Em Brochure The Power To Make Power Happen

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The power to make

power happen
Intelligent, digitally managed
power transmission and distribution

Electrical energy
makes the world go round.
No matter where power comes from
or where it has to go, we make sure
it makes it’s way – every step of the way.

From central power and an unidirectional grid ...

Information technology and its convergence with operational
technology are key enablers of a more sustainable energy system. Digital
data enable efficient planning, control, and monitoring of all processes.

Comprehensive energy automation provides the basis for 
the quality and security of supply we usually take f or granted

Electricity paved the way to the modern world – its amenities, industries, and
infrastructures. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement: about two billion
people on our planet still have no sufficient access to electrical power.

Demanding challenges,
promising prospects
The pace of innovation is accelerating

... to distributed energy systems and bidirectional balancing

Connecting grids
Solutions from Siemens that help master the
new challenges emerging from the conver-
gence of grid infrastructures, such as the
efficient long-distance transmission of green
power, power exchange between grids, and
the connection of microgrids to the main

Agility in energy
An open and flexible architecture of
Siemens solutions and services that
enable a multitude of customized applica-
tions for smarter grids, system stabilization,
the development of new business models,
and optimized energy trade.

Totally Integrated Power

A comprehensive range of Siemens high-,
medium-, and low-voltage products, sys-
tems, solutions, and services for the safe,
reliable, and efficient power supply of
industrial infrastructure applications and
Services and trusted partnership facilities, rounded out by expert support
From the first planning and design steps to commissioning, operation, and throughout the entire life cycle.
all the way to maintenance, updates, and dismantling, Siemens as a consultant,
system integrator, supplier, and partner provides a comprehensive range of
customized services, such as training and financing. They ensure the reliable,
efficient, value-adding operation of any power transmission and distribution

The future is electric Expertise you can rely on

Electrical power has become one of the most important A steady stream of innovation in power technology for
commodities of our time. Now a more distributed energy more than 160 years has made Siemens a trusted, valued
infrastructure is evolving. This entails fundamental techni- partner of leading energy, industrial, and infrastructure
cal and economic change, and it makes grid operation companies worldwide. Continuing this tradition, Siemens
more complex than ever before. While electrification and addresses the new challenges of the energy system in three
automation have provided a reliable basis for today’s areas:
energy landscape, digitalization holds the key to mastering
• Connecting grids
these new challenges:
• Agility in energy
• a changing generation mix • Totally Integrated Power
• generation capacity additions
Products, solutions, and services from Siemens cover the
• the growing distance between source and load
entire value chain in these areas of activity. They help
• public and private decentralization
actively shape the future of energy and make it a success
• the need for refurbishments and upgrades
story for all stakeholders from the point of grid infeed all
the way to the customer.

Our high-quality products, solutions, and
services, backed by the capabilities of a
global energy technology powerhouse,

help connecting grids in order to meet

the complex requirements the future holds
for power transmission,

create the agility in energy that is key

to coping with today’s and tomorrow’s
power distribution challenges,

and enable the reliable, safe, and efficient

power supply of industries, buildings, and
facilities with Totally Integrated Power.

Cross borders, exceed limits

New links to complement established structures Siemens FACTS (flexible AC transmission) systems – such as
SVC PLUS – supply reactive power to AC grids to improve
Power generation, especially from renewable sources,
transmission quality and efficiency. A new grid-access solu-
often takes place far from the centers of load, where
tion for offshore wind power plants helps significantly
resources such as water and wind are abundant and can be
reduce the levelized cost of offshore wind power.
exploited efficiently. In addition, there is a tendency to
interconnect existing transmission grids. The power trans- Customized, state-of-the-art high-voltage turnkey substa-
mission infrastructure needs to be prepared for this coales- tions are the one-stop solution for the node points of the
cence as well as for the new challenges that arise from the increasingly complex power transmission infrastructure. Air
establishment of increasingly multilayered structures and and gas-insulated switchgear, transformers for various
processes: Aging grid infrastructures need to be replaced applications, and high-voltage products – such as circuit
and updated. In addition, new solutions that help increase breakers, surge arresters, disconnectors, and bushings –
transmission capacity, power quality, and system stability provide the technically sound and reliable basis for master-
need to be applied. ing the challenges posed by increasing demands and grow-
ing complexity. Transformer Lifecycle Management™ and
Innovative solutions on a reliable basis
continuous condition monitoring are among the expert ser-
One example is the full bridge converter, a technology for vices that cover the entire lifecycle of products and applica-
high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission. The tions, ensuring minimum total cost of ownership and creat-
full-bridge topology with HVDC PLUS (multilevel voltage- ing added value.
sourced converter technology) provides significant benefits
and excellent performance, allowing selective fault clearing
on overhead lines in radial multiterminal systems.

An efficient highway for clean power

In 2009, the transmission system operator China Southern

Power Grid put the world’s first ultra-high-voltage direct
current (UHV DC) transmission system into operation. It
connects the two provinces and transmits five gigawatts of
eco-friendly power over a distance of 1,418 kilometers
from the Chuxiong substation in Yunnan to Zengcheng in
Guangdong. The UHV DC system, based on Siemens tech-
nology and awarded the silver Asian Power Award 2011 as
one of the best fast-track power projects in Asia, operates
on a voltage level of 800 kV. Commercial operation of the
first 800 kV pole started in December 2009, and the com-
plete bipole has been in operation since June 2010. The
system uses two series-connected 12-valve pulse groups
The world’s first UHV DC transmission system per pole.
Virtually endless hydropower resources are available in the In comparison with local power generation based on fossil
mountains of China’s Yunnan province. China’s most sources, which would have been the alternative, the trans-
energy-hungry areas, however, are situated in the Guang- mission of hydropower from the Yunnan province to the
dong province in the Pearl River Delta, more than a thou- Pearl River Delta reduces emissions by more than 30 million
sand kilometers southeast. This is one of the world’s most tons of CO2 per year.
densely urbanized regions and one of the main hubs of
China’s economic growth.

Agility in energy
Ahead of the challenge, ahead of the change

Copyright: PJM Interconnection

Agility – a new core capability in the energy business that is unique. We enable the seamless integration of
renewable energy and distributed power generation, a high
Change has become a constant for utilities over the past
degree of adaptability, unprecedented sustainability, and
years. Trends such as distributed energy systems, renew-
optimal asset protection – in short: agility in energy.
ables, changing customer behavior, and new forms of com-
petition must be taken into account and managed. Smart Agility may be the main quality our customers will require
automation and digitalization technologies are proving to to stand their ground in the marketplace. Our meaningful,
be extremely valuable in this regard. But as the pace of workable automation and digitalization technology, pro-
change continues to accelerate, we’re also witnessing cesses, and financing options enable agile energy manage-
the increasing importance of one specific ingredient for ment and the successful convergence of information and
success: agility. operational technologies. Siemens combines proficiency in
the transmission, distribution, and application of electrical
Optimal use of all resources and technologies –
energy with market leadership in automation, communica-
optimum results
tion, and control. Nobody else can provide this kind of com-
Agility in energy translates into more open, transparent, prehensive expertise that translates into a comparable
adaptable, manageable, and lean systems, structures, extensive range of products, solutions, and services. These
and strategies that enable utilities to stay ahead of the enable the safe and reliable operation of any grid topology,
challenges and out in front of change. As such, agility is utilization optimization for all assets, and the efficient and
the key to keeping any power supply system efficient, profitable planning of conventional grid extensions. Fur-
reliable, and sustainable in a world that is spinning ever thermore, they yield optimal results when used together.
faster. What’s more, it turns the evolution of the energy Transformers, storage solutions, monitoring, control, and
system into a clear opportunity rather than a threat. It con- protection equipment, and data collection and analysis
tributes to the streamlining and reorganization of work- tools work hand in hand in the comprehensive solutions
flows, value chains, and revenue streams. It enhances exist- from Siemens.
ing operations and helps create new business models and
In short: We provide our customers with what they need to
ensure their company’s success: outstanding flexibility,
Siemens’ comprehensive expertise is the basis for consistency, and the response speed needed to answer
unique value added today’s as well as tomorrow’s challenges.
Our customers benefit from our unique ability to support
and enable the digital convergence of information technol-
ogy and operation technology in a manner and to a degree

Agility in demand management

The farsighted decision by NB Power to bring Siemens in as

a partner resulted in a ten-year agreement that is the first
of its kind in Canada.
Intensive work is currently underway on building NB Pow-
er’s smart grid, which is leading to a fundamental transfor-
mation of the utility. Among the major initiatives being
rolled out is special software that will enable NB Power
to control the amount and timing of electricity used by spe-
cific devices, such as electrical thermal storage units and
baseboard heaters. In addition, billing and customer service
programs are being overhauled. And in the coming years,
powerful new tools will be added, such as outage automa-
tion to make service disruptions shorter and less impactful.
A unique vision of an efficient utility
The final aim is to boost NB Power’s efficiency to the higher
NB Power, the utility that delivers electricity to more than levels that will serve as a global model for where the indus-
345,000 customers in the Canadian province of New Bruns- try is headed: agility in energy.
wick, turned to Siemens and its comprehensive COMPASS
methodology for a transformative smart grid solution.

Power for challenging environments

Tailored solutions for industry-specific requirements data, interacts with industrial automation through commu-
nications-enabled devices and open interfaces, and pro-
Totally Integrated Power (TIP) provides customized answers
vides the basis for universal energy-efficiency concepts
to the most diverse power supply demands in any industrial
through systems, components, and software for energy
or infrastructure context. The consistent TIP product range
data collection.
enables comprehensive, integrated one-stop solutions that
cover all aspects of reliable, safe, and efficient power distri- A comprehensive range of value-added services covers the
bution – from planning and design to operation, monitor- entire life cycle of products and solutions and helps make
ing, and control, from software to hardware, from intelli- even more of an investment while ensuring full compliance
gent dis­tribution substations to uninterruptible power with the strictest technical as well as environment, health,
supply systems and all the way to reliable, cost-efficient and safety (EHS) standards. Tailored one-stop solutions for
components, such as the new 3VA molded case circuit many different industries and facility applications ensure
breaker. that industry-specific requirements are met precisely and
that the power-supply system of an industrial or infrastruc-
TIP is seamlessly integrated into digital environments
ture facility integrates seamlessly with the automation
through Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) and Total
environment and its operational IT.
Building Solutions (TBS). It supports automated engineer-
ing processes with an extensive range of software and

Outstanding performance, efficiency,
and sustainability

Erbognone is also considered to be one of the most reliable

data centers in the world. Its maximum downtime of 48
minutes per year translates into an availability rate of
99.995 percent – a performance rate that is directly com­
parable to that of the world’s largest IT providers, such as
Google and Facebook.
To ensure that the high cooling requirements of the data
center do not adversely affect energy consumption, the
green data center uses an integrated combination of highly
efficient TIP electrical equipment, air conditioning technol-
ogy, and building automation solutions from Siemens. In
addition to its impressive and energy-saving cooling sys-
tem, the data center benefits from significant energy effi-
Totally Integrated Power for the world’s most energy-
ciency improvements in the uninterruptible power supply
efficient data center
and in power distribution: While losses can amount to
The Italian company Eni S.p.A recently opened its green approximately 13 percent of the total energy demand in
data center, the world’s most energy-efficient facility of its conventional data centers, they may not exceed 0.6 per-
type. It houses Eni’s central computer processing systems cent in a green data center.
for information management and for seismic simulation
processing. With its TIER IV classification compliance, the
data center in the Lombardian municipality of Ferrera

Our unique engineering and solution
expertise makes us a trusted partner who
ensures our customers’ lasting success.
Together we shape power infrastructures
in a sustainable, profitable, and socially
responsible way.
Energy Management all the way.

Changing generation mix
The growing share of renewable power in the energy
mix also means increasingly volatile generation. New

One stop
technical approaches are required to ensure stability
and availability.

for power Generation capacity additions

The demand for electrical power keeps rising, and so
does the need for adequate grid capacity to ensure a
Trendsetting ways of getting power reliable, safe, and efficient power supply.
to where it is needed

Exceptionally broad, long-standing expertise and experi- Growing distance between

ence in the fields of electrification, automation, and digita- source and load
lization is what makes Siemens stand out. This unique
Large-scale resources of renewable energy are often
position translates into a comprehensive range of products,
located far away from the centers of load. It takes
solutions, and services that provide the basis for lasting
powerful technology to get the power to where it is
success in the new energy landscape.
Customers benefit from Siemens’ unique ability to sup-port
and make possible the digitally enabled convergence of
information technology and operation technology. Mean-
ingful, workable technology, processes, and financing Public and private decentralization
options enable outstanding flexibility, consistency, and
response speed, which are the essentials in shaping effi- Today’s increasingly complex, more and more distributed
cient power infrastructures that will stand the test of time. energy systems need to be managed with intelligent
technology and backed by storage facilites.

Need for refurbishments

and upgrades
The prevention of bottlenecks, overload, and overstress
requires cutting-edge equipment as was well as solu-
tions for cyber security and improved resilience.

Reliable, safe, efficient

power supply
The basis for today’s industrial processess, infrastructure
solutions, buildings, and even private life is dependable
and affordable power in all circumstances.

• DC interconnectors
• Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)
• Energy storage
• Network control systems
• Generation and demand management systems

• High-voltage AC transmission technology

• Intelligent distribution grid technology
• Consulting services

• High-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems

• Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)

• Distribution grid automation technology

• Technology for microgrids
• Energy storage and electrolyzers
• Consulting services

• Refurbishment, retrofit, and overhaul products and services

• Cyber security solutions
• Integrated grid management systems
• Smart grid solutions

• High-, medium-, and low-voltage power supply solutions,

switchgear, and devices
• Low-voltage switchboards and busbar trunking systems
• Power quality, measurement, and monitoring devices
• Integration into industrial and building automation through

The Siemens Energy
Management Division:

Setting Core figures

the pace ~ €11 bn


Expertise that creates value added

~ 53,000

A tradition of excellence ~ 100

Bringing to the table unique experience in the area of Production sites
energy and electrification plus comprehensive expertise on
all voltage levels – not to forget world market leadership in
industry automation and a leading role in digitalization –
Siemens is in a unique position to keep the lead in address-
ing the energy challenge and to drive innovation. And inno-
vation has always been the lifeblood of Siemens.
Developing the best answers for the customers’ toughest
questions made the company the global powerhouse it is Research and development
today. And the story continues: Products, solutions, and
services from Siemens support the development and deliv- Siemens is a company that lives research and
ery of viable business approaches and reliable, efficient development. It means securing our technological
power supply infrastructures. A comprehensive end-to-end basis, helping shape the future with innovative
approach that addresses all relevant verticals with a unique solutions, and strengthening our position in the
one-stop portfolio helps ensure lasting commercial success market. The following figures provide some
against the backdrop of an evolving energy system. evidence.


Patent first-filings

~ €350 m
R&D investments

All figures worldwide as of financial year 2014

Published by
Siemens AG 2016
Energy Management Division
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
For more information, please contact
our Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180 524 70 00
Fax: +49 180 524 24 71
(Charges depending on provider)
E–mail: [email protected]
Article No.: EMCG-B10005-02-4A00
Printed in Germany
Dispo No.: 05402
fb 7326 WS 08161.0
Subject to changes and errors. The information
given in this document only contains general
descriptions and/or performance features which
may not always specifically reflect those described,
or which may undergo modification in the course
of further development of the products. The
requested performance features are binding
only when they are expressly agreed upon in the
concluded contract.

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