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Qatar Foundation

Leading Learning

We gathered a generation of big ideas,
Planted the roots of knowledge,
Nurtured the power of a thought.

We prepared for the future, and, in time, found ourselves living it.

In our world,

Big ideas flow,

Knowledge grows, and
Thoughts roam readily.

Delighted by the luminance of innovation,

We spark the kindles of a generation’s finest wonders.

We debate.
We discover.

We create.
We curate.

We think.
We transform.

And we do what we always did best,

We unlock human potential.
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What is Qatar Our Core

Foundation? Mission Areas
For over two decades, Qatar Foundation (QF) than 50 entities, we have created a unique Pre-University Education Research, Development, and Innovation
has been nurturing young minds, driving ecosystem that includes schools, universities, Through schools and programs designed to With work ranging from energy and environment
innovation, fostering social development, and research centers, international forums, nurture individual talents and aspirations, we to computing and biomedical research, we tackle
reshaping educational practice. At the heart of community programs, and much more. lay strong foundations for a journey of lifelong the world’s biggest challenges, making new
our work is the knowledge that our future lies Together, our initiatives address pressing learning. breakthroughs every day.
in unlocking the most precious resource of all— challenges, create global benefit, and
human potential. empower people to shape both the present
As a non-profit organization comprising more and the future. Higher Education Community Development
By creating a unique model that brings Through a wide range of community-centered
together nine international universities in one initiatives and projects, we foster social
campus, we are providing unparalleled higher engagement and bring people together.
education opportunities to develop global
leaders and thinkers.
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Pre-University Education What makes

us unique?
Qatar Foundation schools are part of an unparalleled educational model. These are some of the
ways in which our schools distinguish themselves for students and educators alike.

Part of something greater are candidates for authorization by the International

Baccalaureate (IB). Some of our educational institutes
Through being a member of the larger QF family, our have developed their own, innovative curricular programs
schools are part of a wide network of education, research, to meet the specific needs of their students
and community development initiatives working together while still having international accreditation. In addition,
to create unique synergies that don’t exist anywhere else all our schools are guided by national standards and
in the world. This includes Education City, our flagship directives mandated by the Qatar Ministry of Education
initiative that hosts branch campuses of eight top-ranked and Higher Education.
international universities alongside a leading homegrown

We lay the university, and other research and scholastic centers.

The learning experience of both students and educators
are deeply enriched through collaborative initiatives,
Championing diversity

foundations. combined events, and shared amenities and services. Qatar is home to a remarkably diverse population, and
this is reflected in our student body and the wealth of
distinct cultural and learning identities and experiences
Unlocking potential for all that they represent. Through embracing the fast-growing
At QF, we have built learning pathways from and interests of each student, providing a
multinational community of which we are a part, our
pre-school all the way to doctoral studies curriculum that is globally informed, yet
and beyond. Our Pre-University Education rooted in local heritage and culture. In doing so, Our educational philosophy seeks to recognize and serve schools offer learning opportunities that go beyond
(PUE) initiatives are responsible for laying the we equip young people with the knowledge and the individual learning needs of each student. From borders and continents. At the same time, our educational
foundations in this journey of lifelong learning. compassion needed to thrive in the world specialized schools to caring teachers and innovative model draws deeply from its Qatari setting, organically
Our schools meticulously serve the needs of tomorrow. curricula, our culture and pedagogies are geared toward integrating the local heritage, language, and culture into
crafting a personalized learning experience that enables our curriculum.
all our students to flourish. Such an approach involves
addressing varying learner interests, providing additional
forms of teaching support, integrating technology in the Serving national needs
classroom, and much more.
From the very beginning, the founders of QF tasked the
organization to lead Qatar’s transformation toward a
Globally informed, locally rooted diversified economy built on the skills and talents of its
people. As premier providers of Pre K-12 education in the
Our schools combine the best elements of an country, our schools are playing a crucial role in building
international curricula with the needs and strengths of the country’s human capital from the bottom up. Beyond
our local educational context. As such, our schools are our own classrooms, we also work to discover and share
accredited by a variety of international bodies including cutting-edge pedagogies, best learning practices,
CIS (Council of International Schools), NEASC (New and more with the wider national and international
England Association of Schools and Colleges), and MSA community of educators. As such, our teachers are active
(Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools). participants in shaping the future of education in the
In addition, many of our schools are authorized or region and beyond.

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Qatar Academy
Qatar Academy
Exceeding excellence Doha
Our goal is to empower students to achieve academic excellence The oldest and largest school in the QF family, Qatar Grade Levels: Pre-K to 12
and be engaged citizens. The Qatar Academy schools offer rigorous Academy Doha (QAD) has played a vital role in transforming Primary Language(s) of Instruction: English
programs encompassing an international English-medium K-12 education in the country. Through its commitment IB Authorization: Authorized PYP, MYP, and DP
education, combined with a strong emphasis on Arabic, and a to academic excellence, personalized learning, and Accreditations: CIS, NEASC
holistic curriculum that educates the whole person. We designed multicultural exchange, QAD pioneered the educational Location: Education City, Doha
these schools to support and challenge students to be critical philosophy developed across all QF schools.
thinkers and active members of society. The Qatar Academy schools As it is located in the heart of QF’s Education City
follow the outstanding IB programs, which consist of the Primary campus, QAD has access to a wide range of teaching Website: qataracademy.edu.qa
Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and and recreational facilities that greatly enhance learning Email: [email protected]
the Diploma Programme (DP). Since the launch of the first Qatar experiences outside of the traditional classroom. Phone: +974 4454 2000
Academy in 1996, the model has grown to comprise five campuses
spread across the country.
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Qatar Academy Qatar Academy

Al Khor Al Wakra
Qatar Academy Al Khor (QAK) was established in 2008 to serve students Grade Levels: Pre K to 12 Qatar Academy Al Wakra (QAW) was established to Grade Levels: Pre-K to 11 (2020-2021)
from Al Khor and areas in the north of Qatar. As an IB World School Primary Language(s) of Instruction: Arabic serve the needs of the rapidly growing Al Wakra coastal Primary Language(s) of Instruction:
primarily serving native Qatari students and long-time residents, QAK and English (Grades Pre K-5), English community and surrounding areas in the south of Qatar. Arabic and English
is well positioned to develop local human capital. The school seamlessly (Grades 6-12) Through an educational model that enables learning in IB Authorization: Authorized MYP
blends its world-class international curriculum with Qatar’s heritage IB Authorization: Authorized PYP, MYP, and DP two languages, encourages innovation, and develops and PYP; Candidate for DP
and culture, providing a truly bilingual environment. The goal is to Accreditations: MSA a strong code of ethics, QAW has been nurturing Accreditations: CIS, NEASC
empower learners to think critically as compassionate and principled Location: Al Khor students to become leaders in their communities. Location: Al Wakra
global citizens. The school moved into its new, state-of-the-art,
Website: qak.edu.qa purpose-built campus in September 2018. Facilities Website: qaw.edu.qa
The school moved to a new, purpose-built and state of-the-art campus Email: [email protected] include sports and recreational areas, swimming Email: [email protected]
in 2016, and is set to grow its intake rapidly over the coming years. Phone: +974 4454 6750 pools, a 450-seat theatre with music and art Phone: +974 4454 6865
studios, and several well-equipped laboratories.
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Qatar Academy Qatar Academy

Sidra Msheireb
Qatar Academy Sidra (QAS) is a rapidly growing school, currently Grade Levels: Pre-K to 12 Established in 2014, Qatar Academy Msheireb (QAM) Grade Levels: Pre-K to 5
serving over 580 students who represent approximately 40 Primary Language(s) of Instruction: English is an innovative dual language elementary school Primary Language(s) of Instruction:
nationalities. QAS was initially established to serve the needs of IB Authorization: Authorized that serves over 400 students from Pre-K to Grade 5. Arabic and English
QF and Sidra Medicine employee families, and has since expanded PYP, MYP, and DP Through high-quality instruction in Arabic and English, IB Authorization: Candidate for PYP
to cater to the growing demand for Qatar Academy schools. Accreditations: CIS, NEASC the school’s focus on pioneering bilingual education Accreditations: Candidate for CIS
As an inclusive, supportive, and multilingual community, QAS is Location: Education City, Doha is helping develop global citizens at an early age. Its Location: Msheireb Downtown
committed to creating opportunities for everyone, so each individual has dual-language program combined with an emphasis
roots to grow and wings to fly. It is this culture that enables QAS to create on inquiry-based practices help develop internationally
a nurturing environment for each child’s wellbeing, passions, and talents. minded and empathetic lifelong learners.
The school is currently located in the lively Education Website: qasidra.com.qa Located meters from the Doha Corniche, within the Website: qam.qa
City campus and is scheduled to have a new, purpose- Email: [email protected] cultural hub of Doha, the QAM campus is inspired Email: [email protected]
built facility ready for completion by 2021.. Phone: +974 4454 6113 by traditional Qatari heritage and architecture. Phone: +974 4454 2116
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Schools Qatar Leadership
Looking beyond the norm Qatar Leadership Academy (QLA) is a boarding
school that promotes personal growth in young men
by engaging them in an environment that fosters
Grade Levels: 7 to 12
Primary Language(s) of Instruction: English
Accreditations: MSA
excellence in academics, leadership, athletics, and Location: Al Khor
character. The school is based on international curricula,
We think all children should study at a place that allows them every offering the US Diploma for high school students.
opportunity to thrive. Sometimes, student needs and interests require A cadet’s journey at QLA can be described as a quest Website: qla.edu.qa
uniquely tailored pathways to realize their potential. That’s why, to seek the deepest possible understanding of the Email: [email protected]
in addition to our outstanding Qatar Academies, we’ve developed Academy’s motto: Discipline, Honor, and Knowledge. Phone: +974 4454 2222
specialized programs and schools to ensure that the talents and
aspirations of each student are leveraged.
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Awsaj Renad
Academy Academy
Awsaj Academy addresses the needs of students with Grade Levels: K to 12 Renad Academy is a school specially designed to meet Grade Levels: Pre-K to 2
mild to moderate learning challenges. The school believes Primary Language(s) of Instruction: English the needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Primary Language(s) of Instruction: English
that all students have the ability to flourish in learning Accreditations: CIS, MSA (ASD). The school has highly trained teachers who work Location: Education City, Doha
environments that address their individual needs. The Location: Education City, Doha alongside specialists in behavior, communication, sensory,
Academy provides quality academic, social, emotional, and motor skills to provide state-of-the-art instruction
and research-based instruction in both Arabic and to students. To complement its academic teaching,
English. Awsaj Academy is the only school of its Website: tlc.edu.qa Renad offers intensive, individualized training to enhance
kind in Qatar, and is a recognized leader in the Email: [email protected] relationships between families and their children.
region for students with learning challenges. Phone: +974 4454 2111 This makes Renad Academy a pioneer,
fostering progressiveness and inclusion Email: [email protected]
in Qatar and the wider Region. Phone: +974 4454 1974
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Qatar Academy for Academyati

Science and Technology
Qatar Academy for Science and Technology (QAST) is a newly- Academyati is an innovative school that chooses to trust Grade Levels: Multi-age groupings
opened STEM high school dedicated to developing talented Grade Levels: 8 to 10 today’s children. No child is like another; each has a for children aged 3-6 years
students who have a strong interest in the sciences. Primary Language(s) of Instruction: English unique sense and view of the world. With that in mind, Primary Language(s) of Instruction:
QAST is an ambitious project on its way to becoming one of Location: Education City, Doha the school has returned to the basics of human learning English and Arabic
the world’s best STEM schools, setting examples through and motivation. By exposing children to experiences Location: Education City, Doha
groundbreaking curricula and educational practice. The and quests as a way of learning, Academyati aims
QAST program is designed to train students as inventive, to fuel children’s independence, empathy, curiosity, Website: academyati.qa
technically minded problem solvers. The program offers three and creativity through their educational journey. Email: [email protected]
course curriculums in Computer Programming, Engineering, Phone: +974 4454 1253
and Medical Sciences, and students actively participate in
internships and research projects with academic institutes
and industrial organizations all over the country. Email: [email protected]
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Tariq Bin Ziad Academic Bridge

School Program
Having previously been run by the Amiri Diwan, Grade Level: Pre-K to 1
the school has a rich history and national legacy. Type: Co-educational The Academic Bridge Program (ABP) aims to equip Grade Levels: Post-High School
The school has recently been revamped with new, Primary Language: Arabic and English secondary school graduates with the skills to succeed Primary Language(s) of Instruction: English
advanced facilities, and is now ready to reemerge IB Authorization: Candidate for PYP in degree programs at English-language, world-class Accreditation: Commission on English
as one of Qatar’s leading bilingual schools, with Location: Al Sadd universities. It is a rigorous two-semester general studies Language Program Accreditation
a strong focus on Arab culture and heritage. program focusing on English, Math, Science, and Computer Location: Education City, Doha
skills. Since its establishment in 2001, ABP has successfully
Students educated at the school will be enabled to prepared the vast majority of its graduates for further study Website: abp.edu.qa
prepare themselves as exemplar citizens with a clear at prestigious universities in Education City and abroad. Email: [email protected]
understanding of the privileges and responsibilities of Phone: +974 4454 2120
being leaders in society. As a newly relaunched school, Website: tbz.qa
it is set to grow significantly in the years to come. Email: [email protected]
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The Ultimate
Growth Education
Development Institute
Opportunity The Education Development Institute (EDI) serves as a center
of excellence for professional development that supports
educators across Qatar, enabling them to engage with the
best and most promising educational practices. This includes:
Website: edi.qa
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 44542122

partnering with highly specialized and globally renowned

At QF, we are firmly committed to providing boundless opportunities experts to offer masterclasses and other learning opportunities;
for growth to everyone in our community. To complement our organizing conferences and symposiums for educators all
schools, we have built additional initiatives under the Pre-University across the nation; specific training programs that address the
Education division to focus on helping educators and students develop needs of individual schools; and much more. The professional
themselves in meaningful ways. development opportunities offered by EDI complement the
rich culture of collaboration and continuous professional
development that exist internally within each QF School.
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The Learning Qatar Music

Center Academy (QMA)
The first music academy in the country, Qatar Music Academy (QMA) Age Levels: 4 to 18
The Learning Center (TLC) is dedicated to ensuring the academic growth was established to develop promising young talent from the region Examinations: ABRSM, RIAM, and Sharqiyyat
and success of all learners in QF Schools. It is a centralized student to be the next generation of world-class musicians. The Academy Location: Katara Cultural Village
support services team comprised of special educators and school-based provides a comprehensive music education program based on
specialists. They collaborate with schools to develop an inclusive approach practice and music theory, through its Arab and Western Music
that provides a tiered system of support to students from early childhood departments. Each department offers two programs: the Academic
through secondary education. The tiered system focuses on ensuring program and the Music for All program. QMA also provides a special
age-appropriate development, supporting students with developmental Music Appreciation program developed for young children aged 4-5.
and learning challenges, and helping students who need more attention QMA provides an environment that encourages students to achieve
to bolster their academic performance. Alongside serving students their potential and pursue a diverse range of career options related to Website: music.com.qa
directly, TLC works with parents and teachers to build capacity and Email: [email protected] the music industry. It also offers internationally recognized certification Email: [email protected]
share insights about their child’s developmental and learning needs. Phone: 44542106 by ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music). Phone: +974 44541824

Life in Qatar

A cosmopolitan hub with Experience new

deep cultural roots adventures

Embracing modernity and preserving heritage Qatar’s fascinating landscape allows for a variety of adventures, leisure activities, and
Qatar exemplifies a unique fusion between modernity and heritage. While our cities are sports. Starting from the golden sand dunes, moving to the beautiful blue waters, and
laced with hypermodern amenities, manifested in buildings, facilities, and technological leading to the natural reserves, there’s a new experience awaiting in every corner for
infrastructure, you can still find our traditions and culture at the heart of everything we the residents of Qatar.
do, and in every detail of your surroundings. Our community embodies the deeply rooted
traditions and values of collaboration, compassion, tolerance, and mercy. In a society Some of Qatar’s key attractions include:
that welcomes people from different countries, cultures, and religions, acceptance and ƒƒ Exciting adventures such as 4x4 desert safaris near the Inland Sea or kayaking through the man-
support are our priorities to ensure everyone feels at home. groves at Al Thakira
ƒƒ Art galleries, including The Museum of Islamic Art, Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, and
Providing a convenient lifestyle Msheireb Museums
In Qatar, we bring the world to your doorstep. Residents of Qatar enjoy a variety of ƒƒ Cultural attractions such as the traditional Qatari market Souq Waqif or the multicultural
facilities that guarantee convenience and easy living, and serve different tastes and performances at Katara
fields of interests. With different cultural and artistic establishments like museums, art ƒƒ Accessibility through our award-winning Hamad International Airport, home to the reputable Qatar
galleries, and music and heritage centers, Qatar fosters a curiosity for art and creativity. Airways, and a strategically located aviation hub serving over 50 airlines
Qatar also provides residents, and especially students, with various educational facilities ƒƒ Exciting sporting facilities, including the iconic stadiums and sports centers preparing to host the
and resources, such as libraries and research labs. FIFA World Cup 2022.

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