Materials Chemistry C: Journal of
Materials Chemistry C: Journal of
Materials Chemistry C: Journal of
Materials Chemistry C
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The electronic structure, lattice vibrations, and optical, dielectric and thermodynamic properties of BaTiO3/
CaTiO3/SrTiO3 (BT/CT/ST) ferroelectric superlattices are calculated by using first-principles calculations.
After relaxation, the lattice parameters are in good agreement with the experimental and other theoretical
values within an error of 1%. The band structure shows an indirect band gap with a value of about
2.039 eV, and a direct band gap of 2.39 eV at the G point. The density of states and the electron charge
density along the [001] axis are calculated and show the displacement of Ti ions along the [001] axis. The
strong hybridization between O 2p and Ti 3d contributes to the ferroelectricity of BT/CT/ST ferroelectric
Received 3rd June 2015, superlattices. The G modes are stable, while the vibration modes at A, M, R, and X points are unstable
Accepted 20th July 2015 governing the nature of phase transition. The static dielectric tensor including the ionic contribution is
DOI: 10.1039/c5tc01622c calculated and the permittivity parallel to the optical axis is found to be almost eight times more than the
permittivity vertical to the axis, exhibiting strong anisotropy. The thermodynamic enthalpy, the free energy, the entropy, and the heat capacity are also investigated based on the phonon properties.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 8625--8633 | 8625
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ascribed to the increase of the lattice parameter c of the BaTiO3 2. Method and computational details
layer due to interfacial strain as well as the increase in the
proportion of BaTiO3.2 Neaton and Rabe used first-principles First-principles calculations were performed by employing the
density-functional theory within the local density approximation pseudopotential plane-wave (PP-PW) approach based on the
to study the spontaneous polarization of epitaxial BaTiO3/SrTiO3 density functional theory (DFT) framework as implemented in
superlattices as a function of composition, revealing the theoretical the Cambridge Serial Total Energy (CASTEP) code.26 The
evidence for the enhancement in the computed superlattice generalized gradient approximation (GGA) with the PBE exchange–
polarization above that of bulk BaTiO3 for superlattices with the correlation functional was used. The norm-conserving pseudo-
BaTiO3 fraction larger than 40%.3 Epitaxial strain plays an potentials adopted for the ferroelectric superlattices were con-
Published on 20 July 2015. Downloaded by University of Michigan Library on 16/04/2016 18:37:45.
important role in the physical properties of artificial superlattice structed by the electron configurations as Ca 3s23p64s2 states, Sr
structures.19 Ortega et al. presented a way to control the local 4s24p65s2 states, Ba 5s25p66s2 states, Ti 3s23p63d24s2 states, and
stress in epitaxial films by altering the lattice parameter by O 2s22p4 states. The structure was fully relaxed with a 6 6 1
doping and had grown the BaTiO3/(Ba,Sr)TiO3 ferroelectric special k-point mesh grid and an 880 eV energy cutoff for the
superlattices.19 Meyer and Vanderbilt studied the cubic perovskite plane-wave basis, which had been carefully tested to ensure the
compounds with the forms (A1/3A1/30 A1/300 )BO3 and A(B1/3B1/30 B1/300 )O3 well-converged total energy and geometrical configurations.27
using first-principles methods, and found a strong variation of The energy tolerance was 5 106 eV per atom, the force
the strength of the symmetry breaking with the strength of the tolerance was 0.01 eV Å1, the stress tolerance was 0.02 GPa,
compositional perturbation.20 Lee et al. fabricated the three- and the displacement tolerance was 5 104 Å. Then the band
component ferroelectric BaTiO3/CaTiO3/SrTiO3 (BT/CT/ST) superlat- structure, density of states, electron density, and optical proper-
tices using a pulsed laser deposition method, revealed the subtle ties were calculated. In order to strengthen the validation of the
effects of a non-inversion-symmetric environment and the role calculation, we also used the VASP code to relax the structure
of a large number of coupled heterointerfaces, and verified and calculate the properties.28,29 The phonon, dielectric and
the theoretical predictions of strain-enhanced ferroelectric thermodynamic properties were calculated by using density
polarization of BaTiO3.10 However, researches that focused functional perturbation theory (DFPT) with a linear response
on the three-component superlattices are quite few, especially on method implemented in the CASTEP code.30 Fig. 1 shows the
the three-component BT/CT/ST superlattices. Shah et al. studied schematic crystal structure of BT/CT/ST ferroelectric superlat-
the short-period three-component SrTiO3/BaTiO3/PbTiO3 (ST/BT/PT) tices. The BT/CT/ST superlattices with P4mm symmetry were
perovskite superlattice using the first-principles density functional constructed based on the cubic BaTiO3, SrTiO3, and CaTiO3
approach.21 Nakhmanson studied the composition-dependent crystals. The lattice constant of the superlattice is fixed to the
structural and polar properties of epitaxial short-period BT/CT/ST bulk cell parameter of bulk SrTiO3, to implicitly include the
superlattices grown on a SrTiO3 substrate using first-principles SrTiO3 substrate.31–33
methods.22 The presence of highly polar CT and BT layers induced
substantial polarization and the polarization in the (ST)2(BT)m(CT)2
superlattices started to decrease at m = 7, indicating that the 3. Results and discussion
strongest polarization enhancement can be tuned by the delicate 3.1. Structural and electronic properties of BT/CT/ST
balance between the concentration and the layer thickness.10,22 ferroelectric superlattices
Experimentally, Liu et al.23 also showed that the dielectric constant We first relaxed the superlattice to obtain the geometry optimized
and the dielectric loss of the BaTiO3/SrTiO3/MgO superlattices were atom configuration. The calculated lattice parameters of BT/CT/ST
highly dependent upon the stacking period numbers and layer
thicknesses, and a strong interfacial effect was found in the
heterostructures with the combination period larger than 16 or
each STO layer less than 6.0 nm.23,24 Similarly, the dielectric
constant, dielectric loss, and tunabilities of the Mn:BST/Mn:BZT/
MgO heterostructures are highly dependent upon the sequences of
Mn:BST to Mn:BZT.25 Obviously, Nakhmanson only focused on the
polarization enhancement, while Gao concentrated only on the
intrinsic asymmetric ferroelectricity together with the heterostruc-
ture between metals and ferroelectric superlattices. But the band
structure, elastic properties, optical dielectric function, lattice
vibration, and thermodynamic properties of BT/CT/ST ferroelectric
superlattices are still not reported. Thus, in this work, we perform
first-principles calculations to study the properties of BT/CT/ST
ferroelectric superlattices. The structural, electronic, and optical
properties are investigated using standard density functional
theory. The lattice vibrations and thermodynamic properties Fig. 1 Schematic crystal structure of BT/CT/ST ferroelectric superlattices
are analyzed using density functional perturbation theory. before (a) and after (b) relaxation. Pictures drawn using VESTA.34
8626 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 8625--8633 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 3 Total density of states and partial density of states of BT/CT/ST ferroelectric superlattices in the energy range from 8 to 8 eV.
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1 1 2
kðoÞ ¼ pffiffiffi e1 2 ðoÞ þ e2 2 ðoÞ 2 e1 ðoÞ (4)
pffiffiffi 1
2o 2 1 2
aðoÞ ¼ e1 ðoÞ þ e2 2 ðoÞ 2 e1 ðoÞ (5)
e ðoÞ þ ie ðoÞ 12
1 2
RðoÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (6)
e1 ðoÞ þ ie2 ðoÞ þ 1
1 e2 ðoÞ
LðoÞ ¼ Im ¼ (7)
eðoÞ e1 2 ðoÞ þ ie2 2 ðoÞ
8628 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 8625--8633 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 5 Dielectric function (a), absorption coefficient (b), reflectivity (c), conductivity (d), refractive index (e), and electron energy-loss spectrum (f) of
BT/CT/ST ferroelectric superlattices.
sharp structure located at 10.7 eV is related to the sharp decrease in matrix can be written in reciprocal space and is usually referred
the reflectivity as shown in Fig. 5(c). This process is associated with to as the dynamic matrix:
the transition of electrons from O 2s and Ba 6s, lying below the
1 X
valence band, to the empty conduction band as shown in Fig. 3. Dmn ðqÞ ¼ Dmn ðRÞeiqR (10)
3.3. Lattice vibrations and dielectric properties of BT/CT/ST
ferroelectric superlattices The plane waves are employed to evaluate each atomic
To better understand the lattice dynamics and dielectric proper-
ties of BT/CT/ST ferroelectric superlattices, the phonon dispersion u(R, t) = eei(qRo(q)t) (11)
curves and the phonon density of states are calculated using
where the polarization vector of each mode, e, is an eigenvector
density functional perturbation theory.30 According to the
with the dimension of 3 N of the eigenvalue problem:
literature,41–44 the phonon properties can be obtained using a
harmonic approximation given by: Mo(q)2e = D(q)e (12)
@2E The contribution to the partial density of states on atom i, from
Dmn ðR R Þ ¼ (9)
@um ðRÞ@uv ðR0 Þu¼0 each phonon band, is evaluated using:
where u refers to the displacement of a given atom and E is the dk 2
Ni ðEÞ ¼ 3
ej ðiÞ dðE En ðkÞÞ (13)
total energy in the harmonic approximation. This force constant 4p
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 8625--8633 | 8629
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where ej is the eigenvector associated with the mode of energy concerning a periodic displacement of all the periodic images
Ej. Considering that the tetragonal primitive cell of BT/CT/ST of that ion at zero macroscopic electric field,45,46
ferroelectric superlattices contains 15 atoms, the complete
@Pa @Fb ðkÞ
phonon spectrum consists of 45 normal modes of vibration Zab ðkÞ ¼ O0 ¼ (15)
@tb ðkÞ x¼0 @
including 3 acoustical branches and 42 optical branches.
Through the standard group theoretical analysis, the phonon
where Pa is the total macroscopic polarization per unit cell
modes at the G point in the Brillouin-zone center can be
generated in the b direction, O0 is the volume of the unit cell, t
represented as
is the rigid displacement of the sublattice of the kth atom along
Published on 20 July 2015. Downloaded by University of Michigan Library on 16/04/2016 18:37:45.
Gvib = 12A1 " 3B1 " 15E (14) the a direction. The Born effective charges are calculated
through a linear response method using density functional
where A1, B1 and E are the irreducible representation of the perturbation theory, and the diagonal tensors are shown in
symmetry of lattice vibrations. A1 and E modes are both Raman Table 1, together with the nominal charges. The Born effective
and infrared active, while B mode is only Raman active. E charges of all the atoms in ferroelectric superlattices are larger
represents two dimensional while A1 and B1 are one dimensional. than their nominal ionic values owing to the displacement of
One A1 mode and one E pair are acoustic, leaving the others ions during phase transition, favouring the ferroelectric
optical. The calculated phonon dispersion curves along the high instability. The large values of ZTi and ZO further reveal the
symmetry lines of the tetragonal Brillouin zone are shown in strong hybridization between O 2p and Ti 3d states and the
Fig. 6, together with the phonon density of states. It is clear that dynamic charge transfer along the Ti–O bonds, which also
no imaginary frequency is found at the G point showing stable explains that the Mulliken charges are lower than the Born
character. However, there exists imaginary frequency at A, M, R, effective charges. Combining the ionic contribution with the
and X points, whose phonon disperse curves are shown below dielectric properties, the static dielectric tensor is calculated
zero frequency, indicating the unstable modes. These unstable using two different components, e0> = 25.5 and e0J = 203.4.
modes govern the nature of phase transition, and dielectric and Obviously the static dielectric permittivity is larger than the
ferroelectric response of BT/CT/ST ferroelectric superlattices. optical dielectric permittivity. The static dielectric tensor parallel to
The phonon DOS in the frequency region below 20 THz is the axis is almost eight times more than that vertical to the axis,
mainly contributed by the Ti–O hybridization of the [TiO6] showing strong anisotropy. The dielectric response along the optical
octahedron. axis is electronic, while that perpendicular to the optical axis is ionic.
The Born effective charges control the amplitude of the long- Polarization enhancement with respect to bulk tetragonal BaTiO3
range Coulombic interactions between nuclei and the splitting has been reported for two- and three-component superlattices with a
between longitudinal optic (LO) and transverse optic (TO) BaTiO3 concentration of more than 30%.22 The concentration
phonon modes. The Born effective charge tensors Zab* is and the layer thickness of individual layers are identified as
defined as the partial derivative of the macroscopic polarization important factors governing the polarization improvement. The
Fig. 6 Calculated phonon dispersion curves (a) along the high-symmetry direction (c) and the phonon density of states (b) for BT/CT/ST ferroelectric
8630 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 8625--8633 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Nominal Mulliken
Atoms Z l charge charge
Ba [2.752, 2.752, 3.013] 2.839 +2 1.53
Sr [2.518, 2.518, 3.013] 2.609 +2 1.34
Ca [2.515, 2.515, 2.590] 2.540 +2 1.41
Ti1 [6.637, 6.637, 4.616] 5.963 +4 1.3
Published on 20 July 2015. Downloaded by University of Michigan Library on 16/04/2016 18:37:45.
2 3
ð ð 4. Conclusions
6 kB T ho
SðTÞ ¼ kB 6
4 ho gðoÞdo gðoÞ ln 1 ekB T do7
5 (18)
ekB T 1 In this work, we investigated the electronic structure, the lattice
vibrations, and the optical, dielectric and thermodynamic
where g(o) is the phonon density of states and kB is the properties of BaTiO3/CaTiO3/SrTiO3 ferroelectric superlattices
Boltzmann constant. Fig. 7 shows the temperature dependence by employing the pseudopotential plane-wave approach based
of the calculated thermodynamic enthalpy, free energy, and on the density functional theory framework. After relaxation,
temperature times entropy for BT/CT/ST ferroelectric super- the lattice parameters are found to be in good agreement with
lattices. It is clear that the enthalpy and the free energy increase the experimental and other theoretical values within an error of
with the increase of temperature, while the entropy decreases 1%. The band structure shows an indirect band gap with a
with the increase of temperature. All these three terms in Fig. 7 value of about 2.039 eV between A and G points, and a direct
becomes zero when the temperature approaches zero, which is band gap of 2.39 eV at the G point. The density of states shows
in accordance with the Third law of thermodynamics. Fig. 8 that the Ti–O bonding is covalent and the Ba–O (also Sr–O, Ca–O)
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 8625--8633 | 8631
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Science Foundation of China for Creative Research Groups 24 M. Liu, C. Ma, G. Collins, J. Liu, C. Chen, A. Alemayehu,
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for the Central Universities (Grant No. 2652013105), and also by 25 M. Liu, J. Liu, C. Ma, G. Collins, C. Chen, A. D. Alemayehu,
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