cs120 Syllabus
cs120 Syllabus
cs120 Syllabus
Description of Course
This course provides a continuing introduction to programming with an emphasis on
problem-solving. It considers problems drawn from a variety of domains, including
Computer Science, and emphasizes both the broader applicability of the relevant data
structures and programming concepts, as well as the implementation of those structures
and concepts in software. Topics include arrays, lists, stacks, queues, recursion, trees,
searching and sorting; classes and objects; invariants; asymptotic complexity; program
development, testing, and debugging.
Course Prerequisites
A grade of C or higher in CSC 110 (or ISTA 130 or ECE 175) or prior programming
experience with Python or a comparable programming language.
Teaching Assistants: The contact information and office hours for the class TAs can be
found on the class website.
D2L: https://d2l.arizona.edu/d2l/home/1265423
Required out-of-class videos: Access through D2L, then use the Content tab
Out-of-Class activities (OCAs)
In addition, each week there will be one or two short videos containing additional
information and short quizzes. Students will access the videos through D2L (use the
“Content” tab).
Obtaining Help
• Academic advising: If you have questions about your academic progress this
semester, or your chosen degree program, consider contacting your department’s
academic advisor(s). Your academic advisor and the Advising Resource Center can
guide you toward university resources to help you succeed. Computer Science
major students are encouraged to visit
https://www.cs.arizona.edu/undergraduate/advising for advisor contact information.
• CS Tutor Center: The Department of Computer Science offers FREE tutoring for
students enrolled in CSC courses. You can view tutor schedules and sign up for
tutoring sessions by visiting our CS Tutoring Page.
• CS Help Desk: The Computer Science IT team can help students with department
technology issues including logging into/resetting your Lectura account, printing in
the 930 lab, etc. You can submit a ticket for help by visiting the Computer Science
Lab Helpdesk (note, requires UA login).
• Life challenges: If you are experiencing unexpected barriers to your success in
your courses, please note the Dean of Students Office is a central support resource
for all students and may be helpful. The Dean of Students Office can be reached at
520-621-2057 or [email protected].
• Physical and mental-health challenges: If you are facing physical or mental
health challenges this semester, please note that Campus Health provides quality
medical and mental health care. For medical appointments, call (520-621-9202. For
After Hours care, call (520) 570-7898. For the Counseling & Psych Services (CAPS)
24/7 hotline, call (520) 621-3334.
Class Recordings
• Lectures may be recorded at the discretion of the instructor. If recorded, the lecture
videos will be available through Panopto, which can be accessed through “D2L->UA
• For lecture recordings, which are used at the discretion of the instructor, students
must access content in D2L only. Students may not modify content or re-use content
for any purpose other than personal educational reasons. All recordings are subject
to government and university regulations. Therefore, students accessing
unauthorized recordings or using them in a manner inconsistent with UArizona values
and educational policies (Code of Academic Integrity and the Student Code of
Conduct) are also subject to civil action.
Course Objectives
The course will provide a foundation in fundamental computer science concepts such as
object-oriented programming, data structures and abstract data types, asymptotic
worst-case complexity, program design, testing, and debugging.
Participating in the course and attending lectures and other course events are vital to
the learning process. As such, attendance is required at all lectures. Absences may
affect a student’s final course grade. If you anticipate being absent, are unexpectedly
absent, or are unable to participate in class online activities, please contact me as soon
as possible. To request a disability-related accommodation to this attendance policy,
please contact the Disability Resource Center at (520) 621-3268 or drc-
[email protected]. If you are experiencing unexpected barriers to your success in
your courses, the Dean of Students Office is a central support resource for all students
and may be helpful. The Dean of Students Office is located in the Robert L. Nugent
Building, room 100, or call 520-621-7057.
We will not take attendance during lecture, however, all students are required to submit
the in-class activity (ICA) solutions. These solutions, which should include the Word of
the Day (if one is selected), will demonstrate their engagement with the material. (While
the ICAs will be available online, students watching the recording will not know the Word
of the Day, and as such will receive at most half credit for the ICA.)
Note: attendance is required for exams, unless the student has a disability-related
accommodation (see below).
To request a disability-related accommodation to this attendance policy, please contact
the Disability Resource Center at (520) 621-3268 or [email protected]. If you
are experiencing unexpected barriers to your success in your courses, the Dean of
Students Office is a central support resource for all students and may be helpful. The
Dean of Students Office is located in the Robert L. Nugent Building, room 100, or call
Course Communications
The primary path for outside-lecture communications will be the class Discord server.
The Discord link is posted on D2L and the class website. If a student has an issue that
cannot reasonably be resolved through Discord (inappropriate to discuss publicly, private
issue, etc.) then the student may email the instructor.
Each assignment pair (short/long assignment) will be worth the same amount. No
assignments are dropped, however, during the last week of the class, students will be
given the opportunity to rewrite one of the long assignments and have it regraded.
Late Day
Each student will be allocated 1 Late Day which may be used throughout the semester. A
late day allows the student to turn in an assignment’s long problem set up to 24 hours
NOTE: a late day cannot be used on the short problems or on the last (re-do)
If a student has used their late day, a late submission on a later assignment will not be
accepted. The student will receive a 0 on that assignment.
II. Activities
In-class Activities (ICAs)
During lecture, we will have a mix of traditional lecture and in-class activities, typically
done in groups, that reinforce understanding of the material being presented. Students
will submit their solutions for the activities to receive credit for participating in the
lecture. We will use Gradescope for this. The ICAs must be submitted to Gradescope by
7pm on the day of the lecture.
Midterm 2: Friday, April 7, 2023
Midterms are given during the normal class period and will be 50 minutes. No midterms
are dropped.
Make-up exams will not be given, however, if a midterm is missed due to extenuating
circumstances, I will use the grade of the final exam to replace the midterm grade.
V. Final Examination
The final exam is given in the regular classroom (Gittings 129B) for both Sections.
VI. Regrades
For the long portion of programming assignments, students should contact their TA to
ask for a regrade. For tests, students should use Gradescope’s “Regrade Request”
feature to ask the grader responsible for the question. In both cases, students should
attempt to resolve the issue with that contact person, but they can escalate to the
instructor if an acceptable solution cannot be reached.
Grading Scale
The weighted score computed using the above distribution will translate to letter grades
as follows:
90% and above: A
80% and above, but below 90%: B
70% and above, but below 80%: C
60% and above, but below 70%: D
Below 60%: E
I will use a simple grade cutoff scheme. This means if you earn the number of points
listed for a given grade, you are guaranteed that grade. At the end of the semester, I
reserve the right to lower these cutoffs, but I will not raise these cutoffs. (This means I
can make it easier to earn the letter grades in the categories above, but not harder.)
Grading Schedule
Programming assignments will typically be graded within 6 days of the due date. If
exceptions have to be made occasionally, staff will inform the students about the delay
and the reason for it.
Tests will be graded within 10 days.
Late Work
Students have 1 Late Day that can be used on any long programming problem except
the last long programming assignment.
Regrades must be requested within 7 dates of the grade being returned to the student.
For everything except tests, students should contact their TA to ask for a regrade. For
tests, they should use the Regrade Request tool inside GradeScope. In either case, the
student should start by contacting the appropriate person. Afterwards, they are free to
contact the instructor if a resolution cannot be found.
Extra Credit
Extra credit will not be available.
Department of Computer Science Grading Policy:
1. Instructors will explicitly promise when every assignment and exam will be graded
and returned to students. These promised dates will appear in the syllabus,
associated with the corresponding due dates and exam dates.
2. Graded homework will be returned before the next homework is due.
3. Exams will be returned "promptly", as defined by the instructor (and as promised
in the syllabus).
4. Grading delays beyond promised return-by dates will be announced as soon as
possible with an explanation for the delay.
Incomplete (I) or Withdrawal (W):
Requests for incomplete (I) or withdrawal (W) must be made in accordance with
University policies, which are available at http://catalog.arizona.edu/policy/grades-and-
grading-system#incomplete and http://catalog.arizona.edu/policy/grades-and-grading-
system#Withdrawal respectively.
Dispute of Grade Policy: See the regrade policy above.
Scheduled Topics/Activities
The lectures will cover the material shown in the table below. Note that the schedule is
approximate and subject to change. The order of topics is subject to change. Students are
responsible for all material covered in lecture, even if the actual lectures deviate from this
Week Week of Topic/Lecture Assigned Assignment Due
no. Slides Dates & Midterm
1 01/09/2023 Class intro, Python PA 1 – 01/13
2 01/16/2023 Python review PA 1 short – 01/19
Classroom Behavior Policy
To foster a positive learning environment, students and instructors have a shared
responsibility. We want a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment where all of us feel
comfortable with each other and where we can challenge ourselves to succeed. To that
end, our focus is on the tasks at hand and not on extraneous activities (e.g., texting,
chatting, reading a newspaper, making phone calls, web surfing, etc.).
Students are asked to refrain from disruptive conversations with people sitting around
them during lecture. Students observed engaging in disruptive activity will be asked to
cease this behavior. Those who continue to disrupt the class will be asked to leave
lecture or discussion and may be reported to the Dean of Students.
Threatening Behavior Policy
The UA Threatening Behavior by Students Policy prohibits threats of physical harm to
any member of the University community, including to oneself. See
gender identity, or genetic information. For more information, including how to report a
concern, please see http://policy.arizona.edu/human-resources/nondiscrimination-and-
Pronouns and Preferred Names
This course affirms people of all gender expressions and gender identities. If you
prefer to be called a different name than what is on the class roster, please let me
know. Feel free to correct instructors on your pronoun. If you have any questions or
concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly in class or via email (instructor
email). If you wish to change your preferred name or pronoun in the UAccess system,
please use the following guidelines:
Preferred name: University of Arizona students may choose to identify themselves
within the University community using a preferred first name that differs from their
official/legal name. A student’s preferred name will appear instead of the person’s
official/legal first name in select University-related systems and documents, provided
that the name is not being used for the purpose of misrepresentation. Students are
able to update their preferred names in UAccess.
Pronouns: Students may designate pronouns they use to identify themselves.
Instructors and staff are encouraged to use pronouns for people that they use for
themselves as a sign of respect and inclusion. Students are able to update and edit
their pronouns in UAccess.
More information on updating your preferred name and pronouns is available on the
Office of the Registrar site at https://www.registrar.arizona.edu/.