Lakshmi Narayana 2014

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2014 Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE 2014)

Smart Grid Technology & Applications

S Lakshminarayana, Anjul
BHEL, Electronics Division
Bangalore, India

Abstract-- The relatively static, slow-changing power 1.1 DEFINITION OF SMART GRID
transmission and distribution market is finding itself at the
Smart Grid is the convergence of three industries
confluence of energy, telecomnmnications and information
technology (TT) markets, driving necessary change and sectors:
innovation in support of a 21st century intelligent utility a) Electrical Power (Energy)
network, a "Smart Grid." This p aper serves to provide b) Telecommunication Infrastructure
clarification of what the Smart Grid is, from end-to-end, and c) Information Technology (IT)
where it's going as the infrastructure is built out and the
applications are ultimately defined and delivered. It does so by Expertise of each industry is needed to provide one of
explaining the market drivers, benefits and challenges;
three high-level layers of a complete and end-to-end
walking through the many market segments and technologies;
Smart Grid:
laying out the current and future applications.
a) The Physical Power Layer (transmission and
I. INTRODUCTION distribution)
b) The Data Transport and Control Layer
The Smart Grid "market" has many moving parts. There
(communications and control)
are hundreds of vendors, large and small, providing
c) The Application Layer (applications and services)
software, hardware and solutions at every layer of the
market, from the physical power infrastructure layer to
In order to have what is known as a true end-to-end Smart
the communications layer, up to the applications and
Grid, that is able to run applications back and forth from
services layer.
the utility to the consumer, an end-to-end communication
network is needed. While utilities have for years had their
Power providers are planning and implementing varying
own local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks
systems architectures. Government policies are shaping
(WAN) to transport data both within the utility's
the landscape at state and central government levels.
headquarters and to and from the substation, the missing
Investments, private and public, are driving innovation at
link in communications has been the network that could
a scale large enough to match that of the problem itself.
bridge the utility to the end-user, and vice versa.
Consumer adoption for a new wave of energy services is
unknown. Definitions as seemingly simple as what a
The emergence and continued development of an end-to­
Smart Grid is or should be are inconsistent and often
end communications layer is responsible for advancing
debated. In a nutshell, it's overwhelming and often
the Smart Grid revolution, as new applications will both
improve and optimize the generation, delivery and
consumption of electricity. Further, on a true Smart Grid,
The major products of Smart Grid are Solar and Wind
it is not only data that will move in two directions but
Power plants in Generation segment, Flexible AC
Transmission Systems (FACTS), High Voltage DC
power itself, as a more intelligent grid greatly facili ates �
the introduction of distributed power sources (such as
(HVDC) Transmission, Wide Area Measurement Systems
photovoltaic solar panels, micro-wind turbines and
(WAMs) in Transmission segment and Smart meters with
stationary fuel cells) at mass scale.
associated communication infrastructure in Distribution
EU definition - A smart grid is an electricity
network that can intelligently integrate the
In Indian perspective, the Smart Grid requirements may
actions of all users connected to it -generators,
specifically related to Distribution Management System
consumers and those that do both- in order to
(DMS) with smart meters interfaced with IT &
efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and
Communication system. [1]
secure electricity supplies.

978-1-4799-3421-8114/$3l.00 ©2014 IEEE

US DOE definition - A grid that is "Intelligent, Managing the "human element" in system operations:
efficient, accommodating, motivating, Labor savings are not a prime driver for the smart grid in
opportunistic, quality-focused, resilient and India, as contracts for outsourcing are inexpensive.
Green". However, automated meter reading would lower
recording and other errors, deliberate errors, which are
Smart Grid envisages modernization of the electricity thought to be significant reasons for losses.
delivery systems so it monitors, protects and
automatically optimizes the operation of its Peak load management: India's supply shortfalls are
interconnected elements. From the central and distributed expected to persist for many years. A smart grid would
generators through the high voltage network and allow more "intelligent" load control, either through
distribution system, to industrial users and building direct control or economic pricing incentives that are
automation systems, to energy storage installations and to communicated to customers in a dynamic manner. Such
end-use consumers and their, appliances and other measures would help mitigate the supply-demand gap.
household devices.
Renewable energy: India has supported the
Smart grid can be better defined by its features implementation of renewable energy. Historically, much
D fully automated power delivery network that monitors of its support was for wind power, but the newly
and controls electricity flows. announced National Solar Mission and its goal to add
ii) Two-way flows of electricity and information between 20,000 MW of solar energy by 2020 should be an
the power plant and the appliance, and all points in accelerant. Spurred by environmental concerns and the
between. desire to tap into all available sources of power, this
iii) Lowered carbon footprint and reduced emissions, move can also be a smart grid driver.
increased access to renewable energy resources (like solar
and wind). Technological leap frogging: Perhaps the most
iv) Use of digital technology to save energy, reduce cost intriguing driver for India is the potential to "leapfrog"
and increase reliability. into a new future for electricity, as it did with
v) Improved power quality for needs of 21st century telecommunications. Also, the "smart" in a smart grid is
economy. Information and Communication Technology (lCT)
vi) Reduced disruptions, improved efficiency and better an area of unique capability in India.
asset utilization.
• Capacity to incorporate diverse set of energy
Six factors will drive the adoption of the smart grid In sources.
India: • Significant reduction in green house gases.
• To be able to be measure, visualize and
Supply shortfalls: Demand, especially peak demand,
continues to outpace India's power supply. The optimized

increasing affordability of household appliances is adding • Monitor essential components, enabling rapid
to the burden on the grid. Official estimates of India's diagnosis and timely, appropriate response to
demand shortfall are 12% for total energy and 16% for any event.
peak demand. Managing growth and ensuring supply is a
• It must motivate customer to actively participate
major driver for all programs of the Indian power sector.
into operations of grid i.e react to grid

Loss reduction: India's aggregate technical and conditions.

commercial losses are thought to be about 25-30%, but • The consumer must receive high quality power
could be higher given the substantial fraction of the and should run more efficiently, with reduction
population that is not metered and the lack of of technical and commercial losses.
transparency. While a smart grid is not the only means of
• Better outage management by responding faster
reducing losses, it could make a substantial contribution.
to repair equipment.
1.4 ISSUES IN SMART GRID IMPLEMENTATION • Advanced protection i.e supervision of
overreaching zones, out of step detection and
• Smart grid functionality is still in evolution control, checking settings for loadability
stage. Some independent implementations have violation, load shedding and restoration, loss of
taken place. Actual implementation in large field relaying.
scale will take place after cost benefit analysis of
various pilot projects.
• Standards and regulations are being evolved
• Extensive requirement of IT and communication
environment and security concerns (Cyber­ Smart grid technologies, by continuous
monitoring, controlling and acquiring data, can be
attacks) will have to be addressed.
used to dynamically optimize the required VAR
• Huge investment is envisaged.
support needed on feeders according to their
changing load conditions. With solid state devices
like thyristors, GTO and IGBT, FACTS technology
II. SMART GRID APPLICATIONS & can be used to increase power transfer capability of
TECHNOLOGIES transmission lines. FACTS devices in high voltage
Technology required to make smart grid vision a reality is AC transmission lines provide dynamic control of
as follows. voltage, impedance, phase angle and imparts
improved transmission system management,
2.1 TECHNOLOGY IN TRANSMISSION SEGMENT reliability and availability and improves dynamic and
system stability. Main FACTS devices are:
• Static compensator (STATCOM) can provide
The monitoring of line voltage phase angles (phasors) reactive or capacitive power
provides the instantaneous measurement of electrical • Phase shifting transformer (PST) controls the
magnitudes and angles that can reveal emerging power flow in complex network
instability. The deployment of phasor measurement units • Static VAR compensator (SVC) is used for
(PMUs) and by synchronizing the sampling process for
controllable reactive source
different signals-, which may be hundreds of miles apart,
• Unified power flow controller (UPFC) is capable
it is possible to put their phasors on the same phasor
of changing the flow of both real and reactive
diagram. Phasor measurement units will observe system
condition 30 times per second -much faster than
• Static Synchronous series compensation can
conventional technology. This provides better Situational
provide dynamic series compensation
Awareness (SA) and assist in understanding system
• Thyristor Controlled Series capacitor (TCSC) -
dynamics in real time. Development of predictive
Increases power flow in line and damp inter area
algorithms can assess system risk. Phasor data comes in
the Phasor Data concentrator (PDC) and Visualization &
• Controlled Shunt Reactor (CSR) - Maintains a
remedial action software for phase angle measurement
stable bus voltage by providing variable reactive
provides the situational awareness (SA). It improves the
power based on the bus voltage deviations
control option availability to the operator when instability
during load variations.
occurs. [2]


Reliable wide area network (WAN) is needed to
accommodate the system-wide deployment of this tool.


Following benefits can be achieved from PMU:
• Emergency control scheme for mitigating Products change the loading of line based on
system instabilities viz smart islanding ambient temperature, Wind velocity, solar radiation.
• Wide area power visualization together with Sensors for hot spot, humidity, monitor current load
interactive 3D and Google earth. helps operator and congestion for optimum loading, detects failures
to visualize system operation states without human intervention and fast corrective
c) ONLINE MONITORING OF EQUIPMENT possibly even real-time pricing, as opposed to the
flat rate retail tariffs most consumers now pay. When
For the optimal use of the equipment, the consumers respond to such tariffs through a smart
loading can be changed based on on-line monitoring grid, peak load would be reduced; this will improve
of transformers. Monitoring equipment in real time asset utilization and in turn lower per-unit generation
will enable the redirection of power flows in costs.
response to early warnings of system problems,
detect and remedy faults in a "self-healing" mode This one element - sensors and two-way
and keep important system components operating at communication and control equipment - is central
high efficiency. to most definitions. Smart measurement and metering
also often embrace smart substation and smart
d) AUTOMATION distribution (together known as distribution
automation). Collectively, these elements represent
• For CB, Current Transformer, Voltage
the de facto core of most programs that are being
Transformer, power transformer.
proposed or implemented.
• Intelligent switchgear / Merging Unit enable
process bus automation through the Sampled b) SCADA RTU
Values of current / voltage for monitoring /
control purpose in addition to GOOSE (Generic Remote terminal Units (RTU) will help in control
Object Oriented Substation Event) operation for and monitoring of switchyard equipment from
equipment control. remote location.
• Optical CT and CVT
• Smart Substation: Include the monitoring and c) MICRO GRID
control of critical and non-critical operational
data such as power factor performance, A micro grid is an integrated energy system

condition monitoring of breaker, transformer and consisting of interconnected loads and distributed

battery status. Also preventive maintenance of energy source which as an integrated system can
Transformers using state of art online equipment operate connected to grid or in an intentional island

[ntelligent Electronic Device (IEDs) mode. [t provides sufficient and continuous energy to
significant portion of internal demand, has its own

2.2 TECHNOLOGY IN DISTRIBUTION SEGMENT internal control and optimization strategy, can be
used as flexible controlled entity to provide
Smart distribution is self-healing, self-balancing and services/optimization for the grid or the energy
self-optimizing, including superconducting cables for market
long-distance transmission, and automated monitoring
and analysis tools capable of detecting or even predicting d) RENEWABLES - LOW CARBON ELECTRICAL

cable and other failures based on real-time data on POWER GENERATION

weather, outage history, etc. Also, the addition of
Wind turbines, concentrated solar power
electronics to the control units of reclosers has enabled
systems, photovoltaic panels and storage devices
them to communicate with a utility's central computers,
e.g., batteries, flywheels / super-capacitors / plug-in
which automatically store the outage data (e.g., number,
hybrid electric vehicles etc.
duration) needed for reliability and availability indices.



Distribution management systems (DMS) have

Smart power meters features two-way power
varying degrees of sophistication. Some companies
flow (Net metering) and communications between
handle their distribution system operations using
consumers and power providers. [t will automate
manual and paper-based systems using static data,
billing data collection, detect outages, and dispatch
prevailing conditions of the network and customers.
repair crews to the correct location faster. With
Others manage their operations using more
electricity prices set to continue rising sharply, the
sophisticated systems that provide operators with
smart grid will also offer consumers choices that
more real-time circuit and customer data by adopting
could reduce their bills. It can offer time-of-use and
DMS applications including distribution power 2.3 CONSUMER APPLICATION
flow, fault detection and restoration, voltagelVAR
control, and contingency analysis. a) INTELLIGENT APPLIANCES

Appliances capable of deciding when to use

The use of advanced OMS systems can increase
power based on pre-set customer preferences. This
efficiency in electricity delivery by reducing
can go a long way toward reducing peak loads
distribution system losses and end-user energy
consumption through advanced voltagelVAR control.
which has a major impact on electricity generatio �
costs by alleviating the need for new power plants
Many utilities also need to add capacitors to provide
and cutting down on damaging greenhouse gas
the VAR support required avoiding excessive voltage
emissions. Early tests with smart grids show that
drops along the feeders. Such capacitors are often
consumers can save up to 25% on their energy usage
constantly connected and manually switched on/off.
by simply providing them with information on that
usage and the tools to manage it. Government
Smart grid technologies, by continuous
initiatives have been taken to encourage consumers
monitoring, controlling and acquiring data, can be
to use (BEE Star rated) energy efficient appliances
used to dynamically optimize the required VAR
support needed on distribution feeders according to
their changing load conditions. Integrated
VoltagelVAR control (IVVC) can provide
Another option would be to include renewable
coordinated and dynamic control of substation
energy and storage capacity to provide clean backup
transformer tap changers, feeder voltage regulators
P?wer. Another intriguing possibility - especially in
and capacitor banks to ensure appropriate voltage
VIew of the number of mini-cities to be developed
profiles in distribution feeders.
over the next 20 years and the number of new cars to
be sold - is integrating houses and cars in a holistic
approach to optimizing energy use.

Smart grid emerging technology will allow

The LEED (Leadership in Energy and
customers to shift from an event-based demand
Environmental Design) green building rating system
response where the utility requests the shedding of
developed and administered by the U.S. Green
load, towards a more 24/7-based demand response
Building Council is designed to promote design and
where the customer sees incentives for controlling
construction practices that increase profitability
�oad at all times. This utility-customer dialogue
while reducing the negative environmental impacts
mcreases the opportunities for demand response.
of buildings and improving occupant health, water
savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and
One advantage of a smart grid application is
indoor environmental quality and well-being.
time-based pricing. Customers who traditionally pay
a fixed rate for kWh and kWImonth can set their
threshold and adjust their usage to take advantage of
fluctuating prices. This may require the use of an
energy management system to control appliances and
Many of India's 10,000,000 irrigation pumps are
equipment, and can involve economies of scale.
powered by electricity that is provided free or at a
Another advantage, mainly for large customers with
nominal tariff. These dysfunctional but politically
generation, is being able to closely monitor shift
correct tariffs have caused the wasteful use of water
and balance load in a way that allows the cust mer t ; � and electricity. Underground aquifers are being
save during times of peak load, not only kWh.
depleted at an ever-increasing rate and estimates of
electricity used for irrigation pumping range from 20
Smart grid applications increase the
to 30% of total.
�pportunities for demand response by providing real­ Distributed renewable energy (e.g., wind, solar)
tIme data to producers and consumers, but economic
could be used to provide power to operate pumps that
and environmental incentives remain the driving
could irrigate fields directly or pump water to
force behind this practice.
storage tanks for later use or, alternatively, energize
A one-time capital grant to offset the installation and to decide the issue of relevant command at right
cost of such a system might be justified in terms of time. Since every area is different, the requisite
the value of subsidies to the power sector that could software cannot be one that fits all. For smart grid to
be discontinued. succeed and deliver, a relevant customized software
solution is required.

As stated above, the significant requirement is

BHEL being major key player in power segment
bi- directional communication. The instrumentation
has various technologies to contribute in Smart Grid
will be distributed all over the electric system. Major
arena. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
computational facility would be needed for linking
(SCADA) systems, Substation Automation System
the central facility to every monitoring and control
(SAS), Energy Management Systems (EMS),
instrument. The requirement could be divided into
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
three zones:
covering Static VAR Compensation, Fixed Series
Compensation, Controlled Shunt Reactor and
A Wide Area Network (WAN) connecting central
renewable energy solutions such as Solar Power
facility to location close to cluster of consumers. The
Plants are in operation at many locations.
point of termination could be substation in the
A Neighbourhood Area Network (NAN) to connect
WAN to individual customer. Examples of NAN Smart grid technologies aim at reduction of ATC
could be from substation to consumer location. losses, reduction in carbon emission and generation
of energy from renewable energy sources. Smart grid
A House Area Network (HAN) that connects NAN focuses at implementation of IT in energy sector to
to individual equipment of that location benefit all stakeholders.

Such communication system must be in place for

smart grid vision to become reality.

PHYSICAL AND CYBER SECURITY The authors would like to thank the management
Smart grid communications will play a critical of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited for providing
role in maintaining high levels of electric system this opportunity.
reliability, performance and manageability. But at the
same time, the grid is increasingly subject to attack, REFERENCES
as many of the technologies being deployed to
support smart grid projects (such as smart meters, [1] Greentech Media Report on Smart Grid
sensors, and advanced communication networks) are Technology.
interoperable and open.
[2] N.S. Sodha, A.S. Kushwaha and Dr. Sunita
IT APPLICATION Chohan, "Smart Grid using Wide Area
IT Infrastructure can be provided to monitor Measurement System (WAMS) for Indian
each and every data point of use. The requisite Transmission Grid - Road Ahead," International
control facility can also be installed. However Conference on Roadmap for Smart Grid, August
necessary module and capable application software is 2011.
not available to make effective use of data collected

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