Articulo Nanotecnlogia
Articulo Nanotecnlogia
Articulo Nanotecnlogia
Darrell H. Reneker, Alexander L. Yarin, Hao Fong, and Sureeporn Koombhongse
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TABLE II. Dimensionless groups and parameters employed and their definitions.
Dimensionless Dimensionless
Symbol group parameter Definition
was around 0.2 m. The nanofibers formed a mat on the col- on an insulator, although a way to neutralize the charge car-
lector. The coordinates used in the mathematical description ried by nanofibers must be provided in order to collect many
are also shown. A magnified segment of the jet near the top layers of nanofibers. Airborne ions from a corona discharge
of the envelope cone shows the electrical forces that cause provide an effective way to neutralize the charge on the jets
the growth of the bending instability. These forces are de- and on the nanofibers. Nanofibers may also be collected on
scribed in detail in Sec. IV E and Fig. 12. the surface of a liquid.
In general, the pendent drop may be replaced by other Experiments on electrospinning15,20 typically use setups
fluid surfaces such as films on a solid or shapes generated by similar to that sketched in Fig. 1. All experiments were per-
surface tension and flow. The collector is usually a good formed at room temperature, which was about 20 °C. Poly-
electric conductor. The charged nanofibers may be collected ethylene oxide with a molecular weight of 400 000, at a
weight concentration of 6%, was dissolved in a mixture of
around 60% water and 40% ethanol. Fresher solutions pro-
duced jets that traveled further before the first bending insta-
bility appeared. The solution was held in a glass pipette with
an internal diameter of about 1 mm. At the beginning of the
experiment, a pendent droplet of polymer solution was sup-
ported at the tip of the capillary. The liquid jet formed on the
surface of the pendent drop of solution. When the electrical
potential difference 共measured in volts, and often referred to
as the applied voltage兲 between the capillary and the
grounded collector is increased, the surface of the liquid be-
comes charged by the electrical field induced migration of
ions through the liquid. Instability of the droplet set in when
the potential difference was high enough that electrical
forces overcame the forces associated with surface tension.3
Above this threshold, a stable liquid jet emerged. The jet
carried away excess ions that migrated to the surface when
the potential was applied. A higher potential difference cre-
ated a higher charge on the jet. For low conductivity solu-
tions, a significant time may be required for the charge to
reach a saturation value after the applied potential changes,
since charge transport within the fluid is limited by the finite
mobility of the ions.
A region about 5 mm across near the vertex of the en-
velope cone was imaged with a lens that had a focal length
of 86 mm and an f number of 1.0. The lens was placed about
20 cm from the jet to avoid disturbing the electrical field near
the jet. The image produced by this lens was observed using
FIG. 1. Schematic drawing of the electrospinning process, showing the jet
path, reference axes, relative arrangement of parts of the apparatus at dif- a 12.5–75 mm, f 1.8 zoom lens on an electronic camera that
ferent scales, and the region where the bending instability grew rapidly. recorded up to 2000 frames per second with exposure times
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FIG. 4. Evolution of electrical bending instability. The exposure times were FIG. 5. Images of secondary and tertiary cycles of bending instabilities. The
0.25 ms. The width of each image was 5 mm. exposure time was 0.25 ms. The width of each image is 5 mm.
the envelope cone, where the first bending instability grew. These dots are not evidence of the familiar varicose instabil-
Several segments of the jet are shown, including segments ity that may cause a liquid jet to become a series of droplets.
from slowly moving loops that formed earlier. All these seg- No varicose instability was observed in this experiment.
ments are connected by segments that are not shown. Two Using a set of image files created by the electronic cam-
smooth segments cross each other in this image, as they run era, it was often possible to follow the evolution of the shape
nearly horizontally across the bottom of the image. These of spiraling segments, such as those shown in Fig. 3, back to
two segments are noticeably thinner than the jet entering the the straight segment that entered the upper left corner of the
image because the jet elongated as time evolved. These image. In Figs. 4 and 5, the light ellipse in the first image
slowly moving segments were part of large loops and were marks a segment that evolved in an interesting way. The
affected both by air drag and by the disturbance of the ap- selected segment of the jet was followed forward in time,
plied electrical field caused by the presence of both charged from the moment it entered the region contained in the im-
segments of the jet and charged nanofibers below the region ages until it elongated, looped, became unstable, bent, en-
being observed. Such slowly moving segments remained in tered the next cycle, and ultimately became too thin to form
view for many frames. an image.
Two thinner segments that formed even earlier are also Figure 4 starts with a bend near the end of the straight
included in Fig. 3. One runs across the top half of the image, segment of a jet entering the image at the upper left. The
and the other runs across the bottom half. In the lower of onset of the electrically driven bending instability occurred
these segments the successive bends 共step 1 of the second just before the jet entered the image. The straight segment of
cycle兲 were apparent. In the upper segment, the bends had the jet extended upward, and is not shown. The segment of
already developed into spiraling loops 共step 2 of the second the jet that is highlighted by the white ellipse was followed
cycle兲. The pattern of dots visible in the lower left corners of for 27.5 ms in a series of images that were recorded at 0.5 ms
Figs. 3–5 was caused by the pattern of facets on the reflector intervals. The thinner segments of the jet were emphasized
of the halogen lamp used to illuminate this experiment. by using the Photopaint 6 software to reproduce them. Places
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where the faint image of the jet was ambiguous are indicated
by dots, seen, for example, in the image at 22.5 ms.
Eleven images were selected from this series of 55 im-
ages to show the evolution of the highlighted segment. The
time intervals between the images that are shown vary. Many
images that show only a gradual evolution of the path were
omitted to simplify Fig. 4. The time at which the first image
was captured is taken as time zero. The elapsed time at
which each of the following images was recorded is given in
Fig. 4.
The looping segment being observed at zero time elon-
gated for 10 ms in Fig. 4. Its further elongation was not
followed, because the loop had extended entirely across the
image. The rate of increase in the length of the highlighted
segment was around 120 mm/s. After 22 ms the visible part
of the highlighted segment still appeared in Fig. 4 as a
smooth, slightly curved line. In the short time interval be-
tween 22.0 and 22.5 ms, this long, slightly curved, smooth
segment suddenly became unstable. A linear array of bends
appeared, marking the beginning of the second cycle. The
lateral amplitude of the bends grew to about 1 mm, and the
spatial period of the bends along the segment was also about
1 mm.
These smaller bent segments of the jet continued to elon-
gate, but the images of the trajectories grew fainter and soon
were ambiguous. The elongation and the associated thinning
presumably continued as long as the charge on the jet sup-
plied enough force. Meanwhile, the elongational viscosity
increased as the jet dried. Eventually the jet solidified and the
FIG. 6. A jet splits off the primary jet and splays to a different direction.
elongation stopped. The evolution of the solidification pro-
cess remains to be investigated.
The first image in Fig. 5 shows a selected segment that evidence of a process that splayed the primary jet into many
was tracked back to the highlighted area near the bottom of smaller jets. The smaller jets were supposed to emerge from
the straight segment. This loop grew in diameter as the jet the region just below the apex of the envelope cone. Figure
elongated and became thinner. After 18 ms, an array of 7共a兲 shows an image from a video frame with an exposure of
bends that had a relatively long wavelength developed. 16.7 ms. The envelope cone was illuminated with a single
These bends evolved gradually to the path shown at 30.5 ms. bright halogen lamp that projected a narrow beam, through
Then a tertiary array of bends developed on the highlighted the envelope cone, toward, but not directly into, the lens, so
segment during the next 0.5 ms, and quickly evolved to the that most of the light that entered the video camera was
path shown at 31.5 ms. The growth of the tertiary excursions scattered from the jets.
was followed until 38.5 ms after the first image, at which Figure 7共b兲 shows a jet similar to that shown in Fig. 7共a兲
point the jet was so thin that its image could no longer be that was illuminated with light from two halogen lamps and
B. Jet splaying
The circled region in Fig. 6 shows a jet that split into
two jets that splayed apart, with the axis of the thinner
branch generally perpendicular to the axis of the primary jet.
The thinner jet disappeared in a few milliseconds, in some
cases because it rapidly became even thinner, and in other
cases because its path left the field of view. No bending
instability was observed on the thinner segment, probably
because it was not observed long enough for an instability to
develop. Only a few such events were observed in the thou-
sands of images of polyethylene oxide solution examined.
Before the high frame rate, short exposure time images
of Figs. 4 and 5 were available, visual observations and FIG. 7. Images of electrospinning jet with longer camera exposure times: 共a兲
video images of electrically driven jets were interpreted as 16.7 and 共b兲 1.0 ms.
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FIG. 8. Scanning electron micrograph of coiled and looped nanofibers on FIG. 9. Viscoelastic dumbbell representing a segment of the rectilinear part
the surface of an aluminum collector. of the jet.
photographed with a video camera. The two lamps were camera. The abundance and single coil of the coiled loops
above and behind the jet. One was to the left and the other to depended on the distance below the vertex at which they
right. This provided a broader source of illumination than were collected.
that used for Fig. 7共a兲, but not as uniform as the Fresnel lens The well-known tendency9 of a straight liquid jet mov-
arrangement shown in Fig. 1. An exposure time of 1 ms was ing in its axial direction to coil when it impacts a hard, sta-
used. The part of the straight jet with small bending ampli- tionary surface and buckles could account for some of the
tude is visible as are the loops containing segments, which observed coils. This mechanical effect is easily observed
had turned so that the axis of the segment formed a high when a gravity driven jet of honey falls onto a hard surface.
angle with the axis of the straight segment. The parts of the The occurrence of mechanical buckling during impact is
jet nearer the vertex of the envelope cone appeared only as likely to be infrequent because most of the long segments of
short, unconnected lines. Specular reflections of the beam of the jet were moving in a sidewise direction as they encoun-
light, called glints, from one or the other of the two halogen tered the collector. It is interesting to hypothesize that in
lamps off nearly horizontal segments of downward moving these experiments the coils and loops solidified before col-
loops were shown to be the cause of these bright spots. Simi- lection. Then, the collected coils and loops provide informa-
lar bright spots moved downwards during the longer expo- tion about the smallest bending instabilities that occurred.
sure of Fig. 7共a兲, and created the lines that are prominent in
Fig. 7共a兲.
The video frame rate of 30 frames per second was not
fast enough to follow the smooth development of the jet A. Viscoelastic model of a rectilinear electrified liquid
path. At this frame rate, for any particular frame, the preced- jet
ing and the following frames showed loops and spirals in Consider first a rectilinear electrified liquid jet in an
completely different positions. Only after the illumination electric field parallel to its axis. We model a segment of the
was improved, described in Sec. II, and the high frame rate jet by a viscoelastic dumbbell as shown in Fig. 9. In the
electronic camera used was it obvious that the envelope cone mathematical description, we use the Gaussian electrostatic
was occupied by one long, flowing, continuous, and ever system of units. Corresponding SI units are given when pa-
thinner jet. The repeated cycles of ever smaller electrically rameters are evaluated. Table I lists the symbols and their
driven bending instabilities created a complex path in which units.
the directions of the axes of the connected segments were Each of the beads, A and B, possesses a charge e and
often different and changing, sometimes by large angles. mass m. Let the position of bead A be fixed by non-Coulomb
forces. The Coulomb repulsive force acting on bead B is
C. Coiled and looped jets captured on a hard surface ⫺e 2 / l 2 . The force applied to B due to the external field is
⫺eV 0 /h. The dumbbell, AB, models a viscoelastic Max-
Nanofibers were sometimes collected by moving a glass wellian liquid jet. Therefore the stress, , pulling B back to
microscope slide, a metal screen, or other solid surfaces A is given by21
through the conical envelope. Figure 8 shows that coiled and
looped nanofibers collected in this way were similar in shape d dl G
⫽G ⫺ , 共1兲
to the bending instabilities photographed with the high speed dt l dt
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FIG. 11. Length of the rectilinear part of the jet l¯ * as a function of the
dimensionless voltage V. Q⫽12 and F v e ⫽12. FIG. 12. Illustration of the Earnshaw instability, leading to bending of an
electrified jet.
冉 冊 ⫺0.81
F 1 ⫽2F cos ⫽(2e2/r3)•␦ acts on charge B in a direction per-
2va pendicular to the line, and tends to cause B to move further
f a ⫽ a a v 2 0.65 , 共8兲
a in the direction of the perturbation away from the line be-
where a and a are the air density and kinematic viscosity, tween fixed charges, A and C. The growth of the small bend-
respectively. The gravity force per unit length pulling the jet ing perturbation that is characterized by ␦ is governed in the
downward in the experimental geometry shown in Fig. 1 is linear approximation by the equation
f g⫽ g a 2, 共9兲 d 2 ␦ 2e 2
m ⫽ 3 ␦, 共10兲
dt 2 l1
where is the liquid density and g is the acceleration due to
gravity. where m is the mass.
In the momentum balance, Eq. 共2兲 or 共5b兲, we neglected The growing solution of this equation, ␦
f g as a secondary effect. The air drag force f a is even smaller ⫽ ␦ 0 exp关(2e2/ml 31 ) 1/2t 兴 , shows that small perturbations in-
than f g . Taking a ⫽1.21 kg/m3, a ⫽0.15⫻10⫺4 m2/s, crease exponentially. The increase is sustained because elec-
⫽1000 kg/m3, v ⫽0.5 m/s, and a⫽150 m we obtain from trostatic potential energy of the system depicted in Fig. 12
Eqs. 共8兲 and 共9兲 f a ⫽1.4⫻10⫺5 kg/s2 and f g ⫽6.9 decreases as e 2 /r when the perturbations, characterized by ␦
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where, when mass is conserved and evaporation neglected, and the charge on each element of the jet is removed as it
the filament radii a ui and a di are given by arrives at the collector. Such a calculation mimics the devel-
opment of the electrically driven bending instability. The cal-
a 2ui l ui ⫽ a 0 L,
culation begins with only two beads, N⫽2. As the jet flows,
a 2di l di ⫽ a 0 L,
共17b兲 the number of beads in the jet, N, increases.
It is also possible to consider the temporal instability of
which is similar to Eq. 共4兲. an established jet. In this case the calculation began from a
The surface tension force acting on the ith bead, and long rectilinear filament 0⭐z⭐h containing a fixed number
tending to restore the rectilinear shape of the bending part of of beads. The filament was perturbed by moving it laterally,
the jet, is given by at t⫽0, everywhere along its axis by the function
冉 冊
␣ 共 a 2 兲avk i
fcap⫽⫺ 关 i兩 x i 兩 sign共 x i 兲 ⫹j兩 y i 兩 sign共 y i 兲兴 , 共18兲 2 h⫺z
共 x 2i ⫹y 2i 兲 1/2 x⫽10⫺3 L cos z , 共22a兲
where ␣ is the surface tension coefficient, k i is the jet curva-
ture calculated using the coordinates of beads (i⫺1), i and
(i⫹1), and (a 2 ) a v ⫽(a ui ⫹a di ) 2 /4. The meaning of ‘‘sign’’
y⫽10⫺3 L sin 冉 冊2 h⫺z
, 共22b兲
is as follows:
where is the wavelength of the perturbation. Then the tem-
sign共 x 兲 ⫽1, if x⬎0, poral evolution of the path was calculated.
sign共 x 兲 ⫽⫺1, if x⬍0, 共19兲 In all cases, the system of Eqs. 共12兲 and 共20兲 was solved
numerically, assuming that the stresses ui and di and the
sign共 x 兲 ⫽0, if x⫽0. radial velocity dri /dt were zero at t⫽0. The equations were
Setting the forces described in Eqs. 共13兲, 共15兲, 共16兲, and made dimensionless by the same scale factors as those in
共18兲 equal to mass times acceleration, according to Newton’s Sec. IV B. Since here it is necessary to account for the sur-
second law, we obtain the equation governing the radius vec- face tension and for the perturbing displacements, three new
tor of the position of the ith bead ri ⫽ix i ⫹jy i ⫹kz i in the dimensionless groups emerge in addition to those of Eqs. 共6兲,
following form: ␣ a 20 2
A⫽ , 共23a兲
d 2 ri e2 V0 a 2ui ui mL 2 G 2
m 2⫽
dt 兺
3 共 ri ⫺r j 兲 ⫺e
j⫽1,N R i j h
l ui
共 ri⫹1 ⫺ri 兲
j⫽i K s ⫽ /G, 共23b兲
a di
di ␣ 共 a 2 兲avk i 2L
⫺ 共 ri ⫺ri⫺1 兲 ⫺ K t⫽ . 共23c兲
l di 共 x 2i ⫹y 2i 兲 1/2
⫻ 关 i兩 x i 兩 sign共 x i 兲 ⫹j兩 y i 兩 sign共 y i 兲兴 . 共20兲 The last dimensionless group needed is formed by dividing
For the first bead, i⫽1, and N, the total number of the distance h, from the collector to the pendent droplet, by
beads, is also 1. As more beads are added, N becomes larger L,
and the first bead i⫽1 remains at the bottom end of the
growing jet. For this bead, all the parameters with subscript H⫽ . 共24兲
d should be set equal to zero since there are no beads below L
G. Spatial and temporal perturbation of the rectilinear A. Jet path calculated from the electrically driven
segment bending instability
Both space and time dependent perturbations lead to the We begin with the calculation of the development of the
development of the electrically driven bending instability. To temporal perturbation into the bending instability. Figure 14
model the way a spatial perturbation develops, we denote the shows that the small perturbation, Eqs. 共22兲, increased dra-
last bead pulled out of the pendent drop and added at the matically as the Earnshaw-like instability grew. The path of
upper end of the jet by i⫽N. When the distance l d,N be- the electrified jet at t̄ ⫽0.89 is represented by a helix of
tween this bead and the pendent drop becomes long enough, increasing radial dimension and a pitch commensurate with
say, h/25 000, a new bead i⫽N⫹1 is inserted at a small
the radial dimension. It is emphasized that the jet at t̄ ⫽0
distance, say, h/50 000, from the previous one. At the same
would appear on the scale of Fig. 14 as a straight line, since
time a small perturbation is added to its x and y coordinates,
the initial helix radius is very small in comparison to the
x i ⫽10⫺3 L sin共 t 兲 , 共21a兲 other dimensions. As the calculation progresses, the beads
move further and further apart. Since, in this model, the
y i ⫽10⫺3 L cos共 t 兲 . 共21b兲
beads are connected by straight lines, the graph becomes
Here is the perturbation frequency. The condition that quite irregular when the separation between the beads is
the collector at z⫽0 is impenetrable is enforced numerically, larger than the radius of the spiral path.
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shown at the same scale in the inset at the upper right of each
part of Fig. 15. An ellipse in each inset encloses the part of
the jet path shown in the corresponding coordinate box. The
pendent drop was always at x⫽0, y⫽0, and z⫽h.
The experimental evidence shows a self-similar, fractal-
like process of development of the electrically driven bend-
ing instabilities. The diameter of the first generation of bend-
ing loops becomes larger and the jet becomes thinner. Then
much smaller bending perturbations set in on these loops and
begin to grow also. This self-similar process continues at
smaller and smaller scales until viscoelastic force, surface
tension or solidification of the jet arrest further bending. The
numerical results in Fig. 15 describe only the emergence and
growth of the first cycle of the loops. This is a consequence
of the fact that the distances between the beads increase
enormously in the simulation of the development of the first
cycle. No new beads were added except at the top of the
FIG. 14. Temporal growth of the bending instability along the straight seg- rectilinear segment. Therefore the capability of the present
ment of a charged jet subject to a small perturbation that is initially periodic computer code to elucidate smaller details of the path de-
in space. The growth of the lateral excursions is larger than that usually
observed to show details of the model. The following values of the param-
creases as the jet elongates enormously.
eters were used: Q⫽50, V⫽40, F v e ⫽50, A⫽0, K t ⫽1, and H⫽100; t̄ Figure 16 shows the path of a charged jet calculated
⫽0.89. The number of beads N⫽100. from a realistic but different set of dimensionless parameters
and perturbations than was used in Fig. 15. The path displays
a bending instability generally similar to that shown in
Consider now the development of perturbations into a Fig. 15.
bending instability in a realistic jet 共spatial instability兲. We To show that the bending instability is driven by the
estimate the charge carried by the jet to be 1 C/ l, which is of Coulomb interaction, the charge, e, on the beads is taken to
the same order as the values measured.20 We also estimate be zero so that Q⫽0. The electrical driving force for the
that the relaxation time is 10 ms, a 0 is 150 m, is bending instability is then zero, but the other parameters are
103 kg/m3, h is 2 m, V 0 is 10 kV, ␣ is 0.7 kg/s2, and is exactly the same as those in Fig. 16. If a jet were then pulled
103 kg/共m s兲. The value of is taken to be much larger than downward by gravity, which can supply a downward com-
the zero-shear viscosity 0 reported,20 since the strong lon- ponent of force that acts on the segment in the same way as
gitudinal flows we are dealing with in the present work lead the downward component of the electrical force from the
to an increase, by several orders of magnitude, of the elon- electrical field, one would expect the uncharged jet to be
gational viscosity from 0 . 9,22,27,28 The dimensionless pa- almost straight in spite of the small perturbations applied to
rameters are as follows: Q⫽F v e ⫽78359.6, V⫽156.7, A it, since the perturbations would not develop into a bending
⫽17.19, and H⫽626.9. The length scale is L⫽3.19 mm.
instability. The calculated result with the same parameters as
The charge on the bead e⫽8.48 共g1/2 cm3/2兲/s
⫺9 those in Fig. 16, but Q⫽0, is in fact a straight jet growing
⫽2.83⫻10 C. The mass of each bead is m⫽0.283
⫻10⫺8 kg. The value of K s is taken as 100. Since ⫽ /G downward, even at a later time ( t̄ ⫽8.99). Increasing the
⫽10 ms, this value corresponds to ⫽104 s⫺1, which is in ratio of the surface tension to the Coulomb force also stabi-
the frequency range of typical noise in the laboratory. lizes a charged jet. If A is increased to 9, by increasing the
Figures 15共a兲–15共e兲 illustrate the development of a typi- surface tension while all the other parameters are kept the
cal jet path. The time periodic perturbation, Eqs. 共21兲, that same as those in Fig. 16 practically no bending occurs. The
grows along the jet is similar to the case shown in Fig. 14. results for the gravity driven jet and for the high surface
The jet flows continuously from the pendent drop in response tension jet are not shown because the calculated jet path
to the electric field established by the externally applied po- cannot be distinguished from a straight line at the scale in
tential between the droplet and the collector. This electric Fig. 16.
field also causes the jet to be charged as it leaves the pendent
drop. At t̄ ⫽0.99 in Fig. 15共e兲 the instantaneous path of the
jet is similar to the patterns recorded in experiments using a
high speed video camera such as those shown in Fig. 2. It is
B. Measurements of the trajectory and velocity of a
emphasized that the stresses ui and di are positive along
particular segment of a jet
the entire jet in Figs. 15共a兲–15共e兲, which means that the
whole jet is stretched continuously. Figure 17 is derived from measurements of a sequence
In Fig. 15, a long segment near the vertex of the enve- of stereographic images of the part of a jet just below the
lope cone is plotted in the x, y, and z coordinates at various apex of the envelope cone. The polyethylene oxide solution
times and scales to show details of the jet path. The entire in water and ethanol that was used is the same as that used
length of both the straight segment and the spiral part is for Figs. 4 and 5. The exposure time was 0.25 ms. The po-
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FIG. 15. Perturbations develop into a bending instability. The dimensionless groups have the following values: Q⫽F v e ⫽78359.6, V⫽156.7, A⫽17.19,
K s ⫽100, H⫽626.9. 共a兲 t̄ ⫽0.19, 共b兲 0.39, 共c兲 0.59, 共d兲 0.79, and 共e兲 0.99.
sition projected into the plane of the image of the maximum Figure 17 shows the downward displacement of the
lateral excursion of a loop, an example of which is marked maximum lateral excursion from its initial position. The
with an arrow in Fig. 2, was followed as a function of time downward motion of the jet predicted by the model and the
for 8 ms. value measured from the experiment are of the same order of
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FIG. 16. Charged jet with values of the dimensionless parameters that are
ment of the jet would be projected into the image plane. The
realistic but different from those used in Fig. 15. Q⫽F v e ⫽12, V⫽2, A
assumption that the velocity and displacement of the maxi-
⫽0.9, K s ⫽100, H⫽100, t̄ ⫽4.99.
mum lateral excursion represent the motion of a particular
segment of the jet is essentially correct if the curve is not
rotating, but only elongating along the axis of the segment,
magnitude. Figure 18 shows the downward velocity, which
and moving radially outwards and downwards.
decreased from about 1.1 to about 0.8 m/s. The increase in
The motion of a splay point such as that shown in Fig. 6,
the radial displacement of the maximum is shown in Fig. 19.
which is attached to a particular point on the jet, was ob-
The measured radial velocity was nearly constant at a value
served in a series of stereo pictures. The motion of the splay
of 0.5 m/s, as shown in Fig. 20.
point was only downward and outward in a plane that con-
The displacements of the maximum lateral excursion,
tained the y axis and a single radial direction, indicating that
given in Figs. 17 and 19, were fitted by the following expres-
rotation of the path was small.
sion, where z is measured from the pendent drop downward:
x⫽0.0257t 2 cos t, C. Bending instability leads to large area reduction
y⫽0.0257t sin t, 共25兲
The ‘‘area reduction ratio,’’ which is defined as the ratio
z⫽20 exp共 ⫺0.0595t 兲 . of the cross-sectional area of the upper end of a segment to
Figure 21 is a three-dimensional plot of this equation. the cross-sectional area at the lower end of the same seg-
The position of ‘‘maximum lateral excursion of a loop’’ that ment, is equal to the draw ratio if the volume of material in
was used as a reference to determine the velocities does not the segment is conserved. Since in this experiment the sol-
necessarily move in the same way as a marker embedded in vent evaporated during the process, the area reduction ratio
the jet and carried with the jet. If a path with an elliptical was related to the draw ratio by the time varying concentra-
loop were to rotate about its vertical axis, a changing seg- tion of the solution. Here we assume that the fluid jet was
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J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 87, No. 9, 1 May 2000 Reneker et al. 4545
drawn to a particular draw ratio and then the solvent was instability occurs repeatedly at smaller and smaller scales,
evaporated to produce a dry nanofiber with the observed di- and the process becomes more and more fractal like, which
ameter. is practically impossible to follow with numerical calcula-
The examples that follow show that both the total area tions of the sort used here. As a result, the total draw ratio
reduction ratio and the total draw ratio were large for a seg- and the total decrease in jet radius are both underestimated in
ment that contained the entire jet, starting at the surface of the calculations.
the droplet and ending in the dry nanofiber that was collected
at the end of the process. For a jet that had a concentration of
D. Longitudinal strain rate and molecular orientation
6% polymer and a starting diameter of 100 m, that pro-
duced a nanofiber with a diameter of 100 nm, the draw ratio The high value of the area reduction ratio and the asso-
not accounting for evaporation would be 106 . The draw ratio ciated high longitudinal strain rate imply that the macromol-
of the jet accounting for evaporation is, however, 0.06 ecules in the nanofibers should be stretched and axially ori-
⫻106 ⫽60 000. ented. Most electrospun nanofibers, even those made from a
A draw ratio of 60 000 was routinely achieved in these styrene-butadiene-styrene triblock copolymer, are
experiments. Segments of the jet were drawn simultaneously birefringent.29
in many expanding loops. If the jet were drawn in a straight The longitudinal strain rate was different at different
line with a segment at the bottom end of the straight segment places along the jet. The longitudinal strain rate for three
moving at a velocity of around 1.0 m/s, and then being elon- different parts of the jet was determined.
gated to a draw ratio of 60 000, the velocity achieved at the 共1兲 The jet velocity in the downward direction was de-
nanofiber end of the jet 共about 60 000 m/s兲 would be 176 termined from the sequential images by determining the ve-
times faster than the speed of sound in air. The path actually locity of a particular maxima of the growing bending insta-
observed achieves very high elongation without such an un- bility and the length of the straight segment. In this work, the
reasonably high velocity by enlarging the diameters of many length of the straight segment (L z ) was 5 cm and the velocity
loops during the same time interval. was 1 m/s. Therefore the longitudinal strain rate was
The calculation from the bending instability model sup- ( ␦ L z /L z ␦ t),
ports the conclusion that, in the loops of the bending insta-
␦ L z /L z ␦ t⫽V ␦ t/L z ␦ t⫽V/L z ⫽ 共 1 m/s兲 • 共 1/0.05 m兲
bility, the total draw ratio is very high. The initial distance
between any two beads used in the calculation was h/50 000, ⫽20 s⫺1, 共27兲
whereas the final distance between adjacent beads in the cal- which is the rate of strain in the straight segment of the jet.
culated loop, for example, in Fig. 15共e兲 is about 1.97h. As- Warner et al.17 measured the velocities along the straight
suming that the polymer concentration of the jet was 6%, the segment with a laser Doppler velocimeter, and reported a
final cross-sectional radius of a dry fiber a f , when all the velocity that increased from 1 to 15 m/s. Doppler velocim-
solvent evaporates, is estimated as follows: etry is most useful for monitoring the longitudinal strain rate,
h particularly where the jet diameter is large. The Doppler ve-
a 2f •1.97h⫽ a 20 •0.06. 共26兲 locimetry data become more difficult to interpret when the
50 000
bending instabilities are encountered.
This yields a f ⯝0.78⫻10⫺3 a 0 . For a 0 ⫽150 m, we 共2兲 The observation of expanding loops provided a sec-
obtain a f ⯝0.117 m. This value is of the same order as ond measure of the longitudinal strain rate for the segment
those measured experimentally in Ref. 20, as well as those that formed the loop. A typical loop grew from a diameter of
obtained in the experiment with h⫽0.2 m. The correspond- 1 to 8 mm in 7 ms. The resulting longitudinal strain rate in
ing draw ratio is 98 619. Also in the experiment, the bending such a loop was 1000 s⫺1.
Downloaded 18 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
4546 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 87, No. 9, 1 May 2000 Reneker et al.
共3兲 The overall longitudinal strain rate can be estimated area of the jet was achieved in this manner and the corre-
using the data in Sec. V C. The time that a typical segment of sponding large increase in the jet length occurred in a region
the electrospun jet is in flight ( ␦ t) can be estimated as the that was only a few centimeters across. The associated high
distance between the pendent droplet and the collector 共20 longitudinal strain rate implies that, in the electrospun jet, the
cm兲 divided by the average downward velocity of the jet 共1 macromolecular coils are stretched along the axis of the jet.
m/s兲. The resulting ␦ t is 0.2 s. The longitudinal strain rate is Bending instabilities in electrospun jets were modeled
␦ /( ␦ t• ), where is the initial segment length, and ␦ is by a system of connected viscoelastic dumbbells. Beads in
the growth in length. Since ␦ is much greater than , ␦ is the dumbbells possess appropriate mass and charge to repre-
approximately the final segment length. The ratio ␦/ was sent the observed jets. The beads interacted with each other
around 105 , and therefore the longitudinal strain rate was according to Coulomb’s law. The beads were also subject to
around 0.5⫻106 s⫺1. Using the estimate, Eq. 共27兲, we find the electrical forces from the electrical field created between
that in the straight segment the length of a liquid element has the pendent droplet and the collector by the imposed poten-
been approximately doubled, and the cross-sectional radius tial difference. Springs and dashpots, connecting the beads in
decreased by a factor of 4. Then the longitudinal strain rate the dumbbells, mimicked the Maxwellian viscoelastic resis-
in the loops becomes of the order of 105 s⫺1. The actual tance to elongation of the jet. Surface tension effects were
value will be lower due to the effects of evaporation and also included. Estimates showed that effects of the Earth’s
solidification. gravity, as well as aerodynamic forces 共the drag and distrib-
Theory suggests that the transformation from a random uted lift force兲, were negligibly small in the electrospinning
coil to a stretched macromolecule occurs when the strain rate experiments.
multiplied by the conformational relaxation time of the mol- Equations of motion of the beads with all the forces
ecule is greater than 0.5.27,28 Since the relaxation time of this acting in combination were used to follow, numerically, the
polymer solution is about 0.01 s, then ␦ /( ␦ t• ) multiplied evolution of the path of the electrically charged polymer jets
by the relaxation time was equal to 10– 103 , which is much in the presence of spatial and temporal perturbations. The
greater than 0.5. Therefore the longitudinal flow in the elec- results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental
trospun jet is strong, and the macromolecules are likely to be evidence. In spite of the fact that some material parameters
stretched in the direction of the jet axis. can only be estimated at present, order of magnitude, or bet-
ter, agreement between the theory and experimental observa-
tions was achieved. The theory showed that the viscoelastic
VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS force along the jet and the surface tension both tend to sta-
The initial straight segment of a typical electrically bilize the charged jet.
charged jet of polyethylene oxide aqueous solution was cre- The entire electrospinning process and the electrically
ated by an electrical potential applied between the pendent driven bending instabilities of an electrospun fluid can each
drop and the collector. Then an electrically driven bending be viewed as particular examples of the very general Earn-
instability, triggered by perturbations of the lateral position shaw theorem in electrostatics. This theorem leads to the
and lateral velocity of the jet, grew. The repulsive forces conclusion that it is impossible to create a stable structure in
between the charges carried with the jet caused every seg- which the elements of the structure interact only by Cou-
ment of the jet to lengthen continuously along a changing lomb’s law. Charges on or embedded in a polymer fluid
path until the jet solidified. The geometrically simple idea move the fluid in quite complicated ways to reduce their
that the jet lengthened in a straight line along its axis leads to Coulomb interaction energy. Electrospinning, and perhaps
an implausibly high velocity at the thin, leading end of such other useful processes, utilize this behavior to produce inter-
a straight jet. Instead, the jet bent and developed a series of esting and useful polymer objects.
lateral excursions that grew into spiraling loops. Each of For additional information on this topic, see Ref. 30.
these loops grew larger in diameter as the jet grew longer
and became thinner.
About 20 ms after a loop had first formed, occurring ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
within a time interval of less than a millisecond, a new set of
electrically driven bending instabilities appeared on the now Support for this work was provided by the National Sci-
thinner, smoothly curved loop. The new bending instabilities ence Foundation under Grant Nos. DMI-9813098 and CTS-
grew when the jet in the loop was thin enough and when the 9900949, by the U.S. Army Research Office, by the U.S.
viscoelastic stress along its axis had relaxed enough. These Army Soldier and Biological Systems Command, and by the
new bending instabilities developed into a smaller set of spi- Nonmetallic Materials Division of the U.S. Air Force Re-
rals that looped around the path of the first loop. search Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The
The envelope cone observed at the end of the straight high-speed camera was acquired with support from the
segment defined the region inside which this complex path of Hayes Investment Fund of the Ohio Board of Regents. A gift
the jet developed. The cycles of bending instability repeated from the DUPONT Company made it possible for Dr. Alex
in a self-similar manner until the solvent evaporated, and the Yarin to make a productive visit to the University of Akron.
remaining polymer fiber resisted further elongation by the The help of Dale Ertley and Dr. Dan Galehouse in the con-
Coulomb forces of the charge that was still present on the jet. struction of many specialized pieces of equipment is greatly
A very high reduction 共as much as 105 兲 in the cross-sectional appreciated.
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J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 87, No. 9, 1 May 2000 Reneker et al. 4547
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