Wen Expo Flyer
Wen Expo Flyer
Wen Expo Flyer
10.00 Arrival Tea, coffee and pastries. Informal browsing and networking.
10.30 Introduction Short introduction to Whole Education, its background and aims
11.50 Breakout
Session 1
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Breakout
Session 2
14.10 Breakout
Session 3
14.50 Break
15.20 Breakout
Session 4
16.00 How to get more A brief summary of how to get more involved in Whole Education
involved Partner projects and the wider Whole Education Network
16.15 Finish
Wall of Inspiration -‘One stop shop’ for numerous innovative education projects –
Post examples of your ‘Why go to ten events when you can just come to one Whole
practices and success
Education event with ten or more exciting projects that will
stories on our Wall of
Inspiration (available on help provide your young people with a Whole Education?’
the Whole Education
website after the events) -All projects are ‘open source’, with almost all tools and
practices free to use and develop
Connecting Space
Post your interests and - Hear about practitioner experiences of implementing Whole
expertise and connect Education projects in our breakout sessions
with other practitioners
- No gurus, no keynotes, just a focus on practices being
applied in context
Project Breakout sessions
Whole Education partner projects work with over 5000 schools and colleges (including over three quarters of
secondary schools), as well as numerous youth organisations and charities engaging directly with young
Event Costs
£75 plus VAT
£95 plus VAT for London