clearly
visible when viewed from
Front label the front
On the front of the bottle, the Mark should be
positioned on the main product label, away from the
brand. The Mark must be clearly visible when looking
at the front of the bottle. The Mark may be placed in a
separate band that sits directly below the main label. 02 Fairtrade Claim
The Fairtrade Claim must
always be included, on
Back label the back label but also
The Fairtrade Claim and website must be printed on on the front or band
the back label, clearly separated from the product
description. The Mark may be repeated on the back
label. However, this is not compulsory.
03 Collar tag
Compulsory information The Mark may only be
• Front of pack: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, used on a collar tag
product title/descriptor consectetur adipiscing elit. when the brand name
Ut quis sapien metus. Morbi and the Mark are also
• Back of pack: Fairtrade Claim eget ex sed nisl sagittis printed on the bottle
efficitur sit amet quis est. label. The producer FLO
Size Maecenas fringilla eget ipsum ID or NFO reference
at condimentum. code (where applicable)
The Mark must be between 11mm and 13mm in width
on 750ml bottle labels. For smaller sizes, please refer must also be on the
collar tag
to the size guide on page 21.

01 02 03

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 43

Food and drinks
Alcoholic Drinks

Band labels
When the FAIRTRADE Mark cannot be printed directly
onto the product label, e.g. for wine bottles, it may
be placed on a separate band label underneath the 01 Front label
product label. When printing the Mark
on a separate band
The height of the band label will be determined by the label, it must be placed
Mark’s clear space, while the width of the band label underneath the main
must follow the size of the product label.

The Mark must not be placed on a band around the

bottle neck, since this placement alters the hierarchy. 02 Back label
The Fairtrade Claim may
be placed on a band
A rectangular or square sticker with just the Mark is not label at the back of the
allowed. bottle

When placed on the band label of a 750 ml bottle, the
size of the Mark should be no larger than 13 mm wide. 03 Positioning
of the Mark
Compulsory information Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, The Mark must not be
• Front label: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, product consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut placed around the bottle
quis sapien metus. Morbi eget neck. A rectangular or
title/descriptor ex sed nisl sagittis efficitur sit square sticker with just
• Back label: The Fairtrade Claim must be on amet quis est. Maecenas fringilla the Mark is not allowed
the back label which can be a separate band. eget ipsum at condimentum.

The FAIRTRADE Mark on the back label.

The front and back band labels must be applied
machine-applied, not by hand.

01 02 03

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 44

Food and drinks
Alcoholic Drinks

alcoholic drinks that are composite

Alcoholic drinks that are composite products
containing all the Fairtrade ingredients that can be
Fairtrade must use the FAIRTRADE Mark with an arrow
and the corresponding Fairtrade Claim, depending on
the ingredients’ traceability type. See page 57.

These can be composite products like flavoured beers

and ales, ciders, flavoured sangrías, pre-mixed bottled
cocktails, fizzy alcoholic drinks, coolers, etc

If the alcoholic drink contains only one Fairtrade

ingredient, please ask your licensing body about the
Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient model (see page 9).

When the branding has very bright colours, the use of

the Black Mark or the White Mark on bottle labels is
not allowed. See page 15.

Other relevant rules apply.

Alcoholic compisite with the Alcoholic compisite with the The back (label or print) must
full colour Mark black & white Mark have the Fairtrade Claim

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 45


Single stem flowers

Single stem flowers or other single stem elements,
like foliage, which are displayed and sold as Fairtrade
certified, must have a single stem adhesive label
carrying the FAIRTRADE Mark. This applies to single
stems that are either sold individually or included in a

The producer FLO ID is compulsory, on the single stem

label and in some markets, an NFO reference code is
also compulsory. The presence of the country of origin,
a brand or product title/descriptor is recommended.

Fairtrade Claim
Where space is available, the Fairtrade Claim for Adhesive label
flowers should be placed on the single stem label The single stem adhesive
(see page 50). Because of limited space, it is not label must have the producer
compulsory to put the Fairtrade Claim on small labels. FLO ID. An NFO reference
code may also be included (it’s
Compulsory information compulsory in some markets)
On the single stem label: Producer FLO ID or NFO It must be applied by the
reference code (in some markets). Licensee or by the producer
organisation on behalf of the
Optional information Licensee.
Fairtrade Claim or only the Fairtrade URL.

The producer organizations may only apply these
examples for Fairtrade sales and on behalf of a
licensee (please refer to the Fairtrtrade Standard).

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 46

Pre-packaged Flowers

certified FLowers and fillers

All pre-packaged Fairtrade certified flowers or foliage,
single stems or bunches, displayed and sold as
Fairtrade must have a FAIRTRADE Mark on the
product packaging.

The compulsory information can be printed onto a

sleeve wrap, an adhesive label attached to the sleeve
wrap or a combination of label and sleeve wrap.
The Mark, Fairtrade Claim (including Fairtrade URL)
must be together.

These are pre-packaged bouquets, coming from the
Fairtrade producers through a Fairtrade supply chain.
The Mark must not be used on bouquets or bunches
which are reformulated to include uncertified flowers
or foliage, eg at a retailer or florist, and they cannot be All of the stems in this bouquet are
referenced as Fairtrade. Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
sourced from Fairtrade producers.
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
Compulsory information
On the packaging: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, product 02
title/descriptor, producer FLO ID and NFO reference
code where required, Fairtrade Claim:
01 Placement of the Mark
To ensure the Mark is visible when the flowers
All of the stems in this bouquet are Fairtrade are displayed in a bucket, it must be placed in
certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade the top third of the packaging
producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net

Optional information
Product owner (eg Licensee) 02 Adhesive label
All compulsory information must be printed
Optional Fairtrade Claims onto a sleeve wrap or on an adhesive label
01 attached to the sleeve
Additionaly, the optional claims on page 58 may also
be used.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 47

Pre-packaged Flowers


When all of the pre-packaged flowers are Fairtrade
certified but the foliage is not, the bouquets or
bunches must have the FAIRTRADE Mark. In addition,
a disclaimer statement to make it clear that only the
flowers are Fairtrade certified is compulsory.

Uncertified flowers
If not all flowers in the bouquet or bunch are certified,
no Mark is allowed on the packaging.

Compulsory information
• On the packaging: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand,
product title/descriptor, producer FLO ID and
NFO reference code where required Foliage from conventional farms
• Fairtrade Claim for flowers, see page 50.

Disclaimer All of the stems in this bouquet are

“Foliage from conventional farms”, to be placed under Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
sourced from Fairtrade producers.
the product title/descriptor. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net

Optional Fairtrade Claims 02

Additionaly, the optional claims on page 58 may also
be used.
01 Placement of the Mark
To ensure the Mark is visible when the flowers
are displayed in a bucket, it must be placed in
the top third of the packaging

02 Disclaimer
If the flowers are certified but foliage isn’t, a
disclaimer statement must be added

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 48

Mixed bouquets

Mixed bouquets assembled in the

destination market
The Fairtrade Standard for flowers and plants changed
the product composition rule to allow a maximum
of 50% non-Fairtrade certified flowers and fillers in
a bouquet, when the bouquets are assembled by a
certified trader in the destination markets and are sold Flowers and foliage from Italian sources,
already packaged. The core Mark in a lock-up with a total 50%
specific claim must be used for this situation. Roses: Fairtrade certified, traded,
audited and sourced from Fairtrade
The percentages can be adjusted in the claim* if they producers, total 50%. Visit www.info.
are more than 50%. If the Fairtrade certified flowers
and fillers can be named, it is recommended that
they are named. A disclaimer about the non-certified
02 When naming the flowers in the Claim
flowers and fillers, with the corresponding percentage, The disclaimer can be placed after the Fairtrade
is recommended. flowers claim or under the product title/descriptor.

Please note that this 50% rule does not apply to florists
and other vendors who are not certified.

Compulsory information
• On the packaging: FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, 03
product title/descriptor, producer FLO ID and
NFO reference code where required
• Fairtrade Claim for flowers. See right and Tulips from the xx region in the
04 Netherlands, total 50%
page 50.
50% of the stems [and foliage[ in this
Optional disclaimer bouquet are Fairtrade certified, traded,
05 audited and sourced from Fairtrade
When the origin of locally sourced, non-certified producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
flowers and/or foliage is known. For example:
• “Tulips from the xx region in the Netherlands,
total 50%” 01 When the flowers are not named in the
• “Flowers and foliage from Italian sources, Claim
total 50%”.

Optional Fairtrade Claims 01 03 Brand and product title

Additionaly, the optional claims on page 58 may also 04 Optional disclaimer
be used. 05 Mark and Fairtrade Claim for flowers

* Overprinting may be used where applicable.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 49

Pre-packaged Flowers
Claims overview

Fairtrade Claims used

next to the Mark
The Fairtrade Claim for flowers must reflect the
bouquet composition and be clear about the
certified content:

01- 100% Fairtrade composition (page 47) All of of the stems in this bouquet are
All of of the stems in this bouquet are Fairtrade Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade sourced from Fairtrade producers.
producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
FLO ID 12345
02- Between 50% and 100% Fairtrade
composition, see to the right
Example: 75% of the stems in this bouquet are
Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and sourced from
Fairtrade producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
Optional: Flowers and foliage from [destination
market]** sources, total 25%.
Flowers and foliage from [destination
03- 50% Fairtrade composition (page 49) market] sources. Total 25%.
50% of the stems in this bouquet are Fairtrade 75% of the stems in this bouquet are
certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
producers. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net sourced from Fairtrade producers. Visit
Optional: Flowers and foliage from [destination FLO ID 12345
market]** sources, total 50%. 02

If local legistation allows it, the term “A minimum of

xx%” or “a minimum of ‘number of’ stems” can be

When naming the flowers (page 49)

Roses***: Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
sourced from Fairtrade producers, total 50%. Flowers and foliage from [destination
market] sources. Total 50%.
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
Optional: Flowers and foliage from [destination 50% of the stems in this bouquet are
Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and
market]** sources, total 50%. sourced from Fairtrade producers. Visit
** For example: Italian, Dutch, French, etc FLO ID 12345
*** More certified flowers can be listed Optional Fairtrade Claims 03
Additionaly, the claims on page 57 may also be used.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 50

Plants and trees

Plants and Trees

Fairtrade certified plants and trees,
potted or un-potted, must have the FAIRTRADE Mark
on the container, packaging or plant label.

Compulsory information
On the packaging or plant label:
• FAIRTRADE Mark, brand, product title/
descriptor, producer FLO ID and NFO
reference code where required
• Fairtrade Claim for plants.

Optional information
Country of origin.

Fairtrade Claim for plants

[Name of plant] is Fairtrade certified, traded, audited
and sourced from Fairtrade producers.
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
FLO ID 12345 01 Pot tags
If space is limited, the Fairtrade Claim for plants
The Fairtrade Claim for plants can be printed on the can be printed on the back of the plant label
same side as the FAIRTRADE Mark or on the opposite
side of the tag or label.

The FLO ID number can be placed next to the Claim

or somewhere else on the tag or label, including on the
back side.
[Name of plant] is Fairtrade
certified, traded, audited and
sourced from Fairtrade producers.
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
FLO ID 12345

02 Adhesive labels
The FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade Claim for
plants can be placed on a label

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 51


Flower bulbs
Fairtrade certified bulbs, sold either loose or pre-
packaged, must have FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade
Claim on the box. The individual bulbs are not labelled.

Packaged bulbs
Flower bulbs sold in a net or bag must have an
adhesive label or giro band with the compulsory and
optional information.

Compulsory information
• On the box or label: FAIRTRADE Mark,
brand, product title/descriptor, producer FLO
ID and NFO reference code where required
• Fairtrade Claim below.

Optional information
Country of origin.

Fairtrade Claim for bulbs

[Name of bulb] is Fairtrade certified, traded, audited
and sourced from Fairtrade producers.
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
FLO ID 12345
01 Loose bulbs
The Fairtrade Claim for bulbs can be printed on the Loose bulbs must be in a display box.
The individual bulbs are not labelled
same side as the FAIRTRADE Mark or on the side of
the box.

The FLO ID number can be placed next to the Claim

or somewhere else on the box with other traceability
02 Packaged bulbs
Flower bulbs sold in a bag
or net must have a label or giro band
showing the FAIRTRADE Mark and
Fairtrade Claim for bulbs

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 52

Young plant material


Certifying young plant material offers a great
opportunity for Fairtrade producers to sell more of their
produce under Fairtrade terms. Young plant material
is produced by Fairtrade producer organizations
and then grown to a finished size in the importing or
consumer country by traders certified by Fairtrade for
this purpose, then sold to consumers as fully grown

Fairtrade young plant material includes:

- Young plants
- Plant cuttings (rooted and unrooted)
- Canes

This means that only the young plant material is

Fairtrade certified and for this reason, a different
Fairtrade Claim was created. The FAIRTRADE Mark
01 Pot tags
plus this compulsory claim are to be used together on Example of FAIRTRADE Mark on front and
packaging and promotional materials. compulsory claim on the back of a stick-in pot tag.
Mark and claim may be positioned on same side
Compulsory elements
• The FAIRTRADE Mark, the brand or product
owner name, the producer FLO ID and NFO
reference code where required.
• Fairtrade Claim for young plant materials.

Fairtrade Claim for young plant materials.

[Young plant/cutting/cane. Optional: name of plant]
produced by Fairtrade farm workers in developing
countries (or region or country) and [optional: name of
fully grown plant] finished/fully grown in [country/EU].
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net. 02 Adhesive labels
The FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade Claim for
Note: The optional parts of the compulsory claim marked between [ ] young plant material can be placed on a label
may be used to specify the name of the young plant, the fully grown
plant as well as the countries of origin and destination.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 53

Sports balls

Sports Balls
Sports balls that are Fairtrade stitched or assembled
must have a brand or club name, the FAIRTRADE
Mark, an accompanying statement and NFO reference
code (where required) printed directly onto the panels
of the ball. The Mark should be visible from any angle
and must not be printed more than three times on the
ball. 01 Fairtrade Claim for
sports balls
Compulsory information The accompanying statement
must be printed directly below
A brand or club name is compulsory on the surface of Fairtrade assembled football
each Mark
FLO ID 12345 / NFO Ref code
the ball and must be more prominent than the Mark.
The Mark must have an accompanying statement
specifying the type of sports ball:
Fairtrade (assembled/stitched) (type of ball), eg
Fairtrade assembled football.

Optional information
The Fairtrade Claim for sports balls is optional. 02 Reference code
The FLO ID or NFO reference
The producer FLO ID and/or NFO reference code can code may be printed on
be placed underneath the sports ball accompanying the sports ball. It can appear
FLO ID 12345 / NFO Ref code below the statement or on
statement. One or both may be compulsory in some a separate panel. A FLO ID
markets. and/or NFO reference code
may be compulsory in some
Fairtrade Claim for sports balls markets
Fairtrade certification enables improved living and
working conditions for the workers assembling this 02
sports ball. www.info.fairtrade.net

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 54

Sports balls

Packaged Sports Balls

Packaged sports balls that are Fairtrade certified
must have a brand or club name, the Mark, the
Fairtrade Claim for sports balls and/or a reference to
the Fairtrade website on the outer package (box, net,
plastic, etc). As an option the FLO ID or NFO reference
code can also be placed on the package.

If the brand name and FAIRTRADE Mark printed on the

sports ball are clearly visible, they do not need to be
repeated on the outer packaging.

Compulsory information
Brand or club name, FAIRTRADE Mark, Fairtrade Claim
for sports balls.

Fairtrade Claim for sports balls

Fairtrade certification enables improved living and
working conditions for the workers assembling this
sports ball. Visit www.info.fairtrade.net

Optional information Fairtrade certification enables improved

The producer FLO ID and/or NFO reference code can living and working conditions for the
workers assembling this sports ball.
be placed underneath the sports ball accompanying FLO ID and/or NFO reference code Visit www.info.fairtrade.net
FLO ID 12345
statement. One or both may be compulsory in some

01 Outer packaging 02 Outer packaging

If the brand name and the Mark When the brand name is clearly
printed on the sports ball are visible but the Mark is not,
clearly visible, they do not need the Mark may be printed on
to be repeated on the outer the outer packaging, together
packaging, but they may be with the Claim for sports balls.
used If the brand name is also not
visible, it must be printed on the

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 55

Part two

2.3 The Fairtrade

The Fairtrade Claim is a short
text explains the meaning
of the FAIRTRADE Mark to
consumers. The Fairtrade
Claim and URL are compulsory
on every pack.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 56

Fairtrade Claim

Fairtrade Claim – Overview Compulsory information Optional information

The Fairtrade Claim required to specify Fairtrade certified The FAIRTRADE Mark may be used on the back of pack if
Fairtrade Claim
ingredients including the relevant Fairtrade website is space allows but it is not compulsory.
For packaging of physically traceable and mass balance compulsory on pack. It is compulsory to print the Fairtrade
ingredients in composite or single ingredient products. Claim in at least one language, preferably English, plus the
Fairtrade website www.info.fairtrade.net on the pack. The Translations of the Fairtrade Claim
Due to European Union regulations, Fairtrade ingredients first sentence is compulsory (short version) the second
Translations for the Fairtrade Claim for physical traceability or
and/or percentages of Fairtrade ingredients must be sentence is optional (preferred version).
mass balance are contained in a separate section of these
identified in a list that is separate from the product ingredient
guidelines. See the next pages for the English versions.
listing. Written or pictorial identifying elements, for example
bold font type or symbols, must not be used within the main Fairtrade website
product ingredient listing to denote Fairtrade ingredients and/
The Fairtrade website is part of the Fairtrade Claim
or percentages of ingredients.
to allow consumers to find out more about Fairtrade.
For international sales the international website,
As stated in 2.2.3 of the Fairtrade Trader Standard, the
www.info.fairtrade.net, must be used.
Fairtrade content of the food composite product must be
identified on pack as a percentage, unless it contradicts
When a product is sold exclusively in a country where
national law. Fairtrade ingredients that are granted an
a National Fairtrade Organization (NFO) or Fairtrade
exception (section 2.2.4) may be required to be identified
Marketing Organisation (FMO) is present, the use of the
separately on the packaging.
national website is allowed.
It is recommended that information about the Fairtrade
ingredients and/or percentages of the ingredients in a
product should be provided in a Licensee and/or brand
Traceability type
hosted web page. Contents of this page must be submitted There are two claims based on the chain custody types of
to the licensing body for approval. physical traceability or mass balance, each with two choices
of length depending on the available space. The wording of
The Fairtrade Claims follow for products with ingredients each claim complies with European Union transparency on-
that have physical traceability and for those that have mass pack requirements.
balance. The Fairtrade Claim must appear in at least one

Please note that It is the responsibility of the licensee to

ensure that product packaging complies with all relevant
labelling laws within the jurisdiction of the area(s) where the
product is being sold.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 57

Fairtrade Claim
Physical traceability

Physical traceability Fairtrade Claim 3. Optional claims

Applicable for: 1. Short version – when space is limited An optional additional sentence may be added to the
Fairtrade Claim, if space allows. This sentence can reinforce
Composite or single-ingredient product. [Name(s) of Fairtrade traceable ingredient (s)] is/are Fairtrade the purchaser’s assurance of supporting Fairtrade producers.
certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade
Due to European Union regulations, Fairtrade ingredients producers, total xx%. Examples:
and/or percentages of Fairtrade ingredients must be For more visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
identified in a list that is separate from the product ingredient Purchasing
listing on pack. Example: A. Buying products from Fairtrade producers enables them
Cashew nuts, raisins, almonds are Fairtrade certified, traded, to obtain fair prices for their crops and have decent working
Written or pictorial identifying elements, for example bold font audited and sourced from Fairtrade producers, total 65%%. conditions.
type or symbols, must not be used within the main product For more visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
ingredient listing to denote Fairtrade ingredients and/or B. By purchasing this product, you contribute to Fairtrade’s
percentages of ingredients. efforts to empower Fairtrade [name of ingredient] producers
2. Preferred version to gain access to significant new market opportunities
As stated in 2.2 of the Fairtrade Trader Standard, the with the potential to deliver major social and environmental
Fairtrade content of the food composite product must be Fairtrade contributes to sustainable development for certified impact in their farms and communities.
identified on pack as a percentage, unless it contradicts producers by enabling fairer trading conditions, social
national law. Fairtrade ingredients that are granted an change and environmental protection. [Name(s) of Fairtrade Support to community
exception (section 2.2.4) are to be identified separately on traceable ingredient (s)] is/are Fairtrade certified, traded, A proportion of the purchasing price of products traded on
the packaging. audited and sourced from Fairtrade producers, total xx%. For Fairtrade terms is invested by farmers and workers in social,
more {information} visit environmental and economic development projects.
It is recommended that information about the Fairtrade info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
ingredients and/or percentages of the ingredients within Sustainability
a product should be provided in a Licensee and/or brand Example: A. There are strict Fairtrade standards designed to improve
hosted web page. Contents of this page must be submitted Fairtrade contributes to sustainable development for certified social sustainability and protect the environment where
to the licensing body for approval. producers by enabling fairer trading conditions, social Fairtrade products are grown.
change and environmental protection. Coffee is Fairtrade
Please note that It is the responsibility of the licensee to certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade B. Selling more of their [Fairtrade ingredient] on Fairtrade
ensure that product packaging complies with all relevant producers, total 100%. For more {information} visit info. terms enables Fairtrade producers to get fairer trading
labelling laws within the jurisdiction of the area(s) where the fairtrade.net/sourcing conditions, stimulate social change and engage in
product is being sold. environmental protection.
A licensing body approved Licensee-drafted text may be
* Text inside { } is optional. included to indicate the source of the ingredient(s).
* Text inside [ ] is to be substituted by the name
or information.
* Text in ( ) brackets is compulsory, e.g. (mass balance)

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 58

Fairtrade Claim
Mass balance

Mass balance Fairtrade Claim Claiming physical traceability for

one or more ingredients
Applicable for: 1. Short version - When space is limited If a Licensee is able to declare traceability on one or more
ingredients when the rest is mass balance, a licensing body
{The} Fairtrade [mass balance ingredient] may be mixed with
1. Composite (eg chocolate bars) or single-ingredient approved, Licensee-drafted text to indicate the source of the
non-certified [mass balance ingredient], on a mass balance
products (eg, tea, fruit juice). physically traceable ingredient(s) may be included in addition
basis, total xx%.
2. Composite products with a mixture of traceable Visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing to the Fairtrade Claim.
and non-traceable ingredients.
The word ‘certified’, when used in relation to an ingredient, Fairtrade cocoa may be mixed {during processing} with non- Optional Claims
implies physical traceability so it must not be used. certified cocoa on a mass balance basis, total 57%. See previous page.
Visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
Fairtrade ingredients and/or percentages of Fairtrade
ingredients must be identified in a list that is separate from
the product ingredient listing. 2. Preferred version

Written or pictorial identifying elements, for example bold font The quantity of [mass balance ingredient] required for
type or symbols, must not be used within the main product this product is sourced, traded and audited as Fairtrade,
ingredient listing to denote Fairtrade ingredients and/or ensuring [mass balance ingredient name] producers receive * Text inside { } is optional.
percentages of ingredients. Fairtrade terms. It may be mixed {during processing} with * Text inside [ ] is to be substituted by the name
non-certified [mass balance ingredient], so that the total or information.
As stated in 2.2.3 of the Fairtrade Trader Standard, the matches the amount sourced as Fairtrade (mass balance), * Text in ( ) brackets is compulsory, e.g. (mass balance)
Fairtrade content of the food composite product must be total xx%. For more {information} visit info.fairtrade.net/
identified on pack as a percentage, unless it contradicts sourcing
national law. Fairtrade ingredients that are granted an
exception (section 2.2.4) are to be identified separately on
The quantity of cocoa and sugar required for this product
the packaging.
are sourced, traded and audited as Fairtrade, ensuring
cocoa and sugar producers receive Fairtrade terms. They
The Fairtrade ingredients identified in the mass balance claim may be mixed {during processing} with non-certified cocoa
are the ingredients that have been sourced on Fairtrade and sugar, so that the total matches the amount sourced as
terms. The claim or packaging must not imply that an Fairtrade (mass balance), total 68%. For more {information}
ingredient sourced using mass balance is physically in the visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
3. Extra short version (when space on pack is limited
It is recommended that information about the Fairtrade e.g. when several languages are required on-pack)
ingredients and/or percentages of the ingredients within
a product should be provided in a Licensee and/or brand Fairtrade cocoa and sugar: mass balance is used to match
hosted web page. Contents of this page must be submitted Fairtrade sourcing, total xx%. Visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
to the licensing body for approval.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 59

Fairtrade Claim
Mixed traceability

Physically traceable and Products containing more Please note:

Mass balance ingredients than 50% liquids • The Licensee and/or brand owner (if different) is
responsible for any claim made on pack about
Please note: For products with >50% added water or dairy, Licensees
benefits to specific Fairtrade producer organisations
are allowed to exclude all added water and/or dairy from
and these must be substantiated.
• The Licensee and/or brand owner (if different) is the percentage calculations. This also applies to juices from
• Information about the claim has to be made readily
responsible for any claim made on pack about concentrate but not fresh juices.
available to the consumer in a Licensee and/or
benefits to specific Fairtrade producer organisations
brand hosted web page.
and these must be substantiated. ‘Excluding water’, ‘Excluding dairy’, ‘Excluding milk’,
• The Licensee and/or brand hosted website has to
• Information about the claim has to be made readily ‘Excluding yoghurt’, ‘Excluding (name liquid ingredient
be on the packaging.
available to the consumer in a Licensee and/or being excluded)’ must be added next to Fairtrade ingredient
• No claims are to be made on pack without a web
brand hosted web page. percentage if this is calculated excluding the added water
page with the relevant information.
• The Licensee and/or brand hosted website has to or dairy.
• Contents of this page must be submitted to the
be on the packaging.
licensing body for approval. See last page for
• No claims are to be made on pack without a web Please refer to the Trader Standard, section 2.2.2.
contact information.
page with the relevant information.
• Contents of this page must be submitted to the The Fairtrade Claim for the corresponding traceability type is
licensing body for approval. See last page for to be used.
contact information. Applicability
Section ‘2.1 Traceability’ of the Trader Standard applies to all
If the percentage of sugar in a soda drink has been
Fairtrade operators.
It is allowed to communicate benefits for Fairtrade producers calculated to be 85% without including the water content,
in a specific country on packaging, providing that no it must be indicated on pack that this calculation has been
Section ‘2.2 Product Composition’ applies to all Food
reference to the ingredient is made. made excluding water.
Composite Products certified from the 1st July 2011
onwards. Products certified before the 1st July had a two
Allowed, for example: Fairtrade sugar may be mixed {during processing} with non-
certified sugar on a mass balance basis, total 85%, excluding year transition period.
(Only when substantiated)
Fairtrade producers in Ghana have used the Fairtrade Visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing For changes in the Fairtrade Standards, the transition period
Premium to build a school. to apply labelling that complies with the current Trader
Standard is governed by your licence contract. Please
contact your licensing body for more information.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 60

Part three

3.1 Promoting
Fairtrade products
This section covers use of
the FAIRTRADE Mark when
communicating about it in
retail and ‘out-of-home’
environments , printed
and online advertising and

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 62

Promotional materials

Please remember that all products that are identified
and promoted as Fairtrade must be Fairtrade certified
and carry the relevant FAIRTRADE Mark. Application 01 Fairtrade elements
of the Mark on promotional items used in hotels, The Fairtrade elements must
be grouped together and
restaurants, cafés, independent confectionery shops
be less prominent than the
and on vending machines is covered here. brand

The Fairtrade elements on a promotional item must 02 Brand name
On promotional materials
be positioned or grouped together, see page 28. All our bananas are a brand name and/or brand
All our coffee is
They must always be less prominent than the brand now Fairtrade certified Fairtrade certified logo must always be clearly
and must never be used to imply endorsement displayed
or sponsorship of an event or brand by Fairtrade
International or the National Fairtrade Organization
(NFO) unless written permission is given. The 03 Messaging
Make sure the messaging
promotional materials should be positioned in close about the Fairtrade product
proximity to the relevant information on Fairtrade 02 is clear
products and to the products themselves.

Co-labelling with other ethical labels

Make sure the compulsory Fairtrade elements retain
their independence from other ethical labels, see page Choose products with
20. Be clear that the Mark does not appear to be the
‘owner’ of the materials by being dominant. Americano Latte
Cappuccino Mocha
Please note: When there is a mixed offer of physically Espresso Macchiato
traceable products like coffee and products traded 01
using mass balance like tea and cocoa-based All our coffee is Fairtrade certified
products, the Mark with the arrow alone may be used.
See pages 8 and 14.
Apple juice
Orange juice
Grapefruit juice


FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 63

Promotional materials

Promoting Fairtrade products

Cafés and restaurants
These guidelines are to enable Fairtrade products in
out-of-home locations to be promoted correctly. The 01 Fairtrade elements
Fairtrade products featured must be clearly linked to The Fairtrade elements must
be grouped together and
the Mark, and accompanied by a descriptive strapline
be less prominent than the
identifying the products available, eg a descriptive brand
statement or a call to action such as Our coffee and Americano Latte English Breakfast *
English Breakfast tea are Fairtrade certified. Cappuccino Mocha Green Tea
02 Brand name
Espresso Macchiato Oolong Tea On promotional materials
The FAIRTRADE Mark must only be used once on
All our coffees and the * English Breakfast a brand name or logo must
promotional items such as menu boards, cups or tea are Fairtrade certified always be clearly displayed
loyalty cards.
Apple juice
Cups or collars 03 Messaging
Orange juice Make sure the messaging
Disposable cups or collars must only carry the Mark about the Fairtrade product
Grapefruit juice
if the business or brand offers only Fairtrade certified is clear
products in a complete category and the brand name
Claim examples
All our coffee is Fairtrade certified
The (name of the relevant teas( are Fairtrade certified
Our in-house coffee and tea are Fairtrade certified

Optional information
The Fairtrade URL All our coffee is
Visit www.info.fairtrade.net Fairtrade certified

Please note: When there is a mixed offer of physically

traceable products like coffee and products traded Buy nine Fairtrade coffees
using mass balance like tea and cocoa-based and get the tenth FREE
products, the Mark with the arrow alone may be used.
See pages 8 and 14. 02 03

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 64

Promotional materials

Using the word Fairtrade

The word ‘Fairtrade’ must only relate to the Fairtrade
certified product – ‘Fairtrade certified coffee’. Please
do not make a generic reference to Fairtrade where the
Fairtrade specific ingredient is not specified.

For example, do not say ‘Fairtrade cappuccino’ or

‘Fairtrade latte’ as it is the coffee content which is
Fairtrade and not the cappuccino itself. Similarly, terms
such as ‘Fairtrade menu’ or ‘We are a Fairtrade café’
must not be used. Coffees Teas Juices Fairtrade Americano Latte
Americano * English Breakfast Apple juice 2 Fairtrade Cappuccino Mocha
To use the statement “All our coffee is Fairtrade Cappuccino * Green Tea Fairtrade Espresso Macchiatto
Orange juice
certified”, all coffee provided, including filter and Espresso * Oolong Tea * Grapefruit juice
decaffeinated coffee, must be Fairtrade certified and Fairtrade Chocolate Muffin Orange Juice
Latte *
identified with the FAIRTRADE Mark. Mocha *
3 Blueberry Muffin Apple Juice
Fairtrade Chocolate Milkshake Cranberry Juice
Macchiato *
The same applies to other products sold, like tea or
chocolate drinks.

The Mark must not refer to products that are not * Fairtrade certified coffee and Oolong tea 4 We sell Fairtrade certified products
Fairtrade certified.

Correct use Things to avoid 3 F

 airtrade and non-
The Fairtrade products featured must 1 D o not use terms Fairtrade products must
always be clearly linked to the Mark like ‘Fairtrade menu’ be clearly separated
or ‘Fairtrade café’
Fairtrade products must be identified 4 D
 o not use generic
through use of an asterisk and a 2 D o not use Fairtrade reference to Fairtrade
descriptive strapline specifying the for products that are not where the products are
products available 100% Fairtrade not specified

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 65

Promotional materials
Out-of-home, Retail

Retailers’ point of sale

Shops and other retailers are encouraged to promote
Fairtrade products by using posters, signs, stickers
and other types of promotional material.

Where these feature the FAIRTRADE Mark, they must

also have an accompanying call to action, such as:

• Ask about Fairtrade products

• Buy products with the FAIRTRADE Mark here
• Buy products with this Mark
Hotels and self service restaurants
Hotels or restaurants may wish to identify 100%
Fairtrade certified honey, for example, when the honey
is served unpackaged at breakfast, to signal the hotel’s
commitment to Fairtrade. It can be marked with a tent
card, or similar, making the claim.

Specialist chocolate shops

and chocolatiers
Please ask the relevant artwork team for guidance.

Please note: When there is a mixed offer of physically

traceable products like coffee and products traded
using mass balance like tea and cocoa-based 01 Posters, A-boards
Posters using the FAIRTRADE Mark
products, the Mark with the arrow alone may be used. must use a call to action or another
See pages 8 and 14. All our coffee is qualifying statement about the
Fairtrade certified Fairtrade offer

02 Tent cards
Hotels, restaurants and cafés (also
those inside retailer shops) can
promote their Fairtrade products
with a leaflet, poster or tent card


FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 66

Promotional materials

Promoting Fairtrade Products

Fairtrade products labelled with the FAIRTRADE
Mark may be promoted in retail environments when
the retailers are the Licensee and product owners
themselves and/or when they sell a variety of Fairtrade
products by different brands.

It must be very clear which products are Fairtrade by

placing hanging banners, shelf barkers, wobblers,
talkers, price tags and POS close to the products and
using the relevant FAIRTRADE Mark and product title.
Please note several FAIRTRADE Marks for different
sourcing models may be appearing for products on the
same shelf. For information on SRPs please see page

For POS near an entrance to the store away from

product, consumers should be guided to the relevant
area where Fairtrade products can be found.

Please note: When there is a mixed offer of physically

traceable products like coffee and products traded
using mass balance like tea and cocoa-based
products, the Mark with the arrow alone may be used
on the promotional materials. See pages 8 and 14.



FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 67

Promotional materials
Vending machines

Branded vending machines –

glass fronted
Mixed Fairtrade and non-Fairtrade 01

For the Mark to feature on the machine, it is

compulsory that at least 50% of the space be filled
with Fairtrade certified products.
01 Brand name
Action statement The vending machine must have
A statement must be added next to the Mark, for a separate brand name and/or
instance: brand logo clearly displayed

02 Mark and statement

• Choose products with this Mark The FAIRTRADE Mark must be
• Learn more about Fairtrade independent from the machine’s
• with an (optional) Fairtrade Claim (see page brand.
xx). A national Fairtrade URL may be used
An action statement must be
instead of the international one).
added next to the Mark
• Look for the FAIRTRADE Mark on
products Choose products
• with an (optional) Fairtrade Claim (see page with this Mark
xx). A national Fairtrade URL may be used
instead of the international one). 02
• Look for this Mark, Look for the
FAIRTRADE Mark, Look for the
FAIRTRADE Mark when you shop

Fairtrade Claim – optional

Please refer to the Fairtrade Claims, starting on page

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 68

Promotional materials
Vending machines

Branded machines - for Fairtrade

certified products
When the vending machine dispenses a single product
which is Fairtrade certified or everything inside is
Fairtrade certified, the following must be complied with:

• Images of the product, when used, must

be a true representation of approved retail 01 Statement
packaging When the FAIRTRADE Mark
• The machine must contain the relevant is displayed on the machine
Fairtrade certified product as implied by the separately from the Mark seen on
the Fairtrade product packaging,
pack image or images
an accompanying statement must
be placed next to it
When the Mark is also displayed separately from the
pack image, an accompanying statement must be 02 Product image
placed next to the Mark eg: All the chocolate in this If used, the pack image must
be a true representation
machine is Fairtrade certified.
of approved retail packaging

Action statement
An action statement such as Buy products with this
Mark may also be used.

Optional Fairtrade Claim

One of the Fairtrade Claims on pages 57 or 58 may
also be added.

To use producer images or impact claims about

Fairtrade on a vending machine please contact your All the chocolate in
licensing body for approval. this machine is Fairtrade



FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 69

Promotional materials
Vending machines

Drinks vending and

table top machines
The Mark may be used on a hot drinks machine that
mainly dispenses Fairtrade products, with some non-
Fairtrade secondary ingredients (eg a Fairtrade hot
chocolate dispenser which also adds milk, which is not
01 01 Brand name
A vending machine may be: The vending machine must have
a separate brand name and/or
• Fairtrade retail product branded brand logo clearly displayed
Coffee, Fairtrade certified
• Third party branded and must identify
02 Fairtrade products
products that are Fairtrade on the fascia Tea, Fairtrade certified
Fairtrade products must be clearly
• Unbranded (except for the owner or operator marked, eg next to the push
of the machine) and must identify Fairtrade button
products on the fascia
03 Statement
A statement must be added
A vending machine must feature: 02 next to the Mark confirming the
Fairtrade products that are being
• A brand or image of a Fairtrade retail product dispensed
that is in the machine
• A product statement next to the Mark
confirming the Fairtrade products that are
being dispensed, eg: All the coffee in this
machine is Fairtrade certified The coffee and tea
in this machine are
Fairtrade certified
Action statement The coffee and tea
in this machine are
An action statement such as Choose products with Fairtrade certified
this Mark may also be used.

Optional Fairtrade Claim

One of the Fairtrade Claims on pages 57 and 58 may 03
also be added.

Please note: When there is a mixed offer of physically

traceable products like coffee and products traded using
mass balance like tea and cocoa-based products, the Mark
with the arrow alone may be used. See pages 8 and 14.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 70

Promotional materials

Print and online Advertising

The FAIRTRADE Mark can be used on printed and
moving image advertisements or advertorials providing
the guidelines below are followed.

The company or brand being advertised must be clear.

The Mark must be clearly identifiable as representing
independent product certification. It must not be used
in any way that implies endorsement of the company All our coffee is now
brand, or in place of the company brand. Fairtrade certified

Companies should avoid placing the Mark in the

bottom right hand corner of a page or screen which
could suggest the advertiser is Fairtrade.

Claims and statements

about Fairtrade
All claims made about any part of the Fairtrade
system must be accurate and statements made Choose products with
about Fairtrade must be agreed with the licensing the FAIRTRADE Mark
body. These can either be drawn from a list of agreed
statements or submitted to Fairtrade for approval. www.brand.xyz/Fairtrade

Please note: When there is a mixed offer of physically 01

traceable products like coffee and products traded
using mass balance like tea and cocoa-based 02
products, the Mark with the arrow alone may be used.
See pages 8 and 14.

01 Print advertising 02 Moving image

The Mark can be used for print advertising On moving image advertisements (eg
and advertorials screen, TV, film) a strapline (statement) is
not required providing the Fairtrade content
is clear

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 71

Promotional materials
Press and events

Press articles
In order for the FAIRTRADE Mark to be used in a press
article, it must be appropriately positioned adjacent
to the relevant part of the article that talks about

Fairtrade events or promotions

When holding a special promotional event,
Events and promotions
commitment to Fairtrade may be signalled in displays At events or promotions
and stands showing Fairtrade products projected onto the Mark can be used on
screens, or on tablecloths or backdrops for an event banners or display stands as
that is specifically promoting Fairtrade products. long as it is clearly identifiable
as an independent product
certification mark
The FAIRTRADE Mark must not be used to signify
endorsement or sponsorship of an event by Fairtrade
International, a National Fairtrade Organization or LOREM IPSUM LOREM IPSUM
a Fairtrade Marketing Organization, unless there is

written approval, provided in advance.

The application of the FAIRTRADE Mark and claim on

each type of promotional material must be signed off
by Fairtrade so Fairtrade has a clear overview of the
extent of the event, promotion or campaign.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit.
Proin id eleifend lacus.
Press articles
In press articles the Mark must be positioned adjacent
to the relevant part of the article that talks about

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 72

Promotional materials
Digital use

Third party Websites

The FAIRTRADE Mark will be allowed to be added to a
Licensee website providing the Mark is not positioned
within the top header or permanent header bar of
the homepage. The website owner or brand must
be obvious. It must be clear that the Mark does not
endorse or accredit the company. If using the Mark
or web badge, see below, on the homepage, the
appropriate Fairtrade products must be clearly denoted
throughout the site.
See our range of
Web badges 1 Fairtrade coffees
Fairtrade web badges are allowed in lateral and
footer permanent bars, but again there must not be
any misinterpretation to suggest that more items are
Fairtrade than is the reality or that the Mark endorses
or accredits the company.

Accompanying straplines
A strapline close to the Mark can be an action See our range 1
statement or a statement about the Fairtrade offer, eg of Fairtrade

• Look for our Fairtrade certified products

See our range
of Fairtrade

• See our range of Fairtrade coffees 1 See our range of

Fairtrade coffees
• We offer a range of Fairtrade chocolates

Before going live with your website, submit a draft
sample of your home page and a product page or a
link to your unpublished website page or pages to your
licensing body for written approval. 1 Strapline
When applying the Mark, you must also
As an exception, the Mark may be placed
apply one of the accompanying straplines. in the header bar or in the footer if other
You can also ask your NFO, FMO or FI if you can Ensure the strapline and call to action are certification marks or logos are also
create a link to a relevant web page on their site to positioned next to or near the Mark. featured on the site and that is where they
are located
further explain Fairtrade. If less than 100% of the offer is Fairtrade
certified, a statement is needed, eg ‘Look
for our Fairtrade certified products’ or ‘See
our range of Fairtrade coffees’

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 73

Part four

4.1 APpendices
This section includes advice on:
Artwork approval
Licensee responsibilities
Protecting the Mark
Use of Fairtrade terms and glossary
Credit and Contact details

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 75

Artwork approval and
Licensee responsibilities

Artwork approval Process and timings Placeholder

Fairtrade International has licensed the FAIRTRADE Mark The artwork team at the NFO or at Fairtrade International Fairtrade related claims on packaging must be able to
to National Fairtrade Organizations, NFOs, so that they are will make every effort to approve artwork submissions that be substantiated. The Licensee may be asked to provide
able to issue it to Licensees in their country or region for use meet the instructions outlined in these guidelines. Care given evidence to support any claim made which is linked to the
on Fairtrade certified products and promotion. If packaging to accuracy of artwork production means that the approval Mark and/or the Fairtrade system. Fairtrade International and
is created in line with these guidelines, it will be acceptable process is more straightforward. NFOs reserve the right to refuse use of the Mark until the
in all destination markets for cross-border sales in other claim is substantiated, corrected or withdrawn.
countries. All artwork must be approved in writing by the The team will endeavour to respond quickly; aiming to
NFO or FI artwork teams prior to printing or publication. respond in one week from receipt of initial artwork, and then The Licensee must make certain that both the product and
to complete the approval process within three weeks of the artwork are approved prior to publication or printing or
Most markets use Fairtrade’s online unified system for the artwork’s first submission to account for changes. This public distribution of any product, packaging or promotional
artwork approvals, please ask your licensing body about this. response rate depends on the artwork fully complying with material that displays the FAIRTRADE Mark.
these guidelines and the product being certified. It is good
Otherl packaging artwork applications should be sent to the practice to allow sufficient time for the artwork approval The Licensee must also ensure that any third parties,
relevant NFO or FMO or to [email protected]. process. including design agencies, retailers or other companies
who create artwork, comply with these guidelines.
Please check that artwork complies with these guidelines Licensee responsibilities
and the artwork submission checklist on page 34. Transition period
It is the Licensee’s responsibility to ensure that artwork From the issue date of new guidelines, Licensees have a
Please note: incomplete information on artwork applications is compliant with: 12 month period to comply on new packaging and
will result in a delay. promotional material. An extension can be requested from an
01 These guidelines NFO or FI in special circumstances. However, the Licensee
02 Fairtrade Standards will be allowed to use remaining packaging already approved
03 The Fairtrade certified products detailed in the and produced during the transition period until the supply
Product Schedule in the Licensing Agreement runs out.
04 Licensees must also ensure that product applications
are submitted before or at the same time as artwork.
Artwork must comply with relevant labelling regulations in
the destination market.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 76


The Licensee is responsible for ensuring the correct use
Fairtrade International licenses the use of the FAIRTRADE
of the Mark and word Fairtrade on packaging and
Mark (‘the Mark’) to companies on products which meet
promotional materials at all times. Fairtrade International,
international Fairtrade Standards.
or the relevant NFO, is not the seller and does not take
responsibility for any other claims made on packaging or
The right to apply the Mark is granted only for certified
related to the product otherwise and makes no warranties
products that are listed in the Licensing Agreement and
whether express or implied (including without limitation,
does not make any statement about the companies or
implied warrant of merchantability) as to the product sold
organisations selling them.
by the Licensee or seller.
The licensing of a company to use the Mark by Fairtrade
Certification means only that, at the time of certification,
International or a National Fairtrade Organization is subject to
the product, its composition and packaging conformed to
the company signing and complying with the requirements
the requirements and procedures specified in the Licensing
of the Licensing Agreement. The approved use of the Mark
Agreement and Fairtrade Standards.
is not valid for any product other than the certified product/s
that is/are specified in the Licensing Agreement.

The Licensee and/or seller, whose name appears on or is

attached to the product, is solely responsible for the product
labelling, packaging and other information thereon. It is
the Licensee’s and/or seller’s responsibility to ensure that
packaging and labelling comply with all relevant labelling
legislation and standards, and that all claims and statements
relating to Fairtrade and the Fairtrade Premium are accurate,
up-to-date at the time of printing and can be substantiated
if required.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 77

Protecting the Mark

Protecting the Mark Misuse Copyright

The FAIRTRADE Mark is the exclusive property of Fairtrade In the event of misuse of the Mark by a registered Licensee, All information, illustrations and graphics within the
International (FI). the complaint and misuse will be processed through the FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines is the copyright of Fairtrade
Fairtrade’s complaints procedure and, as a minimum, the International. Reproduction in whole or in part of any content
Fairtrade actively monitors the use of the Mark on packaging following procedure will be implemented: of these guidelines is allowed only with the written permission
and promotional materials in the marketplace and will take of the Head of Brand or the Brand Integrity Manager at
appropriate action to protect its integrity. Licensees are • The report of the misuse will be logged in the Fairtrade International.
encouraged to notify Fairtrade International or National appropriate register of complaints or misuse
Fairtrade Organization where any suspected misuse is • The company or organisation misusing the Mark
identified. will be contacted in writing and/or by telephone
and the complaint investigated
• Where appropriate, corrective action will be
required within a time limit. The time-frame will be
dependent upon the medium in which the violation
appeared and the severity of the violation or misuse
• Follow-up action will be conducted to ensure the
misuse has been corrected

Failure by the Licensee to take required action may result in

the suspension or termination of a Licensee’s license and/
or legal action. In the event of the Mark being misused by a
third party, the infringement will also be processed through
the complaints procedure and the organisation notified
that the product/s must be withdrawn from sale or the
promotional materials from circulation and/or its website with
immediate effect.

Fairtrade International reserves the right to take legal action

against any party that reproduces, copies or associates with
the FAIRTRADE Mark in any form whatsoever, without prior

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 78

Fairtrade terms and
artwork terms

Fairtrade terms Artwork terms

It is important that all text and imagery that refers to or is Artwork: electronic file, normally in PDF format, as a two
associated with the Fairtrade certification system and/or the dimensional image, with full measurements, cutter, seal and
FAIRTRADE Mark is accurate. fold guidelines

The following words must be written as follows at all times: CMYK: 4 colour print process

FAIRTRADE Mark: uppercase for FAIRTRADE and capital EPS/Illustrator EPS: vector file of the FAIRTRADE Mark
M for Mark supplied by Fairtrade for professional printing

‘Fairtrade’ in relation to the Fairtrade certification Pantone Matching System®: PMS, the international
system: one word (not two) with a capital F system used by the printing industry to classify specific
Fairtrade Standards: capital F for Fairtrade, capital S for
Standards PDF: Portable Document Format, the preferred format for
submitted artwork
Fairtrade Premium: capital F for Fairtrade, capital P for

Fairtrade labelling: capital F for Fairtrade, lower case l for


FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 79


Glossary National Fairtrade Organization (NFO): full member of

Fairtrade International. The NFO is responsible for licensing,
Out-of-home products: food or drink consumed on the
move or away from the home environment.
marketing, business development and awareness raising in
Composite product: a multi-ingredient product which
complies with the Fairtrade Trader Standard.
a defined geographical area. An NFO has the right to sub- Organic: certified as meeting the organic standards
license the FAIRTRADE Mark to Licensees and third parties of a recognised organisation or body.
in its area.
Composite Product Standard: defines the conditions
under which multi-ingredient products containing Fairtrade
Packaging: all materials normally supplied as part
ingredients can be labelled with the FAIRTRADE Mark and
Licensing Agreement: the agreement between a National of the product and includes all containers, wrappers, labels,
Fairtrade Organization or Fairtrade International and a hang-tags and transit packaging that carries the FAIRTRADE
sold in international markets.
Licensee which includes setting out the conditions for using Mark.
Cross border sales: selling products into multiple
international markets.
Physical traceability: means that Fairtrade products can
Licensing body: A Fairtrade organization that has formal be physically separated from non-Fairtrade products at all
agreements in place with Fairtrade International to sub- stages of the supply chain. Physical traceability is advisable
Fairtrade International (FI): the international
license the FAIRTRADE Marks in their country or region. but not compulsory for cocoa, cane sugar, fruit juice and
Organization comprising NFO and Producer Networks in
In the Fairtrade system, these are the national Fairtrade tea. Physical traceability is compulsory for all other Fairtrade
consumer and producer countries. Among other things,
organizations (NFO). Fairtrade International is itself a licensing products.
Fairtrade International is responsible for developing Fairtrade
body, sub-licensing the FAIRTRADE Marks in countries
Standards and setting the strategy for Fairtrade.
where there are no NFOs present. Private label: a product made by the Licensee for the
brand owner.
FAIRTRADE Mark: used on products meeting Fairtrade
Standards as defined by Fairtrade International (FI). The
Licensee: a company that has signed the Fairtrade
FAIRTRADE Mark is a registered trademark and independent
Licensing Agreement and is therefore licensed to apply Products/product schedule: any or all of the Licensee’s
the FAIRTRADE Mark to products covered products detailed in the Licensing Agreement.
product certification label.
by the agreement.
Fairtrade Marketing Organization: Fairtrade Product descriptor: A term characterizing the product or
Organizations without licensing operations, responsible
NFO reference code: Fairtrade reference code given to explaining product characteristics, e.g. organic, refreshing,
each Licensee by some NFOs. Compulsory in some cool, etc
for promoting Fairtrade in their countries.
Ingredients or components: all raw materials and Single Fairtrade product: a sole ingredient product like
constituent parts of the finished product as offered for sale
Mass balance: four Fairtrade ingredients may be traded coffee. 100% of the product must be Fairtrade certified to
using this traceability type. They are cocoa, tea, fruit juice carry the FAIRTRADE Mark.
by the Licensee.
and sugar. They can come from many different farms and
countries and often have to be mixed together; Fairtrade with Stem: Referring to both a single flower or filler stalk.
non-Fairtrade, for transport and production. Unless volumes
are very small or extremely large, it is often not practical
or is too expensive to keep them completely separate.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018 80

Contact details

Registered Trademark Credit Artwork approval

® Certification Mark / Trademark Design For countries with a National Fairtrade
The FAIRTRADE Marks are certification marks and Fairtrade International Organization (NFO): Find the NFO’s contact details at: www.
trademarks owned and licensed by Fairtrade International. PMS info.fairtrade.net
The FAIRTRADE Marks must not be copied, reproduced or Britta Frühling / www.fruhling.co.uk
otherwise used without receiving prior written permission For countries without a National Fairtrade Organization
from Fairtrade International or its designated sublicensing (NFO):
bodies, the National Fairtrade Organizations.
Cover Stefan Lechner
Contact Fairtrade International by email:
Page 4 Remo Naegeli, Hanna Åsheim
© Fairtrade International 2018 [email protected]
Page 7 Marvin del Cid, David Macharia,
Roger vam Zaal, Lena Granefelt
Page 23 David Macharia Contact details
Fairtrade International
Disclaimer Page 61 David Macharia
Page 74 James Robinson Bonner Talweg 177
All artwork in these guidelines depicts the FAIRTRADE Mark
53129 Bonn
with an ® symbol, signifying that the Mark is registered as a
certification mark or as an individual trademark.
Tel +49 (0) 228 949 23 230
Fax +49 (0) 228 242 1713
In markets where the FAIRTRADE Mark may not be registered, the
® must be removed from the design. Please contact your licensing
body about certification mark or trademark registration in your
country, details are on the right. National Fairtrade Organizations
The NFOs’ contact details can be found at:
No other symbols, for example ™, are to be appended instead of www.info.fairtrade.net
the ®.

FAIRTRADE Mark Guidelines © Fairtrade International 2018

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